Youtube activity of "Golag Is watching you" (@golagiswatchingyou2966) on "CaspianReport" channel.
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Comments by video
"2020 Forecast: Europe"
"2020 Forecast: Middle East"
"A global energy crisis is coming"
"A new scramble for Africa"
"Afghanistan staring at the abyss"
"America predicts war with China in 2025"
"Australia scraps French submarine deal"
"Bosnia in danger of breaking up"
"Britain moves towards Anglosphere federation"
"Canada wants 100 million people by 2100"
"Central Asia on the verge of a water war"
"China and Iran draft a $400 billion pact"
"China could invade Taiwan by 2027"
"China has border disputes with 17 countries"
"China plans to dethrone the dollar"
"China’s navy is tipping the balance"
"Crimea is running out of water"
"Does Afghanistan have a future?"
"Egypt flexes military muscle at Ethiopia"
"Ethiopia is a powerhouse in the making"
"Europe’s plan to checkmate Russia"
"Finland and Sweden consider NATO membership"
"Geopolitics of Israel"
"Geopolitics of Jordan"
"Geopolitics of the Black Sea"
"Geopolitics of the South China Sea"
"Germany gets a $100 billion military upgrade"
"Greek and Turkish navies face-off in the Aegean"
"How China could take Taiwan without firing a shot"
"How Israel plans to checkmate Iran"
"How Mexico is creating its own Panama Canal"
"How powerful is the Israel lobby?"
"How the UAE thrives in a dangerous world"
"How the UK is becoming a ‘third-world’ economy"
"How the world is preparing for Trump’s return"
"India captures Chinese camp in Himalayas"
"Iran headed for its next revolution?"
"Is Sudan the next breadbasket?"
"Israel to launch ground invasion of Lebanon?"
"Kosovo triggers a domino effect in the Balkans"
"Mapping the Human Footprint"
"Mapping the rise of Turkey’s military reach"
"Meet the Russian Siloviki - Putin's inner circle"
"Mongolia caught between global powers"
"Oppenheimer's warning lives on"
"Origins of the Muslim Brotherhood"
"Poland is a powerhouse in the making"
"Poland to double the size of its military"
"Putin wants unlimited presidential terms"
"Russia headed to strategic defeat in Ukraine"
"Russia plans to turn Ukraine into a landlocked state"
"Russia to annex parts of Ukraine"
"Russia's war in Ukraine is not going to plan"
"South Korea is dying (but it has a plan)"
"Spain makes grand plans for Africa"
"The Pentagon predicts its own collapse"
"The breakup of the United Kingdom?"
"The most dangerous place on Earth?"
"The next conflicts will be fought over sand"
"The rise and fall of British power"
"Tibet is China's ticket to hegemony"
"Turkey’s power plays in the Mediterranean"
"Ukraine turning into a ‘Forever War’"
"Understanding the Turkish mindset"
"Unpacking the China-Russia alliance"
"War in Ukraine could have global consequences"
"Warfare is going autonomous and robotic"
"What a Russian assault on Ukraine would look like"
"What a war with Venezuela could look like"
"What if Iran had nuclear bombs?"
"What if Russia invaded the Baltics?"
"What would happen if Russia collapsed?"
"What would war with North Korea look like?"
"When Korea turned Christian"
"When North Korea tried to hijack the US dollar"
"Why China cannot abandon communism"
"Why Germany won't help Ukraine"
"Why Iran’s economy is shutting down"
"Why Israel and Palestine are fighting"
"Why Mali, Niger, and Burkina Faso are forming a new country"
"Why Russia cannot become a democracy"
"Why Russia wants to restore the Soviet borders"
"Why Trump is obsessed with annexing Greenland"
"Why some nations fail and others succeed"
"Why the Middle Corridor is a geopolitical game-changer"
"Why the United Nations is obsolete"
"Will the Middle East go nuclear?"