Comments by "Scented-leaf Pelargonium" (@scented-leafpelargonium3366) on "Middle East Eye"
@ralphbernhard1757 Well if you're so concerned about obeying God's Commandments, you must not forget the Sabbath day to be kept holy on the 7th day of the week and not to eat unclean animals which God calls an abomination. Or are you just cherrypicking? 🍒 🤔
Who do you mean "your people"? The only "people" I belong to is that of Northern Ireland.
If you are referring to the People of Israel, they are GOD'S CHOSEN PEOPLE, not mine! 🤯
I think you will find idolatry and obsession with money in every nation of the globe, as God says of ALL PEOPLE, "There is NONE RIGHTEOUS, NO, NOT ONE"! Why do you only single out Jews? 🤔
The Bible also says that with what judgement you mete out to others, the same will be meted out to you. So I wonder how well things will turn out for all the anti-Israel folk & Jew-haters? 🤔
It also says that every word that a man shall speak he shall give account of it in the Day of Judgement, and the King of the Jews, Yeshua, said, "Him without sin cast the first stone."
Good luck to you too, only I don't believe in "luc" as it is short for Lucifer, who is the devil! 👹
@CallThemAllOut Well, unlike other countries in the less dangerous West, nearly all Israelis have to serve in the Army due to being under threat continually from the Arabs & other Islamic states, which countries and civilians in the West do not live under (yet!). They would prefer to live in peace with their Arab cousins, but up until now every suggestion has been rejected outrightly.
Although some Israeli Arabs serve in the IDF, as do the minority people the Druze. Not all want to live in a racist Arab-only Jew-free Islamic state or caliphate of Palestine named after the non-Semitic Philistines, Israel's ancient and implacable enemies, who dwelt in Philistia, which is the narrow coastal strip of land where Gaza is today, never the entire land of Canaan, later Israel.
If they get their Apartheid state with Jerusalem on top of Mount Zion re-named Al Kuds as their capital, then the Palestinan Arabs will be as Zionist as any accusation levelled at the Jews! 🤯
You say occupiers, yet any Jews living in the land prior to 1948 were Palestinian too, the term never applying solely to the Arabs, which they try to imply today in order to delegitimise Jewish claims to the land and giving the impression that the Jews are all foreign interlopers (as your accusation of "occupiers" so clearly demonstrates). If the towns and cities where the Arabs now claim have ancient Hebrew names, like Jerusalem, Bethlehem and Hebron etc., are not the Arabs "occupiers" too, as they clearly did not name the placenames or else they cover them up! 🙃
That's why you have a 'nameless' "West Bank" rather than the Biblical Judea or "Jew-dea"! 🕎
"Maybe it's you guys should leave the West Bank" says the anti-Israel Michael Walker.
Since when was this territory called the nameless "West Bank" (of the Jordan River)? 🤔
If you read a Christmas card you will see that the Jew they are celebrating was born in Bethlehem of JUDEA ("Jew-dea"), NOT the so-called "West Bank"! This false name is just made up and used by the Jews' Semitic cousins the Arabs and other anti-Israelists in prder to cover up the historic and Biblical links to the territory which contains Hebrew cities. 🕎
It is convenient for such haters of Israel to deny the historical, spiritual and Biblical rights to Judea, which is named for them, just as the vast oil-rich territory of Arabia is named for the Arabs. Is it unfair for Jews to live in tiny Judea where their forefathers the Patriarchs, Abraham, Isaac & Jacob (Israel) and their wives Sarah, Rebekah and Leah are buried or the huge expanse of Arabia to be allotted to the Arabs, as there were 12 Tribes of each people?
The ancient community of Palestinian Jews was butchered and decimated in Hebron in 1929 in a brutal style reminiscent of the Arab attack on October 7th along with many other communities of Jews around the Holy Land and that was long before any State of Israel.
The fact that the Gentiles (non-Jews) and Arabs declare by man-made preconceptions that Jews are illegal to live in Judea is one of the biggest travesties and dishonest attempts at ethnic cleansing in history, notwithstanding that some Jews have moved back there, just as many Arabs live in Israel proper. If Jews can't live in Judea, why allow Arabs to live in Israel?
