Youtube activity of "" (@williestyle35) on "Forgotten Weapons" channel.
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Comments by video
""Hill's Patent" Stanley Bull-Dog Revolver: Blatant Patent Theft in 1878"
""Rosalie": Trench Art SMLE with a Most Improbable Story"
"(RU) Ружье Бёрджесса - Забытое Оружие"
".30-06 M1918 American Chauchat - Doughboys Go to France"
"1867 Werndl Military Rifle"
"1891 Salvator-Dormus: The First Automatic Pistol"
"20 Minutes of Ian's Hat Collection"
"A Sneaky Swiss Sniper for Israel: the ZK-31"
"AR-18 and AR-180: Can Lightning Strike Twice for Armalite?"
"Abercrombie & Fitch Luger"
"An American .30-06 MG-42, and GPMGs after WWII"
"Armalite AR-17: A Shotgun from the World of Tomorrow!"
"Armstrong & Taylor Carbine - Too Little Too Late"
"Ballester-Molina Pistols from German Pocket Battleship Armor?"
"Battle Rifles of World War Two: Overview"
"Becker Blow-Forward Revolving Shotgun"
"Beltfed Madsen LMG: When the Weird Gets Weirder"
"Beretta 57: Italy Makes a .30 Carbine SMG for Morocco"
"Beretta M38A vs Suomi kp/31 (w/ John Keene)"
"Bergmann No. 1 / 1894"
"Bernardelli UB: Hammer and Striker Fired 9mm Blowback"
"Bjorgum 1905 Norwegian Prototype Pistol"
"Bloke on the Range Community Strike u0026 SA80 at Finnish Brutality"
"Boberg XR9S & XR45S: The Bullpup Pistols"
"Book Review: Amateur's Guide to the Colt's Thompson SMG"
"Book Review: German Military Rifles and Machine Pistols 1871-1945"
"Book Review: Mauser Bolt Rifles by Ludwig Olson"
"Book Review: The U.S. Model 1917 Rifle - "America's Enfield""
"Book Review: Training Rifles of Third Reich Germany"
"Book Review: Vickers Guide AR15 Volume II"
"Book Review: Vickers Guide to the Kalashnikov, Volume II"
"Book Update: Pages Hot Off the Press!"
"Book Update: PayPal, Posters, and my Dad!"
"Boys Anti-Tank Rifle: Mk I and Mk I* Improvements"
"CETME C2, aka CB-64: Spain's Version of the Sterling SMG"
"CZ38 - The Czech Ugly Ducking"
"Calico Liberty 100 Carbine on the PCC Evaluation Course"
"Calico Light Weapons System: Roller Delay and Helical Drums"
"Chambers Flintlock Machine Gun from the 1700s"
"Chauchat Field Testing vs Mock MG08/15 Nest"
"Clockwork Basilisk - The Early Revolvers of Elisha Collier and Artemas Wheeler"
"Colt 601: The AR-15 Becomes a Military Rifle"
"Colt Boa: Rarest of the Snake Revolvers"
"Colt Service Model Ace: Carbine Williams Makes a .22 1911"
"Comparison: French 1935A vs 1935S Pistols"
"Custom DeLisle: A .45ACP Mini-Mauser in Classic Sporting Lines"
"Czech ZK-383 Transferable Submachine Gun"
"Daewoo K1A1: A Hybrid AR-15 and AR-18"
"Danish 1889 Krag-Jorgensen"
"Danish M1941 Suomi SMG"
"Denmark's m/75: A Lease-to-Own Rifle"
"Developmental History of the AK with Max Popenker"
"Dolf Goldsmith on Crimes Committed with Destructive Devices"
"EOKA Cut-Down Beretta 38 SMG"
"Enough Nonsense; What is an "Assault Rifle"?"
