Youtube activity of "Bobby Jones" (@bobbyjones8317) on "Styxhexenhammer666" channel.
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Commenter name
Bobby Jones
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Comments by video
""Black Lives Matter" Has Become Useless: End the Drug War To Save Black Lives"
""Elbowgate": Trudeau and his Parliament are All Weak Minded Babies"
""He's a Nazi" in 2017 Is Like "She's a Witch" in 1517"
""Muh SCOTUS"- Lamestream Parties Browbeat Independent Voters with Constant Fear"
""Remain" Supporters Exploit Jo Cox Murder To Destroy Brexit Supporters"
""Snowmageddon" Approaches"
""Spring" in Vermont ft. Winter Storm Stella"
"#FireColbert Due to his Lack of Entertainment Value, and the Hypocrisy of the "Left""
"#NewYorkValues Ted Cruz Just Destroyed Himself"
"#TooBigToJail ? Yes, Unfortunately; But It Matters Very Little"
"10,000,000 Views Achieved: The Styx Of The Union Address"
"100 Syrians To Arrive in Rutland Vermont: My Town and My Thoughts"
"100,000 Subscribers Achieved: Rejoice!"
"100,000,000th Post on /pol/ A Harbinger Of the Coming Era"
"11th Republican Debate Reaction/ March 5th Race Predictions"
"1995 Trump Tax Returns Leaked: My Thoughts"
"28 Pages of the 9-11 Report Released: Told you the Saudi Government Did It"
"4chan Might Have Utterly Fooled the Lamestream Media with the Trump Documents"
"4chan Right Wing Safety Squads Get Pink Haired Community College Kids Upset"
"9/11 Bill Passes Senate: Obama and the Saudis Whine Like Babies"
"A Hit for Trump on the Internet, a Miss on Stop and Frisk"
"A Refutation of So-called Left Libertarianism"
"A Reheating of the Balkan Crisis"
"A Response to Varg's (ThuleanPerspective) "Solution""
"A Sanders Loss Is No Victory For Clinton as California Primary Approaches"
"AIDS Skrillex and Carl the Cuck: SJWs are Just Morally Outraged Goofballs"
"Alan Colmes (Carrot Farming Democrat Inspiration) Dies"
"Alex Jones and Roger Stone Troll Cenk Uygur at RNC (Audio Only)"
"All of Europe Looks to the UK To Liberate Them: Vote Leave!"
"Alternative for Germany: Sovereignty More Popular These Days"
"Ambassador Haley Threatens US Attacks on Syria over Supposed Chemical Weapon Deployment"
"Analyzing Clinton and Trump's Strengths and Weaknesses (Pew Research)"
"Another Wikileaks Dump: Bill Clinton Almost Caused a Suicide, Chelsea the Brat, and More"
"Anti-Defamation League Calls on Trump to Scrap "America First" Slogan"
"Anti-Globalist Protests in Hamburg, but they're Fighting the Wrong Enemy"
"Antifa/SJW Tolerance: Tossing Piss at Lauren Southern at March Against Shariah"
"Aragorn Endorses Jill Stein, Declares Clinton to be an Agent of Sauron"
"As Predicted: The Far Left has Begun to Abandon the Neoliberals"
"Assange Cancels Balcony Announcement; That Doesn't Mean the Clinton Leaks Have Been Cancelled"
"Attacker Shoots Russian Ambassador in Ankara, Turkey"
"Austrian Election Will Be Held Again Due to Fraud"
"Austrian Election: Green Party Edges Center Right Party"
"BLM Finally Honest, Admits It Wants to Steal All White Peoples' Homes and is Communism"
"BLM Mobs Attack Whites in Milwaukee/ Rioters Burn their Own Communities"
"Ball Busters! Ghostbusters Remake Is Just Recycled Hollywood Crap"
"Bannon Is Probably Correct Regarding China"
"Basic Income/Guaranteed Income: My Take"
"Be Aware: North Korea Miniaturization Updates Look Like Pre-Iraq News Reports"
"Belgium Hands Out Iodine Pills Over Atomic Fears"
"Ben Shapiro and Glenn Beck Go Insane Over Trump Winning Indiana"
"Bernie Sanders Is Nuts: Praised Bread Lines in 1985/ Ignores Venezuela"
"Bernie Sanders Sells Out: Endorses Clinton and Ends Campaign"
"Bill DeBlasio Goes Insane, Intends to Fine Businesses for Pronoun Usage"
"Bill Weld Chosen as Libertarian VP Candidate: Libertarians, Awake!"
"Brave TSA Agents Beat 19 Year Old Cancer Patient Nearly to Death In Memphis"
"Brazil General Strike: A Symptom of Dying Socialism"
"Brazil In Chaos: Protests Swell to Millions of People"
"Brazil Wisely Institutes Severe Austerity But Should Go Further"
"Brazil's Lower House Annuls Rousseff Impeachment"
"Brazil: Temer Graft Scandal, and Apparent Stock Crash"
"Breaking: Clinton Applauded Billionaires in Office (Wikileaks)"
"Breaking: Clinton Confirms Saudi Arabia is Attempting to Obtain Nuclear Weapons (Wikileaks)"
"Brentrance: The Half-Joking Suggestion for the USA to Annex the UK"
"Brexit Analysis: Second Referendum? Other States To Leave?"
"Brexit Odds Rise to 83%: Britain, Liberate Your Brothers Again!"
