Youtube activity of "lerryperry" (@lerryperry) on "Nomad Capitalist" channel.
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Comments by video
""Where to Retire with $1 Million and Live Like a King?""
"10 English-Speaking Islands For Expats to Live On"
"10 Hard-to-Visit Countries with Many Second Passports"
"10 Tax-Friendly Countries with Snowy Winters and Skiing"
"10 World Most Powerful Passports 2022"
"11 Best Online Business Ideas (Based on REAL Experience)"
"20 Reasons the USA is NOT #1 Anymore"
"3 Ways to Get UAE Incorporation and Residency"
"6 Easy Second Residencies in Europe"
"61% of Americans Pay ZERO Tax"
"7 Great “Focus Cities” in Eastern Europe"
"7 New Joe Biden New Tax Increases"
"7 Spanish Speaking Countries for Expats to Live"
"7 “Uncorrelated” Plan B Passports"
"8 Tax-Friendly Latin American Countries"
"A New Terrible Social Security Tax Plan"
"Active vs Passive Income"
"Africa Opening up for Dual Citizenship"
"Am I Leaving Malaysia?"
"Americans Say Country’s Best Days are Behind It"
"Andrew Calls His Grandma on Her 92nd Birthday"
"Another Tax-Friendly Country is GONE"
"Argentina's Latest Wealth Tax Scam"
"Asia is On Sale-Get Great Deals!"
"Asia’s Little-Known Second Residence and Citizenship Program"
"Australia Isn’t a Free Country Anymore"
"BREAKING: Changes to Malta Citizenship by Investment"
"BREAKING: More Countries May Start Taxing Nomads"
"BREAKING: Trump to End "Double Taxation" of US Expats? 🇺🇸"
"Best Cities for Young Entrepreneurs"
"Best Places I Would Live with $1,000 per Month"
"Best Second Citizenships for Indians and South Asians"
"Best Second Passports for Future Children"
"Biden’s New Wealth Tax Plans"
"Biden’s Plan to End 1031 Exchanges for Investors"
"CANCELLED: Cyprus Citizenship by Investment"
"CANCELLED: Panama’s Friendly Nations Visa"
"California Exodus: People Fleeing the Golden State Over High Taxes"
"California’s Wealth Tax is Back"
"Canada Threatens to Revoke Travel Privileges"
"Canada’s Coming Wealth Tax"
"Canada’s New Tax"
"Canada’s Wealth Tax: Not Enough for Greedy Politicians"
"Caribbean Citizenship is Changing Forever"
"Caribbean Citizenship vs. Turkey Citizenship by Investment"
"Citizens Are Now BANNED from Their Country"
"Citizenship Myths Debunked! 🔥 🔥 🔥"
"Citizenship by Investment Programmes Explained"
"Clarifying My Thoughts “America First”"
"Countries I Can No Longer Visit"
"Countries I DIDN’T Choose to Live in (And Why)"
"Countries that Trap You For Taxes"
"Crash of the "American Dream" in 2021"
"Does THIS Make Countries “Jump the Shark”?"
"Dollar Expected to Drop 20% in 2021"
"Don't Let Anyone Dictate Your Life"
"Don’t Get a Golden Visa Until You Watch This"
"Don’t Play Games with Puerto Rico Tax Savings"
"Don’t Wait Until the Last Minute to Escape"
"Doug Casey: Leaving the Falling American Empire"
"Dual Citizenship Doesn’t Mean “Fleeing the Country”"
"Eight Surprisingly Good Passports Nobody Talks About"
"Eight Years of Nomad Capitalist in One Video (Video #1000)"
"Elizabeth Warren’s Ultra-Millionaire Tax Proposal"
"Elon Musk Takes Elizabeth Warren to Town"
"Europe Declares WAR on “Citizenship for Sale”"
"Europe’s New Citizenship by Investment Program"
"Everyone Wins Going Overseas #PassportSheats"
"Expats Rank The Best Cities to Live Overseas"
"Five Citizenship Programs Opening and Closing in 2021"
"Five Countries Better than New Zealand for Expat HNWIs"
"Five Developed EU Residences for Serious Entrepreneurs"
"Five Free Countries with Second Residence"
"Five Things I Love About Mexico City"
"Five Things I Love About Tbilisi"
"Four Cheap Foreign Investments in 2021"
"Four Problems Paying Zero Tax with Portugal’s NHR Program"
"Four Underrated Cities for Dating Overseas"
"Get Ready for Wealth Taxes"
"Giving Birth in Brazil for Second Citizenship"
"Greece’s New 7% Tax Rate on Pensions"
"Grenada citizenship by investment: Pros and cons"
"Happy Taxpayer DESTROYS Nomad Capitalist in 1 paragraph"
"Have Things Gotten Bad Enough Yet?"
