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3namechangezalowd Evry90dayzlernmor
Comments by "3namechangezalowd Evry90dayzlernmor" (@3namechangezalowdevry90day7) on "ENDEVR" channel.
@rip_cayde6247 She's doing unpaid work now, cooking for and cleaning after the BF and her brother that are living in the shed. She'll be even more busy as a first time Mom with twins. She'll be seen as lazy because Mother/ housewife work isn't considered "real" work in the USA. Since she has no work experience, if he leaves her, she's screwed. She'd be a charity case and would have to go to court to prove paternity since he hasn't married her.
She's teasing and he wants a housewife. They're not from here.
He wants to keep her at home, doing the housework, in a subordinate position. He doesn't want an independent woman. She's going along with him.
@shaggyduder It sounds like you're doing what you need to do in order to get back on track. So many people think they'll just work til they drop, and they're in denial that their retirement date may not be a choice.
One of the best things to do is start gardening whatever grows well in your area, even if it's just sprouting lentils in jars on a window sill. You get so much output for very little effort.
Learn to cook and sew. Passes the time and puts money in your pocket, too.
In general, women are raised to IGNORE instincts "be polite", "give him a chance".
I guess that's why they say comparison is the thief of joy, @joyjoy534 ! At the same time, he's lucky to live in a wealthy first world country where cheap imported goods and used goods are plentiful, thanks to consumerism.
@geegeelast7597 Look at the size of her parents' house. The gf is not keeping her at the level she's accustomed to.
@joyjoy534 I can't agree with that. The USA currently has a tidal wave of 2nd and 3rd world immigrants moving here and not just for political reasons.Disabled people in 2nd and 3rd world countries would be overjoyed to trade their spot on the sidewalk and begging bowl for Shaggydude's situation. The USA may not have the most robust financial safety net, but we have food banks and social security and cheap consumer goods. Our rate of inflation is bad, but still better than Europe's.
@AceRamone The free meal is not free! The woman has to pay for hair, makeup, clothing, nails...ever seen the prices at a salon?😂
@MoInTheCity03 She knows she lives in a shed! She's just joking about being a spoiled girl.
@millies500 These dudes aren't looking for someone to lecture them on Philosophy or tell them how to reallocate their portfolio to reduce taxes. They WANT hot and dumb!
@genxx2724 He's shown speaking english to the bus driver and cafeteria customers, though. He WANTS a girl that will be "traditional", meaning stay at home, uneducated, no ambition other than to keep a tidy home, and helpless without a man! If he were making $100,000.00 a year he'd probably still be looking for a barely legal mail order bride.
@Shaggydude, You said your phone is 12, you might want to see if you can get a cheap smartphone instead if yours isn't one. You might get one free with unlimited service signup, which would probably be less than what you're paying for home internet.
@RDJO88 She could get a job for a couple months, but she's not going to be making enough to pay for a babysitter for twins, once they're born. He made it clear he's not going to help with the kids, so they can't both work on opposite shifts. Theoretically, she could work once the kids are in school, but he'll have gotten her pregnant again by then.
@Josie3387 Not worth it. Plus it damages the collective reputation of women. When one woman brags about sleeping her way to the top, it casts suspicion on honest women.
@kolloh That's greed, not need. She's already got a roof over her head and food in the fridge.
@melindaroop1346 You just have to weigh the opportunity costs and do what's best for your life. There's always going to be someone to trash you no matter what your decision is. The housewife gets called lazy and the working woman gets called greedy and neglectful of her kids.
She's joking. He wants a housewife anyway.
He wants her to stay home. He doesn't want her out of the house, being financially independent and maybe running into a better guy. She's playing along with him, playing the role of spoiled girl.
@Gobbldeegoo1 The BUYING POWER of money is what she's talking about. Yes, if you stashed your money in a mattress for ten years, it would buy less today, but if you had spent it back then it would have bought you a lot more than that same amount of money would buy today.
@snookies1224 I don't understand what you're reacting to. Yes, many people are homeless in CA. If CA were to loosen building codes and allow subdivided micro apartments and shed conversions like this one ( nicer than most tiny homes), then that would be reduced. Yes, CA has some ultra rich people but they'll have to weigh their disdain for low income property against their need for service because maids and waiters need a place to live.
The live in gf benefits from free rent! These guys are suckers throwing cash at a £€$!!😂
$300 a month for that garage is a steal!!
He doesn't want his woman to be working and financially independent. She's playing along with him.
@shaggyduder Wow, that's amazing it's lasted 12 yrs! Samsung actually got sued for designing their phones to slow down and they're built so you can't even change the battery out without special tools! I actually bought a Galaxy 7 off my neighbor. It's a little clunky and has a hard time staying on wifi but it has a ton of memory! I got rid of a bunch of the apps on it and use it to back up my favorite movies. I was just thinking you're probably better off cost-wise with an unlimited smartphone plan than with cable internet. Even if you can't get an unlimited plan you could go anywhere with wifi to download movies to watch and call and text free over wifi using a free app.
