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Times Radio
Comments by "naas699" (@naas699) on "Times Radio" channel.
RU has talked with African leaders to ensure THEY get the grain they need, unlike before where a small fraction goes to Africa and Europe keeps the rest for themselves. LESS THAN 7% made it to poor nations, the rest was for the Italians to make their pasta & the French their breads
keep watrching CNN dikhed
lets see - in 2022 the Ruble was the strongest currency (according to UA financial press), RU's economy has returned to the top 10 in the world - so what is this damage you speak of? and as "for nothing" RU put an end to the genocide of Russian speakers in the Donbas where Poroshenko & Zelensky murdered over 14,000 between 2014-2022.
@simonjess8471 saving the lives of the RU speakers in the Donbas is why RU entered the Donbas using the UN Responsibility to Protect doctrine to end Ukraines genocide. And how is Crimea untenable for RU? Crimeas has been Russian since Catherine ther Great and voted to be governed by Moscow 6 months before UA became a country in the 1990's
volunteer tough guy
peace was to be signed in April 2022 until Boris Johnson flew to UA and told Zelensky not to sign - the alledged quote "Ukraine may be ready for peace but NATO isn't" RU repeatedly in 2022 said they were open for peace talks - blocked by the USA. USA then says it is up to UA to seek peace and when RU / China offered peace proposals they are torpedoed by the USA.
what a load of bllsht. Had Zelensky abided by Minsk 2 this never would have happened, had NATO agreed to the security agreement RU sent both NATO & USA in Dec 2021 this never would have happened, had Zelensky signed the peace agreement in April 2022 this would have ended then. Proof it is USA & the West who wanted this war but they have failed nd still refuse peace talks - to the last Ukrainian all so US weapons manufacturers keep getting the $$ billion contracts - as Blinken said - the war is good for US companees and its employees
RU generals are man enough to be on the front line with their troops fighting, now compare that to western generals shall we?
UA's 5 month counter offensive a complete failure, 1st line of RU defense not broken. RU advancing accross the front lines. Zaluzhny has admitted UA cannot win the war unless the west can supply a "real wonder weapon" 8 Bradleys vehicles destroyed in / around Avdivka in one 24 hour period as part of 47th mechanised brigade.
hahaha funny how western Generals are ALL WRONG. Zalushny has admitted the counteroffensive is a failure, one reason due to the massive UA death toll. He has demanded a new army, 500 tanks etc - everything he was given last year and has been destroyed. UA has regained 0.01% of land in their counteroffensive that will cause the RU economy to collapse (RU economy is surging) More Generals are ignoring Zelensky's orders, the US are demanding UA looks for serious peace talks.
hahaha yeah RU are so out of options they're retreating westward while UA troops are advancing west. what a fkn clown
and RU has the ability to target and destroy every factory in UA. only cret!ns would believe this garbage
hahaha. General Zaluzhny has admitted UA's counteroffensive is a failure, Zelensky is now conscripting women. Amazing how the west repeats parrot fashion what Zelensky says with zero confirmation, and yet Zelensky flies the globe blowing every President he can find begging for more weapons. Whatever happened to UA was winning? how much land has UA retaken? 0.01%?
"weakened RU turns to old rivals to fill gaps" - the poor poor west they cannot get their stories straight. RU has reportedly had to turn people away at their enlistment booths and more reliable web sites than this one report how RU has over 400,000 soldiers they have been training up ready to deploy.
IF the EU upheld THEIR end of the agreement it would have been extended. the deal was for RU to export fertiliser to countries that need it fortheir own food production, the EU did not uphold their end of the bargain (how unusual, western nations goinfg against their word). Also the west was using empty grain vessels to resupply UA with weapons. LESS THAN 7% of grain exports was reaching the poor nations, the rest held by the EU. RU has been speaking with African Leaders where they will get ALL of the grain shipments
Ben Hodges is as delusional as Zelensky. he must be paid by the words to spew bllsht
Jacques Baud Swiss former Security Officer and UN Pecekeeper "The whole conflict is the result of a scenario carefully worked out by the West. Its basic components were laid out in 2019 in two papers published by the RAND Corporation, the Pentagon think tank, entitled, Overextending and Unbalancing Russia and Extending Russia. These describe the sequence of events that led to the Russian offensive in February 2022. In addition to that, promises were made to Ukraine that it would become a member of NATO if it instigated a war that led to Russia’s defeat, as Oleksiy Arestovych explained in an interview with a Ukrainian television station in March 2019. In fact, Ukrainians were lied to, as Zelensky noted on CNN on March 21, 2022."
