Youtube activity of "mhtinla" (@mhtinla) on "TED" channel.
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Comments by video
""Afterneath" / "Killing Me" | Luke Sital-Singh"
""Chasms" | Asali DeVan Ecclesiastes"
""Dead Romance" | Boy Girl Banjo"
""Good" and "bad" are incomplete stories we tell ourselves | Heather Lanier"
""Iyeza" / "Zabalaza" | Thandiswa Mazwai"
""Redemption Song" | John Legend"
""Wild Women" | Sunni Patterson"
""You Never Can Tell" / "Over the Mountain, Across the Sea" | Elise LeGrow"
""my mama" / "BLACK BANANA" | Rei"
"100 solutions to reverse global warming | Chad Frischmann"
"3 fears about screen time for kids -- and why they're not true | Sara DeWitt"
"3 lessons on decision-making from a poker champion | Liv Boeree"
"3 lessons on starting a movement from a self-defense trailblazer | Rana Abdelhamid"
"3 lessons on success from an Arab businesswoman | Leila Hoteit"
"3 moons and a planet that could have alien life | James Green"
"3 myths about the future of work (and why they're not true) | Daniel Susskind"
"3 thoughtful ways to conserve water | Lana Mazahreh"
"3 ways businesses can fight sex trafficking | Nikki Clifton"
"3 ways to make better decisions -- by thinking like a computer | Tom Griffiths"
"3 ways to practice civility | Steven Petrow"
"4 ways we can avoid a catastrophic drought | David Sedlak"
"A conservative's plea: Let's work together | Arthur Brooks"
"A glimpse of life on the road | Kitra Cahana"
"A glimpse of the future through an augmented reality headset | Meron Gribetz"
"A human-robot dance duet | Huang Yi u0026 KUKA"
"A letter to all who have lost in this era | Anand Giridharadas"
"A librarian's case against overdue book fines | Dawn Wacek"
"A life-saving invention that prevents human stampedes | Nilay Kulkarni"
"A love letter to realism in a time of grief | Mark Pollock and Simone George"
"A mother and son united by love and art | Deborah Willis and Hank Willis Thomas"
"A new class of drug that could prevent depression and PTSD | Rebecca Brachman"
"A new way to heal hearts without surgery | Franz Freudenthal"
"A new way to think about the transition to motherhood | Alexandra Sacks"
"A new weapon in the fight against superbugs | David Brenner"
"A personal air-quality tracker that lets you know what you're breathing | Romain Lacombe"
"A printable, flexible, organic solar cell | Hannah Bürckstümmer"
"A queer vision of love and marriage | Tiq Milan and Kim Katrin Milan"
"A rare galaxy that's challenging our understanding of the universe | Burçin Mutlu-Pakdil"
"A rite of passage for late life | Bob Stein"
"A simple new blood test that can catch cancer early | Jimmy Lin"
"A vehicle built in Africa, for Africa | Joel Jackson"
"Adventures of an interplanetary architect | Xavier De Kestelier"
"Aja Monet and phillip agnew: A love story about the power of art as organizing | TED"
"Alison Killing: There’s a better way to die, and architecture can help"
"Amanda Williams: Why I turned Chicago's abandoned homes into art | TED"
"An 11-year-old prodigy performs old-school jazz | Joey Alexander"
"An AI smartwatch that detects seizures | Rosalind Picard"
"An Internet Without Screens Might Look Like This | Tom Uglow | TED Talks"
"An interview with the Queen of Creole Cuisine | Leah Chase and Pat Mitchell"
"An unexpected tool for understanding inequality: abstract math | Eugenia Cheng"
"Angelo Vermeulen: How to go to space, without having to go to space"
"Art That Lets You Talk Back to NSA Spies | Mathias Jud | TED Talks"
"Art made of the air we breathe | Emily Parsons-Lord"
"Ash Beckham: When to take a stand -- and when to let it go"
"Ballroom dance that breaks gender roles | Trevor Copp and Jeff Fox"
"Black life at the intersection of birth and death | Mwende "FreeQuency" Katwiwa"
"Bring on the female superheroes! | Christopher Bell"
"Can I have your brain? The quest for truth on concussions and CTE | Chris Nowinski"
