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Anne Walden
Sky News Australia
Comments by "Anne Walden" (@annewalden3795) on "Sky News Australia" channel.
@jpmorganrunsthegame1064 I think you must be a descendant of a well known idiot .
@mamadoom9724 She learned how to curtsey at ballet when she was a child and Sarah the Duchess of York gave her a free lesson more recently .MM thinks she is witty but in reality she is just an idiot.
Craig the Queen was much admired and respected but MM inspired Jeremy Clarkson to ridicule her and that is what I will remember.
@Roadnottaken27 I think she is a monster and capable of just about anything . She has the hide of a rhinoceros and the mind of a Lucrative Borgia.
Soon I hope but I am not holding my breath.
@marciabramson6194 Hope you are now well again.
@PAS_2020 The information issued by Kensington Palace has not been prepared by medical staff and is intended only to reassure. It is entirely possible that the staff who prepared the statement do not know what surgery was performed.
The family home in Windsor does not sound particularly spacious and it is possible she may move in with her parents or sister on a temporary basis.
King Saf why does it matter what he says ?
@annelacoste90 I don't really care what H does as long as he learns to be quiet. Have heard enough from him to last a life time .
The therapist should refuse to treat H immediately.
@kimobrien. It would appear Putin is set on murdering his friend Abramovich and the delegates from Ukraine .I gather he does not like the word peace .
@kimobrien. but you can trust Putin ?
@kimobrien. You make a wild generalisation and perhaps you can explain how Ukraine fits into your scheme .I seem to remember that the first Iraq War was caused by Sadam Hussein invading Kuwait just because it was a rich country.
@Angry.General1461 It is a question of which budget he can use , if he can get support and how popular his strategy is with fellow citizens. Try thinking outside the box as you might learn something.
@BigChump23234 Because he sees how many Generals he has lost, how the Troops are selling tanks and killing Commanders, how the Troops are starving and frost bitten. Briefly how his regime has demonstrated that it can't organise a p*** up in a brewery .
@thethirdcell Russia had a strategic interest in Afghanistan in the 19th century and so did the British. I do not blame Reagan but do think the Taliban are extremists who deliberately attract trouble .
@kimobrien. The so called bourgeois do not have inexhaustible resources .
@BigChump23234 I do not think Mr Obama dragged bones behind him when he won the Presidential Election.
@Angry.General1461 Biden is a warm hearted and moral man .He has helped the Ukraine in its hour of need because of his character but also sound tactical reasons . I can only praise him.
@yousoufkirkwood6289 I do not agree as the U S A is currently happy within its borders .Putin and his supporters are anxious to expand their corruption throughout Europe .
Well said .Putin clearly had a list of countries he wished to invade and the Ukraine was unlucky enough to be top.
Underground Wes there are limited options for Putin at the minute.
Putins troops took dress uniforms to Ukraine and very limited foodstuffs or military spares. I believe the President was told the celebrations in Kiev would take place after a war lasting 3 days .On the basis of that plan / forecast Putin has already lost the War.
@richardmiddleton6835 I think you have lost a grip on reality.
@richardmiddleton6835 I am delighted to say you are completely wrong. Russia has lost its reputation as a military power, its credibility as a Nation you can do business with and it is exposed as a violent and inhuman regime which has to be isolated like a rabid dog. It will take many years to win back trust and customers if it ever does .
Jake the Russian troops took dress uniforms with them to Ukraine and they took insufficient food .
@ciatris9006 Don't worry the legal costs are to be borne by the 5 people who brought this action unless they win the case .
VLW he thinks his truth is what matters and does not understand the law requires more than feelings / emotions .
@Youtube music I don't reveal private information to clowns like you.
@Mike-zx1kx I gather the former Queen is uncomfortable standing and sitting which persuaded her that abdication was a sensible option.
Vericarauza H & M are unlikely to have children living with them.
@angelalogie5997 You are right H has been deliberately isolated but he allowed his wife to dominate him .My sympathy for him is limited because he should have more common sense and loyalty to his family .
@angelalogie5997 Chelsey had her doubts because of H 's mental health issues .I think she was very sensible walking away and remaining on friendly terms until the publication of Spare.
Just when you think MM and the handbag cant get any more stupid they produce a real gem. I have no hesitation in saying stay in California because the U K is not prepared to tolerate your idiocy.
@ABab-jf2jb which prison is Trump going to be president of ?
@Aztec339 am afraid your information is incorrect and suggest you need a better informant.
@rosemarydyer4573 I think she is the opposite of a lady and her relatives in the UK were apparently shocked by her language , bad manners and general lack of decorum.
VV the landlord who owned the house they were living in asked them to leave because they had been bullying his staff.That was the reason they left Canada in a hurry. Why on earth do they need security when they are completely unimportant.I think M has paranoid fantasies about being stalked ; apparently while living in Canada she frequently called the police but they never found anything.
@wanitateekaram3562 M is a confidence trickster and if the British public knew her true history there is no way the marriage would have been approved. Sorry nothing to do with race but her 2 earlier marriages, her criminal assault , her career as a yacht girl, her children etc .She probably would not have got a job as a cleaner if the Palace had known all about her when she applied.
soylentdean he is not capable of thinking rationally and MM latched on to that and persuaded him to abandon his family and his Country .He is a very sick and unhappy man but he will not be able to sort himself out until he escapes the trap his wife has created.
The Epstein connection cost him his wife and has not done a great deal for his reputation but at least he is not yet in Court.
Why allow your children to mix with people who have no morals and who use drugs ?
@cadie187 Not really. Nothing is done in a hurry to ensure it is done properly.
@Indicasativa55 I agree .
I am glad they left as the seething resentment would have soured relations at some point and it might have been really nasty. I think.the bulk of the problem is MM who thinks she is a star when in reality she just copies other people who have ideas and ability.
Nothing wrong with Ardern.
@anovino1992 The Royal family do not challenge untruths as a rule .Anyone who knows the history will tell you that the accusations are rubbish created to get attention for a pair of ingrates.
Harry you are not amusing and your remarks are tasteless .I suggest you read French history circa 1789 to learn what your little joke actually meant to the people of the country.
@rhonda6791 MM has demonstrated consistently that she is very lazy and has a bad memory .She clearly can't remember yesterday's lies and contradicts herself without any embarrassment.