Youtube activity of "Diana Kamala Mars" (@dianakamalamars8397) on "Static CamperVan" channel.
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Diana Kamala Mars
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Comments by video
"#vanlife at Liberty Station. A day in a Life #vlog"
"1500 Subscribers! Thank You!"
"20 Mile Roundtrip Hike!"
"4th of July (Static Style)"
"A Day At Trinidad Beach #adayinalife #vlog Cutting My Own Hair, Vanlife Shower Setup"
"A Day at Balboa Park #adayinalife"
"A Day in Olympia"
"A Holiday and a Plumbing Repair"
"A Lazy Day In My Van Making Coffee #adayinalife #sleepaid Flying Goats Coffee, New Coffee Brew Scale"
"A Long Drive and a Short Hike"
"A Regular (mundane) Day of CamperVan Life"
"A Troll, a Farmers Market and an Awesome REI location"
"A Walk Through Balboa Park"
"A Word About One Awesome Inch"
"Across The Golden Gate Bridge, Pigeon Point u0026 Wildling Shoes | A Day of Firsts"
"Altitude Sickness. This Was a Bad Day"
"America’s Nicest Town | Ferndale #adayinalife #fulltimetravel #vlog"
"An Embarrassing Van Upgrade #vanlife #adayinalife #diy"
"An Unexpected Trip to Oregon"
"Are Gas Stoves Safe to use in a Campervan?"
"Avoiding Condensation Living In A Van #fulltimevanlife #vanlife"
"Avoiding another Propane Fill Scam #adayinalife #vanlife"
"Avoiding the Heatwave. Summer Vanlife Vlog"
"Big Fail Finding A Camp, Olympic NP, Egg Salad u0026 Local Art #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Big Job in a Little Van | New Rug, Rice Cooker Repair u0026 a Cup of Coffee or Two #adayinalife #vlog"
"Build A Better Personal Cooler #adayinalife #diy air conditioner / swamp cooler"
"Building A New Bed At Home Depot #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"Call Off the Search!"
"Called Out by Wanderlust Estate - What is my New Years Resolution?"
"Camper Van Cooking: Wild Chanterelle Mushroom Appetizer"
"Camper-Con 2019 u0026 Tim Hortons Coffee"
"CamperVan Cooking: a Craving for Sauerkraut"
"Campervan Lighting Repair u0026 Upgrade #vlog #diy #saltlamp"
"Camping with the camperman at Mount Rainier"
"Changed Direction On Van Build #dayinthelife #sleepaid Stainless Steel Sink, Counter u0026 Shelf"
"Changes Afoot #dayinthelife #sleepaid | Cordless Kettle For Solar Power"
"Changes Are Happening | Coffee Chat In A Van #unintentionalasmr #aeropress"
"Chasing Waterfalls"
"Checking out the Big Tent in Quartzite while at the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous 2017"
"City Vanlife during Lockdown Update"
"Clearing The Clutter #adayinalife #vlog | Trader Joe’s Coffee u0026 Ice Cream"
"Coffee Chat in a Van - Do You Watch ASMR Videos?"
"Coffee Chat in a Van - HyperX Quadcast Microphone"
"Coffee Chat in a Van | Should I Buy a Bike?"
"Coffee Chat in a Van. Let’s Talk Coffee Grinders"
"Coffee Chat in a Van. The Trouble With Bargain Coffee"
"Coffee Chat | Tips For Brewing Decaf u0026 A Furious Rant #sleepaid"
"Coffee Chat. Let’s Talk about Comments"
"Cooking in my Minivan Camper, Green Chile Stew. Full Time Vanlife Travel"
"Cooking in the CamperVan and a tip on saving water"
"DIY Tune Up To Save $500 #adayinalife #vlog Replacing Spark Plugs u0026 Harbor Freight Tools"
"Deep Thoughts at the State Line"
"Do This To Scare Me #coffeechat #sleepaid"
"Do This to Fix and Improve a MaxxAir Vent Fan"
"Doctor Gives Me Good u0026 Bad News #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Don’t Move to Portland"
"Don’t Visit San Diego, a Love Letter plus Ocean ASMR"
"Don’t Want To Move Here #adayinalife At The Redwood Coast | Ferndale, Centerville Beach #sleepaid"
"Dunkin’ Donuts vs McDonald’s Coffee. Which one is Better?"
