Youtube activity of "Peter Lund" (@peterfireflylund) on "TLDR News EU" channel.
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Comments by video
"3 Places that Actually WANT Putin to Invade - TLDR News"
"644 Days Without a Government: Belgiums Complex Politics Explained - TLDR News"
"After Kherson, Where Will Ukraine Go Next?"
"All of Europe's Overlapping Security Alliances Explained - TLDR News"
"Amazon Has Been Shut Down in France: Coronavirus in Europe - TLDR News"
"Are Albania u0026 North Macedonia about to join the EU"
"Are Putin's Claims About Ukrainian Nazis Real? - TLDR News"
"Are Sweden and Finland About to Join NATO? - TLDR News"
"Berlin's Plan to Seize Homes from Landlords: Nationalising Property - TLDR News"
"Britain and Europe Fight Over Sausages u0026 Borders: The Sausage War Explained - TLDR News"
"Can Europe Actually Spend 5% of GDP on Defence?"
"Can Macron Kill the EU’s Biggest Ever Trade Deal?"
"Could DiEM25 Solve Europe's Democratic Deficit? The New Party Explained - TLDR News"
"Could Moldova Now Join the EU? Moldova's Election Explained - TLDR News"
"Could NATO Kick Out Turkey (to let in Sweden u0026 Finland) - TLDR News"
"Could Ukraine Actually Join the EU?"
"Could Ukraine Join the European Union? - TLDR News"
"Could the EU Form its Own Army? - TLDR News"
"De-Carbonising Europe's Biggest Polluter - TLDR News"
"Draghi’s Plan to Save the EU Economy Explained"
"EU Army: Is Europe Planning to Integrate Military Forces (or is it Just a Myth?) - TLDR News"
"EU Coronavirus Negotiations Explained: How Leaders Broke EU Deadlock - TLDR News"
"EU Requires USB-C on All Devices u0026 P*sses Off Apple - TLDR News"
"EU takes on Russia: Europe's Eastern Partnership Explained - TLDR News"
"EVERY EU Political Grouping Explained: What Do They Stand For - TLDR News"
"Europe's Migration Debate Explained"
"Europe's Plan to Cut off Hungary's Money - TLDR News"
"Europe's Separatist States: Every Place Trying to Escape - TLDR News"
"Europe's Total Power Vacuum: Who Could Take Over?"
"France Takes Over EU Presidency: French Plans for Migrants, Borders u0026 Finance - TLDR News"
"France's Insane Election Results Explained"
"France’s New Immigration Bill Explained"
"Frontex: How the EU's Growing 'Army' is Attempting to Secure the Border - TLDR News"
"Germany Steps Up: How Ukraine Has Changed Germany - TLDR News"
"Germany's Economic Crisis Explained"
"Germany's New Coalition: The Traffic Light Coalition Explained - TLDR News"
"Germany's Nuclear U-Turn Explained"
"Germany's Online Hate Speech Laws: Protecting Free Speech While Fighting Online Hate? - TLDR News"
"Germany’s CDU/CSU Manifesto Explained"
"Germany’s Election Results Explained"
"Germany’s Historic Election Results Explained"
"Giorgia Meloni Becomes PM - What does it mean for Italy?"
"Greenland's Election Results Explained: Blocking Mining u0026 Becoming Independent? - TLDR News"
"Has Italy fixed its Political Instability?"
"Has Macron Triggered a Civil War in New Caledonia?"
"Has Russia's Invasion of Ukraine Stalled? - TLDR News"
"Has the French Left Split (Again)?"
"Has the War in Ukraine Reached Stalemate?"
"Have Sanctions Actually Helped Putin?"
"Have Serbia and the EU Fallen Out For Good?"
"How (Another) New Party Could Win the Dutch Election"
"How AUKUS Could Actually be GOOD for Macron - TLDR News"
"How Anti-Immigration Went Mainstream: Normalising the Sweden Democrats - TLDR News"
"How Bad Politics is Exacerbating Germany's Economic Crisis"
"How Do Georgia’s Mass Protests End?"
"How Does Europe Fit Together: The EU, EEA, Schengen, Nordics, Benelux, etc - TLDR News"
"How Europe Makes Constant Coalition Governments Work - TLDR News"
"How Falling Oil Prices Could Bring Down Putin"
"How Germany's Floods will Impact the Election: CDU Polling Drop - TLDR News"
"How Macron Became the Ultimate Ukraine Hawk"
"How Meloni (Sort of) Solved Italy’s Migration Crisis"
"How Meloni Became the Most Popular EU Leader"
"How Meloni Is Trying to Reshape the EU"
"How Poland's Election Could Change Europe"
"How Putin (Accidentally) Re-United Europe - TLDR News"
"How Turkey Ran Out of Friends and Money: How Erdoğan has Fundamentally Changed Turkey - TLDR News"
"How a New Pro-Russian Party Could Disrupt German Politics"
"How the EU Failed the Western Balkans"
"How the Netherlands Soured on Immigration"
"If Zelenskyy Was Assassinated... What Would Happen?"
