Youtube activity of "CynicalBroadcast" (@CynicalBastard) on "Styxhexenhammer666" channel.
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Comments by video
""After the Ashes" Second Edition Now Available!"
""Autopsy of a Dead Coup" Slams the Fake News MSM/ McCabe"
""Buy Our Exploitative Crap or you Hate Black People" Says Every Corporation"
""Centrist Democratic Party is Dead" Warns Trump"
""Democratic Socialism" is just Socialism with a Family Friendly Label"
""Elbowgate": Trudeau and his Parliament are All Weak Minded Babies"
""Enough is Enough" Says Nicki Haley about North Korea, Addressing Room Full of Ineffectual UN Morons"
""Fat Sex Therapist": Leftists Just Seem Universally Unpleasant"
""Foreign State Actors" Now Blamed for All Criticism of Democrats"
""Get a Real Job" Say Some Disingenuous Critics"
""Hope Note Hate" Corporate Pawns Attack Bitchute"
""How Can I Cure My White Guilt?" Asks the New York Times... Well, Don't Have Any!"
""I Saw A Demon" and Other Paranormal Events"
""Israel Will Govern Gaza" Netanyahu Vows"
""It's Afraid"..."
""It's The Economy, Stupid"- Even CNN Admits Trump Likely to be Reelected"
""J'accuse!" Former US Envoy to the Vatican Says catholic Pope Knew of McMarrick Abuse"
""Jessica" Yaniv is Exactly the Kind of Opportunist That I Warned About in 2016"
""Missiles are Coming" Trump Warns as Russia Threatens to Retaliate if we Attack Syria"
""No Irish Need Apply" Says Bigoted De Blasio as He Tries to Embezzle 300,000 Dollars"
""Our Civilization Will Prevail": Trump Drums Up Western Solidarity in Europe"
""Please Don't Die" the Atlantic Begs Joe Biden"
""Rat" Rod Rosenstein to Stay a Little Bit Longer at DOJ"
""Roseanne" Cancelled by ABC After Roseanne Barr Calls George Soros Out"
""Snowmageddon" Approaches"
""Spring" in Vermont ft. Winter Storm Stella"
""Talking is Not the Answer" Trump Indicates Possibility of Military Response on North Korea"
""That Gave me a Queasy Feeling"- Loretta Lynch Implicated in Coverup by Comey (Lynchgate)"
""The NFL Kneels to Trump": My Thoughts on Anthem protests"
""They Were Never Going to Let Me Be President" Says Conspiracy Clinton"
""When Leftists Attack" Is Even Funnier to Me Than to Any of You"
""You Want Authentic?" According To Insiders, Clinton Is Actually Unhinged"
"#CNNBlackmail As CNN Disgustingly Threatens to Dox Reddit User for Trump CNN Video"
"#FireColbert Due to his Lack of Entertainment Value, and the Hypocrisy of the "Left""
"#YoutubersSpeak To the Senate; Let Us Come to DC and Testify On Behalf of Creators"
"100,000,000 Youtube Views Achieved"
"2 (And a Half) Minutes to Midnight: Yes, the Time to Prepare is Now"
"200,000 Subscribers Achieved: The Struggle Against the Establishment Continues"
"2016 In Review: And Predictions for 2017"
"2017 In Review, and Predictions, Expectations, and Hopes for 2018"
"2020 Democrat Poll Analysis: Sanders Inches Up, Warren Stabilizes"
"2020 Democrat Primary Poll Analysis Part 3"
"2020 Democratic Election Poll Analysis (April 2019)"
"2020 Democratic Primary Polling Analysis 2.0"
"24 Hour Kazakh MRE (Come See the Disgusting Slop!)"
"250,000 Subscribers (Thank You All- What's Next!)"
"27 Soldiers Reprimanded, One Dismissed for Taking Picture with Tommy Robinson"
"300,000 Youtube Subscribers! An Update of Work Ahead"
"33,333 Subscribers Achieved on Bitchute"
"3d Printing Guns is Now A Fact of Constitutionalism: Deal With It, Statists"
"400,000 Youtube Subscribers Achieved!"
"4chan Right Wing Safety Squads Get Pink Haired Community College Kids Upset"
"66,666 Subscribers Celebration"
"9/11 Bill Passes Senate: Obama and the Saudis Whine Like Babies"
"90s Liberal Whoopi Goldberg Corrects Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Gets Attacked by Far Left"
"A Big Problem With Gun Control"
"A Big Thanks to All My Donors on Patreon and Makersupport"
"A Big Thanks to My Donors"
"A Brief, Rainy Walk in the Woods Near Peins in Friesland"
"A Call For Help On Amazon"
"A Call to Action for Bitchute"
"A European Army Wouldn't Work"
"A Good Day for the First Amendment via Supreme Court Decision on Disparaging Trademarks"
"A HUGE Loss for the Democrats: Tulsi Gabbard ABANDONS Their Wokeness"
"A Message to Odysee, Rumble, and All Free Speech Tech Sites"
"A Message to South Africa"
"A More Extensive List of Channels I Officially Support"
"A New Chapter: Trump's Epic Address to Congress"
"A Quarter BILLION Views on Youtube Achieved"
"A Quick Announcement: New Setup Soon, Warski Tonight, HB on the 10th"
"A Reaction to Robert Muellers 13 Russian Indictments (AKA Underwhelming Farce)"
"A Reaction to and Explanation of "It's Okay to Be White""
"A Rebuttal to Nick Fuentes' Disdain for Libertarianism"
"A Rebuttal to the Progressive Voice Re: Iran Deal"
"A Rebuttal to the WSJ, which Name Dropped me in a Misleading Propaganda Article Yesterday"
"A Recap of the Utter Insanity on Youtube Last Night"
"A Refutation of So-called Left Libertarianism"
"A Reminder to Join Me On Gab, Minds, Bitchute, and Steemit (And Alt Platform Update)"
"A Response to Jared Holt of Right Wing Watch Re: His 2009 FB Post"
"A Response to Patreon: Lauren Southern, Political Backlash, Advice for Jack Conte"
"A Response to Varg (ThuleanPerspective) RE Molyneux, Capitalism, Etc"
"A Response to Varg's (ThuleanPerspective) "Solution""
"A Rising Problem in the Alt Right: Abandonment of Free Speech"
"A Shout Out to Benjamin Davidson (The Dream Wizard)"
"A Smart Move: Romphim Marketing "Adult" Rompers to Generations of Whining Babies"
"A Stream in Vermont"
"A Tattoo Caused a New Zealand Music Festival to be Evacuated"
"A Thank You to All Of You"
"A Third Party Candidate in 2024?"
"A Tired Kitten Named Cornflake"
"A VR to the Golden One Re: Heresy Etc"
"A Xenophobic Boston Marathon Decision Against Russian and Belarussian Nationals"
"ACLU Free Speech Event Shut Down by BLM because "Liberalism is White Supremacy""
"AOC Uses the Climate Change Boogeyman to Explain a DC Storm"
"AOC and the Spooky Tale of Hibernating Nazis"
"Adpocalypse 3.0: Youtube Comments Can Now Prevent Ad Servicing"
"After Buffalo, Legacy Media Frenetically Attacks New Tech (And Some Old Tech!)"
"After Dem Convention Flops, Legacy Media Circles the Wagons, Astrturfs Michelle Obama's Speech"
"Al Franken Allegedly Groped and Harassed Leeann Tweeden: Also Sylvester Stallone Allegation"
"Al Green Says He Intends to Force an Impeachment Vote- Let's Force Him to Make Good on That"
"Alabama Fallout: Beta Republicans, Whiners, Weak DNC, Big Cash"
"Alex Jones Trolls the World ft. Joe Rogan"
"Alex Jones and Roger Stone Troll Cenk Uygur at RNC (Audio Only)"
"Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is Clueless on Taxes and Economics"
"Alienware 15 Unboxing"
"All Authoritarian Systems are Inherently Leftist"
"All Biden Does is Eat, Sleep, and Shit!"
"All Natural Born Americans Are Native Americans, but Columbus Really Did Suck Badly"
"All US Cities Should Ban Facial Recognition Software Like Somerville Did"
"All the Propaganda in the World Won't Save the Failing Legacy Media"
"Alt Left Socialist Egalitarian Paradise, Venezuela, Hit By Even More Shortages"
"Alt Left Socialist Paradise Venezuela Hit by Incline of Looting"
"Alt Panic! Satanic Panic Era Document Looks Oddly Familiar, Doesn't It?"
"Alt Tech Christmas Updates: Molyneux LBRY Interview/Bitchute Fundraising"
"Alt Tech Time: 83,000 Bitchute Subscribers and Nearly 10,000 on LBRY"
"Alternative for Germany: Sovereignty More Popular These Days"
"Always Oppose Censorship (Great Satan at Large: Censored In the 90s, Censored in 2020)"
"Always Side With the Counterculture: The Establishment Always Loses"
"Amazon Censoring Content is Extremely Disturbing"
"Amazon Deforestation Slows as US Climate Delegation Accidentally Supports Market Driven Energy"
"Amazon Spies on People Through Alexa, Somehow People are Surprised"
"Amber Guygers' Castle Doctrine Defense is Unadulterated Bullshit"
"Amy Klobuchar Announces 2020 Campaign, Nobody Gives a Crap"
"Amy Klobuchar Berates Trump for not Prejudicing a Jury by Condemning Kyle Rittenhouse"
"An Elaboration on Molyneux's Correct Point on War and Similar Propaganda"
"An Ode to Lou Perfidio and the Great Satan at Large"
"Analyzing Agenda 47: Trumps Education Reform Pitch"
"Analyzing the Seventh Democratic Debate: A Huge Optics Fail"
"Ancient Socialist Robert Mugabe Imprisoned by Military of Zimbabwe"
"Andrew McCabe Implicated in "Insurance Policy" Anti-Trump Emails"
"Andy Warski Defamed by; Legacy Media Double Standards!"
"Ann Coulter vs Delta: Who Gives a Damn?"
"Ann Coulter, the Wall, Accelerationism, and the Deep State Strategy to Alienate Trumps Supporters"
"Annexing Canada, the War of 1812, Andrew Jackson, and More Fun Topics"
"Another Biden Gaffe as He Says You "Ain't Black" if You Don't Know Whether to Back Him"
"Another Day Another Non-Scandal with Jean Carroll"
"Another Excellent Monthly Jobs Report Adds to Trump 2020 Chances"
"Another One Of My Friends is Dead: Why I Fight"
"Another Smear Job by the Data Society and Becca Lewis Re: "Reactionary" Youtubers"
"Anthony Kennedy Will Retire: The Democrats Are Terrified"
"Anthony Scaramucci Fired by Trump"
"Anthony Shaffer Alludes to Debbie Wasserman Schultz Sending Info to Militants via Imran Awan"
"Anti Vaxxers Are Clearly Wrong"
"Anti-Antifa and Similar Movements Have Begun to Proliferate and Grow"
"Anti-BDS Bill Moves Forward (We Must Attempt to Stop It)"
"Anti-Globalist Protests in Hamburg, but they're Fighting the Wrong Enemy"
"Antifa Now Endorsed by the DNC Explicitly (Showing they're Part of the Lamestream)"
"Antifa/BLM Rioters Assault Various People in Portland, Potentially Kill One of Them"
"Antifa/SJW Tolerance: Tossing Piss at Lauren Southern at March Against Shariah"
"Apple Switches Some Manufacturing to India (Bad News for China)"
"Apps Suck, Desktop Internet is So Great"
"Arkansas Democrats Dump Jefferson and Jackson for Clinton (Also Clinton-Weinstein Pics)"
"Arlington Opportunism, or, How the Left Learned to Stop Worrying and Love War"
"Arnold Schwarzenegger's Kindergarten Cop Too Edgy for Cringe Fringe Snowflakes"
"As Hard Brexit Looms, Remember the Globalists Will Try to Terrorize You"
"As I Predicted, the Legacy Media is Seeking to Defame the Alt Media; Alt Entertainment is Next"
"As Predicted the Neoliberal Media is Trying to Get the Dems to Seal a DACA Deal"
"As Predicted, Migrants are Using Women and Children as Human Shields"
"As Predicted: The Far Left has Begun to Abandon the Neoliberals"
"As Predicted: Trump Demands Wall, but Open to Restoring Parts of DACA"
"As Statues Topple and Cities Burn, Left Wing Media Calls New York Protester "Vandal""
"As Sweden Democrats Surge, PM Calls for Refugee Reduction"
"As Unions Balk, Bidens Corporate Allies Scramble to Defend His Green New Deal as "Not Crazy""
"Ashe Schow of the Daily Wire's Excellent Moral Panic Article"
"Assange Fires On Clinton Again, Gives Reserved Opinion on Trump"
"Assange Purportedly Too Sick to Make Court Appearance"
"At Some Point We Have to Admit the "Left" Is Objectively Worse than Even the Fanatic Right"
"Athena is Chatty"
"Attacker Shoots Russian Ambassador in Ankara, Turkey"
"Audience Appreciation Time ft. Fan-made Music Video"
"Australia Is Insane: Their Thunderstorms Also Cause Asthma Attacks"
"Australian MRE: Spaghetti Bolognaise, Mushroom Soup, Chocolate Drink, etc"
"Avenatti Arrested for Alleged Fraud and Extortion"
"Avigdor Liberman Threatens War in Gaza Strip"
"Avocado Armageddon Comes, Warn Globalists"
"Axios Tries to Defend Banana Republic Biden and Fails Miserably"
"BBC Contributor Claims Responsibility for Tommy Robinson Bans, Wants More Censorship"
"BI Attacks Amazon for Security Overreach but Applauds Big Tech for Stalking People Online"
"BLM Finally Honest, Admits It Wants to Steal All White Peoples' Homes and is Communism"
"BLM Tyranny and Obamas Legacy Dealt a Blow as Trump Pardons the Hammonds"
"BLM and Other Leftist Thugs Attack a Wisconsin State Senator, Destroy Union Colonel Statue"
"BLM is Not Fundamentally Interested in Racial Justice: Here's Why"
"BLM's Khogali Rambles About Wiping Out the White Race"
"Ban Health Insurance and Subsidize Care Itself"
"Bannon Attacks Kushner and Don Jr, and Dumb People Think it Implicates Trump Himself"
"Baphomet Visits State Capitol of Arkansas as the Satanic Temple Arrives With its Statue"
"Barbara Bush, the Only Sane Bush, Dies"
"Baron Trump's Marvellous Underground Journey: More Memetic Synchronicity"
"Barron Trump Steals the Show at Inauguration, Becomes Meme"
"Basic Income/Guaranteed Income: My Take"
"Be Aware: North Korea Miniaturization Updates Look Like Pre-Iraq News Reports"
"Behold Jacket 2.0"
"Behold as the Legacy Media Transforms 17 Year Old Kyle Rittenhouse into a Gestapo Agent"
"Beijing Biden Approval CRATERS Again (Let's Go Brandon!)"
"Being Effortlessly Part of Polite Societies Collective Nightmare is Cool"
"Being Liberal Suggests Violent "Protest" Might be Ok, Calls Cernovich "Alt Right""
"Being Liberal and Other Partisan Pages Miss George Bush the Genocidal RINO"
"Being an Ex Satanist: Why I Left Satanism Behind and What Satanism Means"
"Ben Carson Backs Up Trump on his Baltimore Statements"
"Ben Shapiro's 2011 Ron Paul Tweets Come Back to Haunt Him"
"Benjamin Netanyahu Might be Indicted for Corruption"
"Bernie Sanders Campaign Worker Exposed As Violent Communist (#Expose2020)"
"Bernie Sanders Copies Clinton 2016, Promises UFO Disclosure if Elected"
"Bernie Sanders Cult Constructs a Vapid Fluff Piece on Wikipedia"
"Bernie Sanders Declares War on Nonexistent White Nationalist Threat"
"Bernie Sanders Defends Fidel Castro Because He's Totally Just a Social Democrat"
"Bernie Sanders Didn't Sell Out, He's Always Been an Opportunist Charlatan"
"Bernie Sanders Fan Astroturfing Has Actually Destroyed Socialism for a Generation"
"Bernie Sanders Fans Suffer an Acute Persecution Complex"
"Bernie Sanders Fans With Hammer and Sickle Avatars Keep Calling me Names! Oh No!"
"Bernie Sanders First Speaker at Womens Convention; Far Left Sexists Outraged"
"Bernie Sanders Nightmare! A Formerly Impoverished Vermonter With a Large Audience"
"Bernie Sanders Repeats the Bigoted Noble Savage Mythology Almost Verbatim"
"Bernie Sanders Reverses Endorsement of Cenk Uygur After Mere Hours"
"Bernie Sanders Says Economic Rights are Human Rights: HAHAHA!"
"Bernie Sanders Says He Isn't Interested in Advice From Hillary Clinton"
"Bernie Sanders Socialist Paradise Venezuela Now Tops for US Asylum Claims"
"Bernie Sanders Stubbornly Refuses to Drop Out despite His Campaign Being Doomed"
"Bernie Sanders Suggests Banning Vaping- Massive Damage Control and Media Blackout"
"Bernie Sanders Suggests Stealing Even More Cash from the Rich"
"Bernie Sanders Will Lose by Walter Mondale Proportions if Nominated"
"Bernie Sanders and his Wife Now Officially Under Fraud Investigation"
"Bernie Sanders is Weak on the Drug War: Marijuana Ain't the Only High Ice Cream Man!"
"Bernie Sanders is a Clueless Bigot and Economic Scientologist #SnakeOilSanders"
"Bernie Sanders is a Relic of the 1970s and a Snake Oil Salesman"
"Bernie Sanders is an Economically Illiterate Life-long Loser"
"Bernie Sanders to Reduce Campaigning: He's Totally, Absolutely Done"
"Bernie Sanders' High Tax Proposals are Unethical and Evil"
"Bernie Sanders' Political Suicide"
"Bernie Sanders' Unwillingness to Change Makes Some Happy, But Is Strategically Disastrous"
"Berniebabies to get Humiliated One Last Time at the Democratic "Convention""
"Bernies Fans Have Kept the Promise Project Veritas Exposed Months Ago"
"Beto O'Rourke Alienates Everyone With His AR15 Comments"
"Beto O'Rourke a Sign of the Gen X Politicians to Come"
"Bette Midler Gets Dragged as Transphobic (And I Love It)"
"Biden "Landslide Proportions" Polls are Meaningless"
"Biden Already Outraised Most of His Opponents In a Single Day"
"Biden Apologizes for Telling Blacks How to Vote HAHAHA"
"Biden Calls Trump "Existential Threat" for his Fear-Based Campaign"
"Biden Calls Trump "Most Racist President" Thus Ignoring Most Presidents"
"Biden Calls for Unity After Doing Everything Possible to Destroy It"
"Biden Gets Tired of Whiny Bernie Sanders, Proceeds to Begin Vetting Running Mates"
"Biden Goes to Korea and Immediately Makes a Fool of Himself"
"Biden Hasn't Taken a Cognitive Test, Gets Defensive When Queried, Invokes Cocaine"
"Biden Misremembers Meeting with Kim Jong Un as He Continues to Go Insane"
"Biden Refers to Himself as His Own Husband (Cognitive Decline)"
"Biden Regained Front Runner Status Because Everyone Else Sucked Worse"
"Biden Says He'd "Stand Up to China" HAHAHA"
"Biden Should Just Own His Spending Freeze Statements"
"Biden Shows How Out of Touch and Ancient He Is, Says Pot is a "Gateway Drug""
"Biden Thinks School Board Protesters are Terrorists LOL"
"Biden White House Pledges to Defend Illicit Material in Elementary Schools"
"Biden is Actually Trying to Destroy the United States"
"Bidens DESPERATE Hail Mary on Ukraine Failed, Now the Legacy Media is in Damage Control Mode"
"Bidens Extremely Dangerous Mixed Messaging on Taiwan"
"Bidens' Anti-Gun Proposals are Far Beyond the Pale"
"Bidens' Lead has Almost Entirely Evaporated, Trump Approval Spikes"
"Big Tech and the Legacy Media Intend to Destroy Democracy in the Name of Defending Democracy"
"Bigoted Don Lemon the Perfect Example of Why the Left is Losing"
"Bill Clinton Fumbles Badly on Monica Lewinsky"
"Bill Clinton Ruins Clinton Brand Forever by Attacking Obama on Race and the Media"
"Bill Clintons' Creepily Communistic Earth Day Message"
"Bill DeBlasio Goes Insane, Intends to Fine Businesses for Pronoun Usage"
"Bill Maher Finally Outrages People By Joking About Stan Lee's Demise"
"Bill Maher Frustrated With the Democrats- HAHAHA!"
"Bill Maher Says What Democrats All Think: They Want an Economic Collapse"
"Bill Nye Goes Insane, Invites Rachel Bloom to Sing "Sex Junk""
"Bill O'Reilly Maneuvers to Take Advantage of the Death of Legacy Media and the New Era"
"Billionaires Loved by Sellout Liberals Are Interfering With the Election Using Silicon Valley"
"Biloxi Public Schools Ban To Kill a Mockingbird Because Muh Feels"
"Bitchute Bronze Award is Here!"
"Bitchute Now Has Favorites, Playlists, Watch Later, and Autoplay"
"Black Lives Matter and "Black Lives Matter" Are Two Different Things"
"Bleak Winter!"
"Blizzard Censorship Dumpster Fire Continues (Free Hong Kong)"
"Bloomberg Uses the Pittsburgh Shooting to Push His Gun Control Crap Again"
"Bombshell DM Release Indicates Seth Rich was Likely DNC Leaker According to Guccifer 2.0"
"Boomer Take! ADL Tries, Fails, To Explain Red Pill, etc"
"Bootlicker Manning Thinks Police Have a Duty to Refuse to Defend Some Citizens due to Ideology"
"Border Wall Funded in House Spending Bill"
"Boris Johnson Tells EU to Stick it on Trade"
"Boycott Bank of America for its Fake Moral Grandstanding on "Military Style" Guns"
"Brazil General Strike: A Symptom of Dying Socialism"
"Brazil Supreme Decision Converts Nation into a Wealth Based Technical Oligarchy"
"Brazil Wisely Institutes Severe Austerity But Should Go Further"
"Breaking: Explosions at Ariana Grande Concert in Manchester, Confirmed Fatalities"
"Brett Kavanaugh's Big Day: Lindsey Graham, ABA, Testimony, Beer Parties, etc"
"Brexit Approaches, Juncker Doubts a Deal Can Occur"
"Brexit Careens Closer as Boris Johnson Gets the Queen of England to Prorogue Parliament"
"Brexit Delayed Again, No Early Election"
"Brexit One Week From Now!"
"Brexit Succeeds/ Cameron Resigns/ The UK Cuts the Head Off the Snake"
"Brexit! What's Next: Frexit? Nexit? Italexit? Swexit?"
"Brexit: I Say Vote Leave/ The Mayor of London Is A Genius"
"Brighteon Plans to Introduce Super Chats and Tipping: Nice!"
"British Film Institute Wants Visibly Scarred Villains Removed From Movies"
"British Government to Put Tommy Robinson on Trial Again to Try and Silence Him"
"British Media Calls the Tommy Robinson Protestors "Far Right""
"British Military 24 Hour MRE Part One (Breakfast)"
"British Military 24 Hour MRE Part Three (Dinner)"
"Brits! Stand With Boris Johnson for His Proposal to Abolish the BBC License Fee"
"Brittany Pettibone Detained by UK Police for Political Reasons"
"Brooklyn Bernie Launches Socialist Campaign from His Real Home in NYC"
"Broward County Deputies Did Nothing, so Stop Saying "Just Call the Police""
"Broward County Election Interference In Focus as Everyone Sues Everyone Else"
"Burger King to Wage War on Cow Farts lol"
"Burlington Mayor, UVM, Agree on How to Violate Students' 4th and 1st Amendment Rights"
"Burlington VT Goes Through Three Police Chiefs in a Day Due to Twitter Shenanigans"
"Burlington Vermont Declares Racism a Public Health Emergency LOL!!!"
"Business Insider Attacks Computing Forever, Flags His Video, Then Paywalls Their Hit Piece"
"Butthurt Maduro Loving Socialists Try, Fail to Shill"
"Buttigieg Calls for Complete Drug Decriminalization"
"Buttigieg Doesn't Care that Trump Isn't Homophobic, Attacks Him Regardless"
"Buttigieg Outraises All His Opponents This Last Quarter"
"Buttigieg Trots Out the Tired Trope of Trump the White Identitarian"
"Buttigieg and the Biden Admins "Electric" Vehicle Insanity"
"Buzzfeed Attacks Free Speech Supporters and Tommy Robinson Advocates as "Right Wing""
"Buzzfeed Deputy Tech Editor Thinks Beaches are Bad, Liking them is "Late Capitalism""
"Buzzfeed Gets it Wrong on Alternative Media Platforms"
"Buzzfeed May Hilariously Destroy the Democratic Party Over DNC Server Intrusion Lawsuit"
"Buzzfeed Reports on Obviously Fake Pissgate/ Trump Scandal Documents"
"By Any Memes Necessary! We Must Defend Our European Cousins From Article 13"
"CBS Censors Bit on Chinese Censorship, For the Chinese Government"
"CBS Warns of THC Candies this Halloween (ft. Little Timmy and Harold the Hippie)"
"CHAZ Leftists Prepare to Blame "Nazis" For When They Fail"
"CIA Analyst Whines About Trump Not Trusting His Subversive Former Agency"
"CNN Believers Host Calls Trump a "Piece of Shit" for his London Response"
"CNN Blocks Trump Ad over Fake News Label: But CNN is Provably Fake News"
"CNN Fearmongers About Memes Some More, Says Kek is White Supremacy"
"CNN Invites Richard Spencer Aboard to Attack Trump"
"CNN Is So Dumb they Used Fallout Footage For a Russian Hacker Story"
"CNN Makes Laughable Excuses for their Appalling Mueller Coverage"
"CNN Runs Out of Legitimate Roy Moore Fodder and Publishes a Smear Piece"
"CNN Sees Trump using "Sicko" as Description of Parkland Shooter as Problematic"
"CNN Stages Fake Islamic Solidarity Rally in London, Can't Apparently Swivel a News Camera"
"CNN Stoops to New Low, Conflates Cleveland Shooter with Violent Video Games"
"CNN Thinks Amy Klobuchar Would Win Against Trump in a Debate: HAHAHA"
"CNN Tries to Attack Trump Fed Pick Stephen Moore, but Makes Him Seem Cool"
"CNN Violence-Adjacent as Chris "Fredo" Cuomo Makes Threats to "Heckler""
"CNN Was Surprised that You Don't Need a CC Permit for Rifles, Proving Their Incompetence"
"CNN Will Boycott White House Christmas Party"
"CNN and NYT Banned From White House Press Conferences"
"CNN's Outrage Hunting as The Tabloid Suggests Trump Would Stay Past Second Term"
"Caesar Play Disruptions: Loomer etc, My Thoughts"
"California Decriminalizes Infecting Others with HIV: I Call for a Travel Boycott of the State"
"California Now Using Nonbinary as Gender for State Forms"
"California Passes Suicidally Unconstitutional Law Re: Females in Corporate Boardrooms"
"California Plans to Try and Unconstitutionally Prosecute Anti-Islamic Troll"
"California Three-State Split To Be Considered on November Ballots"
"Californians Ignore their Moron Governors' Fireworks Ban (This is Symbolically Significant)"
"Californias Senate Bill 9 Will Destroy Affordable Single Family Housing, Bypass the Wealthy"
"Canada is About to Legalize Marijuana; Good!"
