Youtube activity of "Jennifer Lawrence" (@jenniferlawrence2701) on "The New Culture Forum" channel.
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Jennifer Lawrence
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Comments by video
""Anti-White Racism Doesn't Exist": My Kids' School Refused to Show Me What They Were Teaching"
""Ghastly Race Baiter" Actress SLAMMED for "Perverted Mind" Over "Terribly White" Coronation Comment"
""I Have No Faith in the Police. Britain is a Broken Society": Peter Whittle"
""The BBC is ROTTEN to the Core & The Police Are NOT On Our Side" - Peter Whittle"
""Whiteness: A Problem of Our Time": Nurse Sues NHS For Racist Class Saying Bible & Whites Are Racist"
"1 in 4 Pupils Say They Are LGBTQ. Double the amount in 2015. How can this be explained?"
"73% of Kids Are Taught Race & Gender Theory as Fact. No surprise today's youth hold left-wing views."
"75% of Britons Fear Speaking Out. Anti-White Hate Speech is Permitted."
"A London Lost: The Death of an English City. (Heresies: Ep. 12)"
"A Revolution Betrayed: How Egalitarians Wrecked British Education (Peter Hitchens)"
"An Elder Statesman of Conservatism on the Culture War (BLM, Cancel Culture & Covid-19) Conundrum"
"Anti-Western Derangement: Decolonization and the Erasure of the West"
"Arrested for Speaking in Your Own Home? Scotland's Authoritarian Free Speech Crackdown"
"Australia's Sex v Gender Case Could Change Women's Rights GLOBALLY"
"Axe the Tax! Why do WE FUND the BBC & Pressure Groups that HATE US? £800k to Decolonise RL Stevenson"
"BBC Sympathise With Syrian Rapist over Underage Girl? + Will Lee Anderson Boost Reform's Popularity?"
"BBC is Leading the Charge Against British Culture: It Must Go. Time for the Government to Act."
"BLM Activist tells White People to "Get Out of Our Way" as Report Criticizes RAF's Anti-White Policy"
"Ben Habib: "We Must Democratize Reform UK". Mass Immigration is an Existential Threat to Britain"
"Ben Habib: Britain u0026 The West Face an Existential Threat. We Risk Losing Our Culture Forever"
"Britain Should NOT Pay Reparations for Slavery - Royal Family Have Nothing to Apologise For."
"Britain is Being Racialised by the Left Through Toxic Identity Politics & Victimhood Mentality"
"Britain is No Place for Children. Plus: Net Zero is a Utopian Fantasy."
"Britain's Populist Revolt has Changed Politics Forever. A Political Realignment of People vs Elites"
"Britain's Wealth was NOT Built on Slavery u0026 Colonialism"
"CONSCRIPTION to Fight Russia? + British Youth Sicker Than 50 Yr Olds + The Golden Age of UK Adverts"
"Carl Benjamin Sargon of Akkad: English is an Ethnic Identity."
"Charles Moore on BBC Bias: "BBC Assumes White People Are Bad & Black or Brown Are Good""
"Cultural Left Want Immigrants to Radically Change British Society - Prof. Eric Kaufmann"
"Culture & Values: The Challenge of Bridging Britain's Political Divide"
"David Goodhart: Somewheres and anywheres"
"Defining Islamophobia"
"Do Mass Immigration Advocates Want the Ethnic-Cleansing of Britain?"
"Easter: Christianity's Revolutionary Morality Changed the West Forever"
"End the Licence Fee. BBC is Incapable of Reform. BBC at 100 Is More Destructive than Beneficial."
"Far Right? British People Have Had Enough + Huw Edwards + Olympic Trans Athlete Row"
"Fired By Childline For My Child Safety Concerns. Abusive Practices Are Damaging Our Children."
"From the UN to WHO: China's Long March through International Institutions & What the West Can Do"
"Gap Between Muslims & Rest of UK Society Wider Than Ever + Cass TRANS REPORT Should Shame the NHS"
"Gareth Bacon MP: How Wokeism Can Be Defeated."
"Has Old Conservatism Failed? "The New Right" Offers a Bold Alternative Rooted in Traditional Values."