"Ireland: Why The Hell Aren't They In NATO? - TLDR News"
"Is Britain's Relationship with Europe About to get Worse?"
"Is France Heading for a Sixth Republic?"
"Is Germany Spending Enough on Defence?"
"Is Hungary a Dictatorship Now? Orban's Controversial Coronavirus Law Explained - TLDR News"
"Is Meloni’s Constitutional Reform a “Power Grab”?"
"Is Poland Becoming a Major European Superpower?"
"Is Putin Right About Nato's Eastward Expansion? - TLDR News"
"Is Putin Sick (u0026 the importance of rumours in war) - TLDR News"
"Is This the Beginning of the End For Orbán?"
"Is the Netherlands Now Europe’s Most Right-Wing Government?"
"Is the Russian Minority in the EU Being Persecuted?"
"Is the Schengen Area Collapsing?"
"Lithuania Blockades Kaliningrad: What happens now? - TLDR News"
"Merz’s Debt-Fuelled Plan to Rearm Germany Explained"
"Netherlands and Hungary Ditch the EU's Migration Pact: What Next?"
"Nord Stream 2: Was It Merkel's Biggest Mistake? - TLDR News"
"Poland's Plan to Become a Military Superpower Explained"
"Poland’s Controversial ‘Russian Interference’ Law Explained"
"Putin Cuts off Europe's Gas: The Closure of Nordstream 1 - TLDR News"
"Putin Turns Off Europe's Gas: Will the EU Run Out?"
"Putin's Battle for Donbas: The Latest on Russia Ukraine - TLDR News"
"Putin's Capturing the Black Sea... then taking on Ukraine"
"Putin's Demands for NATO and America Explained - TLDR News"
"Putin's Humiliating Retreat from Kherson: The Latest Battlefield Update"
"Putin's Siege of Mariupol: Will Russia Capture the Key City? - TLDR News"
"Romania and Moldova Unite? Europe's Newest Nation"
"Russia AND Ukraine Take Territory: Have We Reached a Stalemate? - TLDR News"
"Russia cuts off the gas: What Next? - TLDR News"
"Russia vs Ukraine: Should the West Intervene? - TLDR News"
"Russia's Lawsuit Against Ukraine Explained: Battle of the Former Soviets - TLDR News"
"Should Wealthy EU Countries Take on Poorer Debt?"
"Some on the Left Hate NATO... here's why - TLDR News"
"Spain's Secret African Cities: A Migrant Crisis on the 'European' Border - TLDR News"
"Sweden’s Crime Crisis Worsens: Will Denmark Shut the Border?"
"Switzerland Abandon EU Talks: Why Switzerland Don't Want a New EU Deal - TLDR News"
"Switzerland's Unique Relationship with the EU Explained: How Does the Swiss Deal Work? - TLDR News"
"TLDR's Race Across Europe - Episode 1"
"TLDR's Race Across Europe - Episode 2"
"TLDR's Race Across Europe - Episode 3"
"TLDR's Race Across Europe - Episode 4"
"TLDR's Race Across Europe - Episode 5"
"The Dutch Government Collapses: What Happens Next?"
"The EU Divided Over Coronavirus: Will it Lead to an Italexit? Will Italy Leave the EU? - TLDR News"
"The EU Parliament Election Results Explained"
"The EU Parliament’s New “Sovereignists” Group Explained"
"The EU isn't Ready to let Ukraine in... here's why"
"The EU's Budget Stalemate: Why They Can't Agree a New Budget - TLDR News"
"The EU's New Plan to Handle China"
"The EU's €500 Billion COVID Stimulus: France u0026 Germany's Plan to Save the EU - TLDR News"
"The Euro Explained: The History u0026 How Countries Join - TLDR Explains"
"The Euro Is Failing: Why € Fell Below the $"
"The European Commission Explained - TLDR News"
"The Greek Economy is Still Struggling 14 Years On"
"The Netherlands' Election Explained: How the Right Won"
"The Russian Oil Price Cap Explained"
"The Ukraine Conflict (Almost) Guaranteed Macron Wins the Election - TLDR News"
"The World's Only Successful Green Party? What Can We Learn from the German Greens? - TLDR News"
"Ukraine Holds Bakhmut: What Happens Next? The Latest Battlefield Update"
"Ukraine's $1 Trillion Rebuilding Plan: Should the West Pay? - TLDR News"
"Ukraine’s Kursk Incursion Continues: Can Russia Halt It?"
