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Times Radio
Comments by "naas699" (@naas699) on "Times Radio" channel.
Zaluzhny gave NATO a list of what he wanted in 2022 - he was given that list and more. the difference between USA & RU - USA carpet bombs a country from 30,000 feet before sending in the tanks & troops, RU targets ammo dumps, airfields, tanks, military targets
proof USA / UK torpedoed peace talks in 2022 - so who are the warmongering terrorists?
why? UA constitution states neutrality written back in 1991. Yanukovych wanted neutrality (the President overthrown by the USA's violent and illegal coup in 2014), every time Zelensky said he was happy with neutrlality the EU gave billions in Euro's to change his mind. had Zelensky abided by Minsk 2 or signed the peace agreement in April 2022 the Donbas would have remained in UA and UA would have been neutrl. NATO trying to prove they are still relevant by forcing UA to go to war with RU
@bryandimery6509 at the start UA's military that was built uo, weaponised and trained by NATO to NATO standards from 2014 where it was the 2nd biggest army in NATO countries (behind USA) and the largest military in Europe, larger than RU military that was essentially for home defence
more garbage from a garbage station. RU aint the ones losing troops on a massive scale. UA repeatedly lies and reports their casualties and military failures as Russian. Ave UA age on the front line is 43, Zelensky has press ganged children and old men and now is to conscript women.
Europe - the continent with the worlds most corrups politicians who put Americas interests ahead of their own citizens and nations. Scholz will go down as the buffoon who did nothing when Biden said the USA will destroy Nord Stream, he allowed the USA to destroy Germany's economy. No cheap RU gas means the collapse of Germanys steel industry. No steel = no leopard tanks and the collapse of the car industry. No Leopard tanks means EU will hve to buy tanks from the USA and the US has provided tax perks for countries that relocate, along with selling LNG at 3 or 4 times the price of gas. Bravo Olaf.
@George.Andrews. hahaha you're delusional
what? how hard is it to target something on a map with modern weapons? plan where there are military adbvang=ces etc takes time, to target UA munitions depots take a push of a button because they already know where they are
USA in 2002 walked away from anti ballistic missile treaty. USA in 2018 walked away from INF treaty (Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces). USA has not signed the "no nukes first" policy. USA are the 1st country to use nuclear weapons against civilians, USA targets civilians in their forever wars, USA used chemical weapons in Vietnam, USA firebombed Tokyo knowing their buildings were timber thus causing massive civilian casualties, USA firebombs villages in Vietnam, USA illegally bombed Laos & Cambodia, USA were going to use nukes in Vietnam, USA 1st to use cyber terrorism in the attack on Natanz, USA destroyed a civilian target of an ally in Nord Stream. and this w@nkr Parry says RU is the threat!
hahaha what a load of garbage. Ben Hodges has admitted the west misjuged RU, that for the past 20 years the USA & NATO have been fighting villagers who throw rocks at them - and the USA still loses!
NK strategy in UA - what a load of BS. Former CIA Larry Johnson, Ray McGovern, and former Colonel McGregor & Lt Colonel Davis state there is no evidence NK troops are fighting in UA nor are they at the front lines. They are on the eastern part of the country training as they have done for decades in RU. More BS from Zelensky so he can demand NATO troops enter the conflict or an excuse for SK to fly their F16's as they are not in NATO. LtCol Davis stated he spoke with contacts he has in the SK diplomatic corps and they have ZERO proof NK are anywhere near the UA border
and Kira now has a rocking set of cans after the money from the west, certainly fills out her sweatshirt better
this man is delusional if he thnks western tanks will change anything, all it means is 4 dead soldiers per drone / missile strike. All the west has done is encouraged the killing instead of demanding peace talks to end it. Every time Zelensky has his photo op at the wall of rememberance - he should be told that ALL of these people would be alive if he abided by the Minsk 2 agreements or if he signed the peace agreement in April 2022 (which Boris Johnson torpedoed). But US congress & NATO leaders don't want peace because they are making millions in kickbacks from weapons manufacturers. Zelensky's 1 TV state owned network that reports lies to the west are obviously shown to his own troops so everyone thinks Russia is losing. Yep - that is why Zelensky is flying around the globe blowing every President begging for more weapons & press ganging 16 years olds to fight on the front line
yes unlike the USA who just flat out lie
big deal, lets see how these tanks go against missiles & drones.
