Youtube activity of "SteveO" (@SteeeveO) on "The New Culture Forum" channel.
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Comments by video
""5 Years Left to Save Britain: A Call to Action" - Neil Anderson (NCF Immigration Conference)"
""Disastrous" Sadiq Khan Stokes Division and Alienates True Londoners"
""Ghastly Race Baiter" Actress SLAMMED for "Perverted Mind" Over "Terribly White" Coronation Comment"
""I Have No Faith in the Police. Britain is a Broken Society": Peter Whittle"
""Our Home is Your Home": Kids Indoctrinated into Wanting MORE Refugees as they "Enrich" Britain."
""Pure Racism!" White Pupils Excluded from Class: Anti-White Racial Discrimination in Modern Britain"
""The BBC is ROTTEN to the Core & The Police Are NOT On Our Side" - Peter Whittle"
""The Queen is Dead. Long Live the King". The New Culture Forum Reflects on the Old Reign & the New."
""The World Owes Winston Churchill a Huge Debt!" Angry Debate as Historian Defends the Great Briton"
""Things Are Getting Worse. We See Decline All Around Us". Peter Whittle on Lotus Eaters"
""We're Paying BBC to INDOCTRINATE Our Kids in Vile Ideology!" Is there not "Black Privilege" today?"
""White Resentment" in Tory Party. Loony Left Council Renames Black Boy Lane."
""Whiteness: A Problem of Our Time": Nurse Sues NHS For Racist Class Saying Bible & Whites Are Racist"
""You're Not a Victim! You're on National TV!" Historian DESTROYS BLM Race Activist Over Reparations"
"'Far Right' Isn't a Threat to Britain, It's the FAR LEFT u0026 ISLAMISTS"
"1 in 4 Pupils Say They Are LGBTQ. Double the amount in 2015. How can this be explained?"
"75% of Britons Fear Speaking Out. Anti-White Hate Speech is Permitted."
"76% say Britain is Becoming a Worse Place to Live."
"A Revolution Betrayed: How Egalitarians Wrecked British Education (Peter Hitchens)"
"Among the Mosques: A Journey Across Muslim Britain -- Why Prof. Ed Husain is Worried."
"Ann Widdecombe: We're Fed Up With Woke Minority Bullies + Labour's Lost Touch With Reality"
"Anti-White - The Acceptable Racism. Aviva hiring policy demands extra checks for "white men"."
"Anti-Woke Rules for Everyday Life: How To Fight Back"
"Assault on British Culture is Motivated by Hatred & a Desire to Destroy"
"Assembly Member Peter Whittle tackles Police Chief Over Harry Miller & Recording of "Hate Incidents""
"Authoritarian Labour's Attack on Free Speech in Pubs Strikes at the HEART of British Culture"
"BBC u0026 Government Won't Discuss DEVASTATING CONTENT in EXPLOSIVE New Immigration Report"
"BLM Activist tells White People to "Get Out of Our Way" as Report Criticizes RAF's Anti-White Policy"
"Boris & the Tories' Immigration Betrayal. Is the Covid Inquiry a Sham? Political Comeback 4 Farage?"
"Boris Johnson Is Chickening Out of the Culture Wars. We Won't!"
"Brexit & Trump have made our Elites MORE Woke and LESS Representative of Voters"
"Brexit Day Rally - Parliament Square - Richard Tice - Your Country Needs You I So What You're Saying"
"Britain Faces a Dire & Dystopian Future if it Doesn't Toughen Up its Fragile & Intolerant Youth"
"Britain Must Wake Up in 2024"
"Britain Shouldn't Pay Reparations. Slave Descendants Have Better Life Today Than Africans."
"Britain in Crisis: People Are Waking Up. Join Our Movement. Stand Up & Be Counted in the Fight Back"
"Britain is Being Racialised by the Left Through Toxic Identity Politics & Victimhood Mentality"
"Britain's Populist Revolt has Changed Politics Forever. A Political Realignment of People vs Elites"
"Britain's Segregation, Multiculturalism, & Mass Immigration Crisis Threatens Us All. What Solutions?"
"Britain's Wealth was NOT Built on Slavery u0026 Colonialism"
"Britain-hating Heritage Institutions Should Lose Funding & Charitable Status"
"Cambridge Union: Britain Should NOT Pay Reparations for Slavery & Colonialism. Rafe Heydel-Mankoo"
"Carl Benjamin Sargon of Akkad: English is an Ethnic Identity."