"Cancel Culture Comes For... Billie Eilish?"
"Cancel Culture Coming for JK Rowling is So Great"
"Cancelling Student Loan Debt Would be a Dumb Idea: Here's Why"
"Cannibal Climate Change!"
"Catalonia Declares Independence, Spain Establishes Dictatorial Command of Catalonia"
"Catalonia Loses Governance, Spain Strips Regional Autonomy"
"Catholic pope Pleads for Migrants, but Not for an End to Proxy Warmongering"
"Celebrity Endorsements Mean Literally Nothing: Here's Why"
"Cenk Uygur Goofed Big Time and Should Resign"
"Center-Right AfD in Germany Becomes Second Largest Party, As Anger Mounts Against Merkelism"
"Cesar Sayoc Omnibus: Intel Agencies Failed, Prior Terrorism Charges, Seminole Supremacy?"
"Changing the Bible? True Word of God? Nonchristians Can't Interpret Scripture?"
"Chaos as Brexit Nears its Final and Insane Stage"
"Charles Manson Has Died: My Final Video on this Topic"
"Charles Manson Is Probably Dying"
"Charles Manson Takes Charlie Rose Down With Him as 8 Women Accuse Him of Sexual Assault"
"Charlie Crist is Absolutely Insane"
"Charlottesville, Trump's Response, Car Plows into Crowd, Helicopter Downed; My Response to Chaos"
"Chelsea Clinton Book to Explore Animals Her Parents Helped Make Extinct"
"Chelsea Clinton Says Trump Has Degraded the USA, Calls for UK Protests re: His Visit"
"Chelsea Manning Freed from Prison: Good"
"Chest Cold! I'll Be Back Tomorrow"
"Chicago Mayor Lightfoot Rants About Disallowing Federal Police to Enter Crime-Plagued City"
"Chickenhawk Neocon Bill O'Reilly Reportedly Gets Canned from FOX"
"China Mobilizes and Deploys 150,000 Soldiers to North Korean Border"
"China Ranks Citizens by Loyalty... Don't We, Too?"
"China Trade Talks Break Down, as it Devalues its Currency, Proving Trump Right"
"China is Slowly Losing its Trade War with the USA"
"Chinas Economy Slipping Again As Xi Calls the USA a "Trade Bully""
"Chinas Economy Slumps as the US Picks Up the Pace"
"Chinese Communists Try to Infiltrate Australian Parliament"
"Chinese People are Protesting Lockdowns More than Most Westerners Did"
"Choose One: Socialism Holds American Society Together, or We're Capitalistic and Thus Failing"
"Chris Matthews, #1 Legacy Media Flunky, Joked about Slipping Clinton a Bill Cosby Pill"
"Chris Rock, Seinfeld, Louis CK, Outrage Mobs, and the "N Word""
"Christian Morality is a Joke"
"Christian Zealot Tries to Convert North Sentinel Natives, Gets Killed"
"Chuck Schumer Dares to Option Wall Funding, Gets Attacked by the Far Left"
"Chuck Schumer Just Destroyed His Own Party on the Immigrant Crisis"
"Churchianity Versus Followers of Jesus"
"Claire McCaskill Demands Her Opponent Investigate Project Veritas"
"Clankdom Colonizes LBRY"
"Clankdom Rising: The Path to Glory on Dailymotion"
"Claude Taylor of Mad Dog PAC Threatens to Assault Rand Paul"
"Cleopatra Cat and Frequency 666"
"Clickbait and Misleading Material is Unhelpful to the Alt Media (Re: Krassenstein)"
"Clinton Camp Wanted to Exploit Eric Garner's Death, Garner's Daughter Reacts"
"Clinton Campaign Mocks Catholics and Evangelicals... Oops"
"Clinton Campaign Wants a "Compliant, Unaware" Citizenry, Exploits the Legacy Media"
"Clinton Doublespeak on Immigration, Says Europe Needs Reform to "Thwart Populism""
"Clinton Foundation Probe "Likely" to Yield Indictments"
"Clinton Foundation Under Scrutiny as Whistleblowers Alert Congress to Wrongdoing"
"Clinton Is Strangulating the Democratic Party; and it's Hilarious!"
"Clinton Says Trump Attacks the Press: But It's the Neoliberals Doing That"
"Clinton Sought to Meet with Russian Nuclear Official, but Met with Putin Instead over Uranium Deal"
"Clinton Staffer Called Sanders Advisor a "Fucker" by Email"
"Clinton Tells Australians that Americans Harbor Rage Towards Strong Empowered Womyn"
"Clinton Took a Million from Qatar Without Telling the State Department"
"Clinton Unironically Suggested A Drone Strike on Julian Assange"
"Clinton and the DNC Funded the Russia Dossier: There Goes the Russia Narrative!"
"Clinton is Probably Going to Land like Santa Claus in a Tropical Jungle"
"Clintons on Damage Control Due to Clinton Foundation Haiti Revelations"
"Cliven Bundy and His Sons Released: Fed Case Dismissed Due to Prosecutorial Misconduct"
"Co-editor Kitty"
"Codepink and Other Far Left Groups Unironically Back Maduro"
"Cold War Continues to Freeze Up: Russia Relations, Antimissile Systems, etc"
"Cold War Officially Back as US Withdraws from the INF Treaty"
"Cold War Phase II is a Go but People Are Barely Discussing It"
"Cold War Xenophobia Returns and is Applauded by the Left and the MSM"
"Colombia Wisely Rejects Socialism, Votes for Populist Ivan Duque"
"Comer Moves to Hold FBI's Chris Wray in Contempt Over its Document Coverup"
"Comey Did Indeed Confirm Trump Was Not Being Investigated; Trump Asked Comey for "Loyalty""
"Comey Might Be Helping Trump With His Plea to the DOJ"
"Comey Would Have Violated the Hatch Act by Not Telling Congress: Also, H.A. Goodman Shoutout!"
"Coming Soon: Combat Ration Videos"
"Coming Soon: I'm Going Overseas!"
"Coming Soon: The Return of the Entheogens Series: A Vidme and Bitchute Exclusive"
"Commie Crackdown in Hong Kong as Police Deploy Live Ammo"
"Confused Starbucks Marxists Say #ResistCapitalism"
"Congress Has Become a Farce on Healthcare; Single Payer is Also a Farce"
"Congress Really, Really Wants a New Cold War"
"Consumer Confidence and GDP Still Rising: The Trump Economy is Tremendously Powerful"
"Content Creators Are the New Counterculture"
"Cops Aren't There to Protect You... And That's Okay!"
"Corey Feldman To Go After Some Hollywood Perverts"
"Corn Pop Racism: The True Insanity of Craptivism"
"Corporate Media Firms Like CNN Are Behind Big Tech Attacks on Free Speech (Re: Infowars)"
"Corporate Media Lies about Trumps TPP Statements in Order to Erode his Fanbase"
"Corporate Multibillionaire George Soros Likes Elizabeth Warren"
"Corporate and Political Buzzterms: The Scam of "White Privilege""
"Corporations Continue to Sanitize History and Gaslight the World"
"Correct the Record- Linked Clinton "Faith Adviser" Shielded from Harassment Claims by Hillary"
"Corrupt Virginia Governor Declares Emergency to Cope with Gun Owners"
"Cory Booker Announces 2020 Election Bid"
"Cory Bookers Veganism: What He Gets Right and Wrong"
"Cosmopolitan Magazine Banned from Walmart for being "Sexist""
"Count Dankula Joins the Black Power Movement"
"Countering Disinformation and Propaganda Act: The New Patriot Act (And Just As Bad)"
"Couple Defends Private Property From Rioters, Gets Doxxed, Harassed, and Threatened"
"Covington Fallout: Barnes Gives 48 Hours to MSM to Retract/ Ilhan Omar Covers Her Ass"
"Coward Jeff Sessions Will Jail People for Pot but Not Traitors Like Abedin or Clinton"
"Craptivists Want to Label People Like Me "Gateway Drugs" to Extremism"
"Crazies in Arizona Want to Declare Porn a "Public Health Crisis""
"Crazy California Senator Pan Wants to Legislate Truth Online"
"Crazy Clinton Attacks Bernie Sanders and His Fans in her Failure of a New Book"
"Crazy Clinton Says She Beat Trump and Sanders, is All Sorts of Insane"
"Crazy Elizabeth Warren Rambles About Racial Inequality: HAHAHA!"
"Crazy Erdogan Removes Evolution from Turkish Schooling"
"Crazy Jerry Brown Blames Trump for Pre-existing Immigration Laws, Proposes Amnesty"
"Crazy Leftist Pronoun Plan Backfires Like a Ruptured Field Cannon"
"Crazy Socialist Andy Yang Begs for 3 Million Dollars"
"Crazy Totalitarian Merkel Rants About the Need to Ban Freedom"
"Crazy UK Labour MP Suggests Banning Closed Forums Online to "Stop Hate""
"Crazy Wine Liberal Ellen Degeneres Slammed for Partying with War Criminal Bush"
"Createspace Suspended My Account Wrongfully- How You Can Help"
"Creepy Joe Biden Insults the same Millennials He Once Oogled"
"Creepy Joe Biden Joins the 2020 Campaign"
"Cringe Fringe CHAZ (Soyviet Union) Begins to Collapse Due to Violence and Degeneracy"
"Cringe! NYT Editorial Board Co-Endorses Lying Warren and Irrelevant Klobuchar"
"Cringe! Yang Fake-Cries Like a Baby About His Kids When Discussing Gun Violence"
"Cringemaster Robert Francis O'Rourke (Beta O'Rourke) Joins the 2020 Campaign"
"Current Polls Oversampling Democrats by Utterly Insane Amounts"
"DHS to Compile List of Alt Media Figures: I Hope to Be On It!"
"DNC Elects Tom Perez the Clintonian Corporatist: Bad Idea!"
"DNC Head Tom Perez Ridicules the Midwest for its Religiosity"
"DNC Refuses to Allow Tulsi Gabbard in Despite Third Qualifying Poll"
"DOJ Won't Let Time Warner and ATu0026T Merge Unless CNN is Sold- Leftists Outraged"
"DONALD TRUMP INDICTED: Martyred Again by Corrupt Uniparty Filth"
"DOW Hemmorhages Points, Investors are Nervous"
"Daily Dot Declares Bitchute Cool, Compares it to Rotten and Other Early Sites"
"Dailymotion Banned Me for a 4th Time, Then Reinstated Me: Join My Fight to Dominate"
"DarkMatter2525's Ten Minute Strawman of "The Far Right""
"David Bowies' "Blackstar" Is A Masterpiece"
"David Brock Tried, Failed to Use 700K to Generate a Trump Sex Scandal"
"David Brooks' Sandwich Column is a Microcosm of Self Important Gated Community Liberalism"
"David Rockefeller Dead at 101: Haha!"
"Dayton Shooter Connor Betts Was a Socialist Radicalized by Legacy Media, Followed and RTd Jared Holt"
"De-Mainstream Youtube Browser Extension to Erase Legacy Media Detritus"
"Dear Liberals: It's OK to Admit You Were Wrong and Got Conned by Biden and the Media"
"Dearborn Islamofascist Cleric Influenced one of the London Terrorists"
"Debate with Nick Fuentes TONIGHT! (Link in Description) 6PM EST"
"Debunking Bidens Thanksgiving Talking Points Propaganda"
"Debunking Huffpo's Laughably Stupid Reconstruction Era TDS Pitch"
"Debunking Socialism and Government Benevolence! Show This to Your Socialist Friends!"
"Deep State NSA Contractor "Reality Winner" Caught Leaking Top Secret Info"
"Deep State Reverse Psychology as the MSM Claims Russia Promotes Tulsi Gabbard"
"Deergasmic Twitch Moderation from an ADL Contributor, and Corporate Ploys"
"Defense for Logan Paul, Even If He's an Attention Seeking Goofball"
"Deflecting Attack: How the Old Media Attacks the New (Part Four)"
"Demented Biden Sums Up America... "Asfutmsifwffutsh""
"Demented Elizabeth Warren Says Trump is "Slut Shaming" Gillibrand"
"Democrat DACA Desperation! Trump Might Get His Wall After All"
"Democrat House Majority Might Get Swept Away in 2020"
"Democrat Meltdown Continues as Clinton and Obama Camps Begin to Attack One Another"
"Democrat Rep. John Conyers Settled Sexual Harassment Claims in 2015/ Second Al Franken Allegation"
"Democrat Ted Lieu Would Love to Regulate Speech"
"Democratic Party At 25 Year Low in Popularity"
"Democrats Denying the Election Results Has Already Started"
"Democrats Hate Foreigners Who Try to Immigrate Legally"
"Democrats Plan to Obstruct Cold War Planning While Causing a Cold War"
"Democrats Play a Dangerous Game, Block Stimulus Package to Americans"
"Democrats Seek to Use 25th Amendment, Force Trump Out of Office (They Will Fail)"
"Democrats Should Stop Pretending to Oppose Saudi Government Tyranny (Re: Khashoggi)"
"Democrats Want 30 Billion for a Tunnel, Say Trumps Hesitance is "Political""
"Democrats and Neocons Try, Fail to Stop Border Wall as Trump Vetoes Their Resolution"
"Democrats are so Nervous They're Trotting Out Obama lol"
"Dems Want to Stop Sanders With Russian Conspiracy Theories Because If he is Nominated He'll Lose"
"Dennis Kucinich (A Sane Democrat) Chuckles About the 25th Amendment Nonsense"
"Denver Decriminalizes Psilocybin: Nice!"
"Depeche Mode Delves into Memetic Propaganda"
"Desperate Democrats Seek Relevance for Their January 6th Insurrection Hoax on Primetime"
"Desperate New York Times Tries to Spin Korean Peace as Bad for Trump"
"Despite Being a Lame Duck with No Fans, Trudeau Options Plastic Tax"
"Diamond and Silk Should Abandon Facebook because it is Dying Out as a Platform"
"Diamond and Silk Treated Congress Exactly How They Deserve on Tech Issues"
"Dianne Feinsteins' Driver Was a Chinese Spy"
"Dicks Sporting Goods Has a PR Disaster Over Firearms"
"Diplomacy Moving Fast as US, DPRK, South Korea plan Summit, US Intends to Free Three Americans"
"Dirtbags Waste No Time in Using the Uvalde Shooting to Push their Agenda"
"Dirty Old Man Joe Biden Sniffs Again!"
"Disgraced "Journalist" Taylor Lorenz Attacks Twitter Because Free Speech Bad"
"Disgraced Antigun Liberal Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel Won't Seek Reelection"
"Disgraceful NM Judge Sarah Backus Lets Alleged Terrorists Out on Bail"
"Diversity Fuhrer Angela Merkel Declares Intent to Rule Europe, Insults US and UK"
"Does Youtube Intend to Leave Anything To or For Its Actual Creators?"
"Don Lemon Doubles Down on his Racism as Legacy Media CNN Circles the Wagons"
"Don't Compare Legacy Media Outlets: They're Just Different Flavors of Turd"
"Don't Turn Big Tech into Public Utilities, Just Pass an Internet Bill Of Rights"
"Don't be Fooled: The Aussie Nuclear Sub Deal is NOT Evidence the USA Will Hardball China"
"Donald Trump And Elon Musk Cuck Mike Johnson, Destroy "Bipartisan" Spending Bill"
"Donald Trump Makes History, Wins Popular Vote: Liberals in Mourning"
"Donald Trump Will Probably Run Again in 2024: But Can He Win? Analysis"
"Double Craptivism as Moron Twitter Leftists and Hannity Fans Spar over Yuppie Coffee Keurig"
"Double Trouble: Trump Foundation to Dissolve, Trump Bans Bump Stocks"
"Dow Jones Surges Over 1,000 Points in a Single Day"
"Draft Decision Seems to Indicate SCOTUS Will Overturn Roe v. Wade: Analysis"
"Drag Queen Gaslighting by the Leftoids"
"Drain the Swamp: Evil Globalist HW Bush Allegedly Groped Girl when She was 16"
"Dreg Media USA Today Claims Eagle is a Nazi Symbol, Gets Massively Ratio'd"
"Drunken Hillary Clinton Thanks "Activist Bitches" in Bizarre Rant"
"Duluth School District Bans Huckleberry Finn and to Kill a Mockingbird (Moral Panic!)"
"Dumb Judge in Massachusetts Says 2nd Amendment Doesn't Guarantee the Right to an "Assault Rifle""
"Dumbass Baltimore School Equates BB Gun Ownership with "Bringing a Gun to School""
"Dumbest Tweet Ever: Catholic Pope Says World Should "Ban Weapons""
"Dutch Farmer Uprising Escalates as Farmers Buy a Tank and Cops Shoot at Protestors"
"Duterte Tells Catholic Church to Let Priests Have Boyfriends"
"E-Verify is an Authoritarian Snake in the Grass"
"ECHR Says Being Imprisoned for Blasphemy is OK in Europe"
"East Palestine Syndrome"
"Eating a US Military MRE (Ratatouille)"
"Ebola Cases Triple as WHO Says "Large Outbreaks are New Normal""
"Ebola Death in Goma, as WHO Declares International Emergency"
"Ebola Epidemic Continues in the Congo"
"Ebola Is Spreading in Congo as MSF Withdraws from Several Locations"
"Ebola Returns to the Congo"
"Economy Hits 3% Growth for Three Quarters Running (First Time Since 2005)"
"El Salvador Emigrants Temporary Protected Status Now Terminated"
"Elizabeth Warren Badly Fumbles on Socialized Healthcare"
"Elizabeth Warren Calls for a Crackdown on Independent Online Content"
"Elizabeth Warren Finally Drops Out, After Being HUMILIATED in her Home State"
"Elizabeth Warren Gets Rebuked by the Cherokee Nation ft. Insane Recipes"
"Elizabeth Warren Goes Insane, Says Congress Should Impeach Trump"
"Elizabeth Warren Has Money Issues HAHAHA"
"Elizabeth Warren Put "Native American" on her BAR Certificate"
"Elizabeth Warren Releases Plan to Protect "Native" Tribal Land HAHAHA I Have a Better Idea"
"Elizabeth Warren Whines About Bernie Sanders Fans Being Mean to Her"
"Elizabeth Warren and Kamala Harris Release Competing Identity Politics Plans"
"Elizabeth Warren is Nuts, Proposes Tax on Productive "Rich""
"Elizabeth Warren is Really Just a Bad Person; Caught in Total Lie About Bernie Sanders"
"Ellen Degenerate In Hot Water Over Dozens of Employee Complaints"
"Eminem Attacks Trump, People Pretend to be Outraged; Grow Up!"
"Empathy for Laci Green and Why I Am Not a Social Justice Warrior"
"Entire West Virginia Supreme Court Gets Impeached for Misuse of Taxpayer Cash"
"Epstein Footage From Outside Cell "Accidentally Deleted""
"Epstein was Probably Killed, Pathologist Michael Baden States"
"Et Tu, McCain? Compares Obama Favorably with Trump on American Leadership"
"Eureka Womens March Canceled Due to Being "Too White""
"Europe Begins to Stand Up Against SJWs"
"European Censorship Is Now Similar to That of China"
"European Cyberimperialism: Defeat the European Council's Censorship Article 13"
"European Union Backs Down On Tariffs, GDP at 4% Growth, Krugman A Sad Man"
"European Union Whines about US Tax Reform, Declares it "Illegal" (Globalism 101)"
"Evangelocon Loser Glenn Beck is Another Casualty of the Death of the Legacy Media"
"Even Business Insider Rejects Andrew Yangs Leftist UBI Sham"
"Even CNN Acknowledges a Recession is Effectively Already Here"
"Even CNN Is Admitting China is Getting the Worse End of the Trade War"
"Even CNN Realizes Socialism Is Unpopular: Bernie Sanders Fans Are Oblivious"
"Even Crazy Yang Knows Impeachment Will Backfire Spectacularly"
"Even Fickle Paul Ryan Admits Trump Did Nothing Wrong"
"Even Mark Zuckerberg Thinks Jack Dorsey "Fact Checking" Trumps Twitter is Nuts"
"Even More Democrats, Desperate for a Platform, Call for Impeachment"
"Even Obama Is Frustrated with Identity Politics"
"Even Politico Hates Bidens' Running Mate Shortlist of Diversity Hires"
"Even the Atlantic Encourages Biden to Release His Sealed Senate Records"
"Even the Far Left UN Admits 3 Million Have Fled Venezuela's Socialist Dystopia"
"Even the Lamestream Media Admits: Trump is Manhandling Biden in the First Digital Election"
"Even the Legacy Media is Apologizing for its Covington Propaganda"
"Even the Legacy Media is Begging the Dems to Stop Fantasizing about Impeachment"
"Even the NYT Admits Warren is a Corporate Con Posing as a Grassroots Leftie"
"Even the NYT Warns Democrats are Beginning to Alienate Independent Voters"
"Even the New York Times is Afraid of Trumps Internet Bulwark"
"Even the WSJ Realizes the Kavanaugh Allegations are BS"
"Ever the Opportunist, Glenn Beck Slips Further Into Disrepute and Allies With Neoliberalism"
"Every County in the USA Should Become a Gun Sanctuary"
"Everyone Hates Theresa May as she Delays a Final Brexit Deal Vote"
"Everyone Should Stop Using Cloudflare in the Wake of its 8chan Move"
"Everyone in the Media Now Pretends John McCain is a Nice Guy: You Sellouts"
"Everyone should Abandon the Minneapolis-St Paul Area and Let it Rot"
"Evildoer George HW Bush Confirms he Voted for Clinton, Dislikes Trump"
"Extraordinary Black Trans Woman Cucks Beto O'Rourke and CNN"
"FBI Doesn't Indict Hillary Clinton, But Destroys Her Campaign Anyways"
"FBI Reopens Clinton Foundation Investigation Over Pay to Play: My Take"
"FBI Uncovered Russian Bribery Plot In 2009 Before Obama Sold Russia A Bunch of Uranium"
"FCC Chair's Comments on Twitter, Facebook, and Youtube, Analyzed"
"FDA Finally Admits Marijuana Has Medical Relevance: They Must Legalize It Immediately"
"FDR Was a Sad, Bitter, Cousin Loving, Crippled Bigot Who Ignored the Constitution"
"FISA Fallout #2: Democrat Friendly Media Goes Into Propaganda Hyperdrive, DOW Loses 666 Points"
"FISA Fallout #3: Gowdy Comments, Media Fails at Propaganda, FISA Memo Just the Start"
"FISA Fallout #5: Christopher Steele Second Memo Involving Obama State Department and the Clintons"
"FISA Memo Released: Proof of DNC FBI Collusion, and, Yes, Worse than Watergate"
"FOX (Fake News) Relapses into Post-9/11 Style Moral Authoritarianism ft. Insane Guilfoyle"
"FOX News Vainly Tries to Defend Trumps John "War is Fun" Bolton Appointment"
"Facebook Accidentally Lets Users Mark All Posts as Hate Speech, Makes New "Dating" Service"
"Facebook Continues to Spiral Down the Toilet"
"Facebook Depersons Laura Loomer, Milo Yiannopoulos, Paul Joseph Watson"
"Facebook Even Tried to Access Users' Patient Records at Hospitals (Facebook is Doomed)"
"Facebook Pretends to Fight for Privacy as AG Barr Pretends to Respect the 4th Amendment"
"Facebook Promotes Increased Corporate Propaganda Via News Feeds"
"Facebook Purges Over 500 Pages, Including Leftist Ones"
"Facebook Scans Your Comments with AI To Determine if You're Suicidal"
"Facebook Won't Remove Terrorist Content or Perversion but will Remove Non-PC Political Speech"
"Facebook and Instagram Unfortunately Back After Major Worldwide Outage"
"Facebook is Collapsing as 44% of Young Users Delete the App"
"Facebook is Dying Faster These Days: Now Even the Legacy Media is Dumping It"
"Facebook, Twitter, and Google Deploy "Counter" Propaganda... It Won't Work"
"Fact Check: No, Violence at Far Left Riots is Not Being Committed by Nazis"
"Fair vs Unfair Criticism of Trump: Coulter, Beck, Never Trumpers, etc"
"Faith Goldy Banned from Instagram and Facebook, Ya Know, Just Cuz"
"Fake Hate Crime in Canada as Police Admit Hijab Scissors Attack Never Happened"
"Fake Intellectuals Call for a European Empire"
"Fake News New York Times Claims FISA Memo is a Conspiracy Theory #ReleaseTheMemo"
"False Objective Morality: How the Old Media Attacks the New (Part Five)"
"Far Left Love and Tolerance as XHale City Vape Employee (Vape-raham Lincoln) Goes Bonkers"
"Farrah Cat Snuggles"
"Fascism Flowers! Easily Duped Leftists Think Rose Garden Design is "Racist""
"Fearing Reprisal, James Comey Begins to Campaign for the Same Democrats that Hate Him"
"Fearmongers on Parade as the MSM Sensationalizes "Zombie Deer Disease""
"Federal Judge Tosses Trump Emoluments Clause Case: Rage Ensues"
"Feinstein Loses California Democratic Party Backing: The Far Left May Abandon the DNC"
"Feminist Frequency Joins Bitchute"
"Final Dedicated Reminder to Follow Me on Vidme"
"Final Election Margin Projection"
"Final Polls of the 2010s! Biggest Losers (US Politics, and News)"
"Finally the GOP Sees Why the FISA System is a Bad Idea"
"Finish the Wall! Beto and Trump Spar in El Paso"
"First Islamic Female US Judge Found Dead in Hudson"
"First Presidential Debate Tomorrow; Pre-Debate Analysis etc"
"Fiscal Heads Admit Trump is Not Insane; Well No Shit"
"Five Easy Steps Towards Safeguarding Your Internet Presence Against 1984 Style Censorship"
"Five Oddities of Being Well Known Online"
"Five Strange Facts about Me"
"Flu Season Extra Bad with H3N2, As Fearmongering Abounds"
"For Those Who Wanted Me to Write a Political Work... I Already Did (After the Ashes)"
"For What it's Worth..."
