Youtube activity of "" (@neutronalchemist3241) on "Forgotten Weapons" channel.
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Comments by video
""NATO Burp Guns" - Winchester's 1950s Experimental SMGs"
".30 Super Carry: My 7.65 French Long is Back! (feat. S&W Shield Plus)"
"10mm is the Best Millimeter: the Colt Delta Elite"
"1885 Dimancea: A Revolver With Sprockets"
"8mm M1915 Chauchat Fixing and Range Testing"
"AG42 Ljungman: Sweden Adopts a Battle Rifle in WWII"
"AMELI: Spain's Not-Mini-MG42 in 5.56mm"
"Aimpoint's Only Gun: The PC-80 Symmetrical Action"
"Algimech AGM-1: A Short-Lived Italian 9mm Bullpup"
"An Early .45 ACP Reising Model 50 at the Range"
"Armaguerra Last-Ditch M35 Pistol"
"Armaguerra Model 1939 Semiauto Rifle"
"Arming God's Battalions: a Papal States Rolling Block"
"Ask Ian - What Was the Best WW2 Rifle Cartridge?"
"Ask Ian: Analyzing the Savage Rotating Barrel (at 7500 frames/sec)"
"Ask Ian: Did the Finns Hate the Carcano?"
"Ask Ian: Single Feed vs Double Feed Pistols"
"Ask Ian: Why No German WW2 50-Cal Machine Guns? (feat. Nick Moran)"
"Ask Ian: Why Not a Semiauto BAR Instead of the Garand?"
"Ask Ian: Why So Few Reproduction Historic Guns?"
"Astra 600/43: A Straight Blowback 9mm for the Wehrmacht"
"BM59: The Italian M14"
"BSD's VSS Vintorez Reproduction: Beyond the Hype"
"BSW Prototype Gas-Operated Pistol"
"Balanced Recoil AK-107 / Kalashnikov SR-1: Is It Any Good?"
"Benelli B76 Family: Italian Inertial Locking Autopistols"
"Benelli B76 vs MP3S at the Range"
"Benelli MR1: Not Actually an AR15!"
"Beretta 1915: the First of the Beretta Pistols"
"Beretta 38/42 at the Range"
"Beretta 38/42: Simplified But Still Excellent"
"Beretta 57: Italy Makes a .30 Carbine SMG for Morocco"
"Beretta 93R: The Best Machine Pistol?"
"Beretta M38A vs Suomi kp/31 (w/ John Keene)"
"Beretta Model 1918/30"
"Beretta Model 1923"
"Beretta Model 1931"
"Beretta Model 1931 & 1937 Experimental Semiauto Rifles"
"Beretta SCS-70 for Italian Special Forces"
"Beretta's New 80X Cheetah at the BUG Match (feat. Symtac)"
"Berettas With Bayonets: The Very Early Model 38A SMG"
"Bergmann's MP35 Submachine Gun: It Feeds From the Wrong Side"
"Bernardelli P018S: A Hipster's Service Pistol"
"Bernardelli UB: Hammer and Striker Fired 9mm Blowback"
"Bernardelli VB: Not Actually a Beretta 38 Copy"
"Best SMG of World War Two: The Beretta M38A"
"Book Review: Italian Partisan Weapons in WWII"
"Book Review: La Régia Fabbrica d'Armi di Terni"
"Breda 37: Italy's Forgotten Heavy Machine Gun"
"Browning M1917: America's World War One Heavy Machine Gun"
"C2A1: Canada's Squad Automatic FAL"
"CEAM 1950B: A Roller-Delayed Missing Link in .30 Carbine"
"CMMG Banshee: The Unique Radial Delayed Blowback System"
"CZ Makes a 45 for the Americans: the CZ-97B"
"Carcano Moschetto 91 Carbine and its Folding Bayonet"
"Catalonia's Attempt at a Pistol: the Blowback Isard"
"Cavalry Trials for Browning's Automatic Pistol: The Colt 1907"
"Chauchat: Shooting, History, and Tactics"
"China's CF-98 Service Pistol"
"Clair Brothers Semiauto Shotgun from the 1890s"
"Cobray Terminator at the Range: The Worst Shotgun Ever"
"Colt Checks out the Spanish Wondernine: the Star 30PK"
"Colt Offensive Handgun"
"Colt Prototype Double Action 1911"
"Colt Tries DA/SA: The Colt Double Eagle (in 10mm)"
"Colt Tries To Make a Service Pistol: The Model 1971"
"Cosmi: A Boutique 8-Round Selfloader Hiding in a Single-Shot Body"
"Costa Rican Breda PG: The First Burst-Fire Rifle"
"DS-39: The Failed Soviet Machine Gun of World War Two"
"DS39 at the Range"
"Danish Gevaer m/50 - An American Gun Made in Italy"
"Darne Model 1933: An Economic & Modular Interwar MG"
"Denmark's m/75: A Lease-to-Own Rifle"
"Elbonian M52/57/61 Paratrooper Carbine"
"Elbonian Prototype Hakim LMG"
"Enfield L85A1: Perhaps the Worst Modern Military Rifle"
"Enough Nonsense; What is an "Assault Rifle"?"
