Youtube activity of "Kristoff Bjorgman 87" (@kristoffbjorgman8721) on "Thom Hartmann Program" channel.
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Kristoff Bjorgman 87
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Comments by video
"#Eisenhower Wasn't A Saint, But He Didn't Spread #Hate!"
"1000 Protestors Stormed the Heritage Foundation, Did You Hear About it from the Corporate Media?"
"A Political Earthquake and No One Covered it!"
"ALEC Trying to Undo The 17th Amendment!"
"ALEC Wants to Take Away Your Ability to Vote for Your Own Senators"
"Alabama's new Scheme to Disenfranchise Black Voters..."
"Alan Greenspan: Libertarian Economics Don't Work"
"All Governments Lie and so does their Corporate Media"
"America is Facing a Toxic Political Fault Line"
"America's Preexisting Condition . . . Republicans!"
"American Voters: To Hell with Political Corruption!"
"America’s New Religion Will Rule You"
"Anointing Ted Cruz: The "End Times" Transfer of Wealth to the Righteous"
"Are Bad #Cops The Result of #Reagan's Disastrous #Economic Policies?"
"Are Corporations Infiltrating PBS and Indoctrinating Kids In Our Schools?"
"Are Insecure Men The Biggest Threat To Democracy?"
"Are Poor People Bribing Democratic Politicians? (w/Guest Neil McCabe)"
"Are YOU Fine With 100 Thousand Dead Americans?"
"Are the Koch Brothers Really That Bad? Yes ! Yes ! Yes !"
"Are we Going to be The Flintstones OR The Jetsons?"
"BIG NEWS in Washington State!"
"Being LGBTQ is Dangerous in America... And it's Time To Change That! (w/Guest Tim Marcin)"
"Ben and Jerry Stamping Out Money in Politics..."
"Bernie Sanders Could Be the Next FDR..."
"Bernie Sanders Live Tweets the Republican Debate"
"Bernie Sanders Losing Iowa A Good Thing?"
"Bernie Sanders Quotes Jimmy Carter on Senate Floor..."
"Bernie Sanders calls Chris Christie a Coward!"
"Bernie Sanders calls out the Corporate Media..."
"Bernie Sanders on Rape: Look at the Record!"
"Bernie Sanders on True Freedom..."
"Bernie Sanders says Break Up the Big Banks!"
"Bernie Sanders' House Parties Draw 100,000!"
"Bernie Sanders: I'm Running for President..."
"Bernie Supporters Spurned at Tennessee Democratic Gala..."
"Bernie's 'Free Stuff' Vs. Corporate Entitlements"
"Beware of the Military Industrial Complex!"
"Bill Clinton: Don't Hurt the Big Banks too Much..."
"Brunch With Bernie: October 4, 2013"
"Brunch With Bernie: September 20, 2013"
"Brunch with Bernie: October 31, 2014"
"Caller Doesn't get Democratic Socialism..."
"Caller: Obamacare isn't the Answer!"
"Caller: Right to Work Laws Hurt Unions"
"Caller: Thom is Mixed up on What the Constitution Means"
"Caller: We've Had a Philosophy of Materialism and Capitalism Foisted On Us for Decades"
"Caller: Are Other Countries Privatizing Like us?"
"Caller: Arrests at the Wisconsin Capitol"
"Caller: Capitalism is Like a Horse..."
"Caller: College Students Aren't Afraid of 'Socialist'"
"Caller: End of Times Republicans Don't Want Mideast Peace..."
"Caller: Government is the Cause of all Oppression!"
"Caller: How do I explain how Bad Reagan Was?"
"Caller: I Believe Bernie Sanders is a 'True" Socialist"
"Caller: I Have No Problem With a Muslim President"
"Caller: I Went from Libertarian to Liberal"
"Caller: James Webb is NO Tea Partier!"
"Caller: Just call Fascism 'Capitalism'..."
"Caller: Libertarian Philosophy - Dismantle Government..."
"Caller: Obamacare saved my mom a Bundle!"
"Caller: President Obama is NO Progressive..."
