Youtube activity of "gary K" (@garyK.45ACP) on "Golden State Times" channel.
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gary K
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""Elizabeth "Pocahontas" Warren Lied About Her Heritage" Sarah Sanders Destroys NBC Reporter"
""I Know You're Waiting To See If You're Big Winners" Sarah Sanders gives HINT on Fake News Awards"
""I Regret Calling On You" Sarah Sanders SLAMS April Ryan for being RUDE!"
""It's Not Complicated!" Sarah Sanders SHUTS UP NBC Reporter Over President Trump's Taxes"
"#BREAKING: Mitch McConnell RESIGNS from Senate, Steps Down in SHAME!"
"#BREAKING: President Trump Speculates Red Marks on his hands were Deliberately Made By AI!"
"#BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul Proposes Amendment to ELIMINATE Dr. Fauci's Job!"
"#BREAKING: Trump Wins CPAC Straw Poll, you won't BELIVE Who WON If Trump Doesn't Run!"
"AG Jeff Sessions gives EXPLOSIVE Speech at the Swearing In of the New FBI Director Christopher Wray"
"ALERT: ABC News FORCED to apologize for FAKE NEWS Report on Michael Flynn report, suspends reporter"
"AMAZING: Japanese Elementary Schoolers Sing for First Lady Melania Trump in Tokyo"
"AUDIT: IRS says 1.4 million illegals are working under stolen Social Security numbers"
"Adam Schiff says that he has Evidence on Trump/Russia Collision that could backfire on democrats"
"Alejandro Mayorkas will be Impeached | REPUBLICANS HAVE THE VOTES | Impeachment Imminent!"
"Alexander Acosta new Labor Secretary: making Him First Latino In the Trump Cabinet!!!"
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions Comes out of Hiding: gives EXPLOSIVE Speech on crime in Indianapolis"
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions DESTROYS LEFTIST Rep.Gutierrez on the CLINTON Investigation"
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions Helped Persuade President Donald Trump to Kill DACA"
"Attorney General Jeff Sessions Just Unleashed 3 new Rules that will End Illegal Immigration forever!"
"BIDEN'S Free Phones for Illegals - Peter Doocy EXPOSES Joe Biden's Pay to Play Scheme with Hunter!"
"BIG CHANGES COMING TO THE RNC! - Lara Trump SHOCKS CPAC as Trump Endorses Her for RNC Co-Chair!"
"BOOM 🔴 Arizona sends Marth McSally to the Senate to help the America First Agenda"
"BOOM: 1.1 Million Fewer Americans on Food Stamps Under Trump"
"BREAKING NEWS UPDATE: Robert Muellers Probe Nets First Charges-Paul Manafort's Team RESPONDS!!"
"BREAKING NEWS: Another Long Time Host Might be on the Fox News Chopping Block!!!"
"BREAKING NEWS: Chief Justice John Roberts picks Merrick Garland for new KEY job"
"BREAKING NEWS: Democrats Descend into CIVIL WAR in Wake of Georgia Loss!!!"
"BREAKING NEWS: Democrats Threaten Government Shutdown To Block Border Wall"
"BREAKING NEWS: Deportation Orders Surge 28 Percent Under AG Jeff Sessions"
"BREAKING NEWS: Feds to Confiscate Firearms from over 4,000 People"
"BREAKING NEWS: Hillary Clinton to be Offered a Plea Deal by AG Jeff Sessions DOJ"
"BREAKING NEWS: Judicial Watch says FBI has "FOUND" Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting documents"
"BREAKING NEWS: Kim Jong Un and North Korea backs down on their Threats to attack USA and Guam"
"BREAKING NEWS: President Donald Trump Approval Rating Soars; Gets Help from Hispanics and Unions"
"BREAKING NEWS: President Donald Trump Forces Pakistan to Release Hostages"
"BREAKING NEWS: President Donald Trump signs $15B Harvey relief package"
"BREAKING NEWS: President Donald Trump slashes refugee admissions to 45,000 in 2018"
"BREAKING NEWS: President Donald Trump to END DACA Dreamers Program but with One Issue"
"BREAKING NEWS: Radio Host Accuses Democrat Al Franken of Sexual Assault during USO tour"
"BREAKING NEWS: Senate Judiciary OPENS PROBE into Clinton-Obama era Russian nuclear bribery case"
"BREAKING NEWS: Senate Released James Comey Opening Testimony ahead of the Senate Hearing!!"