Ukraine had no problem shelling & killing 14,000 Russian speakers in the Donbas since 2014 after the violent and illegal CIA coup to overthrow the democratically elected President Yanukovych. Zelensky ran on a platform of peace saying he will end this killing by the Poroshenko Govt of Ukraine but once in power instead of ending it, he increased it. if this was any other country RU would be lauded for ending the killing by the Ukrainian Government since 2014
these tanks will be burning wrecks like the rest of the western so called wonder weapons. and RU will make a point of targeting these tanks so - good luck finding people to crew them
unlike the USA - RU will be successful with the goals they set - secure the safety of the people of the Donbas - who the Poroshenko & Zelensky regimes had been shelling from 2014-2022, where some 14,000 were killed all with the USA / NATO / EU's approval; demilitarise UA - Zelensky continues to fly the globe blowing every President he can find begging for more weapons - how embarrasing for a so called leader of a country, Zelensky's goons are press ganging children & old men to serve along with demanding EU nations return UA men of fighting age.
Ukraines deep battle? you mean how they are losing tens of thousands of lives a week along with Americas wonder weapons being destroyed while gaining NO ground in their failed counter offensive?
F16's eh. Wonder how they'll go like the other western "wonder weapons?" - exactly how did those Challenger and Leopard tanks go? what about the HIMARS, Patriots, Storm Shadows etc? F16's will be a failure like the rest of the equ.
@shuathe2nd 3 days is what Blinken said, not RU. don't forget 0- the SNO was designed to get Zelensy to the peace table which was successful and peace would have been signed in April 2022 until Boris Johnson flew to UA and told him not to sign. plenty of videos online of UA officials stating this
@shuathe2nd UA has lied from day 1 and reports their filures and losses as Russian, the western media dutifully report these lies with zero fact checks. According to Mediazona a pro UA web site reports RU has lost less than 40,000. Meanwhile UA has lost over 400,000 killed and over 1 million wounded, initial ratio was 10-1, 10 dead UA for every 1 dead RU but that ratio is rising as UA continues to send untrained women and children to the front.
and who is going to fly them? UA front line soldiers ave age 43, Zelensky has already press ganged children and old men, now he is conscripting women. Because Zelensky keeps ignoring his generals and sends his troops on the attack to try to prove to his masters in the west that they are retaking ground, instead he has sent them to the slaughter. All Zelensky cares about is Zelensky, his tie in the spotlight & the millions he can steal
@theant9821 Jaques Baud - "The whole conflict is the result of a scenario carefully worked out by the West. Its basic components were laid out in 2019 in two papers published by the RAND Corporation, the Pentagon think tank, entitled, Overextending and Unbalancing Russia and Extending Russia. These describe the sequence of events that led to the Russian offensive in February 2022. In addition to that, promises were made to Ukraine that it would become a member of NATO if it instigated a war that led to Russia’s defeat, as Oleksiy Arestovych explained in an interview with a Ukrainian television station in March 2019. In fact, Ukrainians were lied to, as Zelensky noted on CNN on March 21, 2022. As a matter of fact, the Russians knew for a long time that this confrontation would occur. That is why they prepared for it militarily and conomically.”
@theant9821 how many times in 2022 did RU say they are open for peace talks - all blocked by the USA (this was when the USA thought they could still win their proxy war).. then US says UA must seek peace on their own terms - when RU or China offer peace talks - the USA torpedoes them
@theant9821 After Ukraine shelled the Donbas for 8 years from 2014, they declared themselves independant as is their right under International Law for self determination so there is no way they would go back to be part of Ukraine. Blackrock doing a $trillion deal to rebuild UA - that is why the USA started this war - force EU to use USA gas after they committed the biggest act of environmental terrorism and an act of war against their ally Germany. Same reason the USA illegally invaded Iraq - so Haliburton get the $$ billion deal to rebuild the oil fields
@theant9821 more proof of who torpedoed peace talks and pushed for war.
