Comments by "bakters" (@bakters) on "The Allied crime against humanity WW2 (Operation Keelhaul E1)" video.
@TheImperatorKnight "debates in the comments"
Okay, let's debate why those people preferred the suicide over the return to the Soviet Union. You seem to argue, that they simply loved the free world so much, aka communism is worse than death, which suits your narrative and political views (mine do not differ by much, just to be clear on this).
I argue, that they knew what they have done, so they expected a fate worse than death, therefore they chose to escape it by more painless means.
Sending them off was not a crime against humanity. Sending off the innocent, and I'm sure there were quite a few of those mixed in the broad stroke of global politics, was a crime, at worst. However, not a crime against humanity. To fall into that category, the Allies would need to purposefully oppress some populations and commit atrocities against them.
I argue that nothing of the sort happened here.
@heijimikata7181 If Germans did the same, it still wouldn't have been a war crime.
Say, they captured some Hungarian communists during Barbarossa, and Hungary wanted them. Regardless of what Hungary did with those dudes, it's on them.
" illegal imprisonment and banishment "
They were POWs with no legal right to stay in any Western country. You can't banish someone who's not your citizen, so there was no banishment. POWs can legally be held captive.
Anyway, let me quote my other post, since almost nobody seemed to read it, and it's relevant to the whole picture:
"But let's not forget, what those people did in Nazi service. Was I a Polish guard in one of those camps (as TIK reported that happened), I'd not lift a finger in their defense. They were the worst of the worst. They were the most brutal, immoral, absolutely awful people purposefully sent to Warsaw in order to punish it for the uprising, just to give an example.
So, cry me a river over a rezun slitting his own throat for a change..."
Yes, those people you guys so valiantly defend were the actual perpetrators of both war crimes and crimes against humanity.