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Michele Lyn
Sky News Australia
Comments by "Michele Lyn" (@HRPFayetteville) on "Sky News Australia" channel.
Yea cause the boys are raised ro attack uncovered females duh
Its alot more then that there should be video of the middle of the night biden ballot dump
U cant concede and contest at the same time gosh our media is just worthless and a dangerous r to our democracy They are the democratic crisis not trump ð How can they not see it???
This is said i gotta watch some foreigner to see some real news of my own country
And this shiw right here isn't propaganda??? ðĪ
And so all the corruption in Ukraine jist dosappeared??disappeared??? And why is no one asking why Ukraine cut off the water supply to Crimea and what has biden been doing in Ukraine since he took office
Also as a jew back then many were converted to German and kids were even kidnapped amd given to German families amd given German names so i get it bit people need to stop freaking out over someone's mistake ðģ seriously
That's ridiculas sje shoukdnt be suspending I'm American 50 uears old and we always though race was black Americans or white Americans Amd as such we always believed Jewish people born in Jerusalem are jews and that's a nationality My hisband is czech which is a nationality he's white so that's his race
The reality is other then black Americans and white Americans everyone else is a nationality
Turbines freeze and solar panels get loaded with snow
Ues I've been saying this about people lie billgates and others going to other countries they never talk about here in America
I think it's time to abolish the FBI
All senior staff should be given it as a preventative also we need to stop the bullshit
In america they would of been shot dead is a bald faced lie ð
Who is hamas amd where do they live?
Pro Palestine protest are like blm ones based on lies and fake premise
Why do people think vaccines actually work wjeres the proof on the current flu vaccine or all the other loads of numerous ones now its nitz really plus the multi drug prescribing so called standard of care Yet people are leaving this quack industry to get off 45 pills its crazy and media is crap
come one over to parlor
Trump immediately came out and said that doctor Falcon came in and said. We're gonna have to shut the country down and Donald Trump himself said. What are you talking about? Are you kidding? So yeah, it came from doctor fauci. Nobody else Trump told us that don't know why anybody's confused at this point. In fact, it was recommended to Trump at the highest regards of a lot of people. From the past administrations that he was already had been working with and trump is no scientist and viology And I think trump didn't notice And deem doctor fauci of all these names and the meaning him for going to work with Donald Trump over the virus in the first place. I was your first red flag. I think Falcon was a setup same with COVID. In my opinion, the research was done at UN c Chapel Hill, which is about an hour and a 1/2 from my house. And then it was transferred over to this lab. That was funded by you know who? So I mean, you can follow the records. Nobody seems to go talk to anybody at UN c Chapel Hill virality department though somehow they've gotten out the whole picture.
Oilbased paint????
I just don't know what you expect the police to do when there's 1 person and a mob of people that could harm him. Honestly, I don't know what other choices cops have if they don't have the authority to. Be able to do laugh, do lawful acts and stop these? Aggressive people, then what are they supposed to do I mean, you have to understand the police are under order of their higher-ups in the way they act. Let's not get it twit's like trying to do your job without having any of the tools needed to do your job
The ottoman Empire is coming for all of us. Is our government going to stand up and allow it to happen
I feel like the last 3 years habe been forever amd still another uear and we coukd have joe again??? Im kiterally chamging everything about my life itts sad but neccessary now self reliant storage stockpiling preparing bunker About to dig my ditch for the bunker in the back arce cant wait ðĪŠ and im 52 never felt so unsecure in my own country.
As a so-called white person I have no guilt. There is not one inch of guilt in 1 pinky toe of my body. Sorry, why would I feel guilty? Being born in a country that abolished slavery and ended Jim-Crow. E sorry not gonna happen
And I'm sorry when you have a crowd like that no, it is not okay for you to go stand in the middle of them and start asking them questions. In this environment, it is insigating and we have to acknowledge that they don't want to talk to you and answer your questions and then I get the hell out of here. You need to leave just like if a reporter is trying to get you to answer questions. And you said get out of here, you need to leave. I don't. I don't agree with the any of this but at the same time. You should only be interviewing people who want to talk to you and they need to come to a neutral area to do so
And I'm so tired of this anti-white people stuff. Most white people are really the first mixed nationalities like myself. I'm 4 parts of 4 different countries.