"Caller: The Chief Difference Between Hillary and Bernie Sanders..."
"Caller: The Pope is Right-Capitalism is Killing Us!"
"Caller: The U.S. has Adopted a Culture of Sociopathy"
"Caller: The Willful Ignorance of Modern Conservatism"
"Caller: There is a Prejudice against Southern European Countries!"
"Caller: Thom, What Law Has Hurt This Country Most In The Last 30 Years?"
"Caller: We Need to Repeal the 2nd Amendment!"
"Caller: Why Do Union Members Vote Against Their Own Self Interest?"
"Caller: Why Doesn't Bush get Blame for 9/11?"
"Caller: Why do Republicans Elect Candidates who Hate Government?"
"Can Democracy Survive This Everyday Poison? The Shocking Cure They Refuse To Take Revealed"
"Can LGBT Black Panther Organization Stop Transphobic Attacks? Featuring Nicholas Miller"
"Can Reagan Revolution Be Stopped?"
"Can Roger Stone Put Trump Back In Power? Here's How He Plans To Do It."
"Capitalism Does Not Like Democracy"
"Capitalism is Not a Religion!"
"Charles Sauer Bumps His Head and Wakes Up as an FDR Democrat"
"China Is Positioning Themselves As The Clean Energy Superpower... Why Aren't We?"
"Chris Christie: A Bold Republican!"
"Chris Christie: The Chinese must rise up Against their Oligarchs!"
"Clarence Thomas’ Little Nazi Secret Revealed w/ Lisa Graves"
"Climate Change and Brain-Eating Parasites"
"Coca Cola: Obesity has Nothing to do with Bad Diets..."
"Conservative Goes off on Obamacare"
"Conservative caller: Dems Need a Populist Message..."
"Corporations Have Been Turning Into People for 130 Years, When We Will We Turn Them Back?"
"Could Hillary be the Next FDR?"
"Could Rand Paul Actually Help Progressives?"
"Democrats Need to Start Turning Their Ship to Be in the Right Place for 2018"
"Democrats and Republicans Are NOT the Same (w/Alex Lawson)"
"Denali is NOT 'Kenyan' for Black Power..."
"Detroit is the symptom of free trade!"
"Did Brownback's Policies Cost Kansas Tea Partiers Their Jobs?"
"Did Fox News Brainwash Your Dad? (w/ Jen Senko)"
"Did George Bush Pave the Road to a Trump Presidency?"
"Did Thatcher save Britain?"
"Did Washington, DC Just Declares its Independence?"
"Did the GOP Misquote the Founding Fathers To Justify Insane Polices?"
"Do #College Kids Know The #Koch Brothers Might Be Funding Their School? (w/ Guest: Alex Kotch)"
"Do They Want To Sacrifice Grandma To COVID-19 To Save Capitalism"
"Do You Empathize With Donald Trump?"
"Do You Want Right Wing Extremist Billionaires Rewriting Your Constitution?"
"Do we Want Status Quo or a Political Revolution?"
"Does America Deserve Trump?"
"Does Studying Economics Make you Greedy?"
"Duck Dynasty Hypocrisy!"
"Eisenhower: The Last Legit Republican President?"
"Employers Used to Believe in the Power of Aggregate Demand, What Happened? (w/guest Rick Wartzman)"
"Even The Military Is Concerned Trump's Secret Police Will Keep Him In Power"
"Even The White House is Worried That Trump Will be Uncontainable"
"Everything You Need To Know About Shocking SCOTUS Ruling"
"FDR: "Government by Organized Money is Just as Dangerous as by Organized Mob""
"Fired Disney Workers Forced to Train Foreign Replacements!"
"Former CIA Intelligence Officer Looks Forward to Trump Supporters Rising Up in American Kristallnach"
"GOP Law Uses Vigilantes To Hunt Pregnant Women"
"Goldman Sachs & Big Pharma Admit Cures Aren't Profitable..."
"Government Shutdown Consequences (w/ Richard Wolf)"
"Greece and the Logical end Point of Reaganism..."
"Groups Like Wounded Warrior Project Should Not Exist!"
