Youtube activity of "D VDV" (@dvdv8197) on "The Rational National" channel.
Commenter youtube id
Commenter name
Commenter name id
Comments by video
""Let's Go Brandon" Troll Plays Victim After Backlash"
""We'll Wreck THEIR Economy": UAW President Blasts Greedy Auto CEOs During CNN Appearance"
"'Lady Trump' Face-Plants With "Anti-Establishment" Campaign Ad"
"'TIME' Names Tax-Dodging Union-Buster 'Person of the Year'"
"'The View' Blasts Kim Kardashian's "Elitist" Advice"
"'The View’ Stunningly Sides With The Left In Battle Against Biden"
"'We Are Coming': March Against Joe Manchin Announced"
"1996 Court Documents Corroborate Tara Reade's Story"
"4-Day Work Week A 'Huge Success' In Iceland"
"8-Year-Old Unfazed By Her 2nd Shooting Goes Viral"
"A Hacker Forces Ohio To Change Unemployment Policy"
"A Stunning Atrocity Discovered In Canada"
"A System Designed To Oppress | w/ Jen Perelman"
"AOC Absolutely Clobbers Her Primary Opponent In Debate"
"AOC Blasts Former Dem Senator For Corporate Lobbying"
"AOC Blasts Kamala Harris Over Comments About Asylum-Seekers"
"AOC Breaks With The Squad On 'Iron Dome' Vote"
"AOC Calls For Investigation Into Robinhood After They Restrict GME u0026 Other Trades"
"AOC Calls On Tulsi Gabbard To Apologize To Ilhan Omar"
"AOC Endorses Jessica Cisneros Over Trump's Favorite Democrat"
"AOC Exposes 'Woke' Republican Hearing"
"AOC Hits Back After Kasich Claims She's Extremist"
"AOC Out-Raises Pelosi, And With No Private Fundraisers"
"AOC Rips Apart The "Joke" Rescue Bill"
"AOC Rips GOP Apart As Ilhan Omar Kicked Off Committee Assignment"
"AOC Says Pelosi u0026 Schumer Need To Go"
"AOC Says What Other Democrats Won’t Admit To"
"AOC Slams Biden's Terrible Stimulus Compromise"
"AOC Turns Into Twitch Sensation Overnight"
"AOC u0026 Fox News Slam Trump For Shutting Down Stimulus Talks"
"AOC u0026 Omar Call For Stephen Miller To Resign Following Jarring Investigation"
"AOC u0026 Others Slam Biden Over Dishonest Town Hall Answer"
"AOC u0026 Pelosi Face Heat For Two Very Different Responses On Israel-Gaza"
"AOC’s Facts Hurt Police Union’s Feelings"
"Activists Throw Soup On Van Gogh Painting"
"Adidas DROPS Kanye West In Move Worth Billions"
"Ady Barkan Nails President Biden Over A Promise He Made In July"
"Air Freshener Leads To Police Killing 20-Year-Old Black Man"
"Alberta Doubles Down On Stupid"
"Alex Jones Admits He's "Sick Of Trump" In Leaked Video"
"Alex Jones Roasts Doug Ford In Wild Rant"
"Amazon Exec Goes After Bernie u0026 Gets Pummelled"
"Amazon Finally Reveals How Many Workers Got COVID-19"
"Amazon Introduces Solitary Confinement For Employees"
"Amazon Union Results Are In, But It's Not Over"
"Amazon Warehouse Collapses On Workers In Tornado"
"American Media Fails Palestinian Journalist Shireen Abu Akleh"
"Amy McGrath Defeats Charles Booker In Kentucky"
"Ana Kasparian Joins Cuomo To Demolish Warren’s Attack On Bernie"
"Ana Kasparian Nails It In CNN Debate"
"Andrew Scheer's Bizarre Speech: 'Gay Marriage Is Like A Dog's Tail'"
"Andrew Yang Gets Ripped Apart Over Sociopathic Tweet"
"Andrew Yang Nails Why Dems Lose Working Class Voters"
"Andrew Yang Says His Supporters Could Back Bernie"
"Anti-Maskers Now Want Masks To Protect Against Vaccinated People"
"Anti-Union Elon Musk Gets Snubbed By Biden"
"Anti-Vax Father Of 2 Dies Of COVID After Calling Vaccine 'Political'"
"Anti-Vax Ladies Compete For The Title Of 'Most Crazy'"
"Anti-Vaxxers At Trump Rally Buck With Their Dear Leader"
"Anti-Vaxxers React After Being Hospitalized With COVID-19"
"Arkansas Targets Trans Youth With New Bill"
"Atlanta Police Do PR For Killer After Massacre"
"Auto Union u0026 Others Back 'Uncommitted' Call For Palestinian Speaker At DNC After Request Denied"
"BREAKING: Biden Rejects Big Pharma In STUNNING Announcement"
"BREAKING: Bill Cosby Released After Conviction Overturned"
"BREAKING: Governor Andrew Cuomo Resigns"
"BREAKING: Israel Finally Agrees To Cease-Fire"
"BREAKING: Neera Tanden Is Out!"
"BREAKING: New York Kicks Bernie Off Primary Ballot"
"BREAKING: Nina Turner Officially Announces Run For Congress"
"BREAKING: Sen. Dianne Feinstein Dies At Age 90"
"BREAKING: Trudeau To Call Snap Election"
"BREAKING: Trump Announces He's Leaving The Hospital Today"
"Baby Brained Joe Rogan u0026 Jordan Peterson Bloviate Over Climate u0026 Race"
"Beautiful New Bernie Sanders Ad Is A Must-Share"
"Bell Lays Off Hundreds After '#BellLetsTalk' Mental Health Awareness"
"Ben Shapiro Claims Nancy Pelosi Is Now A Radical Leftist"
"Ben Shapiro DESTROYS New CDC Mask Policy That.. Doesn't Even Exist"
"Bernie 2020 Touts Joe Rogan's Support"
"Bernie Announces Plan To Wipe Your Medical Debt Clean"
"Bernie Challenges Israel To Do Better Or Lose Aid"
"Bernie Condemns America's Major Moral Failure, While Chris Coons Defends It"
"Bernie Confirms He's Staying In. Here's Why."
