Comments by "naas699" (@naas699) on "Times Radio" channel.

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  2.  @ihavetowait90daystochangem8  by your logic 10 states in the USA will go back to Mexico, Hawaii back to the rightful owners, Alaska back to Russia, all of the USA back to the American Indians. look at a map of Europe in the 1900's - see how far RU borders reach - point out UA will you. the USA / west has no problem changing borders when it suits them. look at Europes borders before & after WW1 & WW2, who is it that changes European borders? Where's Yugoslavia? can't find it on a map? ask the USA & NATO. NATO that defensive alliance that actively goes to war around the globe. NATO illegally bombed Yugoslavia, USA illegally invaded Iraq even after the UN told the USA they had no justification. why is the USA saying they will next go to war with China over Taiwan? Who has China invaded over the past 40 years? now compare that to the USA wars (Lebanon,Grenada, Libya, Persian Gulf, Panama, Gulf war, Iraq, Somalia, Yugoslavia, Haiti, Serbia, Afghanistan, Yemen, Iraq, Pakistan, Somalia, Libya, Uganda, Niger, Iraq, Syria, Libya again) Don't forget how the USA is illegally in Syria and Libya stealing oil. . Even the US Govt web sites state Taiwan is part of China so why would China invade itself? the USA stated they will destroy Taiwans semiconductor industry - and as we speak the US is building semiconductor factories in the USA. Just as since 2014 US ports were building gas offloading facilities and as soon as they blow up Nord Stream, the US says to EU - never fear, you can now buy gas from us. All part of Americas forever wars - Assange ointed that out thats why the USA wants him to rot in a UK jail. Liz Cheneys net worth $7 million 2017 $44 million 2021 - who says Americas FOREVER WARS don't pay?
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  5.  @GolemRising  bullsht. Jacques Baud is a former colonel of the General Staff, ex-member of the Swiss strategic intelligence, specialist on Eastern countries. He was trained in the American and British intelligence services. He has served as Policy Chief for United Nations Peace Operations. He states the following in his article "Part One the Road to War" The qualifier “pro-Russian” suggests that Russia was a party to the conflict, which was not the case, and the term “Russian speakers” would have been more honest. Moreover, these referendums were conducted against the advice of Vladimir Putin. In fact, these Republics were not seeking to separate from Ukraine, but to have a status of autonomy, guaranteeing them the use of the Russian language as an official language–because the first legislative act of the new government resulting from the American-sponsored overthrow of [the democratically-elected] President Yanukovych, was the abolition, on February 23, 2014, of the Kivalov-Kolesnichenko law of 2012 that made Russian an official language in Ukraine. A bit as if German-speaking ‘putschists’ decided that French and Italian would no longer be official languages in Switzerland. This decision caused a storm in the Russian-speaking population. The result was fierce repression against the Russian-speaking regions (Odessa, Dnepropetrovsk, Kharkov, Lugansk and Donetsk) which was carried out beginning in February 2014 and led to a militarization of the situation and some horrific massacres of the Russian population (in Odessa and Mariupol, the most notable). At this stage, too rigid and engrossed in a doctrinaire approach to operations, the Ukrainian general staff subdued the enemy but without managing to actually prevail. The war waged by the autonomists [consisted in].… highly mobile operations conducted with light means. With a more flexible and less doctrinaire approach, the rebels were able to exploit the inertia of Ukrainian forces to repeatedly “trap” them. In 2014, when I was at NATO, I was responsible for the fight against the proliferation of small arms, and we were trying to detect Russian arms deliveries to the rebels, to see if Moscow was involved. The information we received then came almost entirely from Polish intelligence services and did not “fit” with the information coming from the OSCE [Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe]—and despite rather crude allegations, there were no deliveries of weapons and military equipment from Russia. The rebels were armed thanks to the defection of Russian-speaking Ukrainian units that went over to the rebel side. As Ukrainian failures continued, tank, artillery, and anti-aircraft battalions swelled the ranks of the autonomists. This is what pushed the Ukrainians to commit to the Minsk Agreements. But just after signing the Minsk 1 Agreements, the Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko launched a massive “anti-terrorist operation” against the Donbass. Poorly advised by NATO officers, the Ukrainians suffered a crushing defeat in Debaltsevo, which forced them to engage in the Minsk 2 Agreements. It is essential to recall here that Minsk 1 (September 2014) and Minsk 2 (February 2015) Agreements did not provide for the separation or independence of the Republics, but their autonomy within the framework of Ukraine. Those who have read the Agreements (there are very few who actually have) will note that it is written that the status of the Republics was to be negotiated between Kiev and the representatives of the Republics, for an internal solution within Ukraine. That is why since 2014, Russia has systematically demanded the implementation of the Minsk Agreements while refusing to be a party to the negotiations, because it was an internal matter of Ukraine.
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