Youtube activity of "PeterBE" (@LPrulezhard) on "1M" channel.
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Comments by video
""COPE" vs Self Improvement (Rant)"
"16-30 Step-by-Step Self-Improvement Guide u0026 Tier List"
"1STMAN Social Value Hierarchy"
"25 Best Exercises For Burning Fat"
"35yr Old Average Man vs 35yr Old High Level Man"
"4 things you need to learn to become successful"
"7 Testosterone Boosting Exercises with Steve Walker"
"8 Ways to a Lean Male Face"
"9 to 5 Job u0026 Weekends - Your 2 Greatest Weapons"
"99% of Male Issues are Solved by INCREASING TESTOSTERONE"
"A Man's Starting Point Doesn't Really Matter (Car Vlog)"
"Alcohol/Party Lifestyle is For Women"
"Any Man can go from a 1 to a 10"
"Average Joe to Men's Health Cover Model - Weston Boucher"
"Avoid Becoming Part of the Weakest Male Generation (Rant)"
"Ballin on a Budget Part 2"
"Ballin' On A Budget u0026 Changing The Status Quo"
"Become a Ruthless C**t"
"Bjorn Ironside Body Language Analysis from Vikings"
"Butcher Body Language Analysis | The Boys"
"Captain America Body Language Before u0026 After Transformation"
"Change What You Think Is Possible"
"Creating Your Hypermasculine Character"
"Creating Your Video Game Character with Life Setup u0026 Framing"
"Do The Same 5 Things Every Day For 5 Years | Part 2"
"Do Women Like Muscular Guys?"
"Do men peak later in life u0026 get better with age?"
"Don't Chase what you want, Upgrade Yourself until what you want Chases you"
"Don't Lower Your Standards For Comfort"
"Don't Lower Your Standards for Comfort!"
"Every Man Should Become a Weapon"
"Every Man Should Shave His Head Young"
"Everything Can Change! (Motivation)"
"First Gen of 20yo Men That Women Don't Want"
"Focus on 2/3 Things at a Time"
"Gaining Experience with Women Young vs Late"
"Glen Powell is Proof that Male Life STARTS at 30!"
"Great Body u0026 6 Figures Per Year has never been Easier"
"Guaranteed Way For Men To Live A Good Life"
"Gym Motivation for Men"
"Harvey Specter Body Language Analysis"
"Henry Cavill Male Advantage Journey"
"How Comfort Destroys Men"
"How I Stay Motivated All The Time"
"How LIFE SETUP Attracts Women"
"How To Get Rich Starting With £0 u0026 No Specific Talent"
"How Young Men Can Build Momentum"
"How to Improve Discipline u0026 Focus"
"I've Been Chad!!!"
"Ignore Women for 3 to 5 Years"
"Importance of External Attraction for Men"
"In-Shape u0026 Successful Beats Beautiful"
"It takes 4 Months to Change your Life"
"James Bond Body Language Analysis Part 4 (Skyfall)"
"James Bond Body Language Part 5"
"Life Setup | Using Money to Become More Attractive"
"Lost art of Professionalism u0026 Class (Hobbs u0026 Shaw Scene, Jason Statham)"
"Luca Changretta Body Language Analysis | Peaky Blinders"
"Men Live 1 Life Event Away From Destruction"
"Men Need to Build Kingdoms u0026 Castles"
"Men Only Need Discipline u0026 Patience"
"Men Should Be Like Thanos"
"Men Trying to Play The Female Role"
"Men are Living Life in Reverse"
"Men are Living Life in Reverse Pt.2"
"Men, Work Now, Avoid Regret"
"Michael B Jordan Male Advantage Journey"
"Mike Thurston Male Advantage Journey"
"Modern Men Still See Themselves as Boys"
"Modern Western Dating is Draining Me"
"Money, Women, "Game" u0026 Life Experience (Rant)"
"Most Men Will Never Reach Their Peak"
"My 10 Year Male Advantage Journey (Turning 30)"
"Neck Exercises for Strong Jawline"
"No Woman Is "The One""
"Nothing Happens When You're Comfortable"
"Perfect Male Body System - Step by Step"
"Porn Has Made Men Delusional"
"Porn u0026 Masturbation Make You Think Like a Woman"
"REMEMBER When I Said "I Could Do it All in One Month?""
"Ragnar Lothbrok Body Language Analysis Part 2 (Vikings)"
"Ragnar Lothbrok Body Language Analysis from Vikings"
"Relationships are for Successful Men"
"Ryan Gosling body language analysis In Drive"
"Self-Improvement September, 7 Month Winter Transformation"
"Selfish Men always Succeed"
"Semen Retention Reviewed as a Logical 30yr Old Man"
"Settling For Low Quality Women"
"Should men stay single to become successful and MGTOW"
"Sophisticated Toughness | Pushover Generation"
"Sort Your Life Out First"
"Sympathy Doesn't Exist for Men"
"Testosterone Can Either BUILD or DESTROY Your Life"
"The Average Man is a 3/10"
"The Exponential Male Gap"
"The Great Male Filter 25-30"
"The Male Advantage Lack of Competition"
"The Male Compound Effect"
"The Otherside of Male Life (Motivation)"
"The Otherside of Male Life Part 2"
"The Power of Going Outside"
"The Reality of Trying to Become a Successful/High Value Man"
"Thomas Shelby vs Oswald Mosley Body Language Analysis"
"Tom Hardy Body Language Analysis"
"Tommy Shelby Peaky Blinders Body Language Analysis Part 2"
"Vincent Cassel Male Advantage Journey"
"We're the First Generation of 30yr Old Losers"
"Weekends make you successful"
"Weekly Tasklists Made Me Hyper Productive"
"What I Learnt Playing Football Again After 6 Years"
"Wheat Waffles X 1STMAN Podcast"
"Why Good Looking Men Rarely Succeed in Life"
"Why I Don't Chase Women"
"Why Men Should Bulk in their 20's"
"Why Men Should Fight Weekly"
"Why Men Should Market Themselves"
"Why Modern Men Lack Self-Belief"
"Why Selfish Men Succeed with Women"
"Worst Thing That Can Happen to a Man (Motivation)"
"YOU vs The Average Man"
"You Don't Have Low Confidence You Have Low Value"
"Young Men Don't Attract High Quality Women"
"Your 10 Year Plan"
"£1500 Men's Fashion Haul | Bodaskin, Massimo Dutti, Reiss, Scarosso, Oliver Sweeney"