"For the First Time, a Democrat in Congress (Heitkamp) Has Told Clinton to Go Away"
"For-Profit Corporation Facebook Has a Propaganda War Room for the Midterms"
"Former 8chan Honcho Fredrick Brennan Attacks Bitchute: My Response"
"Four ways YOU Can Help Weaken Globalist Authoritarianism!"
"Free Speech at All Costs: We Must Reject Authoritarianism in All Forms"
"Free Speech is Supposedly Alt-Right, According to the Corporate Left"
"Free Yourself of False Guilt"
"French Cops Round up High Schoolers as Protests Continue to Grow"
"Fuck the Establishment lol"
"Fuck the Power: I was Expelled from the Fifth Grade!"
"Fukushima: Radiation Spikes 6,500 Times in Groundwater"
"Funny How Those Supporting ISP Net Neutrality Also Oppose It In Regards to Cloudflare, Google, Etc"
"Fuzzy Barbarians"
"GOP Abandons AHCA Healthcare Repeal Bill at Trump's Behest"
"GOP Holds Kansas House Seat in Special Election: Democratic Melt Down!"
"Gab Attacked by Their Australian Domain Registrar"
"Gab Now Developing "Dissenter" to Allow Comments Internet-Wide"
"Gab Smeared by Simultaneous Propaganda Again"
"Gab Still Under Attack, and Still Winning"
"Gab is Being Attacked Partly Because Twitter Has Low Long-Term Viability"
"Gab, Hatreon, other Free Speech Sites Targeted by Web Giants"
" Gets Abused by Stripe for Being Too Successful"
"Gadsden Flag is a "Dangerous" Hate Symbol, NPR Claims"
"Gas Price Propaganda from the Legacy Media"
"Gatekeeper Fallacy: How the Old Media Attacks the New (Part Two)"
"Gateway Pundit Blocked from Google News"
"Gathering and Preparing Chamomile"
"General 2020 Election Pre-Game Analysis!"
"General Literary Update"
"George Floyd Has Been All but Forgotten Already"
"George Takei Allegedly Roofied and Groped a Man in the 1980s"
"George Takei and a HILARIOUS Self Own ft. Lauren Boebert"
"George W Bush Declares that Russia Meddled in the US Election... HAHAHA!"
"Georgia Guidestones Damaged Then Demolished... LOL"
"Ghostbusters Has Become a Box Office Flop"
"Gilets Bleus as French Police Stage Pickets"
"Gilets Jaunes! French Protests Continue to Grow as Macron Does Dumb Stuff"
"Giuliani Invokes Comey, Midterms, Says Mueller Plans to End Obstruction Probe by September"
"Giuliani Scoffs at the Trump Investigations, Says They're "Done""
"Glenn Beck Buys CRTV, Fires Gavin McKinnes Without Explanation"
"Globalism Is a Cancer But Was Dreamed Up by Well Meaning Morons"
"God Damn I Hate Leftist Economics So Much lol"
"God Is Evil"
"Going on a Short Vacation! (The Details)"
"Good Riddance to the Weekly Standard"
"Goodyear Goes Woke, Gets Boycotted"
"Goofies at CNN Wonder why Melania Trump Wore a Veil for the Pope, not a Headscarf in Arabia"
"Google Allows For-Profit Corporation NBC to Cause them to Delist their Competitor"
"Google Apparently Blacklists Employees for Being Vocally Non-Leftist"
"Google Denies that it Intends to Save the Legacy Media and its Propaganda"
"Google Fires James Damore, Confirming His Memo's Point: The Case for a Tech First Amendment"
"Google Just Defended Against Anti-Free Speech Canadian Legalism"
"Google to Derank RT and Sputnik to Protect Users from Wrongthink"
"Gorka Neocons Reject Free Speech, Lash Out Bitterly at Nick Fuentes"
"Government Backs Down on Twitter Unmasking Case"
"Government Puts Out Arrest Warrant for Jill Stein, Ignores Clinton's Crimes"
"Governor of Oregon Pretends Portland Riots were Peaceful, Says People Terrorized by Feds"
"Great Atomic Powers! North Korea May Have More Plutonium than Previously Suggested"
"Green Party/ Far Left Sells Out to CAIR and Apologism for Religious Zealots"
"Greta Thunberg Says Stuff, or Something, I Dunno"
"Gridlock Due to Trump? Quite the Opposite, I Conjecture"
"Guardian Smear Against Alt Tech Calls "Most" Gab and Bitchute Users Nazis"
"Gun Control Won't Save Lives, But Internet Free Speech and a Better Education System Might"
"Gun Control is a Snake Oil "Cure" for a Nonexistent Crisis"
"Gun Free Socialist Paradise Venezuela the Worlds' Most Dangerous Country"
"Gun Hating Infanticidal Bigot and Kamala Harris Ally Ralph Northam Must Resign"
"HAHA How About That Impeachment? Oh Wait, Nobody Cares"
"HILARIOUS Leftoid Propaganda About Floridas Nonexistent Book Bans"
"HUGE Loss for the Far Left as DA Chesa Boudin Recalled in San Francisco"
"HYPE AND HYPERBOLE! New Trump-DOJ Filings Before Dearie"
"Haggard Hobgoblin Theresa "Minstrel" May Does the Sand Shuffle in South Africa"
"Hahaha YES Leftists, Please Keep Trying to Defund the Police!"
"Half of Ebola Outbreaks May Never Have Been Documented"
"Happy Christmas: The State of the World As It Is"
"Hard Brexit Incoming: Good!"
"Harriet Tubman 20 Dollar Bill Delayed: My Thoughts"
"Harvard Study Torpedoes the Gender Wage Gap Myth"
"Hasan Piker and Vaush Banned by Twitch: A Coherent Response"
"Hating Women Isn't a Traditional Western Value"
"Hats Off for Aussie James Harrison: the Anti-D Donor"
"Haunted Locations 10: Maryland, Washington DC, Delaware"
"Haunted Locations 11: Ohio"
"Haunted Locations 17: Tennessee"
"Haunted Locations 1: Vermont"
"Haunted Locations 20: Michigan"
"Haunted Locations 21: Georgia"
"Haunted Locations 25: Missouri"
"Haunted Locations 27: Alabama"
"Haunted Locations 28: Arkansas"
"Haunted Locations 34: Nebraska"
"Haunted Locations 39: New Mexico"
"Haunted Locations 3: Maine"
"Haunted Locations 4: Massachusetts"
"Haunted Locations 5: Rhode Island"
"Haunted Locations 7: New York"
"Haunted Locations 8: New Jersey"
"Haunted Locations 9: Pennsylvania"
"Have Self Confidence"
"Hawaii Plans to Confiscate Firearms from Pot Patients Without Due Process"
"Hawaiian Shirt Moral Panic!"
"Heinous Gasbag Eric Swalwells Ass Explodes During Live Interview"
"Help Needed for Setting Up Better Live Broadcasts/ Call-In Line"
"Help to Colonize Brighteon for Clankdom"
"Hexenhammer - Black Rose (Demo 2012)"
"Hexenhammer - Deranged Future"
"Hexenhammer - Frequency 666"
"Hexenhammer - Lunatic Priest"
"Hexenhammer - My Very Existence Bothers You"
"Hexenhammer - Power of the Left Hand Path (Demo 2011)"
"Hexenhammer - Robotic Animals Ate My Fake Lawn"
"Hexenhammer - Satanic Organ Procession (Demo 2011)"
"Hexenhammer - The Gates of Perdition"
"Hexenhammer - The Moon is Blood, Hell Comes"
"Hexenhammer - Watchful Gaze (चुड़ैलों का हथौड़ा)"
"Hexenhammer - You Don't Have To Tell Me I'm Worthless, I Already Know That"
"Hey Bernie Sanders, I Don't Want Your Student Loan Forgiveness Scam"
"Hey Guys! NowThis "News" Goes Insane"
"Hey Leftists: Did David Dorns Life Matter?"
"Hey Trump... Break All Their Toys"
"Hidin' Bidens Strategy of Avoiding the Media Flummoxes Chris Wallace"
"Hillary Clinton And Her Opportunistic Claims of Trumps' "Sexism""
"Hillary Clinton Attacks Bernie Sanders, Says Nobody Likes Him"
"Hillary Clinton Calls Putin Xenophobic: Slightly, But So Is She!"
"Hillary Clinton Encourages Political Incivility as Holder Alludes to Violence"
"Hillary Clinton Finds it Difficult to Embrace Feminine Penises- but Not Chelsea!"
"Hillary Clinton Goes Insane, Claims Putin Cost Her the Election"
"Hillary Clinton Goes Insane, Insinuates that Trump Intends to Cancel the Election"
"Hillary Clinton Goes Nuts, Rants About Not Being Ahead 50 Points"
"Hillary Clinton Got Drunk Last Night and Podesta Had to Cover Her Ass"
"Hillary Clinton Is About to Poke the Hornet's Nest with An Alt-Right Speech"
"Hillary Clinton Might Actually Be Insane Enough to Run Again"
"Hillary Clinton Once Again Rants Moronically About Trump and Russia"
"Hillary Clinton Right for the Wrong Reasons on Some Male Dem Candidates"
"Hillary Clinton Suffers Another Coughing Fit"
"Hillary Clinton and the Ultimate Ironic Tweet"
"Hillary Clinton is Utterly Insane, Says She'd Win if She Ran in 2020"
"Hillary Clinton's Shill The Record Front Lines Have Already Collapsed"
"Hillary Clinton, Corporate Messiah, Fails To Dominate Geriatric Socialist"
"Hillary Clinton/ New York Times, Both used Same tax Loopholes as Trump"
"Hillary'd! The Epstein "Suicide" is a Massive Political Scandal"
"Homosexuality is Normal and not a Sin"
"Hong Kongers Wave the US Flag as US Leftists Promote Communism"
"Honk Honk!: 4chan To Make Hashtag a Nazi Symbol"
"Horseshoe Theory is Dead: Long Live Cone Theory"
"House Intel Ends Russian Collusion Investigation Because No Collusion Occurred"
"House Judiciary Votes to Subpoena Mueller Report"
"How I View Time: The Mayans Meet the Vedic, And Why I Must Shun Hindu and Buddhist Teachings"
"How the Shills Attempt to Bait the Alt Media with Nonsensical Crap"
"Howard Schultz Attacked by Rabid Leftists like Sam Stein and Morning Joe"
"Howard Schultz Might Make a 2020 Run... But as an Independent"
"Huffington Post Laughably Calls the Nicaraguan Democratic Socialists "Fascist""
"Huffington Post Releases Horrendously Bigoted Story About "White People Food""
"Huffington Post calls Net Neutrality Repeal a Russian Conspiracy"
"Hungary Prepares to Fight EU Bureaucrats Regarding NGOs"
"Hungary's Orban Calls for a Populist Bloc"
"Hurricane Dorian Goes Insane, Now Approaching Florida Coast"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton (Who Is a Warmonger) Is Worried Trump Will Start WW3"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Blames Voter ID Laws For Her Loss Now Too"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Calls Potential Investigation Into her Crimes an "Abuse of Power""
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Calls Trump's UN Speech "Dark and Dangerous"- What a Hoot!"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Insinuates that All Black Men Look Alike"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Says 2018 was a "Dark Time" for Our Country... I Agree!"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Says Trump Gives Support to the KKK"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Says Trump a "Confessed Sexual Assaulter"; More Whining!"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Says Women Voted for Trump Because Men Pressured Them"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Won't Forgive Those Who Didn't Vote (For Her of Course)"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton and Neolib Obama Took Days to Condemn and Disavow Harvey Weinstein"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton has Moronic, Self Serving Reaction to Las Vegas Shooting"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton is Whining so Much Even the Legacy Media is Getting Bored With Her"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clinton to Receive Award for Advancing Human Rights... Hahaha!"
"Hydrogen Hillary Clintons' "Liberated" Libya is a Hellhole of Slavery and Civil War"
"Hype Over Hillary Clinton Running in 2020 is Pretty Funny"
"I Agree Fully: Cancel the New York Times Forever #CancelNYT"
"I Am Aware that Some of my Subscribers Aren't Getting My Videos In a Timely Manner"
"I Am Just Me, And I Represent Myself (Enough of the E-Drama)"
"I Am Not Worried About Iran, Or A US War Against Iran"
"I Am Now on SubscribeStar as a Patreon Alternative (And You Should be, Too)"
"I Am Questioning Whether Biden Will Survive the Primaries Politically"
"I Believe Democrats Will Lament Running Against Trump in the Midterms"
"I Call on All My US Fans to Vote Biden in the Democratic Primaries"
"I Condemn the Destruction of the Arkansas Ten Commandments Monument"
"I Condemn the Firing of Cartoonist Rob Rogers (The Legacy Media are Cowards!)"
"I Don't Care About the Iran Deal Withdrawal"
"I Don't See Many So-called Feminists Speaking About Saudi Arabia's All-male "Girls Council""
"I Don't Want a Youtube Union Negotiating Things for Me"
"I Encourage All Swiss Fans to Vote Against Gun Control on May 19th"
"I Foresee Years of Attacks by the Lamestream on the True, Underground Press: It Has Already begun"
"I Got A Christmas Gift... 20,000,000 Views! 2017 No-Ads Pledge Renewal"
"I Guarantee Sanders is Lying When He Says He'd Consider Cutting Aid to Israel"
"I Have the Greatest Comment Sections in Human History"
"I Hope Clinton Runs Again in 2020"
"I Literally Warned the MSM and Big Tech of a Coming Robert Bowers- Their Censorship is to Blame"
"I Need Military Rations!"
"I Oppose Ben Cardin and the Anti Israel Boycott Bill"
"I Oppose Raising the Smoking Age to 21: Unconstitutional and Meaningless"
"I Oppose the FCC's Idea of Ending Net Neutrality"
"I Oppose the FDA Stopping the Import of Kratom / Proposed DEA Scheduling"
"I Predict that Automation Will Not Be A Major Problem; But Globalism Will"
"I Predicted Clinton's Rust Belt Panic Months Ago"
"I Remember When Spudd Predicted I'd Stall Out At 55,000 Subscribers"
"I Remember when People Told me China Was Rising Due to the Nicaragua Canal: I Was Right Again!"
"I Support the RAISE Act Proposed by Trump and the GOP"
"I Think All the Recent Attacks on Infowars are Coordinated"
"I Think I Know What's Happening with the Youtube Subscription "Glitch""
"I Told You Pewdiepie Was Playing 4d Chess with the ADL"
"I Want the Democrats to Nominate the Rock in 2020: Here's Why"
"I Warned You Trump Fans About Ann Coulter: Coulter Reams Trump Presidency as Disaster"
"I Was Right Again: Paul Manafort is Indicted by Mueller Probe"
"I Was Right: FOX' Collapse Has Caused Other "Media" Firms to Poison Themselves with Neoconservatives"
"I Was Right: Trump Team is Focusing on Constitutional Issues, Not Just Fraud, in Election Suits"
"I Won't Kneel An Inch Before Anyone"
"I Wouldn't Be Surprised if the FBI MLK Tapes Are Real"
"I am Basically a Small Government Minarchist"
"I am Now on"
"I am Surprised People are Shocked that the FBI and DOJ Have a Political Bias"
"I'll Vote Trump in the Election: Here's Why You Should Too"
"I'm "Probably" Shadowbanned on Twitter for Wrongthink"
"I'm A Proud College Dropout"
"I'm A Stereotypical Aquarius"
"I'm Back on Parler"
"I'm Not Going to Slow Down... I'm With the High Command"
"I'm Now Accepting Donations On Hatreon"
"I'm Withdrawing From Nicotine; Don't Expect 100% Verbal Finesse!"
"I'm the New Rosa Parks!"
"INSULTING!: East Palestine told to "Just Trust the Government""
"Iceland Most Advanced State in Europe, Proposes Banning Male Genital Mutilation ("Circumcision")"
"Iceland Virtually Eliminates Downs Syndrome Via Abortion"
"Iceland to Build First Pagan Temple since Viking Era"
"If Anthropogenic Climate Change Exists, We Are All Doomed"
"If Clinton Does Win it will Be a Busy Four Years for People Like Me"
"If You Have a Problem With Me, Contact Me, Not My Wife"
"If You Think the Twitter Purge Will End at "LITERAL NAZIS" (tm) You're Wrong"
"If the Democrats Had Any Dignity They'd Rebuke the Rioters"
"If the Democrats are Smart They'll Listen to Heitkamp et al."
"If the GOP Pushes for a Federal Abortion Ban, They're Insane"
"If the Only Way You can Feel Safe is to Suppress Others, You're Very Unsafe Indeed"
"If you Care About Twitter Verification, Stop Caring"
"If you Want to March For Your Lives, March to End Proxy Wars and Rescind Existing Gun Control"
"Ilhan Omar Receives Death Threats: Legacy Media Considers this Abnormal"
"Ilhan Omar Wants to Cede US Sovereignty to the UN at the Southern Border"
"Ilhan Omar, AIPAC, and the False Either-Or Proposition"
"Illinois Celebrates First Obama Day AKA Drone War, Fast and Furious, and NSA Day"
"Impeachment Approval Now Lower than Opposition"
"Important Literary Poll (Link in Description)"
"In A Bid to Destroy Itself Faster, Twitter to Ban "Dehumanizing" Speech"
"In Brighton, UK, Boys to be Told They Can Have Periods Too"
"In Defense of Generation Z"
"In Dystopian San Francisco, City to Pay Six Figure Salaries to Turd Removal Squads"
"In Love (Vocals/Lyrics Tarl Warwick, Music Seawise Romeo)"
"In Response to FOIA, FBI Releases 70+ Mostly Blank Pages on Christopher Steele"
"In Stark Self Satire of Offended People, Cards Against Humanity Criticized for Being Offensive"
"In a Bid to Regain Relevance, Michael Moore Plans to Protest SCOTUS Pick in DC"
"In the Wake of Recent North Korea Issues Trump Invokes Kim Jong Un's Honor"
"Indiegogo Apparently Deplatforms Bitchute"
"Indonesian Blasphemy-Reporting App Deemed "Okay" by Google App Store"
"Infowars Purge Day 3: Mailchimp, Disqus, LinkedIn Ban Big, Scary Alex Jones"
"Insane London Mayor Sadiq Khan Says there is Never a Reason to Carry a Knife"
"Insane Vermont Legislature Wants to Start a Crime Wave by Attacking Lawful Gun Owners"
"Interview on Episode 181 of the Unbelievable Podcast (Occultism, 2016 Election)"
"Iran Attacks US Bases: War Hawks Cheer/ Trump to Make Statement"
"Iran Supposedly Increases Uranium Enrichment: I Don't Care"
"Irony: Cringe Fringe Leftists Try to Cancel the Term "Cancel Culture""
"Is Erica Marsh A Really Good Troll, Or the Most Insane Leftist On Earth?"
"Is Tomorrow Bloody Monday? Silicon Valley Bank in Focus"
"Israel Banning Tlaib and Omar is So Confusingly Hilarious"
"Israel Fires on Pro-Assad Forces in Syria over Stray Artillery, Apparently Ignores ISIS"
"Israel's Defense Chief Quits as Netanyahu Achieves a Cease Fire with Hamas"
"Issues I Agree With Liberals On"
"It Doesn't Help The US To Be Antagonistic and War-Happy"
"It Is Very Unlikely that Trump will be Impeached"
"It Will Be Hysterical When My Generation Gets Old"
"It's Almost Not Worth Talking About the Mueller Fiasco Anymore"
"It's Amusing Watching People Pretend Trump is Warmongering After Iran"
"It's Funny to see Authoritarians Try to Use Libertarianism to Argue For Corporatist Net Censorship"
"It's Hilarious Watching MTV News Argue for Censorship"
"It's Hilarious Watching People Underestimate Trump All Over Again"
"It's Hysterical to see Clinton Blame A Russian Conspiracy for the DNC Leaks"
"It's Kind of Weird Being Well Known On the Internet"
"Italian Election: Authoritarianism Dealt Huge Blow by Populism and Nativism"
"Italys' Salvini Diverts Money from Migrants to Police Officers, Defying EU"
"JK Rowling Gets Called a Bigot and TERF by the Twitter Mafia"
"Jake Tapper Calls Florida GOP Office Being Shot at "Vandalism""
"James Allsup, Iconoclast, Martin Sellner Banned From Youtube"
"James Watson Is Not a Racist"
"Janet Jackson Tells the Truth, Gets Called a Disinfo Agent"
"January 31 To Become UK Independence Day as Brexit Vote Passes Overwhelmingly"
"January 6th Wasn't an Insurrection, and Ashli Babbitt Wasn't a Criminal"
"Jared Holt Attacks me and Ramzpaul: But He's Actually Engaging in Capitalism; Here's How"
"Jared Holt, RWW "Reporter" Who Attacked Me Last Year, Finally Blocked Me on Twitter"
"Jeb Bush Insinuates that Only White Americans Oppose Uncontrolled Immigration"
"Jeb Bush Rues Our Exit from Syria as he gets Nostalgic for Middle Eastern Wars"
"Jeff Sessions Must be Fired"
"Jeff Sessions is Totally Wrong on Marijuana"
"Jeff Zucker and CNN Exposed by Project Veritas"
"Jeffrey Sumpter Gets Attacked, Defends Self, Goes to Prison: Trump Should Pardon Him"
"Jessica Tarlov is Half Right About Biden but There's One Glaring Problem"
"Jill Stein is Investigated by Congressional Witch Hunt; Third Parties Frighten Them"
"Jim Acosta Loses WH Press Pass, Pretends this Violates the First Amendment"
"Jim Acosta is in Denial About Being a Propagandist"
"Jim Justice, Governor of West Virginia, Leaves Democratic Party, Defects to GOP"
"Jim Snow: Uber Eats Engages in Digital Segregation Against Non-Black Businesses"
"Job Growth and Wages Both Very Strong for October"
"Jobs, Wages Shatter Expectations as Stocks Rise and Labor Force Participation Ticks Up"
"Joe Biden Claims He's "Most Qualified in the Country" to be President"
"Joe Biden Claims His Son Beau Died In Iraq... but He Didn't"
"Joe Biden Expected to Announce 2020 Campaign"
"Joe Biden Gets Lost in a Racial Jungle"
"Joe Biden Goes Insane, Invites Kids on Stage and Makes Sexual Misconduct Joke Gaffe"
"Joe Biden Has a Big Tara Reade Problem"
"Joe Biden Insinuates Black People Are All Identical... No This Isn't a Joke"
"Joe Biden Is Insane, And Can't Even Hide It"
"Joe Biden Loses It in a Haze of Dementia Again"
"Joe Biden May Run in 2020"
"Joe Biden Wins All March 17th Primary States, HUMILIATES Snake Oil Sanders"
"Joe Biden Wouldn't Have Beaten Trump But He's Kinda Right On One Thing"
"Joe Biden is Literally Demented and is Losing His Marbles Each and Every Day"
"Joe Biden is Massively Ahead of Snake Oil Sanders in All Four March 17th Primary States"
"Joe Biden is Perfectly Normal and Alright, Everyone"
"Joe Bidens Dumb New War in Yemen"
"Joe Bidens Remaining Sanity Dwindles to Zero, Declares Trump "The First Racist President""
"John McCain Doesn't Want Trump at His Funeral- He Only Hangs With Warmongers"
"John McCain Has Brain Cancer"
"John McCain Tries to Question Comey but Leaves Everyone Questioning His Mental State"
"John McCain Will Finally Kick Off Soon Like He Made Millions of Other People Suffer and Die"
"John McCain is A Disgrace and So Are the Corporate Media Pawns Defending Him"
"John McCain is Probably Colluding with the DNC, Corporate Media, and Foreign States to Stop Trump"
"John Podesta's Nonsensical Spirit Cooking Crap"
"John Travolta Accused of Sexual Battery, Also Former Biden Guard Alleges He's like Weinstein"
"Johnny Depp Goes Off Deep End, Invokes John Wilkes Booth"
"Join Me On Minds, Gab, Vidme, Bitchute for Notifications and More"
"Join me on Minds, the Free Speech Social Media Network"
"Jordan Peterson Locked Out of Youtube: Youtube's Faulty Automation Strikes Again?"