I would deport them all deport. All that have come in the last 4 years. Who don't have legal papers like regular immigrants? I mean, refugees need to go back home sometime. Don't they? This would be a great time
Oh yeah, just go along with it and get over it and get on to the election. OOK says you who's not been persecuted like Donald Trump a**OKI just love all these people who aren't in Donald Trump's position. Who haven't been accused of every freaking crime? You could horrible thing you could possibly call a fellow American. And he's over here. Oh, just just get over it. Why should he
Well, I guess we're all not so Islamic fobit. Now are we and not convention? You know, people escape tlifestyle as Muslim people who didn't want to live under this lifestyle to come to America. And they're under threat and they're being taken under control by these people. Also, let's not forget that too. I'm talking to ones who've been here for. 20 and 30 years who want nothing to do it. That part of Islam practices
Dont think bill mahr dont have some trump derangement too lol im amd ex dem trumps amd ex dems amd to watch them now is just crazy ðĒ
They jist make womams clothes look so unapealimg i stopped buying many thing becaise of these types of trams have ruined it for me
The market value has nothing to do with the tax value of a property. Everybody knows that I mean, where are all the real estate attorneys? Where are all the real estate judges? You know why there's nobody else speaking out against this. They know better and nobody's coming out in Donald Trump's defense. That's really pathetic when they know the whole real charge association which I used to be a member of when I sold real estate. We all know this. My own property was valued at $60000 and it was sold in comparital. Market analysis were done and I sold it for 95000 dbecause of market. Even when you get a market evaluation, there's a range of value. From low to high and then the praise. Or whoever does a praising usually picks like a middle. Not to mention the whole aspect. That marlago is a business property. Which is a whole added value on top of the building itself value. I mean, this is crazy. This is just so ridiculous. It's like little children. Running a court
If I was buying I'd be pissed I'd be like how the fuck can I can't convert again how is this even possible it would be really easy to do it's quite could have been yes and call Donald Trump and ask him to borrow his magic wand
Anyone whose seen a windmills power a water power plant or solar at a local gov plant its clear renewable will put us back using candle amd oil get your candle amd oil lam amd.oil stock up start hoarding wood amd coal get you 2 wood burning stoves and some good water filter pitchers
Yeah we're gonna be net 0 all right we're gonna be going back like we lived in the wild West Burden wood hunting and gathering growing crops and and going back to oil lamp
And what happens when you have to restore all the battery type storage banks All These renewable
Amd the ironic part is they aren't even including industrial hemp in any of it geez The of they wanted ro capture and purify coal smoke the could
Why don't you all put up a list of everything that is made from fossil fuels Because they just talk about energy which is electrical cars and energy they don't talk about all the other things if they do away with crude oil And how are they gonna get solar and wind to burn something hot enough to melt steel to make steel beans
People would be on board of it wasn't so obvious the reality of it all
Oh modeling are we gonna just blindly trust modeling like the modeling of the Pandemic the modeling which this bs climate change is based on? Modeling shoukdnt be the all of any proposel
Do they not comprehend that everything made in the world is made somehow from crude oil
We need to ask what happened to global warming and the ozone layer and the ozone layer getting tore up now we have more satellites than ever nobody seems to care about the ozone layer
And what's supposed to happen Turbine's break The hydro pump breaks Somebody's Steals Your cellular panels Or they break
Wjen tje power is out and phones die then what? No phone no internet no networks blacked out tonthe stone age Imagine having your phone you can't chage again ever?
Why is she even there ? can't people enjoy a concert without haveing politics this is really getting ridiculas Did anyone bother to interview anyone to ask why they had her there in the first place or why they were yelling get out? ðĪ They probably wanted to enjoy wjat they paid to see which obviously wasn't her but I'd find out instead of all this speculating going on
Lgb is not in the tqxxxx community amd have high jacked gay peoples lives Guys don't believe they are opposite sees or non binary whatever that made up bs is
Is this gonna count for other womans spaces like womans business centers amd many others
If we don't stop this now then girls amd womans teams can be replaced by all trams amd why shoukdnt they in general they can beat the females
Qell they are allowing no sex to be put on birth certificates so then what???
Not say a load of them well for one thing the media should be screaming at the top of their lungs for any politician any president do not attack the voters And the media has done the same thing but no media is telling them to stop