@theant9821 changing borders - where's Yugoslavia? can't find it? ask the USA & NATO who's bombing campaign was illegal. Look at a map of Europe in the 1900's, before and after WW1 & WW2, who keeps changing the borders and why? you have no problem with the USA's illegal war on Iraq where the UN said they had no justification to invade yet Dubya did it anyway. What did the USA do to the last 2 leaders who wanted to sell oil in a currency other than the USD? Gaddafi & Hussein. the USA can't defeat poorly trained and ill equiped farmers with AK47's and sandals (take your pick between Vietnam, Iraq or Afghanistan). when was the last time the USA won a war - was it Grenada in 1983? USA - biggest fkn warmongers on the planet, that's why they haven't been at war for 16 years in their history. How dod the wests so called wonder weapons go? destroyed, so you are delusional
@theant9821 proof of who is responsible.
the USA was forceful - with their violent and illegal coup in 2014 to overthrow the democratically elected President Yanukovych. The USA also played their part in ignoring Poroshenki and Zelensky's crimes against humanity when they (and NATO / EU) ignoredd Ukraines genocide of RU speakers in the Donbas. Then to top it off the USA sent Boris Johnson to UA and told Zlensky not to sign the peace agreement in April 2022 the reported quote "Ukraine may be ready for peace but NATO isn't" - so I think you have done enough to destroy that country
unlike USy? look at Bidens yes men, Lloyd Austin & Kirby who report outright lies, Blinken rewarded for covering up Hunter Bidens corruption scandals with his appointment - that's why he's so useless as an actyual politician and dealing with foreigners, the list goes on
@ashleyobrien4937 no western general would have the guts to be anywhere near the front line, meanwhile ru generals are at the front with their troops.
@fernandoalegria4240 RU generals have always fought there, look at WW2 with the Generals in Stalingrad like Chuikov
don't you mean why should RU trust the west in ANYTHING? early 199's NATO will NOT EXPAND ONE INCH EAST! and how many times has it expanded? 2014 Americas bloody illegal coup in UA to overthrow the democratically elected President of UA to install a puppet openly hostile to RU. Since 2014 the Poroshenko & Zelensky regimes have been shelling covilians in the Donbas killing over 14,000 until in 2022 they begged RU to end this genocide against RU speakers there. During that 8 year shelling, RU was the only country asking the UN Security Council if the Minsk 2 agreement would be abided by, the UN sat on their hands & ignored it because they are US puppets. After 3 rounds of peace talks where UA initialled the pages of the proposal, before the agreement was officially signed Boris Johnson flew to UA & told Zelensky not to sign. Any document the US signs is not worth the paper it is printed on - it started with their treatment of the American Indians in the 1800's and continues to this day
RU rebuilds its military? are you for real? keep watching CNN or the BBC for your daily dose of lies and bullsh!t
why? these people voted to join RU. the US always goes on about people having the right for self determination - only workd s when it is in Americas favour eh? Don't forget - these people in the Donbas have been shelled and murdered by the Poroshenko & Zelensky regimes snce the violent US coup in 2014.
they do treat it as a game (and a way to launder and make $billions) this is why America has their FOREVER WARS where they march around the globe going from one war to the next. the USA is safe with it's 2 greatest allies protecting them - the Atlantic & Pacific Oceans. ONLY when American cities are destroyed like what they have done around the globe since the end of WW2 will its people understand what their Govt do. In it's history the USA has NOT been at war for 16 years, it is the most warmongering and violent country in the world, since the end of WW2 the UA has started over 80% of wars they are involved in
keep believing the lies and bullsht reported by western meia. UA is losing 8-10 to 1 becvause the USA blocks any peace talks. Peace talks that would have been approved in April 2022 when Zelensky reported they were prepared for neutrality, then that pr!ck Boris Johnson flew to UA and told Zelensky not to sign. His reported comment was "Ukraine may be ready for neutrality but NATO isn't" - proof of who wants this war
if you think Ukraine is a democracy then you arte a mor0n. Zelensky is a dictator who not only killed thousands of Russian speakers in the Donbas, but has banned opposition parties, jailed political opponents, shut downn media apart from 1 state run, threatened / jailed journalists who rerprt ther truth, banned the 1000 year oldUA church, sent soldiers into churches to arrest priests and nuns, banned elections. That is democracy to you is it?
