Comments by "A Foxy Fox" (@aFoxyFox.) on "The CJ Werleman Show" channel.

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  9.  @untitled7184  Jews were taken to be a religion whenever mentioned as far as I'm aware, I doubt it would consider a Jew who defies everything in Judaism to still be a "Jew", or a Christian who defies everything in Christianity to be some "Christian ethnicity", I don't think that is a Qur'anic way of understanding how these words are used probably. It also says "the polytheists", is that taken to be the trait of every polytheist as an "ethnic polytheist"? Then even the various Muslims who converted would be ethnically these things. The Qur'an actually has verses on ethnicity and colors and stuff like that, have you ever read those? I think it isn't important though. Is your objective here to try to prove to Muslims who are a multi-ethnic religion that their religion is racist so that because of their religion being demonstrated to be racist by mentioning Jews as hostile to Muslims, you will cause people to leave Islam for this reason. What are they to do then, become Jews or Atheists? You mentioned something about "blackened" or something like that (or someone did, maybe a different person on shift), and were calling it "racist" but my comment was about how "blackness" or "blackening" is not inherently "racist" at all, for example if meat is cooked until it is "blackened" for example, or if a shade or shadow is upon a thing causing it to become darkened, and if a shadow upon a character is likened to an evilness or fear or concealment and threat related to a character, that also is not necessarily "racist". Racism, like you seem to be aware of, has to do with claims that a certain ethnicity or race is superior to others inherently, it is a kind of hubristic way of thinking (see hubris, which is putting down others to heighten oneself). So, for example, if one were to say "Arabs are superior to non-Arabs" or "Ethnically Jewish people are superior to the Gentiles and the Nations that are Non-Jewish" or "Aryans are superior to all other people" this is racism. It is also racism to say "whoever have naturally, biologically darker skin, is more evil and stupid always", but it is not racist to say "someone has darker skin than another person" or "someone with darker skin is less likely to get skin cancer", and it is not racist to say "a people standing in darkness, without light shining from them or upon them, is in this representation an evil bunch" because it has nothing to do with their race or genetics. The idea that Jews are exclusively an ethnicity is not necessarily an understanding that the people writing the Qur'an (you should assume that it was written by ignorant people) even had. They believed that Jews could convert to Islam (and many did), and they believed that Jews could go to their Paradise even without converting to Islam, if they were decent people. The Qur'an says "whether you are a Jew, Christian, whatever, if you believe in God and do good" and blah blah blah, you know, so it really didn't say any of what you're claiming, but why do you want to convince Muslims that it did say this? How would that help the Muslims to convince them to be even worse than they are? Do you think they will be like "Oh no, we're racists, I guess I'll leave Islam?" no, but instead you might just end up convincing them to be racists, so that is a stupid plan isn't it? The idea should be to moderate and control these people and move them towards conduct we would prefer, not conduct we would not prefer, correct? So anyway, I don't interpret mentioning Jews and mentioning them in a negative light, which even the Bible does, to be anything "ethnic specific" or inescapable due to ethnicity, they can become Christians or Polytheists or Muslims, then they cease to be Jews and the things that it says about those various factions or types or groups would apply to them, it didn't seem to have the notion that a Jew that converts to Christianity is still a Jew, or that a Jew that converts to Polytheism is still a Jew, or a Jew that becomes an Atheist is still a Jew, or that a Jew that becomes a Muslim is still a Jew. Also, this idea about "ethnicity" and especially "race" is a rather new one in many ways, an anachronistic interpretation of things. These Muslims were largely "black" Arabs, very dark skinned, in the sun, how could they be Caucasian or white or even only "lightly tanned" in the Arabian sun with the reflection of the sand and their conditions? I imagine that the people dealing with the Qur'an itself, were quite dark skinned, practically African or Sudanese looking, the Egyptians were Sudanese looking, everyone was very "black" and most of the Qur'an is full of the darkest skinned people being talked about, that is why Moses "hand turning white" is something of interest for the imagination, it would be rather stupid and bland if it was imagined to be a white skinned man whose hand just appeared as white as it always was or slightly whiter. Kind of like the film "Gods of Egypt" where the "Gods" appear just slightly taller than regular men, but otherwise just appear to be regular men for the most part haha. I think that the "hadiths" which you may really have read quite a bit from (as most people obsessed with Islam or threatened by it spend all their life reading those texts, which I think is a waste of life, especially for people who dislike Islam), were written in Persia and have a lot of inaccurate information, and that Persians and their population have lighter skins due to their atmosphere, and also Syrians and stuff like that, and that they are different from the Ethiopian looking or mixed, the Sudanese looking or mixed, the Bedouins of some types, the Yemenites, the very dark skinned people of East Africa and Saudia Arabia and South Arabia, who were out in the sun and receiving reflected sunlight, having dark pigment which is typical of very sunny and hot places in order to deal with and survive the light and heat. That is also why racists call them sand n*gg**s. There are funny stories though that make Muhammed out to be a white skinned, naturally red headed ginger man, which is hilarious, maybe he died of skin cancer then lol.