"HOW Do You Describe DONALD TRUMP?"
"Hedge Fund Managers Getting Political to Protect Themselves..."
"Here's Another Principled Republican from Decades Ago on a Living Wage, Are These Guys Extinct?"
"Hey America, BEWARE of Koch Brothers Libertarianism!"
"Hillary Clinton's Solution to Corporate Stock Buybacks..."
"How Billionaires Picked Putin To Rule Russia (w/ Greg Palast)"
"How Do We Make Climate Action The Profitable Option?"
"How FDR Transformed America..."
"How Greed Kills People & Destroys Democracy"
"How Jim DeMint Set the Course for Obstruction of Obama..."
"How John Kasich Screwed Himself with the Koch Brothers..."
"How Little it Costs to Buy a Congressman..."
"How Neoliberalism Failed The World"
"How Similar are the GOP & Taliban? (w/ Dean Obeidallah)"
"How The Hell Did We Get From FDR To Reaganomics?"
"How Wall Street Demolished the American Dream!"
"How the Koch Network Hijacked Covid and the Constitution"
"How the Kochs Are Ghostwriting America's Story..."
"How will we Know When the Reaganomics Era is Over?"
"How you can UnKoch YOUR campus..."
"Idaho State Senator Threatens High School Kids with Arrest for Participating in Democracy"
"If Socialism is so Evil, Why do Republicans Love Israel?"
"If Trump Becomes President, You Have a Place to Move to"
"If Trump Doesn't Reverse Income Inequality, His Economic Policy Will Fail (w/ Dr. Stephanie Kelton)"
"Illinois Gov. Bruce Rauner - destroying his State with Walker/Snyder trickle-down policies"
"Illinois Governor Bullying Democratic Lawmakers..."
"In 33 Years The Rich Will Own All the Wealth in America!"
"Inner City and Rural Voters Face Largely the Same Challenges, Can We Bridge the Gap Politically?"
"Insurance Exec Writes EPIC Letter About Gov. Brownback & Kansas' Failed Economy!"
"Is America’s Morality On The Line in 2024 Election?"
"Is Big Money Behind Book Banning Frenzy?"
"Is Cruelty Ron DeSantis' Trademark?"
"Is Donald Trump More Caligula, Mussolini or Hitler?"
"Is Donald Trump a Hitler-Like Authoritarian?"
"Is Freedom In America Just Freedom To Exploit?"
"Is Hillsdale College The Intellectual Arm of The Far Right? (w/ Kathryn Joyce)"
"Is It Possible to Have a Reasonable Discussion with Conservatives?"
"Is Mitch McConnell is a Traitor?"
"Is The American Media Held Captive By Corporate Advertisers?"
"Is There Any Pride Left In Being an American?"
"Is There a Constitutional Basis for Health Care as a Right? YES!"
"Is This the end of Reaganism?"
"Is Trump the GOP's Messiah or Just a Madman?"
"Is White Nationalist Recruitment Rising? Featuring Amanda Milkovits"
"Is the GOP Too Nasty To Win 2024? Featuring David Frum"
"It's Time For Our Nation To Treat Healthcare As A Human Right!"
"Jesus was a Communist..."
"Kansas High School Student Fears Future Thanks to Brownback!"
"Kill Democracy Now!"
"Kings, Warlords & Theocrats Have no Place in America"
"Koch Brothers Exposed"
"Liberalism: What Happened To The Party Of The People? (w/Guest: Thomas Frank)"
"Libertarian Caller: Bernie Sanders is NOT Against Capitalism!"
"MLK on Democratic Socialism..."
"Mainstream Media Undermines Bernie Sanders!"
"Meet The Child-Killer Who Inspired The GOP's Cruelty"
"Millennials are the Leftiest Generation Since FDR"
"Misogyny in the 2016 Campaign..."
"Morality, Not Religion, Should Inform our Political Decisions"
"Neighbors From Hell: An American Bedtime Story..."
"New Poll Shows Even Republican Voters Don't Like What Republican Politicians Are Doing"
"No Legitamate Republican President Since Eisenhower..."