"Juan Williams Thinks Michael Bloomberg Is Viable"
"Judaism is Not a Nationality, Trump"
"Judicial Activism as Trump Wall Blocked Some More"
"Julian Assange Arrested, Setting Stage for Attacks on The Press Worldwide"
"Jussie Smollett, the SPLC, Cortez, and the Problem of Tabloid "News""
"Justin Trudeau Faces New Calls to Resign Over His Past Sexual Assault Of a Journalist"
"Juul CEO Steps Down Like a Baby, Because He's a Vaping CEO"
"Kamala Harris Blunders Badly in Chat With Stephen Colbert, Basically Admits She's A Liar"
"Kamala Harris Doesn't Want People to Know She's a Crooked Former Prosecutor"
"Kamala Harris' Ugly, Racist Noble Savage Mythology"
"Kanye West Announces A Semi-Serious Presidential Bid: Leftists Outraged"
"Karl Marx Didn't Understand Human Nature And Communism is a Lie"
"Karl Marx' Grave Desecrated: My Thoughts"
"Kavanaugh Confirmation Vote Delayed Again by the GOP- Republicans Skirt Disaster"
"Keep the Government Shut Down For Good"
"Keith Ellison is Likely to Lose his Bid for Minnesota Attorney General"
"Kid Rock Should Seriously Run for the Senate; Here's Why"
"Kim Jong Un Threatens US with "Nuclear Button"... Trump Responds in Kind"
"Kimdotcom Claims to have Info Pertinent to Wikileaks/Seth Rich"
"Kirsten Powers Exposes CNN For the Bullies They Are, Filipovic Insinuates Only Women Get Trolled"
"Kurt Schlicter is 100% Right About Trumps Response to the Far Left Riots"
"Kyle Rittenhouse Acted in Self Defense- it's Time Americans Speak Out About Leftoid Violence"
"LA Times Tries to Cover for Hydrogen Hillary Clinton's Epic Loss"
"LINOs Defend China, Chastise Trump for "Endangering" Apple"
"Lamestream Logan Paul Crucified for Suicide Forest Video by Opportunists"
"Lamestream Media Outraged more by Trump's Proposed Military Parade than by W or Obamas' Warmongering"
"Late Stage Leftism: Extremist Furthest-Left Supports Censoring New Michael Moore Documentary"
"Laura Loomer Banned from Twitter for Criticizing Religious Zealots and Child Abuse"
"Lauren Southern Detained in UK for "Racism"... Disgraceful"
"Le Pen Vows to Stop All Immigration Temporarily/ French Election Banter"
"LeBron James, China, Censorship, and the Dangers of Globalism"
"Leaked Memo Proves Democrats Want Blanket Amnesty, See Illegals as a Voting Bloc"
"Learn to Code! Kirsten Powers Ragequits Twitter, Buzzfeed Downsizes, Huffpost Opinion Closes"
"Learning How to Cook is Cool"
"Left Wing Dems Turn on Beijing Biden as he Skeeves Out on 2000 Dollar Stimulus Checks"
"Left Wing Thugs Shoot, Kill 8 Year Old in Atlanta: Mayor Finally Has Enough"
"Leftist "Witches" Still Trying to Hex Trump"
"Leftist Media Encouraging "Liberals" to blame Protestors and Opposition for Venezuelan Crisis"
"Leftists Congratulate Themselves About Tulsa Despite Losing Badly (Cringe of the Day!)"
"Leftists Gaslight Cancel Culture Even as Leftists Attack George Orwell"
"Leftists Make it Clear Their "Defund the Police" Stance is Just a Shakedown for Cash"
"Leftists Play the Race Card on Joe Biden"
"Leftists are in Utter Denial About the Midterms"
"Legacy Media Baron Les Moonves (CBS Corp) Allegedly Involved With Six Cases of Misconduct"
"Legacy Media CNN Defends Jeff Sessions, Calls Trump Shameful- What a Hoot!"
"Legacy Media Confused that Trump Would Defend Himself"
"Legacy Media Corporation CNN Settles with Nick Sandmann Over Defamation Lawsuit"
"Legacy Media Damage Control: Calling All Alternative News "Fake""
"Legacy Media Fools at CNN Blaze Weed in Denver: If Alt Media Figures Do That They Get Banned"
"Legacy Media Gaslighting Over El Paso Crowd Sizes"
"Legacy Media Hacks at CNN Try to Claim Joe Rogan is a Racist Homophobe"
"Legacy Media Having a Nervous Breakdown Thinking of a Second Trump Term... Let's Go Brandon!"
"Legacy Media Just Won't Stop Promoting Marxist CRT"
"Legacy Media Liberals and Mueller Team Prepare for a Severe Loss After Railroading Manafort"
"Legacy Media New York Times Applauds China's Great Firewall and Heavy Handed Censorship"
"Legacy Media Persists in Fixating on Trump's Pre-Political Investment Deals"
"Legacy Media Recycles 2015 for 2019"
"Legacy Media Tries to Astroturf Desantis as "Dangerous" and "Edgy""
"Legacy Media Tries to Humanize Hillary Clinton With a Fluff Piece About a School Election"
"Legacy Media Whines About Trump "Censoring" Them As They Call For Censoring the Alt Media"
"Legacy Media to Try and Declare Criticism of Fake News to be a "War on the 'Press' ""
"Legacy Media... SAY IT!"
"Legalize Psilocybin? Denver Might Say Yes"
"Legendary Warmonger John McCain Attacks Trump for Not Going Nuts On Putin"
"Let's Go Brandon! Memetics is Back, Baby!"
"Liberals Praise George W Bush; I Denounce Genocidal George and his Warmonger Buddies"
"Liberals Soil Themselves in Misplaced Glee Over One CNN Outlier Matchup Poll"
"Liberals Today Remind me of Bush Neocons From the Mid 2000s"
"Liberals Want Trump to "Save" Russian Gays as they Ignore the Middle East"
"Libertarian Party Abandons Actual Liberty In Favor of Courting Disaffected Leftist Voters"
"Libertarian vs Authoritarianism Debate: A Redux"
"Like All Socialists, Bernie Sanders is a Massive Hypocrite, Underpays Staffers"
"Lil' Kitty Athena"
"Lin Wood to Defend Kyle Rittenhouse After Gofundme Takes Clear Ideological Sides"
"Linda Sarsour's Jihad and Assimilation Comments"
"Linguistics Are How You Win: Everyone Must Hear the Term "Moral Panic""
"Literal Fake News from the Guardian about Manafort Meeting With Julian Assange"
"Literary Update and Thank You to my Patreon Donors"
"Literary Update: "Against Communism": Now Available!"
"Literary Update: Against Corporate Media, Now Available!"
"Literary Update: Improving the State, Now Available"
"Literary Update: Most Titles Now Available as Ebooks"
"Locked and Loaded: Trump Issues Military Ultimatum to North Korea"
"Look at this Photograph! Deplatforming Attacks on Trump Meme Make it Even More Viral"
"Looking Ahead: Predictions for the Twenties"
"Loretta Lynch Censors Orlando Transcript, Scrubs All Mention of Islam"
"Loretta Lynch to be Probed by Senate"
"Louis CK, Roy Moore, Steven Seagal, Charlie Sheen: New Allegations of Severe Misconduct"
"Love My Way (Psychedelic Furs Cover, Tarl Warwick/ Gifts Ungiven)"
"Lower Everyones Taxes and Stop Killing Third World Children"
"Lunatic Chuck Schumer is Concerned Your Kids will Snort Chocolate"
"MAGA is Normalcy, Leftists"
"MGTOW And Its Lack of Logic (And ThuleanPerspective's Optimism)"
"MSM Says Russia is Spreading the "Release the Memo" Material: That's Wrong"
"MSNBC Faces Outrage as they Shelter "Homophobic" Progressive Hypocrite Joy Reid"
"MTV is Dying; but So Is MTV News"
"Macedonian Nationalists Storm Parliament over Ethnic Albanian Speaker"
"Macron Considers Martial Law, French Police Lose Control of Fuel Riots"
"Maduro Begins Rationing Electricity as Protests Grow in Socialist Venezuela"
"Maduro Getting Paranoid About Plots Just Like Every Socialist Leader Does"
"Maduro and Guiado Fail to Agree on Anything in Bilateral Talks"
"Major Der Spiegel Journo Exposed for Publishing Fake News"
"Majority of Americans Expect Trump to Win in 2020"
"Make School Lunch Edible Again: Trump to Scrap Michelle Obama's School Food Crap Bureaucracy"
"Man Murdered by Maryland Police for Resisting Unlawful Gun Confiscation"
"Manifest Observable Bullcrap: Patreon Doubles Down"
"Manly Cervixes! The Left Wing Campaign to Erase Women Continues"
"Manning to Primary for US Senate Position"
"Many People Think "Being Right" is a Popularity Pissing Contest"
"Many Truckers Will Avoid Cities that Defund the Police"
"March 6th: Gathering of the Minds Conference! (Also, Collett Chat this Afternoon 2PM EST)"
"Marijuana Prohibition Finally Ends in Vermont"
"Marin County High and the Bay Police Harass Soph for Daring to Make Satire"
"Marine Le Pen Commanded to Undergo Psychiatric Tests Because She Tweeted Wrongthink"
"Marriot Vacations Discrimination Case: Actual Racism comes from Power Structures"
"Martin Shkreli Suggests He Might Bankroll/Buy/Support 4chan"
"Mass Deportations to Begin as Guatemala Set to Become Safe Third Country"
"Mass Protests In Iran, Chile, Bolivia"
"Mass Shooting in Las Vegas as Stephen Paddock Kills 50+ at Country Music Concert"
"Massive Hurricane Lane Might Slam Into Hawaii Tomorrow"
"Massive Scandal Unfolding Regarding Clinton Campaign Absorbing Illicit Funding"
"Massive Scandal: Ratcliffe Posts Strzok/Page Testimony on Obama DOJ, etc"
"Matt Drudge is Right about FOX Being a Moronic Sham Company"
"Matt Furie Is Making a Mistake Trying to Censor the Use of Pepe"
"Maximo Alvarez' RNC Speech Was Amazing and the RNC Is Crushing the Dems' Efforts"
"McCabe Wants Immunity as Sean Hannity Trolls the Left"
"McRaven Calls Trump a Great Threat to the USA, Shows Lack of Understanding"
"Meanwhile in Australia: Bull Semen Facility Catches Fire, Firefighters "Dodge Projectiles""
"Meatflation! The Democrats' New, Absolutely Insane Defense of Bidenomics"
"Media Insinuates that Trump Threatened War with Mexico"
"Media/Hillary Declare Pepe the Frog a "White Nationalist" Symbol"
"Megyn Kelly Gets Trolled into Yesteryear by Alex Jones"
"Mel Gibson to Make Passion of the Christ II: Jesus Goes to Hell"
"Memetic Occultism! Power Goes Out at First Biden-Harris Event"
"Memo Leaked Regarding IRS Compliance with Congressional Request for Trump Taxes"
"Mercy With Responsibility: The Dalai Lama Is Correct on Europe"
"Merkel Whines over Trumps' Proposed Russian Sanctions"
"Merkelist German Authoritarians Make A Second Push to Censor US Tech Firms"
"Merriam-Webster Promises to Adopt Doubleplusgood Racism Definition"
"Mexican President Vows to Reduce Illegal Migrations as Trump Seeks Quick NAFTA Solution"
"Micah Has A Tired"
"Michael Flynn Indicted for Lying to the FBI: But Once Again, Trump is Unscathed"
"Michael Moore Documentary Censored... By the Far Left"
"Michael Moore Hilariously Attended a Russian-Sponsored Anti Trump Rally"
"Michelle Obama Claims Women Who Didn't Vote for Clinton "Voted Against their Own Voice""
"Microsoft Word AI to Police Language by Default"
"Midterm Banter: Trump Turnout Effect, Approval at 43.1, Generic Ballot Stable"
"Midterm Live Stream Confirmed 7PM EST on the 6th ft. Guests!"
"Midterm Omnibus: Senate Polling, Trump Approval, etc"
"Midterm Omnibus: Senate Polls Favor GOP, Early Voting, Trump Approval Stable at 44.5"
"Midterms: Trump Approval 44%, Generic Ballot Favors Dems by 7.5, Kavanaugh Effect"
"Mike Cernovich Is Wrong About Christianity and Islam"
"Mike Cernovich and Richard Spencer Spar over DC Rally; My Thoughts"
"Mike Pence Forces Michael Flynn to Resign over Russia Calls"
"Mike Pompeo Travels to North Korea As Jingoists In US Intel Casts Doubt on DPRK Denuclearization"
"Military Intervention in Venezuela? I Oppose It, Despite its Apparent Popularity"
"Milkshake Mayhem in the UK!"
"Mill River Union High School in North Clarendon Shamefully Flies the BLM Flag: My Response"
"Millennials Abandon the Democrats (Paradigm Shift 101)"
"Millionaire Socialist Bernie Sanders' Medical Plan Would Cost Twice Our Nations' GDP"
"Milo Goes on an Attack Against Salon, Takei, and Maher"
"Milo Once Again Gets Antifa and Similar Groups to Destroy their Own Cause at UC Berkeley"
"Milo Yiannopolous Banned From Twitter: Twitter Is Useless Anyways"
"Minds Adopts Token System (Also: Dear Bill Ottman, Improve Blog Functionality!)"
"Minneapolis Overrun with Crime: Prepare to be Robbed!"
"Misleading Words: "Anti fascists", "Patriot act", etc; Reality Manipulation"
"Miss Michigan Stripped of her Title for Wrongthink"
"Missouri and Alabama Basically Ban Abortion, Trump Gets Blamed by Liberals"
"Mistrial in Cosby Case was Easily Foreseeable"
"Mitch McConnell Finally Does Something Useful and Punishes the Senate"
"Mitt Romney's Never-Trumpism Lite"
"Mixed News On Ebola Epidemic in Congo"
"Modern Australian CR1M Ration Menu H: Muesli, Coffee, and a Fruit Chew"
"Modern Multiculturalism and Diversity Are Identical to the Colonial Era"
"Modern Russian 24h MRE (Late Lunch)"
"Modern US MRE Review: Vegetable Lasagna Menu II (Vegetarian)"
"Modern Vegetarian US MRE Review: Menu 12 Penne Spicy Pasta"
"Molyneux Suffers Several Youtube Strikes as Mark Dice is Locked on Twitter"
"Molyneux, Newproject2, Jared Taylor, Richard Spencer "Coincidentally" Deplatformed in one Day"
"Moral Panic! Trump Attacks Vaping, Suggests Banning Flavored Products"
"Moral Panic!: Calgary Police Say Heavy Music a Sign of Nazism in Children"
"Moral Panic: Canada Man Faces Leftist Ire for Fundraising Despite Being Found Not Guilty of Murder"
"Moral Panic: MSNBC Tries to Get Coast Guard Member Fired for Scratching His Face"
"Morality Police! Congressman Jim Banks Wants to Ban Porn on the Internet"
"More Impotent Globalists Threaten to Sever Ties with Failed Socialist Venezuela"
"More Kavanaugh Accuser Nonsense Now With 100% Less Evidence as Hearings Begin"
"More Legacy Media Smears of Trumps Puerto Rico Response as Angel Perez Otero Praises President"
"More People Recognize Sanders than Biden... And Reject His Message"
"More Rations Have Arrived: Military Ration Videos Soon!"
"More Troops to Afghanistan, Criticism for Pakistan, Soaring Rhetoric: Trumps Speech"
"More and More People Are Waking Up to the Likelihood of Trump Being Reelected"
"More of Amsterdam From a Tram"
"Morons Want to Fire Windsor High School Principal for "Tone Deaf" BLM Posts"
"Morrissey Gets It, Condemns Imprisonment of Tommy Robinson, Gets Defamed by UK Media"
"Most Admired Bullcrap as Michelle "What Lunch?" Obama Supplants Hydrogen Hillary Clinton"
"Most Americans are Sane, And Understand That Tech Firms Censor Inconvenient Content"
"Most House Democrats Now Support Committing Political Suicide"
"Most Multinational Corporations Grandstand About Police Brutality"
"Most Positive View of the Direction of the Country Since 2005 (But There's a Catch)"
"Mother Nature Don't Give a Crap: The Pacific Garbage Patch in Focus"
"Mozilla (Which I Warned About 2 Years Ago) Bans Dissenter App as Chrome Follows Suit"
"Much-Hated Individual Mandate of ACA to be Scrapped"
"Mueller Apparently Desperate for Actual Russia Evidence, Hires More People"
"Mueller Indicts Manafort and His Associate Kilimnik for Obstruction"
"Mueller Makes a Russia Probe Statement- And Trolls Everyone"
"Mueller Now Going After Tony Podesta for Russia Dealings"
"Mueller Probe Deflated Somewhat as Papadopoulos Gets Only 14 Days in Jail"
"Mueller Probe Likely to End Soon After the Midterms"
"Mueller Questions Sessions, FBI Texts and DOJ, #ReleasetheMemo"
"Muh OK Hand Sign White Power: Legacy Media/ADL Get Trolled Again"
"Must Do, Should Do, Want to Do: My Philosophy"
"My Fear: The Cannibalizing of Libertarians and Progressives by Fanatics Due to Government Ineptitude"
"My Feelings on the Movement to Reduce Meat Consumption"
"My Final Answer on Drag Shows"
"My Garden"
"My Honest Ratings of the Star Wars Movies (Spoilers, Obviously)"
"My Response to the Syria Strikes: Unhelpful, but Part of a Larger Situation"
"My Tenth Anniversary Of Youtubing: A Decade of Content Creation"
"My Thoughts on the Armenian Genocide"
"My Thoughts on the Proposed US TikTok Ban"
"My Upcoming "Vacation" (Also Laptop Update)"
"NASA is Back as Trump Vows to Explore the Moon Again"
"NBC News Caught Being Honest, Admits Roe v. Wade is Not Endangered by Trump SCOTUS"
"NBC Tries to Attack Trump With Early 90s Footage of Him With Epstein"
"NBCs Defense of Sanders and Warren is Literally Insane"
"NC Governor Roy Cooper Should be Impeached For His State of Emergency Misuse"
"NIMBY "Extinction Rebellion" Sellouts Get Slammed in London"
"NOFX Did Nothing Wrong: Don't Buy Their Music If You Dislike Their Bad Joke"
"NYT Declares America to be "Hated"- That's Rich Coming from the Corporate Media!"
"NYT Gets a Major Legal Smackdown Over Political Spying on Project Veritas"
"NYT John Paul Stevens Calls to Repeal the Second Amendment: Good Luck!"
"NYT's Ekow Yankah Asks "Can my Kids be Friends with White People?""
"NYT: Facebook Paid for Smear Job Against... George Soros"
"Nadler and the House Dems' Impeachment BS is Funny as Hell"
"Nancy Pelosi Actually Complained About the June Jobs Report and Tax Cuts"
"Nancy Pelosi Admits Defeat: Impeachment to be Sent to Die in the Senate"
"Nancy Pelosi Calls Trump "Morbidly Obese" and Ignores Basic Medicine"
"Nancy Pelosi Encourages Biden to Cower and Refuse to Debate Trump"
"Nancy Pelosi Warns of Collateral Damage to Those Who Oppose the Democrats in Interview Segment"
"Nashville PD Sued For Covering Up the Audrey Hale Manifesto"
"National Embarassment California Decides to Try and Raise Gun Sale Age to 21"
"Neocon Warhawks Want Trump to Sabotage the North Korea Summit"
"Neoliberalism and Neoconservatism are Dying Out (A World Paradigm Shift In Progress)"
"Neoliberalism is Identical to Moral Traditionalism and the Two Party System is a Scam"
"Nepal Falls to Communism: Don't Expect them to Leave Any Time Soon"
"Nervous Democrats Do a 180, Finally Admit to Far Left Violence, Blame Trump Anyways"
"Net Neutrality for ISPs Dead as Net Censorship via Big Social Media Continues Unabated"
"Net Neutrality is Great but Many of its Proponents are Hypocritical"
"Netanyahu Rabblerouses for War with Iran Again"
"Netanyahu Stupidly Implicates the Polish in the Holocaust"
"Netanyahu and Israel Attack Soros, Side with Hungarian Nationalism"
"Netflix Censors a Show to Appease the Saudi Government"
"Netflix Gets Totally Hammered for "Dear White People""
"Nevada Caucus Results: Sanders Wins as Expected, Biden and Buttigieg Do Well- What It Means"
"Never Back Down From or Apologize to Authoritarian Jackboot Lovers (Outrage Mobs)"
"Never Forget! 9-11 Was Used by the Government to Destroy Liberty"
"Never Leave Me (Lyrics/Vocals Tarl Warwick, Music Seawise Romeo)"
"New Adsense TOS Has Some Larger Creators Worried... But Not Me!"
"New Bilateral Korean Summit as Kim Jong Un Says Summit with Trump Increased Stability"
"New DNC Leaks: Colin Powell, Clown Donors, Twitter Censorship"
"New DNC Slogan Is So Massively Dumb That It Caused Me to Laugh Until I Felt Sick (SJW!)"
"New End Times Theory: Georgia Guidestones/Remote Viewers and August 14th, 2016"
"New Green Deal Mocked Widely, Triggers Predicted Dem Civil War"
"New Hampshire House Votes to Decriminalize Marijuana: Sununu Will Support it"
"New Hampshire Primary Results: Sanders Barely Wins, Biden Fifth, Yang Drops Out"
"New Laptop Arriving Today; So I'll Be Busy!"
"New Leaked George Floyd Arrest Footage is Damning for the Cringe Fringe Rioters"
"New Logo Shoutout and Illustrator Needed for Two Short Herbals"
"New Mexico Compound Case Gets Even Weirder as Judge Dismisses Initial Neglect Charges"
"New Years' Eve Celebrations Hilariously Dedicated to Freedom of the Press"
"New York Considers More Unconstitutional Gun Control"
"New York Hit by Terrorist Attack on Halloween, and How To Save Our Nation"
"New York Likely to Decriminalize Marijuana"
"New York Red Flag (ERPO) Law Ruled Unconstitutional"
"New York Times Fantasizes About Trump Losing in 2020"
"New York Times Hires Literal Racist Sarah Jeong: My Take"
"New York Times Opinion Page Endorses Communism"
"New York Times Supports Espionage and Mass Surveillance, Slaps Family Friendly Terms on It"
"New Zealand Blocks Bitchute, 8chan, etc, Gets Told to Fuck Off by Kiwifarms"
"Newsguard to Keep the Ten Proles Who Use Edge Safe from Unpopular Opinions"
"Newsweek Trots Out Three Month Old Crap and Declares Clinton can Still be President"
"Nick Sandmann Unleashes a 250 Million Dollar Legal Nuke on the Washington Post"
"Nick Sandmann Wins Settlement From Washington Post in Defamation Case"
"No Lives Matter"
"No Nobel Prize for Greta, Showing the Nobel Committee Retains A Tiny Bit of Sanity"
"No Russian Ever Tried to Screw Me, So Why Would I Fear Russia?"
"No You Should Not Celebrate Weakness and Regression as Postmodernism Suggests"
"No, Clinton Will Not Be Declared President by the Electoral College"
"No, I Don't Believe Cody Wilson is a Predator: I Think He Was Entrapped"
"No, I Won't Change My Channel Name, Style, or Delivery"
"No, Leftists, Camden Didn't "Disband" Their Police"
"No, MAGA Communism Does Not Exist"
"No, Mark Zuckerberg Isn't a Free Speech Fan for Refusing to Ban People for Ideology"
"No, Progressives, Bernie Sanders Will Not be the Democratic Nominee in 2020"
"No, Trump Did Not Cave on the Border Wall in His DACA Deal"
"No, We're Not on the Precipice of Civil War: Chill Out"
"No, Yellowstone is Not About to Blow Up (Another End Times Bullcrap Prophecy)"
"No, it Isn't Libertarian to Side with Rioting Communists"
"No, the August 21st Solar Eclipse isn't a Sign of the End Times"
"No, the Finders FBI Release Doesn't Corroborate Satanic Panic Claims"
"No, the United States Won't Balkanize lol"
"North Korea Detains US Citizen, Proclaims it can Sink US Carriers"
"North Korea Develops Apparent Multi-Stage ICBM: Trump Calls Emergency UN Meeting"
"North Korea Threatens to Use Nuclear Weapons against Australia"
"North Korean Shortwave Allegedly Hacked to Play "The Final Countdown""
"North and South Korea Hold Snap Meeting at Border"
"Nostalgia for the 1990s is Dumb"
"Not One Mention of "Riots" by Any Lamestream Network"
"Not Only Should Washington DC Not be a State, It Legally Can't"
"Not a Conspiracy Theory: The FBI Infiltrated the Trump Campaign Re: Papadopoulos"
"Now Announcing: Bitchute and Dtube Exclusive Psychotropic Series"
"Now the New York Times Is Failing Too: Walk-out as Mass Firing Begins"
"ORANGE MAN BIG! A Political Satire, Now Available!"
