Youtube activity of "" (@ChippiSweet) on "Static CamperVan" channel.
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Comments by video
"1st Trip To Bainbridge Island Then Over To The Viking Town Of Poulsbo #adayinalife #vlog"
"8 Years No Rent Experiment | Living In A Simple Minivan Camper"
"A Day At Trinidad Beach #adayinalife #vlog Cutting My Own Hair, Vanlife Shower Setup"
"A Lazy Day In My Van Making Coffee #adayinalife #sleepaid Flying Goats Coffee, New Coffee Brew Scale"
"An Embarrassing Van Upgrade #vanlife #adayinalife #diy"
"An Olympic Forest Adventure u0026 The Best Coffee #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"At My Wits’ End With Emails - Morning Coffee Chat #unintentionalasmr"
"Big Fail Finding A Camp, Olympic NP, Egg Salad u0026 Local Art #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Botching My Own Haircut, Sea Caves u0026 Redwoods #adayinalife #vlog"
"Build A Better Personal Cooler #adayinalife #diy air conditioner / swamp cooler"
"Building A New Bed At Home Depot #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"Campervan Lighting Repair u0026 Upgrade #vlog #diy #saltlamp"
"Changed Direction On Van Build #dayinthelife #sleepaid Stainless Steel Sink, Counter u0026 Shelf"
"Changes Afoot #dayinthelife #sleepaid | Cordless Kettle For Solar Power"
"Changes Are Happening | Coffee Chat In A Van #unintentionalasmr #aeropress"
"Clearing The Clutter #adayinalife #vlog | Trader Joe’s Coffee u0026 Ice Cream"
"Clouds In My Coffee #coffeechat #unintentionalasmr"
"Coffee Chat in a Van - You’re Not Going To Like My New Glasses"
"Coffee Chat | Tips For Brewing Decaf u0026 A Furious Rant #sleepaid"
"DIY Tune Up To Save $500 #adayinalife #vlog Replacing Spark Plugs u0026 Harbor Freight Tools"
"Dangerous Wildfire Smoke u0026 Bunkers In Samoa #adayinalife #vlog"
"Disappearing Comments Leading To Confusion #coffeechat #unintentionalasmr"
"Doctor Gives Me Good u0026 Bad News #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Dodgy Electrical Repair #dayinthelife #sleepaid #wago"
"Don’t Want To Move Here #adayinalife At The Redwood Coast | Ferndale, Centerville Beach #sleepaid"
"Enchiladas In My Van, Cooking Without An Oven #vlog #sleepaid"
"Endless Bad Advice In Vanlife, City Vanlife Versus Desert Van Living #adayinalife #vlog"
"Finishing A DIY Project At My Favorite State Park #adayinalife #vlog"
"First Meal In The New Van #dayinthelife #sleepaid | Gas One Dual Fuel Stove, Chili"
"Flying Goats At The Russian River #adayinalife"
"Food Prepping In My Minivan #adayinalife #vlog"
"Free Camping At Mt. Rainier, Federation Forest, Silver Springs Sno-Park #adayinalife #vlog"
"Glass On This Beach. Engine Maintenance #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Happy Holidays! Will be Live on Monday"
"Happy New Year! Changes Ahead #sleepaid"
"Hiding Out In IKEA #adayinalife #vlog | Heated Vest, Dealing With Rain u0026 Cold"
"How To Make The Best Coffee | How I Use An Aeropress #coffee #sleepaid"
"Is Seattle A Dangerous City? #adayinalife #vlog"
"I’m A Cheater #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"I’m Awfully Thankful #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"I’m Sick Of People Telling Me To Get A Hotel #vanlife #sleepaid"
"Listening To The Rain Making Breakfast For Dinner #vlog #adayinalife"
"Longing For Home Living Vanlife #adayinalife #vlog"
"Lost u0026 Alone On Bainbridge Island, Seattle #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Missing The Connections #coffeechat #sleepaid"
"Morning Coffee Chat #dayinthelife #sleepaid"
"My Dilemma #adayinalife #vlog #rei"
"Neon Lights And Magnets Make Great Campervan Upgrades #adayinalife #vlog"