"North Carolina's 'Religious Freedom' Law - More Than Meets the Eye!"
"Obama Destroys Conservative Small Government Myth!"
"Ohio Lawmaker: Republicans Shouldn't be Allowed to Adopt..."
"Our democracy has been hijacked by the billionaires?"
"Over 700,000 Murdered By Far Right Cult?"
"Pandemic Doesn't Need To Mean Disaster.... Unless You Live In The U.S."
"People Are Struggling to Keep their Heads Above Water (w/Senator Bernie Sanders)"
"Powerlessness Breeds Rage..."
"President Jimmy Carter on Telling the Truth..."
"President Obama Cracks Down on Illegal Gun Sales"
"Private Companies Stole Enough Money To Fund Medicare For All?"
"Privatized Water is More Expensive than Public Systems"
"Proof: Nixon Sabotaged Vietnam Peace Talks!"
"Pundits say Bernie Can't Win? They said the Same about Obama!"
"Q: Why Is It That Americans Always Get Screwed ? A: The Banksters !"
"Reagan Screws Millenials from Beyond the Grave."
"Reagnism has Destroyed America!"
"Rep. Keith Ellison Outs GOP Plan To Hide Cost Of Obamacare Repeal !"
"Rep. Mark Pocan: Paul Ryan a Viable Presidential Candidate..."
"Republican Judges Revive Wisconsin's Voter Suppression Law!"
"Republican and Democrat Controlled States: What's the Difference?"
"Republicans Are STILL Trying To Kill Net Neutrality!"
"Republicans Hate Government... So Why Are We Letting Them Run It?"
"Republicans Rally Around Kim Davis, Trump Does Not..."
"Republicans Want to Destroy the Constitution, We Need to Stop Them!"
"Republicans and Democrats Are Totally Out Of Touch With Americans!"
"Ronald Reagan the Racist..."
"Rooftop Solar is Growing Like a Weed, Despite Fossil Fuel Billionaires trying to Crush It"
"Salt... the big lie?"
"Science Proves What's Wrong With America’s Democracy!"
"Scott Walker Wants the People's Business Kept Private!"
"Scott Walker will Screw the Environment for Koch Bros..."
"Scott Walker: End the Deal with Iran!"
"Secrets of the Right Wing Brain..."
"Sen. Brown Introduces Infrastructure bill!"
"Should "Under God" be Removed From the Pledge?"
"Should healthcare be a right or a privilege in America?"
"Should the Government Be Interfering With Your Right to be Injured at Work? (w/Guest Charles Sauer)"
"Silicon Valley Privatizes Big Brother: Smart Tech Is Watching You"
"Steve Bannon Literally Wants to Destroy the US Government!"
"Super PACs: The Cancer in our Democracy..."
"TBU Book Club - The Crash of 2016... What you need to know (Thom interviewed)"
"Taylor Swift To Face Death Penalty If Christian Fascists Get Their Way"
"Tea Party Outsiders took over the Republican Party..."
"Ted Cruz had 5 Mistresses?"
"Ted Cruz' Master Plan to Win..."
"Tennessee Republicans Attack Kochs Over Medicaid..."
"Text Messages Prove Jan 6 Mob Wanted To Kill Democratic Party Leaders"
"The #Libertarian Party is Anti-American!"
"The Biggest Potential Nuclear Crisis is One Nobody's Talking About (w/Guest David Wood)"
"The Billionaire Ideology Is Un-American."
"The Cancer Stage of Reaganomics"
"The Choice Between Billionaires or Democracy"
"The Contrast Between Democrats and Republicans"
"The Contrast Between Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders..."
"The Democratic Party Needs to Get Its Ship Together and Fast! All Hands On Deck!"
"The Democratic Presidential Race - A Look Ahead..."
"The Democratic Revolution is Not Just About Bernie"
"The Failed Libertarian Experiment in Chile"
"The Father of Reaganomics and the Euro..."
"The Fed is Working Beyond its Mandate. Why? (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"The Future of Obamacare and the Affordable Care Act ... (w/Guest: Wendell Potter)"
"The GOP's 'Show Trial' of President Obama"
"The GOPs Plot To Kill Medicare Starts Jan. 3rd! (w/ Nancy Altman)"
"The Immoral Roots of Libertarianism..."