"Violence in Kosovo: Will Serbia Send in the Army?"
"Von der Leyen's Plans for a "Geopolitical" EU Explained"
"What Just Happened in Poland: How will NATO Respond?"
"What's Gone Wrong for the German Government?"
"What's Gone Wrong with Sweden's Economy?"
"Which Country Will Join the EU Next?"
"Who Will France's Next President Be?"
"Who Would Win if Ukraine Held Fresh Elections?"
"Why 3 European Countries Still Support Putin"
"Why Anti-Migrant Pushback Laws are On the Rise in Europe"
"Why Are the French Striking Again?"
"Why Belarus is Forcing Migrants into Europe: Polish Migrant Crisis Explained - TLDR News"
"Why Does the EU Keep Suing its Member States?"
"Why Erdogan (still) isn’t letting Sweden Into NATO"
"Why Estonia’s Government is About to Collapse"
"Why Europe’s Energy Crisis is Getting Worse"
"Why Europe’s Right-Wing is More Divided Than You Think"
"Why Farmer Protests are Spreading Across Europe"
"Why Farmers Protests are Spreading to Spain, Italy and Greece"
"Why France Can't Form a New Government"
"Why France and Germany have fallen out"
"Why France is Annoyed with Germany (Again)"
"Why France is Ending Birth Citizenship in its African Territory"
"Why France’s Overseas Territories Really Don't Like Macron"
"Why Germany Wants to Change the EU"
"Why Germany Will (Probably) Ditch the Debt Brake"
"Why Germany is Souring on Immigration"
"Why Germany's Coalition is Reaching Breaking Point"
"Why Greece is Heading for Another Election After Just One Month"
"Why Hungary's Ballooning Deficit is Bad News for Orban"
"Why Is Hungary Blocking Finland and Sweden’s NATO Accession?"
"Why Poland has a Surprisingly Liberal Immigration Policy"
"Why Putin Couldn't Invade Finland - TLDR News"
"Why Serbia is Quietly Moving Away from Russia"
"Why Southern Europe is Finally Outperforming Northern Europe"
"Why Support for Norway’s Two Main Parties Is Falling"
"Why Technocratic Governments Are on the Rise in Europe"
"Why Turkey Suddenly Approved Finland u0026 Sweden Joining NATO"
"Why a Far-Right Separatist Party is on the Rise in Belgium"
"Why a Hard Right Party is on the Rise in Norway"
"Why an EU Army Looks Increasingly Likely"
"Why are Turkey u0026 Greece Fighting Over Oil Rights in the Mediterranean - TLDR News"
"Why has the Right-Wing AfD become so Popular in Germany?"
"Why hasn’t China supplied arms to Russia?"
"Why is Germany’s Crime Rate Soaring?"
"Why is Marine Le Pen So Popular in France?"
"Why is Sweden’s Crime Rate Soaring?"
"Why is the AfD Doing So Well With Young Voters?"
"Why it’s looking more likely that Iceland will join the EU"
"Why the EU Can’t Agree on a New President"
"Why the EU Needs to Expand"
"Why the EU is Annoyed with Hungary (Again)"
"Why the EU is Copying the UK’s Rwanda Policy"
"Why the EU's Relationship with North Korea has FAILED - TLDR News"
"Why the EU's Right-Wing Groups Are Fighting Over Meloni"
"Why the Far Left Is Surging in Germany"
"Why the Netherlands Wants to Opt Out of the EU’s Migration Pact"
"Why the Right is on the Rise in Germany"
"Will Albania be the Next EU Member? The Results and Implications of Albania's Election - TLDR News"
"Will Greenland Finally Get Independence from Denmark?"
"Will High Oil Prices Restart Europe’s Energy Crisis?"
"Will NATO Actually Let Sweden u0026 Finland Join?"
"Will Super Mario Be The Next President? Italy's Presidential Election Explained - TLDR News"
"Will Switzerland Send Arms to Ukraine?"
"Will Turkey Ever Let Sweden into NATO?"
"Will the EU Stop the French Left from Borrowing More Money?"
"Will the Netherlands scrap Net Zero: Farmers Protests Explained"
"Will the Right Win the European Parliamentary Election?"
"Will the Western Balkans Ever Join the EU?"