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  11.  @untitled7184  Yes, so what I'm thinking is that similar to saying "Jews are allying with Polytheists against Muslims", it might be similar to modern statements like "Zionists are assisting Hindus against Muslims". That isn't to say it is accurate, it is just to say that the ideas may not necessarily be "racist" since there may not have been these kinds of understandings of these groups as "races" which might be a more modern idea or otherwise might have been stated differently. The Qur'an does say stuff about the bedouins and seems to speak of them as an ethnicity, but this may again be a modern or anachronistic misunderstanding, since today we consider these groups of the same ethnicity, and they may have been separated by their functions in society or jobs or way of life rather than their blood or ethnic background or race, which they may have shared with the non-bedouin populace, differentiated by their way of life and modes of habitation rather than their ethnicity or race. The Qur'an says about "colors" or something that people were given various appearances and ways of life "so that you may know each other". It speaks of Jews and Christians, both seemingly as religions for the most part, and attributes to those, as well as polytheists, negative traits or statements and beliefs at times, beliefs which are said to be wrong and rejected, since Islam is trying to gain converts to the new religion perhaps. I don't find it personally very racist overall, and I think there is a lot more ethnic supremacy type stuff more clearly in the Jewish and Christian writing, where it seems much more clearly ethnicity based and bloodline obsessed if one is to compare it to the Qur'an which barely discusses such matters and seems to place no importance in them, probably also because the people it is talking to.
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  14.  @untitled7184  So do you want to convince Muslins for some reason that their book suggests to them to be ethnic supremacists? I don't see how convincing them of this will either cause them to abandon their religion (and why do you want them to? It appears according to the Qur'an, people were attempting the same even at the time it was being written.), or will assist you in any way. They might simply be like "oh yeah, I guess it is saying we are ethnically superior and the Jews are ethnically inferior", so how does convincing them of this help anyone at all? I think the strategy might be a little lame and miscalculated or short-sighted, as well as potentially dangerous by convincing Muslims to be radical instead of moderate. Their numbers are far greater than yours and will likely always be, do the idea should be to try to convince them, even using their own books or literature they subscribe to, to be moderate and not to interpret things the way you are trying to convince them to believe in things in a way that would be harmful to all of us ultimately. So these are the verses you mentioned: 2:47 2:122 3:33 3:110 9:29 98:9 I will copy paste these verses from IslamAwakened which has multiple translations of every verse of the Qur'an and you let me know what you think it is saying and also what you want the Muslims to think it is saying and what you think the safest way for all us is if the Muslims were to be convinced that it is saying something else, the better or more moderate interpretation that would make the Muslims more docile and easier to deal with.
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  27.  @AM-gm5jg  Thank you for taking the time to answer some of those questions I asked, they were not ill intended or meant to be hostile towards you at all. What Arab nation or nationality are they from? I was curious because I'd like to know more about their background and what sort of Islam these people were practicing maybe, like what their culture was and stuff. For you to become an Odin follower and worshipper is incredibly unique and rare, so it is very interesting. How do you pray to or worship Odin and what gave you the idea to do it in that fashion? Is your name an Arab style name still and would you consider changing it entirely? What would you name yourself if you could name yourself anything? Why are you still living with these people at the age of 25, and what age were you when you fought them and they finally accepted you? Are you able to maybe get a job and leave their company so you can be under less tension about them? What of their practices and beliefs conflict with yours? If you were to exchange the words in the Qur'an for terms you prefer, like the word Allah for Odin, the mention of thunder for Thor, putting in the Old Norse Terminology for certain words (or even creating a full translation in Old Norse), would you find the things the Qur'an says and describes (if you've read it and are familiar with it) to be similar or compatible with Norse religion? So the different Arab groups, there are like Egyptians, Lebanese, Syrians, I'm interested in which nation or cultural group or nationality your family links themselves to or are from, are your parents first generation immigrants? Do you have siblings? What do they do? The reason I'm interested is because you have such a unique and rare story as far as I can tell, I'm not so sure it is very common for people identifying themselves as Arab to be into Norse Religion or following Norse religion from the age of 14? I'd love to hear about your journey, how you came to such conclusions, how you found Norse religion and read about it, what your favorite texts are. This is of interest to me because I'm hugely into Norse religion, and it is a pleasure to hear from someone else who is into it thoroughly.