"Brexit Polling Neck and Neck... Vote Leave You Fools!"
"Brexit Succeeds/ Cameron Resigns/ The UK Cuts the Head Off the Snake"
"Brexit Surge: Polls Show Massive And Growing Lead for "Leave""
"Brexit: I Say Vote Leave/ The Mayor of London Is A Genius"
"British Media Encourages USA To Go Hillary: My Response? No, lol"
"CNN Believers Host Calls Trump a "Piece of Shit" for his London Response"
"CNN Blocks Trump Ad over Fake News Label: But CNN is Provably Fake News"
"CNN Possibly Caught Coaching its "Unbiased" Snap Poll Audience"
"California Finally Believes in States Rights, Vows to Fight Trump on Immigration"
"Cameron Claims Turkey Will Not Get Into EU, To Prevent Brexit"
"Capitalist Army: Ghost Returns to Blogtalk Radio"
"Careful, France, the Establishment is Importing Russian Conspiracy Theories to Your Nation"
"Carpet Bag Corporate Plutocracy is Not Capitalism"
"Charlotte Explodes Into Race Riots Due to Keith Lamont Scott Shooting"
"Chelsea Clinton Hilariously Suggests that Marijuana Can Kill People"
"Chelsea Manning Freed from Prison: Good"
"China Mobilizes and Deploys 150,000 Soldiers to North Korean Border"
"China's Pollution Levels Are Approaching Literal Uninhabitability"
"Clinton Again Uses "Russia" Excuse to Avoid Answering Press on Moroccan Quid Pro Quo"
"Clinton Attacks Russia, UKIP, Infowars/ Praises George W Bush in Alt-Right Reno Speech"
"Clinton Campaign Computers Were Hacked, Not Just the DNC"
"Clinton Campaign Considered Fake Craigslist Ads to Smear Trump"
"Clinton Campaign Mocks Catholics and Evangelicals... Oops"
"Clinton Doubles Down, Calls 25% of Electorate "Basket of Deplorables""
"Clinton Foundation Probe "Likely" to Yield Indictments"
"Clinton Foundation Under Several Investigations/ Clinton's "Charitable" Giving"
"Clinton Has Become the Cackling Old Woman who Sits on her Porch and Yells at the Neighbors"
"Clinton Is Probably Doomed Because of the FBI Probe"
"Clinton Literally Threatens War with Russia/ China Over Hacking and Leaks"
"Clinton Obtained Debate Question In Advance/ Colludes with Entire Media"
"Clinton Proposes Massive Estate Tax Because Fuck Small Businesses and Farmers"
"Clinton Rallygoers Both Bored and Few in Number"
"Clinton Refuses to Take Responsibility For Loss, Blames Comey For Defeat"
"Clinton Staffer Called Sanders Advisor a "Fucker" by Email"
"Clinton Suggests Possibility of claiming Entire Pacific Ocean"
"Clinton Took a Million from Qatar Without Telling the State Department"
"Clinton Unironically Suggested A Drone Strike on Julian Assange"
"Clinton and DNC Colluded to "Elevate" Trump in Hopes of Destroying GOP; They Failed"
"Clinton et al Are Aware Assange isn't a Russian Agent and Now Frame him as a Pervert"
"Clinton is Probably Going to Land like Santa Claus in a Tropical Jungle"
"Clinton is a Red Scare Cold Warrior Chickenhawk"
"Clinton's Bizarre Response to Protest at Rally"
"Clinton's Campaign Probably Just Ended: Leaked Audio Bashing Sanders Supporters"
"Clinton's Lead Has Declined back to Just 3 or 4 Points"
"Clinton's People Even Referred to CF Donations as "Pay to Play" in Email (Wikileaks)"
"Clinton's Wall Street Speech Highlights Disclosed via Podesta Leak"
"Colorado Primary: Crooked Politics on Full Display"
"Comey Again Refuses to Indict Clinton: I Doubt It Will Save her Campaign"
"Comey Did Nothing Wrong in Notifying Congress of the New Emails on Weiner's Computer"
"Comey Would Have Violated the Hatch Act by Not Telling Congress: Also, H.A. Goodman Shoutout!"