"Obama DOJ Allowed Natalia Vetelnitskaya into the US under "Extraordinary Circumstances""
"Obama Lied Regarding Clinton's Personal Server; He Knew About It All Along"
"Obama Plans To Give Control of the Internet to the World at Large: Why We Must Stop Him"
"Obama Stammers His Way Through Diatribe Against Trump"
"Obamacare Ruled Unconstitutional by Federal Judge in Texas"
"Obsessive Hacks Go Nuts Analyzing the Trump-Putin G20 Handshake"
"Occult Literature #239: Stars of Destiny"
"Occult Literature #242: Dreams and Premonitions"
"Occult Literature #243: Occult Japan"
"Occult Literature #252: The Ancient Mysteries and Modern Masonry"
"Occult Literature #253: The Supernatural in Romantic Literature"
"Occult Literature #254: The Deeper Mysteries"
"Occult Literature #258: Fraternalism and the Church"
"Occult Literature #260: Esoteric Buddhism"
"Occult Literature #262: The Initiates of the Flame"
"Occult Literature #263: The Lost Keys of Freemasonry"
"Occult Literature #267: Abraham Lincoln the Practical Mystic"
"Occult Literature #269: Frays Golden Recipes"
"Occult Literature #272: The Idea of God in Early Religions"
"Occult Literature #274: The Religion of Babylon and Assyria"
"Occult Literature #281: Modern Mysticism and Other Essays"
"Occult Literature #284: Ancient Mythology of Britain and Ireland"
"Occult Literature #286: Epicurus"
"Occult Literature #287: A Primer of Theosophy"
"Occult Literature #294: Birds in Legend and Folklore"
"Occult Literature 106: Magic and Witchcraft"
"Occult Literature 108: Magic of the Middle Ages"
"Occult Literature 109: Counterblast to Tobacco (King James I)"
"Occult Literature 110: Roman Index of Forbidden Books"
"Occult Literature 111: Is the Devil A Myth?"
"Occult Literature 113: Magic of the Horse Shoe"
"Occult Literature 114: Dragons and Dragon Lore"
"Occult Literature 116: The Only True Way"
"Occult Literature 117: The Book of Halloween"
"Occult Literature 118: Weeds Used as Medicine"
"Occult Literature 121: Vril, the Power of the Coming Race"
"Occult Literature 122: 1900 Or; the Last President (Ingersoll Lockwood)"
"Occult Literature 130: Emotional Alchemy"
"Occult Literature 132: Pagan Prayers"
"Occult Literature 133: The Astrological Physician"
"Occult Literature 134: Celtic Religion"
"Occult Literature 138: The Alchemical Catechism"
"Occult Literature 139: Fama Fraternitatis"
"Occult Literature 140: Valhalla, the Myths of Norseland"
"Occult Literature 141: The Tree of Life; Physical Regenesis"
"Occult Literature 142: Aryan Sun Myths"
"Occult Literature 144: The New Chemical Light"
"Occult Literature 147: Hypnotism (DeLaurence)"
"Occult Literature 148: Jewish Mysticism (Abelson)"
"Occult Literature 149: Shaman, Saifa, and Sufi"
"Occult Literature 150: Ars Paulina"
"Occult Literature 151: Football Occultism"
"Occult Literature 153: The Mystics of Islam"
"Occult Literature 154: The Lesser Key of Solomon"
"Occult Literature 155: Ars Theurgia Goetia"
"Occult Literature 156: The Tabernacle (The Gospel According to Moses)"
"Occult Literature 157: There Are No Dead"
"Occult Literature 159: The Family Nurse"
"Occult Literature 160: How to Hold Circles (For Developing Mediumship)"
"Occult Literature 161: Occultism in the Shakespeare Plays"
"Occult Literature 162: Vampires and Vampirism"
"Occult Literature 163: Assamese Demonology"
"Occult Literature 164: Babylonian Conceptions of Heaven and Hell"
"Occult Literature 165: Animism"
"Occult Literature 166: Ghostly Phenomena"
"Occult Literature 167: The Imperialistic Council of the Magi"
"Occult Literature 168: Materialized Apparitions"
"Occult Literature 169: The Secret of the Success of the Ouija Board"
"Occult Literature 170: Practical Occultism"
"Occult Literature 173: The Kybalion"
"Occult Literature 174: The Devil"
"Occult Literature 175: Werwolves"
"Occult Literature 176: A Tryal of Witches"
"Occult Literature 177: Flower Lore"
"Occult Literature 178: Pagan Mythology; Wisdom of the Ancients"
"Occult Literature 180: The Divine Mystery"
"Occult Literature 181: The Dwarfs of Mount Atlas"
"Occult Literature 183: Ancient Cures, Charms, and Usages of Ireland"
"Occult Literature 184: The Talmud (A Story of Judaism)"
"Occult Literature 185: Death and the Afterlife"
"Occult Literature 186: Spiritualism and Necromancy"
"Occult Literature 188: The Celtic Religion"
"Occult Literature 190: Strange Phenomena of New England"
"Occult Literature 192: Celtic Mythology"
"Occult Literature 195: Signs, Omens, and Superstitions"
"Occult Literature 198: Thesaurus Incantatus"
"Occult Literature 199: Occultism (Two Lectures)"
"Occult Literature 1: A Book Of Alchemy (Marsilius Ficinus"
"Occult Literature 200: The Mystic Will"
"Occult Literature 208: Dreams (Leadbeater)"
"Occult Literature 209: Phallic Miscellanies"
"Occult Literature 211: Mystics of the Renaissance"
"Occult Literature 216: HP Blavatsky (An Outline)"
"Occult Literature 223: A Treatise on Magic"
"Occult Literature 226: Devil Worship In France (Waite)"
"Occult Literature 230: Gleanings of a Mystic"
"Occult Literature 231: The Mystic Dream Book"
"Occult Literature 235: The Law of Natural Healing"
"Occult Literature 31: The Occult Basis of ASMR"
"Occult Literature 34: The Principles of Sonic Occultism"
"Occult Literature 351: The Riddle of Life and How Theosophy Answers It"
"Occult Literature 51: Female Preeminence (Agrippa)"
"Occult Literature 54: The Universal Fortune Teller (1790 Edition)"
"Occult Literature 59: Your Future Revealed by the Gods of Greece"
"Occult Literature 70: Golden Tractate of Hermes"
"Occult Literature 89: Hindu Book of Astrology"
"Occult Literature 91: Cotton Mather and Witchcraft"
"Occult Literature 95: A Treatise on Magical Incantations"
"Occult Synchronicity: Kek, Pepe Song, Anonymous, Black Clad Legion"
"October Surprise! Clinton Foundation Involved in TARP Fund Embezzlement by Congressional Democrats"
"Official Styxhexenhammer666 Coffee Mug Pre-Launch Poll"
"Official Support for NollaGirl504, TheLordHumungus, The Gunman, thecreepswork, Semiogogue"
"Oh NOW People Worry about Ebola- Possible Case in Sweden Sends People into Panic"
"Omar Mateen (Pulse Nightclub Shooter)'s Father was an FBI Informant"
"On BetterHelp or, Why I Don't Take Business Sponsorships"
"On Corporations and Social Issues Re: Youtube Pride Video"
"On Incels: A Symptom of De Facto Censorship and the Danger of Echo Chambers"
"On RWW's Character Assassination of Me (And My Support for Some of Their Work Oddly!)"
"On Slate's Semi-Smear Article About Alt Tech (Mentioning Me, Gab, and More)"
"On the Boston Free Speech Rally, Counterprotests, VA Shiva, Trump's Response, etc"
"On the Saudi Government, Trump, Arms Sales, and Journalism"
"On the Supreme Court, Cake, and Religious Liberty"
"On the US Embassy Move, Haaretz' Laughable Article, and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict"
"On the Withdrawal from the Globalist Treaty of Amity with Iran"
"One Dimensionality: How the Old Media Attacks the New (Part One)"
"One Month Until President Trump is Inaugurated (Yep, He's Your President!)"
"One Snap Poll Shows Major US Support for Quelling Riots with the National Guard"
"Online Paid Shilling Picks Up Ahead of the Midterms"
"Only CNN Could Construe the US Getting Out of Iraq as a "Loss""
"Opportunistic Legacy Media Hacks Begin Walking Back their Covington Sensationalism"
"Opportunistic Liberal Jesse Jackson Calls Trump "Dangerous""
"Oprah "Open to" Running for the Presidency: She Won't Get Nominated if She Does"
"Oregon Prepares to Partly Decriminalize Hard Drugs"
"Organized Religion Is A Cancer: Spirituality is Not"
"Oscar Ratings Were Abysmal and No, it Wasn't Because of Internet Streaming"
"Our Current Tech Censorship Problems are Partly Generational"
"Our Evidence-Free World of Trial by Hearsay, Slander, and Public Opinion"
"Over 400 Dead in Ebola Epidemic Spreading in the Northeast Congo"
"Overly Optimistic Professor Too Dumb to Do Basic Math Hopes Trump Will Be Denied Presidency"
"Oxford Asks Students Not to Clap"
"PETA is Concerned About Nazi Milk"
"PROPAGANDA! Inflation Could "Bring Welcome Change" Claims the Biden-Influenced NYT"
"Paid Shills Defame People Like Molyneux, PJW, Razorfist, and Myself Constantly"
"Pakistan Aims to Defend its Heritage by Banning Criticism of Islam: My Take"
"Pakman Attacks Warski, Gets Owned, then Attacks Me a la Rationalwiki, Gets Owned A Second Time"
"Panasonic Now Selling Reality-Reducing Head Sets (Human Horse Blinders)"
"Paris Burns as Protests Over Fuel Prices Rise"
"Parkland Cult Calls for Talking Head Neocon Laura Ingraham Boycott: My Thoughts"
"Partial Government Shutdown as the Democrats Refuse to Negotiate"
"Pathetic Cringe Fringe Commies LARP About Besieging White House, Get Mocked and Ratio'd"
"Pathetic Portland Mayor Ted Wheeler Makes a Total Fool of Himself"
"Patreon Bans Mister Metokur, Showing They Didn't Learn from History"
"Patreon Bans Sargon of Akkad, Milo, James Allsup (More Outrage Mobbing)"
"Patreon Deplatforms Jihadwatch, Apparently Because of Mastercard"
"Patreon Has to Pay the Legal Bills Of Owen Benjamin Fans Who Sued Them HAHAHA"
"Patreon Virtue Signals About BLM (Subscribestar is Far Better!)"
"Paul McCartney Sells Out Entirely on Article 13 But It Fails to be Fast Tracked Anyways"
"Paw Patrol and Thomas the Tank Engine Declared "Fascist" (Social Panic)"
"Paypal Bans Pornhub: Same Old Moral Panic"
"Paypal Deplatforms Bitchute, Bending to Pressure from Busybodies and Lamestreamers"
"Paypal Deplatforms Subscribestar, Sam Harris Deplatforms Patreon"
"Paypal and Stripe Ban Gab Because Only Big Tech Sites Aren't Responsible for Their Users"
"Peaceful Antifa Non-Members Hurl Explosive at Portland Courthouse"
"Peak Moral Outrage Achieved by the "Left": Screaming at the Sky Helplessly Due to Trump"
"Pearl Clutchers Now Think Tiktok is Causing Their Kids to get Tourette's Syndrome HAHAHA"
"Pelosi Asks for Impeachment Articles, As the Democrats Melt Down"
"Pelosi Fearmongers, Says Trump may Contest Election Results"
"Pelosi Refuses Trumps' Shutdown Offer: Big Mistake"
"Pelosi Remains In Command of House Minority"
"Pelosi Says She "Trusts Trump" on Immigration: hahaha!"
"Pelosi Still Ranting About "Possibly" Impeaching Trump"
"Pelosi Tries, Fails, to Force Twitter and Facebook to Censor 100% Accurate Trump Video"
"Pelosis Democrats Blunder Into the Impeachment Issue Like an Orangutan on Heroin"
"Pence Asks Latin America to Isolate Socialist Utopia Venezuela, Maduro Calls Him a Viper"
"Pentagon Releases Cherry Picked UFO "Declassification""
"People Pretend to be Outraged at Trump Calling Stormy Daniels "Horseface""
"People are Obsessed with What Race Jesus Was"
"Perennial End Times Nibiru Prophecy Courtesy of David Meade"
"Persist! I Guarantee That the Censorship Lovers and their Legacy Media Cronies Will Lose"
"Pete Buttigieg Panders to Black Voters Meaninglessly"
"Pete Buttigieg Quits the 2020 Race"
"Peter Boghossian Trolls The Far Left: And It Isn't a Surprise It Worked"
"PewDiePie Attacks the Legacy Media: My Response to His Response"
"PewDiePie Is Successfully Adopting a Trumpite Propaganda Strategy"
"Pewdiepie Gives 50K to the ADL: 4d Chess? Blackmail?"
"Pinterest Files Privacy Complaint to Take Down Tim Poole Video About their Bias"
"Pity the Poor, Downtrodden, Brainless Seven Figure Pundits, Begs CNN"
"Poland, Czech Republic, Italy All Stand by Hungary Against the EU"
"Police Reform "Unlikely" Laments CNN (Told You So)"
"Police State Loving Michael Bloomberg Opposes Marijuana Legalization"
"Political Correctness Is Apparently Widely Unpopular Among All Americans"
"Politico Insinuates that Trumps fans are Low Info and Praises the Corporate Media"
"Politico Speculates that Trump is a Bad Dealmaker for "Only" Getting 60K Per Apprentice Episode"
"Politico States the Obvious: The Dem Primary Field is Five People"
"Politifact Retracts Claire McCaskill Defense (Just Trust the "Fact Checkers"!)"
"Pompeo Calls Jeremy Corbyn Disgusting for Backing Maduro"
"Poor Ben Shapiro Getting Groyp'd by Nick Fuentes"
"Populism and Nativism Have Already Won This Generation: You'll See What I Mean"
"Populist Bolsonaro Wins First Round, Will Probably Win Runoff on October 28th"
"Portland Gated-Community SJWs Attack White Owned Burrito Cart"
"Possible Closure of the US-Mexico Border Looms"
"Postmodernism is Just a Corporatized Celebration of Ugliness and Decadence"
"Potential Bombshell Scandal: CNN May Have Hired Al Qaeda Propagandist for Syria Documentary"
"Potential War With North Korea: What We Ought to be Focused On"
"PragerU Sues Youtube for Discriminatory Restricted Mode Usage"
"Preliminary US-Japanese Trade Deal Achieved/ China Yuan Collapses"
"Premptive Propaganda by the Democrats And their Allies Before the FISA Memo Release"
"Pressured by Race Baiters, Georgia Cops Charge William Bryan With Murder"
"Pro Choicers Should Reject Northams Apparent Support for Infanticide"
"Producer Justin Fundraiser"
"Project Veritas Confirms Youtube Front Page is Manipulated by Legacy Media, NYT Deflects"
"Project Veritas Exposes Second Sanders Campaign Organizer for Violent Communist Beliefs"
"Project Veritas Exposes Twitter Corruption: Twitter Denies It (Use Alt Tech!)"
"Project Veritas Reveals ABC News Bias, David Wright Gets Suspended"
"Project Veritas: Antifa Seeks to Commit Terrorist Attacks at Trump Events"
"Project Veritas: Google Openly Trying to Influence 2020 Election"
"Projection and Propaganda: Now Available!"
"Propagandists Move to Blame Eventual Overthrow of Mexican Establishment on Russia"
"Protestors Torch Hugo Chavez' Childhood Home in Venezuela: Good!"
"Psychedelic Spirituality Second Edition Now Available"
"Psychoanalyzing Those Afflicted With White Guilt Syndrome (WGS)"
"Puerto Rican Officials Arrested for Corruption: San Juan Mayor Soon?"
"Putting Your Hand in Stinging Nettles is Cool"
"Quack Doctors Declare Trump Insane Without Examining Him"
"Quincy Does a Sleepy Thing"
"RFK Junior For Health and Human Services? HAHAHA YES!"
"RFK Speechwriter Abandons Clinton as Warmonger, Endorses Trump"
"RNC Bans Corporate Media From the Republican Convention"
"RWW Reporter Jared Holt Doxxed After Defending Huffposts' Doxxing"
"Racist Buzzfeed Writer Ruminates on White People Ruining Everything"
"Rand Paul Attacked by Commie Thugs, Leftists Immediately Gaslight and call it "Staged""
"Razorfist Gets Attacked by CBS Over DS9 Show Reviews, Joins Bitchute"
"Razorfist got an (Illegitimate) Strike: Here's His New Tech Channels"
"Read His Actions, Not His Lips: Biden Outright Lies, Promises "No New Taxes""
"Reagan 2.0: The Trumponomic Boom"
"Real Socialist Paradise Venezuela is Nonfunctional and Suffers 40,000% Inflation"
"Rebel Attacks Undermining Ebola Efforts in DRC, New Cases Tick Upward"
"Rebels Kill Dozens in Active Ebola Zone in Congo"
"Red Bull, Red Pilled! CEO Chastises Political Correctness, Multiculturalism"
"Red Flag Gun Laws are Blatantly Unconstitutional"
"Red Ice Banned by Youtube, And the Dangers of tech Censorship"
"Reddit Does More Censorious Commie Crap, Gets Mocked By Everyone"
"Reddit Goes Insane, Deems "Groomer" a Homophobic Term for Some Reason"
"Reflections on the Netherlands by an American"
"Refugee Program Ends Rutland Resettlement after Just 14 Refugees Enter"
"Refuting Gab on Libertarianism"
"Regarding #Morethanarefugee I Want to Help Refugees Too, Here's How to Accomplish That"
"Regarding the Presidents Alleged Mushroom Manhood ft. Legacy Media and Stormy Daniels"
"Regional War (Turkey/Iran/Qatar vs Egypt/UAE/Saudis) over Qatar Isolation?"
"Regret It (Vocals Tarl Warwick, Music Gifts Ungiven)"
"Relaxing In the Rain"
"Release the Memo!: Congresspeople Demand FISA Abuse Memo be Released"
"Remember When Saying Roundup Killed Bees Was Considered a Conspiracy Theory?"
"Reminder: Hardcover Petit Albert Available, Preorders of Standard Edition Ending Soon"
"Remnant Gestures: Human Development Is All Communicative"
"Rep. Swalwell Jokes about Using Nukes to Disarm Americans, Defaults to Damage Control"
"Reparations! Warren and Harris are Race Baiting Morons, Don't Understand the Constitution"
"Republican Infighting Worsens as Expected"
"Republicans Are Seeking to Avoid the Border Issue On Behalf of their Corporate Overlords"
"Republicans Move to Make Trumps Tax Cuts Permanent Past 2025"
"Retarded DEA Considers "Marihuana" Extract A Drug Even if Sub- Euphoriant"
"Reviewbrah Getting a Video Set to Restricted Shows a Fatal Flaw of Youtube's Flagging System"
"Rhode Island to Expunge the Criminal Records of those Sentenced for Simple Pot Possession"
"Rich White Male Joe Biden Laments "White Male Culture""
"Ricin Mailed to Mattis, Richardson at the Pentagon"
"Right Wing Watch "Journalist" who Won't Debate Me Calls You All Uninfluential"
"Right Wing Watch Claims Kek is a Pepe Offshoot, Attacks Shiva Ayyadurai"
"Right Wing Watch Claims Nihilistic Clown Frogs are Racist"
"Right Wing Watch Hit Piece Video Involving Me and Other Youtubers Gets Put Into Limited State"
"Right Wing Watch Slanders Andy Warski, Tonkasaw, etc, Calls Bloodsports an Alt Right Recruiting Tool"
"Riots of Peace Hit the Portland 'Burbs"
"Robert Francis (Beto) Calls Netanyahu a Racist"
"Rod Rosenstein Warns US Population about Anonymous Sources AKA Fake News"
"Romney Thinks Trump Will Win in 2020, In Surprising Show of Foresight"
"Ron Desantis Just Went Full Dan Crenshaw With HB269"
"Rosenstein Couldn't Say He Even Read the FISA Warrant Before Signing It: What It Means"
"Rotten Tomatoes Will Look Into Anyone Who Criticizes Black Panther on their Site"
"Royal Staff Summoned to Buckingham Palace Emergency Meeting: Possible Royal Death?"
"Rubio Defends Trump, Laments the Use of "Bad Language" in the Corporate Press"
"Rumble Sues the New York AG as Her Chief of Staff Resigns Due to Metoo Allegations"
"Russia Responds to Syria Strikes by Nullifying Military Agreement with US"
"Russia Says New Missiles Don't Amount to an Arms Race: But They Do"
"Russia Sends Tactical Nukes to Belarus"
"Russia Using Tactical Nukes in Ukraine Would be Utterly Insane"
"Russias Looming Central Asia Crisis"
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg Hospitalized, Sick For Second Time This Month"
"SCOTUS Janus Decision Makes Union Dues for Public Sector Workers Voluntary"
"SCOTUS May Deal Major Blow to Anti-2nd Amendment Fanatics"
"SJW Cannibalism as Climate Change "Movement" Declared "Too White""
"SJW Gestapo Bans Porn on Tumblr (Good Riddance to a Dying Website)"
"SJWs have No Place in the Occult (Re: "Witches" Cursing Kavanaugh in NYC)"
"SUPERSCANDAL: FBI Won't Release J6 Footage Due to Glowies"
"Sabo Deplatformed by Paypal for... No Reason Really"
"Sadiq Khan is Disgraceful but Europe's Problem is Zealotry in General, Not Just Islamofascism"
"Salon Calls for Revival of Communist Red Guard, Vows to Fight All Non Leftists"
"Salon Confusingly Proclaims a Biden "Surge" Based on One Poll"
"Salon Declares Manchester an "Attack On Girls"- They're So Wrong"
"Salon Forcing Readers to Accept Either Ads or Crypto Mining"
"Salvini Urges Marches in Rome"
"Samoas Dumb Response to Antivaxxers For a Deadly Measles Outbreak"
"San Diego State Professors Declare Farmers Markets to be Racist (Peak Nonsense)"
"San Francisco Considers "Caren Act" to Prosecute White People Who Call Cops"
"Sanctuary (Vocals Tarl Warwick, Music by Gifts Ungiven)"
"Sanders Openly Calls for Socialism"
"Sanders Remains Almost 20 Points Behind Biden, and Statistically Doomed"
"Sanders Vows Bloody Purge of Bourgeois Democrats"
"Sanders and his Fans- Totally Wrong About Student Loan Debt Forgiveness"
"Sanders, Gillibrand, Booker, et al, Seek to Force the Neoliberals to Embrace Single Payer"
"Sarah Sanders Denied Service at the Red Hen Restaurant, Magically Doesn't Sue"
"Sargon of Akkad Gets Attacked by RWW Again: My Response"
"Sargon of Akkad Makes Petition to Ban Social Justice: Why I Disagree With This"
"Saudi Arabia Slips Towards Either Civil Reform or Civil War"
"Saudi Arabia Worries as US Oil Production Rises and the World Economy is Reshuffled"
"Saudi Arabia, Egypt, Bahrain Declare Qatar a Sponsor of Terrorism and Cut Ties"
"Saudi Government Confirms Khashoggi Was Murdered, Blames "Rogue Operation""
"Schiff Calls Trump "Unpatriotic" for Defending Himself"
"Schism! AFL-CIO Punches New Green Deal in the Balls, Devastates AOC's Lunatic Plans"
"Schrodingers Brexit as Boris Johnson "Promises" December Vote"
"Schumer Rescinds Trump Wall Funding Offer, But I Doubt It Will Last"
"Scott Adams (Dilbert!) Tires of Being Harassed, Endorses Trump"
"Screaming Howard Dean Declares Trump Mentally Ill Without Ever Having Met Him"
"Screw the Christchurch Shooter and Screw the Mainstream Media"
"Scumbag NYT Opposes Free Speech, Applauds Facebook as Facebook Begins to Decline Sharply"
"Seattle City Council Votes to Defund the Police by 50%"
"Seattle Residents Formulate a Recall Petition Against Mayor Durkan"
"Sebastian Gorka Resigns: Told You He'd Be Next (Also Joe Arpaio Pardoned) Trump's Pivot"
"Second Woman Claims Justin Fairfax Sexually Assaulted Her"
"Secondary Laptop Acquired: Huzzah!"
"Selective, Weaponized Copyright: Trump Supporter Video Removed Off Twitter"
"Self Professed Idaho Antifa Member Tries, Fails to Bother Me (Anti Fail!)"
"Self Righteous Deputy Leader of Labour Keeps Trying to Get Youtube to Ban Tommy Robinson"
"Selling Out Is Stupid"
"Sellout "Left" Applauds California Pot Legalization: But that Doesn't End the Drug War"
"Sellout Socialist Bernie Sanders Officially Bows Knee to the DNC"
"Senate Candidate Phil Bredesen Holds Contempt for Voters, Invokes Support for the TPP"
"Senate Intel Finds no Collusion Between Trump and Russia"
"Several Broward Officials Doxxed, Legacy Media Finally Cares About Online Harassment"
"Several Terrorist Attacks in London: Sadiq Khan Smiling Gleefully"
"Severe Media Spin as Bolsonaro Threatens to Purge Socialist Guerilla Movements"
"Shadow Brokers Ransomware Cripples NHS, Spreads Worldwide"
"Shame on CNN Trying to Hide its Corporate Propaganda Behind Actual Victims of Violence"
"Shia Labeouf Gets Drunk, Gets Arrested, Rants about Shooting Police Officer"
"Shiva Ayyadurai Assaulted by Bigoted Leftist: Mainstream Media Silent"
"Should the "Mentally Ill" Vote? My Take"
"Should the Government Regulate Google as a Public Utility? I Say No: Here are Better Suggestions"
"Shouldn't Bret Stephens and the NYT Be Deplatformed for his Racial Science Article?"
"Sinclair Broadcast Montage: Yes, the Legacy Media is Scripted"
"Slate Amusingly Attacks Medicare For All Plans, Sanders and Warren"
"Slate Glorifies Violence, Mysteriously Isn't Censored by Twitter"
"Snitches Get Stitches: Leftoids Pretend to be Revolutionaries Due to Trump"
"So-Called Libertarians Not Recognizing the Threat of North Korea Don't Understand Anything"
"Social Alienation: Five Truths, The Coming Struggle"
"Socialism Fails Again! Evo Morales Out, Leftists Outraged"
"Socialism got CRUSHED and OBLITERATED in Buffalo and Seattle"
"Socialist AOC Gets Drunk, Babbling About the Government Needing to Be More Powerful"
"Socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Thinks Being Wealthy is Immoral, Goes Full Cringe"
"Socialist Democrat Ocasio Cortez Bans Corporate Press from Town Halls"
"Socialist Democrat Ocasio Cortez Lied About Her Upbringing, Was a Child of the Middle Class"
"Socialist Fanatic Bernie Sanders Suspends His Campaign: AHAHAHAHA!!!!!!!!!!"