"Civil War is Coming: Britain u0026 America's Violent Future. Prof David Betz, King’s College London"
"Clapham Vigil v BLM Protests: Peter Whittle tackles Met Police Dep Commiss'ner on selective policing"
"Conspiracy Theory? Replacement Migration, WEF at Davos, Net Zero, ESG... What's Really Going on?"
"David Kurten: Why I Launched the Heritage Party to Combat the Progressive & Globalist Agenda"
"David Starkey: Starmer Will Now Impose a New Constitution on Britain"
"Defund the BBC: It no longer reflects British values & has morphed into a leftist propaganda machine"
"Demography is Destiny: Birth Rates and the Survival of Liberal Britain."
"Diversity Clash: Islam vs. LGBTQ+ Also: Kids or Kittens? Schools Allow Pupils to ID as Cats"
"Diversity Myth: An Insult to the English Working Class"
"Do Employees Have To Take Unconscious Bias Training? When Did Companies Become Our Parents?"
"Dominic Sandbrook: Has Labour Lost the Working Class Vote Forever? History & the Cancel Culture Wars"
"EXPOSED: Home Office Muslim Network + YOU Are An EXTREMIST For Believing in Two-Tier Policing"
"Englishness Under Attack: BBC's Crimes Against British Culture"
"Europe's Right-Wing Revival Won't Come to Britain -- but Don't Give Up Hope"
"Far Left Indoctrination of Youth is a Threat to Britain u0026 as Serious as Mass Immigration"
"Free Schools Are Solution to Left Wing Indoctrination of our Children in Schools"
"From Immigration to Grooming Gangs, Sunak & Truss Are Scared of Discussing Cultural Issues"
"From Starmer to Lammy, Labour are CORRUPT and INCOMPETENT Hypocrites. Arrogant u0026 Authoritarian."
"GB News: 80% of Police Feel Public Don't Respect Them. They're Right. This is why."
"GB News: The Truth About Trigger Warnings."
"GB News: Woke Weakens The West - Peter Whittle"
"Get Involved! New Culture Forum is Expanding Across the Nation & Online"
"Google Erases White People + Third World Politics Come to Britain + Sadiq Khan's Fourth Plinth"
"HM Treasury Goes Woke + Watchdog Tells Universities to Teach Racism & Patriarchy in STEM Courses."
"HOW BBC BIAS WORKS I So What You're Saying Is"
"Harry Miller: My Free Speech High Court Victory Over Alleged Anti-Trans Tweet & Police Investigation"
"Hate Preachers in UK Mosques & Geert Wilders Stunning Election Success in the Netherlands"
"Heresies Ep. 11: Young & Unwoke - The REAL Rebels (4K)"
"Heresies Ep. 3: A Self-Hating Britain? Why Britain Should Reject Self-Hatred & Celebrate Its History"
"Heresies Ep. 4: Britain's Silent Cultural Revolution"
"Historian DESTROYS Race Grifter with FACTS"
"Home Office Civil Servants Celebrated Rwanda Failure + Nigel Farage in the Jungle: Good or Bad Idea?"
"How Did the West REALLY Get So Rich? Not through Slavery. Genius of Western Civilization - Episode 5"
"How To Reject the Lie of Identity Politics and Set Ourselves Free to Reclaim Our Culture & Virtues."
"How Would the SDP & Reform Party Tackle Immigration (Legal & Illegal)?"
"How YOUR TAXES Are Wasted on Woke Craziness. Hope Not Hate Extremists Get Government Funding"
"How to Increase Birth Rates? Should Women Put Family Before Career? What about Engineered Babies?"
"How will Britain, Europe and America Look in the Decades to Come? Prof. David Coleman"
"Illegal Immigration is No. 1 Issue I Hear About: Lee Anderson MP"
"Immigration: We Must Expose the Lies. Britain 2024: Lies, Censorship u0026 Cover Up"
"Insane! MILLIONS of Foreigners in UK Can VOTE in UK General Election, incl. Students on 6 Mnth Visas"
"Integration has FAILED! If You Want Shariah Law, Leave Britain!"
"Is Prince Charles Dangerous for the Monarchy? Is the British Council Ashamed of Being British?"
"Islam v West: London Protests Show Dangers of Mass Immigration. UK's Importing the World's Problems"
"It's NOT Islamophobic To State HORRIFIC Facts About Many UK Muslims' Beliefs u0026 Un-British Values"
"Labour Try To EJECT Peter Whittle from London Assembly for Saying Party Isn't Patriotic"
"Labour's Free Speech Attack to be Challenged + Should Reform u0026 Tories Merge? + Australian Trans Law"
"Lampedusa Migrant Crisis + Britain's Black History Myths + Russell Brand: Can Both Sides Be Right?"