"Erma EMP: Heinrich Vollmer's Interwar Submachine Gun"
"Evolution of the Submachine Gun: Three Distinct Generations"
"FESAC and the Rights of European Arms Collectors"
"FN M249S SAW at the Range"
"Finland's Prototype Belt-Fed GPMG: L41 Sampo"
"Forgotten History: Musée de Plans-Reliefs (Paris)"
"Forgotten History: Violent Jewish Resistance to the Holocaust"
"Fosbery's Pump Shotgun: An AR15 Bolt in 1891"
"French Mle 1892 Revolver in Competition"
"French Underfolding Paratrooper Rifle: MAS 36 CR39"
"GIGN's MR73 Sniper Revolver in .357 Magnum"
"German U-Boat Line-Thrower Rifle Conversions"
"Guns for the Pope's Police: Mazzocchi Pinfire Revolver"
"H&K P7 Family: Pistols for Gun Cognoscenti"
"How Does It Work: Patents and Blueprints"
"How Does it Work: Stoner's AR System"
"How to Safely Unload & Clear the Four Most Common Rifles"
"Huot Automatic Rifle: The Ross Goes Full Auto"
"Italian Sci-Fi Blaster: The Franchi LF-57"
"Italy's WW1 Heavy Machine Gun: FIAT-Revelli Modello 1914"
"Kalashnikov vs Sturmgewehr!"
"Kalthoff 30-Shot Flintlock: The First Repeating Firearm Used in War (1659)"
"L96A1: The Green Meanie - the First Modern Sniper Rifle"
"LM-4 Semmerling Pistol"
"Larry Vickers' Delta Force Colt 723 Carbine"
"Laumann 1891 and Schonberger-Laumann 1894 Semiauto Pistols"
"Literature Review: English-Language Books on French Firearms"
"Luxembourg FN49 Semiauto Sniper Rifle"
"M1909 Benet Mercie - America's First LMG"
"M1911A1: America's Definitive World War Two Pistol"
"MAS 49: A Universal Service Rifle"
"MG11: The Magnificent Swiss Maxim Gun"
"Madsen M1888 Forsøgsrekylgevær: The Strangest Semiauto"
"Madsen M50: From the Korean War to Star Trek"
"ManuFrance Commercial Luger"
"Marga Trials Rifle: Competition For the Belgian Army"
"Mateba Unica 6: A Semiauto Revolver in .44 Magnum"
"Mauser Schnellfeuer: The Official Full Auto C96 Broomhandle"
"Model 1927 Thompson Semi Automatic Carbine"
"Morphy's Final Prices Fall 2019: Simply Sumptuous Subguns"
"Municion L.M.P. 1889: Paris Commune to Spanish Civil War"
"Nordic Cooperation: The Swedish M96 in Finnish Service"
"Original FG42: A Detailed Comparison of the 1st and 2nd Patterns"
"Origins of Constant Recoil: The Ultimax Mk3 (feat. Mae & a Yeti)"
"Orvill Robinson's Innovative Rifles"
"P7A13: H&K's Entry into the US XM9 Pistol Trials"
"PSA "Spiker": A Clone of the Chinese Type 56 AK"
"PT83: The Sneaky Silenced Version of Poland's P83 Pistol"
"Papers Behind the Pistol: Mauser's Archives on the Model 1910"
"Patchett Machine Carbine Mk I: Sten Becomes Sterling"
"Pistols Taken From the Walther Factory in April 1945"
"Powell's Cartridge Counter Luger: The First Military 9mm"
"Praga I: A Blow-Forward Bullpup Semi-Auto-Selectable Vickers Gun"
"Presenting Guns in Video Games w/ Jonathan Ferguson"
"Preview Day at RIA"
"Project Lightening Episode 07: Conclusions"
"Prototype Friberg/Kjellman Flapper-Locking Semiauto Rifle"
"Prototype Mauser 1917 Trench Carbine"
"Pump-Action AK: Romanian PAR-3 (How Not to be an "Assault Weapon")"
"Q&A #13: Cameras, Surplus SMGs, Modern Rocket Balls, and More!"
"Q&A 26: SHOT Show and More"
"Q&A 27: Machine Guns with John Keene"
"Q&A 29: Galilean Sights and American AKs"
"Q&A 30: ACRs, Besas, and Czechoslovakia"
"Q&A 33: It's All About Compromises"
"Q&A 36: All About Tanks, with Nicolas Moran (the Chieftain)"
"Q&A 42: Books, Machine Guns, Cannons, and Forgotten Weapons by Mail"
"Q&A 45: Repros, Sporterizations, and Guest Appearances by CMMG and Calico"
"RIA Final Prices Dec 2019: American Luger & Strange Shotguns"
"Rearming West Germany: The G1 FAL"
"Replacing Beretta: the S&W XM10 Trials Pistol"
"Ribeyrolles 1918 - France's First Assault Rifle or a Failed Prototype?"
