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gary K
Liberal Hivemind
Comments by "gary K" (@garyK.45ACP) on "Liberal Hivemind" channel.
Can we PLEASE be done with "Beto" O'Rourke now? Please!
After securing the border, the 2nd thing Kari Lake needs to do as Governor is call a special session of the legislature and FIX this embarrassing election process. What a disgrace.
Hochul: "Zeldin offers no plans to reduce crime" Zeldin: "I'll start with eliminating cashless bail" Hochul: "That's simplistic."
Don Lemon, born in 1966 says "It feel like the 50's all over again". 🤣 Elections have consequences, Don. Maybe if Democrats hadn't nominated a crackhead in 2018 because he would have been "Florida's first black (crackhead) Governor", you wouldn't be having this conversation. Sounds like DeSantis is protecting black history. Thank you, Governor!
I suggest we begin by defunding the FBI.
Their only "evidence" was a witness who was convicted of perjury.
After all, she IS the one that said the "Disney Lobbyists" would shut down Ron DeSantis' effort to take away Disney's sweetheart tax deal and make Disney pay their "fair share"🤪
I recall that when Trump was President, the Democrats DEMANDED that Governors have the authority regulate their Covid-19 response. So how is it Trump's fault?
Replace Mitch McConnell. Period.
Maxine...that was NOT the question. The question WAS, "should lawmakers give back the donations they received from SBF?" She didn't ask about Democrat law makers...she asked about "lawmakers".
Actually, the worst that can happen under Dobbs is for a woman to have to buy a plane ticket. But I am delighted to see them rip themselves apart. 🤣
As soon as he announces his candidacy, he comes under regulations of the Federal Election Commission regarding donations. Right now, he can do anything he wants. I would urge him to announce January 6, 2023. Just to stick his thumb in their eye.
Letitia James is the State Attorney General. Not the "District Attorney" It is extremely difficult to prove that someone defrauded banks by inflating the value of real estate property (this is what she is trying to do) because it is typically necessary for the lenders to get appraisals from licensed appraisers. Also, the values of real property can vary greatly from month-to-month or from appraiser to appraiser.
"Transgender furry Antifa"? And she hasn't been appointed to a position in Biden's administration?!?!?! What about the opening from that non-binary luggage thief? This thing needs to apply for the job.
When your friends are happy and your enemies are mad, you're doing the right thing.
If this happens more often, it will happen much less often. ALWAYS be armed.
What, exactly, WAS his political career? I wasn't aware he had a political career to "end". I wasn't aware he ever was a serious candidate for any elected position. Was he ever? When? He isn't even a serious "Tweeter". And YES, I had to remove my pistol from the holster and put it in my desk drawer in order to type the word "Tweeter".
"A common definition of a recession..." For every other President. Not for Biden. Now we need a new definition.🤣 Instead of DOING something, they will tell us it isn't happening. Sure, that will help them in the mid-terms.
IF you can find anyone in Florida that wants to move to California, I'll help them load their truck! 🤣 Can't wait to vote for you again, Governor!
Presidents keep their security clearance for LIFE. Former Presidents, including Trump, continue to receive classified intelligence briefings. Presidents can classify or declassify any document they wish for any reason. This is about some documents the President is supposed to turn over after his term to the national archives. EVERY President since the act was passed has exceeded the tim frame for turning over documents. Some by many years.
VOTE!!!!!!!! If YOU don't vote, THEY will win.
If Twitter doesn't take Musk's offer, he should sell his stake, crash the stock and come back to offer $35/share. 🤣
Bet they won't be charged.
Biden likes to act like a bystander. 🤣 "Our gasoline is expensive because of Putin's Executive Order"
Thank you, Governor. I am going to go vote early for the primary tomorrow and will stop by the tax office to order my new license plate.
I here Ceylon calling. When they became independent and declared themselves the "Democratic Socialist Republic..." the fate was sealed. Surprised they lasted 50 years, to be honest.
What does it tell you that a guy who couldn't get 1% in Maryland thinks he can beat Biden? 🤣
These are NOT "private platforms". They are publicly traded platforms. Musk is the largest single OWNER of Twitter and Twitter IS "beholden" to the shareholders/owners.