@KnightSavron I don't think you can blame society for having to work. If you were alone on a desert island , you'd still be working to provide yourself with food and shelter.
What marriage? These guys are just hooking up.
@islandbaby4704 If she's not working, her family probably paid for that flight. He wants a stay at home GF, anyway. He said he's not going to help with the kids. She's not going to be able to work once she has those twins because she'll be caring for them, as well as cleaning up after her BF and brother who also live in the shed. Not unless someone else watches her twins for almost nothing. She can't even babysit because who would trust her to watch their kid when she brought along two of her own? Not a lot of people would drop off their kid to be watched in a shed where two grown men also live either. She may not get all the benefits you mentioned if she's not a full citizen. CA is full of homeless, so the waiting lists for section 8 housing assistance are probably years long.
@ligbzd837 He WANTS her to stay home and keep house. She's going along and playing the role of 'spoiled girl'. It's a "what would I do without you" kind of thing.
He LIKES being the sole provider/ good son. He doesn't want the GF getting a job and being financially independent. He believes women should stay at home "barefoot and pregnant". She's going along with him.
That shed's a STEAL for $300, in that part of the country, even without utilities.Assuming he makes 7.50 (minimum at the time) at his other job, and $11.00 at his main job, that's still around $2,000 a month take home, not even counting what the brother in law (that they said lives there) makes! They should stay there until they have a down payment for a little house.
@slydoll7877 If you eliminate the mom and pop landlords ( who see buying to rent as a way to save for retirement), then only the big corporations will own rental housing. Do you want a landlord you never see in person?
@osuave7811 Ever seen a legit smile on Melania's face? Even when 304s win, they lose!
@Ap_twsh Two jobs is 72 hours a week, not 80. Food service contractors don't schedule a 40 hour week because then they'd have to pay benefits and risk paying overtime. His rent for that shed is only $300.00. He doesn't need two jobs to keep THAT roof over his head. He's young and not in school so if he wants to hustle and get ahead in life, let him. He needs to figure out how to save and invest for the future when he's not able to work like that. Why do you take it literally when she jokes about being a spoiled girl but not believe her when she said he had the desire to have kids?
NOPE. This is nastiness and degrades the collective reputation of women. Both parties are nasty.
@joyjoy534 I think that's splitting hairs between the definitions of "wealth" and " higher standard of living". Those definitions are arbitrary, anyway. Somebody in Nicaragua might consider a guy with a nice house and truck wealthy. What immigrants are handed varies from state to state and a lot of these guys are asylum seekers, meaning they're let in and not considered illegal unless they miss their scheduled hearings. A lot of the actual illegals are working under USA citizens' SS numbers, so they're actually paying into the SS trust fund with $ they'll never get back.
"so, I LiKe, haaaatE the patRiarcHEE bUt I waaNA GET pAID by A suGardadEEE bUt it'S coOL beCaUse i'M goiNG to set boundarEES!
@kenosabi Inflation's at a higher rate than it has been for many years, but at the same time, there's currently a LOWER rate of inflation in the USA than in a lot of other developed countries.
Stock up on what you DO need and don't pay attention if they call you a hoarder. Those (0\/id shelves happened because of panic buyers who weren't prepared.
She's saying a job sewing clothes is these people's " lesser evil", not that it's an awesome opportunity, or that it was ok for their supervisors to beat them for forming unions. Look back at the industrial revolutions of the UK or the USA and you'll see a lot of similar situations to what's going on in Bangladesh now.
I don't think she was being serious.
That shed's a STEAL for $300, in that part of the country, even without utilities.Assuming he makes 7.50 (minimum at the time) at his other job, and $11.00 at his main job, that's still around $2,000 a month take home, not even counting what the brother in law (that they said lives there) makes! They should stay there until they have a down payment for a little house.
Date older women, then! They're more likely to see through your BS, but may overlook your flaws in return for the ego boost of having a younger partner.
That garage apt. was a STEAL for $300 in Cali!
@Jy35448 Recent immigrants, maybe. They're not raised with the expectation that a woman needs to get a job and work as hard as any man. Their idea of failure is not having kids to support them in their old age.
@ecclairmayo4153 Maybe the viewers' Spanish isn't that good, so they can't tell. Plus, he's not buying her a laptop or something to help her toward getting a job/education. He gets her a bear, which makes it look like he sees her as "Papi's little Princessa". Hard to tell what people are really like from just a little footage. They might both be playing to the camera and saying what they think is expected of them.
He LIKES being the sole provider/ good son. He doesn't want the GF getting a job and being financially independent. He believes women should stay at home doing all the child care "barefoot and pregnant". She's going along with him and playing the "spoiled girl" role.
@beabeauchamp956 Not sure who you are saying "has issues". Most of the people in the thread are mad at her for not being feminist enough, (living off "Papi" instead of getting a job to support herself).