"FN FNC: The Belgian 5.56mm NATO Carbine"
"FN Model D: The Last and Best BAR"
"FNAB 43: From WW2 Italy to Algerian Independence"
"Felk TF919: Australia and Spain Team Up to Make a Lousy Pistol"
"Finnish LS-26 at the Range"
"Finnish m/44 Prototype Blowback 9mm Pistol"
"France in the Cold War: AA52 Replaces the Hotchkiss"
"Franchi LAW12 - Like the SPAS-12, but Semiauto Only"
"French Trials VHS-F2 Croatian Bullpup"
"Frommer Pistolen-MG Model 1917: A Crazy Villar Perosa Copy"
"Full Auto at 1000m: The 7.92x41mm CETME Cartridge"
"Garand Primer-Activated 1924 Trials Rifle"
"Gear-Ratio-Accelerated? Yep, It's a Thing: French MAT 1955 Prototype"
"Glock 46: A Revolutionary Design Change"
"Glock Meets 1911: The Alchemy Arms Spectre"
"Gordon Ingram's Westarm .308 Battle Rifle"
"Goryunov SG43: Russia Replaces the Maxim"
"Gustloff VG1-5 Nazi Last Ditch Rifles"
"H&K VP-70M: Polymer Framed Cutting Edge Machine Pistol from 1973"
"H&K's Hydrocephalic P7M10 in .40 S&W"
"Heavy Machine Guns of the Great War"
"High Standard T3 Prototype: An American Blowback"
"Hipster 2-Gun: Beretta AR-70/90 & Bernardelli P018S"
"Hotchkiss Portative: Clunky But Durable"
"How Companies Bend US Import Laws (An Example)"
"How Does It Work: Lever Delayed Blowback"
"How Does It Work: Roller Delayed Blowback"
"How Does It Work: Roller Locking"
"How Does It Work: Toggle Actions"
"How Does it Work: Blowback Action"
"How Does it Work: Gas-Delayed Blowback"
"How Does it Work: Long Recoil"
"How Does it Work: Short Recoil Operation"
"How Does it Work: Short Stroke Gas Piston"
"How to Swap FAMAS Ejection Left to Right"
"Ian Rants About Dumb Ammo Purchasing Decisions"
"Ians Top 5 SMGs"
"Iraqi Tariq Pistol"
"Is the AutoMag Curse Over? The New Auto Mag 180-D"
"Italian GWOT Steel: the Beretta AR-70/90"
"Italian Sci-Fi Blaster: The Franchi LF-57"
"Italian Trials Czech ZK-391 Semiauto Rifle"
"Italian Vitali 1910 Pistol"
"Italy Modernizes: the Carcano Needlefire Rifle Conversion"
"Italy's M14: The BM-59 at the Range"
"Italy's Sleeper Submachine Gun: The Beretta 38A"
"Italy's WW1 Heavy Machine Gun: FIAT-Revelli Modello 1914"
"Italy's Worst Machine Gun: The Breda Modello 30"
"Japanese Type 10 Light Grenade Projector (aka Knee Mortar)"
"Japanese Type I Carcano"
"Korean Pusan Iron Works 1911 Copy"
"Korriphila HSP-701: A Masterful Bespoke German Pistol"
"Krieghoff 8mm Mauser Carcano for the Volkssturm"
"KvKK 62: The Ugly Duckling of Light Machine Guns"
"L96A1 Behind the Scenes: Manufacturing Catastrophes and Exploding Rifles"
"Ladislav Findorak's Prototype Lever-Delayed PDW"
"Lewis Gas Operated Prototype Pistol"
"Lewis Gun at the Range"
"Lewis Short Recoil .45ACP Prototype Pistol"
"Llama M82: Gabilondo Copies the Beretta (But More Complicated)"
"Llama Omni"
"Longslide 10mm Javelina 1911: Plate Rack Obliterator (When it Works)!"
