Comments by "CynicalBroadcast" (@CynicalBastard) on "Trump Acquitted: Final Defeat for the Democrats on Impeachment ft. Greasy Mitt Romney" video.

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  6. ​ @Astr0C0w  Hey, this is your second response to me. This new Youtube comments are crap, they deleted the first time I responded to this, so, when I called you an * [apparently] I was honestly responding to your comment, as if it were literally not reading me, which apparently it wasn't, because it was deleted [and I didn't even say anything naughty, I just explained what I had above, already, and had to re-iterate that second time- you're not an * though, I take that back. Other people though, they've been assess pretty much no matter how "cordial" I am]. Boy, these comments are now vastly more like twitter; no matter-Yes, I see your point about the nature of the impeachment that you don't like, elucidated in your comments about "serving the rule of the people" [essentially I'm paraphrasing], over "party politics" and making this impeachment under some kind of politicized and/or personal grounds. My point is also in lieu with Styx's messaging in this video, which he clearly states that "by design, the impeachment is partisan in nature, due to the fact of how the governmental procedure works, in general", as in to say that "this is not going to work any other way, anyway, and it's always partisan"--this is true. Then the rest of his messaging omits what I am elucidating about the fact of his embargo on sense and real "reasoning" due to his fetishization of the "globalized" [or just "global"] market and his distinct refusal to ground any of his videos in a logic that would elucidate anything beyond this axiomatic "reasoning", of his, whereby he follows the crowd, basically, most of the populist base: which he is clearly not telling everything to. But that's neither here nor there about the "litmus test" comment, that's just merely a poor wording, like you said. But it points out the connection to the political base that Styx is trying to sublimate or manipulate, and the accrual of monetary gain for he knows there is no other alternative: the next time it'll be more "reasoning" from this, and the time after, a more "populist" candidate comes along, and he'll be there for the ride too. I don't blame him. Look at everyone, they eat this shit up; probably cause they are so fed up: yet they always manage to forget that all these parties have been screwing them, not just one...but it works, see? Most are as bad as the socialists [the so called "anti-corporatist lobby who at once are slaves to corporatists, and capitalists, too, which they say they hate but seemingly don't], because you are still saying one thing and doing another, so, a "new American future" is what anyone can and must surely expect [and that can be either good or fucked, depends]. One under corporatists. This is all one or another band-aid on a gaping wound. That's the sad part. This virus going around is probably the worst timing.
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