"Socialist Grifter Bernie Sanders is Open to a Third Failed Presidential Run"
"Socialists Fail to Stage a Constitutional Coup in Chile"
"Society is Bullshit (New and Improved)"
"Some Clinton Fans are Still in Denial and Want her to Run a Third Time"
"Some Epstein Camera Footage Deemed Unusable: Totally Normal, All!"
"Some Hilarious Bad Russia Coup Takes From the Ghouls of the Left Wing"
"Some Legacy Media Outlets are Actually Trying to Whitewash Milley's Treason"
"Some People Didn't Seem to Understand My Point About H1B Visas"
"Some Still Fantasize in an Unhealthy Manner about a Clinton Presidency"
"Some Want to Pretend I Was Always Self Employed Re: My Vermont 15 an Hour Minimum Wage Comments"
"Someday Digital Content Will Be Dug For Like Archaeological Relics: Get Archiving!"
"Somehow Hydrogen Hillary Clinton Still Has 36% Approval"
"Somehow, the Goofy Left Has Construed Trumps Ilhan Omar Tweet as Inciting Violence"
"Soon: The Return of Entheogen Content: Trip Reports, Info, and Much More"
"Soph Delivers Some of the Best Social Commentary of the Era"
"Soph Deplatformed by Youtube for Wrongthink (Follow Her Bitchute)"
"Soros, Kochs Joined by Zuckerberg, Patreon, and Mozilla in Attacking Free Speech"
"Sorry, Bernie Sanders Fans; Trump is the Grassroots Candidate in 2020"
"South Africa to Proceed with Stealing Land from White Citizens"
"South African Government Now Plans to Steal Farmers' Land Without Compensation"
"South Park Shows Us How to Stand Up Against Censorship... Blizzard Not So Much"
"Soy vs Steak: The Beto-MTG Saga Continues"
"Spicer Indicates Federal Government Will Enforce Anti-Pot Laws (It's Probably a Ruse!)"
"Spiritual, Memetic Propaganda: An Explanation for the Rationalists"
"Stalin Style! ABC and MSNBC Disappear Farrakhan from the Aretha Franklin Funeral"
"Stalinist Photo Doctoring by the MSM in Macrons' Ruined France"
"Stalinization as CBC Removes Trump from Home Alone 2 Cameo"
"Stand or Fall: Infighting in the Alt Media and Creator Communities Must Cease"
"Starbucks Briefly Bans Employees from Wearing BLM Crap"
"Steve Bannon Reportedly Pushing Massive Tax Reform- Including Tax Hike on the Wealthy"
"Steven Crowder Suspended on Twitter #FreeCrowder"
"Steven Crowder Trolls Cenk Uygur: My Thoughts"
"Stop Buying Seed Survival Kits"
"Stop Hydrogen Hillary"
"Stop Watching TV News, Stop Reading Newspapers"
"Stormy Daniels Arrested for Touching Patrons While Stripping"
"Streisand Effect: Youtube Limited State for Offensive Videos May Backfire Badly"
"Strong and Weak: Admiration vs Disgust of Power"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update 06/12/2018"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update 4/21/2018"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update 4/26/2018"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update 5/30/2016"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update 6/5/2016"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update 8/03/16"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update April 11, 2017"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update April 11th, 2018"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update April 2nd, 2018"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update April 9th, 2017"
"Styxhexenhammer Halloween Special! (Prayers to LUCIFER!!!)"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Fourth of July Garden Update"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 05/02/2019"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 05/09/2019"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 05/19/2019"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 07/03/2019"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 07/29/2017"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 08/03/2019"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 08/25/2019"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 11/02/2018"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 5/12/2017"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 6/12/2017"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 6/24/2018"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 6/29/2017"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 6/29/2018"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 7/27/2018"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update April 20th 2017"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Old Garden Overhaul Update!"
"Submissions Open for Morbid Stories II Titles!"
"Sudan: Militants Take Over a Biolab With Live Polio Samples"
"Sultan Tayyip I Now Commands The Former Turkish Republic, Referendum Succeeds"
"Super Tuesday Results: Cenk Melts Down, Sanders Barely Cracks 50% in Vermont, Warren 3rd in MA"
"Support Wyden's S.420 and Legalize Marijuana Nationally"
"Supposedly Homophobic Trump Launches Initiative to Encourage World Acceptance of Gays"
"Supreme Court Overturns Injunction, Reinstates Most of Trumps' Travel Ban"
"Surprise! Jacob Blake Had a Knife (Also Semi-retraction!)"
"Swalwell Drops Out, Steyer Jumps In"
"TODAY IS THE DAY: Desantis Set to Announce His Campaign on Twitter... Leftists Outraged"
"TOS is The New Work Contract: Protect Creators By Cracking Down on Censorship"
"TV Is Dying: Youngest Demographic Prefers Youtube, Netflix"
"TYT Sells Its Soul Even More and Hires Dan Rather"
"Take Risks and Just Fuckin Do It"
"Take the Knee (And Break It!) Seven Figure Salary Whiners and Trump's NFL Statements"
"Talentless FAUX News' Baier Whines about CNN Being Chastised For Asking Dumb Questions"
"Talentless Legacy Entertainer "Doctor" Phil Gave Alcohol and Drugs to Addict Guests"
"Tales of Trumps' Political Demise Don't Comport to Statistical Reality"
"Target Literally Has No Clue What It's Doing"
"Taylor Lorenz of the Daily Beast Thinks Youtubers Need the Lamestream Media"
"Technodystopia: Microsoft Promises to Censor and Spy on Skype/ OneDrive Users"
"Ted Pelkey Protests Westford Land Development Laws with a Giant Middle Finger"
"Telegraph Retracts Libel of Melania Trump, Pays Damages"
"Terrorist Attack on the Las Vegas Power Grid is Part of a HUGE Problem"
"Texas Attorney General Backs School that Expelled Student For Sitting For the Pledge"
"Texas Repeals (Unconstitutional) Bladed Weapons Laws"
"Texas Teacher Abandons Homework: I Hope All Other Teachers Follow"
"That Was Fast: Trump's Victory has Destroyed the TPP"
"The "Anyone Proclaiming Communism is Worse than Nazism is a Nazi" Fallacy"
"The "Climate Change" Elephant in the Room: Overpopulation"
"The "Late Capitalism" Hoax; Late Interventionism and Socialism is the Problem"
"The "Liberals" Attacking Sean Hannity's Advertisers are Doing A Good Job"
"The "Nazi Next Door" Stuff is Part of the Current Moral Panic Mass Hysteria"
"The "No Channel Memberships" Pledge"
"The "Totally Organic" Ban Porn Proposal: My Thoughts"
"The "Trump Can't Win" Thing is a Really Dumb Concept"
"The #GoFundTheWall Campaign Won't Work"
"The 122 Nation Nuclear Ban Agreement is Nonsense and Everyone Knows It"
"The ACLU Worries that the Harvard Affirmative Action Suit will "Mostly Benefit Whites""
"The ACLUs Insane Hypocrisy on Trumps Incoming Tiktok Ban"
"The Alt Right Increasingly Embraces Communism, is Destroying Itself"
"The Amazing Atheist Insinuates that I Threatened Him by Pointing Out the Dumbness of Rioting"
"The American Lefts' Hideous Hypocrisy on Putin and Russia"
"The Anti-socialist Voting Juggernaut Saving the Democratic Party from Ruination"
"The Arrest of Tommy Robinson Shows the UK Has Become a 1984 Style Dystopia"
"The Atlantic Finally Gets It: No Way Mueller Indicts Trump"
"The Atomwaffen, Red Flag Laws, and Creeping Tyranny"
"The Attempt to "Re-educate" Jordan Peterson"
"The Attempted Deplatforming of by the Legacy Media Using Microsoft Azure"
"The Backtracking of the Legacy Media Continues on the Russia Nonsense"
"The Beard Just Got Two Inches Longer: CNN Begs Men to Castrate Their Facial Hair"
"The Biden-Trump Enthusiasm Gap Does, Indeed, Matter A Lot"
"The Bizarre Superstition of the Anti-BDS Oath that Got a Teacher Fired"
"The Book of Styxhexenhammer: Now Available!"
"The Border Situation Deteriorates as Congress Does Nothing"
"The British Media Calls People Like PJW, Dankula, and Sargon "Free Speech Extremists""
"The CASE Act Would be Horrible: We Must Urge the Senate to Dump It"
"The CHAZ Selfsuckers and "Peaceful Riots""
"The CLOUD Act Fundamentally Abolishes the 4th Amendment"
"The Case of the Very Cuddly Gizmo Cat"
"The Censorship Lovers Want to Reduce Your Brain to Slimy Pulp"
"The Chemnitz Response is why the Actual Far Left and Right Will Keep Growing in Germany"
"The Cleveland Cough: Hillary Clinton has begun to Degrade in Health due to Our Magick"
"The Clintons May Be Involved in Child Trafficking"
"The Clintons Received Millions from Moscow, According to FBI Informant, on Uranium One Deal"
"The Clintons got a $1,000,000 Donation in 2012 from Qatar as a Birthday Present to Bill"
"The Coming Generation Z (Strauss Howe)"
"The Coming Robotic Epoch (And a Forthcoming Text on the Subject)"
"The Complicated Nature of the Disappearing Kanye Twitter Followers"
"The Contradicting Short and Long Term Action of a Globalized Economy"
"The Convolution of the Trump vs. Congress Subpoena Case"
"The Corporate Left and Colbert Close Rank on Bill Clinton and Coddle Him"
"The Corporatist Legacy Media Says Border Control and Nation States are Xenophobic"
"The Covington Catholic High School Students Did Nothing Wrong"
"The Cringe Fringe Comes for Teddy Roosevelt, Statue to be Removed in NYC"
"The Cringe Fringe Left Going After Christianity is a Massive Mistake"
"The Cringe Fringe Soyviet Union Has Collapsed"
"The Current Moral Panic and Why It Will Pass: 2017 is 1950 or 1983"
"The DNC Hates Mount Rushmore, Fireworks, and the 4th of July"
"The DNC Is Broke, With No Real Change Since Spring"
"The DPCA In Focus (A HUGE Authoritarian Power Grab)"
"The Daily Beast Sells More Fear, Acts As Though Civil War is Coming"
"The Data Society Connections Map is Literally a Map Of What the Establishment Fears"
"The Dead Boomer Mythology of Immigrant Exceptionalism"
"The Death of Box Stores (Legacy Commerce) and the Rise of the Internet"
"The Death of Pepe the Frog Has Been Greatly Exaggerated (Furie's Folly)"
"The Death of my Grandfather/Legal Crap: A Message to my Subscribers"
"The Deep State Activates"
"The Deep State Fears the Memes"
"The Demexit Has Begun"
"The Democratic Cringe-vention HAHAHA!"
"The Democratic Establishment is Over-extending the Moral Panic and the Left is Destroying Itself"
"The Democratic Party is Almost Broke Headed into Midterm Season"
"The Democratic Party is Literally Fighting Itself Now"
"The Democratic Party is Simply Not "Cool" Anymore"
"The Democrats Are Angry that the GOP Is Running Ads Involving Clinton"
"The Democrats Are Falling into Civil War"
"The Democrats Are Now Anti-Education"
"The Democrats Have Abandoned Sanity so Just #WalkAway And Let Them Fail"
"The Democrats Have Already Failed at Impeachment"
"The Democrats Have Finally Lost the Hispanic Vote"
"The Democrats Immigration Hail Mary Has Backfired Badly"
"The Democrats Just Failed to Debate Impeachment, In a near 50-50 Split"
"The Democrats are Crazy for Opposing Trump on the Migrant Caravan and Foreign Aid"
"The Democrats are Setting the Stage for Trump to be Re-Elected"
"The Democrats' 2020 New Blood Conundrum"
"The Democrats' Plan to Flip Texas May Backfire"
"The Destruction of the Trump Hollywood Star Reveals Why the Left Is Losing"
"The Different Selling Points of Trump and Biden"
"The Digital Dollar Scam Proposed in the Initial Stimulus Bill Proves I Was Right"
"The Distant Glimmer of a Possible Hard Brexit"
"The Double Backfire and the Democratic Parties' Desperate Situation"
"The Drive to Five: Join Me On!"
"The Drug War Continues to be Ridiculous, Texas Plans to Ban THC Products"
"The Drug War Is Totally Stupid, it's Also Unconstitutional"
"The Drug War Won't End While the Left Makes it a Racial Issue"
"The Dutch Government Wants to Close 3,000 Farms"
"The EARN IT Bill and Precrime Anti-4th Amendment Nonsense"
"The Economist Conducts Obviously Slanted Immigration Poll, Gets Owned"
"The Electors Vote Today"
"The Eleven Satanic Rules of the Earth Explained"
"The Era of Strategic Patience is Over"
"The Establishment Wants Us to Believe Russia is Behind All Anti-Establishment Arguments"
"The Establishment Will Deploy Three New Methods to Destroy the Alt Media (How to Beat Them)"
"The Executive Branch is Under Attack by a Lawless House of Representatives"
"The FDA Wants to Ban Menthol Cigarettes"
"The FTX Alameda Scandal Gets Even Worse"
"The Facebook "Whistleblower" Story is a Total Fed Glowie Op"
"The Failed Bernie Sanders Campaign is a Microcosm of Socialism"
"The Far Left Has Even Begun to Regard Bernie Sanders as Not Leftist Enough"
"The Far Left Hates Free Speech so Much they Call Shapiro a Nazi"
"The Fearmongers Were Totally Wrong: Trump Remains Optimistic About NATO"
"The Five Eyes Nations Want to End Digital Privacy Forever"
"The GOP Finally Cares About the Debt"
"The George Floyd Murder is Utterly Indefensible"
"The George Floyd Riots, Encouraged and Actively Protected by the Legacy Media and DNC"
"The Glory of North Korean Agronomic Educational Films"
"The Golden State Killer DNA Scandal Should Scare You More Than Any Serial Killer"
"The Goofiness of E-Fame Jostling and Why I'll Never Change"
"The Google "Anti-Diversity" Memo Is A Pro-Diversity of Ideology Manifesto and is Realistic"
"The Google Tape Shows A Fundamental Problem in Silicon Valley"
"The Government of the State of Vermont has Failed In Nearly Every Measure"
"The Great Dailymotion Push (For Clankdom!)"
"The Great Reckoning: Half the Legacy Media to be Sued by Covington's Sandmann"
"The Grinches at Huffington Post Call Rudolph "Problematic""
"The Guardian Cooks Up a Tommy Robinson Conspiracy Theory"
"The Hanoi Summit Did Not Fail- It's a Negotiating Tactic"
"The Hawaii Missile Warning was Probably Not Actually a Mistake"
"The Hilarious Inability of the Breadliners to Realize They Lost"
"The Hilarious Part About the Cringe Fringe Leftist "Revolutionaries""
"The IRS Expansion Tax-and-Tax Grift of the Schumer-Manchin Deal"
"The Imran Awan Case Is Being Largely Ignored by the Corporate Media"
"The Internet Blackpill Generation (The Prophesied Black Clad Legion is Here)"
"The Iran Conundrum"
"The Joker Movie Exposes the Clown World of the Legacy Media"
"The Kavanaugh Circus Is Collapsing: Swetnik Walks Back, Booker Goes Nuts, Grassley Letter"
"The Kochs and Soros Both Agree: The Internet Must be Censored"
"The Korean War May Officially End Soon"
"The LA Times Tries, Fails to Excuse Overwhelmingly Negative Reporting on Trump by the MSM"
"The Lamestream Always Conflates Immigrants with Migrants and Migrants with Refugees"
"The Larger Context of Buzzfeeds Attack on Scott Adams"
"The Latest Menendez Endorsement is One for the Comedy Ages"
"The Latest Moral Panic: Russia Blamed for Low Ratings of "The Last Jedi""
"The Latest SJW Nonsense: Christian Privilege"
"The Left Calls Trump a Draft Dodger, Completing their Acceptance of Proxy War"
"The Left Can't Meme: "Mothers Day" Analyzed"
"The Left Finally Cares about the Deficit, as the Right Stops Doing So"
"The Left Gargles John Boltons' Diarrhea: And Will Probably Regret Doing So"
"The Left Sides With China, Since Orange Man Bad"
"The Left Wants to Abandon Facebook: Good! I Don't Care if it's Cancel Culture"
"The Left Wildly Overstretches By Trying to Attack Washington, Jefferson Memorials"
"The Left/Dems Really Should Love Anti-censorship Figures Like Me"
"The Leftoid Fears the Sheriff"
"The Lefts' "War on Democracy" Nonsense is Straight Out of the George W Bush Playbook"
"The Legacy Media Is Still Slandering Social Media Summit Attendees Two Days Later"
"The Legacy Media Loves to Ridicule the Way Melania Trump Dresses"
"The Legacy Media Refuses to Admit to the Obvious Election Fraud In Broward County"
"The Legacy Media Wants You To Think the World Will End if the USA Renegotiates Trade Deals"
"The Legacy Media is Obsessed with Trump Avoiding the Vietnam War"
"The Legacy Media is Partly to Blame for the Riots"
"The Legacy Media is Pretty Much Just Making Things Up Blatantly Now"
"The Liberals Are Ripping Themselves Apart over Kavanaugh's Confirmation"
"The MSM is Attacking the First Amendment, not Trump, with Their Whining"
"The Mainstream Media is Just a Conglomerate of Sleazy Tabloids: Stormy Daniels"
"The March of the Old and Rich: Joe Rogan Will Inevitably Win the Spotify Struggle"
"The March to 60,000 Bitchute Subscribers"
"The Marrakech Agreement Could Destroy the European Union"
"The Massive Enthusiasm Gap Between the Democrats and Trump"
"The Maverick Myth: Trump's Proposals Aren't Severe or Insane"
"The Mayor of Minneapolis is Completely Insane"
"The McConnell-Schumer Budget Omnibus is an Insult to the Entire United States"
"The Media Groups We're Attacking Aren't the Press, They're Just Corporations"
"The Media Is Pretending that the Proliferation of Trump Investigations Isn't Odd"
"The Meme Battle is Over, the Meme Wars Have Just Begun"
"The Militia Arrives in Portland as Trump Once Again Offers Help to Idiot Mayor Ted Wheeler"
"The Millennial Left Has Sold Out to Organized Religion, Corporations, and Authoritarianism"
"The Moron Media Is Still Clinging to the Russian DNC Leak Lie"
"The Most Important Reason Why the European Union Will Surely Fail"
"The Much Hyped Bill Taylor Testimony is Another Dud"
"The Muh Russia Narrative Spreads to Jade Helm and Texas"
"The Myth of Internet Giants Being Private Businesses"
"The NYT Correctly Identified One of the Greatest Problems of Liberals: Preachiness"
"The NYT is Obsessed with Trumps Taxes"
"The National Popular Vote Interstate Compact"
"The Neoliberal Response to Donna Brazile's Clinton-DNC Revelations is a Symbol of Why the Dems Fail"
"The Neoliberals Are Now Pretending to be Libertarians"
"The Netflix Memo is a Corporate Branding Distraction Even if it's a Positive Change"
"The Never Bernie Movement Begins"
"The New Apartheid: South African Politicians Seek to Destroy the White Minority There"
"The New Burning Times As Modern Day Witchfinders Say Navy Cadets Are Nazis"
"The New Burning Times, Now Available! (Link in Description!)"
"The New Cold War: Brought to You by the Socialist Neocons and Socialist Neoliberals"
"The New Fascism is Led by Those Who Claim to Oppose It"
"The New Hampshire Primary is Definitely Advantage Bernie Sanders"
"The New Jobs Report was so Good Nancy Pelosi Tried to Take Credit for It"
"The New Rise of Occultism: Three Reasons We're Winning Again"
"The New Rosa Parks: White Photographer Refuses to Move to Back of Venue Due to Whiteness"
"The New York Times Loves Mao Zedong (He Too Adored a Censored Press)"
"The Next Step in the War Against EU Censorship and Article 13"
"The Nonsensical NYT Double Standard as they Deem "Pocohontas" A "Slur""
"The Normalization of Bullying is Coming from the Legacy Media, Not Internet Trolls"
"The Obamagate Scandal Is Politically, if not Legally, Significant"
"The Obvious Solution to The Issue of "Offensive" Statues and Monuments"
"The Occult #234 Stop Being So Afraid of Everything"
"The Occult #235: The Danger Zone of Occult Initiation"
"The Occult #236: Coincidences vs Synchronicity"
"The Occult #238: Amplified Occult Effects Due to Public Exposure"
"The Occult #239: Yes, Magic is Literally Real"
"The Occult #240: Long Term Chaos Ritualism"
"The Occult #241: The Fake, Dumb Morality of the Masses"
"The Occult #243: A New Age is Dawning for the Occult!"
"The Occult #245: The Occult Jesus"
"The Occult #247: Technically Existence Should Not Exist"
"The Occult #248: Stop Trying to Cherry Pick Your Religions"
"The Occult #253: The Effects of Fame on Spirituality"
"The Occult #254: Bring Back Superstition! Bring Back the Dragons!"
"The Occult #256: The Proof is in the Pudding"
"The Occult #258: Plague Bearers: Grim Reapers, UFOs, etc"
"The Occult #259: Doomsday Predictions are a Dime-a-dozen"
"The Occult #260: The Coming Internet Cult Moral Panic"
"The Occult #261: Religion-Lovers Love to Conflate Irreligion with Atheism"
"The Occult #262: Accepted vs Non-accepted Superstition: Prayer vs Invocation, etc"
"The Occult #263: The Closest Thing to Time Travel"
"The Occult #264: The Truth About Religiosity and Spirituality"
"The Occult #265: My First Lucid Dreams"
"The Occult #266: Death Is Not Real"
"The Occult #278: My First Totally Lucid Dream With Full Self Awareness"
"The Occult #299: Be Obscene!"
"The Occult #301: Occultism is the Narrow Path of the Wise"
"The Occult #305: The Truth of the Root Race and Occult Egotism"
"The Occult #313: On Incorruptible Saints, Monk Mummies, etc"
"The Occult #318: Three Types of Satanism"
"The Occult #321: Thoughts on Theosophy and Some Theosophists"
"The Occult #322: Thoughts on Anthroposophy and Rudolf Steiner"
"The Occult 221: My Ancestors are Smiling On Me, Are Yours?"
"The Occult 222: Pagan Contentment"
"The Occult 223: Cowards"
"The Occult 224: Body Modification- Is It Spiritual?"
"The Occult 225: Should I Care About Others' Judgment? Let's Find Out!"
"The Occult 226: Occultism Must Oppose Censorship"
"The Occult 227: The Idea of Salvation is Funny to Me"
"The Occult 229: Solitude Necessary for the Occult"
"The Occult 230: The Hypocrisy and Intellectual Dishonesty of Eastern Religious Forces"
"The Occult 231: I Am Still Fundamentally Satanic"
"The Occult 232: Dream Interpretation the Old Fashioned Way!"
"The Occult 233: Chamomile as an Occult Aid"
"The Occult, Video #384: Everything is Both Individual and Unified"
"The Occult, Video 170: Occult Pride/ Various Magickal Thoughts"
"The Occult, Video 171: I Refuse to Believe Existence is Boring"
"The Occult, Video 173: Moral Implications of Deaths' Inevitability"
"The Occult, Video 174: The Role of the Internet in Spreading Occultism"
"The Occult, Video 175: The Dead Voice"
"The Occult, Video 176: Easter's Lunar Fertility Origins"
"The Occult, Video 177: How the Story of Satan Replicates the Gun Debate"
"The Occult, Video 180: Don't Fear Dying!"
"The Occult, Video 181: Paganism, Not Christianity, Built Civilization"
"The Occult, Video 182: Significant Occult Literature Update"
"The Occult, Video 183: Occult Views About Suicide"
"The Occult, Video 184: Missing 411"
"The Occult, Video 186: Inspiration and Spontaneous Daemons"
"The Occult, Video 187: Shape Shifters, Skinwalkers, Etc"
"The Occult, Video 188: Animal Die Offs (Birds, Cows, Etc)"
"The Occult, Video 189: Occult Trappings"
"The Occult, Video 191: Some Thoughts on HP Lovecraft"
"The Occult, Video 192: Witch, Wizard, Warlock, Mage... Title Confusion!"
"The Occult, Video 194: Mass Panic! Beast of Gevaudan, Jersey Devil, Possession, and More"
"The Occult, Video 195: Incubus, Succubus"
"The Occult, Video 196: Spirit Attraction and Pseudopossession"
"The Occult, Video 199: The Mound Builders, Giant Humanoids, Vikings"
"The Occult, Video 200: Long Term Occult Project Complete"
"The Occult, Video 202: The American Witchcraft Revival Begins"
"The Occult, Video 204: Libertine Life!"
"The Occult, Video 205: Is Cleanliness Close to Godliness?"
"The Occult, Video 207: I Say Whatever I Want Because of Magick"
"The Occult, Video 208: The Occult Is Not Often Spooky... Unless You Want it to Be!"
"The Occult, Video 209: You Can Succeed!"
"The Occult, Video 210: Beware of (Spiritual) Darkness"
"The Occult, Video 214: The All Encompassing Ego"
"The Occult, Video 215: Real, Total Love can be the Ultimate Pain"
"The Occult, Video 216: Wounds That Don't Heal"
"The Occult, Video 217: How To Tell Between Real Love and Infatuation"
"The Occult, Video 218: You Ask "What Happens When We Die?" I Ask "Why Do I Care?""
