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Mitch Richards
Comments by "Mitch Richards" (@mitchrichards1532) on "TIKhistory" channel.
At @ , the numbers are not bogus, not at all. They are the baseline of reality in this topic. Saying they are bogus is akin to throwing them away, which revisionists will do happily and write a whole new false narrative and use your video as a reference. The fact is, the Wehrmacht does know how many men went MIA on the Eastern Front (3.2 million Vermisste) and how many were ever repatriated after the war (about 1.92 million). We don't have actual stats down to the eaches, but what we have is in the right proportions in a holistic sense of German casualties in WWII. We know what divisions were deployed, when and where, how many men they had and how many they lost according to their unit histories. On the Eastern front that is consistent with what the Volksbund has been finding as it searches for and locates thousands each year in the East. I suggest you look up the Volksbund channel here on YouTube. The number of "live" POWs (2.3 million per NKVD/KGB) has to be qualified, only POWs who reached NKVD in-process were counted. The number of German POWs as reported by Red Army units that took them in is a better match to Wehrmacht estimates. Many were murdered shortly after capture or before they made it to be in-processed as official POWs.
Hit ler on 1 September 1940: "And should the Royal Air Force drop two thousand or three thousand or four thousand kilograms of bo mbs, then we will now drop 150,000; 180,000; 300,000; 400,000; yes one million kilograms in a single night. And should they declare they will greatly increase their attacks on our cities, then we will erase their cities! " His intent was clear, what he lacked was capability. The Allies did not lack the capability.
@svrsl7819 If you can't see Irving's lies and his agenda in his books and speeches, then its a obvious why you ask such a BS question. Work on it genius... lol
Probably because he inspires ignor ant hateful people. Did that ever cross your mind? You like his Kool Aid?
Look up "Nazi Hunger Plan". If the Soviets had capitulated, the Hunger plan would have made the Holocaust pale in comparison.
Nazi apologist propaganda. Review complete.
Oh yay... as if that's commendable? That makes everything ok, justified and moral?
Sure.... Considering that the Germans had enough reserves to effectively counter a single narrow thrust, but were completely incapable of resisting a broad front and in the end, they would lose more men, equipment, etc. and that it also served many political ends all around, I guess the "amateurs" won out on that one. Good thing 🙂
oland did no ethnic cleansing, that's a Goebbels fabrication.
Well done TiK, this vid is a huge hit with N A Z I fanbois, their comments are priceless. 🤣
@KansasHempMan He was caught distorting the historical record by misusing his source material. He wrote lies and false narratives, so what do you call him?
Irving can take a sentence from an original source and manipulate and distort it to fit his narrative like someone working a piece of clay into pottery. It's like "See Spot run", Which Irving turns into "Spot was a beautiful purebred German shepherd, related to Blondie, and was running to his master when the jealous son of a Jewish banker kidnapped and mistreated the poor dog for no reason". That's "History" David Irving style. Forcefully and convincingly written distortion of the legitimate historical record.
Explain what exactly the NS did in economic planning and control that was not basically the same or a legacy of Ludendorff's failed "Hindenburg Program" from 15 years earlier???? The NS plan was the same plan, only more evolved and failed just as bad. It wasn't socialist in 1917-18 under Ludendorff, and it wasn't socialist in the 1930's either.
8:28 The Hunger Plan (German: der Hungerplan; der Backe-Plan) was a plan developed by Nazi Germany during World War II to seize food from the Soviet Union and give it to German soldiers and civilians; the plan entailed the death by starvation of millions of "racially inferior" Slavs following Operation Barbarossa, the 1941 invasion of the Soviet Union (see Generalplan Ost). The premise behind the Hunger Plan was that Germany was not self-sufficient in food supplies, and to sustain the war and keep up the domestic morale it needed to obtain the food from conquered lands at any cost. It was an engineered famine, planned and implemented as an act of policy. This plan was developed during the planning phase for the Wehrmacht (German Armed Forces) invasion and provided for diverting of the Ukrainian food stuffs away from central and northern Russia and redirecting them for the benefit of the invading army and the population in Germany. The plan resulted in the deaths of millions of people.[
That was done at Treblinka, LIDAR was used as well. They also found ashes, crushed bone, etc. They found all of the buildings, numerous large burial pits, etc. Tiles from the fake showers were found and corroborated the firsthand accounts of the handful of survivors, etc. Deniers don't care and they never let facts/evidence get in the way of their opinions. In my experience many deniers are anti-Semites who adopt H-denial and all the conspiracies about Jewish folks because it confirms their opinions and simplifies their world while making them feel like they know something most people don't. They're a twisted bunch really...
Concerned with gullible people buying his BS and inciting hatred. That's a legit concern.
lol, that's what EVERY Historian does. Look up "Historical Method" and understand that is what is taught at universities and leads to a degree in History (which Irving doesn't have).
No, which is why he ended up in Lipstadt's book as a denier in the first place. That, and Irving was and is not a peer of Phd.'s. He lacks the professional credentials, resume', and background.
@Lawofimprobability I agree 100% and that is the approach any Historian should take with people like Irving. I would gladly debate Irving on an online forum, where he can't interrupt, be theatrical and dramatic, and there is time to analyze his comments before moving on or allowing him to obfuscate.
@pasisovi If you insist on ignoring Irving's known failings along with his deliberate misinterpretation and distortion of source material, then YOU need to cease. I am not trolling and I am also not going to accept your opinion of Irving as anything other than that of an apologist that agrees with Irving's pro-Nazi leanings and beliefs. Are you a denier as well?
