Youtube activity of "Tim Bushell" (@timbushell8640) on "TIKhistory" channel.
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Tim Bushell
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Comments by video
""53 degrees in the sun" Stalingrad Addendum 1"
""Arnhem" by Antony Beevor Book Review"
""But how do you know you're right?" - Objective Theory of History"
""TIK's definitions are wrong!" (about Socialism & Capitalism)"
"17 PRODUCTIVITY TIPS for getting work done | TIK Q&A 15"
"5 reasons why the Allies committed this crime (Operation Keelhaul E2)"
"A Complicated Question about Technology, and it's impact on History | Q&A"
"A thank you and an important update"
"Actually, Leftists aren't STUPID people"
"Addressing the criticisms of the “concerning pattern in ALL Socialist childhoods” video"
"Alright, I’ve decided on what I’m changing"
"Am I an Ancap? And what is Anarcho-Capitalism?"
"Amazon (UK) pressured into banning Mein Kampf and other historical Primary Sources"
"An Open Letter to Prime Minister Keir Starmer (Southport)"
"Analyzing Whoopi Goldberg's “The Holocaust isn’t about race”"
"Analyzing a modern fascist book "Socialism of Duty""
"But TIK, if Hitler wasn't a Madman, why did he assume Britain wouldn't fight?"
"Comparing the ideologies of Hitler, Mussolini and Mosley"
"David Irving - Can you trust ANYTHING he wrote?"
"Dear Nigel Askey - Your Article about me is WRONG"
"Defining “Gleichschaltung” (and a bit of a change)"
"Deliberate or Accident? The German Blitz of Rotterdam 1940"
"Did Poland bring on her own Destruction in 1939 because of her Aggressive Foreign Policy?"
"Did the Romanians flee? The First Day of Operation Uranus! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E35"
"Did the Soviet Union EVER Recover from WW2?"
"Discussing the Strategic Bombing Campaign WW2, Order 270 and more... Patreon Q&A 7"
"Eisenhower’s Broad Front vs Monty’s Narrow Front in 1944"
"Erhard Milch to the Rescue! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E48"
"FASCISM DEFINED | The Difference between Fascism and National Socialism"
"From Plato to Hitler: The Ideological Origins of National Socialism"
"Gavin wasn't to blame? 'New' evidence on Operation Market Garden's failure?"
"George Orwell's "What is Fascism?""
"Getting OWNED over Hitler's Socialism"
"Hegel’s ideobabble is the basis of Marxism and Fascism"
"History Theory: How to Remain Neutral when writing History? Sources? TIK Q&A 14"
"Hitler & his Generals - von Wietersheim and von Bock"
"Hitler's Democracy? WHAT!?"
"Hitler's Socialism: The Evidence is Overwhelming"
"How BIG was the Red Army in WW2?"
"How BIG were Soviet Armies and Divisions in 1942? And what impact did this have?"
"How Hitler’s “Table Talks” broke history"
"How important was the Battle of the Atlantic? (U-boat bases, Norway, Britain, France, and more!)"
"I made a MISTAKE with Stalingrad (okay, a few)"
"Is the Soviet WW2 film “Come and See” accurate?"
"It's NOT acceptable to DENY History | TIK Q&A 2.5"
"Lenin before the Russian Revolution"
"Manstein's "MIRACLE" at the Third Battle of Kharkov [Heavy Sarcasm within] TIK Q&A 19"
"My late update! (Gazala, Patreon Q&As, and more)"
"New to WWII? The FIRST 3 Eastern Front Books you should read"
"No, Monty didn't make a "Blunder" during the Battle of the Bulge (with the 82nd Airborne)"
"No, the Historical Truth is Subjective (and Reddit is LYING about me)"
"OIL, Stalingrad, The Italians and More! Answering 10 uncommon questions about WW2"
"Paulus should have broken out early? TIK's response to Anton Joly"
"Quick Fire Q&A"
"STICK TO BANKS! (And did the National Socialist state raise living standards or benefit the poor?)"
"Soviet Storm review, German Strategy 1942, History Education and more! 9 random questions about WW2"
"Stick to Tanks"
"TANKS! What makes a good tank? And more... | TIK Q&A 13"
"That's it. I'm pausing Stalingrad"
"The 30 Hour Stalingrad Documentary Behind The Scenes video"
"The 6th Army surrenders! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E50"
"The Aftermath at Stalingrad | BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E51 (FINALE)"
"The Axis were not natural allies"
"The BAD BOY of Operation Market Garden | General 'Boy' Browning"
"The BEST and WORST history sources (tier list)"
"The BEST book I've EVER read on Hitler and National Socialism"
"The Changing WW2 Historiography... and More! TIK's Q&A 10"
"The Dunkirk Halt Order: An Alternative Hypothesis"
"The Hossbach Memorandum PROVES Hitler Wanted to Wage a War of Aggression"
"The National Socialist Welfare State"
"The Problem of Coordinating Arms in WW2"
"The REAL Reason why Hitler HAD to start WW2"
"The Revolution guaranteed inflation - BankWars: Weimar Hyperinflation Episode 2"
"The SHOCKING Real Story of the Dresden Firestorm"
"The UK DIDN'T "Privatize" the Railways"
"The cult many are in but don’t realize"
"Vatutin vs Manstein - who was the best general?"
"Was Barbarossa delayed by Yugoslavia?"
"Was Hitler a British Agent?"
"Wehrmacht Crimes against Women WW2"
"Were too many German soldiers tied up occupying Europe?"
"What Causes a Recession or Depression?"
"What's coming after Stalingrad? (plus other changes)"
"Who saved Hitler? The Munich Crisis & The Oster Conspiracy 1938"
"Who were technologically superior? The Axis or Allies in WW2?"
"Who's to blame for the Battle of Anzio 1944? | Patreon Q&A 8"
"Why Britain wouldn’t just let Hitler go East"
"Why Hitler was made "Man of the Year" in 1938"
"Why I took Yesterday's Videos Down"
"Why I'm Passionate about HISTORY and What Got Me Into it"
"Why Soviet Logistics weren’t as nightmarish as German Logistics in WW2"
"Why You NEED to Think Critically | Suvorov and Keitel's "Preemptive Strike" 1941 Idea"
"Why do people believe propaganda? (German ‘justification’ for invading Poland 1939)"
"Why the German Army couldn't overcome their bad logistics"
"Why they don't tell you about Hitler's "Shrinking Markets" problem"
"Why we need a New Term for "Revisionist Historians""
"need a break"
"“IT WASN’T A REAL CRIME!” The Counter-Arguments to Operation Keelhaul E3"