"Heidi Chakos: Crypto Life in Portugal, Expatriation, and the Future of DeFi"
"Here’s What Governments Will Do After the Crisis"
"How Investing in Istanbul Real Estate Can Work"
"How Joe Biden's Tax Plan Will Raise Your Taxes"
"How Malta’s New Citizenship Program Works"
"How Many Second Passports is Enough?"
"How Peter Thiel Saved $5 Billion Tax Free #PassportSheats"
"How many passports do you have?"
"How to "go offshore", US job growth slows, Nomad Capitalist BANNED"
"How to Convince Your Family to Go Overseas"
"How to Get Egyptian Citizenship by Investment"
"How to Get Malta Citizenship by Investment"
"How to Get Turkey Citizenship with Real Estate"
"How to Live in Europe Without a Golden Visa"
"How to Move to the UK - 4 Tips for Success"
"How to Pay Lower Taxes in Georgia"
"How to Prepare for a Recession"
"How to Survive the End of a US Superpower"
"How to escape President Trump and move to Canada"
"Hypocrisy at its Finest"
"I Left the USA. Here's Where I Moved To"
"I Refuse to Get This Passport"
"If I Could Only Choose Three Countries to Live In..."
"If You Want to Expatriate, Do it Before President Biden"
"Is Investing in Foreign Real Estate a Bad Idea?"
"Is citizenship by descent worth it?"
"Is it Time to Leave the Country? Interview with Robert Kiyosaki"
"Istanbul Airport for Sale and Turkish Real Estate Market"
"It’s Never Too Late to Go Where You’re Treated Best"
"I’m Buying a Car #NomadCapiTEAlist"
"I’m Sick and Tired of This #NomadCapiTEAlist"
"Joe Biden’s New 43.4% Capital Gains Tax Rate"
"Judge Something in Bad Times, Not in Good"
"Kuala Lumpur vs. Dubai: Which is Better for Wealthy Expats?"
"Lars Larson: The American Dream in the Time of ''Wokeism''"
"Last Chance for Cheap Portugal Golden Visa"
"Latin America vs. Asia Residence Permits"
"Life is Easier When You Avoid These Four Places"
"Like NYC, but Hate High Taxes? Move HERE..."
"Live Like a King in Tbilisi: Luxury Living in Georgia 🇬🇪"
"Living in Eastern Europe: Tbilisi vs. Yerevan vs. Belgrade vs Montenegro..."
"Living in Europe is Getting Worse"
"Living in Malaysia for Digital Nomads: Pros and Cons"
"Low-Tax Countries with Low Natural Disaster Risk"
"Malaysia MM2H Reopens with New Requirements"
"Malta vs. Bulgaria Citizenship by Investment"
"Mexico Beats USA in Best Countries for Expats"
"Mistakes I Made Investing in Georgia"
"Moving Overseas Beats “Stay and Fight”"
"My Christmas Gift to You"
"My Concerns About the United States #NomadDad"
"My Experience Renovating Homes Worldwide"
"My Experience at the Bogota and Santiago Protests"
"My New Istanbul Apartment"
"My Thoughts on AOC’s Tax the Rich Dress"
"My Thoughts on Ukraine"
"New Rules for US E-2 Visas"
"New Zealand’s New Residence Permits for 2022"
"Nine Great Things About Eastern Europe"
"Nomad Responds to Mark Cuban's Investment Advice"
"Nomads Reply to Australia’s Lockout of Their Own Citizens"
"Now It’s Official: Prepare for President Biden"
"Our Moves to Go Where We’re Treated Best #NomadDad"
"Passport Wars: Turkey vs. St. Kitts and Nevis"
"People Moving to Your Country Doesn’t Matter"
"Philippines Suspends SRRV Retirement Visa Program"
"Please Stop Making this Citizenship Mistake!"