"Bernie Confronts Neera Tanden Over Her Horrible Past"
"Bernie Confronts Walmart Executives At Annual Meeting"
"Bernie Defies Dem Leadership With Big Primary Endorsements"
"Bernie Encourages Biden Vote, Liberals Smear Him Anyway"
"Bernie Gets Angry, Joins Forces With UK Workers"
"Bernie Gets Uncomfortable As MSNBC Pressures Him From The Left"
"Bernie Hammers Moderna CEO Over Price Hike Of Government-Funded Vaccine"
"Bernie Hits 5 Million Donations, Smashing 2015 Fundraising Record"
"Bernie Is Going To War"
"Bernie Jokes About Billionaires Crying Over Taxes"
"Bernie Launches New Ad With Obama"
"Bernie Marches With 1500+ Iowans Against Corporate Greed"
"Bernie Praises Lula After Recent Ruling"
"Bernie Proven Right (Again) As SVB Collapses"
"Bernie Raises More In January Than Any Candidate Raised Over 3-Months"
"Bernie Reveals How The DNC Snubbed AOC"
"Bernie Reveals Recent Conversations With Obama"
"Bernie Rips Senate Over Attempts To Punish Poor People"
"Bernie Rips ‘Nauseating’ COVID Commercials"
"Bernie Sanders Breaks Record: Hits 1 Million Individual Donors"
"Bernie Sanders Condemns Biden's Illegal Aid To Israel"
"Bernie Sanders Continues To Expand His Lead Nationwide"
"Bernie Sanders Dominates Q4 Fundraising While Rejecting Big Donors"
"Bernie Sanders Draws MASSIVE Crowd To California Rally"
"Bernie Sanders Nails Starbucks CEO Howard Schultz With Vote To Subpoena"
"Bernie Sanders Now 1st In National Poll Post-Debate"
"Bernie Sanders Predicted The Election Night Result Weeks Ago"
"Bernie Sanders ROCKS Lindsey Graham In Fox News Debate"
"Bernie Sanders Responds To Cornel West"
"Bernie Sanders Roasts CBS News, While On CBS News"
"Bernie Sanders Scares Big Pharma CEO Into Reversing Planned Price Hike"
"Bernie Sanders Shreds ‘Chips Act' In Incredible Speech"
"Bernie Sanders Takes The Lead In TEXAS"
"Bernie Sanders Tops President Biden u0026 VP Harris In New Poll"
"Bernie Sanders Triggers Elon Musk With A Simple Tweet"
"Bernie Sanders Tweet Tanks Big Pharma Stock"
"Bernie Sanders Wins BIG In Nevada"
"Bernie Sends ABC Scrambling Over Money And Manchin"
"Bernie Strong-Arms McConnell To Force A Vote On $2000 Payments"
"Bernie Teases His Plan To Push Biden As President"
"Bernie Tops Michigan While Pelosi Claims His Ideas Can't Win There"
"Bernie Tops New Poll; Gen-Z Clobbers Kellogg's; u0026 More | Weekly Wrap-Up"
"Bernie Turns Out 17,000+ People In Washington State Event"
"Bernie Unmasks The ‘Inflation Reduction Act’ For What It Is"
"Bernie Votes 'NO' On Biden Nominee"
"Bernie Warns Joe Biden And Democrats Actually Agree"
"Bernie Wins Iowa, But Tom Perez Calls For 'Re-canvass'"
"Bernie Wins New Hampshire. Biden u0026 Warren Collapse"
"Bernie u0026 AOC Rally With Amazon Workers Before Big Vote"
"Bernie u0026 Ilhan Draw Huge Crowd In Minnesota"
"Bernie's Perfect Retort To Trump's "Socialist" Attack Line"
"Bernie-Backed Maxwell Frost Makes History And Brings Hope"
"Bernie’s Aides Are Fuming Over Biden’s ’Socialist’ Comments"
"Beto Unloads On "Poll-Tested" Pete Buttigieg"
"Beto’s Ego Makes 2020 Campaign Announcement"
"Biden Admin Gives Palestinians The Middle Finger During Ilhan Omar Questioning"
"Biden Admin Reverses Position On Free COVID Tests"
"Biden Advisor Pushes DNC To Reject Climate Debate"
"Biden Attacks ‘Trump 2024’ With Stunning Ad"
"Biden Calls Voter ‘Fat’ u0026 'Too Old' During Tense Exchange"
"Biden Cancels A Chunk Of Student Debt"
"Biden Comes Out Against 'Defund The Police'"
"Biden Falls Flat When Asked About Daunte Wright"
"Biden Finally Knocks Joe Manchin u0026 Kyrsten Sinema.. But As Kindly As Possible"
"Biden Freezes Saudi Arms Sales, Spotlighting Major Trudeau Failure"
"Biden Grows His Lead In Key Swing States"
"Biden Has Shameful Health Care Talk With Ady Barkan"
"Biden Just Did What No One Thought He Would Do"
"Biden Lashes Out At His Own Voters Over Reproductive Rights"
"Biden Loses Ground To Trump In Key Swing States"
"Biden Makes Absurd Claim About “Progressives” In Administration"
"Biden Makes Announcement Following Student Debt Decision By Supreme Court"
"Biden Makes History With UAW While Trump Applies Clown Makeup"
"Biden Now Leads Trump With ALL Age Groups"
"Biden Reopens Facility For Migrant Kids"
"Biden Shows Alarming Drop In Support"
"Biden Sides With Science Over Trudeau, Rejects Keystone XL"
"Biden Silent As Amazon Busts Union Effort"
"Biden Surprises At Midterm Rally"
"Biden Takes Action On Student Loan Payments"
"Biden Taps Neera Tanden In Slap To Bernie-Wing u0026 Working Class"
"Biden Whispers His Way Through Press Conference"
"Biden White House Fires Legal Pot Users"
"Biden White House Reacts To Marianne Williamson Primary Challenge"
"Biden Wins: Breaking Down The Disappointing Results In AZ, IL, u0026 FL"
"Biden u0026 Hillary Host Most Expensive Zoom Meeting Ever"
"Biden's Support PLUMMETS"
"Biden's Surprising Reaction To Sinema's Bathroom Incident"
"Biden’s New Ad Is Laughably Awful And Self-Defeating"
"Biden’s Relief Bill May Surprise You"
"Biden’s Single-Payer Retort Is A Garbled Mess"
"Biden’s Weak Youth Outreach Strategy Gets Worse"
"Bill de Blasio Unloads On Andrew Cuomo Over Recent Reports"
"Bisexual Superman Sets Off Conservatives"
"Bizarre Grimes Video Gets Shut Down By Anthony Fantano"
"Black Lives Matter Activist Slams Trudeau Over His Empty Rhetoric"
"Bolivia Elects Socialist Govt 1yr After Rightwing Coup"
"Bolsonaro Tries To Pull A Trump In Brazil"
"Borat Catches Rudy Giuliani In Very Compromising Position"
"Brad Parscale Feels “Hurt” By Trump, But Still Loves Him"
"Breakdown: Billionaire Traders LOSE BIG After Reddit Community Screws Them With GameStop"
"Breakdown: Corbyn's Labour Suffer Huge Election Loss Over Brexit"
"Breakdown: House Censures Rashida Tlaib, The Only Palestinian Member Of Congress"
"Breaking: Democrats Begin 2nd Impeachment Of Donald Trump"
"Brilliant New Ads Put Republicans In Your Bedroom"
"Brilliant Video Mashes Up Fox News' BLM Coverage With Jan. 6th Footage"
"British Media Even Worse Than American In 1 Category | Leftist Mafia"
"Brittney Griner FREED From Russia"
"Buffalo Mayor Goes Bonkers After Losing To Democratic Socialist India Walton"
"Burger King Sign Goes Viral After Employees Quit Over Harsh Conditions"
"Buttigieg Dishonestly Defends Mass Layoffs In Michigan He Likely Had A Hand In"
"CDC Caves To Capitalists' Demands"
"CNBC's Jim Cramer Says Divestment Has Destroyed Fossil Fuels"
"CNN 'Gotchas' Bernie For Trying To Feed Children"
"CNN Airs Slanderous Report On Rashida Tlaib"
"CNN Caught Fabricating Quote To Smear Rashida Tlaib u0026 Criticize Gov. Whitmer"
"CNN Compares Bernie Sanders To The Coronavirus"
"CNN Crowd Erupts After Warren’s Funny One-Liner"
"CNN Fires Don Lemon After Committing An Act Of Journalism"
"CNN Gives Kamala Harris Hope"
"CNN Goes Insane Over Bernie's Fight For Stimulus Checks"
"CNN Host Demolishes Trump Official For 7 Straight Minutes"
"CNN Host Loses It After Bernie Calls Media Out"
"CNN Interviews Trumpers Living In Their Own World"
"CNN Officially Fires Chris Cuomo Following Short Suspension And New Detail"
"CNN Panel Sides With Bernie Over Gutted Budget Bill"
"CNN Panelist Absolutely Wrecks Conservative On Israel"
"CNN Pushes Cori Bush From The Left"
"CNN Rushes David Sirota Off After He Criticizes CNN's Coverage"
"CNN's Jake Tapper Shocked To Learn That Republicans Are Huge Liars"
"CNN's Jim Acosta Grills Andrew Yang Over The One Question Everyone Has"
"CNN’s Jake Tapper Hammers Pete Buttigieg For Trampling Rail Workers"
"CNN’s Jake Tapper Smears Rashida Tlaib With Baseless Attack"
"CPAC 2021 Opens With Stupidity Extravaganza"
"Cable News Gets Real About Bernie's Rise In Polls"
"Caitlyn Jenner Gives Wildly Out-Of-Touch Interview With Fox News"
"Can A 'People's Gauntlet' Consolidate The Left? | w/ CaseStudyQB"
"Canada Embarrasses On World Stage Following ICJ Ruling On Israel"
"Canada To Give $2,000 A Month To Everyone Impacted"
"Canada's Stance On Israel 'Evolves'"
"Canadian Conservative Party DELETES Weird Video (And I Have It)"
"Canadian Lawmakers React To Israeli Strikes"
"Canadian Parliament Gives Standing Ovation To.. Who!?"
