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The Young Turks
Comments by "SmallSpoonBrigade" (@SmallSpoonBrigade) on "The Young Turks" channel.
I think it's interesting how when it's men that deserve to be loved that's sick, but when women think they deserved to be loved, that's completely reasonable.
We've already established that he hasn't got a conscience. I used to respect him, but this particular bill doesn't deserve to be debated anywhere. The man has the best possible healthcare in the US, and yet he votes to continue this one.
It's not a racist response. Why should I personally pay for what people did previously? I don't see anybody beating down my door trying to make up for wrongs committed against me during my lifetime, let alone decades of anti-German bigotry that started during WWI and continue to the current day. I felt like crap about myself for much of my childhood because of the anti-German bigotry that was and still is being taught in the K-12 system. But, instead of whining about it, like some folks did, our community focused on building something to the point where most people don't recognize anti-German bigotry even when it's obvious. People whine about the 2nd Indiana Jones movie being racist, but it's no more racist than the other 3. It's just that the racism isn't being directed at White people. Or how about the black community paying reparations for their homophobia and super-majority support for California's Prop 8? Biden was right to refuse to accept responsibility for what previous generations did. The argument that we're responsible for what happened previously is literally Nazi rhetoric. It's blood debt and it's everybody as offensive now as it was when the Nazis were using it as part of their propaganda effort.
As disgusting as those comments are, they are protected by the first amendment. The only consequences that should come from them are social ones. People not wanting to have anything to do with threats of violence. But, it's also fairly clear that he's not really promoting violence, just making questionable comments.
He's spit on by his own people because his own people aren't stupid. These aren't lynchings and in most cases the officers doing the shooting aren't even white. What's more, white people remain the most likely people to be killed by police and nobody seems to think there's an epidemic of lynchings of white people by police. They don't think it, because it's a stupid idea. Likewise, police aren't lynching people of color and the facts tend to back that view.
The cops violated that student's first amendment rights. This is a public college and the college cannot prevent students from exercising their first amendment rights. What's more, it's ridiculous for the college to let Mnuchin rescind his permission to publish the video after the fact. The time for that would have been before the talk, not after. He gave permission and the college was under no legal obligation to honor an after the fact change of heart.
Not just that, but you lose the sense of progress on these issues. There's still a long ways to go, but if you just ignore previous times, it makes it seem like progress is coming more slowly than it really is.
Thank you Hillary, you were so smart to cheat Bernie out of his nomination. Because god forbid the American people have guaranteed healthcare treatment.
Not true, the info was redacted and the intelligence agencies had the opportunity to influence what was released to the public.
It's also worth noting that the only tours of North Korea are state-run tours. The whole thing is highly choreographed and you're not allowed to go anywhere without the permission of the government. I knew somebody who went to NK a couple times and every time you go it's the dear leader's birthday. Even if you come back a couple months later, he has another birthday. Iran also requires you to go around with a minder, but from what I understand, it's much less choreographed than North Korea where literally everything you see or do is fake.
If we had a decent democracy Sanders would have won.
Thumbs down, this isn't a gendered issue. You think I liked getting catcalled by 70 year old women, or made to feel uncomfortable by women trying to get me to hit on them? Or trying to snag kisses? This isn't a gendered issue and treating like it is is deeply problematic.
Aida Rodriguez, you should be ashamed of yourself for those comments about Matt Damon. He's absolutely right about the fact that there's a difference between sexual harassment and the various types of sexual assault. I didn't have a choice the first time I was kissed by a girl, but it's incredibly disrespectful to suggest that the times I've been catcalled were the same thing as that or that being forceably kissed is the same thing as being raped. If you can't comprehend the difference, then you madam are the problem. And BTW, I'm a guy, women and girls can be every bit as pervy and abusive as men are, it's just that we haven't as a society really recognized that women are just as responsible for this as men are. We punish men, but for the most part don't punish women that engage in these sorts of acts and acting like this is a gendered issue just muddies the water.
Thank you Hillary, the GOP couldn't have done this without you.
Probably nothing as the Supreme Court just legalized far more brazen forms of bribery. If getting rolexes, loans of fancy cars and large credit card debts paid for you isn't bribery, then I'm not sure how anything that the Clinton Foundation did could be considered bribery. I'm leaning more and more towards voting Trump as a big screw you to the Democratic establishment. They keep sending bad candidates for nomination and I don't think anything short of President Trump is going to convince them to start nominating decent politicians.
Before Warren started those unfair attacks on Bernie, I would have thought she would be a good VP pick. But, between that and selling out on the issues and funding, there's no way that she'll be a VP pick.
That's something that people whose IQ wasn't as high as they wanted say. The truth is that for what IQ is intended to measure, it does a fine job of it. The problem comes when you try to use it for things other than predicting success in school. A person's IQ is going to fluctuate on a daily basis depending upon how their brain is doing on that day. If you get a bad night sleep, you're not going to do as well as if you had been sleeping well. IQ itself does get over stated, I tend to believe that a moderately high IQ is more useful than one that's actually genius caliber, but bad mouthing IQ doesn't impress anybody.