"The Killer Inspiration Behind Ayn Rand's Libertarian Hero"
"The Know Nothing Congress!"
"The Koch Club is invading our universities!"
"The Koch Intelligence Agency..."
"The Koch-heads in Congress..."
"The Last Hours of Humanity: Warming the World to Extinction"
"The Last Legitimate Republican Warned Us About What Trump is Trying to Do Right Now"
"The Libertarian Experiment Have Brought Us Crisis & Chaos"
"The Libertarian Platform"
"The Outdated Origins of Neo-Liberalism. It's Time to Move On (w/Guest Kate Raworth)"
"The People's Budget"
"The Pope is a Lefty!"
"The Prevalence and Peculiarity of American Gun Culture (w/Guest: Howard Epstein)"
"The Real Lessons of 9/11"
"The Real Reason Ayn Rand Hated Reagan One"
"The Republican "Financial Choice" Act Is a Giant Screw You to Consumers"
"The Republican Party Has Strayed from its Historic Values (w/Guest Rev. Robb Ryerse)"
"The Rich are Using Racism & Grievance to Divide the Working Class and Steal their Wealth"
"The Soul Of The Trump Administration"
"The States That Elected Trump Have Turned Against Him (w/Guest John Nichols)"
"The Supreme Court’s Emboldening of the Right w/ Michelangelo Signorile"
"The Theocracy Pushers: Remembering who They Blame for 9/11"
"The True History of the Libertarian Party"
"Their Politics Is Poison & You’ve Fallen For It"
"Theodore Roosevelt Is the President Trump WISHES He Was"
"Theresa May's UK Election Strategy Totally Blew Up in Her Face"
"These States Won’t Stop At Banning Books: Are People Next?"
"They Backed Universal Healthcare But The Media Called Them Conservatives?"
"Third Way Rears Its Ugly Head, Should Democrats Really Move To the RIGHT? (w/Guest Michael Corcoran)"
"This Is Why Young People Are Rejecting The Establishment ! All about money?"
"This Law Will Cause Mass Arrests But The Politicians Behind Refuse To Admit It"
"This is How Democrats Used to Talk: President Franklin Roosevelt's Progressive Ideals"
"This is what President Obama's up against."
"Thom Hartmann on Economic & Labor News: 11/9/15"
"Thom Hartmann on Economic & Labor News: 2/8/16"
"Thom Hartmann on Science & Green News: 12/28/15"
"Thom Hartmann on Science & Green News: 9/22/15"
"Thom Hartmann on the News: October 3, 2013"
"Thom Hartmann on the News: October 4, 2013"
"Thom Hartmann on the Republican Racket..."
"Thom Hartmann on the news - August 26, 2013"
"Thom Hartmann to Hillary Clinton: Talk About the Issues..."
"Thom Hartmann: I'm So Sick of Republicans Pandering to the Religious Base!"
"Thom Hartmann: No Democratic Rebuttal is Hurting the Party!"
"Thom Hartmann: Rebooting The American Dream Excerpt..."
"Thom Hartmann: Time to Redefine Bribery…"
"Thom's Donald Trump Conspiracy Theory..."
"Time for the Right-WIng Trashing of Iran Deal!"
"Time for the Sheldon Adelson Primary..."
"Time for the U.S. to do Like Chile..."
"Time to Close the Red State Donut Hole"
"Traitor Tom Cotton Goes to Israel to Trash Obama!"
"Trickle Down Has Never Worked and Will Never Work. Can We Stop Trying This Failed "Experiment"?"
"Trump Could Pay Ultimate Price For Espionage?"
"Trump Inspires a New Generation of Bullies"
"Trump Supporter Defends President by Screaming Racism At an American"
"Trump Town Hall: Did CNN Doom Democracy Or Save It?"
"Trump's Would Be Insurrectionist Want Mercy?"
