Comments by "Leonid Shnaider" (@leon19736) on "Democracy Now!" channel.

  1.  @tasm1411  Do you know who said that. Dr Hajo Meyers, a holocaust survivor. Again, he was there so he knows according to you and he say Israel's like Nazi Germany That was really disgusting what you're doing. You are real villain with this example Only crazy person can compare Israel To Nazi Germany. Do you know that Israel provide cancer treatment to tens of thousands of Palestinians each year? That is really Nazi. I myself son of Holocaust survivor. Absolute majority of Holocaust survivors and their children will say that this guy Hajo Meyers is crazy. You love to bring quotes from all kind of crazy people if its fits to your narrative. And you can always find some one crazy in anywhere in the world with crazy saying and make reference to him. That is called manipulation. And in this case it is extremely ugly manipulation. Israel killed since 1967 around 15 thousands Palestinian - majority militants who wanted to kill Jews . in Poland 3 millions Jewish civilians were killed out 3.3 millions Jews. Only crazy or highly ignorant person or highly immoral human being can compare what Israel did to Palestinians as result of Palestinians wanting to kill as many Jews as possible and destroy state of Israel to what Nazi did to Jews. Israel in 1967 significantly improved health system on territories and the death rate of newborn children decreased significantly. Israel saved tens of thousand of Palestinians by improving health system standard on territories. Maj. Gen. Yair Golan had his own view and his saying was taken out of context. If Israel would be like a Nazi there wouldn't be any Palestinians today. The number of Palestinians who were killed is very very low compared to any conflict in the world last 70 years. As example Russians killed 200-300 thousands in chechnya and 1-1.5 millions in Afghanistan.
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  3.  @tasm1411  norman finkelstein? Is this a guy who supported communism in China and went to live in Chian in the time when the biggest genocide in a human history took place and 100 millions Chinese people were killed? He moved to China because he supported Chinese communism. Is it the same guy? I believe most of the people in the world be very angry on you for you quoting this guy. It is the same like you quoting someone you supported Hitler or Nazzi Germany. Noam Chomsky? Is this a guy who supported and glorified few years back Chaves and Socialist Venezuela? Is it the same guy? Curiously, that’s not how the Venezuelan regime’s admirers used to speak of “21st century socialism,” as it was dubbed by Hugo Chávez. The late Venezuelan president, said Britain’s Jeremy Corbyn, “showed us there is a different and a better way of doing things. It’s called socialism, it’s called social justice, and it’s something that Venezuela has made a big step toward.” Noam Chomsky was similarly enthusiastic when he praised Chávez in 2009. “What’s so exciting about at last visiting Venezuela,” the linguist said, is that “I can see how a better world is being created and can speak to the person who’s inspired it.” I believe that most people in the western world would be very angry to listen to some one like Noam Chomsky if you inform them on his position on Venezuela in 2009. Richard Falk? Standing with Hamas: Richard Falk You have amasing ability to give a references to all kind of crazy people. Norit Peled, Noam Chomsky, Ilan Pappe, Norman finkelstein, Richard Falk
  4.  @tasm1411  This is not my writings about Ilan Pappe. And i don't work for anybody and just do it for fun "Indeed the struggle is about ideology, not about facts, Who knows what facts are? We try to convince as many people as we can that our interpretation of the facts is the correct one, and we do it because of ideological reasons, not because we are truthseekers." Ilan Pappe Le Soir, Nov. 29, 1999 "Ilan Pappe, a history lecturer at the University of Haifa, freely admits that, in his view, facts are irrelevant when it comes to the history of the Palestinian-Israeli conflict. "Indeed the struggle is about ideology, not about facts, Who knows what facts are? We try to convince as many people as we can that our interpretation of the facts is the correct one, and we do it because of ideological reasons, not because we are truthseekers," Pappe said in an interview with the French newspaper Le Soir, Nov. 29, 1999 "My bias is apparent despite the desire of my peers that I stick to facts and the "truth" when reconstructing past realities. I view any such construction as vain and presumptuous." - Ilan Pappe (A History of Modern Palestine) p. 11 Ilan Pappe is an ex-Israeli, ex-historian. This guy was expelled from his Israeli university post after he was found to be fabricating historical data. Pappe's books have been critiqued by many since his evidence is based on half-truths, falsified facts and wishful thinking. He makes a living by giving talks to both left-wing groups and other Saudi Arabia-funded organizations. Nobody in community of historians will take him seriously . Nobody among professionals in History subject will reference to Ilan Pappe. Benny Morris: You cannot rely on one sentence in Ilan Pappe's book
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  19.  @tasm1411  It looks like you didn't read what i wrote you and didn't watch videos. Watch all videos and you will understand how delusional you are. I read half of the article and stopped. This is an opinion of private person . but not a reality. Reality is very very far away. Reality is that Palestinians and Arafat never wanted a settlement with Israel. That is why they made school children program that taught children that eventually Israel should be destroyed. Arafat never talked to his people about peace with Israel and never said that there will be no return to Israel millions of Palestinians. And as you can see in videos i sent you majority of Palestinians don't want peace with Israel , but destruction of Israel. Just watch videos. I didn't asked you too much. I see the guy who wrote this article as highly delusional. You see an article as absolute truth. UN decided about the creation of Israel but never tried to protect its decision by protecting Jews in 1948 from invading 5 Arab armies. UN made derision in 1976 that Zionism is type of Racism, which they canceled in 1991. I don't see how anyone will take UN seriously in Israel. Also UN never condemned China for Tibet occupation, Turkey for Cyprus occupation, Russia for Georgian and Crimea occupation, Morocco for West Sahara occupation. But Israel was condemned endless amount of time. I don't think Israel should listen to UN at all. So many crazy countries in UN and they never condemned. I wrote you that in 90s there was a party in Israeli parliament that aimed for ethnic cleansing of Palestinians with big financials compensation for those Palestinians. They got 3 seats out 120. Just read everything i wrote
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