"M14: America’s Worst Service Rifle - What Went Wrong?"
"M1915 CSRG Chauchat"
"M1915 Villar Perosa"
"M1918 Chauchat: Testing a New Magazine"
"M2 Carbine: Assault Rifle or Submachine Gun?"
"M240 Bravo: America Replaces the M60"
"M38 Carcano Carbine: Brilliant or Rubbish?"
"M38 Carcano: Best Bolt Rifle of World War Two?"
"M60: Its Purpose, Mechanics, and Development"
"M91/41: A Step Back From the M38 and the Last Carcano"
"MAC 1950: Disassembly & History"
"MAS Type 62: France Does the FAL, With a Twist"
"MAT 49-54 Police Submachine Gun"
"MG-3: Germany Modernizes the Classic MG-42"
"Madsen M47 Lightweight Military Rifle"
"Mannlicher 88/95 - A Rare World War One Update"
"Mateba MTR-8"
"Mateba Unica 6: A Semiauto Revolver in .44 Magnum"
"Mauser 1912/14 Development in .45ACP"
"Mechanics and Disassembly of the Norinco QBZ-97 / Type 97 NSR"
"Mendoza 1934: Mexico's Domestic LMG"
"Military Trials Beretta 34 - Can You Make it More Walther?"
"Miniature Guns for the Fascist Youth: Italian Balilla Carbines"
"Model 1907/15 Berthier: The WW1 Standard Infantry Rifle"
"Modello 1928 Tromboncino Grenade Launcher"
"Musgrave 9mm: A Gun for the Black Market"
"Myth and Reality of the Ross MkIII Rifle"
"Mythbusting with the .30-06 American Chauchat: Reliability Test"
"OVP 1918: Italy's first WW1 Submachine Gun"
"Osorio Selectiva: A Nicaraguan .22 Rimfire Machine Pistol"
"P7A13: H&K's Entry into the US XM9 Pistol Trials"
"PHP MV-9: The First Croatian Pistol (Both Models)"
"Pavesi 1942 Prototype Italian Semiauto Rifle"
"Pavesi Prototype SVT Copy"
"Portugal's MG-13: the M938 Light Machine Gun"
"Project Ultra: Germany Wants a Stronger Compact Pistol"
"Prototype 9mm Clement Military Pistol"
"Prototype Colt-Vektor: A 1911 on the Outside and a Beretta on the Inside"
"Prototype Locked-Breech 9x19mm Mauser HSc"
"Q&A #15: Disappointing Guns, 7.92x41 CETME, and 1873 Revolvers"
"Q&A 28: From PDWs to Constant Recoil"
"Q&A 52: Sam Colt was a Jerk, the NGSW will not be Adopted, and German WW1 Wunderwaffe"
"RP-46: The Rarely Seen Belt-Fed Degtyarev"
"RSC 1917: France's WW1 Semiauto Rifle"
"Replacing Beretta: the S&W XM10 Trials Pistol"
"Rheinmetall MG42/59: The Slow-Fire Commercial MG42"
"Rhodesian Mamba at the Range: Will it Work?"
"Rogak P18 - A Cautionary Tale of Manufacturing"
"Ross MkII: Sorry, We'll Get it Right This Time"
"Ross Rudd's Prototype Delayed Blowback AR180"
"S&W 1940 Light Rifles: Receiver Breakage is a Problem"
"S&W 3566: An IPSC Game-Changer that Didn’t"
"SA80 History: The First L85 Mockups (Sterling and Stoner)"
"SA80 History: The Pre-Production XL85 and XL86"
"SA80 History: Underbarrel Grenade Launchers"
"SIG AK-53: A Truly Weird Forward-Operating Rifle"
"SIG M5 Spear Deep Dive: Is This a Good US Army Rifle?"
"SITES Spectre: Think of it as an SMG, not a pistol"
"SMG Comparison: Bernardelli VB vs Beretta Model 4"
"SPAS-12: Franchi's Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun"
"SPAS-15: Franchi's Improvement on the SPAS-12"
"Samostril Netsch: Bizarre Prototype Czech Automatic Rifle"
"San Cristobal Model 2: A Lever-Delayed .30 Carbine"
"Savage .45 ACP Pistols: History & Disassembly"
"Savage 1907 in .45ACP at the Range"
"Schwarzlose HMG Converted to 8x57mm by Romania"
"Scotti Model X Italian Prototype - Shooting, History, & Disassembly"
"Semiauto FAMAS F1 Rifle"
"Shooting a VG1-5 (Gustloffwerke) Rifle"
"Shooting a WWII German 50mm Light Mortar (L.Gr.W.36)"
"Shooting the M14: Full Auto Really Uncontrollable?"