The two nurses from the skilled nursing facility behind him staring straight ahead like they can't believe what they are hearing. 🤣
And IGNORE Democrats who will come to these comments and tell you "your vote doesn't matter" in order to suppress your vote. VOTE!!!!!!!!
Wasn't he a comedian before he was a truck driver/bus driver/welder/factory worker/coal miner/lifeguard/college professor/crime family boss?
Why aren't there cameras in this courtroom? That would settle this nonsense. I am SO glad that the Rittenhouse trial was televised. The leftists...not so much.
So much for the Dobbs decision "uniting" the Democrat party. Personally, I don't care WHY people don't like Joe Biden. 🤣 I am delighted to see the Democrat party rip itself into little, Balkanized, pieces. Hopefully, only half of them show up to vote in November.
Don't take anything for granted. VOTE!!!!!!!!!!!!!
She's still ahead by 1122 votes with 99%+ counted. That number hasn't changed for several days, so I suspect there are recounts occurring. I would be surprised if she loses at this point. Close, but no cigar. Bobert will be reelected.
Trying to blame Putin will drag him down even more.
Terms for representatives are set by the Constitution. Changing them requires a Constitutional Amendment. However it is initiated, an amendment needs ratification by 38 states' legislatures. Good luck with that. What we NEED is an electorate that PAYS ATTENTION!!!!!!!!!! We get to limit their terms every two years.
Training obviously has nothing to do with willingness. The hero in Indiana was 22 years old, had no police training and engaged a man armed with a rifle with a small concealed carry handgun (Springfield Hellcat). From 40 yards he hit the mass shooter 8 times out of 10 shots in under 15 seconds. The difference is mindset and you can't "train" that. The mindset of the Uvalde Police was "why didn't I call in sick today?" They weren't THERE when the gunman arrived, they had to RESPOND to the school and come to a place where they already knew an armed man was present. They weren't in danger UNTIL they got there. The hero in Indiana...his mindset was "This guy is going to kill me and my girlfriend UNLESS I kill him first" He figured he was already dead UNLESS he stopped it. I would take an untrained teacher in a "do or die" scenario over a trained police officer in a "go there and get the armed bad guy" scenario every time. There will BE NO shootings in Mississippi schools.
I don't know what is going on, but they (PV) better tread lightly or there won't be any "supporters" of PV. "He was mean to me!" isn't a reason to blow up the organization.
MAGA new guard?!?!?! Trump endorsed McCarthy and told all the "MAGA new guard" to fold like cheap suits. You think "we" have a voice again? 🤣
@timgiraud7591 Many times you are right, though in this case, Maxine didn't offer anyone that option, she just babbled about Republicans and walked away. But yes, I get what you're saying. I would like to see reporters, especially in White House Press Conferences, follow up with each other When KJP blows off a question, the NEXT reporter should ask her the same question. And the next and the next. For that matter, I'd like to see the same thing in House and Senate hearings. Never happens.
That is good advice for the primaries.
I just watched a video on whether water pans in your smoker result in better brisket cooks...and it had about 15 times the views of Simone Sanders. I'll bet almost all of them are in the 25-54 age range. The water pan was more attractive than Simone though.
And IGNORE Democrats who will come to these comments and tell you "your vote doesn't matter" in order to suppress your vote. VOTE!!!!!!!!
So...they are back to "It's temporary" 🤣 But wait...isn't it "Putin's fault"?
I think I remember them singing "We wish you a Mueller Christmas and Indictments next year" 🤣 I hope Trump announces his reelection campaign on January 6, 2023. 🤣
And IGNORE Democrats who will come to these comments and tell you "your vote doesn't matter" in order to suppress your vote. VOTE!!!!!!!!
We live in a Constitutional Republic. (USA) What other countries have you lived in? How was that for you?
Did she ever have touch with reality? She's a Congressional Kardashian.
@colinkillian9265 If you recall, Senator Bernie Sanders' wife was investigated by the FBI for similar charges. The college she was the President of went bankrupt (Burlington College) and defaulted on loans. The market value of the property the college owned was less than what was stated on loan papers she had signed. Again, the lenders had approved the loan amounts and had had the property appraised prior to making loans. His wife was never charged with a crime. Can you imagine if every homeowner that ever defaulted on a mortgage and then the lender found the home's market value didn't cover the outstanding balance was charged with a crime!?!?!?!?