"Can clouds buy us more time to solve climate change? | Kate Marvel"
"Can we cure genetic diseases by rewriting DNA? | David R. Liu"
"Can you really tell if a kid is lying? | Kang Lee"
"Celeste Headlee: 10 ways to have a better conversation | TED"
"Cheyenne Cochrane: A celebration of natural hair | TED"
"Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie: We should all be feminists | TED"
"Chinaka Hodge: What will you tell your daughters about 2016? | TED"
"Christopher Ategeka: How adoption worked for me | TED"
"Creative ways to get kids to thrive in school | Olympia Della Flora"
"Deep Under the Earth's Surface, Discovering Beauty and Science | Francesco Sauro | TED Talks"
"Design at the Intersection of Technology and Biology | Neri Oxman | TED Talks"
"Did the global response to 9/11 make us safer? | Benedetta Berti"
"Digital humans that look just like us | Doug Roble"
"Dive into an ocean photographer's world | Thomas Peschak"
"Do you really know why you do what you do? | Petter Johansson"
"Don't fear superintelligent AI | Grady Booch"
"Eduardo Sáenz de Cabezón: Math is forever (with English subtitles) | TED"
"Elizabeth Nyamayaro: An Invitation to Men Who Want a Better World for Women | TED"
"Elon Musk: The future we're building -- and boring | TED"
"Everything around you can become a computer | Ivan Poupyrev"
"Fake videos of real people -- and how to spot them | Supasorn Suwajanakorn"
"Fashion has a pollution problem -- can biology fix it? | Natsai Audrey Chieza"
"Fashion that celebrates African strength and spirit | Walé Oyéjidé"
"For survivors of Ebola, the crisis isn't over | Soka Moses"
"For the love of birds | Washington Wachira"
"Forget Shopping. Soon You'll Download Your New Clothes | Danit Peleg | TED Talks"
"Fred Jansen: How to land on a comet"
"Free yourself from your filter bubbles | Joan Blades and John Gable"
"Get TED Talks recommended just for you"
"Get comfortable with being uncomfortable | Luvvie Ajayi Jones | TED"
"Gonzalo Vilariño: How Argentina's blind soccer team became champions (with English subtitles) | TED"
"Governments don't understand cyber warfare. We need hackers | Rodrigo Bijou"
"Harry Baker: A love poem for lonely prime numbers"
"Have we reached the end of physics? | Harry Cliff"
"Helping others makes us happier -- but it matters how we do it | Elizabeth Dunn"
"Home Is a Song I've Always Remembered | Teitur | TED Talks"
"How AI can save our humanity | Kai-Fu Lee"
"How AI could compose a personalized soundtrack to your life | Pierre Barreau"
"How AI is making it easier to diagnose disease | Pratik Shah"
"How America's public schools keep kids in poverty | Kandice Sumner"
"How CRISPR lets us edit our DNA | Jennifer Doudna"
"How China is (and isn't) fighting pollution and climate change | Angel Hsu"
"How China is changing the future of shopping | Angela Wang"
"How I became an entrepreneur at 66 | Paul Tasner"
"How I became part sea urchin | Catherine Mohr"
"How I fail at being disabled | Susan Robinson"
"How I learned to read -- and trade stocks -- in prison | Curtis "Wall Street" Carroll"
"How Netflix changed entertainment -- and where it's headed | Reed Hastings"
"How We Can Make the World a Better Place by 2030 | Michael Green | TED Talks"
"How a new species of ancestors is changing our theory of human evolution | Juliet Brophy"
"How a start-up in the White House is changing business as usual | Haley Van Dyck"
"How adaptive clothing empowers people with disabilities | Mindy Scheier"
"How an old loop of railroads is changing the face of a city | Ryan Gravel"
"How art can shape America's conversation about freedom | Dread Scott"
"How can groups make good decisions? | Mariano Sigman and Dan Ariely"
"How childhood trauma affects health across a lifetime | Nadine Burke Harris | TED"
"How cohousing can make us happier (and live longer) | Grace Kim"
"How diversity makes teams more innovative | Rocío Lorenzo | TED"