"Sir Charles Ross was a Jerk: The Martello Tower"
"Slow Motion Malfunctions of Exotic Firearms"
"Slow Motion: .303 Lewis Gun"
"Slow Motion: Frommer Stop (1912)"
"Slow Motion: Scotti Model X"
"Smith & Wesson 76: American's Vietnam 9mm SMG"
"So Many Ways to Fail at Making a Pistol"
"Solothurn S18-1000: The Pinnacle of Anti-Tank Rifles"
"Sosso 1941 Italian Prototype Pistol"
"South Africa's Berettas: The Vektor Z88 and SP1"
"Spanish M43: The Worst Sniper Rifle Ever Made"
"Special Troops M91 Carcano Carbine and the M91/24 Carbine"
"Spectre SMG at the Range"
"Star Megastar: Spain's Massive 10mm Autopistol"
"Star Model A Carbine"
"Star Model S: A Compact .380 for the Spanish Air Force"
"Stendebach Model 1936: Rotary Mag Toggle Delayed Experiment"
"Steyr M95 Straight-Pull Semiauto Conversion"
"Steyr StG 77, aka the AUG"
"Systema OBREGON: The Mexican Rotating-Barrel 1911"
"Taurus Curve: My Worst Backup Gun Match Yet!"
"Terni M91 Carcano Semiauto Conversion"
"The American FAL: Harrington & Richardson T48 (w/ Larry Vickers)"
"The Beretta AR70"
"The Beretta PM-12S Submachine Gun"
"The End of the Mamba: A Tale of Manufacturing Incompetence"
"The Gun Science Says Can't Work: Madsen LMG Mechanics"
"The Hotchkiss Heavy: Shooting the Great War's Modele 1914"
"The Iconic American WW2 Thompson: the M1A1"
"The Italian Last-Ditch TZ-45 Submachine Gun"
"The Italian Workhorse: Carcano M91 Rifle"
"The Last Swiss Battle Rifle: SIG-Manurhin 542 (in .243)"
"The Mini-14: A Cost-Effective Scaled-Down M14"
"The Pig: M60 in Theory and on the Range"
"The Prototype .280 FAL from 1950s NATO Trials"
"The Rasheed: Egypt's Semiauto Battle Carbine From Sweden"
"The Rhodesia Mamba: Big Hype and a Big Flop"
"The Ross in the Great War: The Mk III (and MkIIIB)"
"The Unique Challenges of Self-Loading Shotgun Design"
"Thompson 1921: The Original Chicago Typewriter"
"Thompson Model 1923 Autorifle"
"Thompson SMG in 30 Carbine"
"Throwback Thursday: Cei Rigotti Rifle Disassembly"
"Top 5 Pistols of World War One (Response to C&Rsenal)"
"Tribuzio Ring-Trigger Squeeze Pistol"
"USFA Zip 22: How a Garbage Gun Destroyed A Good Company"
"USMC Force Recon & MEUSOC: the M45A1"
"USMC Johnson LMG at the Range"
"Vektor CP-1: Recalled to the Mother Ship"
"Vetterli-Ferracciu for the Italian Navy"
"Vietnamese Crude Blowback 1911 Copy"
"WW1 Villar Perosa SMG at the Range"
"Walther Model 6 - WW1 Officer's Sidearm"
"Walther's .45ACP MP (P38 Precursor)"
"Webley 1913 Semiauto Pistol: History and Disassembly"
"Webley 1913 Semiauto Pistol: Shooting"
"What Are All These 9mm Cartridges, And Why?"
"When M14 Meets M16: The Fort Ellis XR-86 Frankenrifle"
"Why Are the Russians So Bad? War Stories from Ukraine with Neil Vermillion"
"Winchester Experimental Mag-Fed Garands"
"Winchester Mystery Prototype: Melvin Johnson does Project SALVO?"
"Winchester's Prototype Model 1911 Was Actually a Browning Auto-5"
"ZB26: The Best of the Light Machine Guns"
"ZF-41: Germany's Worst Sniper Scope"
"Zielfeuergerät 38 Blank-Firing Training Aid"