"Canadian Politely Destroys Conservative Leader Pierre Poilievre"
"Canadian Premiers Want To ‘Go To War’ With U.S. Over Pipeline"
"Canadians Freak Out After CNN Tells Us We Suck"
"Canadians Want A Wealth Tax And Favour The One Leader Offering It"
"Candace Owens Accidentally Admits She's A Fraud"
"Cardi B Tries To Get Through To Joe Biden"
"Cardi B's New Song Makes Ben Shapiro Uncomfortable"
"Caught On Tape: Trump Is Scared Of Bernie Sanders"
"Caught On-Cam: Residents Mistake Gender Reveal For Earthquake"
"Cenk Uygur Joins David To Discuss CA-25, Media, And The Primaries"
"Cenk Uygur Unleashes Fury In Piers Morgan Appearance On Israel-Gaza"
"Charges Laid In Breonna Taylor Case Offer No Justice"
"Charlie Kirk Gets Fooled By A Dolphin Fetus"
"Chile Votes To End Capitalist Rule, Rewrite Constitution"
"Chris Christie’s New Book FLOPS Despite Nonstop Media Coverage"
"Chris Cuomo Reacts To His Brother's Scandals After Praising Him For A Year"
"Chris Hayes Dunks On Ben Shapiro"
"Chris Matthews Shares Comically Wrong Analysis Of Bernie Sanders"
"Christmas Tree Fire Melts Fox News Brains"
"Clever u0026 Powerful Grad Speech Highlights LGBTQ Fight"
"Comedian Clowns Piers Morgan, Catches Him Lying During Israel-Gaza Debate On His Show"
"Comedian Inadvertently Pranks AMC Stockholders With ‘Nanobot Soda’"
"Comparing Biden's Address To Jamaal Bowman's Response"
"Congress Reaches Embarrassing COVID Relief Deal"
"Conservative Leader Shares Laughable 'Pro-Worker' Message"
"Conservative Pat Robertson Criticizes Police Over Recent Events"
"Conservatives Lose Their Minds Over Dr. Seuss"
"Conservatives Reject Their Own Leader's Climate Position"
"Conservatives Run To The Left To Defeat Liberals In Nova Scotia"
"Cop Fired After Sharing Support For Black Lives Matter"
"Cop Shoots Black Man In The Back Seven Times"
"Cop Slams Handcuffed Woman's Head Into The Ground"
"Cop Steps On Woman's Head During Wellness Check"
"Cops Break-In, Kill Elderly Man During Wellness Check"
"Cops Caught Laughing Over Hurting Elderly Woman With Dementia"
"Cops Handcuff Black Man For Being In His Own Home"
"Cops Pepper Spray Amputee, Steal His Legs"
"Cops Shoot Autistic Boy During Mental Health Call"
"Cori Bush Defeats Lacy Clay In SHOCKING Victory"
"Cori Bush Shows She’s Prepared To Fight"
"Cori Bush u0026 Jamaal Bowman Tear CNN Host Apart Over Ridiculous Questions"
"Cori Bush u0026 Ro Khanna Trash Kyrsten Sinema On CNN"
"Cornel West Explains Protests By Ripping The Mask Off America"
"Cornel West Moves Don Lemon To Tears"
"Cornel West On Biden's First 100 Days: "He Surprised Me""
"Cornel West On How Buttigieg Is NOT Like His Famous Father"
"Cornel West Reacts To Biden/Harris Ticket, Doesn’t Hold Back"
"Cornel West Responds To Criticism Over People's Party | Leftist Mafia"
"Corporate Media Scrubs Big Oil's Image"
"Corporate Media Shows Its Whole *** In Question To Biden Administration"
"Crazy Televangelist Proclaims Christians Immune"
"DAMN! It's HOT In Here (Planet Earth)"
"DSA Membership Is BOOMING Since Pandemic"
"Daily Wire’s Own Gen-Z ‘Streamer’ Is Just Baffling | Leftist Mafia"
"Daunte Wright’s Aunt Shares Powerful Emotional Plea"
"Dave Rubin Blames Wildfires On ‘Woke' Culture"
"Dave Rubin Outdumbs Himself. Just.. Wow."
"Dave Rubin's 'Personal Responsibility' Schtick Gets Nuttier"
"Debate Swirls After Brett Kavanaugh Faces Protests At His House"
"December Debate Breakdown: Nobody Likes Pete"
"Dem Convention Obsesses Over Fluff"
"Democrat Calls To Pardon Trump Voter Caught Voting Twice"
"Democrat Joe Manchin Picks Trump Over Bernie"
"Democratic Congressman Scolds Morning Joe For Pushing Propaganda"
"Democratic Convention Speakers Revealed, And It's As Bad As You Expect"
"Democratic Leaders Block AOC From Key Committee Spot"
"Democratic Leadership Basically Admit They Fear AOC-Wing"
"Democrats Actually Begin To Show Fight"
"Democrats Call Out Obama Over ‘Defund The Police’"
"Democrats Can't Take The Hint"
"Democrats Introduce Embarrassing Minimum Wage Bill"
"Democrats Kill 'Build Back Better' Bill"
"Democrats Shut Down Jim Clyburn's Attempt To Destroy Everything"
"Detroit Cop Shoots Dog In Its Own Yard"
"Did The White House Pressure Robinhood To Halt Trading?"
"Doctor Slams Bari Weiss' Tantrum On Bill Maher Show"
"Donna Shalala Becomes Donna She-lie-la"
"Double-Amputee Shot u0026 Killed By Police As He Tries To Hobble Away"
"Doug Ford Takes His Own Paid Sick Days While Opposing Them For Essential Workers"
"Doug Ford Tells Huge Lie In Rejection Of Paid Sick Days"
"Doug Ford's "Shutdown" Turned Into A Joke Just 1 Day In"
"Doug Ford's Conservatives Caught Using Disgusting Fundraising Scheme"
"Dr. Oz Cries To Fox News As Fetterman Manhandles Him"
"Dumb Applebee's Ad Disrupts CNN's Ukraine Coverage"
"EXPOSED: How Capitalists Destroyed Our Pandemic Response | w/ Walker Bragman u0026 Alex Kotch"
"Ed Markey Drops Awesome New Campaign Ad"
"Eight Democratic Millionaires Join GOP To Sink $15 Min. Wage"
"Elderly Man Knocked Out By Buffalo Cops"
"Elizabeth Warren Smears Bernie Sanders With Debunked Story"
"Elon Musk Botches Ron DeSantis' Presidential Announcement"
"Elon Musk Gets Booed By Stadium Of Dave Chappelle Fans At Standup Show"
"Elon Musk Launches Hostile Takeover Of Twitter"
"Elon Musk Reveals His New Party Affiliation"
"Entitled Joe Manchin Complains About 'Entitlement Mentality'"
"Eric Swalwell Spills The Beans On How Fake Lawmakers Are"
"Ex-Cop Explains Why 'Good Apples' Are Rare"
"Ex-Cop Offends Tucker Carlson With Basic Facts"
"Ex-Green MP Backtracks On Israel Almost Immediately After Joining The Liberals"
"Explained: Supreme Court Strikes Down (Race-Based) Affirmative Action"
"Exposing Nancy Pelosi's AWFUL Record On Abortion Rights"
"FBI Foils Plot Against Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer"
"FTC Pulls BRILLIANT Move To Increase Your Paycheck"
"Fact Check: Did Joe Biden Fall Asleep??"