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  32.  @kelanitweir4994  Feel free to mail me at theartismagistra at the g sort of email if you know which type I mean. A M has successfully figured out the mail and has mailed me as well, and I'd be very happy to discuss anything that you may be interested in. A lot of these people are so dedicated to their missions here that they just end up acting like robots basically, repeating things and copy pasting things and not really engaging with each other as people or having anything of interest to say or derive from one another. I am just an ordinary person with no agenda, and a curious person who is also creative, so I try to engage with people and have interesting discussions or learn about their thoughts and experiences and things like that, so that may be what you were intrigued by and noticed about me and my writing on here. I visit all types of videos, channels, websites, and I deal with all sorts of different kinds of art and media and topics. I'm often on a YouTube channel about toys called David Displays Model Behaviour or Displaying Model Behaviour, I check out cases discussed in a lighthearted manner by That Chapter, another YouTube channel, I sometimes look at news stories by The Rational National, or gossip by Philip DeFranco or Popcorned Planet. I watch films on YouTube or other websites or streaming formats. I enjoy the videos that CJ makes because he talks about things that a lot of people don't really often discuss these days, things that I feel are bad for all people, except people are giving in to these human rights abuses because the group being afflicted is considered a maligned "other" but really, the same freedoms that are being taken away are going to harm all the general public, and Islamic hatred, like the "new Jew", is just a way for Corporatists and Fascists / Authoritarians, for lack of better terms, are using to distract people and negatively impact their quality of life, to make lower standards and quality the new "norm". I'm 35 years old turning 36 this year, and I like that CJ is doing something, because I think most people feel pretty helpless overall. I just want to live a quiet, happy life, while I can, for as long as I can, and not to be interfered with by governments or most worldly sort of things which I have little interest in overall. I also enjoy finding "Lifetime" and "Television Movies" from the 70s, 80s, 90s, and 2000s and even up to date, for laughs and commentary. I enjoy shows like Law & Order SVU. Even though I have eclectic interests and read an unusually or uncommonly broad amount of materials covering a lot of ground, I think I'm pretty much just a person trying to be real and would hopefully never find myself caught up in the obsessions and illnesses that some of the people in these comments seem to be suffering, where they seem to dedicate their whole lives and all their time to stuff they oppose or dislike, which seems like a really weird way to go about living one's life.
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  34. The term "purify" was used recently in a speech by an Israeli figure when he spoke about purifying Mecca. It might be worth showing in a future video if you haven't yet, I think you might not have since it has been circulating recently, but I'm not entirely sure of the origin or the original date of the video which has been presented with the implication it is current. If you could make a video compiling hate speech against Muslims by politicians and political figures from around the world, and also another compilation that shows how Modi is quite literally being promoted as a God (reminiscent of the Qur'an's version of Pharaoh) and even "greater than (God)" with God supposedly a follower and devotee of Modi, it might be useful to showcase the horrendous things going on in the modern world as Evil, Imperialism, Totalitarianism, and Fascism is in full swing. Also a compilation or listing of all the crimes of Israel and Zionists since even before they might have been called that, all their crimes from the earliest days of their immigration there, that may also be of interest, with an emphasis on the numbers of displaced and their conditions afterwards, the permanently injured and maimed, and the dead. You could also make a video about France mentioning Iran involved in something recently, and also how the practice of Islam is being attacked, how Israel has trained various groups to attack Muslims, how the Rohingya are being burned, how the oppression by Chinese and Russians against Muslim populations is still in full swing, how the whole world is being taught to normalize hate against Islam while cautioning people against other forms of hatred, how the killing of civilians is being normalized and so the regular population, including non-Muslims, should be threatened by this being set as a precedent and turned into a norm. You can make a video about various nations Imperialistic plans for expansion have been discussed, especially when such includes manipulating or destroying Muslim populations. Though your videos are wonderfully researched and worth the wait, maybe you could also make some easier and shorter ones more regularly which might also help your channel grow further and people will keep checking back more often.