Under the Ottoman Turks for 400 years until 1917 and under British Mandate from 1917 to 1947 the Biblical land of Israel and Judea re-named as "Palestine" after the non-Semitic Philistines who were Israel's ancient and implacable foes, even though they only dwelt in the narrow coastal strip of Philistia where Gaza is today, not the whole land of the Bible, both Jews and Arabs were termed "Palestinian", the term never applying only to the Arabs, and both Jews and Arabs lived throughouf the Holy Land, not excluding Judea & Samaria.
The myth that only Arabs can live in an Arab-only Jew-free Islamic racist Apartheid territory is just as unfair and discriminatory as any accusations of Apartheid levelled at Israel! 🙃
These claims are based on fallacy and a mis-handling, twisting and covering up of truth which of course suits the Arab narrative, and now peddled by activists such as Walker.
@annadentis9743 I'm sure you will find the same in Israel. It is a democracy like America. If the US detained a terrorist from Iraq in their prison system and the prisoner was released still harbouring anti-American sentiment even though he was treated humanely, and went back to his culture in Iraq where anti-American sentiment was very high, would that prisoner tell the Iraqis and those who hate America there that the Americans treated him with the utmost care and manners and that everything about his detention was positive and without fault, or would he say that they treated him not fairly because he is Iraqi and because he is a Muslim in satanic America?
Obviously released Palestinian prisoners are not going to praise their captors, especially if their reason for being detained in the first place was to do harm to Israelis out of hate.
Another side to this conflict is the war of words and propaganda, and if one little lie, untruth, exaggeration or embellishment has success travelling the globe on social media it helps the cause probably more successfully than any terror attacks or physical warfare on the ground.
Sometimes you have to take some accounts of terrorists and criminals with a pinch of Dead Sea salt rather than impugning the legal system of a recognised democracy on that account.
It is obviously in the interests of the Arab convicts to say anything to condemn Israel.
Motives must always be borne in mind. An Arab terrorist is more likely to say negative things about Israel as the hatred is already embedded and it fits their agenda to lie about the Jews.
On the other hand, what is there to gain from the Israeli legal system if they arbitrarily mistreat, torture and persecute political prisoners, as they know that any reports of such will damage the image of Israel's society at large? The truth will always come out in the end, but sometimes the lies that are believed can cause irreparable damage. We must not take everything at face value.
That's what God gave us discernment for. Not just to blindly believe one side that you favour.
@intalmdr4627 Most of those "children" are late teens, 16 & 17 years old, not all infants. The people in Gaza are not against Hamas commiting atrocities against innocent Israeli civilians (unprovoked) so by proxy they bring much sorrow upon their own heads, even though it is not the Israeli objective to kill or harm civilians, athough the biased media always portrays it as such.
The rejoicing and dancing among Palestinians after such atrocities shows that they support such terror. It is Hamas who govern Gaza and are responsible for syphoning off money for their military apparatus and the building of tunnels and thousands of lethal rockets instead of improving infrastructure, education, healthcare and not having enough food or fuel reseves to last more than a few days, yet the world blames Israel for the Gazan's daily deprivation. 🙃
The Palestinians did nothing to deserve this (apart from supporting Hamas and hating Israel), however the world blames Israel for all their woes and lets Hamas off Scot-free. 🤯
Also Gaza is bordered by TWO countries, and Egypt blockades Gaza more than Israel, as at least Israel lets everything through in normal "peace time", except for stuff that could be used to destroy Israel, which I think any nation next to a hostile enemy would be vigilent about.
Any of these crimes committed by Russia by any chance or are you only focussed on Israel? 🤔
@swaglikeohio83 Lawlessness does not describe warfare, but breaking God's Holy Laws, which even Christians are guilty of when they desecrate the Fourth Commandment every week by ignoring the holiness of the Sabbath of the LORD every "Saturday" (not named after Saturn by God or Yeshua in the Bible) or by eating animals God has clearly described as unclean to eat which He says is an ABOMINATION (Leviticus 11:10-12) and so forth.
The ones Yeshua will condemn as being LAW-LESS are those He will say He never knew when they say how much they did in His transmogrified name of "Jesus", which He never used in His lifetime, such as casting out demons etc as professing religious Christians.