"Failed Obama Staffer Jim Messina Claims Bernie Is "Worst" Candidate"
"Fantastic Democrat-Led Bill Targets Pelosi u0026 Her Husband"
"Fauci EXPOSES Rand Paul’s Grift During Hearing"
"Fetterman Drops New Ad While Oz Gets Weird With Veggies"
"Fetterman Hits Back, Raises Big, u0026 Releases New Attack Ad"
"Floating Petri Dish Bookings Spike"
"Football Legend u0026 Socialist: Diego Maradona Dies At 60"
"Fox News Guest Recommends Starving Workers Like Dogs"
"Fox News Host Takes Shots At Tucker Carlson"
"Fox News LOSES IT After Biden Finally Grows A Pair"
"Fox News Manufactures New Hilarious Kamala Harris Scandal"
"Fox News Seethes Over Trump Ranking As Worst President In History"
"Fox News Sent Scrambling After Capitol Footage Exposes Rep. Loudermilk"
"Fox News Silent As Major Host Gets COVID-19"
"Fox News Turns On Trump Following Midterm Stunner"
"Fox News Turns On Vivek Ramaswamy While An Old Clip Of Him Resurfaces"
"Fox News u0026 Dr. Oz Freak Out Over Surging Candidate Kathy Barnette"
"Fox News u0026 MSNBC Join Forces To Spread ABSURD Lie"
"Fox Pundit 'Evolves' Following A Personal Experience"
"Fox u0026 CNBC Scramble As Bernie Tells Buttigieg To Punish Airlines u0026 Refund Tickets"
"Future Joe Rogan Guest!?"
"GM CEO Flails In Response To CNN Question Over Her Pay vs. Workers"
"GOP Confirm Supreme Court Pick In Face Of Majority Opposition"
"GOP Freaks OUT As Biden Gets Closer To Cancelling Student Debt"
"GOP Release First AI-Made Ad To Attack Biden’s Re-Election Announcement"
"GOP Senator Gets Nostalgic Over 'Homegrown' Meth"
"GOP Senator Refuses To Condemn Right-Wing Killer"
"GOP Staffer Punished For Exposing Twisted Health Care System"
"Gamers Unionize!; Dr. Oz Pissed; u0026 More | Weekly Wrap-Up"
"Gay Conversion Therapy BANNED By Unanimous Vote In Canada"
"George Bush Makes Biggest Slip-Up Of His Entire Life"
"George Santos Past As A Drag Queen u0026 Thief Uncovered"
"Geraldo Defends Palestinians And Schools Fox News On The Crisis"
"Geraldo Explodes On Unvaccinated People During Fox News Panel"
"Gilead Defends Plan To Overcharge For COVID-19 Treatment"
"Girl Gets Sent To Jail For Not Doing Her Homework"
"God Caught LYING To Rightwing Pastor With Midterm Premonition"
"Green Leader Endorses The Liberal Party?"
"Green Party MP Defects To Trudeau's Liberal Party"
"Greta Thunberg Calls-Out Trudeau For Being Two-Faced On Climate"
"Grocery Workers Strike, And The News Coverage Is Surprising"
"Guest Calls-Out BBC On-Air Over Anti-Corbyn Bias"
"HUGE Win As Honduras Elects Democratic Socialist u0026 First Female President"
"Halifax Scraps Purchase Of $368k Police Toy"
"Hasan u0026 Vaush BANNED For Saying ‘CRACKER’ On Twitch"
"Heartbreaking CNN Segment Highlights Eviction Crisis"
"Help Jessica Cisneros Replace 'Trump's Favorite Democrat' In Texas"
"Herman Cain Dies Of COVID-19 A Month After Trump Rally"
"Herschel Walker Face-Plants On Basic Fox News Question"
"Hillary Claims "Nobody" Likes Bernie, The Most Popular Candidate"
"Hillary Clinton Accidentally Helped Jamaal Bowman Defeat Her Friend"
"Hillary Clinton Accidentally Helps Nina Turner After Endorsing Her Top Rival"
"Hillary Clinton Descends From Her Cloud To Bestow Wisdom Upon Us Peasants"
"Hillary Clinton Endorses Nina Turner's Top Rival.. And That's Great News"
"Historic Loser: Trump Impeached For A 2nd Time"
"Historic: NDP u0026 First Nations Leader Wab Kinew Defeat Hate In Manitoba"
"House Democrats Introduce Medicare-For-All Act"
"Houston Volunteer Group Fined Thousands For Feeding The Homeless"
"Howard Stern Versus Joe Rogan On Vaccines"
"Hugh Hewitt Angrily QUITS Washington Post Live On-Air"
"IDF Commits Hostage Accident, Further Exposing Israel's Project"
"Ilhan Omar Easily Wins Primary Despite Media Hoopla"
"Interview With Dr. Cornel West | Decades of activism, Green Party run, and staying motivated"
"Iran Issues Arrest Warrant For Trump"
"Is A Green Party Future Capitalist Or Socialist? | w/ Dimitri Lascaris"
"Is This Biden's Supreme Court Pick?"
"Israel Admits To Slaying U.S. Citizen"
"Israel Commits Mass Atrocity During Super Bowl"
"Israel Destroys AP u0026 Al Jazeera Building In Gaza"
"Israel Spokesman Stuns CNN’s Wolf Blitzer With Brutal Admission"
"Israel u0026 Biden Hammered In Fiery Speeches From Democratic Congresswomen"
"Israel-Gaza: Some People Have Lost Their Minds"
"Israeli Forces Attack Palestinians Hours After Cease-Fire"
"Israeli Forces Caught On-Camera Arresting Kids For Vegetable Picking"
"It Took A National Outcry To Arrest Amaud Arbery's Killers"
"JD Vance Admits It"
"Jagmeet Singh Gets Booted For Calling Out Racism"
"Jagmeet Singh Pulls Trudeau To A Better Position"
"Jake Paul Calls Out UFC’s Workers’ Rights Problem"
"Jamaal Bowman u0026 Cori Bush Stun CNN Host By Putting People Over Pelosi"
"Jamaal Bowman’s CNN Feed Drops While He Rips Rahm Emanuel Apart"
"James Carville SLAMS Mainstream Media In Rare Moment Of Clarity"
"James Comey Gives Biden The Worst Advice Imaginable"
"January Debate Breakdown: Last Time That I Checked"
"Jared Kushner Calls 170,000 Deaths A 'Success'"
"Jason Johnson Blames Bernie For USPS Cuts, Gets Dismantled By Warren Gunnels"
"Jason Johnson Stuns Morning Joe With Good Politics"
"Jayapal Crushes Bill Barr, But His Election Remarks Are Worrisome"
"Jeff Bezos Accidentally Admits He Exploited Amazon Workers To Visit Space"
"Jeff Bezos Steps Down After Amazon Caught Stealing Tips"
"Jeffrey Sachs Schools BBC On Their Own Propaganda"
"Jen Psaki Mocks The Idea Of Free COVID Tests, Available In The UK"
"Jen Psaki Pulls A Sarah Huckabee Sanders"
"Jesse Ventura Praises Tim Walz, Endorses Kamala Harris, And Slams Trump u0026 JD Vance"
"Jim Clyburn Calls Out Joe Manchin's Crap"
"Jim Clyburn: 'Your Paychecks Can Wait'"
"Joe Arpaio Confused As Crowd Applauds His Racism"
"Joe Biden Actually Releases A Good Ad"
"Joe Biden Caught On-Tape Yelling At Civil Rights Leaders"
"Joe Biden Makes Facepalming Return To Live Video"
"Joe Biden Says The Dumbest Thing He's Ever Said"
"Joe Biden Stays Afloat With BIG South Carolina Win"
"Joe Biden To Cancel Student Debt?"
