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David Ford
Fox News
Comments by "David Ford" (@davidford3115) on "Fox News" channel.
It is often observed that brutal murders and serial killers start by killing neighborhood pets while they are children. When the government starts killing pets, it makes you re-examine that and consider the horrific implications.
@michaelfitzgerald38 There is a right way to leave and a wrong way to leave. What occurred on Biden watch was a full blow rout. That invites aggression from those who see it as weakness.
@reliablereindeer The US was strong during the Cold War. Otherwise, we would not have outlasted and more importantly, outproduced the USSR. Sadly, those who resisted the Soviets now look at their own people as the enemy and Russia's "little brother" Red China as their allies. Tells you how far the nation has fallen.
And why my father left the Presbyterian Chruch (PCUSA).
@andrelotscher280 He won the popular vote. You are on the wrong side of history.
@sir.lancelot8338 Neither did Obama, so what is your point?
@witchdoctor7398 If you are complaining about the Biden rule, you have nobody to blame but the currently sitting president. What goes around comes around.
The very word "secrecy" is repugnant in a free and open society; and we are as a people inherently and historically opposed to secret societies, to secret oaths and to secret proceedings. We decided long ago that the dangers of excessive and unwarranted concealment of pertinent facts far outweighed the dangers which are cited to justify it. Even today, there is little value in opposing the threat of a closed society by imitating its arbitrary restrictions. Even today, there is little value in insuring the survival of our nation if our traditions do not survive with it. And there is very grave danger that an announced need for increased security will be seized upon by those anxious to expand its meaning to the very limits of official censorship and concealment. -President John F. Kennedy; ADDRESS BEFORE THE AMERICAN NEWSPAPER PUBLISHERS ASSOCIATION at Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; April 27, 1961 JFK and Truman were of one mind on this.
@lisahardy9707 How did unpopular Biden get more votes than POPULAR Obama's first run? "Something is rotten in the state of Denmark," -Hamlet by William Shakespeare
Indeed. Serial killers often get their start by butchering neighborhood pets. Now apply that to government officials.
@tribilinRivera Sure, because mean tweets are some much worse than hyperinflation and economic stagnation. Nobody cares that Trump is living rent free in your head.
@lisal9829 He lied about Trump's words as Mr. Gutfeld pointed out. For someone obsessed about the truth, you recoil from lit like a vampire does to light.
@lisal9829 Mr. Gutfeld called out her lies about Trump's words. But then you don't care about OBEJCTIVE facts, all you care about is that your side wins.
@horace sheffield You seem to forget that John Kerry and Hillary Clinton also voted yes to go to war. Funny how you conveniently ignore war hawk Democrats and their culpability. Just proves you don't actually care about the facts, only about scoring cheap political points for your tribe.
The GOP is not and never has been conservative. They CONSTANTLY throw staunch conservatives under the bus to kiss up to the people that will never respect them. Stockholm Syndrome describes the relationship the GOP has with the DNC. it also describes the relationship conservatives have with the GOP.
Sorry, my liver can't take that many. You would not need to embalm me with all of the alcohol that would be in my system already effectively doing the job.
If they don't get violent when the government comes to kidnap their children, they deserve to lose. Defense of your family IS justified use of lethal force in almost every society and culture.
Harold clearly supports power, not principle. If he really wants to uphold the integrity of the court, he should realize that the gag order should have been rescinded rather than enforced. The act of attempting to enforce it is what is discrediting the court, not Trump violating it.
There are currently no term limits for Congress. If the presidency needs term limits, so does every other political office.
When "child protective services" come to kidnap their children, they NEED to get violent. Defending your children from government sanctioned kidnapping is justified use of force in almost every society.
@williamdavenport1687 America has become as much of a mockery of justice as Thailand. "What is the point of a nation surviving if its traditions don't survive along with it?" -President John F. Kennedy's Secrecy speech, Waldorf-Astoria Hotel; April 27, 1961.
Practically quoting Confucius right there. And it is absolutely correct.
@daysrcdays I saw nothing of those verses in that "Bishop's" words. All I saw was Luke 11, Matthew 20 and Mark 12's warnings about the Woes of the Pharisees.