Zelensky doesn't want it to end, he just bought two $75 million boats to go along with his mega million $$ mansions
@mirekslechta7161 from memory NATO General Cavoli admitted they have never seen such a war of this violence and magnitude. But then again the USA only goes to war against small nations with no air force, no tanks, little to no artillery, who have AK47's and wear sandals
hahaha RU produces anywhere from 200,000 to 400,000 150mm shells a month, the USA has ramped up production to 24,000 a month - UA uses that in 3 days
and who are going to do these so called raids - the children, old men and pregnant women that Zelensky has press ganged into service? more deliusional thinking by a channel that beliueves all of Zelensky's lies. Ukraine are winning remember!
you mean the UA people who voted NOT to go to war with RU? remember - Zelensky ran on a platform of peace to end the civil war but once in power instead of ending the shelling of the civilians in the Donbas - he increased it. or how about all of the millions who have fled UA saying they will never go back because of corruption? they are the UA people you speak of? what about the soldiers - the children and old men press ganged into service by Zelensky? you mean them?
Ukraine does NOT meet the standards to join either NATO OR the EU and to fast track them into either organisation proves how corrupt these organisations are. Anyone who believes UA will join nato is living in a fantasy world
Victoria Nuland said Putin was in for a surprise. They were preparing it for March 7th - the U.S. website said "do not attend concerts." On March 8, a holiday, Shaman, the singer was to perform at Crocus. But the concert was postponed.
more delusional thinking with zero acknowledgement of the realities of the conflict. typical thinking when one believes Zelensky and his lies, something Ukraine has been doing since Day 1
hahaha bllsht Putin panics - it is NATO countries who are running scared all saying they are not at war with RU, it is only Macron who can use the French Foreign Legion as they technically aren't French.
in 2022 the Ruble was the strongest currency (according to UA financial press), RU's economy has returned to the top 10 in the world - RU aint suffering. Now lets compare that to the EU & USA. Germany is deindustrialising, how is inflation & the cost of living in the USA?
this psychologist should be called "Frasier Crane" from the TV show who makes his diagnosis when never having met and spoken to the individual
what a load of bllsht. Had Zelensky abided by Minsk 2 this never would have happened, had NATO agreed to the security agreement RU sent both NATO & USA in Dec 2021 this never would have happened, had Zelensky signed the peace agreement in April 2022 this would have ended then. Proof it is USA & the West who wanted this war but they have failed and still refuse tpeacetalks
haha more lies and bllsht. This channel dutifully reporting Zelensky's lies with zero fact checks. Just like how UA said they shot down 5 fighter jets and 2 AWACS - only 1 fighter jet was confirmed. UA reports their own losses as Russian. If the cret!ns believe the garbage this channel reports then UA is still winning and UA should be on the black sea coast by now
cost him Crimea - just like how UA's counter offensive will crush Russias economy? the counter offensive with NATO's so called wonder weapons that has regained 0.01% of territory?
hahaha more garbage - Apr 2024 "Russia to grow faster than all advanced economies) - IMF
@rationalbasis2172 Ukraine canot even get to the 1st line of defence, keep dreaming tho
try watching this video "REPORT finds Russia, Ukraine wanted peace. US, UK, Germany pushed war"
Jaques Baud -Swiss former Security Officer & UN Peacekeeper reported "The whole conflict is the result of a scenario carefully worked out by the West. Its basic components were laid out in 2019 in two papers published by the RAND Corporation, the Pentagon think tank, entitled, Overextending and Unbalancing Russia and Extending Russia. These describe the sequence of events that led to the Russian offensive in February 2022. In addition to that, promises were made to Ukraine that it would become a member of NATO if it instigated a war that led to Russia’s defeat, as Oleksiy Arestovych explained in an interview with a Ukrainian television station in March 2019. In fact, Ukrainians were lied to, as Zelensky noted on CNN on March 21, 2022. As a matter of fact, the Russians knew for a long time that this confrontation would occur. That is why they prepared for it militarily and economically.