"How do we find dignity at work? | Roy Bahat and Bryn Freedman"
"How doctors can help low-income patients (and still make a profit) | P.J. Parmar"
"How does income affect childhood brain development? | Kimberly Noble"
"How empowering women and girls can help stop global warming | Katharine Wilkinson"
"How fashion helps us express who we are -- and what we stand for | Kaustav Dey"
"How fear drives American politics | David Rothkopf | TED Talks"
"How fungi recognize (and infect) plants | Mennat El Ghalid"
"How generational stereotypes hold us back at work | Leah Georges"
"How isolation fuels opioid addiction | Rachel Wurzman"
"How language shapes the way we think | Lera Boroditsky | TED"
"How my dad's dementia changed my idea of death (and life) | Beth Malone"
"How my mom inspired my approach to the cello | Paul Rucker"
"How octopuses battle each other | DIY Neuroscience, a TED series"
"How protest is redefining democracy around the world | Zachariah Mampilly"
"How record collectors find lost music and preserve our cultural heritage | Alexis Charpentier"
"How shocking events can spark positive change | Naomi Klein"
"How teachers can help kids find their political voices | Sydney Chaffee"
"How the arts help homeless youth heal and build | Malika Whitley"
"How the blockchain will radically transform the economy | Bettina Warburg"
"How to Raise Successful Kids -- Without Over-Parenting | Julie Lythcott-Haims | TED"
"How to build a business that lasts 100 years | Martin Reeves"
"How to build a thriving music scene in your city | Elizabeth Cawein"
"How to create a world where no one dies waiting for a transplant | Luhan Yang"
"How to fix a broken heart | Guy Winch | TED"
"How to gain control of your free time | Laura Vanderkam | TED"
"How to get serious about diversity and inclusion in the workplace | Janet Stovall | TED"
"How to grow a forest in your backyard | Shubhendu Sharma"
"How to have a healthier, positive relationship with sex | Tiffany Kagure Mugo and Siphumeze Khundayi"
"How to have better political conversations | Robb Willer"
"How to inspire every child to be a lifelong reader | Alvin Irby"
"How to make a profit while making a difference | Audrey Choi"
"How to make hard choices | Ruth Chang"
"How to overcome apathy and find your power | Dolores Huerta"
"How to recover from activism burnout | Yana Buhrer Tavanier"
"How to resolve racially stressful situations | Howard C. Stevenson"
"How to revive your belief in democracy | Eric Liu"
"How to stay calm when you know you'll be stressed | Daniel Levitin | TED"
"How to stop swiping and find your person on dating apps | Christina Wallace"
"How to talk (and listen) to transgender people | Jackson Bird"
"How to tame your wandering mind | Amishi Jha"
"How to teach kids to talk about taboo topics | Liz Kleinrock"
"How to train employees to have difficult conversations | Tamekia MizLadi Smith"
"How urban agriculture is transforming Detroit | Devita Davison"
"How urban spaces can preserve history and build community | Walter Hood"
"How we can bring mental health support to refugees | Essam Daod"
"How we can build AI to help humans, not hurt us | Margaret Mitchell"
"How we can help hungry kids, one text at a time | Su Kahumbu"
"How we can stop Africa's scientific brain drain | Kevin Njabo"
"How we can store digital data in DNA | Dina Zielinski"
"How we can use light to see deep inside our bodies and brains | Mary Lou Jepsen"
"How we look kilometers below the Antarctic ice sheet | Dustin Schroeder"
"How we'll become cyborgs and extend human potential | Hugh Herr"
"How we'll earn money in a future without jobs | Martin Ford"
"How women in rural India turned courage into capital | Chetna Gala Sinha"
"How women wage conflict without violence | Julia Bacha"
"How yarn bombing grew into a worldwide movement | Magda Sayeg"
"How you can help save the bees, one hive at a time | Noah Wilson-Rich"
