Youtube activity of "bakters" (@bakters) on "TIKhistory" channel.
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Comments by video
""53 degrees in the sun" Stalingrad Addendum 1"
""Blitzkrieg" is the wrong term (and more) | TIK Q&A 24"
""But how do you know you're right?" - Objective Theory of History"
""But what about the Panzer II !?" Stalingrad Addendum 3"
""TIK's definitions are wrong!" (about Socialism & Capitalism)"
""They're defending Stalingrad like dogs!" BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E26"
"4th Panzer Army is shattered! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E36"
"6th Army's Rations at Stalingrad"
"A TERRIBLE start for the Stalingrad Airlift! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E40"
"Actually, Leftists aren't STUPID people"
"Am I an Ancap? And what is Anarcho-Capitalism?"
"Analyzing Whoopi Goldberg's “The Holocaust isn’t about race”"
"Battlestorm Stalingrad E6 - The Kalach Cauldron"
"Battlestorm Stalingrad E8 - Chaos Eve"
"Can you calculate war? Are war games pointless? (Praxeology vs the Ossipov-Lanchester equations)"
"Christmas at Stalingrad | Battlestorm Stalingrad E46"
"Churchill was an idiot"
"Death of the Leaping Horsemen Book Review"
"Defining “Gleichschaltung” (and a bit of a change)"
"Definition of ideobabble (with examples)"
"Deliberate or Accident? The German Blitz of Rotterdam 1940"
"Deliberate or Desperate? Red Army Counterattacks of 1941 & 1942"
"Desperate historians try to defend the Nazi "privatization" myth"
"Did Darwin cause Hitler? (The Eugenics Debate)"
"Did Poland bring on her own Destruction in 1939 because of her Aggressive Foreign Policy?"
"Did the Russian Winter beat the Germans? And more... TIK Q&A 2"
"Did the Soviet Union EVER Recover from WW2?"
"Did the Soviet Union win WW2 alone?"
"Discussing the Strategic Bombing Campaign WW2, Order 270 and more... Patreon Q&A 7"
"Early Plans for Operation Barbarossa Before the Invasion of Poland?"
"Eisenhower’s Broad Front vs Monty’s Narrow Front in 1944"
"Erhard Milch to the Rescue! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E48"
"Exposing National Socialism's Contradictions to refute it"
"Forgotten Battles of History"
"Further evidence that Hitler’s religion was Gnosticism"
"Gavin wasn't to blame? 'New' evidence on Operation Market Garden's failure?"
"Getting OWNED over Hitler's Socialism"
"Hegel’s ideobabble is the basis of Marxism and Fascism"
"Himmler's INSANE Reason for Recruiting non-Germans in the Waffen-SS"
"Hitler WASN’T funded into power by the capitalists"
"Hitler's Conference after Paulus' Surrender Feb 1943"
"Hitler's Socialism | Destroying the Denialist Counter Arguments"
"Hitler's Socialism: The Evidence is Overwhelming"
"How Hitler’s “Table Talks” broke history"
"How effective were Indian troops in WW2? TIKhistory"
"I agree with Christer Bergström's "Operation Barbarossa: 9 popular myths busted" article"
"It's NOT acceptable to DENY History | TIK Q&A 2.5"
"Just tell your teachers what they want to hear"
"Karl Marx's Anti-Semitism"
"Lend Lease to the Soviet Union, the Soviet and German Economies, and more... TIK Q&A 3"
"Montgomery vs Eisenhower on Operation Market Garden's True Purpose | History Debate"
"National Socialism WAS Socialism | Rethinking WW2 History"
"No, Monty didn't make a "Blunder" during the Battle of the Bulge (with the 82nd Airborne)"
"No, the Historical Truth is Subjective (and Reddit is LYING about me)"
"Paulus is NOT to blame! Breakout at Stalingrad Part 1"
"Paulus's 6th Army ORDER OF BATTLE - Before Stalingrad"
"Pavlov's House & Paulus' 2nd Offensive | BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E25"
"Prokhorovka at Kursk is NOT the Biggest Tank Battle of the WW2 Eastern Front"
"RE: NS is Socialism | Responding to your counterarguments and Further Explanation"
"STICK TO BANKS! (And did the National Socialist state raise living standards or benefit the poor?)"
"So, Hitler was a Communist in early 1919"
"Soviet "War-Winning" Tanks in 1941? The Role of Tanks on the Eastern Front WW2"
"Soviet Infantry Small Arms Advantage Late in WW2? TIK Q&A"
"Soviet Storm review, German Strategy 1942, History Education and more! 9 random questions about WW2"
"Stalin’s Purge of the Red Army and Its Effects on the WW2 Eastern Front"
"Stick to Tanks"
"TANKS! What makes a good tank? And more... | TIK Q&A 13"
"TIK vs Wehraboo Amazon Book Reviewers"
"Tackling the 5 Most Common Counter-Arguments to my Dunkirk Halt Order Hypothesis"
"The Allied crime against humanity WW2 (Operation Keelhaul E1)"
"The Axis Population outnumbered the Soviet Population in 1942"
"The BIG Reason the Luftwaffe Failed at Stalingrad | Airlift Statistics and Demyansk Comparison"
"The BIG Stalingrad Airlift Myth"
"The Debate over German POWs in Soviet Hands WW2"
"The Dunkirk Halt Order: An Alternative Hypothesis"
"The INSANE world of National Socialism’s Aryan Religion"
"The MAIN Reason Why Germany Lost WW2 - OIL"
"The Myth and Reality of Joseph Stalin’s Order No. 227 “Not a Step Back!”"
"The Nazi meaning behind Auschwitz’s “Work sets you free”"
"The Numbers Say it All | The Myth of German Superiority on the WW2 Eastern Front"
"The Paradox of Germany’s WW2 COAL Problem"
"The REAL Operation Market Garden | BATTLESTORM Documentary | All Episodes"
"The Red Army Air Force in the First Days of Operation Barbarossa"
"The Revolution guaranteed inflation - BankWars: Weimar Hyperinflation Episode 2"
"The SHOCKING Real Story of the Dresden Firestorm"
"The WORST unit in the SS - the Oskar Dirlewanger Brigade"
"The channel "Historiou" has plagiarised MY video (and others too)"
"The cult many are in but don’t realize"
"Turns out, Anarcho-Capitalism ISN'T "Anarchy" (RE: LiquidZulu)"
"Vatutin vs Manstein - who was the best general?"
"WHY the Germans FAILED at Stalingrad? BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E28"
"WW2 American, British, Soviet and German Rifle Squad FIREPOWER Comparison"
"Was Barbarossa delayed by Yugoslavia?"
"Was Germany's Defeat Inevitable in WW2? Turning Point? And more... TIK Patreon Q&A 4"
"What do REAL Fascists actually believe?"
"Who were technologically superior? The Axis or Allies in WW2?"
"Why Hitler didn’t trust his generals | Schleicher & the Fall of the Weimar Republic"
"Why I reject the ‘MADMAN HITLER’ myth"
"Why I'm Passionate about HISTORY and What Got Me Into it"
"Why No German Reinforcements at Stalingrad?"
"Why do people believe propaganda? (German ‘justification’ for invading Poland 1939)"
"Why study history? What's the point? It's boring!"
"Wilhelm Hoffman’s Stalingrad diary is a FAKE"
"Would Stalin attack the West? Operation Unthinkable 1945"
"“Hitler privatized the industries” is ridiculously misleading"