"BREAKING NEWS: Steve Bannon has Returned Home to Breitbart News"
"BREAKING NEWS: Trump Supporter Eric Boliing Has Been Suspended By Fox News!"
"BREAKING NEWS: White House Denies Claim President Trump Plans to Shift on Paris Climate Accord"
"BREAKING NEWS: White House lawyer Ty Cobb predicts quick end to Mueller probe"
"BREAKING 🔴 President Donald Trump EXPLOSIVE Press Conference with President Bolsonaro of Brazil"
"BREAKING 🔴 President Trump goes NUCLEAR on Democrats and Liberal Press Over Illegal Immigration"
"BREAKING: AG Jeff Sessions Directs Prosecutors to Investigate Uranium One and Hillary Clinton"
"BREAKING: Abbott SNUBS Biden at Border Shows Trump SHOCKING New Evidence!"
"BREAKING: Abraham Lincoln monument torched in Chicago and Defaced in Washington DC by Leftist Scum"
"BREAKING: Canada sends soldiers to migrant border crossing between New York and Quebec"
"BREAKING: Chuck Grassley DEMANDS FBI informant on Russian Uranium Scandal be Released from his NDA"
"BREAKING: Chuck Schumer SURRENDERS Gets Nothing out of Government Shutdown FULL SPEECH"
"BREAKING: Democrats Chuck u0026 Nancy ACCEPT second invitation to meet with President Donald Trump"
"BREAKING: ICE to Crack Down on Companies Who hire Illegal Aliens"
"BREAKING: Jeff Sessions u0026 Secretary of DHS Kristjen Nielson give URGENT Speech on Sanctuary Cities"
"BREAKING: LEFTIST Federal judge rules Jeff Sessions cannot withhold funds from sanctuary cities"
"BREAKING: LEFTIST “Judge” Blocks President Donald Trump’s New Travel Ban AGAIN!"
"BREAKING: Las Vegas Police and Officials give UPDATE at Press Conference"
"BREAKING: Las Vegas police give LATEST update following mass shooting at Mandalay Bay Las Vegas"
"BREAKING: Latino Democrats Promise to Derail Congress until ILLEGAL Dream Act Passes"
"BREAKING: Laura Ingraham Signs With Fox News Channel, New Primetime Show Starts Soon!"
"BREAKING: Mexican Nationals Arrested Gathering Intel from Wall Prototypes at Construction Site"
"BREAKING: Miami-Dade just changed their Minds on one Crucial Immigration Policy"
"BREAKING: National Guard Authorized to Seize Guns Ahead of Hurricane Irma"
"BREAKING: PM Theresa May launches stinging ATTACK on Donald Trump in United Nations speech"
"BREAKING: Panicked Adam Schiff Addresses the Press- House Intel Committee VOTED to Release the MEMO"
"BREAKING: President Donald Trump END of the YEAR Address to the Nation"
"BREAKING: President Donald Trump Gives Amazing Speech in Moon Township Pennsylvania"
"BREAKING: President Donald Trump Orders NASA to Return to Moon to Lay Foundations for Mars Trip"
"BREAKING: President Donald Trump URGENT Press Briefing on Corker, Flake and Dossier"
"BREAKING: President Donald Trump gives EXPLOSIVE Speech on Tax Cuts and Reform VICTORY"
"BREAKING: President Donald Trump has HEATED Debate with Our Nations Governors on Safety in Schools"
"BREAKING: President Donald Trump is Sending TWO Navy SHIPS to help TEXAS following Hurricane Harvey"
"BREAKING: President Donald Trump just FIRED Reince Priebus; Named General Kelly as Chief of Staff"
"BREAKING: President Trump Using ENEMIES INTEL on Phones and Computers to DEFEAT them, Week in Review"
"BREAKING: President Trump's Airplane Makes EMERGENCY Landing after Takeoff / ENGINE FAILURE!"
"BREAKING: Project Veritas Debuts a NEW Video EXPOSING The New York Times; The Times RESPOND!!!"
"BREAKING: Project Veritas to EXPOSE Jack Dorsey CEO of Twitter with Undercover Footage of HIMSELF"
"BREAKING: RINO Paul Ryan Sneaks Amnesty into end of year Spending bill"
"BREAKING: Rand Paul Blocks $40 Billion Aid for Ukraine, TRIGGERING Chuck Schumer!"
