Comments by "Golag Is watching you" (@golagiswatchingyou2966) on "Putin wants unlimited presidential terms" video.
@yarpen26 I think your forgeting the biggest player and reason why Russia acts the way it does in regards to their relations with China and Europe which is NATO aka the USA.
It's very much in US intrest to keep Russia and Europe divided, they don't want good relations, they don't want war they want unproductive relations and openly seek to sanction, harras, enforce and promote bad trade relations and military stand off, that way Europe is dependent on US protection, while the Russian economy continues to stagnate, they don't care if China becomes more powerfull in the process as long as Europe remains a close ally the USA maintains it's hegomony.
Europe would benefit greatly if Russian and EU relations were good, all that land, resources and people could be mutual beneficial, problem would be that Russia would have great influence on EU policy which currently we don't trust but as we see with Nordstream 1 and 2, trade is improving which is the first steps needed for improvement, still a long way to go though.
here is an idea, if demografics are an issue for Russia long term as most of the western world in general, perhaps Russia could consider trying to join the EU and making concession policies to ensure peace and to rejuvinate the Russian population problem by ceding territory from cremea and Kaliningrad oblast.
it would be a bit easier to manage, it would be a show of good faith towards Europe and the EU, Russia and the EU might consider an old style population exchange or encourage migration of ethnic russians back to Russia, perhaps if membership of the EU and potentialy free movement of people were possible then they might see a swell of migrants who are mostly western or russian by culture and could assimulate to Russian society.
Cremea has 2,284,00 people, 65.3% of which is Russian
Kaliningrad Oblast has772,534 Russians (86.4%)
of course with the current tensions with NATO and the west this seems unlikely but long term if done correctly with a stronger EU and a less hostile US relations it could work and since China is still growing stronger it might be in their intrest as well to seek a greater alliance against a common foe, in Europe Russia would be a powerfull member of the EU with China they would be servant