"Joe Biden Wins While Networks Drag Their Feet"
"Joe Kennedy Cries About 'Mean Tweets' In Debate With Ed Markey"
"Joe Manchin Begins Caving To Pressure"
"Joe Manchin Spreads Mainstream Lie On CNN"
"Joe Rogan Appears To Reveal Why Dave Rubin Is No Longer Invited"
"Joe Rogan Fact Checks Ben Shapiro"
"Joe Rogan Gets COVID, Takes Horse Medicine"
"Joe Rogan Slams ‘Communist’ Canada u0026 ‘Dictator’ Trudeau"
"Joe Rogan Spreads Vaccine Misinformation To Millions"
"John Deere Causes Disaster In Attempt To Replace Union Workers"
"John Deere Scrambles As Workers Go On MASSIVE Strike"
"John Fetterman Comes Out As A Massive Liar"
"John Fetterman Embraces MAGA Cult Thinking | TLM Clip"
"John Fetterman Launches Senate Run With Fantastic Ad"
"John Fetterman Releases First Ads, Takes Shot At Dr. Oz"
"John Fetterman, With HUGE Lead, Suffers Health Scare In Final Days Of Race"
"Jon Stewart Calls On Democratic Party To Challenge Biden"
"Jon Stewart Clowns MAGA Following Backlash To His Trump Take-Down"
"Jon Stewart Defends Joe Rogan, Blasts Algorithms"
"Jon Stewart Melts Brains Following His Return To The Daily Show"
"Jon Stewart Reacts To Trump’s Win (u0026 My Message)"
"Jon Stewart To Return As 'The Daily Show' Host"
"Justice Dem Alex Morse’s Awesome New Ad u0026 Richard Neal’s Crazy New Lie"
"Justice Democrat Accused Of Dating Men His Own Age"
"Justice Democrats Implement Huge Change"
"Justice Dems Release First Pro-Biden Ad"
"Kamala + Bernie 2024?! Just Imagine"
"Kamala Harris Makes Major Announcement On ‘The View’"
"Kamala Harris Makes STUNNING Gains In New Swing State Poll Against Trump"
"Kamala Harris Votes With GOP Against Bernie Amendment"
"Kanye Reveals Trump Screamed At Him During Recent Dinner"
"Kanye West Launches Fake Run For President"
"Kanye West Somehow Stuns Alex Jones With Vile Hate"
"Kara Eastman Defeats Conservative Democrat To Win Primary"
"Kari Lake LOSES, Fox News u0026 Trump react"
"Katie Porter Exposes Big Pharma CEO's Greedy Lies To His Face"
"Katie Porter Exposes Defense Contractor To His Face"
"Kayleigh McEnany Tests Positive, Adds To Growing White House List"
"Kenosha Police Caught On-Cam Working With White Militia u0026 Teen Shooter At Protest"
"Kevin McCarthy Makes Devastating Deal To Flip GOP Holdouts"
"Krystal Ball Dominates CNN Appearance With Facts As Sanders Takes National Lead"
"Krystal Ball Gets 'CANCELED' By Woke Twitter"
"Kyrsten Sinema BLATANTLY Lies To CNN. Plays Reporter Like A Fiddle"
"Kyrsten Sinema Joyfully Rejects $15 Min Wage. Brings Cake For The Occasion"
"Kyrsten Sinema's Support Plummets After $15/h Downvote"
"LAPD Caught Mocking George Floyd In Valentine's Day Image"
"Labour Party Loses Badly After Replacing Corbyn With Starmer"
"Labour Party Suspends Jeremy Corbyn Over Nothing"
"Lady Freaks Out In Dental Office Over Mask u0026 Temperature Check"
"LeBron James Rips Fox News Hypocrisy"
"Leaked: Ron DeSantis To Surrender To Trump?"
"Legend Mike Gravel Passes Away At 91"
"Lettuce Wins As Liz Truss Resigns"
"Liberals u0026 Tories Join Forces To Protect Ultra Wealthy | Pt.1 w/ Christo Aivalis"
"Libertarian Exposes His Deranged Ideology In Debate With Sam Seder"
"Libertarian Party Shows Their Whole *** In Tweet To Nina Turner | Leftist Mafia"
"Louie Gohmert Hilariously Blames His Mask For COVID-19 Result"
"Lush Caught Engaging In "Ethical" Union-Busting | w/ Chris Flynn"
"MSNBC Blatantly Ignores Bernie's Presence At Iowa Steak Fry"
"MSNBC Cancels Mehdi Hasan’s Show"
"MSNBC Fabricates Story To Attack Bernie's Health"
"MSNBC Finally Gives Bernie Some Credit"
"MSNBC Guest Blames Bernie For Biden's Latino Problem"
"MSNBC Guest Defends *You Know Who* To Attack Putin"
"MSNBC Guest Loses It Over Reddit Outsmarting Wall Street"
"MSNBC Host Calls-Out Media Bias Over War"
"MSNBC Host Goes ‘Rich Lives Matter’"
"MSNBC Labels Neera Tanden A Progressive Champion"
"MSNBC Pundit Calls Employees "Soft" After Inheriting Daddy's Company"
"MSNBC Pundit Launches Personal Attack On Bernie Supporters"
"MSNBC Pundit Makes The WORST Argument For Joe Biden"
"MSNBC Pundit's Laughable Bernie Prediction Exposed"
"MSNBC Wakes Up. Admits Bernie Is Popular And Can Win"
"MSNBC u0026 CNN Turn Against 'Corporate Democrats' While Daily Beast Posts ABSURD Sinema Fluff Piece"
"MSNBC's Kasie Hunt Rejects That 'Progressives' Are Winning"
"MSNBC's Mehdi Hasan Grills Joe Lieberman Over 'Centrism'"
"Major Highway Washes Away In B.C. Due To Climate Change"
"Major Human Rights Group Exposes Israel's Crimes Against Humanity"
"Man Claims COVID-19 Shrunk His Penis"
"Man Confronts Tucker Over His Lies"
"Marianne Williamson Officially Announces 2024 Presidential Run - My Thoughts"
"Marjorie Greene Embarrasses Herself With A Meme"
"Marjorie Greene Humiliates Herself During First Big Committee Hearing | TLM"
"Marjorie Taylor Greene DEFENDS Kamala Harris Against Someone Even More Insane"
"Marjorie Taylor Greene Gets Chased Out Of Her Own Press Conference"
"Matt Gaetz Throws Tucker Carlson Under The Bus In Wild Interview"
"Media Freaks Out Over "Nails On A Chalkboard""
"Media Tries To Blame The Left For Another Corporate Democrat Loss"
"Meghan McCain Accidentally Makes A Point During Dumb Rant"
"Meghan McCain Gets A Very Basic Fact Wrong"
"Meghan McCain Gives Wildly Stupid Defense Of Joe Manchin"
"Mehdi Hasan Grills Fauci Over His Infamous 'Flip-Flop'"
"Mehdi Hasan Twists Biden Advisor Into Knots Over Medicare-For-All"
"Miami Police Openly Violate First Amendment"
"Michael Bloomberg's Appalling Record Makes Him A Terrible Candidate"
"Michael Moore Warns That Trump Is Set To Win Again"
"Michele Bachmann Asks God To Overturn The Election"
"Microsoft To Buy Activision-Blizzard! What This Means"
"Mitch McConnell Appears To Be Decomposing Before Our Eyes"
"Mitch McConnell Freezes Up AGAIN During A Press Conference"
"More Data Shows Kyrsten Sinema Should Be VERY Worried"
"Morning Joe Has Rare Moment Of Bernie Clarity"
"Morning Joe Hypocritically Blasts Teachers"
"Morning Joe LOSES IT, Mutates Into Bernie Sanders"
"Morning Joe Panel Defends Bernie With Shocking Clarity"
"Muslim Family Targeted In Attack u0026 A CBC Host Speaks Out"
"Mustache Fetterman Breaks Rightwing Brains"
"My 2020 General Election Prediction | Biden vs. Trump"
"My 2024 Election PREDICTION"
"NBC Goes Mad For Liz Cheney Following Huge Loss"
"NBC's Chuck Todd Voices Outrageous Claim About 'Biden's Mandate'"
"NDP Attacks Their Own MP And Smears Jeremy Corbyn"
"NRA Bragged About AR-15 Ruling Week Before Boulder Massacre With AR-15"
"NY Times Publishes Blatant Lie To Smear Cenk Uygur"
"NY Times Slams Joe Biden For Getting Too Much Done"
"NYPD Arrest 29 Grandparents Over Climate Protest"
