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doveton sturdee
Comments by "doveton sturdee" (@dovetonsturdee7033) on "GBNews" channel.
I find it immensely disturbing that it is deemed acceptable to watch someone clearly degenerating into insanity on TV. Harry Markle is hardly a good advert for 'therapy.'
The three most common terms used to shut down any meaningful discussion by alarmed authorities are :- Far Right Extremists, Racism, & Homophobia.
Mr. Markle seems to be saying, 'No matter how often and how brutally I insult my brother and father, they STILL won't apologise!'
Just imagine. If Jeremy Corbyn had become Prime Minister, Diane Abbott would have been Home Secretary. Perhaps the most inspired appointment since the Emperor Caligula made his horse a Consul?
@ian-fm2xc There seems to be a policy of bringing on people like her, Naurinder Kaur, and Femi, whose views are so extreme that, every time they speak, they discredit their own arguments.
The second episode will be even better. She tells for the first time how she heroically, by force of sheer intellect, she diverted a large meteor which was on a direct collision course with earth.
Just imagine the conversation: Biden :- Prime Minister, I hate the British. Sunak :- Mr. President, so do I.
Surely, Omid Scobie would make an excellent Chief of Staff? He would, almost certainly, be on the same intellectual level.
There is an obvious misunderstanding here. When dear Tulip was made Minister for Corruption, perhaps it wasn't explained to her that her role was to combat it, not to promote it?
It appears that Davey was less than competent? Who would expect anything other than that from a Lib Dem? Don't worry, however. The BBC will ensure that criticism of the next Deputy Prime Minister is kept off their broadcasts.
The United States had four representatives at the coronation in 1953, two of whom, George Marshall & Omar Bradley, were far greater individuals than Biden ever will be.
Chip? More like a wooden railway sleeper.
Certainly, the Right appears to be growing in strength inside the EU, precisely because of the policies the EU leaders are imposing.
How sad. How much relentless tragedy can one honest, decent, woman be expected to endure? I hope people reading this understand the concept of sarcasm.
With the knighthood, presumably Sir Tony can now increase his charges to the dodgy dictators and criminals to whom he provides his 'services?'
Stop criticising. As Rachel from Accounts must have told the Dear Leader, 'Every dead pensioner is one less pension to fund, and, potentially, one less non-Labour vote to worry about. It is a win-win situation, Comrade.'
It would be rather like the Duke & Duchess of Windsor attending the Coronation in 1953. They were not invited. Neither should the Markles be, and that should be made clear from the outset.
Nihal Arthanayake was, coincidentally, presenting an episode of Winter Walks from Cumbria, recorded in 2021. broadcast on BBC4 last night. He actually met a few white natives, but was generous enough not to let his fear of, and evident contempt for, them show through. Truly noble of him to behave so kindly in the presence of his inferiors.
When Welby first sought ordination, John Hughes, the Bishop of Kensington, rejected his application, telling him: "There is no place for you in the Church of England." It seems that Bishop Hughes knew what he was talking about, and should have been heeded.
Personally, I am absolutely certain that the Loch Ness monster is real. It is Nicola Sturgeon I am doubtful about.
Instead of allowing the Markles to indulge in a 'will they, won't they' game, wouldn't it be wish for the Palace to formally announce that they will not be invited? After all, the Markles worry constantly about their privacy.
How big is the balcony at Buckingham Palace? Will there be room for the Netflix crew and their equipment, or will the Markles demand that some lesser Royals be left off to make room for the cameras and sound equipment?
'They gave their lives for our freedoms.' Indeed they did. Now certain groups refuse to allow them even a day of respect.
Won't happen. There wouldn't be any left, and there aren't enough prison cells available.
There has been an unconfirmed report of a flake of snow sighted in the Greater London area. All airports, railway stations, and major roads have been closed. People have been instructed to stay at home, huddle under their duvets, and remain there until mid March.
Isn't it odd how anything labelled 'Independent' is never anything of the sort. I suspect the conclusions were determined on the first day.