"Easy #vanlife Dinner. Bob’s Red Mill Soup"
"Enjoying San Diego Not Making Good Use of Time"
"Escape From Seattle"
"Everything Was Difficult Today | Making A Latte and Hiking Pygmy Forest #adayinalife"
"Failing at a Vlog #2"
"Finding Exactly What Was Needed | #adayinalife #vlog living #vanlife in Ojai"
"First Boondocking Experience!"
"First Meal In The New Van #dayinthelife #sleepaid | Gas One Dual Fuel Stove, Chili"
"Fixing a Rough Running Engine using a Thinkcar OBD2 Scan Tool"
"Flying Goats At The Russian River #adayinalife"
"Glass On This Beach. Engine Maintenance #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Halloween in Hamma Hamma. Dispersed Camping in Olympic National Forest"
"Hanging Out With Friends in Seattle"
"Happy New Year! Changes Ahead #sleepaid"
"How Did I Get Here? A Moment of Zen on California’s Central Coast"
"How I Shower in my 35 sq ft Minivan Camper"
"How I Wash My Hair in a Minivan Camper"
"How I spent my Thanksgiving... in a CamperVan"
"How To Make The Best Coffee | How I Use An Aeropress #coffee #sleepaid"
"I Need a Change"
"I Owe You All an Apology"
"I Quit My Job to Focus on Vanlife"
"I'm at a Crossroads because of Vanlife"
"Incredible Free Desert Camping. Full Time Vanlife Travel"
"Intro Video"
"It Didn’t Get Done. A Day in My #vanlife"
"I’m A Cheater #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"I’m Sick Of People Telling Me To Get A Hotel #vanlife #sleepaid"
"I’m Undergoing Treatment"
"I’ve enabled a Membership to any who want to help me keep making videos."
"Leaving San Diego Forever #vanlife"
"Living Free on Arizona Public Land #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"Longing For Home Living Vanlife #adayinalife #vlog"
"Los Angeles was a Mistake | #adayinalife #vlog"
"Lost u0026 Alone On Bainbridge Island, Seattle #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Maintenance and a Rant about Plastic Berkey Water Filters (Trigger Warning)"
"Make This Quick and Easy Chocolate Mousse Pie in less than 15 Minutes"
"Making Cheat Pizza in my Minivan Camper"
"Making Pizza in My Van Without An Oven. A Day in my Life #vlog"
"Man Lives Six Years in a Minivan - Ram ProMaster City Self Built Campervan"
"Migraine Relief"
"Missing The Connections #coffeechat #sleepaid"
"Morning Coffee Chat #dayinthelife #sleepaid"
"Morning Coffee with Static #2"
"Most Unsafe City In The County #adayinalife | Headwaters Forest Reserve, Sequoia Park #sleepaid"
"My Eyes Need an Upgrade | #adayinalife #vlog America’s Best, Curry Gravy Dinner u0026 IKEA"
"My Thoughts on the Rubber Tramp Rendezvous 2017"
"Neon Lights And Magnets Make Great Campervan Upgrades #adayinalife #vlog"
"Never Wanted to Live in San Diego. A day in a life of #vanlife"
"New Van For Vanlife #fulltimevanlife #sleepaid"
"Nomad Code: a Message to Living Free"
"Nomad Interview - Living in while building out a Camper Van"
"North by NorthWest to Cape Flattery"
"Not Happy Living In Santa Rosa #adayinalife #vanlife #vlog"
"Not In Seattle #adayinalife #vlog"
"Of Cork u0026 Coffee Saturday #vanlife vlog"
"On The Moonstone #adayinalife | Spicy Chuck Roast, Solar Power System, Sea Caves #sleepaid"
"One Year Van Anniversary part 3 (or the most spectacular place I've ever been)"