@pasisovi I know Glantz personally, Irving is not even close to his league. The credentials, resume', bio, etc. tells everything you need to know. I read Irving's Dresden book and parts of a few others and they are full of half baked ideas, weasel words, etc. Glantz would never write in Irving's style, its utterly beneath him. Glantz is a Historian, Irving is an author who writes about historical topics. Big difference...
@pasisovi Glantz knew senior German officers from WW2 and held many meetings with them to discuss their experiences with the Red Army. Did Irving do that? Nope...
The knotsie inner circle were all dead by 1946. Did he use a ouija board? And who did he interview that NO ONE else did? Seriously...
Look up "David Irving Tagesbefehl No. 47 controversy" or "TB-47 Irving". See how honest he was with his Dresden book. You might have to dig a bit, but its there if you want to know.
Right.. as if the "truth" were not dug out in the TB-47 controversy that exposed Irving?
No, Toyko was far higher, even Hamburg in 1943 was much higher.
@PerPress If you watch that all the way through, please point out where there is any "ethnic Germans were being ki lled for simply being German" as stated above by the OP. Poland's policies were generally better than Prussia's had been from 1795-1918 when Prussia was basically an occupier that was "Germanizing" Polish territory. Many Germans left on their own for various reasons, and the Poles were not violent or threatening towards those who stayed. Clearly the Germans were now 2nd class citizens, simply reversing the roles as they were under Prussian occupation.
Violence against ethnic Germans in 1939 Poland is unfounded... No evidence exists.
lol, right... and when "your side" explains their version, are "both sides" covered?
I think you need to look at the distribution of the 6ish million across the operations of the Einsatzgruppen, the ghettos, work sites, etc. as well as the "big c amp", and the reinhardt facilities. The German Army managed to "process" 2.6 million Soviet POWs from July 1941 to Feb 1942, but I don't see denier nation questioning that.
@jcvr732 Revisionism is not another point of view, it is amateurs writing outside of their ability and not held to any quality or accuracy standards. Would you take you car to a revisionist mechanic and then put your family in it? Go to a witch doctor for your health? And I'm a Protestant, conservative Republican (not a Trump supporter). Any revisionist who runs into someone who disagrees, usually throws the "you're a Jew" card out there.
@jcvr732 Nope, revisionism has nothing to do with the truth. All "revisionism" boils down to is a mask for anti-Semitism and conspiracy BS. Thats all it will ever be, no matter how many BS videos get produced, cryptic slogans, etc. It's just fake empowerment for the disenfranchised. Get a clue, get a life...
"We make up quotes" -any revisionist
At 1:10 the claim is incorrect. 3.15 million Germans were "Vermisste", which does NOT TRANSLATE to assumed POW. It means they were missing without confirmation of current status. To make this easier... 3.15 million missing, 1.92 were ever repatriated, leaving around 1.2 million unaccounted for. Some died in combat, or later of wounds while in captivity before reaching NKVD POW in-processing, some were shot just after capture, some were processed as POW didn't last in the Gulag and we have official confirmation. The fact remains, at least 3.15 million men went in, 1.92 million came out.
No.... The knotsies never really touched private ownership of property, businesses, contracts, etc. So based on that alone the idea of them being socialist is moot.
@stvincents2007 Sure, and what is Cole not telling you? Works both ways.... He later recanted everything, that says something.
LMAO. it tells you enough to close your mind to anything else. Great plan genius
"people who challenge the accepted narratives in society" LMAO, "challenge" with what exactly? A "challenge" without a working knowledge of academic process is not a challenge, it's ignorance and arrogance.
"Irwing went to the source and backs it up with sitations." The basis of his Dresden claim is Tagebefehl 47 (aka TB 47) which was proven to be a forgery. The series of Tagesbefehlen all have the same common features, including the real TB47. The fake that he often quotes is a clumsy forgery with statistics inflated by adding a zero. The number that Irving tries to sell is impossible. I visited Dresden, compared the area hit with RAF before/after photos, walked it, and its clearly too small to hold that number of people for any apparent reason short of a New Year's eve party with everyone crammed in the streets. Its just plain unfiltered BS. You can literally walk outside of that area in 5 minutes and be clear of the fires. We're not talking about a nuclear flash...😐
@KansasHempMan He hasn't published anything in 20 years, IM DB's description of him: His self-taught and biased 'scholarship' is as questionable as his openly right-wing politics, since most of his works are concerned with rehabilitating the Th ird Rei ch and denying the Holo caust. Because of these propagandist and revisionist positions, he used to be the most popular historian in international Ne o N a zi circles, but his influence is marginal today, because he has been exposed as a fraud by serious historical scholarship.
@Todesking69 I agree with that 100% To further that line... The next step is to apply the same process to every article, book, documentary, or even individual claim. The process is called Historical Method and it is the academic standard of evidence required to prove something as "fact". David Irving does not subscribe to it and he literally paid the price when he was found to be knowingly engaging in distortion in order to profit from controversy, that he either created or exploited.
@TitusMaximus-g8w A denier is someone who denies the existence of established fact on a topic.
@melc311 Sure....ignore that he used a known forgery regarding the casualty figure, then denied it. When the original showed up he tried to claim it was a fake, and that his forgery was the original. Total BS and clearly demonstrated who he is. You really should try to look it up.
Until it failed under close analysis. TB-47 controversy demonstrated he both failed in his research, and then lied.
@dayswithoutjewishtricks0416 Pretty sure all you are capable of reading is comic books... lol
"world banking system" 🤣
@FortniteBlaster2 I don't go to Church much, weddings, funerals, Xmas and Easter. I'm still a Lutheran and not Jewish. That was the point, get over it.
@iamra8826 Its rather small, Lutheran, and Germanic in nature, usually stuck in a history book written by a respectable Phd type. You? You must have a long narrow one to try and look down at people from.