As for protecting Israel throughout the Bible the LORD God of Israel describes Himself as YEHOVAH TZEVAOT, or the LORD of Hosts, which means "armies" & the same name as the IDF - "ZAHAL" in abbreviation for TZEVAOT HAGANOT LE-ISRAEL, or the Hosts/Armies to Defend Israel. 🕎 That is not lawlessness, but is true to the nature of the LORD of Battle.
Armageddon is prophesied to be the next one, again with Divine Intervention against the nations who come against Israel as her enemies to wipe her out, but Yeshua returns! 💥
@markwoodstock1112 Confusion and mistakes can happen in a fraught atmosphere of continual conflict (I know from living in Northern Ireland), so what you are saying can obviously occur, so I wouldn't be blind enough to ignore fault, but the bigger picture is an entire society bent on the destruction of another, by whatever means, including online delegitimisation and history revisionism, which does as much damage as any physical war or attacks or bombs.
There were many IRA terrorists jailed in Belfast without trial, and innocents caught up in the meleè, so the phenomenon is not unique to Israel. Have you ever srutinised the prisons of China or Russia with as much humanitarian care, or is it critiquing Israel that is your only interest?
If the tables were turned, how do you think the Israelis would fare being locked up in an Islamic Arab Palestinian jail no matter their offence? Would they have justice, and equality and concern for their humanitarian rights? If they hate Jews as it is, how would they treat them in jails? 🤔
You seem to think that Israelis are the only ones who ever do anything wrong. Is that true?
@@shanelong5602 Well, the Irish do share the thirst for violence and terrorism with the Muslims that's for sure. They bring up the Famine more than the Jews bring up the Holocaust.
The British also left infrastructure, railways, modernisation, and left Georgian buildings and castles for the Irish population to enjoy today, otherwise the peasant people might still be living in thatched cottages and digging up peat from the bogs without that British civilisation and advancement.
The countries of the world were asked to take Jews during the Holocaust years, but most refused, not only the British, when it comes to refusing aid for the suffering and dying.
The Ottomans and the British have one thing in common, they both governed Palestine, and neither made it into an Arab state, although the world seems to imagine that the Palestinian Arabs had one prior to the State of Israel, although that is not the case as the country contained communities of Palestinian Jews too, the name never pertaining only to the Arabs.
The Irish on the other hand when civilisation was at the brink of being taken over by a violent dictator in WWII decided to remain "neutral" not standing up for anything, so not so brave after all.
It's easy to pick from history, and there will always be conflicting narratives, but we are in the here and now. Jews are still being murdered in their beds and the Irish support the terrorists! 🤯
@mimoiah No, are you justifying terrorists who end up in Israeli jails?
I have seen those rocks that teenagers hurl, and they are small boulders. Believe me if one of those hit your narrowminded head it would kill you. It is a lethal weapon. The best way to keep out of jail is not to commit actions of violence and terrorism (and then blame the authorities for detaining them!)
Why would people be arrested without commiting any crime? I lived in Israel and commited no crime, hence I was not arrested or detained. However, I know people in my home country of Northern Ireland who have commited terrorism with bombs and bullets, killing and maiming indiscriminately out of hatred, and as a result many of them get arrested and sent to prison.
I witnessed many such incidents perpetrated by Arabs out of pure hatred for the Jews.
There are two jurisdictions in Israel and the Palestinian territories, so Israel may detain people who commit violence against them, but that does not give them rights to hold trials for people from another jurisdiction, however the Islamic courts will not try a criminal for attacking Israel!
The Arab hate for the Jews long precedes the State of Israel, and they even descend from two twin brothers, Jacob and Esau, who even struggled with each other in the womb! That's hate!
@almas806 What the UN says is only an opinion. The Hamas Charter is the one Israelis know about as it declares the full destruction of the State of Israel, so just because people or a people create a Charter does not mean that it is righteous. A charter is just a piece of paper.
