Comments by "gary K" (@garyK.45ACP) on "Liberal Hivemind" channel.

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  50. What about McDonald's "Hamburger University"? Hmmmm.🤔 What about "Bernie University" AKA Burlington College. Set up in Burlington, VT by Bernie and his wife, Jane, when the Catholic Arch Diocese had to sell their lakefront property to pay their settlement for child sexual abuse by their Priests, Bernie's wife jacked up financial reports in order for the "College" she ran to buy the property for their "campus". The "college" offered "alternative education". How nice. What that means is they offered admission to students who were too stupid and lazy to be accepted at real colleges, and offered "degrees" in various things like BA in Shrimp on a Treadmill Studies. They also offered jobs to "professors" who couldn't get teaching jobs in elementary schools. And all because of Federal Student loans. Students got loans for this crap and the money was paid to the school. (Jane Sanders) BUT Sanders had lied about pledges and presented inflated numbers of students who would be attending the college. By 2015 the college was in default on their loans and suddenly closed in May, 2016 (When Bernie was running for President the first time). The 33 acre lakefront property was sold to a developer for a park and housing (NOT low income housing) Jane sanders was "investigated" by the FBI for bank fraud. There were no "leaks" about the case and the case was closed without charges. 🤷‍♂ The student loans for Burlington College were cancelled and US taxpayers got to foot the bill. The former students are still working at sandwich shops and coffee houses in Burlington. Some got seasonal jobs in the cafeterias of ski resorts. In August, 2016 Sanders bought his third home on 1.13 acres on North Hero Island in Lake Champlain with 500 ft. frontage on Lake Champlain. Price was $600,000. That is a LOT for a North Hero Island home. It is his "summer home", and is about 45 minutes drive from his "winter home" Coincidence. I'm sure. Bernie...America's favorite socialist millionaire!