"Universal Health Care in California? Maybe Soon. (w/Guest Wendell Potter)"
"University of Texas Students Plan to Open Carry Dildos!"
"WTO Threatens Trade Sanctions Against U.S."
"Wannabe State Senator Wants To Shoot "Godless Commies""
"Was Brazil’s Coup Inspired By Trump’s Treason?"
"Watch Workers' Outrage At Jobs Being Shipped Overseas"
"We Don't Pay Brain Surgeons Like Banksters, Are They Really Worth That Much? (w/Guest Charles Sauer)"
"We Need a North Star to Move Healthcare from Industry to Caregiving (w/Guest Michael Lighty)"
"What Damage Can the New "Banning Books Movement" Bring?"
"What Does A Progressive Economist Say About Brexit? (W/ Guest: Prof. Steve Keen)"
"What Good is a Recovery if Most Americans Are Left Behind? (w/Guest Dr. Stephanie Shelton)"
"What Happens When the Elites Collapse in Both Parties?"
"What We Can Learn from German Prisons..."
"What Would Scott Walker Mean for Workers?"
"What Would Thomas Jefferson think about the Koch Brothers?"
"What Would a Libertarian Utopia Look like? Do You Dare to Find Out? (w/Guest Charles Sauer)"
"What is the Actual Hidden Agenda of the Radical Right? (w/Guest Nancy MacLean)"
"What we can learn From the UK About Infrastructure"
"What's Wrong With Protecting American Jobs? (w/Guest: Andy Roth)"
"When Labor Rises, So Does The Middle Class! (w/ Randi Weingarten)"
"When Trump Knocks On Your Door What Will You Do?"
"Where have all of TV's Working Class Heroes Gone?"
"Which Is A Bigger Scam - The Libertarian or Republican Party?"
"While Our Infrastructure Crumbles, China Is Looking Toward The Future."
"White #Republicans Have Blocked #Obama At Every Turn."
"Who Stole the American Dream...and can we get it back?"
"Who is turning U.S. students against their own nation?"
"Why #Republicans Are Really Bad At Running #Government..."
"Why Are Libertarians Mostly Men???"
"Why Can't America Have "Nice Things"?"
"Why Can't People Understand That Trickle-Down Is a Lie??"
"Why Chicago Won’t Go Bankrupt—And Detroit Didn’t Have To..."
"Why Corporations Gave $10 Million To Insurrectionist Caucus?"
"Why Don't the Poor Rise Up?"
"Why Finland Is Happier Than America"
"Why Healthcare Prices Are Soaring & Consumers Are In The Dark.. (w/Guest: Vijay Das)"
"Why Is Gen Z Giving the Finger to the GOP?"
"Why Is New Jersey Screwing College Kids & Their Families?"
"Why Is a Failed Democratic Presidency OK with Joe?"
"Why Liberal Democrats Lost in English Elections..."
"Why Ted Cruz is so Despised!"
"Why a Balanced Budget is a Bad Idea..."
"Why didn't we listen to the New York Times of 1985?"
"Why the Hell Aren't Food Producers Held Accountable for Wrongdoing?"
"Will Abortion Law End Marriage Equality & LGBT Rights? (w/ Michelangelo Signorile)"
"Will Climate Change Reality Make Republicans Wake Up???"
"Will GOP Succeed In Ending Social Security & Medicare?"
"Will Housing Prices Collapse? Featuring Richard Wolff"
"Will Income Inequality Turn America Into a Vigilante Empire?"
"Will SCOTUS Help Conservatives Gut the Unions?"
"Will The GOP Establishment Install Paul Ryan as Nominee?"
"Will The Trump Administration Bring On The New Crusades? (w/Guest: Jeff Sharlet)"
"Will The Trump Administration Destroy The New Deal? (w/Guest: Austin Petersen)"
"Will These Extremists Infiltrate Our Government?"
"Will You Vote For Puppy Killers? Why The GOP Is Betting On It"
"Will the Supreme Court Blow up Unions?"
"Wisconsin's Republican Led Voter Suppression Ready to Roll..."
"Workers Make $6k Less In Right to Work States (w Congressman Mark Pocan)"