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Anne Walden
Comments by "Anne Walden" (@annewalden3795) on "CNN" channel.
@JoeMammaBff Trump is a very silly man but he is happy relieving his supporters of large sums of money to be used for ?
@0bserver416 I think Putin is mad enough to contemplate a nuclear war .
Margaret wouldn't it be a good idea if Putin asked why are all these countries applying to jo8n NATO.He might be surprised to discover that the only reason for joining NATO is fear of Russia and his bellicose policies.
Deb Lewis the U S A is governed by human beings and it would be remarkable if mistakes had not been made in foreign and domestic policy.
Margaret Russia is suffering many dents and it will fall apart once its people understand the cause of the many problems.
Mayank who are you to dictate to the Ukrainians .The people have made it clear they do not want to be part of the U S S R again and they are entitled to freedom and self determination.The least the USA can do is support their efforts with weapons and intelligence .
Chief Executive you talk nonsense .China ought to concentrate on trade because politics is trivial compared to profits . Putin did not learn this lesson and he is destroying his country for the sake of personal ambition.
@littleant1535 I agree 100% that the death and destruction in the Ukraine is very sad. Putin expected the Russian army to win a swift victory but the war is likely to last for years unless something dramatic happens .
@zenwisdom4259 Ukraine applied for membership of NATO many years ago Nil progress has been made and I expect Nil progress will be made in future.
@zenwisdom4259 Ukraine applied to join N ATO many years ago and negotiations have not been progressed as we understand.
The Cuban Missile crisis was caused by Russia's plot to install missiles in Cuba ; it was done covertly .By the time the Russian leader decided to agree not to install the missiles he had to turn round the ship (s) carrying the missiles .Ukraine did not even get beyond first base as there was no agreement to admit the country to NATO and there were no missiles. It is attractive for the opponents of the U S A to pretend the 2 situations are comparable but they are clearly not. Putin has been working hard to create trouble in Ukraine pretending he was defending the Russian speakers in so called breakaway provinces but since when has a neighbour had the right to launch an invasion to sort out another countries internal problems . I can only conclude that Putin is determined to asserts dominance over Ukraine and other ex members of the U S S R .
@anthonypape6862 I think Nuclear conflict is inevitable but also unacceptable . NATO has made mistakes but it is preferable to Putin. We are doomed .
@anthonypape6862 I think Putin and his allies are a danger to the world and NATO is the only defence small nations have against a cruel and dangerous enemy.
@anthonypape6862 Disagree strongly that NATO should be disbanded.
@anthonypape6862 I do not know if NATO has had any discussions with either Georgia or Ukraine about weapon systems .I think NATO was always aware that Russia would be very annoyed if Ukraine in particular was a member.You may know that Ukraine applied to join years ago and to my knowledge little has been achieved.
I think Putins ambitions went far further than you think.
@taitslong3417 Parallels do not often fit perfectly but you are right to point out that the US is not known for land grabs .
@zenwisdom4259 I understand and suggest you switch off .
Zen that is a simplistic view when there is no trust .
Zen Wisdom what makes you think Nuclear missiles were to be installed in Ukraine ?
@zenwisdom4259 Ukraine applied to be a member of NATO many years ago and while the members did not formally refuse the application it was not progressed .Western powers are not stupid and they did not and do not want War with Russia but Putin needs to be scared now because he has thrown a large bomb into the mix. Perhaps Russia wants the end of the World because life in Russia is so miserable but we do not want that . Does Russia understand what a technological pygmy it is compared to NATO?
@reginaldmcnab3265 I would regard it as very strange if Mexico wanted an alliance with a poor country like Russia. If were just an alliance then there would not be a problem but the installation of Nuclear sites on the border would not be acceptable and might lead to a few Zoom meetings. Please bear in mind that Ukraine is not a member of the EU , not a member of NATO and I do not believe there is a formal alliance between the USA and Ukraine .
@littleant1535 Ukraine is an independent country and makes its own decisions. Russia and Ukraine have a long history and the people of Ukraine do not want to have any sort of alliance with there former masters .It was the idea of the Ukraine government to seek membership of the EU and NATO and membership of the latter was enshrined in the Constitution. Where did you obtain your information to the contrary ?
@mouradbelkas598 I think it has to be acknowledged that human beings are ruthless and corrupt .We need to tackle the activities you describe through legal restrictions rather than violence . A World government might be an idea because nationalism is clearly part of the problem. What is certain is that Russia has to be stopped because it is destroying one of its neighbours by indiscriminate bombing. By the way I think it highly unlikely that Nuclear Weapons will be based in Ireland .
@mouradbelkas598 Of course I do not believe the annexation of Crimea in 2014 was a normal occurrence and I was astonished when the world seemed to ignore what was happening. Why did Russia offer 150 billion dollars to the Ukraine government ? I have no idea who trained the Azov Brigade but it was not the UK because the British Army trained the regular army . My honest view is that Western politicians may lack competence but they are not as evil or violent as their Russian equivalents .
