Comments by "CynicalBroadcast" (@CynicalBastard) on "Cancel Culture Coming for JK Rowling is So Great" video.
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A force to be reckoned with. Both the left and the "right" are dupes. The far-progressive left are de-territorialising too quickly, as are the "right". The "right" wants to promote natsbol shit in the more far-reaching corners, and just the same, they and the far-progressive left are fighting in a "culture war" that is altogether being used by corporations to enrich themselves, presidents to enrich his sponsors, and in turn, himself, and all for the sake of pushing what ultimately goes "too far" for either or side, when you look at the central goals of either or side [the "right" wanting more money, and yet, contradictory enough, want to isolate from the world-at-large, so, an impossiblity - and then the far-progressive left take this intersectionality stuff too far, and can't contain themselves. Both sides are being retarded. Styx, if you can't see that...sorry to say but YOU...ARE...RETARDED. Isn't that fucking sad? for you? to have make shit up to placate a stupid audience?