Israel only gained extra territory after the Arabs launched attacks on them, and when the Arabs lost, they lost territory as a result. Thus hatred and violence of the "other" by the Arabs has created much of the misery and so-called "occupation" that the Palestinian and former Jordanian Arabs (in Jerusalem & the "West Bank"/Judea) later found themselves in. Before 1967, Jerusalem and Judea, re-named "West Bank" to cover up the territory's Jewish links, was under illegal occupation by the Hashemite Kingdom of Jordan.
Prior to 1948 the whole country, including Transjordan, was governed or "occupied" by the British from 1917. Prior to 1917, the territory was occupied by the Turks, ruled from Constantinople, now Istanbul, so there have been many "occupiers", but no complains until the Jews came into the predominance, after being a vilified minority there for centuries.
What there hasn't ever been in history is an "Arab sovereign state" of Palestine. Even prior to 1948, both Jews and Arabs were "Palestinian," the term never applying solely to the Arabs.
Thus the UN Charter concering the "Palestinians" teachically includes those Jewish citizens too. The use of the name by the Arabs today helps to delegitimise the Jews rights to citizenry.
The only reason any Jews began to seek refuge in Palestine from the 1890's onwards was because of the persecutions, pogroms and discrimination meted out to them in the Christian and Muslim nations to where they had been scatttered since being ethically cleansed from their land by Europeans from Rome in 135 CE, culminating in the Germans killing six million of them.
The UN were not calling for THAT persecuted people to offer resistance, but ignored it! 🤯
No nations accepted them, and even in their ancient Biblical homeland they were unwanted by their own Semitic cousins, the Arabs. Technically it is the ancient land of Israel and Judea that is "occupied" by Arabs from Arabia who crossed the porous borders taking advantage of the Jewish land and empty cities after the Jews had been expelled, and now they claim it as their own.
That is why so many "Arab" towns and cities like Bethlehem & Nazareth all have ancient Hebrew place names. They cannot even pronounce "Palestine" as there is no "P" in the Arabic alphabet.
So the Jews are an occupied people too, and it goes back further than just a few generations.
The oldest Charter that outlines the rights of the Jews to the land of Israel is the Holy Bible.
In its pages there is a complete history of how it came into their possession replete with pronouncements by God to make it official, while the Arabs dwelt in oil-rich Arabia.
But now the Arabs want Judea too, believing that the Jews have no rights anywhere.
This is not how their forefather Abraham treated his two sons from whom the Jews and Arabs descend as he was fair to both, allotting land to both peoples, who had Twelve Tribes each, of Ishmaelites and Israelites. The Arabs got a vast area, while the Jews only got a tiny parcel of land.
Still, it is that tiny parcel of land, that was negleected for centuries, that the Arabs suddenly want to rule with the world denigrating the Jews (what's new) and favouring the Arabs to found a Jew-free Apartheid Arab-only Islamic Caliphate called Palestine with Jerusalem as its capital.
You can kiss those Holy Land Tours goodbye if that happens, along with religious freedoms for Jews and Christians. Just check any Islamic country in the region to check out that reality.
The UN was basically formed because of situation in the Holy Land, and now it has become the Judge. Also the one-sidedness of that organisation against Israel is radically hostile to the Jews.
@@shanelong5602 There WAS. Look up "Celtic Church". Tell me your findings.
The Celtic Church across Britain and Ireland differed greatly in doctrine and practice to the Church of Rome on the continent. Saints such as Patrick, Columba, Columbanus, Fursey, Gall and many others kept the Sabbath-keeping practices of the Quartodeciman ("14th") churches founded by John the Apostle across Asia Minor and kept Passover instead of the Roman invention of "Easter," as did Polycarp, Bishop of Smyna and Polycrates, Bishop of Ephesus in the 190's when they both wrote to the Bishop of Rome refusing to accept the new Roman "Easter."
The Irish Christians followed suit, refusing also to eat unclean animals, such as pork and shellfish, and like the Jews did not have celibate clergy. Columbanus, from my home town of Bangor, County Down, wrote to the Pope calling him a heretic because of the papal "Easter," and was eventually imprisoned in Europe as the Roman bishops were against His teaching.
This all changed at the Synod of Whitby, when the Roman prelates convinced King Oswy of Northumbria to accept "Easter" over over Passover (as it was deemed to be too "Jewish") and made the Irish missionaries headed up by Colman to be simple uneducated peasants.
