Youtube activity of "Baptism of Fire" (@Baptism_of_Fire35) on "Schwerpunkt" channel.
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Baptism of Fire
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Comments by video
"Alexios I Komnenos (1081-1118)"
"Battle of Ninĝirsu's Fields - 2425 BC ca."
"Charlemagne's army: an overview"
"Charlemagne's imperial legacy: dynastic partitioning, regional shaping and enduring establishment"
"Chingizid-Yuan Mongol Chinese warfare: strategy, campaigns and conquests (XIII-XIV century)"
"Christianity vs Islam and the Habsburgic-Safavid anti-Ottoman alliance of the 1580s"
"Commentary on Metatron's "Were The Ancient Romans Nordic? The Truth" (part 1)"
"Cortés: «If the heathen are not brought into the light, we make them pay for sitting in darkness»"
"Defining the Visigothic kings' rights and duties at the 4th-6th Councils of Toledo (633-638)"
"Edward I of England's Mongol u0026 French policy u0026 the competition for the Crown of Scotland (1274-1296)"
"Eternally rising as the king of the living: the Sol Invictus «distant of place from people and gods»"
"France at Charles VII's death (1461): the stabilization of the kingdom. Politics, court and art"
"Gallic warband infantryman"
"Grand Principality of Kyev (XI-XIII century)"
"Gregory VII's pontificate as the violent turning point against the lay investiture of the clergy"
"High Medieval Western European ports and maritime cities: a recap"
"How the modern Ukrainian nation was made in Habsburgic Galicia"
"How trench warfare happened: IWW politics, strategy u0026 tactics"
"Iberian scutarius (IV-II century BC)"
"Illyrian tactics (IV-II century BC)"
"Man-at-arms' mounted retinue, contracted horse costs and light cavalry (XV century)"
"Medieval Central-Northern Italian warfare (XI-XIV century): a very short introduction - Part 4"
"Origin hypotheses of the Serbs"
"Patrimonium Petri: the metaphysical sovereignty of the Papal States (VIII-X century)"
"Poland, Bohemia, Hungary: Ostsiedlung, trade routes, town charters, Jews u0026 loan words (XIII century)"
"Q&A n°31 - "Can you recommend any books on medieval history as a whole? I want a starting point""
"Republican Roman military rewards u0026 decorations praeda, torques, armillae, phalerae, hasta, coronae"
"Rights, Revolution and Napoleon: distinguishing modernity & Tradition in the Juridical Enlightenment"
"Roman signifer (I century BC - II century AD)"
"Rome from the Fascist Empire to WWII (1936-1940)"
"Sarmatians, Huns, Avars and Slavs in the Migration Era: an overview"
"The Franks, Clovis and the foundation of Merovingian power as the spring of European civilization"
"The Freikorps: «When we were 17, the voice of our blood dragged us into the trenches»"
"The Geats: history of a Norse people"
"The Holy, Catholic, Apostolic, Roman meaning of the Cross from the Fasces Lictorii to Christianity"
"The Indo-European identity of the Romano-Italic people: migrations, appearance, heritage"
"The Indo-European meaning of the Roman comitia curiata, centuriata and tributa (IV century BC)"
"The Longest Day: «gentlemen in England now abed shall think themselves accursed they were not here»"
"The Protestants as Hannibal and the Spanish as the Romans: the Nassaus, Aelianus and the Dutch drill"
"The Roman Eagle: an omen that they shall conquer all against whom they march"
"The Waffen-SS up till Barbarossa: Himmler, the "super soldiers" and the rivalry with the Wehrmacht"
"The commanders of the Thirty Years War: an overview"
"The history of artillery: a minimal overview"
"The post-Carolingian elite and popular cultural convergence as the triumph of the Catholic Tradition"
"«Ok, let's go». Operation Overlord: planning D-Day, German defenses and Allied forces concentration"
"À toi la gloire, o Ressuscité! Why the only French identity is Holy, Catholic, Apostolic and Roman"
"Ên wîskuning thesero weroldes waldan skoldi gio te êwandaga. The Germanic Imperial Catholic miracle"
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