"BREAKING: Rep.John Conyers Lawyer SLAMS Nancy Pelosi at news conference in Detroit"
"BREAKING: Republicans Team up with Democrats to Spearhead a New Push for Gun Control"
"BREAKING: Rod Rosenstein at Indictment Press Briefing: "Operation DID NOT Change Election Outcome""
"BREAKING: Senator Rand Paul Assaulted by CRAZY Liberal inside his Kentucky Home"
"BREAKING: Trump SURPRISE Press Conference at the White House"
"BREAKING: Trump to Speak at Republican Convention in North Carolina as He Takes Control of the GOP"
"BREAKING: Vietnamese President Quang catches President Donald Trump by Surprise at Press Conference"
"Bernie Sanders blames Republicans for FBI probe of wife!!!"
"Biden Attempts to French Kiss Random Woman, Handlers Panic and Hurry Him Off the Stage!"
"Biden's CIA Attempts Coup in Hungry After PM Meets Trump in Florida!"
"Border Patrol raids Arizona desert camp that helps illegal immigrants!!"
"CNN's Jim Acosta gets fact about intelligence community's Russia assessment wrong calls it fake news"
"CRAZY: Leftist Protestors Disrupt West Virginia Governor Jim Justice's Announcement at Trump Rally"
"CUTTING RED TAPE: Trump OFF SCRIPT Speech at Infrastructure Event in Atlanta"
"Chief Of Staff John kelly Demands Acting DHS Secretary to Deport over 50k Hondurans from the US"
"Chuck Schumer goes on an UNHINGED RANT over President Donald Trump Supreme Court Pick"
"Cognitive Impaired Biden Says He Spoke to the American President about Russia's New Plan!"
"Crooked Comey UNHINGED 🔴 Rant on President Trump after his Second Testimony on Hillary Clinton"
"DEMOCRATS ARE ALL TALK NO ACTION: Trump IMPORTANT Speech on the Environment in Florida"
"DEMOCRATS TRIGGERED: GOP Lawmaker Pulls Out Pistol on Video While Slamming Radical Democrat Reforms!"
"DESPICABLE: Al Franken resigning but NOT before he BLASTS President Donald Trump and Roy Moore"
"DEVELOPING: NRA Retracts Support on Banning Bump Fire Stocks after Backlash"
"Democrats FUMING At Judge Thomas' Full Recovery, Now Want Him To Resign!"
"Divorce Imminent: Bill And Hill Haven’t Spoken In Months After an Epic Fight.."
"EXCLUSIVE: NBC wants to FIRE Megan Kelly and FOX NEWS doesn't want Her Back!!!"
"EXCLUSIVE: Stephen Miller Could become the Next White House Communications Director"
"EXPOSED: The Biden White House were COOKING THE BOOKS on the Jobs Report for 4 Years!"
"EXTREMELY Rude Reporter gets Heather Nauert ANGRY: LET ME FINISH!!"
"Exodus: Mexican Nationals Leaving the US in increasing Numbers!!!"
"FAKE NEWS New York Times Sues FBI to get access to the Comey Memos"
"FERAL LIBERAL MEDIA GOES WILD : White House URGENT Press Briefing on New Executive Order"
"First Lady Melania Trump EXPOSES Democrat LIES on Child Immigration Facilities"
"Former NAACP Leader Rachel Dolezal Who Claimed she was Black is now on Food Stamps!!!"
"Gloria Allred and Roy Moore Accuser Beverly Nelson go on DAMAGE CONTROL after Forgery was Exposed"
"Gov. Rick Scott DESTROYS the Fake News Media Narrative on Hurricane Relief Efforts in Puerto Rico"
"HEATED 🔴 Attorney General Barr Utterly DESTROYS Dianne Feinstein on ObamaCare Legality"
"HEATED 🔴 Jim Jordan DESTROYS Google CEO over trying to Meddle in Elections"
"HEATED 🔴 President Trump URGENT Press Conference on China and Israel banning Omar and Tlaib"
"HOUNDED BY THE LIBERAL MEDIA: Trump EXITS Walter Reed LIKE A BOSS on his way Back to the White House"
"Hillary Cries while President Trump is being Sworn in at The Inauguration!!!"
"Idiotic Communist Protester Gets Handled by Police at Trump Rally in Youngstown Ohio"
"JUST IN: Biden gives Trump FULL Credit for Overturning Roe V. Wade!"
"JUST IN: Democrats Try to Hide DAMNING Information against Biden's SCOTUS Nominee from Republicans!"