"Portugal is Officially Dead"
"Proof Politicians Want Higher Taxes to Punish You"
"Proof Your Country Doesn't Care About You"
"Rising Taxes and Economic History of USA: Part 3 #NomadDad"
"Robert Kiyosaki: How the Rich Choose Friends"
"Scorched Earth VS Scalpel - Two Offshore Tax Strategies"
"Second Citizenships I Would Buy If I Won the Lottery"
"Second Passports You Can Get From Home"
"Seven Misconceptions About Portugal’s NHR Tax Program"
"Should You Move Here for Double the Salary?"
"Should You Move to Escape Tyranny?"
"Six Countries Open to Everyone in November 2021"
"Six Easy European Passports for Entrepreneurs"
"Six Exit Tax Myths (Not Just for Americans)"
"Six Livable Countries We Never Talk About"
"Six Tax-Friendly Islands for Wealthy People"
"St. Kitts and Nevis Citizenship by Investment: An Interview"
"THIS is the World’s Most Livable City?!"
"Take Care of Your Parents or Be a Nomad? #NomadDad"
"Tax-Friendly Countries with Best Quality of Life"
"Taxes Are Going Up #NomadDad"
"The "183 Day Rule" for Offshore Tax Savings"
"The Advice I Gave My Son #NomadDad"
"The Balkan Citizenship Myth"
"The Best Beaches to Live On In 2021"
"The Best Cities for Remote Working"
"The Best Citizenship by Investment Programs"
"The Best Countries for Customer Service"
"The Best Countries in the World to Live in"
"The Case for Second Passports in 2022"
"The Cheapest City for Real Estate in Europe 2020"
"The Cheapest Second Passports in Europe"
"The Coming Tax on Unrealized Capital Gains"
"The EU is Extorting the World"
"The Easiest Countries to Move to from the USA"
"The End of an Era"
"The Four “Perfect” Passports"
"The Government Won’t Let You Escape This Tax"
"The Government is Literally STEALING Homes"
"The Government’s Plan to Tax Your Retirement"
"The Key to Financial Freedom (with Jake Ducey)"
"The Most Common Expat Problems"
"The Most Fair Tax"
"The New York Stock Exchange May Leave NYC"
"The Next Civil War?"
"The Problem with Digital Nomad Visas"
"The Proposal for 100% Inheritance Tax"
"The Safest Citizenship by Investment Countries"
"The Safest Low-Tax Countries in Europe"
"The Safest Low-Tax Countries in the World"
"The Three-Step Passport Plan to Replace Your Citizenship"
"The Tourist Visa Crackdown"
"The UAE’s New Corporate Tax Rate"
"The UK Investor Visa is Dead"
"The US Plan to KILL Second Citizenship"
"The USA’s New Civil War?"
"The Ultimate Plan B for Residence and Citizenship"
"The Untold Secret of My Low-Tax Life"
"The World’s Most Underrated Passport for Travel?"
"The Wrong Reasons to Get Second Citizenship"
"The world’s WORST citizenship for sale offer"
"The “Ping Pong Effect” of Going Offshore"
"The “Tax-Free Quadrant” for Lower Taxes Offshore"
"These 36 Countries Have Better Health Care than the USA"
"These Ex-Communist Countries are Now Free Economies"
"This Bank Threatened to Sue Me!"