Thus the British Church turned Roman from that point, with even so-called "Protestants" keeping the Roman "holy days", such as the Mass of Christ ("Christ-Mass"), "Easter," and fasting on "Lent" etc without question even to this day. The Irish Christians retreated to the remote isles of Iona and Lindisfarne till they eventually ebbed into obscurity, so much so that people not educated in these matters will say that there was no such thing as a Celtic Church at all. ☘
The Celtic traditions kept going in small pockets, but with Roman Catholic emmissaries sent from Rome to galvinise the papal holidays and dogma the island of Ireland evetually too became "Roman" in Christian practice. Ireland was never colonised by Rome, but it did not escape the clutches of the Roman ecclesiastical system which wiped out Celtic Christianity island-wide.
The last vestige of the Celtic Church was believed to be at the Hill of Tara in the 11th century, the word Tara coming from the Hebrew word "Torah" meaning "God's Law", by which time monasticism began to hold sway with the various orders of monks in many monasteries.
Now some Catholic churches name their buildings after these Celtic "saints" but if they were alive today they would not have their names attached to the Sunday-keeping Roman churches, which now includes Protestants, that they fought so hard and taught against for centuries.
I am interested where you got your information that there was no pre-Roman Celtic church in Ireland, as I am always happy to be proven wrong if the history books I have been reading over the past 40 years on this subject are all wrong. Of course, one must always try to find the earliest manuscripts as later hagiographies written by Roman-leaning historians will often write with a favour to the position they hold, and will often omit facts as a result or add some embellishments which must be analysed with the knowledge of the possibility of bias.
For instance, Columba, from Movilla, six miles from where I live, became the Apostle of Scotland converting the Picts and settling on the island of Iona across from Mull & Oban.
He was a Saturday Sabbath-keeper as all Celts were, and his death was recorded as being on the Sabbath, and as with Jews, this is believed to be a sign of an auspicious death from God.
However, later Roman Catholic books write that Columba died on the "Lord's Day," which is cobbled up to be purpisely ambiguous, as most Catholics call Sunday the "Lord's Day," thus the history becomes changed and also helps to promote Roman Catholic practice and doctrine.
Of course if using the term "Sabbath of the LORD" as found in Scripture, ostensibly it could also be described as the "Lord's Day," however, it is clear that the refusal to include the word "Sabbath" which at all times in the Bible refers to Saturday and never Sunday, is a delibetate attempt by Roman historians to effect the perception that Columba died on Sunday and not Saturday.
These things may not seem important, but these were the very issues the Celts stood for.
This erasure of history is very successful, hence your own admission of no Celtic Church. 🙃
@worshipthecreator9081 In the Bible, where the origin of the Jews is recorded, and the territories in which they lived, the line of descent is patrinlineal, or through the father.
However, there were proselytes from the nations who were Gentile converts who joined the people of Israel and worshipped the God of Israel, and these people got circumcised and were considered part of Israel, before the advent of Christianity when a much wider Gentile majority began to worship the LORD God of Israel through their belief in the Israeli Jew Yeshua, whose Name they later changed to "Jesus," thus the need to convert as before to Israel was lessened.
A person who converts to Judaism today also must go through full circumcision (if male) and keep the Jewish laws, and are regarded as Jewish as far as religious observance is concerned, although some purists will still discriminate against them as not being "racially" Jewish.
However, there are many strands of Judaism today, some more conservative than others, whilst others are more liberal and accepting, such as having women rabbis and accepting gay Jews.
Where did you get your information for your claim that a person who converts to Judaism is not classed as a Jew? When I lived in Israel as a non-Jew from Northern Ireland for 10 years, I applied for citizenship but was turned down, however, the rabbis who check for Kosher observance from the hotel where I worked as a chef told me that I could stay in the country if I converted to Judaism or married a Jewish woman, as a non-Jewish spouse can reside there.
This shows that Gentiles do get accepted in Israel and within Judaism under certain criteria, and even non-Jewish partners of gay people intending to marry can gain full Israeli citizenship.
I wonder if people who convert to Islam are classed as Arabs, or do they discriminate too? 🤔
As like the Jews, the Arabs are a race or a people as opposed to just being a religion.