"Heresies Ep. 1: A Free Country? Why We Need To Stand Up For British Liberty"
"Home Office Civil Servants Celebrated Rwanda Failure + Nigel Farage in the Jungle: Good or Bad Idea?"
"How to Increase Birth Rates? Should Women Put Family Before Career? What about Engineered Babies?"
"How will Britain, Europe and America Look in the Decades to Come? Prof. David Coleman"
"I was Cancelled for Writing About the DELUSION of MULTICULTURALISM"
"Immigration Lies: Fake Refugees and Bogus Students."
"Immigration to Crime: How Would the S.D.P. Run Britain? SDP Leader William Clouston"
"Increasing Immigration is the Biggest Brexit Betrayal"
"Insane! MILLIONS of Foreigners in UK Can VOTE in UK General Election, incl. Students on 6 Mnth Visas"
"Ireland's Sinister Hate Crime Bill Should Scare Us All -- How Long Until UK Gets Something Similar?"
"Is Prince Charles Dangerous for the Monarchy? Is the British Council Ashamed of Being British?"
"Is Rishi Sunak English? Trump, Ukraine and the New World Order. JD Vance Schools Europe on Liberty"
"Kaufman: liberals, not Marxists, are the drivers of woke. NCF lecture."
"Lampedusa Migrant Crisis + Britain's Black History Myths + Russell Brand: Can Both Sides Be Right?"
"Leeds Riots: UK is Becoming a Sectarian u0026 Tribal Ethno-Religious Nation"
"Lord Frost: Defending the Nation State: Truss, Brexit, Cultural Identity, Free Markets & Free Speech"
"MUTILATED: The NHS Gender Identity Scandal. Children Were 'GROOMED' to Think They Were Trans"
"Mary Harrington: Is Woke in Retreat? + The Left's War on Nature"
"Men Need Their Own Spaces. Cucks, Cockwombles & How the Right Should Fight Back"
"Michael Collins: The Demonisation of the White Working Class"
"Moralitis: Is Woke Groupthink A Mental Malady? Can A Cultural "Virus" be Cured?"
"Multiculturalism Has FAILED: Most People Racially Self-Segregate:"
"Muslim Prayer Victory. EU's Fascist Undertones. Is Liz Truss a True Conservative? UK Smoking Ban."
"Nick Timothy: England is Denied a Voice by Elites who regard Englishness as Dangerous & Embarrassing"
"Nigel Biggar: Decolonisation is an Assault on Britain. Truth & Facts Are Meaningless."
"No Such Thing as Anglo-Saxons? The Attack on Our History & Heroes."
"Obedience is Freedom: Are We Freer Than Our Forebears?"
"Our Elites Have Lost Their Minds. Western Civilisation is in Danger if We Don't Defend its Values."
"Our Leaders Must Stand With France Against Islamic Calls for Blasphemy Laws To Stifle Free Speech"
"Paul Embery -- Despised: Why the Left Loathes the Working Class"
"Peter Lynch: A Modern Martyr? Chris Kaba: Labour's Favourite Black Gangster. Global Majority or BME?"
"Prof. Doug Stokes: Anti-White Racism Is Rampant In Universities"
"Protestors are ABUSING our Freedoms & Using them to Undermine British Culture, Values & Cohesion"
"Rafe Heydel-Mankoo: No one's "oppressed" by statues or Proms songs. BLM protests are an attack on UK"
"Reform Party Agenda: Open Border Tories Betrayed Brexit Britain - We Can Fix It."
"Richard Tice: Reform has the GUTS to do what Tories WON'T. If You Don't Like British Culture, Leave!"
"Right-Wing Populism is a Youth Movement in Europe. How Have they Avoided the Woke Problems of UK/US?"
"SOS: SAVE OUR STATUES -- -- Subscribe / join to defend Britain's heritage"
"Sack Lineker? + "Small Boats" Law Won't Stop Illegal Migrants + Hancock's WhatsApp Messages"
"Sadiq Khan's Anti-White Agenda. Should UK Restore Death Penalty / Capital Punishment?"