"Commie Dilma Rousseff Impeached, Calls Impeachment a "Coup""
"Confirmed: 4chan Has Begun Banning Anyone Who Mentions Ben Fischbein"
"Confirmed: Alexandria Gunman James Hodgkinson was Sanders-Loving Socialist"
"Confused Starbucks Marxists Say #ResistCapitalism"
"Corporate and Political Buzzterms: The Scam of "White Privilege""
"Crazed Glenn Beck Suggests Assassinating Trump"
"Crooked Hillary Faulted by State Department Over Email Fiasco"
"Cruz Booed At RNC, Refuses to Endorse Trump: Three Possible Reasons (Audio Only)"
"Cruz Is Stricken With Madness Over Transgendered Bathroom Stuff"
"Cruz Scandal, Hillary on Debating, Trump on Abortion: Two Party System Declines Further"
"Cruz Suspends Campaign: Trump Is Now the Republican Nominee"
"Cruz Wins Iowa: But I Was Right About Rand and Rubio"
"Dallas Erupts Into Chaos: 4 Dead, 7 Injured/ Bomb Threat"
"Democratic Debate Reaction/ Primary Predictions"
"Democratic Debate Reaction: Sanders Won"
"Dilbert Unleashes Insane Attack on Clinton Campaign, Rallies His Soldiers for Memetic War"
"Do You Love War and Violence? Vote Clinton! (Clinton's Leftist Fans Are Being Fooled)"
"Don't Mistake My Disdain for Clinton as a Worship of Trump"
"Donald Trump Calls Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas""
"Donna Brazile Deflects on O'Keefe Investigation"
"EU to Fine Nations for Rejecting Refugee Quotas: Social Alienation"
"Egypt Air Paris to Cairo Flight Probably Downed by Terrorists"
"Election Live Stream Tomorrow Starting 7:30 EST or 8:30 EST (In the EVENING)"
"Elijah Wood Proclaims Hollywood Overrun With Perverts"
"Elizabeth Warren Abandons Principles For Job Opportunities"
"Erdogan Expands His Power, Becomes De Facto Dictator of Turkey"
"Establishment Now Openly Calling Us All Ignorant"
"Et Tu, McCain? Compares Obama Favorably with Trump on American Leadership"
"Europe Will Respect the UK's Leave Vote"
"Even Lufthansa Is Abandoning Bernie Sanders Utopia Venezuela Now"
"FBI Doesn't Indict Hillary Clinton, But Destroys Her Campaign Anyways"
"FTSE Recovers Fully, Brexit Didn't Cause Economic Doomsday as Cameron Warned"
"Facebook Won't Remove Terrorist Content or Perversion but will Remove Non-PC Political Speech"
"Famous North Korea News Lady Announces Hydrogen Bomb Test"
"Far Left Declares You Racist if you Don't Have "Diverse" Sexual History"
"Fidel Castro Finally Dies"
"Final Election Margin Projection"
"Final Iowa Prediction: Trump 31, Cruz 23, Rubio 19, Carson 9, Rand 4"
"Final Prediction For the 2016 Election"
"First Presidential Debate Tomorrow; Pre-Debate Analysis etc"
"Forthcoming Interview with the Unbelievable Podcast"
"French Left Tries to Cast Le Pen as Nazi Again"
"GOP Abandons AHCA Healthcare Repeal Bill at Trump's Behest"
"GOP Debate Analysis/ March 15th Predictions/ Carson Endorsement"
"Gary Johnson Is Approaching Debate-Enabling Polling Numbers"
"Gary Johnson Nominated As Official Libertarian Party Candidate"
"Gary Johnson is Not A Libertarian, And We're Under Attack By Zealots, So I Will Support Donald Trump"
"Gay Marriage Legal Nationwide: Supreme Court Upholds 14th Amendment"
"Geert Wilders Laughs as Netherlands Removes Turkish Ministers from Protest"
"George Dubya Begins Dancing at Dallas Officers' Funeral Service"
"German Government to Monitor Mosques: Stupidity At Its Finest"
"Ghostbusters Has Become a Box Office Flop"
"Ghosts of Elections Past: Why I Believe Trump is Very Likely to Win in November"
"Glenn Beck Suspended from SiriusXM: Good Riddance to a Whining Goofball"
"Globalism Is a Cancer But Was Dreamed Up by Well Meaning Morons"
"Globalists Hope Trump will Reverse Course on the TPP: I Hope He Doesn't"
"Gorsuch Isn't a Threat to Roe v. Wade or Anything Else and Should be Confirmed"
"Grimoire of Pope Leo III Now Available!"
"Half Baked Justin Trudeau Refuses to Share His Stash With the Masses"
"Hanford Site Leaking, Workers Sickened, America's Fukushima"
"Happy Halloween from Satanic American Vlad the Impaler"
"Harriet Tubman on 20 Dollar Bill? Who Friggin' Cares?"
"Hating Women Isn't a Traditional Western Value"
"Healthcare "Reform" Fails Again: Trump Encourages Total Repeal as Alternative"
"Henrique Capriles Calls on Venezuelan Military to Oust Maduro"
"Her Voice Is Not My Voice: I Have My Own, Thanks"
"Hexenhammer - I Exile You"
"Hey Raphael: Applied Memetics"
"Hillary Clinton Chooses Tim Kaine as Running Mate (Hillary's Epic Mistake)"
"Hillary Clinton Claims She Wants Citizens United Overturned: Her Biggest Lie Yet"
"Hillary Clinton Goes Insane, Claims Putin Cost Her the Election"
"Hillary Clinton Goes Nuts, Rants About Not Being Ahead 50 Points"
"Hillary Clinton Is About to Poke the Hornet's Nest with An Alt-Right Speech"
"Hillary Clinton Loses West Virginia to Socialist: Abandon the Democratic Party!"