"How you can make a fruit fly eat veggies | DIY Neuroscience, a TED series"
"How young people join violent extremist groups -- and how to stop them | Erin Marie Saltman"
"Hunting for Peru's lost civilizations -- with satellites | Sarah Parcak"
"I grew up in the Westboro Baptist Church. Here's why I left | Megan Phelps-Roper"
"I'm not your inspiration, thank you very much | Stella Young"
"Ilona Szabó de Carvalho: 4 lessons I learned from taking a stand against drugs and gun violence"
"Inside the black hole image that made history | Sheperd Doeleman"
"Inside the fight against Russia's fake news empire | Olga Yurkova"
"Intimate photos of a senior love triangle | Isadora Kosofsky"
"Is civility a sham? | Teresa Bejan"
"Isaac Lidsky: What reality are you creating for yourself? | TED"
"Islamophobia killed my brother. Let's end the hate | Suzanne Barakat"
"Ismael Nazario: What I learned as a kid in jail"
"It's time to reclaim religion | Sharon Brous"
"Jose Miguel Sokoloff: How we used Christmas lights to fight a war | TED"
"Joseph Ravenell: How barbershops can keep men healthy | TED"
"Kasiva Mutua: How I use the drum to tell my story | TED"
"Language around gender and identity evolves (and always has) | Archie Crowley"
"Laura Boushnak: For these women, reading is a daring act"
"Lessons from the longest study on human development | Helen Pearson"
"Let's clean up the space junk orbiting Earth | Natalie Panek"
"Let's design social media that drives real change | Wael Ghonim"
"Let's end ageism | Ashton Applewhite"
"Let's get honest about our money problems | Tammy Lally"
"Let's launch a satellite to track a threatening greenhouse gas | Fred Krupp"
"Let's turn the high seas into the world's largest nature reserve | Enric Sala"
"Linda Hill: How to manage for collective creativity"
"Living sculptures that stand for history's truths | Sethembile Msezane"
"Mammoths resurrected and other thoughts from a futurist | Stewart Brand and Chris Anderson"
"Maps that show us who we are (not just where we are) | Danny Dorling"
"Margaret Heffernan: Why it's time to forget the pecking order at work"
"Mark Plotkin: What the people of the Amazon know that you don’t"
"Martina Flor: The secret language of letter design (with English subtitles) | TED"
"Medical tech designed to meet Africa's needs | Soyapi Mumba"
"Meera Vijayann: Find your voice against gender violence"
"Meet Spot, the robot dog that can run, hop and open doors | Marc Raibert"
"Meet the inventor of the electronic spreadsheet | Dan Bricklin"
"Meklit Hadero: The unexpected beauty of everyday sounds | TED"
"Mind-blowing, magnified portraits of insects | Levon Biss"
"My descent into America’s neo-Nazi movement -- and how I got out | Christian Picciolini"
"My failed mission to find God -- and what I found instead | Anjali Kumar"
"My journey to thank all the people responsible for my morning coffee | A.J. Jacobs"
"My road trip through the whitest towns in America | Rich Benjamin"
"My year of saying yes to everything | Shonda Rhimes"
"Need a new idea? Start at the edge of what is known | Vittorio Loreto"
"Nicole Paris and Ed Cage: A beatboxing lesson from a father-daughter duo | TED"
"Nnedi Okorafor: Sci-fi stories that imagine a future Africa | TED"
"Our lonely society makes it hard to come home from war | Sebastian Junger"
"Our treatment of HIV has advanced. Why hasn't the stigma changed? | Arik Hartmann"
"Paul Tudor Jones II: Why we need to rethink capitalism"
"Portraits that transform people into whatever they want to be | Uldus Bakhtiozina"
"Refugees want empowerment, not handouts | Robert Hakiza"
"Robyn Stein DeLuca: The good news about PMS"
"Ronald Rael: An architect's subversive reimagining of the US-Mexico border wall | TED"
"Ruby Sales: How we can start to heal the pain of racial division | TED"
"Sally Kohn: Don’t like clickbait? Don’t click"
"See how the rest of the world lives, organized by income | Anna Rosling Rönnlund"