"Sadiq Khan, Starmer u0026 Trump: Have Labour Ruined the Special Relationship Between UK u0026 USA? Ben Leo"
"Schools Don't Teach Evils of Communism, So We Must. Many Ignorant Young Are Worryingly Pro-Communist"
"Should UK Leave European Court of Human Rights? Is Rwanda Policy A PR Stunt By the Government?"
"Should we BAN "Aggressive" & "Hateful" Pro-Palestine Demonstrations?"
"Sir Roger Scruton's Final Video Interview: Beauty, Conservatism & Tradition. 50 Years of Right Ideas"
"Stonewall Has Abandoned Gays & Lesbians. Trans Radical Activism Has Misogyny at Its Heart."
"Suella Braverman’s Tough TALK is Welcome, But Where’s the ACTION? Two-tier Policing."
"The BBC Damages Our Culture. From Racist Employees to Gary Lineker to Deflecting Acid Attacks"
"The Culture War Is Not Over - The Tories Lost the Election Because they Failed to Fight Woke"
"The DISTURBING TRUTH About Kemi Badenoch's Career. A Tory Leadership Special"
"The Liberal World Order Is Dead. National Conservatism Offers Our Best Hope for the Future"
"The Media's Great Trans "Cover Up". A "Misogynistic & Homophobic Men's Rights Campaign""
"The Morality of the British Empire - A Balanced View of Colonialism"
"The People vs The Elites - Starmer's Two-Tier Britain"
"The Police came when I was on Stage. The EU resembles Soviet Communism"
"The Real Reason for the Rise in Rape - and Why Feminists Won't Mention It."
"The War on Whiteness & The West: Murray's Brave New Book Exposes How We're Taught to Hate Ourselves."
"There are NO Universal Human Rights. British Conservatism is Rooted in History NOT Religion."
"Tony Blair Enabled Woke Ideology. Repeal the Equality Act Now."
"Tories Took Away OUR Rights During COVID, So Why Are Migrant Rights Tying The Government in Knots?"
"Tory Leadership: Jenrick v Badenoch. Labour Has USURPED Democracy and Broken How We're Governed"
"UK Immigration -- The Facts: Rt. Hon. Lord Green (of Migration Watch, an independent think tank)."
"UK Riots: Keir Starmer Declares War on the British People"
"UK is Acid Attack Global Centre + Liz Truss's "Popular Conservatism" + Ban Phones for Under 16s?"
"UN Judge Says Britain Must Pay £18 TRILLION Reparations for Slavery"
"US Marxism is DESTROYING Britain u0026 the West. Immigration Is the CORE Issue of this Election"
"Ukraine: Has Putin Revived A Weak & Moribund West? Why do Some on the Right Defend Putin's Position?"
"Victor Davis Hanson: Biden & Radical Elites Are Destroying America. + Evaluating Trump"
"What Really Happened on Whitehall on St. George's Day: Citizen Journalist's First-Hand Account"
"White British Are Minorities in their Own Cities. London & Birmingham Now Deeply Segregated."
"White British Are Now An Ethnic Minority in Major Cities. Christianity now a Minority Religion."
"White Shift: Identity, immigration & the West I So What You're Saying Is I So What You're Saying Is"
"Why Everything Is Racist"
"Why is English Patriotism Denounced but Scottish & Welsh Nationalism Celebrated?"
"Why is Woke Strongest in English-Speaking Nations? (Prof. Nigel Biggar)"
"Will Young Tories Make the Conservative Party Properly Right Wing? Are Right-Wing Youth Alienated?"
"Woke Monarchy Takes Up Cancel Culture and Abandons Lady Hussey"
"Woke Want to Destroy Indigenous English Pride by ERASING Anglo-Saxon u0026 Declaring it Racist"
"Women Are Adult Human Females: Why Trans Women Aren't Women (Posie Parker / Kellie-Jay Keen)"
"Worshipping Race & Minorities: How Liberalism Created Woke by Making Race Sacred"
"Your Black Family OWNED Slaves but You Want the CHURCH to Pay Reparations for Slavery"
"‘Truly shocking’: Israeli Supporter Chased and Attacked by Mob in London"