Comments by "Paras " (@Paras-iz7ox) on "Jared Henderson" channel.

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  15.  @NathanHenriquefa  can you put down the reasoning that these specialties provide for there claim or they says so because some pro- brhamin govt buyed them to put foreign man authentication seal to manipulate people. Btw you didn't provided any single evidences of two of your claim and one main claim that you have done in starting that 1/ rig veda is 1500 BC old and 2/second claim is Sanskrit is also 1200-1500 BC old . I already debunked both of your claims no philogical nor archaeological evidence found of rig Veda Secondly Sanskrit if first used by Buddhist in dhmma lipi that too started from 6-4 BC Now hindusim Sanskrit is written in devagiri scirpt that is totally different from Buddhist hybrid Sanskrit so don't confuse between two there is no proof of hindusim in Buddhist hybrid Sanskrit either. Now hindusim devnagari script Sanskrit is itself developed in 8-9th century and all of its proofs also find in this same Devanagari script langauge . Maybe they saw the opportunity to overlap the Hinduism over Buddhism by creating their scirpt and using the same langauge that's why they began their relegion and for that they took things from different religions book at that time to somehow create their own so called scriptures to overlap Buddhism and in which they succeeded also. For example when al Biruni came India he noted in his kitab ul Hind . Edited by Edward page number 107 I think . He wrote that brhamins can Marry 4 wives kshartiya 3 vaishya 2 and shudra 1. Adopted the concept from Islam. And whole rig veda rituals is copied from Zend Avesta.
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