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Hi there, this comment is about a disturbing interview from around November 1st by Piers Morgan with Jordan Peterson, and in it, there is some really disturbing stuff at around 22:00 minutes and after where Jordan Peterson seems to insidiously blame the victims of tyranny and oppression and also uses the Bible to try to manipulate people into thinking that God is punishing them or something, it seemed really disgusting and I hope you could see that and extract that section and discuss it and the tactics these haters of humanity (and Muslims) use (I've used the below to try to bring attention to it at The Rational National channel of David Doel, Hasanabi, Philip DeFranco, and Russel Brand: You've got to see this, please, its so sick and disturbing and should get more attention how people are blaming people who couldn't possibly deserve what is happening to them (because they are children and babies in many cases, otherwise innocent young civilians and others who have nothing to do with any of what is happening to them and the conditions they were born into and are stuck in currently) In the Piers Morgan and Jordan Peterson Interview posted recently around November 1st or something, somewhere at or after 22:00 minutes into the interview, Jordan Peterson eventually says something like "those under totalitarian tyranny bare some responsibility for being oppressed", or at least something that amounts to that, and is arguing that the Palestinian civilians basically deserve what Israel is doing to them, misreading the Bible and using the Bible to justify it by saying "the sins and their punishments of the fathers pass down to the children and grandchildren" and on and on, when even the Bible has verses against that statement which the evil people were saying in the past apparently to justify ongoing tyranny against the descendants of their enemies and trying to harm their children (and vile attacks on innocents like children exist in the Bible) Comment 1: Yeah, so the big question here is something about "what was it that the Jews do to get the Nazis to gather them up and massacre them? What did the Native/Aboriginal people do in various countries to get the various colonial powers to wage campaigns of tyranny and oppression over them?" What did women do in order to be oppressed for generations and get attacked in various ways and killed? Certainly, they must hold some responsibility for getting attacked and treated badly right? That is what one part of this interview seemed to say, that the little babies getting torn to pieces by bombs from Israel, who never voted for Hamas because they weren't even born yet, and most of the people who live there now didn't vote for Hamas (also look up how Netanyahu has been funding Hamas for years and years to keep this conflict going since he keeps excusing his court cases for corruption from all this and keeps getting endless funding in the billions by a war that never ends like the book 1984) must have done something that keeps them in that situations (yeah, I guess he is right, being babies is why their stuck in hell and can't get out). Look how Piers talks to Peterson as compared to the other people who he keeps saying "do you condemn Hamas!?". Haha, when the Jews were oppressed by the Nazi government, somehow they compare that to the oppressed Palestinians being like the Nazis, when actually the Nazis were the eugenicist and ethnic supremacist government like the far right wing Zionists. Argh. Whatever, now I've made myself a target to the lunatics just by seeing the hypocrisy of all this (like most people do, and talking about it just gets people harassed and hacked and whatever else by fanatics). How they keep stating that the Palestinians are "like Nazis" lol, when the Fascists were a far right government that had kept people in a ghetto, made others of a certain ethnicity the worst second or third class or no class citizens being treated and talked about in dehumanizing ways and killed like they are nothing. Can anyone see it? No? You're all so afraid of being called "anti-semitic" by a bunch of fanatical Zionists? Luckily there is a Jewish movement that says "Not In Our Name" and they have become targets to these people too, because they, like Nazis, don't care about anything really except keeping power and wealth, and use ethnicity and the Bible and whatever else that they don't actually care about much as a weapon to control some and kill others. They are just psychopaths making excuses, and everyone fighting in their defense is complicit. People who care about innocent civilians and children being murdered indiscriminately is being attacked, the evil people will claim "you support terrorists by not supporting mass murder of civilians", it is double speak and all kinds of dirty tricks, wake up. Comment 2: Very good, I'm glad you're seeing the true colors of people who are just suddenly alright with certain innocent children and civilians being mass murdered in broad daylight right before everyone's eyes. Sick! Comment 3: Hi, what was wrong is that civilians and children are being indiscriminately bombed (imagine if it happened to you and your family just because someone claimed some criminals or terrorists are hiding among you or your family homes), and these guys aren't very vocal about that, suddenly they don't seem to really care all that much, and that is probably because those people are maybe a little tanned, maybe a little foreign seeming, maybe a little Muslim or whatever, and then suddenly mass murder and breaking rules of war and committing war crimes in vengeance is alright. Do you see? No? That is "emotions" lol. Yeah it is, people should have them, psychopaths don't. I was blocked from writing comments by YouTube for simply stating normal things like these.