@mouradbelkas598 Russia was selling its gas and making substantial sums from those sales . It was also selling oil .Ukraine has reserves of both gas and oil which were to be exploited once the Russians were in control. This scheme was part of Putins long term plan for the benefit of his country .You do not seem to take into account the creation of a monopoly which would mark a period of economic growth needed by Russia to fulfil a promise made by Putin 22 years ago. Putin has clearly failed to lead his country effectively because corruption continues to be an issue and freedom is always beyond the reach of the average citizen. Russia has not offered any deal to Ukraine which would be acceptable .Remember the inhabitants to Ukraine have a memory of being controlled from Moscow in the 20th Century and do not want to return to that .
@mouradbelkas598 I am convinced Putin is constantly looking back to the USSR and has an ambition to make his country " great again " just like Donald Trump his old friend. You do not really believe that Putin is afraid that Ukraine would be used for missile bases etc.The fact is that Ukraine would be a source of additional wealth for Putin and his friends as it has oil, gas, mineral resources and agricultural land which is very productive .
@mouradbelkas598 Mourad I agree the U S needs a decent education system and it is vital that infra structure is kept in a decent state but this is a dangerous world and defence expenditure is also important.Russia is a dangerous opponent and I am afraid Putin has been planning to attack Ukraine for many years. It seems clear that Putin planned to defeat Ukraine in a matter of days and then to move on and attack other countries; his aim to recreate the USSR. Putin miscalculated and found Ukraine was more of an opponent than he had appreciated but this conflict is not done yet and we wait to see what happens in the weeks and months to come. May I wish you good fortune with your campaign to improve education as it is important to give young people the opportunities they deserve.
Mourad when you are faced with a crisis you can make mistakes but the Christian ethics displayed by Mr Biden and his government deserve praise rather than carping criticism. Russia needs to be told the truth about Putin and decide his fate as a matter of urgency.
@giselapfeifer4666 I do not agree. Russia is the country which has ignored all the legal parameters and will pay a huge price for arrogance and inhumanity.
@mouradbelkas598 Send a letter to the Senator and / or Congressman with a copy to the New York Times asking the Editor to publish the letter .Hopefully that will force a reply .
@mouradbelkas598 Have you discussed the education system with your Congressman or Senator ? If the system is as dreadful as you say have the Press taken an interest ? I agree this situation is not tolerable and I wish you luck in clearing up the corruption.
@mouradbelkas598 What evidence do you have to support the idea that education in the U S is in decline? Biden has identified that infrastructure needs urgent attention but I am not aware that educational institutions are also in trouble .
Mourad the U S needs a permanent Civil Service rather than the temps who are recruited every 4 years. If you had a core of expert administrators then the performance of government would improve substantially.
AO the U S A is not an enemy but a competitor to China .Russia is descending into chaos and is not qualified to compete with the U S A at all.
@TahitiTreat Distracting attention from Trump will not work as a tactic on this occasion.
@ceciliadanielsson9530 Please explain what is worrying you about the E Mails you mention.
@Packer1290 Asking to see Barack Obama's birth certificate was racist and you must know that .
@kevinmahon7848 Why are you obsessed with Russia? There is absolutely nothing you or I can do to influence Putin and if he chooses to terminate the World then so be it .The problems within Ireland are a completely different matter and can be dealt with if there is good will on all sides .
@kevinmahon7848 The Good Friday agreement is a formal document and I believe it contains precise advice about the border between North and Southern Ireland .Perhaps you would be kind enough to spell out what the treaty has to say. My understanding is that for some years there has been no border but perhaps you could clarify that also.
@kevinmahon7848 The agreement was not enshrined in a treaty and has been the subject of controversy over the years.
@kevinmahon7848 Was there actually an agreement to end the Cold War ? It seems to me that the U S A used its economic power to crush the U S S R and people like Putin have resented that for many years .
@MikehMike01 We do not want a third World War and we want Putin to withdraw from Ukraine including Crimea .
@kevinmahon7848 I am not convinced Ronald Reagan was a great man or a great President .
Jalyn it was a Russian Missile being used by the Ukrainians.
Austin you are correct but thank God Trump is just baying at the Moon rather than in a powerful position helping his old mate Vladimir.
@coprolalia6490 Only Russia can stop the War or whatever the Kremlin is calling it this week.
@nha3920 What is reckless about creating a level playing field ? The Ukrainians need to crush Russia once and for all otherwise the special operation will go on and on for years.
@parivm1522 100,000 Russian asses are now dead .
@nha3920 I would use the Russian funds being held in Western Banks. The U N voted a few days ago that Ukraine was entitled to reparations from Russia after all.