"Social Services Are Broken. How We Can Fix Them | Hilary Cottam |"
"Songs that bring history to life | Rhiannon Giddens"
"SpaceX's plan to fly you across the globe in 30 minutes | Gwynne Shotwell"
"Special Olympics let me be myself — a champion | Matthew Williams"
"Stunning Photos of the Endangered Everglades | Mac Stone | TED Talks"
"Success stories from Kenya's first makerspace | Kamau Gachigi"
"TED's secret to great public speaking | Chris Anderson | TED"
"Taiye Selasi: Don't ask where I'm from, ask where I'm a local | TED"
"The "dead zone" of the Gulf of Mexico | Nancy Rabalais"
"The "dementia village" that's redefining elder care | Yvonne van Amerongen"
"The Future of Flying Robots | Vijay Kumar | TED Talks"
"The Great Migration and the power of a single decision | Isabel Wilkerson"
"The Housing First approach to homelessness | Lloyd Pendleton"
"The Standing Rock resistance and our fight for indigenous rights | Tara Houska"
"The Thrilling Potential for Off-Grid Solar Energy | Amar Inamdar | TED"
"The agony of opioid withdrawal — and what doctors should tell patients about it | Travis Rieder"
"The artificial muscles that will power robots of the future | Christoph Keplinger"
"The beauty of human skin in every color | Angélica Dass"
"The best way to help is often just to listen | Sophie Andrews"
"The biology of gender, from DNA to the brain | Karissa Sanbonmatsu"
"The boost students need to overcome obstacles | Anindya Kundu"
"The brain may be able to repair itself -- with help | Jocelyne Bloch"
"The business benefits of doing good | Wendy Woods"
"The case for having kids | Wajahat Ali"
"The case for optimism on climate change | Al Gore"
"The critical role librarians play in the opioid crisis | Chera Kowalski"
"The danger of hiding who you are | Morgana Bailey"
"The dangerous evolution of HIV | Edsel Salvaña"
"The deadly legacy of cluster bombs | Laura Boushnak"
"The ethical dilemma of designer babies | Paul Knoepfler"
"The fascinating secret lives of giant clams | Mei Lin Neo"
"The forgotten art of the zoetrope | Eric Dyer"
"The four fish we're overeating -- and what to eat instead | Paul Greenberg"
"The future of good food in China | Matilda Ho"
"The future of money | Neha Narula"
"The gift and power of emotional courage | Susan David"
"The global goals we've made progress on -- and the ones we haven't | Michael Green"
"The global learning crisis -- and what to do about it | Amel Karboul"
"The harm reduction model of drug addiction treatment | Mark Tyndall"
"The history of human emotions | Tiffany Watt Smith"
"The magic of Khmer classical dance | Prumsodun Ok"
"The mission to create a searchable database of Earth's surface | Will Marshall"
"The mysterious world of underwater caves | Jill Heinerth"
"The new American Dream | Courtney Martin"
"The new age of corporate monopolies | Margrethe Vestager"
"The next manufacturing revolution is here | Olivier Scalabre"
"The radical beauty of Africa, in portraits | Iké Udé"
"The rapid growth of the Chinese internet -- and where it's headed | Gary Liu"
"The real reason why mosquitoes buzz | DIY Neuroscience, a TED series"
"The reporting system that sexual assault survivors want | Jessica Ladd"
"The revolutionary power of diverse thought | Elif Shafak"
"The rhythm of Afrobeat | Sauti Sol"
"The risky politics of progress | Jonathan Tepperman"
"The role of human emotions in science and research | Ilona Stengel"
"The science of cells that never get old | Elizabeth Blackburn"
"The search for "aha!" moments | Matt Goldman"
"The secret US prisons you've never heard of before | Will Potter"
"The secret to scientific discoveries? Making mistakes | Phil Plait"
"The self-assembling computer chips of the future | Karl Skjonnemand"
"The spellbinding art of human anatomy | Vanessa Ruiz"
"The strongest predictor for success | Angela Lee Duckworth"
"The surprising ingredient that makes businesses work better | Marco Alverà"