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  41. Awesome, very uncommon and difficult to find information compiled here that I appreciate a lot. Any more on Zionist work throughout the years in radicalizing nations and creating anti-Muslim fervor (like in India, Myanmar, and among many other people, possibly even the other Muslim hating groups like China and Russia and whoever else, the Serbs, America, in countries that Zionists like to influence or take vacations to also), it would be great if you were able to compile a thorough list of their work in these places trying to foment hatred for Muslims and spreading racism and ethnic hatred and separatism, also their involvement with olden days National Socialists and the new versions of them and the ultra-right wing, and their work with South African white racists also, and various communities they hang out in and how they operate those closed communities. Everywhere that the Zionists go and have gone, they seem to spread hatred, racism, separatism, apartheid, different classes, major divisions in society, and merciless killing and cruelty, and exposing just how long of a tradition this is, and how much they do this, and all the places they have been linked to where this has occurred or where it has been the result or the outcome, would be informative to see, and should help solidify with people that this ideology is one that is harmful to everyone ultimately, it isn't just bad for Muslims, but will move on and spread hate, division, poverty, and crime wherever it can in order to exist and survive in the way that it is designed and what it uses to keep itself in power (which seems to be largely hubris). If you can somehow join the social media networks of people like Secular Talk (Kyle Kulinski), maybe channels and networks of people who are interested in Norman Finkelstein, and others like The Rational National (and there are surely many more people), this can help to get such information out and people to become more aware of your work beyond the Muslim majority of people who I think might be the main group finding your channel. This really needs to be known to more people around the world, also people who are not Muslims and who may have trouble empathizing with Muslims for whatever silly reasons which you are aware from experience can be an issue for people to overcome the brainwashing that they have now been raised with. It is important your content gets advertised in those communities and among those people and larger crowds, especially now when they are planning on ramping up a new era of wars and hatred and killing, and have already expanded beyond Gaza to bombing further areas despite the people of the world largely speaking out against it as a majority, the minority of evil hate-monger murderers are going ahead as planned with something that they might have pulled off more smoothly maybe 20 years ago during the Bush Jr. crimes and Putin's crimes from that time and those crimes of Sarkozy and many others like the British 20 years ago during the War On Terror, but they are starting it all up again, and no doubt will resort to Operation Gladio style false flag terror to justify extending and spreading the war wherever they please, blaming invented agents of terror attacking civilians and claiming this is the reason why they must go around killing people, possibly even putting Muslims and others in internment camps, harassing them, possibly deporting them.
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  47. Israel is currently escalating in violence against the Palestinians for no apparent reason, while the news makes it seem like Palestine can even fight back or do anything, Israel is killing civilians as usual and doing their yearly evil and oppression against random and innocent non-combatant human beings that they view as pests and vermin basically and treat like sub-humans and cattle for slaughter. The mainstream media and national news is talking about it though, in their usual way which misleads the public, but it is what has been reported for the last two days and is appearing on the national news, whereas their Ramadan attacks earlier this year were ignored by the media, now they are talking about their murders, but not as murders. I thought maybe you could make a video talking about some of the Anti-Muslim hatred and escalating violence going on around the world as Spy-Master Biden seems to be up to some funny business and having given the green light on many unsavory things, like more weapons funding to Israel but also a disturbing proxy war in the Ukraine and now starting trouble in Taiwan after some 40 years of a "status quo" situation. The Chinese have also been doubling down on their "dissidents", including Muslims, and it appears the whole alliance of evil (against the innocent, and Muslims) is kind of straining and preparing for all out war for some reason. Maybe it has to do with the hot weather, so that when these nations are frustrated they want to kill, and some of the first people they find easy targets and sitting ducks are their Muslim populations, before they turn on other civilians in general.
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  50. H & M Foundation may be how this story started to circulate. This is what it says on their website: "During 2015 more than 35,000 unaccompanied refugee children came to Sweden. These children are a particularly vulnerable group who are exposed to psychological stress and trauma, as they are separated from their family and care takers. It is a challenging situation for the Swedish society to make sure that the rights of these children are protected and that they receive adequate support which can enable participation and social inclusion in the local community. Together with the Swedish Red Cross, H&M Foundation had a project which reached 20,000 refugee children integrate into the Swedish society. Through different kinds of activities, planned and arranged by children and volunteers together, the project gave the children tools and social network needed to enable integration. The activities aimed at creating social inclusion and facilitate for unaccompanied minors, to meet people who are more established in the Swedish society, learn the language and how to navigate in their new context. The purpose of the project was also to connect the target group with other actors in society, such as sports clubs, civil society and the business sector. Local meeting places will also be created where refugee children will get adult support to reach their goals." Now, these supposed 35,000 unaccompanied (no adult present accompanying them) children or youths, were arriving in 2015, so now it has been around 7 years, so if they arrived as teenagers, now they are likely to be adults as well. These children were supposedly not accompanied by adults or family members, who may have remained behind in Syria or wherever. Online, stories have been circulated about "social service kidnappings" but this doesn't really appear to be the case as far as I can find. Footage was circulated which was misleading, since it was showing incidents that were not related to child protective services and children being dealt with by them, one such video was that of a security guard attacking a child for example, and was proliferated as evidence of child services kidnapping a child or abusing a child.