"Portland was a Good Idea"
"Prepping My Van For Winter And Cold Weather #adayinalife #vanlife #sleepaid"
"Rain On Van Roof Inside While Cleaning #adayinalife #rain #rainsounds"
"Rainy Drive And Day At The Coast #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Rainy Morning Errands #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Rainy Night Cooking In A Van #adayinalife #sleepaid #rain"
"Ran Away To Trinidad. The Other Trinidad #adayinalife #vlog #sleepaid"
"Reflecting on 2017"
"Reluctantly in Olympia"
"Replacing my Campervan Stove with a Stansport 15,000 BTU Cast Iron Propane Camp Stove"
"Risking Danger for Great Coffee"
"Rough Start On The Road To Oregon #adayinalife #vlog"
"Searching Spooky Hallways Back In Seattle #adayinalife #vlog"
"Seattle Heatwave #adayinalife #vlog | Best Mexican Food in Seattle and Trying To Stay Cool"
"Secret Free Parking at Doheny State Beach #adayinalife of #vanlife"
"Secret to Great Coffee: the AeroPress"
"Seeking Atonement for my Sins"
"Shaking Off the Doldrums Saturday #Vanlife Vlog"
"Shopping For A New Van To Live In #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Should I Give Up on #vanlife? Coffee Chat in a Van"
"Showers are off-limits, Guajillo Salsa, Pink Cloud Sunset. #adayinalife #vanlife"
"Sick All Day in my Van in my Favorite Town"
"Sometimes I’m Lucky #adayinalife #vlog Moonstone Beach, Homemade Pizza, Wildling Shoes"
"Spicy News | Coffee Chat #sleepaid"
"Staresso Discovery Coffee Grinder Review"
"Staresso Mini Portable Espresso Maker. Make a Latte Anywhere"
"Stealth Camper Van Sink"
"Switch to Decaf?! #adayinalife #vlog Coffee and Redwoods"
"The Best Sink for a Camper Van (requested video on my restaurant wall mount hand sink)"
"The Best u0026 Safest Heater For Vanlife - Olympian Wave 3 Propane Safety Heater"
"The Problem with being an Introvert"
"Three Years Living in a ProMaster City Minivan"
"Throwing Caution To The Wind Roadtrip #adayinalife #vlog"
"Time To Get Lost #adayinalife #vlog"
"Tired And Grumpy Today On The Way To Trinidad #adayinalife #vlog"
"Today Was A Headache #adayinalife #vlog"
"Toyota Sienna No Build Campervan #fulltimevanlife #sleepaid"
"Two Year Anniversary of Living in a Mini-Van"
"Unique Camping u0026 Travel Pillow Review"
"Update Video (Because I forgot some stuff on the last Video)"
"Update on Using Cork to Control Condensation in my Campervan"
"Van Mechanical Woes #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Van Problems, Shakshuka, MacKerricher State Park #adayinalife #sleepaid"
"Vanlife Has Been Great #vanlife"
"Vanlife Isn’t All Fun u0026 Games #adayinalife | Best Laundromat, Summer Heat"
"Vanlife is Beautiful"
"Water Bandit and Laundry at the Ocean Beach Dog Park #adayinalife #vanlife"
"What Am I Going To Do?- The Answer #vanlife #coffeechat #unintentionalasmr"
"What’s A Bomb Cyclone? #adayinalife #sleepaid New Mattress Cover"
"Why Do I Ever Leave The Coast? | #adayinalife of #vanlife in Mendocino"
"Why I Don’t Eat Out | Coffee Chat #unintentionalasmr"
"Will A $20 Air Cooler Keep My Van Cool? #adayinalife #vlog Tips To Stay Cool In Hot Weather"
"Will I Cave? #adayinalife"
"You’ll Never Believe Where I Just Went!"