"The Occult, Video 219: There Is Always Hope: Don't Back Down"
"The Occult, Video 220: The Coming Age"
"The Occult, Video 6: Some Occult Musings"
"The Occult: Video #242: In Defense of Satanism"
"The Occult: Video 104: Internal or External? The Source of Esoteric Force"
"The Occult: Video 105: Zombies and Zombie Lore"
"The Occult: Video 106: Reality Is Completely Malleable"
"The Occult: Video 107: Demons Come to You On Their Own"
"The Occult: Video 108: Two Conceptions of Ragnarok"
"The Occult: Video 109: Occultism At Odds with Leftism, Especially Fiscally"
"The Occult: Video 110: Chaos and Order Not At Odds"
"The Occult: Video 111: Satanic Serial Killers, Cults, Murders, etc"
"The Occult: Video 112: EA Koetting, Michael Ford, etc; Both Criticism and Defense Thereof"
"The Occult: Video 113: The Symbolism of Cannibalism"
"The Occult: Video 119: Magick Acts on My Behalf In Return for My Work"
"The Occult: Video 120: I Wish Sometimes I Was a Crystal Gazing Lightworker"
"The Occult: Video 122: Ghost Hunting Is Foolish Nonsense"
"The Occult: Video 124: Life Force, or Chi"
"The Occult: Video 128: Tulpas"
"The Occult: Video 129: My Liberation Via Psychotropic Fire"
"The Occult: Video 135: Cursed Objects and Locations"
"The Occult: Video 138: My Pagan Path"
"The Occult: Video 140: Most Folklore and Mythology is Fundamentally True"
"The Occult: Video 141: Blood and Soil: Ethnic Heathenism"
"The Occult: Video 142: Imagination Bleeds Into the Real World"
"The Occult: Video 143: If Quantum Immortality is Real, you may Become a Lich"
"The Occult: Video 144: Everyone does Magic Constantly (Some Chaos!)"
"The Occult: Video 145: Occult Thoughts on Animals, Environmentalism, etc"
"The Occult: Video 146: Irreligion and Atheism Not the Same Thing"
"The Occult: Video 147: Satanic Magick I: as a Mockery of Catholicism"
"The Occult: Video 148: Satanic Magick II: Luciferian Paganism"
"The Occult: Video 149: Satanic Magick III: Satanism As Liberation"
"The Occult: Video 14: The Moon, Sun, Dimensions, and Our Reality"
"The Occult: Video 150: The Occult Birth of America (4th of July Special)"
"The Occult: Video 151: Church of Atom Loosely Based on Early 20th Century Occultism"
"The Occult: Video 153: The Black Dog Legend"
"The Occult: Video 157: Keeping Occult Secrets vs Mass Magick"
"The Occult: Video 158: Inverting Negativity into Ambition"
"The Occult: Video 159: Destroying Obstacles within the Occult"
"The Occult: Video 15: Occult Energy in Ruins"
"The Occult: Video 160: Sometimes you Just Have to Trust Eternity"
"The Occult: Video 161: Don't Grow Up or Old, but Do Mature"
"The Occult: Video 162: Friends and Enemies: Sometimes It Can be Hard to Tell Who's Who!"
"The Occult: Video 163: Struggle is Eternal"
"The Occult: Video 164: Dream Interpretation and Opposites in Literature"
"The Occult: Video 165: Why I Am Comforted"
"The Occult: Video 166: Editing Occult Books, Literary Occultism"
"The Occult: Video 167: Absolutism or Relativism Applied to Magick"
"The Occult: Video 168: The Superb Owl; Football and Sports Occultism"
"The Occult: Video 169: Is Might Truly Right?"
"The Occult: Video 201: Religion for Those Who Fear Hell, Witchcraft for Those Who Have Been There"
"The Occult: Video 21: Glastenbury Mountain/ Abberant Energy Sites"
"The Occult: Video 22: Psychedelic Spirituality"
"The Occult: Video 26: Gnosis"
"The Occult: Video 31: The Will to Power"
"The Occult: Video 39: Different Types of Occultists"
"The Occult: Video 40: The Second Death, And More"
"The Occult: Video 49: Be Not Afraid"
"The Occult: Video 52: Vampirism"
"The Occult: Video 60: Occult Literature and Misconceptions/ Occult Books Blog"
"The Occult: Video 62: The Zodiac and Astrology"
"The Occult: Video 72: Occult Honor Titles (Wizard, Witch, Mage, Priestess, Etc)"
"The Occult: Video 74: Thought Forms, Egregores, Self Doubt, the Will to Power"
"The Occult: Video 76: New World Order, Illuminati, Secret Societies"
"The Occult: Video 8: Number Systems and Wand Symbolism"
"The Paper Dragon Begins to Burn: China Won't Even Set a Growth Goal for 2020"
"The Paradigm Shift Continues Just as Predicted ft. LA Times"
"The Path to Glory on Dailymotion: Tech Imperialism!"
"The People at CNN Defamed Donald Trump Jr re Wikileaks and Were Forced to Apologize"
"The Period Positive Emoji A Microcosm of Corporate "Activism""
"The Petit Albert: Fine Press Edition (Preorder Available from Ouroboros Press!)"
"The Petrodollar Is Not Real, but the Aircraft Carrier Dollar Is"
"The Pieczenik Crap is a Distraction from Actual Scandal"
"The Post-Truth Era: Many People Just Want Be in a Comfy Echo Chamber"
"The Primary Model Shows a 91% Trump Victory Chance"
"The Principle of Selfishness Negates Big Tech When it Feigns Benevolence in Censoring Things"
"The Privatization of Abuse: Corporate Authoritarianism Violates Libertarianism"
"The Proper Limits of Free Speech (Hint, Freedom Doesn't End Where Feelings Begin)"
"The Proud Boys Get Defamed by the FBI as a WN Group, Gavin "Quits""
"The Racist Response to the East Palestine Rail Disaster"
"The Real Corruption Story: The FBI Helped Cover For Clinton After the Tarmac Meeting"
"The Real Reason LGBTQ Acceptance is Declining Among the Young"
"The Real Toxic Masculinity is Men Who Pretend to be Feminists to Get Laid"
"The Right To Try Bill is the Right Idea"
"The Road to 100,000 on Bitchute: Clankers Unite!"
"The Roger Stone Non-Story Almost Vindicates Trump and His Allies"
"The Roger Stone Wikileaks Non-Story"
"The SPLC Slanders Again in a Vain Effort to Censor Alt Tech"
"The Sad Antifa Garden of Seattle, Analyzed"
"The Same Competition Necessary for Advanced Life Also Probably Routinely Destroys It"
"The Same Legacy Press that Crucified Trump Now Whines When He Blocks Them Out"
"The Simpsons Sell Out to Political Correctness"
"The Six Month Surge! Nonstop Work"
"The Stupid Concept of "Hate Speech" is Antithetical to a Free Society"
"The Stupidity of the "Cancel Rent" Left And Their Hatred of Landlords"
"The Sumerian Origins of Judaism and Christianity"
"The Sundar Pichai Google Testimony Circus"
"The Syracuse Fake Hate Crime Moral Panic"
"The Time Has Come for A Social Media Movement Against the Corporate Media"
"The Time Has Come to Stand Against the European Union on Censorship and Legalism"
"The Top Five Reasons I Won't Vote for Joe Biden"
"The Toronto Stairs Show Why Big Government can Never Work"
"The Trump Social Media Summit Has the Legacy Media Scrambling"
"The Trump Tape Nothingburger"
"The Trump-Russia Story Just Fell Apart #2: Veritas: CNN Producer Calls Coverage Fake"
"The Truth about Illuminati, Masons, the New World Order (Fourth of July Message!)"
"The Truth about Organized Religion, New Age Morality, and New Religious Movements"
"The Truth of Charles Manson Part 1 of 2"
"The Truth of Charles Manson Part 2 of 2"
"The Twitter Files Part 5: HUGE Double Standards and Shenanigans"
"The Twitter Files SUPERSCANDAL Thickens: Jim Baker Out at Twitter"
"The Twitter Files... MASSIVE Damage Control!"
"The UK Saying a Dog Pooping is a Hate Crime is Remarkably Like the Burning Times"
"The UK's Anti-Freedom Government Is Crazy for Prosecuting Count Dankula"
"The UN Laughs at Trump as Liberals Cheer on the Globalists and Corporate Shills"
"The UN Runs Out of Cash Because it is Run by Socialists"
"The US Economy Is Now in a Biden Recession"
"The US Is Going to Suffer a Major Biden Recession Within Months"
"The USA Doesn't Have a Gun Problem it has an Inner City Gang and Suicide Problem"
"The USA Now an Oil Exporter (Ironically Partly Due to Obama)"
"The USA is Now 34 Trillion in Debt: Analysis"
"The UnaBoomer Throws the Midterms into Vast Uncertainty"
"The Unhelpful Nature of the Sargon/Metokur "Feud" And Other Such Similar Creator Infighting"
"The Upcoming "Unite the Right" Rally Will Probably Backfire Spectacularly"
"The Upcoming Attacks on Biden After the Midterms Will Come from Liberals"
"The Utter Self Destruction of Cenk Uygur"
"The Uvalde Police are Getting Dogpiled: Good... Fire Every One of Them"
"The Uvalde Shooting Proves Why Waiting for the Police is a Terrible Idea"
"The Various Excuses for the Invasion of Ukraine Don't Justify the War"
"The Volkish 2020s (Subverting Subversion)"
"The WSJ Stretches Beyond Silly Putty Levels, Says Mining Leases will Benefit Ivankas Landlord"
"The War on Honesty: Twitter Bans Alex Jones and Infowars for Conducting Actual Journalism"
"The Warren-Sanders Post-Debate Exchange is So Great"
"The Washington Post Is Utterly Wrong About the History of " Gun Control ""
"The Wests' Slow Descent into Totalitarianism In the Name of "Defeating Extremism""
"The Word Islamophobia is Newspeak Nonsense"
"The Worrisome Dystopian Aspect of Financial Deplatforming"
"The Young Turks Call Milo Alt Right, Praise Those Harassing Him"
"There Is No Extremism Problem on the Internet"
"There Is No Gender Spectrum, only Malleable Expressive Choices (Gender is Chromosomes)"
"There Is No Such Thing as Centrism or a Moderate"
"There Will be More Riots in Minneapolis After Chauvin is Almost Surely Acquitted"
"There is no "Libertarian" Socialism"
"There's a High Chance Trump Becomes a Two Term President: Here Are Five Reasons Why"
"Theresa May Calls for Internet "Hate Speech" Regulations to Stop Terrorism"
"Theresa May Refuses to Resign as UK Implodes Politically"
"Theresa May Survives Vote of No Confidence, but UK Politics Remains in Uproar"
"Theresa May's Chequers Brexit Proposal Is a Bit Like the Treaty of Versailles"
"Theresa May's Government Crumbles Even More as Two Top Conservative Figures Resign"
"Think Progress Attacks Makersupport as Far Right; They're Wrong"
"Third Dem Debate Reaction: Guns Bad, Biden Incoherent, Betos Gun Moment"
"This Cat is Internet Famous"
"Thoughts Regarding the Youtube Partnership Program Changes"
"Thoughts on Alex Jones as a "Performance Artist""
"Thoughts on Cryptocurrency: Helpful but not Perfect"
"Thoughts on Google's Trolling/Hate Speech Algorithm Program"
"Thoughts on Juggalos, the MOAR, and some High School Health Class Stories"
"Thoughts on Last Nights #1 Trending Stream: Holt, Spencer, etc"
"Thoughts on Pizzagate"
"Thoughts on Sophia, and Robotic Citizenry"
"Thoughts on Unite the Right in Charlottesville"
"Thoughts on Would-Be Democrat Savior Joe Kennedy"
"Thoughts on the Cult of Scientology"
"Thoughts on the Dan Harmon Doll Video Situation"
"Thoughts on the Parkland Student Protests and Congress' Hypocrisy on Guns and Shootings"
"Thousands at Risk of AIDS After Tainted New Jersey Surgery Center Treatment"
"Thousands of Antifa Terrorists Outed; Buzzfeed Enraged"
"Three Musical Polls!"
"Three US Prisoners Released from North Korea (Trumps Reagan Moment)"
"Three Ways Independent Creators Can Survive the Censorship Dark Age"
"Thugs Abduct, Beat Missing Special Needs Dude On Live Stream While Ranting About Trump"
"Tillerson Alludes to US Insisting on Assad Departing, Declares Open Ended Syria Presence"
"Tim Cook Should Spare us his Crocodile Tears About the "Hateful" and "Violent""
"Tim Pool Destroys Tech Censorship on Rogan Podcast, Amusingly Trends on Twitter"
"Tim Pool Hit with Content Strike: I Call for It to Be Reversed"
"Times Change: It Isn't the 60s Anymore- We Must Show the Open Borders Folks the Door"
"Tired Derpy Cat"
"Tlaib, Dems Consider Soft Coup, Jailing Those who Resist Perpetual Subpoenas"
"To Cover Up When They Lose, Bootlickers are Preemptively Blaming Russia for their 2018 Loss"
"To Defend Biden, the NYT Says Believe All Women is a "Right Wing Trap""
"To Those Claiming Trump will Be Impeached Because he Fired James Comey"
"To Tree of Logic Re: Israel and Palestine"
"Todays Boring "Left" Would Have Spurned the Counterculture and Embraced the Temperance Movement"
"Todays SJWs Are Yesterday's Temperance Moralists"
"Told You So: DNA Site Shared Info with the FBI"
"Told You So: Facebook Sold Data to the Chinese"
"Tom Malinowski Shows What Democrats Really Want Illegals For"
"Tom Perez' Scandals Go Beyond Voting Rights and Whites"
"Tommy Robinson At Risk for Being Killed As Violent Protestor Gets Suspended Sentence"
"Tommy Robinson Found Guilty of Contempt Due to No Free Press in the UK"
"Tommy Robinson Freed: Contempt Finding Tossed Out"
"Tommy Robinson To Appeal Jail Sentence"
"Tommy Robinson, Supposedly a Nazi, Is Being Legally Funded by Israelis"
"Traditionalism: Its Positive and Negative Aspects"
"Travel Ban to Go Before the Supreme Court: My Prediction of Outcome"
"Trayvon Martin to get Posthumous Degree for No Reason"
"Tree of Logic Suspended on Twitter: Big Tech Can't Seem to Get it Right"
"Triggering the Left! Drag Queens Are Basically Just Culturally Accepted Minstrels"
"Trudeau Has a Marco Roboto Moment, Took a Million Dollars from Chinese Communists"
"Trudeau Unilaterally Bans Sporting Rifles Cuz Scary"
"True Libertarianism Cannot Support Open Borders or Forced Diversity"
"Trump "Changes Mind" on Syria; I Oppose Any War in Syria"
"Trump "Threatens World Stability"... Is That a Bad Thing?"
"Trump 2020 Officially Launches"
"Trump Abandons Disarmament Rhetoric, Sides with Second Amendment"
"Trump Acquitted: Final Defeat for the Democrats on Impeachment ft. Greasy Mitt Romney"
"Trump Admin Lifts Pesticide and GMO Ban in Wildlife Refuges (I Strongly Oppose This)"
"Trump Admin to Reaffirm Gender is Dichotomous and Genetic"
"Trump Ain't Perfect But He's Easily the Best We've Got"
"Trump Allegedly Called Haiti a Shithole, then Don Lemon Weighs in and Makes a Fool of Himself"
"Trump Already Creating a Grassroots Fundraising Juggernaut for 2020"
"Trump Approval Largely Untouched by Immigrant Detention Center Fallout"
"Trump Approval Steady at 44% As Election Season Continues"
"Trump At 50% Approval According to Rasmussen as Aggregated Total Ticks Up Slightly"
"Trump Attacks Mika and Scarborough on Twitter for Constant Propaganda"
"Trump Attacks the Fake News Media Again, Casts Spell On Them with Serpent Staff"
"Trump Bans Transgendered People From Joining the US Military: My Thoughts"
"Trump Begins Browbeating GOP over Uranium One and the Russia Dossier"
"Trump Browbeats Pelosi and Schumer on the Wall, Says He Will Shut Government Down"
"Trump Calls DNC Negligent in Protecting its Servers: He's Right"
"Trump Camp Trolls Biden With Websites Again"
"Trump Can't Block Twitter Users: Soon Neither Will Any Taxpayer Funded Official"
"Trump Cancels Press Christmas Party, Press Outraged"
"Trump Chastises Germany for its Reliance on Russian Energy"
"Trump Chuckles About Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Calling Him a Racist"
"Trump Claims "Complete Power to Pardon": My Thoughts"
"Trump Claims Saudi "Deception" on Khashoggi Case"
"Trump Commutes Roger Stone Sentence, Indicating He's Not Backing Down Against the Bullies"
"Trump Condemns Political and Racial Violence: Leftists Outraged"
"Trump Considers Breaking Ninth Circuit Up to Stop Obstruction"
"Trump Considers Reversing Military Equipment Ban for Police Forces"
"Trump Considers Virtual Elimination of Drug Control Policy Office: Good!"
"Trump Could Lick the Floor of a Harlem Basketball Stadium and Still Get Called Racist"
"Trump Criticizes Inept Puerto Rican Officials, Legacy Media Pretends He's Attacking Puerto Ricans"
"Trump Crushes the Democrats in Fundraising"
"Trump Daily: Right on Omnibus Veto, Wrong on Bolton"
"Trump Dangles Trade over China's Head/ China Rejects North Korean Coal"
"Trump Declares Bidens Administration the "Gestapo"- He Ain't Wrong"
"Trump Declares Maxine Waters the Leader of the Democrats in Birthday Wishes Tweet"
"Trump Declares Official Intent to Renegotiate NAFTA (Victory #2)"
"Trump Delegates Migrant Caravan Response to Mattis as Kasich Sells Out"
"Trump Deliberately Weakening Obamacare to Force Congress to Act to Fix Healthcare"
"Trump Didn't Start the Birther Movement, Clinton's Fans Did"
"Trump Embraces Canadian Drug Importation: Nice!"
"Trump Expected to Withdraw US from Paris Climate Deal"
"Trump Expels Sixty Russian Diplomats as Cold War Gets Chillier"
"Trump Fans Worrying About Walmart Selling "Impeach" Clothes is Hilarious"
"Trump Finally Calls the FBI Scandal What it Is... Treason"
"Trump Freezes Non-Military Federal Worker Pay Raises"
"Trump Gearing Up to Dismantle Anti-Gun Rules and Regulations"
"Trump Gets Raided by the FBI at the Mar-A-Lago: My Hot Take"
"Trump Gets Serious on Deportations"
"Trump Gets the Left to Rant About Russia Some More with a Joke to Putin"
"Trump Gleefully Tests MOAB on ISIS in Afghanistan: Nice!"
"Trump Goes Nuclear, Uses 4d Chess with Wendy Wasserman Schultz and Invokes DNC Server"
"Trump Hands HUD to Carson, Attacks China Some More"
"Trump Has Decided Whether He Will Run; Thus Begins the Legacy Media Propaganda!"
"Trump Has His Foes Literally Defending the Criminal Deep State"
"Trump Holds Executive Order Signing Ceremony, Never Signs Order"
"Trump Impeachment: The Democrats Just Doomed Themselves for 2020"
"Trump In Israel, Hopes to Usher In Peace Plan"
"Trump Is 100% Wrong On Video Game Violence"
"Trump Is Losing Favor, but Is Hardly "Doomed" or "Headed for Impeachment""
"Trump Is Pulling Ahead in Battleground Polls"
"Trump Is Totally Wrong on Flag Burning"
"Trump Jests About Eliminating Term Limits, as his Enemies Take it Seriously"
"Trump Just Pretty Much Defeated China on both Tariffs and Drugs"
"Trump Leaves New York for Florida- Can You Blame Him?"
"Trump Might Strip Security Clearance from Partisan Former Government Employees: Good!"
"Trump Not a Good Role Model? Neither is Any Politician"
"Trump Now Responsible for the Stock Market for the Third Time in Two Years, Claim Liberals"
"Trump Omnibus: Mexico City Policy, DAPL, DACA, Net Neutrality, Immigration Restrictions"
"Trump Pardons Susan B Anthony: Why This Matters"
"Trump Picks Mulvaney For Office of Management and Budget"
"Trump Pitches Solar-Panel Topped Border Wall System"
"Trump Plans to Deport 2-3 Million Illegal Immigrants Immediately"
"Trump Plans to Meet with Putin, Conspiracy Theorists See This as Abnormal and Bad"
"Trump Plans to Veto Any Legislative Attempt to Circumvent His Emergency Declaration"
"Trump Proclaims He Will Scrap Payroll Taxes, Dems Claim He Wants to Scrap Social Security"
"Trump Proposes Blatantly Unconstitutional "Fix" to Mostly Non-existent Gun Crime Problem"
"Trump Pushes Back on Immigration, Invokes the European Migrant Crisis"
"Trump Refuses to Attend Correspondent's Dinner; Corporate Media Outraged"
"Trump Removes New Sanctions on North Korea, Says he "Likes Kim""
"Trump Reportedly Considers Guliani and Cruz for AG"
"Trump Responds to Iran Strikes: New Sanctions, No War"
"Trump Responds to Pelosi SOTU Request by Cancelling Her Foreign Trip Funding"
"Trump Reverses Obama Era Climate Change Package"
"Trump Rumored to Drop Plans of Clinton Investigation"
"Trump Rushed Off Stage in Reno, Due to Disturbance/Possible Assassination Attempt"
"Trump Saluted a North Korean General, Somehow This Is Considered "Humiliating" to his Foes"
"Trump Says He Doesn't Have an AG, Lays Waste to Neocon Jeff Sessions"
"Trump Says Merkel Wiretapped by Obama; Media Pretends It Never Happened"
"Trump Says no DACA Deal, May Leave NAFTA"
"Trump Seeks Even More Border Wall Cash than Before in New Budget"
"Trump Shies Away From Striking Down Obama Era Iran Deal: Why It Doesn't Matter"
"Trump Should Ignore the DC Federal Judges' DACA Restart Order"
"Trump Signals End of US Patience with North Korea"
"Trump Signs Order to Massively Repeal Bureaucratic Regulations"
"Trump Smiles at Putin, Legacy Media Outraged"
"Trump Softballs China, Praises NATO, Criticizes Russia: His Epic 4d Chess Move"
"Trump Star Stickers Confuse Vandals and Vex Hollywood"
"Trump States He Will Release All JFK Documents Not Containing Names of People Still Alive"
"Trump Stops Giving a Damn, Says Shutdown Will Continue Until Wall Funding"
"Trump Suggests Reforming Libel Laws to Include Fake News Media"
"Trump Takes Aim at Big Tech Censorship but Misses the Mark"
"Trump Targets the Fed"
"Trump Tells Minnesota to Take Care Its Own Leftist Rioter Problem, Refuses to Send Money"
"Trump Tells World to Screw Off and Plans to Move US Embassy to Jerusalem"
"Trump Thankfully Declares Hideous GOP Healthcare "Fix" As Malleable"
"Trump Threatens IEEPA China Action; I Bet Congress Regrets Expanding Executive Power So Much"
"Trump Threatens Iran, but Does Not "Want or Foresee" War"
"Trump Threatens to Have FCC Revoke Licenses of So-Called News that Isn't News"
"Trump Throws China a Hardball on North Korea, Declares Willingness to "Solve" Problem Without Them"
"Trump Touts Korea Deal, Attacks Legacy Media, Gets Called Tyrannical Again"
"Trump Touts Money as Pre-Midterm Strategy at Year Ends"
"Trump Touts Rasmussen Approval Poll, Trolls Legacy Media"
"Trump Tricks Vox Into Reporting How Unpopular Impeachment Is Becoming"
"Trump Turnout! The Donald Fairly Likely to Flip New Hampshire in 2020"
"Trump Turns the Shutdown Tables on the Democrats as Some of his Fans Balk"
"Trump Tweets Out Internet-Shooped Video of Him Body Slamming CNN #FraudNewsCNN: Victory!"
"Trump Under Fire For Not Wanting to Antagonize Russia Some More"
"Trump Unveils Tax Plan: It's Mostly Good"
"Trump Uses Executive Power to Defang some Useless Bureaus and Agencies"
"Trump Verbally Attacks the FBI for "Destroying" Flynn's Life, Also Moore and Farenthold Allegation"
"Trump Vetoes Attempt to End US Support for the Saudi Coalition in Yemen"
"Trump Walks Out of Fruitless Shutdown Negotiations: Good!"
"Trump Wants Schools to be Able to Teach Bible Literacy. Somehow this is Controversial"
"Trump Warns of Cold War Escalation, Attacks Congress in Sanctions Release"
"Trump Weighs Slashing Coast Guard, TSA, FEMA Budgets for Wall"
"Trump Will Use Money and Jobs to Slowly Gain Minority Votes"
"Trump Wins Big on DACA, Scraps Program, Refers it to Legislature for a Permanent Fix"
"Trump Wins Enormously on Travel Ban as Supreme Court Allows President to Defend Sovereignty"
"Trump Wins a Major Victory as USMCA Replaces NAFTA"
"Trump Wins if Sanders is Nominated (The Myth of Sanders Supremacy)"
"Trump Wins on His Travel Ban in SCOTUS Ruling"
"Trump Withdraws the US from the UN's Arms Trade Treaty"
"Trump and Netanyahu Supposedly Sign Pact to Debilitate Iran"
"Trump and Son Warn Off a Roy Moore Candidacy"
"Trump calls Kim Jong Un Rocket Man, Threatens to Destroy North Korea"
"Trump is Doing Well on Foreign Policy Thanks to a Modified Kissinger Strategy"
"Trump is Making a Mistake by Not Further Endorsing Protection of Homosexuals"
"Trump still in Peace Talks with Israel and PLO, keeps PLO Office Open in DC"
"Trump tax Cuts Under Fire: But They Did Indeed Work"
"Trump to "Cut" Corporate Taxes to 15%... I Support This, Here's Why"
"Trump to Declare Antifa a Terrorist Organization: My Thoughts"
"Trump to Get a Special Master to Review FBI Raid Documents"
"Trump to Make It Easier to Fire Bad Government Workers: Fire Them All!"