"Hillary Clinton Wants War in Syria and Possibly a Nuclear Standoff"
"Hillary Clinton is Objectively Wrong on Guns and Gun Rights"
"Hillary Clinton's DNC Acceptance Speech: Mediocre and Mechanical"
"Hillary Clinton's Shill The Record Front Lines Have Already Collapsed"
"Hillary Clinton, Corporate Messiah, Fails To Dominate Geriatric Socialist"
"Hillary Clinton/ New York Times, Both used Same tax Loopholes as Trump"
"Hillary Took Cash From, Directed ISIS- Associated Company; The Ultimate Betrayal"
"Hillary's Campaign Is Probably Doomed"
"Hindus Pray to Shiva and Hanuman for Trump to Win"
"His Majesty Grant Strobl Destroys the Special Snowflake Movement"
"How the Shills Attempt to Bait the Alt Media with Nonsensical Crap"
"Hurricane Matthew Approaches Florida, Evacuations Ordered"
"Hypocrite Gated Community Dweller John Kerry Wants "Borderless World""
"I Don't See Many So-called Feminists Speaking About Saudi Arabia's All-male "Girls Council""
"I Foresee Years of Attacks by the Lamestream on the True, Underground Press: It Has Already begun"
"I Hold Organized Religion in Contempt"
"I Know Why Johnson is Pandering to the Left, but I Can't Support it: I Endorse Trump"
"I Predict that Automation Will Not Be A Major Problem; But Globalism Will"
"I Predicted Clinton's Rust Belt Panic Months Ago"
"I Remember When Spudd Predicted I'd Stall Out At 55,000 Subscribers"
"I Stand With Hate Speech: Because Censorship Is Worse"
"I Think I Know What's Happening with the Youtube Subscription "Glitch""
"I Told you the Mainstream Media Was Dying: NPR Shuts Down Comments"
"I Warned You Trump Fans About Ann Coulter: Coulter Reams Trump Presidency as Disaster"
"I Was Correct About Why the RNC's Viewership Was Low: The DNC Suffered the Same "Problem""
"I Was Correct: Trump Wins Every Poll, But MSM Only Reports CNN Snap Poll"
"I Win Everything, All the Pundits Were Wrong"
"I'm A Critic of Russian Policy: The Claim that Wikileaks is Working for them is Rubbish"
"ISIS Threatens Ramadan Attacks on Belgium, UK, France, USA"
"If Clinton Does Win it will Be a Busy Four Years for People Like Me"
"Important Literary Update: Upcoming Playlist, Book Blog, Two New Editions"
"In Keeping With State Department Rules, Clinton Had Two Devices Destroyed By Hammer"
"Indiana Primary Prediction: Trump and Clinton Advantage"
"Insane Tayyip Erdogan Chastises Birth Control, Continues Police State Moves"
"Iraq In Chaos: Protestors Storm Green Zone/Parliament"
"Irrelevant Legacy Media Deludes Itself Into Thinking It's Relevant"
"It Is Very Unlikely that Trump will be Impeached"
"It is Unlikely That the Clinton Foundation Investigation Will Destroy Shillary's Campaign"
"It's Hysterical to see Clinton Blame A Russian Conspiracy for the DNC Leaks"
"It's Not That I'm A Trump Fan, But His Campaign Is Honestly Better than Clinton's"
"JK Rowling Presumes That Most Harry Potter Fans Are Racists"
"James Comey Is Trying to Warn Us that Clinton Is Corrupt as Hell"
"James O'Keefe Locked Out of Twitter for Possibly Political Reasons"
"James O'Keefe Tape: Hillary Donors Compare Black Republicans to Sonderkommandos"
"Jason Chaffetz Recommends Hillary Clinton Perjury Investigation"
"Jeb Bush Begs Audience to Clap; The Most Dumb of All Bushes"
"Jeb Bush Supports Brokered Convention, Slips Into Insanity"
"Jim Webb Is the Last Intelligent Democrat"
"Julius Malema Promises to Confiscate White South Africans' Farms"
"Justice Antonin Scalia Dead: New Election Issue?"
"Kentucky Government Helps Fund Noah's Ark Replica: Load That Ship With Predatory Animals"
"Koch Brothers to Poison Libertarian Party with Tainted Donations?"
"Lamestream Media Attacks Wikileaks to Save Hillary's Candidacy"
"Le Pen Vows to Stop All Immigration Temporarily/ French Election Banter"
"Leaked EU Superstate Plans Fan the Flames of Pro-Sovereignty Movements"
"Let It Be an Arms Race! Trump Declares Intent to Expand US Nuclear Capabilities"
"Libertarianism Rising: Johnson Polls at Double Digits"
"Libertarianism: Some Varied Thoughts"
"Literary Update: "Against Communism": Now Available!"
"Live Stream Update (EVENING not MORNING!) GO VOTE!!!"
"Loretta Lynch Censors Orlando Transcript, Scrubs All Mention of Islam"
"Lukewarm Globalist Austrian Chancellor Resigns in Disgrace"
"Lynch To Accept FBI Findings in Clinton Email Scandal"
"MGTOW And Its Lack of Logic (And ThuleanPerspective's Optimism)"
"Maduro Goes Nuts, Declares State of Emergency, Fears "Coup""
"Maduro Sinks Deeper Into Madness, Threatens to Seize Factories"
"Maduro Whines About Fraud in Referendum in Bernie Sanders' Utopian Venezuela"
"Maduro's Cronies Invalidate Referendum, Vow To Cling to Ever Declining Power"
"Mainstream Culture Enters the Second Stage of Grief Regarding the Alt-Right"
"Major Political Developments: Carson Out/ Ailes Disowns Rubio/ Leaked Rubio Campaign Audio/More"
"Majority of Germans Reject Merkel's Immigration Policies"
"Make the First Lady Great Again: Ben Garrison Attacked By Clueless Liberal Media"
"March 5th Analysis: Rubio Is Doomed/ The Day the RNC Died"
"March 8th Analysis: Rubio Will Lose Florida/ Trump Gains Hawaii in Closed Caucus"
"Martial Law in Parts of Venezuela"
"Martin Bush Endorses Gary Johnson; My Thoughts"
"Maryland, DC Sue Trump Over Foreign Payments to Trump Inc."