"New Van For Vanlife #fulltimevanlife #sleepaid"
"Not A Good Answer #coffeechat #unintentionalasmr"
"Not Happy Living In Santa Rosa #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"Not In Seattle #adayinalife #vlog"
"On The Moonstone #adayinalife | Spicy Chuck Roast, Solar Power System, Sea Caves #sleepaid"
"Prepping My Van For Winter And Cold Weather #adayinalife #vanlife #sleepaid"
"Problems Good u0026 Bad #adayinalife #vlog Trinidad u0026 Redwoods"
"Quick u0026 Easy Meal For A Hot Day #cooking in the campervan"
"Rain On Van Roof Inside While Cleaning #adayinalife #rain #rainsounds"
"Rainy Day in a Van Making Coffee #rainsounds #unintentionalasmr #kleankanteen"
"Rainy Drive And Day At The Coast #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Rainy Hike To Native Dwellings | First Trip To Point Reyes #adayinalife #vlog"
"Rainy Morning Errands #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Rainy Night Cooking In A Van #adayinalife #sleepaid #rain"
"Rainy Night Sick In A Van #vlog #rainsounds #adayinalife"
"Ran Away To Trinidad. The Other Trinidad #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Rough Start On The Road To Oregon #adayinalife #vlog"
"Sad Day But Smile Anyway | Lo-Fi Travel Vlog #adayinalife #vlog To Glass Beach"
"Searching Spooky Hallways Back In Seattle #adayinalife #vlog"
"Seven Years Rent Free - Man Finds Happiness Living In A Minivan | Simple Self-Built Campervan"
"Shopping For A New Van To Live In #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Sometimes I’m Lucky #adayinalife #vlog Moonstone Beach, Homemade Pizza, Wildling Shoes"
"Spicy News | Coffee Chat #sleepaid"
"Stuck In The Woods On A Rainy Day | Olallie State Park, Wildling Shoes #adayinalife #vlog"
"Subsisting In Fort Bragg #vanlife #vlog | Point Cabrillo Lighthouse"
"Switch to Decaf?! #adayinalife #vlog Coffee and Redwoods"
"The Best u0026 Safest Heater For Vanlife - Olympian Wave 3 Propane Safety Heater"
"They Called The Police On Me | Newport Oregon #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"This Place Is Special | Mendocino, Van Damme SP u0026 A Coffee Blunder #adayinalife #vlog"
"This Was Crucial | Free Campsite In Olympic National Park #adayinalife #vlog"
"This is Not a Video"
"Throwing Caution To The Wind Roadtrip #adayinalife #vlog"
"Time To Get Lost #adayinalife #vlog"
"Tired And Grumpy Today On The Way To Trinidad #adayinalife #vlog"
"Too Slow, It’s Now A Hat Day #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog In The PNW"
"Toyota Sienna No Build Campervan #fulltimevanlife #sleepaid"
"Two Big Blunders - Morning Coffee With Static #coffeechat #saltlamp"
"Upgrades To Van Lights And Plumbing #dayinthelife #fulltimevanlife #sleepaid"
"Van Breakdown’s, The Problem With Vanlife #vanlife #vlog"
"Van Mechanical Woes #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Vanlife Has Been Great #vanlife"
"Vanlife Isn’t All Fun u0026 Games #adayinalife | Best Laundromat, Summer Heat"
"Water Damage Repair u0026 Van Upgrades #vanlife #diy"
"What Am I Going To Do?- The Answer #vanlife #coffeechat #unintentionalasmr"
"What I Do For Work Living Vanlife | Back In My Old Neighborhood #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"What’s A Bomb Cyclone? #adayinalife #sleepaid New Mattress Cover"
"When Life Became Too Difficult | a coffee chat #unintentionalasmr"
"Why I Don’t Eat Out | Coffee Chat #unintentionalasmr"
"Why The Hate? Rainy Night Van Chat #coffeechat #decaf"
"Will A $20 Air Cooler Keep My Van Cool? #adayinalife #vlog Tips To Stay Cool In Hot Weather"
"Without A Home, Living Vanlife | A Shortened Replay"
"You Need A Fridge Thermometer"