"NYPD Union Targets Bill de Blasio's Family"
"Nancy Pelosi Lies u0026 Uses Republican Rhetoric To Slam Student Debt Forgiveness"
"Nancy Pelosi Makes Huge u0026 Terrible Announcement"
"Naomi Klein Discusses How Trump Might Exploit COVID Diagnosis"
"Naomi Klein On Why She Supports Bernie For President"
"Nate Silver Smears Bernie’s Diverse Base As ‘Residue'"
"Netanyahu Spits In Biden's Face With Latest Comments"
"Nevada Debate Breakdown: Bloomberg Gets Obliterated"
"Nevada Democrats Rage Quit After Socialists Win Every Seat"
"New AMAZING Bernie Video Highlights His 40-Year Fight"
"New Bernie Ad Shows You Why He's The Real Deal"
"New Democratic Star Rises Out Of Nowhere"
"New Documentary Captures Israelis Taking Boat Tour Of Demolished Gaza"
"New Group Wants You To ’Settle For Biden’"
"New Justice Democrat Announces Run With Fantastic Ad"
"New Nina Turner Ad Brings The Fire"
"New Paperwork Hints At 2022 Run For Nina Turner"
"New Poll Feeds Fox News A False Narrative About Kamala Harris"
"New Poll Shows Nina Turner DOMINATING"
"New Polls On The Shifting Attitude Towards Unions"
"New Polls Show Kyrsten Sinema Is Screwed"
"New Progressive Ad Slams 9 Conservative Democrats As They Begin Caving"
"New Zealand Journalist Rips Politician To Shreds In One Of The Best Interviews Ever"
"News Hosts' INSANE Reaction To Trump Admitting He'll Fix The Vote In 4 Years"
"Newsmax Kicks Live Guest Off Show For Exposing Them"
"Newsmax Praises Trump For SAVING Christmas!"
"Nina Turner Answers The Big ‘2024’ Question"
"Nina Turner Backs Karen Bass For VP"
"Nina Turner Delivers Powerful Speech To Amazon Workers"
"Nina Turner Educates CNN On The Dragons That Need Slaying"
"Nina Turner Embarrasses Jason Johnson For Defending Bloomberg"
"Nina Turner For Congress?!"
"Nina Turner Loses To Republican-Backed Democrat Shontel Brown"
"Nina Turner Makes MASSIVE Announcement In Concession Speech"
"Nina Turner Picks Up HUGE Endorsements u0026 Dominates Fundraising"
"Nina Turner's Opponent Shontel Brown Caught FAKING Endorsements As Corporations Try To Buy Ohio-11"
"Nina Turner’s New Ad Exposes Shontel Brown's Republican Backing"
"Nomiki Nails Fox News On Their Dishonest Agenda"
"Obama Clowns Herschel Walker During Campaign Event For Warnock"
"Obama Suffers Amnesia During Climate Speech In Glasgow"
"Oblivious Meghan McCain Smacks Viewers With Her Privilege"
"Oprah Picks A Side In Oz vs. Fetterman Senate Race"
"Oprah’s Doctors Prescribe Lunacy To Fox Viewers"
"Our Live Reaction To The Trump Mugshot | Leftist Mafia"
"Outraised 250-1, Progressive Defeats Establishment Democrat"
"Oz Scrambles As GOP Leader Blames 'Candidate Quality' For Poor Poll Results"
"PBD Confronts Ron DeSantis Over His High Heels"
"PBS Snubs Bernie Sanders Completely In 2020 Overview"
"Palestinians Excluded From Israel's Vaccine Rollout"
"Pat Robertson Gone At 93, Leaves A Legacy Of Hatred | Leftist Mafia"
"Pelosi Backs Trump Democrat; 'Freedom Convoy' Accomplishes Something; u0026 More | The Wrap-Up"
"Pelosi Bizarrely Glitches While AOC Leads: RBG Aftermath"
"Pelosi's Endorsement Of Joe Kennedy Backfires, Helps Ed Markey"
"People Cling To Departing U.S. Plane As Taliban Take Afghanistan"
"People Freak Out After AOC ’Nominates’ Bernie For President"
"People’s Party Convention Speakers Bring Hope In A Dark Time"
"Pete Buttigieg Gives Laughable Speech After Failing His Way Into Biden's Cabinet"
"Philly Police Kill Black Man Having Mental Health Episode"
"Photo Exposes Ted Cruz During Hearing For Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson"
"Piers Morgan Storms Off Set After Weatherman Exposes Him"
"Police Bring 23 Cruisers To Evict Single Dad"
"Police Caught Berating A 5-Year-Old Boy"
"Police Caught Slashing Tires Of Press, Medics, u0026 Civilians"
"Police SUV Plows Into Activists In Detroit"
"Police Shoot And Kill Baby Boy During Standoff"
"PolitiFact Credits Trump With Something He Didn't Do"
"Poll Update: Biden Leads Big With Just Days Left"
"Poll Update: Biden Now Leads In States No One Expected"
"Poll: Biden's Massive Drop To 3rd Place. Bernie Shares Top Spot"
"Poll: Voters Want Bernie As Biden's VP"
"Polls: Biden's Numbers Jump Post-Debate"
"Polls: Student Debt Relief Impacts Joe Biden’s Numbers"
"Portugal's Socialist Party Passes AMAZING Pro-Worker Reforms"
"Pramila Jayapal Backs Sanders Over Warren + More Big Endorsements Of The Week"
"Preacher Claims Alien Reptile Almost Seduced Her"
"President Biden Answers The '2024' Question"
"President Biden Breaks Major Campaign Promise"
"President Biden Just Proved Me Wrong"
"Presidential Debates: Dates u0026 Moderators Announced"
"Prince William Blasts Billionaires; u0026 More | Weekly Wrap-Up"
"Pro-Choice Activist Destroys Democratic Leadership In Just 30 Seconds"
"Progressive Democrats Flex Their Power With Key Win Ahead Of $3.5T Fight"
"Progressive Outrage Successfully Pushes Biden Left On An Issue"
"Progressives Cave To Joe Manchin's Games"
"Progressives Net HUGE Win Against Conservative Democrats As Pelosi Delays Vote"
"Putin Compares Himself To Harry Potter Author"
"Putin Raises Nuclear Threat"
"Rand Paul Pushes False COVID-19 Claim"
"Rand Paul u0026 GOP Try To Stop Trump Trial With Crazy Claims And Double Standards"
"Rashida Tlaib Physically Confronts Biden Over Israel"
"Rashida Tlaib Refuses To Endorse Joe Biden"
"Rashida Tlaib Wins BIG Over Detroit City Council President"
"Reaction: Joe Biden’s DNC Speech Surprised Me"
"Religious Father Gets Personal On Trans Rights"
"Report Claims Biden 'Snubbed' Meghan McCain"
"Report Proves Amazon Pressured USPS To Help Manipulate Union Effort"
"Report: I'm Beating CNN+ In Daily Viewers"
"Report: Kamala Harris Has Picked Her VP, Announcement Expected Tuesday"
"Reporter Blames Snowstorm On 'Black Lives Matter'"
"Republican Attacks On Kamala Harris Are Laughable"
"Republican Calls NRA ‘Grifting Scam’, Calls For Changes"
"Republican Defends His Dumb Vaccine Question For Good Reason"
"Republican Governor Admits He Was Wrong About Masks"
"Republican John Bolton Brags About Planning Coups In CNN Interview"
"Republican John Kasich To Speak For Joe Biden At The Democratic Convention"
"Republican Lawmaker Accidentally Makes The Case For A Vaccine Mandate During Fox News Appearance"
"Republican Praises Vaccine On CNN Then Dismisses It On Fox News"
"Republican Voters Back Democrats Plan For Insulin"
"Republicans Lose It Over Bernie’s New Position"
"Republicans Pout Over Biden's Most Popular Statements"
"Republicans Prep Lawsuits To Block Student Debt Relief"
"Retired Federal Judge Calls Bloomberg u0026 Biden Liars"
"Revisiting The Squad's Mistake | The Leftist Mafia"
"Ro Khanna To Run For President In 2024?!"