"Media Blames Doctors for Opiate Mess- Blame the Government Too!"
"Memetic Warfare: Fort McMurray Burns as Cruz' Homeland is Destroyed"
"Michael Steven Sandford Tries To Assassinate Donald Trump, Fails Miserably"
"Milo Once Again Gets Antifa and Similar Groups to Destroy their Own Cause at UC Berkeley"
"Modernity is the Result of the Atomic Arms Race"
"More Rations Have Arrived: Military Ration Videos Soon!"
"Most of the "Nazis" on Social Media are Actually Media or Political Shills"
"Mount Saint Helens Quake Swarms: Eruption Imminent?"
"Muh Consolation Prize: New Orleans Confederate Monuments Removed"
"Muhammad Ali Dead"
"Multiple Media Firms Misconstrue Trump's Words at Victory Rally"
"My Enemies Motivate Me More Than my Allies Do"
"My Message to Those so Mad About A Trump Presidency"
"My Preliminary Presidential Election Prediction"
"My Thoughts on Peak Oil/ Oil Use/ Green Energy"
"NATO and Russia Trade Jabs: Satan II/ Aegis System"
"NRA Statement on Terror Watch List Gun Sales- I Support This Effort"
"NSA Contractor Stole Intelligence; Would-be Whistleblower Proves NSA is Inept"
"National Review (lol) Draft David French For Independent Campaign"
"Neoliberalism is Identical to Moral Traditionalism and the Two Party System is a Scam"
"Netanyahu Decides to Purge Gaza Again, Cuts off Electricity to 2 Million People"
"Netanyahu Proposes Genocidal Maniac Avigdor Lieberman as Defense Minister"
"Netanyahu's Wife Might be Charged With Fraud for Personal Expenses"
"New Adsense TOS Has Some Larger Creators Worried... But Not Me!"
"New Clinton Emails Being Probed by FBI"
"New Democratic Party Slogan: "Blame Russia!""
"New Jersey Apparently a Swing State Now/ Trump and Clinton Tied in New Hampshire"
"New Scandal: Clinton Campaign Returns Donations Gathered from Straw Donor Conspiracy"
"Nicolas Maduro Might Dissolve Congress Instead of Risking Removal"
"No Lives Matter"
"No, Clinton Will Not Be Declared President by the Electoral College"
"No, I'm Not Feeling the Bern: And I'm A Vermonter"
"No, Trump Didn't Suggest People Should Harm Clinton, He was Making a Point About Activism"
"No, Trump Doesn't Have A Low Ceiling- And We Can Prove It"
"No, Trump Is Not Backpedaling on the Affordable Care Act"
"North Korea Declares War for the Zillionth Time; but One Thing they Said is Mostly True"
"North Korea Develops Apparent Multi-Stage ICBM: Trump Calls Emergency UN Meeting"
"North Korea Fires Missile Off Randomly, Malaysia Expels Ambassador Over Insults"
"North Korea Grabs the Bears' Tail/ Siezes Russian Yacht"
"North Korea Threatens to Test Hydrogen Bomb in Ocean as Kim Jong Un Calls Trump "Dotard""
"Nutty Bill Clinton Attacks Poland and Hungary"
"O'Keefe Drops First Major Video: It's a Half-Doozie"
"O'Keefe: Clinton Personally Involved in Infiltration of Trump Rallies"
"Obama Abandons Flooded Louisiana just like Dubya Bush Did: Trump Chooses to Visit"
"Obama Blames Guns for Orlando Attack/ Second Attacker in LA?/ Orlando Cleric Says Kill Gays"
"Obama Claims He Could Have Beaten Trump... He's Wrong"
"Obama Claims He'll Release the 28 Pages: I Doubt It"
"Obama Continues To Push TPP; So Will Hillary If Elected"
"Obama Endorses Fellow Warmongering Globalist Hillary Clinton"
"Obama Lied: Clinton's Campaign Directly Coordinated with Him on Emails (FOIA Release)"
"Obama Stammers His Way Through Diatribe Against Trump"
"Obama Visits Hiroshima: Should We Apologize? My Thoughts"
"Obama Wants A Female President: So Do I, but Not Hillary"
"Obamas Real Legacy: Silent War, Mass Surveillance, and A Cult of Personality"
"Occult Literature 106: Magic and Witchcraft"
"Occult Literature 11: Grimorium Verum"
"Occult Literature 14: Occultism For Beginners (Dower)"
"Occult Literature 24: The Enchiridion of Pope Leo III"
"Occult Literature 3: Aradia, The Witches' Gospel (Charles Leland)"
"Occult Literature 42: Voice Of Our Ancestors (Wulf Sorenson)"
"Occult Literature 44: Napoleon's Oraculum"
"Occult/Politics Update: Blog/New Playlist/Livestream Tonight!"
"October Surprise! Clinton Foundation Involved in TARP Fund Embezzlement by Congressional Democrats"
"One Month Until President Trump is Inaugurated (Yep, He's Your President!)"