"The surprising solution to ocean plastic | David Katz"
"The symbols of systemic racism — and how to take away their power | Paul Rucker"
"The tiny creature that secretly powers the planet | Penny Chisholm"
"The uncomplicated truth about women's sexuality | Sarah Barmak"
"The virginity fraud | Nina Dølvik Brochmann and Ellen Støkken Dahl"
"The world doesn't need more nuclear weapons | Erika Gregory"
"There's no such thing as not voting | Eric Liu"
"This company pays kids to do their math homework | Mohamad Jebara"
"This deep-sea mystery is changing our understanding of life | Karen Lloyd"
"This is what it's like to go undercover in North Korea | Suki Kim"
"This new telescope might show us the beginning of the universe | Wendy Freedman"
"This scientist makes ears out of apples | Andrew Pelling"
"This tennis icon paved the way for women in sports | Billie Jean King"
"To eliminate waste, we need to rediscover thrift | Andrew Dent"
"To solve the world's biggest problems, invest in women and girls | Musimbi Kanyoro"
"To transform child welfare, take race out of the equation | Jessica Pryce"
"Tomás Saraceno: Would you live in a floating city in the sky? (with English subtitles) | TED"
"Topher White: What can save the rainforest? Your used cell phone"
"Tracee Ellis Ross: A woman's fury holds lifetimes of wisdom | TED"
"Two Nameless Bodies Washed Up on the Beach. Here Are Their Stories | Anders Fjellberg | TED Talks"
"Visions of Africa's future, from African filmmakers"
"Want kids to learn well? Feed them well | Sam Kass"
"Want to be more creative? Go for a walk | Marily Oppezzo"
"Want to change the world? Start by being brave enough to care | Cleo Wade"
"War and what comes after | Clemantine Wamariya"
"We can hack our immune cells to fight cancer | Elizabeth Wayne"
"We're building a dystopia just to make people click on ads | Zeynep Tufekci"
"Wearable tech that helps you navigate by touch | Keith Kirkland"
"Wendy Suzuki: The brain-changing benefits of exercise | TED"
"What AI is -- and isn't | Sebastian Thrun and Chris Anderson"
"What I learned as a prisoner in North Korea | Euna Lee"
"What I learned when I conquered the world's toughest triathlon | Minda Dentler"
"What a world without prisons could look like | Deanna Van Buren"
"What are the most important moral problems of our time? | Will MacAskill"
"What comes after tragedy? Forgiveness | Azim Khamisa and Ples Felix"
"What commercialization is doing to cannabis | Ben Cort"
"What happened when we tested thousands of abandoned rape kits in Detroit | Kym Worthy"
"What happens when a city runs out of room for its dead | Alison Killing"
"What if all US health care costs were transparent? | Jeanne Pinder"
"What if we eliminated one of the world's oldest diseases? | Caroline Harper"
"What if we ended the injustice of bail? | Robin Steinberg"
"What it's like to be a woman in Hollywood | Naomi McDougall Jones"
"What really happens when you mix medications? | Russ Altman"
"What refugees need to start new lives | Muhammed Idris"
"What soccer can teach us about freedom | Marc Bamuthi Joseph"
"What the discovery of gravitational waves means | Allan Adams"
"What we can do to die well | Timothy Ihrig"
"What's hidden under the Greenland ice sheet? | Kristin Poinar"
"What's it like to be a robot? | Leila Takayama"
"Where are all the aliens? | Stephen Webb"
"Where do your online returns go? | Aparna Mehta"
"Where is cybercrime really coming from? | Caleb Barlow"
"Why Brexit happened -- and what to do next | Alexander Betts"
"Why I have coffee with people who send me hate mail | Özlem Cekic"
"Why I still have hope for coral reefs | Kristen Marhaver"
"Why I study the most dangerous animal on earth -- mosquitoes | Fredros Okumu"
"Why I'm done trying to be "man enough" | Justin Baldoni"
"Why Public Beheadings Get Millions of Views | Frances Larson | TED Talks"