The guns were out because he wasn't cooperating. Most felony arrests are made at traffic stops and the cops genuinely don't know if a driver or passenger has a weapon. This is why it's so important to move slowly and let the cops know if you need to reach into a bag. They don't know if you're in the process of committing a felony or have any arrest warrants until well into the interaction. I used to deal with a lot of law enforcement agencies when I worked security and most of the time, they want to get in and out as quickly and without drama as possible. Answering the questions as succinctly add possible and doing what they ask greatly reduced the chances of having problems. His lack of cooperation doesn't excuse the excessive force, but it likely nudged the confrontation in that direction.
You're not watching the video then. Up until he refused to follow orders, he might have been allowed to stay in the car. The resisting orders obviously doesn't justify the killing, but it definitely contributed. Characterizing it as an execution isn't helpful. Not is implying that guilt had anything to do with it. Had he not been killed, he would have been arrested.
I upped my donations to Bernie to help with that. I need to figure out where to go to phone bank for him. I will not be voting for any more Democrats if Bernie isn't the nominee. He's literally the only hope of this party and they've been doing whatever they can to prevent progress.
+Darrel Sutterfield, liar. The Democrats did it for lower level appointments due to the GOP's unprecedented obstinance. The GOP had an obligation to let Garland have his hearing and chose not to anyways. The GOP had no right to fill this seat, this seat was Obama's to fill.
That's not surprising, the main reason that the original series didn't have any gay characters was that they lost a ton of ratings when they did that episode with the biracial kiss. It seems that Gene himself had no issues with gays, but was concerned with the fact that there ratings were down enough that they had to worry about being canceled. Then the next season they were canceled anyways. I'm not sure if they could have gotten anything meaningful past the censors.
No, veganism is a problem for humans. It's not a healthy way of managing your diet. But, for adults we allow people to eat all sorts of unhealthy diets without interference. The problem is when you're indoctrinating children to eat something that's not healthy. Parents are in a unique position to withhold proper nourishment and hence the need for a specific law telling vegans that they'll be held legally responsible if their diet choices result in their children being malnourished.
Apparently, Ana has never rented an apartment because restrictions on what can be smoked in a rented apartment is a common thing. There's no law that mandates that a landlord allow smoking in rental units.
Fortunately, Bernie's friend Joe will do less than nothing to get us to medicare for all if elected. And same goes for Trump, he's still trying to wipe Obama's influence out of government.
This is absolutely disgusting. Part of accusing somebody is risking the possibility of ones character being damaged if the accused is ultimately not found guilty. In this case, there were enough women with similar stories that there was a certain amount of safety in making the accusation. But, justice isn't based on safety, it's based upon the law, the evidence and as much as possible not the people involved. This whole BS about rape being underreported because women won't report it is bull. We wouldn't have most of the things we have in society if men took a similarly cowardly view of our obligations. And we certainly wouldn't be whining about nothing being done if we didn't do something about it the way that women so often do.
The grocery store I work for is providing all those things. Granted, the hazard pay arguably ought to be more, but they've got masks for us and gloves. Anybody that tests positive gets 2 weeks of paid leave. The specific pay varies a bit depending upon the position, but that includes new hires. They don't want us coming in sick and they don't want us skipping out on testing when there's any indication that we might have it.
This is why it should be required that all states allow people to vote by mail with some sort of receipt system to ensure that the vote is actually received and counted.
I'm never voting for Pramila Jayapal again after she screwed us over. It's bad enough that she voted for Pelosi for speaker, but to also vote for paygo is completely unacceptable. She's clearly just as corrupt as the rest of them.
That's the thing, Biden is actually worse than Trump. His cabinet picks are worse and he's more likely to let the cabinet secretaries to do their jobs. Trump at least fights with his cabinet often enough that much less gets done than could be.
America used to have a rape culture. Up until the '70s there were still states where you could force your spouse to have sex and be immune to prosecution. That was a rape culture. Since that time our values have evolved as have our ability to investigate and prosecute rapes. The rates are dropping and continue to drop as a larger percentage of rapists are caught, some of them years later based upon DNA evidence that couldn't be tested at the time. Referring to American culture as a "rape culture" does a real disservice to people that have actually been raped. It also perpetuates the notion that there's nothing that individuals can do to reduce their risk. Had she chosen to limit her alcohol consumption to a reasonable level, it's far less likely that she would have been raped. I know that feminists hate that idea, but she's no less raped because he was responsible.
I don't really get why it took so long. Politicians get some extra leeway, but this is ridiculous that they gave him this much.
The fact that you used the term "leftists" pretty much disqualifies any comment you might make. You can be against police brutality and against loose gun laws that allow people that shouldn't have guns to have them and for people to have more firepower than is reasonably necessary for lawful purposes.