"Orange County GOP Headquarters Firebombed, Hypocrite Legacy Media Attacks Trump"
"Organized Religion Is A Cancer: Spirituality is Not"
"Panama Papers: The Greatest Scandal of the Modern Age"
"Paul Ryan Denies Intention of a Presidential Bid: Told Ya So"
"PewDiePie Is Successfully Adopting a Trumpite Propaganda Strategy"
"Philandro Castile Had Every Right To Carry A Concealed Firearm"
"Philippine Election: Duterte Appears to be Winning"
"Podesta and Other Clinton Staffers Lamented that the San Bernardino Shooter was a Muslim"
"Podestagate: Wikileaks Releases Tens of Thousands of Clinton Campaign Chair Emails"
"Predicting the Republican Primary Results"
"Project Veritas: Antifa Seeks to Commit Terrorist Attacks at Trump Events"
"Psilocybin Mushrooms Effectively Treat Depression?... No Shit!"
"Putin Unhappy with NATO Antimissile Systems in Poland/Romania"
"Putin Withdraws Russian Troops from Syria: DPRK Worries?"
"Rand Paul Endorses Donald Trump"
"Razors, Tampons, and Islam: The Womens Rights March Is Confusing to Me"
"Reaction to South Carolina Republican Debate"
"Religious Extremist, Sadiq Khan, Now Mayor of London"
"Republicans Still Haven't Learned Not to Bet Against Trump"
"Rigging the Election III: Another Doozie (O'Keefe, Project Veritas)"
"Rigging the Election Part 2 is Out... A True Doozie! (O'Keefe, Veritas)"
"Rigging the Election Part IV: A Double Doozie! (O'keefe, Project Veritas)"
"Ron Paul as Secretary of State? Jennifer Rubin Worries, I Don't"
"Russian Schools Consider Training Kids in Combat... So Should We!"
"Salon Calls for Revival of Communist Red Guard, Vows to Fight All Non Leftists"
"San Andreas Fault Locked, Ready to Blow?"
"Sanders Vows Bloody Purge of Bourgeois Democrats"
"Sanders' Revenge: Horde Of Protesters To Converge on Dem Convention in Philly"
"Sanders' Socialist Paradise Venezuela Sells Off Gold/ People Loot Openly"
"Sarah Palin Endorses Trump/ Iowa Governor Lambastes Ted Cruz: Cruz' Terrible Day"
"Sargon of Akkad Makes Petition to Ban Social Justice: Why I Disagree With This"
"Saudis Beg US to Reject Trump: Oh the Irony!"
"Saudis Threaten United States Over 9/11 Bill, Shame On Them"
"Scientists Suggest Moving Rio Olympics Due to Contagion"
"Senate Blocks Gun Control, Obama Whines Like A Little Baby"
"Senile John McCain Calls Rand Paul a Russian Agent over Montenegro NATO Objection"
"Shadow Brokers Claim to have Hacked the NSA, Want to be Paid in Bitcoins"
"Shoshone River Boiling Near Yellowstone"
"Signatures Validated to Remove Nicolas Maduro From Power"
"Single Trusted Traveler Program: US, Canada, Mexico to Simplify Travel"
"Socialism Is Killing Venezuela: And Yes, Venezuela Is Socialism"
"Some Democrats Finally Realize They Lost As Shock Wears Off"
"Some Zealots Say World Ends on July 29th Due to Pole Reversal"
"South Carolina Predictions/Rant"
"South Korea's Clinton Impeached for Corruption (Park Geun-hye)"
"South Korean President Park Geun-Hye Removed From Office"
"Spirited North Korean National-Communist Pop Music"
"Spiritual, Memetic Propaganda: An Explanation for the Rationalists"
"St. Petersburg Metro Attack Kills 10, Wounds Dozens"
"Standing Rock Protestors attacked while Obama Does Nothing"
"Steve Bannon Reportedly Pushing Massive Tax Reform- Including Tax Hike on the Wealthy"
"Styxhexenhammer Garden Update 3/17/2016"
"Styxhexenhammer666 Garden Update 6/12/2017"
"Super Tuesday Predictions: Trump and Hillary Dominate"
"Supreme Court Finally Makes a Good Decision, Strikes Down Texas Abortion Nonsense"
"TIME Whines about Trolls, Utterly Fails To Grasp the Irony"
"TSA Stupidity: As Lines Grow, So Do Budgets"
"TV News Is Stupid, So Is TV As A Whole"
"Ted Cruz Bows Before Trump as a Defeated and Subjugated Minion"
"Ted Cruz Sex Scandal: Cruz Allegedly Had Five Affairs #CreepyCruz"
"The "Left" Reminds You To Just Trust Uncle Sam and Obey, You Peasant"
"The Anti-Trump Hysteria Has Now Surpassed Even Red Scare Levels"
"The Cleveland Cough: Hillary Clinton has begun to Degrade in Health due to Our Magick"
"The DNC is Already A Symbol of Disunity and It's Just the First Day"
"The Death of Legacy Media and the Rise of the Press as It was Meant to Be"
"The Death of my Grandfather/Legal Crap: A Message to my Subscribers"
"The Deep State Activates"
"The Electoral College Should Not Be Abolished"
"The European Refugee Crisis Is A Prelude To War"
"The Far Left Hates Free Speech so Much they Call Shapiro a Nazi"
"The Federal Do Not Fly List Is Unconstitutional"
"The First Ration (MCI) Has Arrived: Vietnam Era B2 Unit: Now I Wait For the Tray!"