"Laurence Fox: Why I Launched the new "Reclaim Party" to Defend British Identity, Heritage & Culture"
"Laurence Fox: Why I'm Standing Against Sadiq Khan To Be London's Next Mayor (The Reclaim Party)"
"Liz Truss Believes Immigration is a Social Good. Immigration not the Economy is Tories' Big Problem."
"London Mayor's Cynical Cash Grab Enrages Londoners"
"London was NOT 'Built by Migrants', Mr. Khan."
"Louise Perry: The LGBTQIA+ Threat to Your Children + Will Falling Birth Rates End Woke?"
"Machete Gangs on Our Streets + Crime Out of Control + London is Lost"
"Majority of British Voters Want NO Immigration for 5 YEARS Minimum - A Complete Stop"
"Mass Immigration Has Caused the Longest Recession Per Person in 70 Yrs"
"Mass Migration "Greatest Act of Self Harm" in History of Britain. Reveals Diversity's Darker Side."
"Mass Public Calls to Prayer on Whitehall & Elsewhere Must Stop"
"Move EVERY Migrant OUT of Hotels & into Migrant Camps - just as we did in 1940s."
"Multiculturalism + Mass Immigration Is Destroying Britain. Diversity Has a Darker Side"
"Muslim Sectarian THREAT to UK Election + Chilling Reality of a Labour Government + Farage in Clacton"
"Muslims are Flexing their Muscles in a Direct Challenge to Our Values. We Must Have a Robust Defence"
"Never Has Patriotism Been More Important. Don't Turn Your Back on Britain"
"No One Says "It's a Free Country" Any More. Lee Anderson Was Right: We Want Our Country Back."
"No Such Thing as Anglo-Saxons? The Attack on Our History & Heroes."
"Our Leaders Must Stand With France Against Islamic Calls for Blasphemy Laws To Stifle Free Speech"
"Our National Patriotic Movement is Coming to YOUR Town. Join Us!"
"Our Parasitic New Elite Despises the Working Class. Culture Wars & The Decline of the West."
"Peter Whittle of the New Culture Forum: We are Proud of Our Great Country & History"
"Peter Whittle on London Mayor's N.Y.E. BLM 'firewoke' display"
"Peter Whittle: Islamism Endangers Our Democracy"
"Peter Whittle: Our Country & Culture Are Struggling to Survive"
"Police act like Britain is an Islamic State. No One is Required to "Respect" Islam or the Quran."
"Pride Flag Swastika Brings Out Thought Police + Has Trans Peaked With Closure of Tavistock Clinic?"
"Prioritizing Identity Over Excellence & Competence is Destroying Us"
"Proud to Be British? A New Vision for Britain Live from New Culture Forum's Annual Conference"
"Race Activist Won't Accept FACTS Showing Britain is LEAST Racist Nation"
"Reform Party Agenda: Open Border Tories Betrayed Brexit Britain - We Can Fix It."
"Resisting Woke: How to Fight Back"
"Richard Tice: Reform has the GUTS to do what Tories WON'T. If You Don't Like British Culture, Leave!"
"Rishi Sunak FLOPS on GB News. Labour's Anti-Semitic Crisis + Comrade Khan + The Death of Civility?"
"Say No to Blasphemy Laws, Britain Haters & Woke Attacks (New Culture Forum Annual Conference)"
"Sharia in Soho? + Scrap 'Mickey Mouse' Uni Degrees + Climate Alarmism or Reality?"
"Should Churchill's Statue be Buried? Strikes, Inflation, Radical Left: Is Britain Back in the 1970s"
"Should England Declare Independence? Why Can't The Government Control Immigration?"
"Should UK Leave European Court of Human Rights? Is Rwanda Policy A PR Stunt By the Government?"
"Should we BAN "Aggressive" & "Hateful" Pro-Palestine Demonstrations?"
"Southport: EXPLOSIVE Mosque Allegations + Farage on Manchester Airport + Tommy Robinson"
"Speech Control is Social Engineering. Don't Use Their Words & Language. Stay True to Your Heart."
"Standing up for Britain & Remembering Our Fallen is NOT "Far Right""
"Starmer DEMONIZED the Southport Protestors u0026 Showed NO INTEREST in Addressing their Concerns"
"Stonewall Bullies Try To Erase "Mother" - Why Are Taxpayers Funding This Out of Control Lobby Group?"
"Strikes, NHS in Constant Crisis & Work-Averse Youth. Also is Tory Britain a Social Democracy?"