"Rogers Lawyer Ends CBC Interview Over 'Monopoly' Question Following Nationwide Outage"
"Ron DeSantis Gets Terrible News"
"Ron DeSantis Kicks 250,000 Off Health Care While Republicans Cry About Maxwell Frost Cursing"
"Ron DeSantis Unintentionally Reveals How Cruel He Is During NBC News Interview"
"Room Goes Silent As Nikki Haley Flexes Anti-Trans Hate On Campaign Stop"
"Rowdy Anti-Masker Gets Punched In The Face"
"Russian Invasion Causes Facebook Rule Change"
"SHOCK: Reliable Pollster Shows Kamala Harris Winning BIG"
"Sacha Baron Cohen Caught Pranking Right-Wing Event"
"School Expels Students Because Their Mom's Hot"
"School Suspends Teens For Exposing Unsafe Conditions During Pandemic"
"Scientists Issue Urgent New COVID Warning To Greedy Countries"
"Sean Hannity Just Can't Quit Trump"
"Seattle Cop Runs His Bike Over Injured Man's Head"
"Senate Democrats Join GOP To Kill Bernie's Push For $2000 Checks"
"Senate Passes $1.9T Relief Bill, But It's Not Over"
"Shontel Brown Caught Using Fake Applause Sound, Meanwhile Nina Turner Nets Big New Endorsements"
"Should AOC Force A Vote On Medicare-For-All? The Big Online Debate"
"Sinema Kills Biden's Voting Rights Agenda"
"SkyNews Anchor Gets Roasted After Belittling 13y/o For Making Tetris History"
"Sneako ‘Stunned’ To Discover His Young Fans Are As Hateful As He Is"
"Socialist Victory Stuns Buffalo Mayoral Race"
"Societal Collapse ‘On Schedule’ According To 1972 MIT Study"
"Some HUGE Ballot Measures Pass Across The U.S."
"Someone Loudly Farts Live On-Air During 'Hardball'"
"Spanking Makes A Return"
"Spotify Loses Billions Over Joe Rogan Controversy"
"Squad Reacts After Manchin Plays Biden, As They Predicted"
"Squad Votes Against BIF While Progressive Caucus Caves"
"Stacey Abrams Calls 'Defund The Police' A False Choice"
"Stacey Abrams Sells-Out Tara Reade In Cringey Defense of Biden"
"Starbucks Caught Breaking Labor Law"
"Starbucks Execs Have A Bernie Problem"
"Starbucks Workers WIN Union Vote!"
"Stephen A. Smith Goes In On Hillary Clinton Following "Get Over Yourself" Remark"
"Stephen Miller Cheers On Trump's Fascist Moves"
"Steven Crowder Freaks Out u0026 Runs From Sam Seder During Live Recording"
"Study Shows How Fox News Lies Led Americans Into Crisis"
"Sunrise Activists Protest Joe Manchin As He Steps Off His Yacht"
"Supreme Court Makes Historic LGBTQ Ruling"
"Susan Collins Caught Calling The Cops Over Sidewalk Chalk"
"Susan Sarandon Shuts Down Twitter Crap"
"Sydney Sweeney’s Breasts Set Off Rightwing Paranoia In Major Newspaper"
"TLM Clip: Uhh Mark Robinson"
"Tara Reade Calls On Biden To Drop Out"
"Ted Cruz Duped While Earthquake Hits During Historic Storm In California"
"Ted Cruz Gets Roasted Over Stupid ‘Pittsburgh/Paris’ Tweet"
"Teen Charged After Hurting Cop's Feelings"
"The Defense Of JK Rowling Is Absurd | TLM"
"The End Of YouTube As We Know It? | TLM"
"The Good, Bad, u0026 Ugly From Biden's CNN Town Hall"
"The Hill's New 'Rising' Is Laughably Bad"
"The Invisible Debbie-Wasserman Schultz | w/ Jen Perelman (pt.2)"
"The Left Makes History In Colombia With Huge Win"
"The Moment You Missed From Judge Jackson's Hearing"
"The Right Loses Their Minds Over Trudeau’s Barbie Picture"
"The UN Urges Israel To Stop As They Verge On A Ground Invasion Of Gaza"
"The View Vs. MSNBC: GOP Gov. Larry Hogan"
"The Wildest Story This Week | Leftist Mafia"
"This Herschel Walker Story Is Insane"
"Three American Titans Make Canadian Endorsements"
"Tim Pool Admits To Lying All The Time"
"Tim Pool’s Grift Exposed By Source Analysis"
"Tim Ryan Goes Wild, Rips GOP Over Union Bill"
"Tim Ryan Loses It On Republicans In Floor Speech"
"Tim Walz DESTROYS In His Debut And Fox News Loses It"
"Tim Walz STUNS In New Swing State Poll"
"Tim Walz vs. JD Vance Came Down To One Moment"
"Tim Walz’ Son Delivered The Most Powerful Moment Of The DNC"
"Tom Perez Pretends All Is Well As States Set To Vote"
"Tom Perez Rips Off The Mask"
"Toronto 'Solves' Poverty Through Force"
"Toronto Makes History!"
"Troopers Arrest Georgia Lawmaker For Knocking On A Door"
"Trudeau Calls For A “She-covery" To Address The "She-cession" 👀"
"Trudeau Introduces New Gun Restrictions"
"Trudeau Is "Worse Than Trump" On Student Loans | w/ Greg Sibley"
"Trudeau Makes HUGE Admission"
"Trudeau's Liberals Vote Against Their Own Campaign Promise"
"Trudeau’s Feeble Response To Rent Concerns"
"Trudeau’s Finance Minister Resigns During A Crisis | w/ Christo Aivalis"
"Trump Accusers Speak Out In Powerful New TV Ads"
"Trump Admits To Damaging The USPS To Help Himself"
"Trump Admits To Downplaying Coronavirus Early On"
"Trump Allies Attack DeSantis As Fight For GOP Begins"
"Trump Brags About The Murder Of A U.S. Citizen"
"Trump Camp Cries Over Biden’s “Garbage” Comment"
"Trump Chickens Out Of The 2nd Debate"
"Trump Delivers Bonkers Interview With Fox News"
"Trump Endorses WRONG Person During Rally"
"Trump Ends His New Blog Over Embarrassment"
"Trump Falsely Blames “AI” For Kamala Harris’ Big Crowds As She SURGES In Polls"
"Trump Fan Locks Down D.C. In 5-Hour Standoff"
"Trump Fans Sing, Dismiss Virus Fears At Tulsa Rally"
"Trump Floats Laugh-Out-Loud 'Cleaning' Solution For Virus"
"Trump Fools Crowd Into Booing Refugees Instead Of Him"
"Trump Gets Horny In First Rally Back"
"Trump Gets Roasted By Fox News u0026 Former Allies Following Georgia Loss"
"Trump Gets Stunned By The Most Obvious Question"
"Trump Goes Further Than He’s Ever Gone"
"Trump Is Already Trying To Steal The Election"
"Trump Is Planning His Revenge On Fox News"
"Trump Is So Fragile u0026 Pathetic In Fox Interview"
"Trump Looks Awful In New Photos"
"Trump Makes A Huge Confession In CPAC Speech"
"Trump Nicknames Ron DeSantis, And The Right Turns On Him"
"Trump Reveals Plan To Go Full Dictator In 2025"
"Trump Scams Republicans With 'Herschel Walker Fundraising' Email"
"Trump Sides With Bernie, Blows Up McConnell's Relief Deal With One Speech"
"Trump Signs COVID Bill He Pretended To Oppose"
"Trump Support Is Now Collapsing In Red States"
"Trump Tells His Supporters To Commit A Felony"
"Trump Tests Positive For COVID-19"
"Trump Voter Caught Voting Twice After Killing His Wife"
"Trump vs. Elon Musk: A Winner Has Been Crowned!"