Oath breakers like his commanders need to be dealt with as ACTUAL traitors to the Constitution deserve. Your son is a true patriot, and I as a fellow vet salute him for doing what is right and refusing an unlawful order.
It is said that serial killers often get their start butchering neighborhood pets. Now consider the ramifications when the government starts repeating that kind of behavior.
@bloodybill61 Nuremberg trials. These cops need to be incarcerated themselves when it is all over.
@michaelhill8441 According to whom? The shills in the media? You realize they used sampling bias and leading or loaded questions to generate a predetermined result?
jcorb Yeah, the Reconciliation process is a joke. It basically subverts the Constitutional process in favor of a back door method. The courts SHOULD rule bills passed through that process NOT prescribed by Article 1 of the Constitution as unconstitutional and dead-on arrival.
@ashflame6888 Hurling insults is not an argument, it is a logical fallacy called ad homin. It is also an act of desperation because it means you have no valid augment. Thank you for tacitly admitting that I am right. "I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.” -Margaret Thatcher, UK's Iron Lady.
Good for nothing Murdock sons want Fox to be another MSNBC. Rupert should have put Wendy Deng in charge, not them. She was a Taiwan/Hong Kong media mogul after all.
That was very much a performance, and it was not very good.
What is the difference between organized crime syndicates and government? Not much. Narco States are how cartels become governments.
@Cupid-Stunt Those with irrational hate. When presented with the cold hard facts, the scream "racist!"
@petercullen1624 Woe of the Pharisees. Read Mark chapter 12, Matthew Chapter 20, and Luke Chapter 11.
The US military is now the defenders of the corruption. The flag officers are all a part of the cabal having betrayed their oath and used their positions to promote political agendas while punishing their subordinates for doing the same. There is a very good reason why generals never lead military coups. It is always the Lt. Colonels, Majors, and Captains who do, backed by competent mid-level NCOs.
@michaelhill8441 "According to historical data"? Wow, you are really grasping at straws here. "Historically, the claim of consensus has been the first refuge of scoundrels; it is a way to avoid debate by claiming that the matter is already settled. Whenever you hear the consensus of scientists agrees on something or other, reach for your wallet, because you're being had." -Michael Crichton, author of "The Andromeda Strand", "Congo", and "Jurassic Park".
I hope more sistas follow your example.
@lisal9829 Yeah, it turns out that security video from the capitol building disproves EVERYTHING claimed in that AP article. But then reading the AP is like reading Soviet Pravda.
@parcher2535 And yet you are here. Why don't you take your own advice?
Wow, the liberal trolls are out in droves. I guess you "triggered" them.
kraken hunter You are about 8 years late. It was Obama who divided the country. Trump simply revealed the damage for all to see.
@lordbread2083 John Hopkins proves you wrong.
If they do not get violent when the government comes to take their children, then they deserve to lose everything. If that is not the crossing of the Rubicon to get you to start using lethal force, then nothing will, and you accept being a slave.
@martinleuchs5403 A gag order is to PROTECT a defendant, not silence him. It has NEVER been used in this manner before. Stop apologizing for unconstitutional actions by this unlawful court.
@Gizziiusa That may be the theory, but in practice these guys are nobodies that the real criminals know not to take into their inner circles. Remember the phrase "snitches get stitches"? The Big fish know these guys are trouble and keep them at arms length. The theory fails spectacularly in practice like it did in this case, which is why they shouldn't even try.
@DavidJohnson-hg1mz Redactions are for individual words, not entire paragraphs. That "redacted" affidavit was nothing more than a showpiece to pretend that they were complying with a FOIA request.
Indeed. He is an actor, that was very much all a performance.
And that is the point. They don't want kids to be able to read. Because readers are thinkers.
@owenmersk4626 And your preferred sources MSNBC and CNN are funded by actual white supremacists. Calling folks on the right racist doens't mean anyhting anymore because you guys are the boy who cried wolf.
@Bone spurs are contagious That isn't capitalism you are describing, that is OLGIARCY you are talking about. Oligarchy of the powerful elites who support leftist ideology. Capitalism has brough more people out of poverty than any other economic system. If there is a rise of poverty, it is not because of capitalism, but because of the destruction of capitalistic free markets.