"JUST IN: Governor Ron DeSantis gives URGENT Updates Press Conference from Florida."
"JUST IN: Marjorie Taylor Greene DESTROYS Lawyer Attempting to Tie Her with the Insurrectionists!"
"JUST IN: Peter Doocy CLASHES with Biden for Making America Look Weak!"
"JUST IN: White House CONFRONTED over the Second Amendment and Baby Formula Shortage!"
"Justice Kennedy will Announce retirement from Supreme Court as Early as This MONDAY!!!"
"Kamala Harris and Rand Paul Team up to do the Unthinkable"
"LEFTIST Reporters left FUMING after Sarah Sanders cuts them off at White House Press Briefing"
"Lindsey Graham wants to HAUL back James Comey to testify on Clinton email case, says 'I smell a rat'"
"MORE LEAKS: Washington Post Publishes Transcripts of Donald Trump’s Calls to Mexico and Australia"
"MOST CENSORED VIDEO ON SOCIAL MEDIA: Kayleigh McEnany SAVAGELY Exposes Liberals at Press Briefing"
"MOST CENSORED: Trump Rally Speech from Phoenix Arizona"
"MULTIPLE ANGLES: Who was Biden trying to SHAKE HANDS with? | Joe's Latest Gaff!"
"MUST WATCH: Judge Roy Moore gives Most AMAZING Speech on eve of the Alabama Election"
"MUST WATCH: President Donald Trump Tells CNN’s Jim Acosta to Get ‘Out’; Gets Triggered"
"MUST WATCH: Press Secretary Sarah Sanders DAILY White House Press Briefing On Mueller Investigation"
"MUST WATCH: Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Gets Asked If Oprah Should Run For President"
"MUST WATCH: Press Secretary Sarah Sanders URGENT White House Press Briefing"
"Marjorie Taylor Greene Blasts GOP Backstabbers in Fiery Rant!"
"Matt Gaetz GRILLS FBI's Cyber Security Agent - "Where is Hunter's Laptop?!""
"Neil Gorsuch Confirmation sabotage by CRAZY Liberal Group!!"
"PEACE AGREEMENT REACHED: President Trump URGENT Announcement from the Oval Office in the White House"
"POTUS on Verge of Revoking Emergency legal status for Immigrants from Central America u0026 Haiti"
"PURE AMERICAN GLORY: Trump DAYTONA 500 Speech in Daytona Beach Florida"
"President Donald Trump Gives Amazing Speech in Washington Michigan"
"President Donald Trump Hands Out Sandwiches and Handshakes in Florida after Hurricane IRMA"
"President Donald Trump IMPORTANT Press Conference after VICTORY at the Supreme Court"
"President Donald Trump IMPORTANT Press Conference with PM Giuseppe Conte of Italy at the White House"
"President Donald Trump IMPORTANT Speech at Banquet Hosted by Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe"
"President Donald Trump Makes an IMPORTANT Statement after the East Asia Summit in the Phillipinas"
"President Donald Trump Meets with Chuck and Nancy at The white house"
"President Donald Trump SHOCKS Italian PM Giuseppe Conte when he is told Italy owes US 31 Billion"
"President Donald Trump SHOCKS the World when he Releases Americas GDP numbers"
"President Donald Trump SHUTS DOWN Leftist Reporter over Climate Change in Georgia"
"President Donald Trump Swears-In Steve Mnuchin as The Secretary of The Treasury"
"President Donald Trump TRIGGERS Liberals by signing a Proclamation to Honor Dr Martin Luther King Jr"
"President Donald Trump TRIGGERS MSM by saying He WON'T Meet with Mueller at Joint Press Conference"
"President Donald Trump URGENT Press Briefing from the White House: Gun Control?"
"President Donald Trump URGENT Press Conference on Meeting with NK Official at the White House"
"President Donald Trump achieves HISTORIC Business Deal With China: Praised by Chinese President Xi"
"President Donald Trump and John Kelly DESTROY the Press at Press Gaggle"
"President Donald Trump gives SHOCKING update at event to Welcome American released from Venezuela"
"President Donald Trump gives SPECIAL Announcement at Tax Reform Industry Meeting"
"President Donald Trump goes BALLISTIC on Democrats at Press Conference with Colombia at UN 🔴"
"President Donald Trump just Delivered his most IMPORTANT weekly Address to the Nation"
"President Donald Trump make HISTORY with Secretary of State Mike Pompeo"
"President Donald Trump signs VITAL Executive Order on Immigration"
"President Donald Trump's EXPLOSIVE Speech regarding his Trip to Asia"
"President Donald Trump's Explosive Military Address to the Nation!"