@monumentaltravel3745 you need to stop watching CNN / MSNBC or BBC, then you might actually learn something
@timonsolus apart from up until April 2022 when peace was to be signed until Boris Johnson flew to UA and told Zelensky not to sign - all with Donbas remaining in UA but under self rule - the same they were promised with Minsk 2 that the EU / USA / NATO / UA failed to enforce
what a load of garbage, mediazona a pro UA web site lists RU at 50K confirmed, UA has always lied from day 1 and reports their losses as RU's
laughable considering Mediazona, a pro UA website lists RU's death toll for the entire conflict as being less that 40K and are suffering less losses because the clown in charge of UA who keeps ignoring his Generals is sending women and old men to the front line. there are no reportd anywehere of either side using human wave attacks and western media cret!ns continue to claim RU tactics are the same as the Soviets in WW2. UA over 400,000 killed and over 1 million wounded. UA reports their own losses and failures as Russian. All Zelensky can win is a so called media war and the wstern media dutifully report these lies with zero fact checks. RU has an army of over 1.5 million who are being held in reserve and are turning away volunteers at their recruitment centers. Robert Habeck – Vice Chancellor of Germany is on video stating “the situation is absolutely shocking and not very good”
Ukraine get destroyed before they even reach the 1st line of defence. typical lies from UA and western bullsh!t - because all of the attempts to do anything have failed misserabley, then they are probing attacks. WHAT leader is prepared to lose as much equ and men as they are losing in probing attacks
Trump is independantly wealthy and doesn't need Americas FOREVER WARS to become a millionaire like the rest of corrupt US congress
funniest thing is how Ukraine reports their own failures and losses onto RU. latest report UA lost 90K soldiers since their counter offensive that will cause the RU economy to collapse. But then Zelensky has lied from Day 1, RU using pre WW2 shovels - who reme,bers that beauty dutifully reported by western media as fact.
now compare that to the USA / NATO / EU eh. Zelensky stated he had no intention to abide by the Minsk 2 ceasefire. Minsk 2 brokered by France & Germany where Merkal stated Minsk 2 was a sham to allow the west time to buld up UA's military
try watching this, you might learn something "Jeffrey Sachs on RISING :Zelensky & MSM are lying about Nord Stream, Ukraine war"
Zaluzhny gave NATO a list of what he wanted in 2022 - he was given that list and more. the difference between USA & RU - USA carpet bombs a country from 30,000 feet before sending in the tanks & troops, RU targets ammo dumps, airfields, tanks, military targets
proof USA / UK torpedoed peace talks in 2022 - so who are the warmongering terrorists?
why? UA constitution states neutrality written back in 1991. Yanukovych wanted neutrality (the President overthrown by the USA's violent and illegal coup in 2014), every time Zelensky said he was happy with neutrlality the EU gave billions in Euro's to change his mind. had Zelensky abided by Minsk 2 or signed the peace agreement in April 2022 the Donbas would have remained in UA and UA would have been neutrl. NATO trying to prove they are still relevant by forcing UA to go to war with RU
@bryandimery6509 at the start UA's military that was built uo, weaponised and trained by NATO to NATO standards from 2014 where it was the 2nd biggest army in NATO countries (behind USA) and the largest military in Europe, larger than RU military that was essentially for home defence
more garbage from a garbage station. RU aint the ones losing troops on a massive scale. UA repeatedly lies and reports their casualties and military failures as Russian. Ave UA age on the front line is 43, Zelensky has press ganged children and old men and now is to conscript women.
Europe - the continent with the worlds most corrups politicians who put Americas interests ahead of their own citizens and nations. Scholz will go down as the buffoon who did nothing when Biden said the USA will destroy Nord Stream, he allowed the USA to destroy Germany's economy. No cheap RU gas means the collapse of Germanys steel industry. No steel = no leopard tanks and the collapse of the car industry. No Leopard tanks means EU will hve to buy tanks from the USA and the US has provided tax perks for countries that relocate, along with selling LNG at 3 or 4 times the price of gas. Bravo Olaf.