"Trump to Probe Twitter Shadow Banning: He Should Go Further and Denounce All Censorship"
"Trump to Protect Venezuelan Refugees from Deportation"
"Trump to Shrink some National Monuments for Economic Purposes"
"Trump to Strip Planned Parenthood of Title X Funds: My Take"
"Trump to Target Clinton States like Minnesota"
"Trump to Use Executive Action to Challenge Internet Censorship"
"Trump to Visit Poland Before France, UK, Germany"
"Trump's Swing to the "Center" Continues as Predicted: Strikes Deal with Democrats on Debt"
"Trump's Voter Fraud Panel Faces Significant Resistance: My Thoughts"
"Trumps Approval Level Highest It Has Ever Been"
"Trumps Approval Rises Above 47, Surpassing "Magic Number" for Re-election"
"Trumps Approval Rises, but it is NOT at 52%"
"Trumps Epic, Memetic India Visit"
"Trumps Ethics Reform Outline is Actually Very Good"
"Trumps Medical Reform Gets a Bill of Mostly Fair Health"
"Trumps Mexico Visit Was A Massive Success; He Might have Just Won the Election"
"Trumps Montana Rally: Openly Brags About Phenomena I Have Noted For a Year"
"Trumps Offer to Meet with Kim Jong Un is Smart/ Meets with Leaders of Thailand, Singapore"
"Trumps RNC Speech Seals the Deal"
"Trumps Response to the Assange Arrest Dismays but Doesn't Surprise Me"
"Trumps SOTU Meme Post Gets A DMCA Strike from Universal"
"Trumps Temporary Travel Ban to be Decided by Supreme Court"
"Trumps' Hopeful Acceptance Speech was a Stark Contrast from Bidens Darkness"
"Trumps' State of the Union Analysis (Born Free, Stay Free!)"
"Trumps' Strategic but Wrong Response to Recent Shootings Analyzed"
"Trying to Explain Billionaires to Leftists"
"Tucker Carlson Responded Correctly to MediaMatters"
"Tulsi Gabbard Sues Google for Undercutting Her Campaign"
"Tulsi Gabbard Sulks, Refuses to Attend Debate She Won't Likely Qualify For Anyways"
"Tupac (Who Never Made a Rock Song) Inducted Into Rock and Roll Hall of Fame"
"Turkey Holds Referendum on Dictatorship by Erdogan"
"Turkey Is Now a Totalitarian State"
"Turkey Threatens to Allow Hundreds of Thousands of Migrants To Enter Europe"
"Turkish Forces Strike Syrian Kurdish YPG"
"Twelve Minutes of the Color Green"
"Twitter Bans Baked Alaska, Unverifies Purposeful Wife, Tommy Robinson, James Alsup; Fight the Power!"
"Twitter Bans Criticism of Religion as "Hateful""
"Twitter Bans NPC Meme Users for Election Interference, Thus Proving the Meme Inadvertently"
"Twitter Bans Wired Sources, Presumably for No Reason (Get on Gab!)"
"Twitter Censors James Woods, Gets Condemned by All Rational Minds"
"Twitter Decides the President Encouraging Law and Order Violates TOS"
"Twitter Engineer Confirms that the Site Shadow Bans People"
"Twitter Files Part 7: The FBI Lied and Democracy Died"
"Twitter Files Part 8: CENTCOM Involvement and More Dorsey-Agrawal Era Lies"
"Twitter Grandstands on Trump Tweet, Falsely Claims He is Glorifying Violence"
"Twitter Hackers Redpill the World In Fantastic Ways"
"Twitter Inquisitors Will Hunt After People for Content Not Related to Twitter Itself (Use Alt Tech!)"
"Twitter Suspends Critics of China, Then Apologizes"
"Twitter Suspends Marjorie Taylor Greene, Meddling in the US Political System Again"
"Twitter and the MSM Both Hyperventilate over Candace Owens and Politics"
"Twitter is Run By Morons; the Rose McGowan Incident is a Symbol of Big Tech Defending Money"
"Twitter to Ban People Who "Spread Conspiracy Theories""
"Twitters Insane (and Unconstitutional) New Policy to Hide Tweets by Public Officials"
"Twitters Jack Made Transphobic Comments, Ranted About Pseudo-Spirituality, Promoted Myanmar"
"Two "Activists" Sell White Privilege Safety Pin Boxes to Dumb People for 100 a Month"
"Two Minutes to Midnight Achieved as Cold War Freezes Solid"
"Two-Scoop Trump: The Legacy Media is So Hard Up They're Reporting on Trump's Ice Cream Habits"
"Tyre Nichols MURDERED by the Memphis Cops (Rodney King 2.0)"
"UK Election Fallout: Conservatives Absolutely Destroy Labour In Exit Polls"
"UK Election Results: A Slight Victory for Sovereignty"
"UK Prepares to Extradite Julian Assange Because they Hate Press Freedom"
"UK Resistance Falls Flat as a Few People Stand Around a Tiny Balloon for an Hour"
"US Arming Kurdish Rebels, Turkey Threatens Response"
"US Debt Hits 20 Trillion, Chinese Debt rises, also the Difference between Debt and Deficit"
"US Federal Court Temporarily Blocks Bidens Student Loan Grift"
"US Government Threatens Naval Blockade of Venezuela: I Oppose This Idea"
"US Inflation Expected to Hit 8.3% for March... BIDENOMICS!"
"US MRE Menu 22: Beef Goulash"
"US Meets with North Korea For Summit Preparation"
"US Naval Group Strikes Syrian Airfield with Tomahawk Missiles: A Stupid Provocation"
"US Occupation of Syria Now Indefinite as Trump Allows Permanent Deployment of Assets There"
"US Prisoners in DPRK May Have Been Released/ Japan Asks US for Help With Japanese Prisoners"
"US Senate Votes to Block Trumps' National Emergency: Trump Vetoes the Move"
"US Shoots Down Syrian Jet, Russia Threatens to Track and Attack Anything West of Euphrates"
"US Stock Market Hits a New Record High: Trumponomics!"
"US Withdraws from Paris Climate Accord: And People Are Gobbling Up the Propaganda"
"US and Mexico Achieve NAFTA Deal: Trudeau Still Holding Out Like a Baby"
"US-China Trade Deal Looms"
"USA Today Dares to Question Bernie Sanders Re: His Age and Health"
"USA Today Insinuates Kavanaugh is a Child Predator, Gets Mocked Nationwide"
"USA Today Recognizes the Folly of the Dem Strategy But Provides an Equally Dumb Alternative"
"USA, Guatemala Achieve Apparent Safe Third Country Deal"
"USMCA Passed by House, Delayed by Senate Due to Impeachment"
"UTexas "Miss Black" Pageant Winner Attacked for Not Looking Black Enough"
"Ukraine Invasion Day Four: Helmets! US Energy Policy in Focus, Zelensky Welcomes Foreign Volunteers"
"Ukraine: Russia Threatens to Shut Off Gas, Tiktok Bans Uploads, Biden Blames Russia for Economy"
"Ultra MAGA is the New CHUD, as The Left Loses Another Memetic Battle"
"Unemployment Falls to 3.7%- A Fifty Year Low"
"Unemployment Finally Falls Below 4% for First Time in 18 Years"
"Unforgivable Perversion: The Greatest Catholic Church Abuse Scandal Since Alexander VI"
"Unipartyist Mike Pence Skates on Classified Documents, Because of Course"
"University of Washington Tolerating the Doxxing and Defamation of its Students"
"Uranium One Agents to be Investigated, Jeff Sessions Commands"
"Utah Moves to Decriminalize Polygamy Because Mormonism Totally Doesn't Promote It"
"VICE Media Lays Off 10% of its Staff"
"VICE News Going Bankrupt? HAHAHA"
"VR to Golden One and Varg Vikernes, RE Christianity, European Culture, Americanism, etc"
"VR to Rageaholic (Razorfist): Support for his Channels"
"VR to Thulean Perspective RE Rare Earth Minerals and Survivalism"
"VR to ThuleanPerspective Re His VR on Adsense"
"Vehicular Battering Ram of Peace! More Looters of Peace in Chicago"
"Venezuela Braces for Mass Protests as Opposition Leader Declares Rule"
"Venezuela Collapses as Little Marco Roboto Invokes Gaddafi and Sanders Panders"
"Venezuela Inflation Hits the Critical One Million Percent Mark"
"Venezuela Is Completely Destabilizing: Mother of All Marches"
"Venezuela Might "Lose Everything" Trump Warns, as Crisis Continues"
"Venezuela Without Power for Fifth Day: Looting and Rioting is Spreading"
"Venezuela's Loss of Population is So Bad they Formed a Migration Force"
"Venezuela: Hyperinflation/Two Day Work Week/Ends Beer Production/Maduro Recall"
"Venezuela: Opposition Boycotts Election, Neighbors Build Bases, Miami Consulate to Close"
"Venezuelan Nationalists Attempt to Bomb Supreme Court Using Stolen Helicopter"
"Venezuelan Opposition Loses Patience, Now Calls for Defections and Rebellion"
"Venezuelan Poverty So Drastic Even Carpets Get Looted"
"Venezuelans Flee to Peru"
"Venezuelans Warn Against Socialism: I Say We Listen to Them"
"Vermont Democratic Candidate Christine Hallquist Tries to Blame Trump for Death Threats"
"Vermont House Votes to Legalize Marijuana, New Hampshire Senate Votes to Decriminalize"
"Vermont Issues 103: The Great Vermont Power Outage of October 30th"
"Vermont Issues 108: "Vermont Businesses for Social Responsibility" Push for New Taxes"
"Vermont Issues 115: Memphremagog to be Cleaned Up"
"Vermont Issues 117: Vermont Wind Turbine Rules Still Dumb: Decentralize And Use Solar!"
"Vermont Issues 119: Vermont Inmates get Outsourced, Screwing both Them and Us the Taxpayers"
"Vermont Issues 121: UVM Short on Cash, Cuts A Dozen Courses and Loses a Chairman"
"Vermont Issues 122: Canadian Corporation Sues Vermont Brewery over Use of Moose"
"Vermont Issues 123: The Insanity of the Proposed Vermont Carbon Tax Plan"
"Vermont Issues 124: Vermont Yankee is Leaky and Messed Up Even After Decommissioning"
"Vermont Issues 127: Someone Destroyed 300 Gallons of Maple Syrup During a Robbery"
"Vermont Issues 129: Pesticides, Dairies, and Ben and Jerrys"
"Vermont Issues 130: State Trying to Bully North Clarendon over Supposed Wetland Damage"
"Vermont Issues 136: Ricin Case Update; It Was a Literal Crazy Lady"
"Vermont Issues 141: As Senate GOP Rushes Tax Plan, Sanders Wants a Shutdown: I Agree"
"Vermont Issues 144: Snow Has Arrived (Unfortunately)"
"Vermont Issues 146: Yes, Wind Wrong for Vermont (Spencer Crispe is Right)"
"Vermont Issues 149: Marijuana Likely to be Legalized as Phil Scott Joins Current Decade"
"Vermont Issues 150: Thus Ends the VT Series; The Best Sights of Our State"
"Vermont Issues 152: The Irrelevance of Vermonts Feel-Good Yearly Minimum Wage Increase"
"Vermont Issues 156: Vermont Options Even More Unlawful Antigun Laws"
"Vermont Issues 19: State Won't Cooperate With Trump Voter Data Request"
"Vermont Issues 23: Migrants Fleeing USA into Canada through Our State"
"Vermont Issues 24: A Rebuttal to VPR Re: Gun Laws"
"Vermont Issues 29: Composting Vermont Style"
"Vermont Issues 30: Vermont Man Sprays Immigration and Customs Car with Manure"
"Vermont Issues 31: Governor Phil Scott Attacks Trump Over Charlottesville Comments"
"Vermont Issues 36: Vermont Declared #1 Bantz State in USA"
"Vermont Issues 39: Vermont Supreme Court to Weigh In on Marijuana Sniff Tests"
"Vermont Issues 40: Town Forest Infrastructure and Usage Expansion"
"Vermont Issues 43: Pressure Put on Bernie Sanders to Form Progressive Party"
"Vermont Issues 44: Thank Goodness; Goats Uninjured in Car Accident"
"Vermont Issues 53: Phil Scott Forms Marijuana Legalization Commission: Hahaha!"
"Vermont Issues 54: Rutlands Recovery; the Good, the Bad, the Ugly"
"Vermont Issues 55: Nordic Farms Files for Bankruptcy: Symptom of a Larger Problem"
"Vermont Issues 56: Comcast Sues Vermont over Being Told to Lay Better Cable"
"Vermont Issues 57: Racist Graffiti in Andersonville Hits Several Farms"
"Vermont Issues 58: Semi-annual Vermont Teachers' Strike Looms"
"Vermont Issues 61: Vermont Hemp Crops Booming"
"Vermont Issues 62: Vermont Investigates Solar Firm, Stands in Way of Business and Green Energy Alike"
"Vermont Issues 65: Phil Scott Rejects GOP Healthcare Overhaul"
"Vermont Issues 73: Vermont Democratic Party is Nearly Broke"
"Vermont Issues 74: Vermont High School Sports in a Tizzy Over Drone Based Recording"
"Vermont Issues 75: The Abnormally Warm September of 2017"
"Vermont Issues 76: Vermont Subcontractor SAManage USA Data Breach Lawsuit Settled"
"Vermont Issues 81: Density Increase for South Burlington"
"Vermont Issues 90: State so Desperate for Substance Abuse Counselors it's Streamlining the Process"
"Vermont Issues 93: Target Finally to Open Hideous Box Store in Burlington"
"Vermont Issues 95: Phil Scott Launches Dumb Website to Spur Economic Development"
"Vermont Issues 96: Vermont Unemployment Falls Below 3% (But this is Slightly Misleading)"
"Vermont Issues 97: Bernie Sanders to Run for 16th Political Term"
"Vermont Issues 98: State Unwisely Considers Adding Acupuncture to Medicaid Coverage"
"Vermont Issues Episode 11: Bernie Sanders Allegedly Steals Neighbors Newspapers"
"Vermont Issues Episode 12: Rutland; The Good, the Bad, the Future"
"Vermont Issues Episode 13: Vermont Industrial Hemp Industry is Expanding"
"Vermont Issues Episode 15: Vermont Maple Syrup"
"Vermont Issues Episode 17: Generac Flees High-Tax, Business-Unfriendly VT, Cutting 67 Jobs"
"Vermont Issues Episode 2: Illegal DMV Facial Recognition"
"Vermont Issues Episode 6: Vermont the New Alcohol Juggernaut"
"Vermont Issues Episode 8: Special Education in Vermont"
"Vermont Issues Episode 9: Looks are Deceiving; Our Forests Only Look Old"
"Vermont Legalizes Marijuana (Effective July 1st)"
"Vermont State Elections: My Endorsements"
"Vermont to be First to Legalize Marijuana via Legislative Action"
"Vermonters "Deface" BLM "Murals" According to Newspeak Craptivists"
"Vice Fixates on Mall Goth Looking "Nationalists" And Presumes They're a Widespread Phenomena"
"Vice Incorrectly Claims Paganism is being Coopted by "Racists""
"Vice Media Sued for Pay Discrimination"
"Vice News Gets it Wrong on Salvia, Perpetuates Drug War Myths"
"Vidme Shuts Down Because it Ignored Our Advice: Join me on Pewtube as well as Bitchute!"
"Vintage 1970s MCI: Hideous Pound Cake, Even Worse Peach Jam"
"Virginia Pro-Constitution Rallies Go Off Without a Hitch, Enraging the Corporate Media"
"Virginians Begin to Fight Unconstitutional Gun Control"
"Virginians Should Already Be Protesting Their Governors Antigun Proposals"
"Vishing Has Begun"
"Vote Statehood: I Hope Puerto Rico Petitions to Become the 51st State"
"Vox Defames Pewdiepie, Laci Green, Sargon of Akkad, and More"
"Vox Hilariously Proclaims Bernie Sanders the Democrats' 2020 Front Runner"
"Vox Joins Salon, Buzzfeed, and CNN, in Cutting Staff and Downsizing"
"Wacky CNN Tries, Fails to Indict Trump as a Racist Based on the #FraudNewsCNN Video"
"Want Comforting Lies Instead of Hard Truth? Google's AI Assistant Has You Covered"
"Want Real Prosperity? Deregulate, Lower Taxes, and Streamline the Government"
"War Loving John Brennan and Other Liberals Blame Trump for Political Violence"
"War With Iran Would be a Dumb Idea: Trump Thankfully Seems to Comprehend This"
"War-Loving Miscreant Jeb Bush Continues to Rant About Diplomacy"
"Warehouse of Hurricane Supplies Discovered 2 Years Later in Puerto Rico"
"Warmongering Miscreant George W Bush "Disturbed" by Immigration Debate"
"Warren Wagons! The Ultimate Cringe as Warren Fans Try to Meme"
"Washington Free Beacon Attempts to Fall on Sword, Proves Establishment Conspiracy Against Populism"
"Washington Post Admits that a House Loss Benefits Trump"
"Washington Post Begs You to See Bidens Gaffes Their Way"
"Washington Post Sides with Criminals in Portland, Worries about DHS/Feds"
"Washington Post Tries to Foil Gabs' Dissenter, Gets Owned in a Single Day"
"Watching Bernie Sanders Whine About the Nonexistent War with Iran is Pathetic"
"Watching the Democrats Fail Miserably is Transfixing"
"We Must Maximize Domestic Liberty to Defeat Globalism"
"We Must Oppose and Stop the UN Global Compact for Migration"
"We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Protect the Internet"
"We Need an Internet Bill Of Rights and We Need It Now"
"We Shall Not Fall"
"We Should Pressure More Corporations to Abandon Zuckerbergs Libra Project"
"We Should Pressure Trump to Make Good on his Proposed Federal Employee Pay Freeze"
"We're Closer to Atomic Midnight These Days"
"Weekly Jobless Claims Fall to 49 Year Low (The Trump Economy Continues)"
"Welcome to the Cold War: Russia Expels US Diplomats, Seizes US Properties"
"Welcome to the Commie LARP "Autonomous" Zone of Seattle"
"Welcome to the Twenties"
"Western "Liberals" (Starbucks Marxists) Don't and Won't Understand Hard-line Islam"
"What the UK Election Foreshadows for the US 2020 Election"
"What, You Think Our Country is So Innocent? Quote of the Century"
"While Technically Justified, Trump is Playing with Fire Over His Mueller Firing Comments"
"Whiners Attack Miss USA For Suggesting Aversion to Socialism"
"White Guilt: Postmodern Racism, Stereotyping, and Collective Guilt"
"White House Gets Briefly Locked Down Due to Riots; Liberals Consider this a "Victory""
"White Knighting Leftists Go INSANE as I Laugh at AOC Being Heckled"
"Who Cares if Iran Bombed Saudi Arabia? Not My Problem"
"Why Anarchism Will Always Fail"
"Why Bitchute Is Not Likely to Collapse Like Vidme Did"
"Why China Will Collapse: Paper Palace, House of Cards"
"Why Do So Many People Mistake Me for a Conservative?"
"Why I Choose Libertarianism And Not The Two Party System"
"Why I Love the Trolls in my Comment Areas and Would Never Censor Anyone"
"Why I Sincerely Hope FOX News Fails and Collapses"
"Why I Typically Say "Merry Christmas" as a Nonchristian"
"Why I Won't Bother Debating the Griftleft (Breadtube Crowd) And You Shouldn't Either"
"Why I am Mostly Attacking the "Liberals" (Hint; it Isn't Because I Moved Right)"
"Why I'll Hold my Crypto Even As its Value Wanes or Stagnates"
"Why My Election Predictions are So Accurate: The Triple Paradigm Shift"
"Wikileaks Vault 7: A Massive and Confusing Revelation"
"Wikipedias' Own Cofounder Lambastes the Site for Bias"
"Wilders (Predictable) Loss Is Still a Major Increase for Populism"
"Will California Bankrupt Itself Paying Reparations to People Who Were Never Slaves?"
"Will Democrats Try to Suspend the Election Debates Or Just Make them Digital Only?"
"Will They Rename Harvard to Jeffrey Epstein Memorial University?"
"Will the Uniparty Woke DOJ Charge Trump Over Classified Document "Mishandling"?"
"Witchcraft and Paganism on the Rise- Good! But It's Not Always Authentic"
"Woke Muhammad? HAHAHA!"
"Woody Allen Says He's Nervous the Weinstein Scandal will Start a "Witch Hunt""
"Work Begins on Sickness In Hell: Celebrate! The End is Near!"
"World Peace Increases as John McCain Finally Dies"
"Xi Zedong! China Likely to Become De Facto Dictatorship as Trade War Looms"
"Yahoo Says Trump is Bad at Economics and Branding and Dealmaking"
"Yale Discriminates Against White and Asian Applicants, Claims DOJ"
"Yeah John Kerry Violated the Logan Act but Nobody Cares Because He's a Moron"
"Years End Video #1: Top Five Losers of 2018"
"Yes, There's a War On the Press But Not on Billion Dollar Corporate "News" like CNN"
"Yes, Trump is Technically Kinda Sorta not Fully Impeached Yet"
"Yes, the Alt-Left Exists: Yes, it is Violent"
"Yet Another Student Loan Pause lol"
"You Can't Really Blame Foreigners for Not Assimilating in Parts of Europe"
"You Don't Know How It Feels (RIP Tom Petty)"
"Young Americans Abandon Debt and Usury for Family Living"
"Your Mission: Pixelplanet Vermont and Delaware!"
"Your Subconscious Says Hillary Clinton is Basically Dolores Umbridge"
"Youtube "Accidentally" Purges Pro Freedom Uploaders"
"Youtube Allegedly Categorizes Users Partly Based on Their Race"
"Youtube Bans "Dangerous Pranks""
"Youtube Begins Paying Vapid, Meaningless "Celebs" to Make Videos"
"Youtube Briefly Demonetizes David Firth AKA Salad Fingers"
"Youtube Creates new "Priority Creator" Caste that is Exempt from its Monetization Flagging"
"Youtube De-Verifies Me Under Its New Verification Eligibility System"
"Youtube Declares Tommy Robinson a Leper, Restricts His Entire Channel"
"Youtube Deplatforms Nick Fuentes for No Apparent Reason"
"Youtube Disabling Comments On Some Entire Channels"
"Youtube Down For Several Hours: This is Why I use Bitchute, Dailymotion, and Steemit Too"
"Youtube Encourages Me to Set the Tone of Conversations in my Comments: OK!"
"Youtube Exclusive: Latest Glitch May Be Glitch Reversal"
"Youtube Gives Infowars a Strike as CNN Allegedly Scripts Entire Town Hall"
"Youtube Goes Full 1984, Promises to Hide "Offensive" Content Without Recourse- We Must Oppose This"
"Youtube HQ Shooting: My Thoughts As A Youtuber"
"Youtube Is Definitively Suppressing My Content"
"Youtube Is Increasingly Spotty on Notifications; Twitter and Facebook Links in Description"
"Youtube Is Now Explicitly Demoting Independent News, Tech, and Gaming Content"
"Youtube Losing One of Its First Major Figures Due to Algorithmic Unfairness"
"Youtube Mobilizes Against Article 13: I Stand With Them, but the Hypocrisy is Noted"
"Youtube Puts Black Pigeon Speaks Videos into Limited State, Demonetizes Reviewbrah"
"Youtube Restores Gavin McInnes and Some of My Faith in Youtube"
"Youtube Rewind Thinks Will Smith, Casey Neistat, and other Corporate Figures Highlight 2018"
"Youtube Says it May Ban Accounts That it Deems "Not Commercially Viable""
"Youtube Shooting Fallout: Spin, Half Truths, Speculation, and More"
"Youtube Should Take a Stand and Condemn the Legacy Media for Raiding Infowars"
"Youtube Suppression Is Now Unlivable: Bitchute Exclusives Daily Starting Tomorrow!"
"Youtube Targets Whistleblowers and Activists With New "Hacked" Material TOS"
"Youtube Twitter Page Suggests You Subscribe to Black Creators Just Cuz"
"Youtube Unfortunately May Commit Tech Suicide to Appease Pearl Clutchers"
"Youtube Warns Against Article 13 While Adopting Its Own Corporate Censorship"
"Youtube Will Label "Government Funded" Content"
"Youtube is Partially Throttling Me"
"Youtube to Actively Suppress "Borderline" and "Conspiracy" Content"
"Youtube to Crack Down on Perverts after Spending a Year on "Offensive" Stuff"
"Youtube to Give the Downtrodden Corporate Legacy Media Affirmative Action to Help Them"
"Youtube to Hire 10,000 People to Suppress Certain Disallowed Content"
"Youtubes New Algorithmic Censorship Re: Non-Updating Sub Counts"
"Youtubes New Ban on Gun Related Content is Political And Unhelpful"
"Youtubes New TOS Change Doesn't Involve Creators Being Banned, It Claims"
"Yule/Christmas Progress Update!"
"Zelensky Partners with Blackrock to Use Reconstruction Funding... LOL"
"Zuckerberg Kisses Ring, Endorses Eurocensorship for the Internet"
"Zuckerberg Promises to Gatekeep More Political Discourse in 2019"
"Zuckerberg to Sell Massive Amount of Facebook Stock, Rejects New Stock Type"
"Zuckerbergs' Congressional Testimony was Surreal (Delete Your Facebook Account)"
"Zuckerbergs' Instagram Bans Tommy Robinson for No Reason"