For better, or more likely worse, Trump has figured out that if he wants the #BernieOrBust voters that it would probably be a smart idea to try and appeal to us. Granted he's being rather hamfisted about it, but Clinton is actively chasing us away. She's crowing about how much money she's taken from various rich and powerful groups. Which is near or at the top for a significant portion of the #BernieOrBust voters.
That money could have given every man, woman and child $600 a week for roughly 9 months.
To be fair, the people propping her up lost interest in continuing to prop her up after that embarrassing loss.
He doesn't really, it's just that the republicans vote in lock step often enough and the democrats are incompetent enough to make it so.
Voting Green party or one of the other 3rd parties would at least potentially have some upside.
Based on Biden's picks for the various cabinet positions, Trump appears to be the lesser of two evils. Not just that, but why should the DNC establishment be rewarded for their work undermining the will of the people? It's clear from the polling and exit polling that the people support Bernie's policies by a significant margin. The only reason that Biden is winning is that the press lies about Biden's electability and cover for his obvious dementia.
If Bernie isn't the nominee, I will never vote for another Democrat.
I wish they'd stop perpetuating myth that there's a war on women. It's pretty much just abortion rights. That's it. And BTW, men don't have any rights in these situations. It's whatever the woman wants to do and the man winds up paying whether or not he wanted the child. In many cases, it isn't even his child, but he was stupid enough to sign on the dotted line.
Citation needed. Rape is more punished now than it was in the past and the rates for rape and sexual assault are falling as better methods are available to investigate and prosecute offenders. The cases that don't get prosecuted are mostly the result of the crime not being reported in the first place or there being insufficient evidence to warrant a conviction. Whether or not you like it, rapists still have their rights under the constitution. That being said, the lion's share of the alleged rapes that don't get reported don't get reported because they didn't happen. They include cases where the "victim" purposefully got a bit tipsy in order to be comfortable getting the sex that he or she wanted. Cases where the "victim" was still well in control of his or her consent, but is considered to not have consented because alcohol apparently wipes out a person's ability to consent to sex. Specifically sex, that excuse doesn't apply to any other stupid things a person might do. Driving drunk doesn't get a similar waiver of accountability. And it pretty much only gets prosecuted for men that have sex with drunk women, not the other way around. That being said, cases like this are a huge problem. As are the people who discourage victims from reporting the crime because it's allegedly not taken seriously.
+Leesi D. I'm not sure how much longer that's going to work. Considering that Bernie is more popular than Hillary and that he beats the GOP candidates by a larger margin, I think it's time that the Democratic party took advantage of the situation to move leftward while we still can.
There's no such thing as incurable gonorrhea, the cure for that has been around for decades. This is what phages are for. Antibiotics are for things like certain strains of e. coli that are dangerous even in small amounts.
Yes and I think the way he reacted with all that anger just reinforces that fact. He could have asked for an FBI investigation and if he's as innocent as he's claiming to be, then there shouldn't be anything to corroborate the claims against him. But, make no mistake, even before and without the claims of sexual assault, he wasn't qualified to be on any court and he would be a disaster. He hasn't got the integrity, temperament or knoweldge to be on the court. He honestly thinks that the President can't be subpoenaed. That's terrifying. Especially given that the GOP refuses to hold him accountable for anything. It took an extremely unqualified nominee to a federal court to get Kennedy to do anything about it. And as I understand it, he was asking softball questions that any attorney should know.
I think it's pretty clear that she isn't sane, I don't think that most people would consider psychopaths to be sane. The woman has a long track record of caring about nobody and nothing other than herself. Not that Trump is any better, but we could have had Bernie who is quite well educated and willing to listen to reason. He's also got more integrity than the rest of the Senate combined and has been rallying support for the people to fund politicians entire campaigns in exchange for not selling out to non-voting donors.
No. While we should clean our own house, the whole idea that we can't take NK to task for some of the most egregious human rights violations anywhere ever, is ridiculous. I mean seriously, with the possible exception of Vlad the Impaler, you'd be hard pressed to find a dictator that was more ruthless. I mean, seriously, they regularly use anti-aircraft guns for state sponsored executions. And that's if you're not lucky enough to have a "car accident" as means of execution. And let's not forget about the concentration camps that would make the Nazis envious. The US has some genuine human rights problems that need to be corrected, but the whole scope of what's going on in NK is apparently well beyond your comprehension.
There is no ideal solution to this problem, this solution here is probably the best case scenario at this time. Perhaps in the future it will be possible to take the fetus out of the uterus for incubation so that the father can raise the child without the woman needing to bring it to term.
It doesn't really matter. It's assault either way and since she died it's manslaughter.
Jack López Nope, I'm just not racist. There's a difference. You think I didn't notice being screwed over so that they could redirect general education funds to students that were already going to college? There is no white privilege. You seriously think that anybody gives a rat's backside about those poor white folks in the Appalachia pr anywhere else?