"The Futility of Trying to Unskew Polls"
"The Government, Bureaus, and Media, Are Not Acting Normally"
"The Legacy Media is Dying, The Decentralized, International Press Is Rising"
"The Legacy Media is Fixated on Trump Talking to Moscow, Ignore Him Talking to Mexico"
"The Legacy Media is Pulling Out All Stops to Monopolize the Web (It Won't Work)"
"The Maverick Myth: Trump's Proposals Aren't Severe or Insane"
"The More Popular You Get, the More People Try to Convert You to their Religion"
"The Most Important Reason Why the European Union Will Surely Fail"
"The New Goofy #NeverTrump Mythlogy: A Vote To Release Delegates"
"The Occcult: Video 86: Djinn, Genies, Rural Spirits, etc"
"The Occult: Video 117: Doomsday"
"The Occult: Video 26: Gnosis"
"The Occult: Video 39: Different Types of Occultists"
"The Occult: Video 43: Runescape Gods"
"The Occult: Video 44: Memetics and Meme Magick"
"The Occult: Video 47: Asceticism, Hedonism, Epicureanism"
"The Occult: Video 49: Be Not Afraid"
"The Occult: Video 52: Vampirism"
"The Occult: Video 68: Dreams and Dream Interpretation"
"The Occult: Video 73: Hollow Earth/Flat Earth Theories"
"The Occult: Video 85: Sleep Paralysis (the Night-Mare), Shadow People, Nocturnal Oddities"
"The Poop Pope: Papa Francis Rambles Incoherently About Fake News"
"The Pope and his Theocratic Bullshit Regarding Trump and Walls"
"The Privatization of Abuse: Corporate Authoritarianism Violates Libertarianism"
"The Rio Olympics Are Already A Disaster and They Haven't Technically Even Begun"
"The Same Legacy Press that Crucified Trump Now Whines When He Blocks Them Out"
"The Styxhexen-berry Bushes"
"The Tale of Bobby Jones AKA Spudd Croily"
"The Trump University Fraud Case Is A Sideshow"
"Theocratic Marxist Catholic Pope Doesn't Like Libertarianism... Boo Hoo Hoo"
"There Is No Gender Spectrum, only Malleable Expressive Choices (Gender is Chromosomes)"
"Theresa May Calls for Internet "Hate Speech" Regulations to Stop Terrorism"
"Thoughts About MTV's Poorly Thought Out "New Years Resolutions for White Guys""
"Thoughts on Bannon/ Trump's Cabinet/ ACA/ Border Wall/ Etc"
"Thoughts on Juggalos, the MOAR, and some High School Health Class Stories"
"Thoughts on the Fat Acceptance Movement"
"Thoughts on the RNC so Far and Upcoming DNC (Audio Only)"
"Thousands of Triggered Hypocrites Protest Trump and Riot"
"Three Things I Don't Understand About Hillary Clinton's Fans"
"Thugs Abduct, Beat Missing Special Needs Dude On Live Stream While Ranting About Trump"
"To Those Blaming Capitalism for Our Problems: We Haven't Had Capitalism in a Century"
"Todays Boring "Left" Would Have Spurned the Counterculture and Embraced the Temperance Movement"
"Too Cool to be a Liberal: Neolibs are Boring and Dying Out"
"Trigglypuff: The New Face of Social Justice Warriors"
"Trudeau Has a Marco Roboto Moment, Took a Million Dollars from Chinese Communists"
"True Masculinity is Wildly Different from Postmodern "Masculinity""
"Trump Also Said Sexual Things on Howard Stern's Show; CNN Acts Surprised"
"Trump Announces Intent to Redesign Cuba Deal"
"Trump Apparently Ahead with Hispanic Voters"
"Trump Becomes TIME Person of the Year (Everybody I Don't Like Is Hitler)"
"Trump Calls Bill Clinton What He Is: A Rapist: But I'll Go Further Than That..."
"Trump Chooses Former Goldman Sachs Partner as Treasury Secretary"
"Trump Chooses and Options some Cabinet Members and Advisors: 3 Good, 1 Bad"
"Trump Clinches Nomination, Now Over 1237 Delegates"
"Trump Considers Virtual Elimination of Drug Control Policy Office: Good!"
"Trump Correctly Identifies That There Is No "One China""
"Trump Criticizes China, Comments About North Koreas Nuclear Threats"
"Trump Decimates Clinton With A Single Tweet"
"Trump Exposed as Womanizer... Surprising Nobody"
"Trump Gleefully Tests MOAB on ISIS in Afghanistan: Nice!"
"Trump Ignores Obama's Obvious Trap, Praises Putin on Sanctions"
"Trump In Israel, Hopes to Usher In Peace Plan"
"Trump Is Inevitable and the Indiana Primary Barely Matters"
"Trump Is Totally Wrong on Flag Burning"
"Trump Leads Clinton Nationally in RCP Aggregate"
"Trump Might Be Trolling The RNC Rules Committee with Mike Pence"
"Trump Might Have Inside Knowledge of the Forthcoming Clinton Campaign Email Leaks"
"Trump Now Supposedly Being Investigated by FBI For Obstruction of Justice"
"Trump Officially Chooses Mike Pence as Running Mate: I Re-endorse Gary Johnson"
"Trump Omnibus 2: Threatens Chicago Machine Politics, The Wall, EPA"
"Trump Omnibus: Mexico City Policy, DAPL, DACA, Net Neutrality, Immigration Restrictions"
"Trump Pessimistic About Fart-Holding Cretin Neocon David Cameron"
"Trump Plans to Deport 2-3 Million Illegal Immigrants Immediately"
"Trump Pretended to be his Own Publicist... So?"