"Trump's Approval Hits A New Low In Several Ways"
"Trump's Approval Rating Plummets Among Republicans"
"Trump's Feds Gas Portland Mayor u0026 Portland Moms On-Camera"
"Trump's One Act That Made Everything Much Worse"
"Trump: I'd Rather Face Bloomberg Than Bernie"
"Trump’s MSG Rally BACKFIRES Big Time"
"Trump’s STUNNING Lies During ABC Town Hall"
"Trump’s Selfishness Causes Secret Service Crisis"
"Tucker Carlson Blames ‘Gender Studies’ For Afghanistan Takeover"
"Tucker Carlson Goes On One Of The Dumbest Rants Ever"
"Tulsi Gabbard Abandons Medicare-For-All"
"Tulsi Gabbard Makes Huge Announcement No One Saw Coming"
"Tulsi Promotes Rightwing Smear On Ilhan Omar"
"Tweets Of The Week | Amazon Deletes Tweet; Rare Fox News Moment; + More"
"Tweets Of The Week | Bakari Apologizes; Liberals Blind To Ideology; u0026 More"
"Tweets Of The Week | Biden Lol; Capitalism Hates Life; NDP Flashback; + More"
"Tweets Of The Week | Bizarre Hate Crime; Naked Liberal; u0026 More"
"Tweets Of The Week | Giuliani Rants To Taco Bell; Larry Kudlow Reveals Himself; + More"
"Tweets Of The Week | YouTube Sellouts; Conservative Projection; u0026 More"
"Tweets Of The Week | YouTube Stupidity; U.S. Better Than Canada; u0026 More"
"Twitter Catches Fake Amazon Workers Sharing Anti-Union Propaganda"
"Twitter Shreds Ted Lieu For Trump-Like Advice To Biden"
"Two Rational Voices Discuss 'Kamala Vs. Bernie' On CNN"
"U.S. "Confident" Iran Mistakenly Shot Down Passenger Jet"
"U.S. Talks ARMS EMBARGO On Israel"
"UAW's Shawn Fain Rips Trump Apart During CNN Appearance"
"USA Today Gets Rock Hard Over Cop Respecting The Flag"
"Ultra-Wealthy Kylie Jenner Asks Fans To Fund Friend's Surgery"
"Unearthed 2018 Kyrsten Sinema Ad Showcases Her Dishonesty"
"Union Leader Mashes British Media Into A Bowl Of Porridge"
"Union President Absolutely Bodies Republican Senator In Heated Committee Hearing Exchange"
"Union President Scares The Crap Out Of CNBC Host Jim Cramer"
"University 'Cancels' Academic Over Her Progressive Views"
"Unvaccinated Hit With 'Health Tax' In Quebec"
"Uvalde: Police Admit To Doing Nothing"
"VP Harris Reacts After Manchin Turns On Democrats Over Women's Protections"
"VP Pence Scaremongers A 'Biden/Bernie' America"
"Velma News Shatters The Right"
"Vietnam Vet Stands Up To Feds In Portland"
"Vivek Caught On Hot (u0026 Wet) Mic 👀 || U.S. Vetoes Peace"
"Vote For The Candidate You Rather Fight: Explained"
"Voters Pick The VP Debate Winner"
"Voters Rebuke Democratic Establishment In Four HUGE Primary Wins"
"WATCH: Joe Biden's History Of Lies Is Too Risky For Democrats"
"WHAT: Joe Biden Says He'll Consider A Republican VP"
"WOAH: Liberals u0026 NDP Form Historic Agreement"
"Wall Street Firm Assumes The Left Will Retreat Under Biden"
"Warren Adopts Major Bernie Idea, Then Backtracks"
"Warren Flubs A Simple Question That Julian Castro Nails"
"Warren Misleads Voters On Bernie u0026 Superdelegates"
"Warren Nails Buttigieg On His 'Wine Cave' Fundraiser For The 1%"
"Warren Places Third In Her Own State. What Now? | Super Tuesday"
"Warren Stays Silent On Another Sanders Hit Piece, Damaging Her Reputation"
"WashPo 'Fact-Checker' Contradicts Own Paper To Smear Bernie Sanders"
"Washington Post’s STUNNING ‘Fact-Check’ On Bernie Claim"
"Watch As Israel's 'TikTok Soldiers' Brag In New Documentary"
"Watch Police Instigate u0026 Escalate All Across The U.S."
"We Were So Naive: Flashback To January 2020"
"Wendy Williams DGAF In Bizarre Segment; Tucker Attacks Ken Klippenstein; u0026 More | Tweets Of The Week"
"What Are Bernie's Chances Now? | w/Nomiki Konst"
"What Red Wave? Gen-Z u0026 Bernie-Wing Save Democrats In Midterms"
"Whistleblower Shares How Private Insurance Will Screw COVID Survivors"
"White Lady Freaks Out After Being Caught With Unleashed Dog"
"White Veteran Harasses Man For Walking While Black"
"Whoopi Wakes From 4-Year Sleep, Asks Bernie To Tax Amazon"
"Who’s The Least Destructive GOP Candidate? | Leftist Mafia"
"Will Michael Bloomberg Buy The Nomination? | w/Cenk Uygur"
"Will Smith SLAPS Chris Rock Live At The Oscars"
"Woman Arrested After Spelling 'Moderna' Wrong"
"Woman Fearing Medical Bill, Dies Of COVID-19 After Not Seeking Help"
"Working-Class Democrats Strike Back: "Defund Their Butts!""
"World Court Rules Against Israel"
"Writer Says His Tweets Triggered Portland PD"
"YouTube Bans Another Political Channel By Mistake"
"YouTube Is Killing Us! | w/ Nomiki Konst (Part 3)"
"YouTube Just Demonetized Half My Channel"
"YouTube Neuters The Left While ’Never Trumpers' Are Platformed"
"‘No-Fly Zone’ Polling Shifts Dramatically"
"‘Sack Tap’: Steven Crowder Staffers Quit Following WILD Meeting"
"‘Uncommitted' Makes Waves, Nikki Haley Quits, u0026 Adam Schiff Plays California Voters"
"“No Ceasefire!”: The ‘March for Israel’ Rally Was Nuts"
"“Phew, He’s Not Gay”: Dad Of 'Club Q' Shooter Reacts To News"
"“Researchers” Create Grotesque 3D Model To Discourage Working From Home"
"“Wow!” Undecided Voters Finally Decide Following Kamala Harris DNC Speech"
"“You’re Not Serious”: AOC Roasts Jill Stein u0026 Green Party"