Zelensky's banned opposition parties, jailed opposition leaders, threatened / jailed reporters for reporting the truth, shut down all media apart from 1 state run, banned the 1000 year old UA church, sent troops into churches to arrest priests and nuns, banned elections - that is democracy to you is it? keep watching CNN dkhed
hahaha UA aint a democracy, AND Poroshenko & Zelensky should be tried for crimes against humanity for killing 14,000 in the Donbas from 2014-2022 all with the approval of the USA / NATO / EU - damn you're dum
Ukraine is a democracy? Zelensky has banned opposition parties and jailed opposition leaders, banned the 1000 year old UA church and sent his troops in to churches to arrest Priests and Nuns, shut down all media apart from 1 state run network, jailed / threatened reporters who report the truth, created a global assassination / hit list to those who speak out against his war (including 15 year old children), banned elections, banned other languages, banned the freedom of religion, language, schooling - that is democracy to you? you are one uneducated mor0n
this war - started by the USA / NATO is about ensuring the US weapons manufacturers keep getting their mega $ billion contracts for Americas forever wars, and they give $$ millions to corrupt congress that they got into power. Lokheed Martin CFO stated they received a $10 billion order for UA and another $10 billion to replace what heas been sent Liz Cheneys net worth went from $7 million in 2017 to $44 million in 2021 - who says wars don't pay?
what a load of garbage. Ukraine have losy 60,000 in their counteroffensiove that was supposed to cause the Russian economy to collapse and put fear into RU. Instead it has failed on every front. 400,000 Ukrainians killed, over 1 million wounded, Zelensky flying the globe begging on bended knees for more of everything - a disgraceful leader who is not being despiused by Europe. Poland are sending the UA deserters back to UA so they can fight
@govinda102000 hahaha. UA were weaponised, trained and funded by NATO to NATO standards after the USA's violent and illegal coup in 2014 where they were the 2nd largest military in NATO & the largest in Europe. And they have lost 400,000 killed and over 1 million wounded. the US / NATO following George Soros' New World Order from the 1990's - to go to war with Russia you need to use Eastern European soldiers with modern NATO weapons. NATO countries would not accept bodybags returning to their soil but using, in this case ukrainians - all os good as far as the USA / NATO are concerned. Zelensky press gangs children and old men of Polish, Hungarian, Romanian descent - that is how little he thinks of non Ukrainians who live there along with going on another global begging tour for more weapons. So NATO needs UA does it? Ukraine - a failed and corrupt country that lasted 30 years
and in this case the EVIL is the USA who provoked and started this war, along with the Poroshenko & Zelensky's geniocide of Russian speakers in the Donbas after Americas violent and illegal coup in 2014 where the USA spend $6 billion to overthrow the democratically elected President Yanukovych. How Zelensky got into power saying he would end the shelling of the Donbas but once in power he increased it. 14,000 killed in the Donbas including over 500 children from 2014-2022 all with the approval of the USA / NATO / EU. keep watching the BBC d!khed. the UK are the second biggest warmongers behind the USA
lets see - RU killed 2 farmers in Poland, RU bombed the open air market in the Donbas, RU shelled the nuclear power power station. Oh wait - UA was responsible for all of them. As is theis hospital strike where many reports state it is a UA anti missile defence missile. but hey - you keep believing bllsht
UA advancing HAHAHA what a load of garbage. UA troops age is 43, UA sends in some soldiers to take pictures behind the front lines, takes pictures with flags then retreats saying they have "liberated" a village. 1 week in October UA lost 1/4 of their Leopard 2 tanks & more fighter jets than what the west will supply them in 2024. Avdivka is crumbling, Putin has never been more popular in RU and their economy is booming. how is EU looking? anyone can look at the live pro UA map and they will see UA has gained ZERO land. UA troops are on video saying they refuse to fight along with the hundreds who have surrendered because they refuse to die for Americas proxy war
Jacques Baud - former Swiss Security Officer & UN Peacekeeper - "The whole conflict is the result of a scenario carefully worked out by the West. Its basic components were laid out in 2019 in two papers published by the RAND Corporation, the Pentagon think tank, entitled, Overextending and Unbalancing Russia and Extending Russia. These describe the sequence of events that led to the Russian offensive in February 2022. In addition to that, promises were made to Ukraine that it would become a member of NATO if it instigated a war that led to Russia’s defeat, as Oleksiy Arestovych explained in an interview with a Ukrainian television station in March 2019. In fact, Ukrainians were lied to, as Zelensky noted on CNN on March 21, 2022."
hahaha what a load on bllsht. $61 billion of which 68% remains in the USA - all for the US weapons manufacturers becasuse according to Blinken & Lloyd Austin - the war is good for the US economy creating jobs. But then thats what the USA's forever wars are about - the US has to find enemies all around the world to justify another of their forever wars all so the US weapons manufacturers get the mega $$ billion contracts and they donate $$ millions to corrupt US congress that they got in power. $61 billion will help? what about the prior $100 billion or more that was sent? how did the UA counter offensive go? I thought you are supposed to advance instead of retreat during a counter offensive