"Romania's AK-Based SMG: the LP7 (YouTube Cut)"
"Ross MkII: Sorry, We'll Get it Right This Time"
"SC Robinson Confederate Sharps Carbine"
"SIG 44/16: The Best Service Pistol, But The Road Not Traveled"
"SIG Prototype 1924-25 Rifles"
"Saga of the AR15 Forward Assist: A Solution Searching for a Problem"
"Schmeisser's MP-18,I - The First True Submachine Gun"
"Shanghai Municipal Police Colt 1908"
"Shanghai Municipal Police Colt 1908 in Competition"
"Shooting the H&K MP7"
"Shooting the HK21 Modular Machine Gun"
"Shooting the Inglis 8mm Bren Gun"
"Shooting the Thompsons: Comparing the 1921, 21/28, and M1A1"
"Sig P230JP: A Special Pistol for the Japanese Police"
"Slow Motion: Gerät 06 (German WWII Prototype)"
"Slow Motion: MAS 49/56"
"Slow Motion: VG1-5 Volksturm Rifle"
"Snipers Before Infantry: the Danish m/66 Sniper"
"Some of Ian's Gun Collection, on a Matrix Armory Display Wall"
"Soviet SVT-38 Self-Loading Rifle"
"Spanish 1892: Last of the Single Stack Magazine Mausers"
"State of the Channel 2020"
"Steyr Model 1911 Semiautomatic Trials Rifles"
"Steyr-Solothurn S2-200: the Austrian MG30 and Hungarian 31M"
"Striker 12: Shotgun Turned "Destructive Device""
"Sudayev's PPS-43: Submachine Gun Simplicity Perfected"
"Tanegashima: Guns of the Samurai"
"Taser X12 XREP: A Taser in a Shotgun Shell"
"The Erma EMP at the Range"
"The FAL for British Troop Trials in 1954: X8E1 & X8E2"
"The First German Assault Weapon: The Lange Pistole 08"
"The Last Dreyse Needlefire: 1874 Border Guard"
"The Last Swiss Battle Rifle: SIG-Manurhin 542 (in .243)"
"The Mandalorian Carries an 1894 Bergmann No.1"
"The Mystery of James Bond's Long-Barrel .45 Car Gun"
"The Pointless (and Dangerous) "Spetznaz" Makarov Holster"
"The RK 62 M3 Clone I Used for Finnish Brutality 2024"
"The Real Guns of Star Wars: A New Hope"
"Thompson 1921: The Original Chicago Typewriter"
"Three Variations of Party Leader PPK Pistols"
"Toolroom Prototype .32 ACP Walther Olympia"
"Top 5 Pistols of World War One (Response to C&Rsenal)"
"Transferrable? Pre-May? Post-86? Dewat? John Keene Explains..."
"Turkish Vickers: A Gun With All the Widgets!"
"Type 13 Manchurian Mauser - A WW1 Legacy in China"
"USMC Force Recon & MEUSOC: the M45A1"
"Ukrainian or Russian Partisan Modified MP40"
"Update: Clockwork Basilisk Books on the Way!"
"Updates: New Merch, New Headstamp Book, and RecoilTV!"
"Valmet M71 - How Does it Shoot in Full Auto?"
"Vektor CP-1: Recalled to the Mother Ship"
"Walther MPL Submachine Gun"
"Walther Model 3: A Tiny Early .32"
"What You Didn't Know About the 1968 Machine Gun Amnesty"
"Whitney Wolverine: Atomic Age Design in a .22 Rimfire"
"Wieger 942: East Germany Makes a 5.56mm AK"
"Yugoslav M57: Tito's Tokarev"
"ZB47: A Truly Weird Czech SMG"
"sa81 KRASA: Czechoslovakia's Ultra-Compact Lost PDW"
"Žiga from Polenar Tactical Reviews my Lynx Brutality AK"
"АН94 - Забытое Оружие"