"Trump Raises Less Than Clinton; People Ignore Why"
"Trump Rally in Chicago Shut Down by Protesters/ Ted Cruz Applauds Them"
"Trump Rises In Polls, Clinton Stalls Out, Johnson Near 10 Points"
"Trump Rumored to Drop Plans of Clinton Investigation"
"Trump Rushed Off Stage in Reno, Due to Disturbance/Possible Assassination Attempt"
"Trump Shies Away From Striking Down Obama Era Iran Deal: Why It Doesn't Matter"
"Trump Softballs China, Praises NATO, Criticizes Russia: His Epic 4d Chess Move"
"Trump Supposedly Chooses Rex Tillerson as Secretary of State"
"Trump Thankfully Declares Hideous GOP Healthcare "Fix" As Malleable"
"Trump Trolls the Media and Leftists with Safe Spaces Tweet"
"Trump VP Options Update"
"Trump VP Update: And Then There Were Five? (PS... Choose Michael Flynn!)"
"Trump Will Probably Win if the Clinton Leaks Continue (Not A Final Prediction)"
"Trump Will Skip GOP Debate on FOX: It's a Trap!"
"Trump Wins: VP Rant/ I Was Right, Almost Everyone Else Was Wrong"
"Trump and Clinton are Destroying their Own Parties"
"Trump and Sanders Will Debate Before California: It Begins"
"Trump and the Transgendered Bathroom "Controversy""
"Trump is Both Right and Wrong on the California Water Crisis"
"Trump is Making a Mistake by Not Further Endorsing Protection of Homosexuals"
"Trump is Rising In the Polls Again, Rapidly"
"Trump's Fans Need To Realize that Yes, He's Behind Clinton- But Don't Worry, It's Expected"
"Trump, Now Free of his Shackles, Launches Scorched Earth Campaign Against GOP Defectors"
"Trumps Ethics Reform Outline is Actually Very Good"
"Trumps Mexico Visit Was A Massive Success; He Might have Just Won the Election"
"Trumps RNC Speech Seals the Deal"
"Trumps Support Surges Among Millennials"
"Turkish Government Raping and Torturing Detainees"
"UK Election Results: A Slight Victory for Sovereignty"
"US Downgraded to Flawed Democracy: Hell I Downgraded it In 2001"
"US Military Considers Preemptive Strike on North Korea if they Test Atomic Weapon"
"US Naval Group Strikes Syrian Airfield with Tomahawk Missiles: A Stupid Provocation"
"US Senate Votes To Send 3.1 Billion Aid Package to Israel"
"UTexas "Miss Black" Pageant Winner Attacked for Not Looking Black Enough"
"United States Lifts Vietnam Arms Embargo"
"Venezuela Becomes New Pol Pot Cambodia, Introduces Forced Labor"
"Venezuela Begins Collapsing: Food Shortages and Coup Threats"
"Venezuela Continues to Collapse Due to Socialism and Central Planning"
"Venezuela Continues to Degrade into Street Violence Due to Socialism"
"Venezuela Is Completely Destabilizing: Mother of All Marches"
"Venezuela Rapidly Collapsing Due to Socialism"
"Venezuela's Schools Are Now Failing"
"Venezuela: Hyperinflation/Two Day Work Week/Ends Beer Production/Maduro Recall"
"Vintage Wall Scroll Collection (1980s Aesthetic Vintage)"
"Violent Protests at Costa Mesa Trump Rally"
"Virginia Governor And the Former Felon Voting Bloc: My Take"
"Vote Leave: Brexit Takes Lead in New Polling"
"Want To Destroy Fake News? Stop Watching the Legacy Media (CNN, FOX, MSNBC, etc)"
"We Must Reject Socialism: Yes, That Includes "Democratic Socialism""
"We Need a Constitutional Amendment to Protect the Internet"
"We're Closer to Atomic Midnight These Days"
"Web Firms Partner with Europe to Attack Free Speech"
"Webcam Stopped Working: New C920 Ordered/ New Microphone CAD U37"
"What it would Really Mean if Trump Colluded with Russia"
"While Technically Justified, Trump is Playing with Fire Over His Mueller Firing Comments"
"Why Anarchism Will Always Fail"
"Why I Choose Libertarianism And Not The Two Party System"
"Why I am Mostly Attacking the "Liberals" (Hint; it Isn't Because I Moved Right)"
"Why My Election Predictions are So Accurate: The Triple Paradigm Shift"
"Why Pundits Have Failed so Miserably, and Why the Internet Hasn't"
"Wikileaks Is Correct: Media Reporting is Vastly Uncoupled from Public Interest"
"Wikileaks Will Release More Materials Related to US Election"
"Wisconsin Exit Poll Analysis (NO Live Stream Tonight- Important Update!)"
"Wisconsin GOP Primary: A Must-Win for Cruz That He Might "Luze""
"Yes, Trump Should Pardon Snowden, Manning, and Assange"
"Yet Another Clinton Scandal: Her Foundation Sought Access to the State Department"
"Young Americans Abandon Debt and Usury for Family Living"
"Zimbabwe Politician Calls For Evicting Chinese Nationals"