"Why Some of Us Don’t Have One True Calling | Emilie Wapnick | TED"
"Why design should include everyone | Sinéad Burke"
"Why do I make art? To build time capsules for my heritage | Kayla Briët"
"Why doctors are offering free tax prep in their waiting rooms | Lucy Marcil"
"Why fascism is so tempting -- and how your data could power it | Yuval Noah Harari"
"Why great architecture should tell a story | Ole Scheeren"
"Why helmets don't prevent concussions -- and what might | David Camarillo"
"Why it's worth listening to people you disagree with | Zachary R. Wood"
"Why museums are returning cultural treasures | Chip Colwell"
"Why noise is bad for your health -- and what you can do about it | Mathias Basner"
"Why our screens make us less happy | Adam Alter"
"Why people of different faiths are painting their houses of worship yellow | Nabila Alibhai"
"Why the buildings of the future will be shaped by ... you | Marc Kushner"
"Why we ignore obvious problems — and how to act on them | Michele Wucker"
"Why we laugh | Sophie Scott"
"Why you should make useless things | Simone Giertz"
"Why your doctor should care about social justice | Mary Bassett"
"Will Potter: The shocking move to criminalize nonviolent protest"
"You aren't at the mercy of your emotions -- your brain creates them | Lisa Feldman Barrett"
"You can grow new brain cells. Here's how | Sandrine Thuret | TED"
"You don't have to be an expert to solve big problems | Tapiwa Chiwewe"
"You smell with your body, not just your nose | Jennifer Pluznick"
"Your company's data could help end world hunger | Mallory Freeman"
"Your kids might live on Mars. Here's how they'll survive | Stephen Petranek"
"Азиза Чауни: Как я вернула к жизни реку и свой город"
"Ананд Варма: Захватывающий взгляд на первые три недели жизни пчелы"
"Ананд Гирихарадас: История о двух Америках и магазинчике, в котором они столкнулись"
"Аша де Вос: Почему вы должны беспокоиться о китовых какашках"
"Барат Али Батур: Моё отчаянное путешествие с контрабандистом, перевозящим мигрантов"
"Билл Гейтс: Новая вспышка эпидемии? Мы к ней не готовы"
"Бонифэйс Мванжи: День, когда я оказался один"
"Бэль Пеш: 5 способов убить свою мечту"
"Верна Майерс: Как преодолеть наши предрассудки? Смело идите в их направлении"
"Грег Гейдж: Как своим мозгом контролировать чужую руку"
"Гэри Хауген: Скрытая причина бедности, которой нужно заняться сейчас же"
"Даун Лендис: Песня моей героине, пережившей ураган наплаву"
"Джил Шарга: Люди, умоляю вас, верните «потрясение» в слово «потрясающий»"
"Дилип Рата: Скрытые силы мировой экономики: денежные переводы домой"
"Дэвид Квонг: А что если сложить два увлечения для «ботаников»? Получится магия!"
"Дэвид Чалмерс: Как объяснить сознание?"
"Дэйв Айсэй: У каждого из нас есть история, которую миру важно услышать"
"Дэн Ариэли: Насколько справедливым мы хотим видеть мир? Вы будете удивлены"
"Дэниэл Киш: Как я использую эхолокатор, чтобы ориентироваться в мире"
"Зе Франк: А вы человек?"
"Итан Надельман: Почему необходимо остановить войну против наркотиков"
"Кайлаш Сатьяртхи: Как достигнуть мира? Разозлитесь"
"Кевин Рудд: Обречены ли Китай и США на конфликт?"
"Клинт Смит: Опасность молчания"
"Крис Домас: Единички и нолики кибер-войны"
"Крис Милк: Виртуальная реальность как способ полного сопереживания"
"Майкл Грин: Что может рассказать о вашей стране индекс социального прогресса"
"Малкольм Гладуэлл: Неизвестная история Давида и Голиафа"
"Натали Каброл: Как Марс может хранить тайну возникновения жизни"
"Рената Салецл: Наша нездоровая одержимость выбором"
"Роб Найт: Как наши микробы делают нас теми, кто мы есть"
"Тистер Гейтс: Как оживить район: с помощью фантазии, красоты и искусства"
"Том Вуджек: Есть проблема? Сначала расскажите мне, как вы делаете тост"
"Хизер Барнетт: Чему люди могут научиться у плесневого гриба с зачатками разума"
"Элдер Гимарайш: Волшебный поиск совпадений"
"Элис Гоффман: Как мы готовим одних детей в колледж, а других — в тюрьму"