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Michele Lyn
Sky News Australia
Comments by "Michele Lyn" (@HRPFayetteville) on "Sky News Australia" channel.
It's not a deadly virus when not everyone dies many.more recover so u shouldnt be calling it deadly the flu is deadly then
Our medical system is so corupt and our media is complacent ever since pharma ads began
Kamala always looks hungover or ready to go to the bat for a drink
Biden is bad but I am still grateful Hillary wasn't our president #letsgobrandon 😁
The democrats aren't complete denial don't forget that
I think hes referring to his skin cancers that hes had removed Not actual cancer there's no report he had cancer in beat cancer
I don't like Joe Biden I never have like Joe Biden but for the love of God somebody gets some balls and help this poor man does poor man embarrassing sad and senior abuse
Except for the most critical fact is that you wouldn't get skin cancer from oil or whatever hes talking about
It seems like political people use their children to do all kinds of dirty business
That interviewer knew exactly wjat they said that's not a mistake
She should have her citizenship revoked and deported back home go dismantle ur own country
Omg we gotts island Omar u got Megan geez what is it about foreigners attacking the places who accepted them as our own its pathetic and Omar's citizenship should be revoked and im serious
Harry looks like he's thinking "wtf am I doing here"
Make american fall again
Omg this is sad and shows how truly evil these people really are i would never allow my hisband to go through this even if I jad to whoop his ass to stop it This is senior neglect abuse amd exploitation And Jill his wife is like"nothing to see here" ..... unfricking believable And let me guess? Like hialry... we are supposed to not believe what we are hearing and seeing cause somethings wrong with us roght? Pray trump wins after the legal battles How can senior protective services and the mental health authorities not pick up the phone amd not investigate bidens care If trump doesn't pull this off I dont know whats gonna happen. How can human being pretend like this?
Its embarrassing and sad
What kind of messed up family could u possibly have that cares more about power then ur own husband dad brother. This is sickening
And you just don't get that parents say I have to work I don't have time you're gonna have to deal with whatever it is parents can't just leave work on a continual basis
So are we going to go to black churches and tell them there's no white people there either?? This is rodiculas So now they're gonna search for colored people to put them in the group?? Thats racist in its self
Climate change is a made up general term used just as it is right now a way to control industries How dare anyone deny climate change
New Zealand has been invaded by Martians or aliens or something hiw can any leader not see wtf they are saying
OK having his picture sitting out of desk behind you is a bit creepy
U cant make China do anything so to pretend we could investogate there is a joke
This was a man made virus we know this we know how corupt fauci and China are I think they were in coordination with the deks to get trump last impeachment failed then comes a pandemic???? Yea not suspicious at all
I mean how are we gonna stop all this lying media? What is our recourse as the public to stop these lies? I mean we cannot have a media pretending to be immediate when they're really not
There is no such thing as counter protesting. Why do you guys keep making this up the right to protect In itself creates an atmosphere that does not allow counter protesting. There's no such thing as counter protesting oh my gosh. It's called harassment and intimidation that is not counter protest and there is no counter protest. If there was nobody could exercise their right to protest in the 1st place. Gosh. Media get? With. The program
And how do you know that real neo nazi's because they say so has any of the media like even sky news anybody try to investigate the actual individuals? Of the group who are they where are they from why did they come there And isn't the whole area called a speaker's corner so? Anybody can pretty much show? Up in a group and start saying stuff. I mean you don't even know who these people are in the black at all? Did you interview any of them did anybody interview any of them the same thing with the stupid charlottesville with the guys with the torches that nobody ever even interviewed
And the bottom line is. Why are you media not calling the other media and telling them that they're reporting incorrectly? Why are you guys not correcting your colleagues
Nobody is anti trans or transfolded that is the most childish bs lie
They're not even with each other that is very obvious. What are you doing media you guys really need to? I don't know go back to journalist school or something this is ridiculous
But it's just unacceptable when you can look up on the Internet journalism. 101andittellsyouhowtoworkastory
They weren't even marching they were having an event they actually had outstage there so they weren't even marching and you can't even get the. Story straight even if you're trying to tell the truth there's nobody does any work in journalism anymore
And out of all the events that they probably have at that space all the time these so called neo nazis decided to show up at this specific time at. This pacific event right o k are
We need to fix ourselves before going to some foreign countries its a joke to live here and see our people go fight never ending battles while we have Mas homeless drug addiction gang violence our own hell holes etc amd our own criminals what moral example do we have to promote democracy to anyone?
Trans people are perfectly aware that they are the the fact that they were born whether it be a man or woman they know this otherwise they wouldn't be calling themselves trans women or trans men now what does
If trams men really thought they were men they woukdnt be using their vagina nor getting pregnant right??
Oh gives a break of all conservatives left twitter the left woukd follow
And what happened to his paintings that were so great that people were buying them for hundreds of thousands of dollars where they go they just disappeared
Ohbhes canceled on the left now yikes
People dont get theres alot more things to hit now with fires with storms with tornados earthquake and hurricanes
Omg lay off the sauce man
At what level does this become an invasion amd not so called refugees or asylum seelers?
Yea cause the boys are raised ro attack uncovered females duh
Its alot more then that there should be video of the middle of the night biden ballot dump
U cant concede and contest at the same time gosh our media is just worthless and a dangerous r to our democracy They are the democratic crisis not trump 🙄 How can they not see it???
This is said i gotta watch some foreigner to see some real news of my own country
And this shiw right here isn't propaganda??? 🤔
And so all the corruption in Ukraine jist dosappeared??disappeared??? And why is no one asking why Ukraine cut off the water supply to Crimea and what has biden been doing in Ukraine since he took office