Comments by "Tim Bushell" (@timbushell8640) on "TIKhistory" channel.

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  33. And a book recommendation for you... ... Gerwarth, Robert (2011). Hitler's Hangman: The Life of Heydrich. Seems to be a good open all round view of this classic Nazi bastard, enjoy the detail, espeical his time whilst ruling mostly what is now The Czech republic, terrible ideas to follow once the war in the east had been "won" or settled down, etc., etc. For example; Page 267 ... ... Heydrich's 'educational policy' was very much in line with Himmler's view, articulated in May 1940, that schooling for the local population in the occupied territories should be reduce to 'simple arithmetic up to 500 at most; writing one's name; a doctrine that it is divine law to obey the Germans and to be honest, industrious and good' In February 1942, Heydrich further announced that he intended to 'strike violently' at the heart of Czech teaching establishment , which he saw as the 'training corps of the opposition' and threatened that he would drastically reduce the number of Czech secondary schools. Czech youth, he noted bitterly, had for too long been mislead by its 'thoroughly chauvinistic teachers'. The collaborationist press echoed the view that education was an unnecessary luxury for the majority of the Czech population. On 1 May 1942, Labour Day, the widely circulated paper Ceske slovo commented: "The fact that we have at present 70,000 secondary school pupils is economically unbearable.' Boys in secondary education, the paper argued, should leave school immediately in order to become apprentices and attend professional schools after training. The aim of these measures , as a British Intelligence Report pointedly remarked, was to turn Czech youths 'into a race of slaves which Herrenvolk system requires'. Nat. Arch. Kew, 4/79/324795
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