It is becoming increasingly obvious that Justin Welby is not a priest, but simply a politician in clerical garb. the bishop who originally told him that 'there is no place for you in the Church of England' seems to have assessed his true nature correctly.
She was not assisted by BRITISH government agents, but allegedly by those of a foreign power. How does this affect in any way the fact that it was her intention throughout to join Isis?
How does this person 'manipulate' the media? Why do the media even bother talking to her?
If the letter is relevant now, why wasn't it relevant when the case was still active?
No. Keep her on. She repels more and more people every time she appears.
Perhaps the Dear Leader is hoping to borrow German or French troops to ensured that the British population are properly 'controlled?'
Poor Dame Alison. I wonder if she now regrets knocking back that third glass of very expensive (though, of course, free to her) wine the other day?
Indeed. My own MP was very supportive of Rachel on local radio. Such was the outpouring of anger, from all sides, that he hasn't been heard from since.
@stephenmurray2851 By 'Rotherham,' I assume you mean the recently announced 'Children's Capital of Culture?' Honestly, I am not making this up.
Ardern saying that she wished to be remembered as being 'kind' has about as much credibility as Hitler, in his bunker at the end of April, 1945, telling his staff that he hoped the future would remember him as a dedicated pacifist.
I remember her when she was a fresh-faced presenter on Countdown, who was extremely good at maths. I wonder what caused this sad degeneration into a comic turn?
One mad politician steps down. Which leaves several hundred still in place. Don't worry, by the way, I expect that Jacinda will step into a prestigious and lucrative new role with the UN in the very near future.
Isn't it strange that President Blair's mighty intellect has not grasped that the vast majority of people in the UK despise him?
@michelet4577 Nonsense. The vast majority of pensioners are not rich. Most are just above the limit for which they can claim benefits, and will thus not receive the fuel allowance. It is simply not a class issue.
I suspect he is confident that the problems will not affect him personally. He seems to the quintessential wealthy socialist warrior.
There was a choice between appointing a politician or a man of faith to the Archbishopric. Naturally, and wrongly, the politician (Welby) was appointed, not the man of faith (Sentamu.)
Would anyone seriously be willing to join our armed services, when they are headed by the Unfit for Purpose MoD and the serial failure Grant Shapps?
@randomuser4201 Your evidence that this was a 'far right' protest being? Presumably, you would also apply the label 'Far Right' to recent BLM and Pro-Hamas demonstrations?
I suspect he makes his numbers up as he goes along. Means testing would be an excellent method of encouraging people not to bother saving. I wonder if he has thought of that? Probably not.
Look at it from Harry Markle's point of view. 'No matter how much and how nastily I insult William, his wife, and my own grandparents and family, and how many false stories I invent, he still won't apologise to me. What is wrong with him?'
Isn't it obvious? Harry is trying to goad the Royal Family in general, and his brother in particular, into responding, in order to initiate a 'yes you did, no we didn't' squabble. Expect Harry's comments to become more and more extreme as time goes on.
@HonestAnalyst The age of consent in the 12th century was 12 years for girls. By 1885, it had been raised to 16. Are you arguing that Muslims still live, or wish to live, in a society from 'ancient times'?
But it is your duty, as the politicians will make abundantly clear to you, that if necessary you must fight, and even give your life, to defend those deemed more important than you who are currently languishing in mere four star hotels with inadequate wifi.
The fact is that this case shows a few things of interest :- 1). An Assistant Chief Constable who is more concerned how his force looks than whether it is up to the job. 2). A sergeant who, frankly, is being insulted, by a Superintendent saying to her, 'I don't care whether you are up to the job or not. I am interested only in ethnicity, not ability.' 3). Three Inspectors who are being told that they need not hope for promotion, as their skin is the wrong shade. I wonder if the case would have ended as it did if the idiot of a Superintendent had staged a few fake interviews, just for the sake of appearences? Still, at least we are assured that two tier policing is merely a right-wing myth.