"Sunak is like a School Prefect not a PM. Britain is Paying the Price for Tory Mass Immigration."
"Tackling Woke: Reasons to be Cheerful & Optimistic (New Culture Forum annual conference)"
"Teacher Suspended For Showing Mohammed Caricature Must Be Defended by Government"
"Team Lineker Defeats BBC + Is Going Woke Good or Bad for Business? + Death of the "Film Star""
"The BBC Damages Our Culture. From Racist Employees to Gary Lineker to Deflecting Acid Attacks"
"The Blob Has Taken Back Control of Britain & Is Destroying the Tory Right"
"The British People Never Consented to a "Multicultural Britain": Sunak, Reform & the Right's Future"
"The Church of England has "Lost the Plot" as it Considers a Gender-Neutral God & Human Composting"
"The Left's Quest to Remove Whiteness & Undermine Our Culture"
"The New Puritans: How Social Justice Captured the Western World"
"The People vs The Elites - Starmer's Two-Tier Britain"
"The Right need a Counter Elite to Battle Our Current Progressive Elite"
"The War on Whiteness & The West: Murray's Brave New Book Exposes How We're Taught to Hate Ourselves."
"The Year in Review: Politics, Immigration, Culture Wars, Monarchy"
"Tories Abandon Lee Anderson + Islamist Threat & No Go Zones + Trans Killer"
"Tories Are Finished If They Avoid The Culture Wars. The Public Want Action not Empty Words."
"Tories Have Abandoned British Workers. Migration Figures Soar to 675,000."
"Tories Set to Face BIGGER Election Defeat than to Blair's Labour in 97."
"Tories Took Away OUR Rights During COVID, So Why Are Migrant Rights Tying The Government in Knots?"
"UK Accepts Migrants REJECTED by France. UK Accepts 72% of claimants 3 x HIGHER than France (25%)"
"UK Immigration -- The Facts: Rt. Hon. Lord Green (of Migration Watch, an independent think tank)."
"UK is Acid Attack Global Centre + Liz Truss's "Popular Conservatism" + Ban Phones for Under 16s?"
"UK's had More Immigration in 25 Years than Previous 2,000 Years Combined"
"Was 2023 Peak Woke or will 2024 be Worse? Islamism on Our Streets & 2-Tier Policing. 2023 in Review."
"We MUST Have a Public Enquiry into Two-Tier Policing. Peter Whittle"
"We Must CELEBRATE Navy’s HEROIC Anti-Slavery Efforts or Anti-British Activists Will Rewrite History"
"We Teach Traditional Values & a Classical British Education Rooted in Christianity."
"We are witnessing an attempt to "reset" Britain to Year Zero and eradicate its proud history"
"Wellingborough to Westminster: Can the Reform Party Fix Broken Britain?"
"Western Civilization is Under Attack From All Sides. Can It Survive? Peter Whittle @ Battle of Ideas"
"What Starmer u0026 the Media Are Trying to SUPPRESS About Many Asylum Children"
"What has covid19 revealed about British culture? How has the media reacted?"
"What is the Future for White Majorities & White Identity? How are Demographics Changing Britain?"
"White British Are Now An Ethnic Minority in Major Cities. Christianity now a Minority Religion."
"Why Everything Is Racist"
"Why Has Western Civilization Lost Its Way? (Clip from NCF's THE WEST)"
"Why I Loathe The Woke: Puritanical Joyless Snobs Who Despise the Working Class -- Julie Burchill"
"Why I'm Standing to become Mayor of London. SDP candidate Amy Gallagher: "I Grieve for London"."
"Why People Aren't Having Children: Our Looming Demographic Crisis."
"Why are Dissenting Voices Being Silenced? Groupthink: Why it's Rising and How to Stop it"
"Woke Monarchy Takes Up Cancel Culture and Abandons Lady Hussey"
"Woke Privilege: The Entitled Intolerance of Progressives I So What You're Saying Is"
"You're Being Manipulated: Learn How Others Try to Control Your Mind"
"Your Black Family OWNED Slaves but You Want the CHURCH to Pay Reparations for Slavery"
"Youth Quake: Britain's Right Wing Youth Pressure Farage to Set Up Reform UK Youth Wing"
"£1 BILLION for Slavery: Church of England Goes Mad + New Extremism Definition Threat to Free Speech"
"£20 TRILLION?! Britain Should Not Pay a SINGLE PENNY in Reparations to the Caribbean for Slavery."
"£7 BILLION of YOUR Money Wasted on Diversity & Inclusion Schemes/Scams"