"This Billionaire’s Passport Portfolio"
"This Citizenship Will Become Worse"
"This Golden Visa is Canceled"
"This Government is Blocking Retirement Accounts"
"This is the Nastiest New Tax Coming"
"This “Patriotic” Move is So DUMB"
"Three Reasons Why We are Moving From Latin America to Asia #PassportSheats"
"Three Surprisingly Cheap Real Estate Markets"
"Three Tax-Free Second Residences with Incorporation"
"Tour of My New Home in Bogota, Colombia"
"Travelling on a St. Kitts and Nevis Passport"
"Trump vs. Biden for Entrepreneurs on Taxes, FATCA, and GILTI"
"Trump: Wealth Will Move Overseas"
"Trust Fund Kid Says: "I Should Pay More Taxes" 🤦🤦🤦"
"Turkey Will Pay You to Bank There"
"Two Things Elon Musk Taught Me"
"UPDATED: If I Could Only Live in Three Countries…"
"US Passport vs. Canadian Passport #PassportWars"
"USA Falls to Record Low in Economic Freedom"
"USA’s Transition From a Capitalist to a Socialist Society #NomadDad"
"Upcoming Canada Elections Mean Higher Taxes"
"Using Second Citizenships to Escape Rising Taxes"
"Vanuatu’s New Citizenship for Real Estate Investors"
"Visit these Cities, Don’t Live in Them"
"Vusi Thembekwayo: How I Built a Business in Africa"
"Want Lower Taxes? Don’t Even VISIT California"
"Want to Move to Europe? Get Ready to Pay"
"We Hit 1 Million Subscribers! 🥂 (Walk Down Memory Lane)"
"What 2020 Taught Us About Nomad Capitalism"
"What Happens to Entrepreneurs if Trump Wins"
"What I’m Thankful for This Year"
"What You Missed at Nomad Capitalist Live"
"What if El Salvador Offered Citizenship by Investment?"
"What is a Passport Portfolio and Why do you Need One?"
"What is the Cost to be a US Citizen?"
"Where My Freedom-Seeking Friends Are Moving"
"Where to Get Instant Citizenship by Marriage"
"Where to Get Second Citizenship in Asia"
"Where to Move for Southern California Weather and Low Taxes"
"Where to Move to Escape World War III"
"Who Joe Biden REALLY Wants to Tax"
"Why Americans Should Get a Second Passport"
"Why Countries Offer Tax Benefits to Foreigners"
"Why I Came Back"
"Why I Closed my Liechtenstein Bank Account"
"Why I Don’t Like Spain’s Golden Visa Program"
"Why I Don’t Own a Car"
"Why I Spend Less Time in Tbilisi"
"Why I Was Happy to Leave Latin America"
"Why I’m Most Glad I Left the USA"
"Why I’m Not Investing in Africa (It's Not What You Think)"
"Why This Citizenship Program Raised Prices"
"Why Tier B second passports are the wave of the future"
"Why We Work with Millionaires (The Business Story of a Crazy Year)"
"Why Your Passport’s Visa-Free Travel Doesn’t Matter"
"Why and How I Renounced US citizenship: My Expatriation Story"
"Why the USA is Losing Entrepreneurs"
"Will Renouncing Citizenship Become Impossible?"
"Will Russia Start a Golden Visa Program?"
"Will the US Become a Third World Country?"
"Your Citizenship Can Be Canceled"
"“Can the US Keep Going Like This?”"
"“Caribbean Citizenship is for Fools!”"
"“Do I Have to Live in ‘The Third World’ to Save on Taxes?”"
"“Going Offshore Was the WORST IDEA EVER""
"“I Can’t Move Overseas. How to Be a Nomad Capitalist?” #NomadCapiTEAlist"
"“No One Will Be Safe From Wealth Taxes”"
"“Pitchforks and Guillotines” Ahead for Western Citizens"
"“Please Stop Criticizing Australia”"
"“Should I Get UK Citizenship?”"
"“You’re Disgusting!”"
"🚨🚨Second Citizenship Will Be Dead🚨🚨"