Youtube activity of "Hakan Karaağaç" (@TheReaper569) on "CaspianReport" channel.
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Comments by video
"Abdication of King Salman in Saudi Arabia"
"Afghanistan staring at the abyss"
"Albania and Kosovo move towards a backdoor union"
"Armenian - Azerbaijani skirmish"
"Australia’s insane plan to green the Outback"
"Bosnia in danger of breaking up"
"China could invade Taiwan by 2027"
"China has border disputes with 17 countries"
"China is building its own Silicon Valley"
"Collapse of the nuclear arms control"
"Consequences of the Turkish coup attempt"
"Could the Ukraine war turn into World War III ?"
"Cryptocurrency innovations"
"Currency crisis in emerging markets"
"Dawn of the Afghan Empire (Graveyard of Empires, Part 1)"
"Does Afghanistan have a future?"
"Dutch proposal to dam the North Sea"
"Ethiopia's war in Tigray turns into defeat"
"Europe’s plan to checkmate Russia"
"Fake News, Part 1: Origins and evolution"
"French military operations in Africa"
"Gaza Strip border crisis"
"Geoeconomics of China-Pakistan Economic Corridor"
"Geoeconomics of Egypt's new capital"
"Geoeconomics of the Istanbul Canal"
"Geopolitical analysis 2017: Africa"
"Geopolitical analysis 2017: East Asia"
"Geopolitical analysis 2017: East Europe"
"Geopolitical analysis 2017: Middle East"
"Geopolitical analysis 2017: North America, Part 1 of 2"
"Geopolitical analysis 2017: West Europe"
"Geopolitical analysis for 2019: Africa"
"Geopolitical analysis for 2019: Asia Pacific"
"Geopolitical analysis for 2019: Europe"
"Geopolitics of Greece"
"Geopolitics of Japan"
"Geopolitics of Mexico"
"Geopolitics of Romania"
"Geopolitics of Southeast Asia, Part 1: Indochina"
"Geopolitics of Southeast Asia, Part 2: Malay Archipelago"
"Geopolitics of Turkey in Asia"
"Geopolitics of Turkey in Europe"
"Geopolitics of the Arctic"
"Geopolitics of the Black Sea"
"Geopolitics of the Peloponnesian War, Part 1: Thucydides' Trap"
"Greek and Turkish navies face-off in the Aegean"
"Greek-Macedonian name dispute"
"History of Saudi Arabia"
"How Australia cheated East Timor of its oil"
"How China became the world’s factory"
"How France maintains its grip on Africa"
"How Germany became a powerhouse"
"How Putinomics works"
"How Russia could collapse (again)"
"How Russia is changing Baltic Sea borders"
"How the UK is becoming a ‘third-world’ economy"
"How the world is preparing for Trump’s return"
"Impact of autonomous vehicles"
"Impact of hypersonic weapons"
"India’s Act East policy"
"Iraqi Kurdistan independence referendum"
"Iraqi recapture of Kirkuk"
"Islamic conquest of Persia"
"Israeli-Iranian proxy war"
"King Leopold's ghost still haunts the Congo"
"Mugabe’s succession crisis in Zimbabwe"
"Net Zero by 2050 is not happening"
"Origins of the Libyan civil war"
"Origins of the Nile River dispute"
"Philosophy of Kemalism"
"Poland to double the size of its military"
"Pre-Islamic history of the Middle East"
"Prelude to the Anglo-Afghan War (Graveyard of Empires, Part 2)"
"Putin's Arctic ambitions"
"Qatar diplomatic crisis"
"Rebuilding Syria"
"Recognition of Jerusalem as Israeli capital"
"Review: All the Kremlin's Men by Mikhail Zygar"
"Review: Dictators Without Borders by Alexander Cooley and John Heathershaw"
"Review: Inglorious Empire by Shashi Tharoor"
"Review: Last War of the World-Island by Alexander Dugin"
"Review: The Looting Machine by Tom Burgis"
"Review: The Rational Optimist by Matt Ridley"
"Review: Why Leaders Lie by John J. Mearsheimer"
"Rohingya crisis in Myanmar"
"Russia plans to turn Ukraine into a landlocked state"
"Russia to annex parts of Ukraine"
"Russia-Ukraine standoff in Kerch Strait"
"Russia’s post-election security reforms"
"Saudi and UAE territorial claims to Yemen's islands"
"Science in Islam, Part 1: Mu'tazila free will"
"Science in Islam, Part 2: Ibn Hanbal inquisition"
"Spain makes grand plans for Africa"
"Teaser: Japanese mindset"
"The Artificial Intelligence revolution"
"The Era of Modernization in Japan"
"The Syrian conflict is about to intensify"
"The Ukraine War From Russia's Perspective"
"The last Golden Age of Imperial China"
"Turkey’s power plays in the Mediterranean"
"Ukraine turning into a ‘Forever War’"
"Understanding the German mindset"
"Venezuela’s political crisis"
"What is Turkey's endgame in Syria?"
"What is the African Union?"
"What's next for Syria after Assad's fall?"
"When Korea turned Christian"
"Why Armenia and Azerbaijan are at war"
"Why China cannot abandon communism"
"Why Germany won't help Ukraine"
"Why Taiwan matters to the United States"
"Why some nations fail and others succeed"
"Why the Middle Corridor is a geopolitical game-changer"
"Why there is no Arab superstate"
"Yellow vest movement in France"