"President Donald Trump's Governor’s Ball Speech from The White House!!!"
"President Trump Kicks The Main Stream Media Out of the White House!!!"
"President Trump SLAMS China at RARE Press Conference from the White House"
"President Trump WARNS Boeing: Make Military Planes for less money or get Replaced"
"Press Secretary Sarah Sanders Shuts Down the Main Stream Media Frenzy on New Trade Tariffs"
"Press Secretary Sarah Sanders URGENT White House Press Briefing"
"Press Secretary Sarah Sanders URGENT White House Press Briefing 3-16-18"
"Press Secretary Sarah Sanders URGENT White House Press Briefing on Border Security"
"RADICAL PRESS: Trump and Netanyahu SHUT DOWN the Liberal Media Trying to Spin this Historic Times"
"RECORD NUMBER OF JUDGES CONFIRMED: Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech on judicial confirmations at White House"
"Rabid Reporters Heated Press Briefing with President Trump before he Departs to Mississippi"
"Radical Lawyer Fails to Use Marjorie Taylor Greene Old Tweets Against Her!"
"Rep. Luis Gutierrez give UNHINGED Speech as He Announces he will NOT seek Re-Election in 2018"
"Republican Senators EXPLOSIVE Press Conference on Brett Kavanaugh FBI report 🔴"
"Ron DeSantis Responds to Elon Musk's 2024 Support, Makes Joke that Triggers the Liberals!"
"Roy Moore's Accusers Story Crumbles, She Admits to Adding to Yearbook Signing"
"SHOCKER: Senator Lindsey Graham Press Conference on the Dream Act"
"SPEECHLESS: President Trump SLAMS the Liberal Media over a Meeting in Camp David"
"Sarah Sanders SLAMS April Ryan for her Double Standard on President Trump And Bill Clinton"
"Secret Service Confirms : Hillary Clintons Election night RAGE!!!!!"
"Secretary James Mad Dog Mattis has HEATED Debate with Tim Kaine on Authorization of Military Force"
"Secretary of State Mike Pompeo gets a HUGE Surprise from Leftist in California"
"Senate Intelligence Committee Give update on the FAKE NEWS Russia Collusion Conspiracy"
"Singapore Prime Minister STUNS President Trump at Joint Press Conference"
"TAKEDOWN OF BIG PHARMA: Trump puts Allies on NOTICE for Taking Advantage of Americans at Speech"
"THAT'S NOT ACCURATE!: Ted Cruz EXPLODES on Liberal Reporters Shielding Biden Amid Gasoline Crisis!"
"The Hunter Biden BOMBSHELL Question That Jen Psaki REFUSES to Answer!"
"Trump Administration Considers Expanding DHS Powers to Expedite Deportations"
"Trump's Jaw-Dropping Day One Promise: 2nd Amendment Revolution Coming to America!"
"URGENT 🔴 President Trump EXPLOSIVE Press Conference with Chairman Kim at Hanoi Vietnam Summit"
"URGENT 🔴 President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at CPAC 2019"
"URGENT 🔴 President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at CPAC 2020"
"URGENT 🔴 President Trump EXPLOSIVE Speech at National Security VETO Signing Event at White House"
"URGENT 🔴 Sheriff Scott Israel FIRED by Florida Governor DeSantis at Press Briefing"
"URGENT 🔴President Trump EXPLOSIVE Press briefing on Government Shutdown Negotiations"
"URGENT 🔴President Trump HEATED Speech at Border Security roundtable from the White House"
"URGENT 🔴President Trump VITAL Press Conference in Texas"
"VIRAL MOMENT: Reporters GET UP AND LEAVE in the Middle of NEW Press Secretary Press Briefing!"
"WATCH: President Donald Trump EMERGENCY Briefing From Puerto Rico Officials on Hurricane Maria"
"WELL WELL WELL, Look who is Absolutely Running for President in 2020"
"WHAT Mike Pompeo just Said at Press Conference will Set Liberals Ablaze 🔴"
"WOW 🔴 President Trump GOES OFF on Press at Meeting with Slovak Prime Minister at the White House"
"WOW 🔴Press Secretary Sarah Sanders SPARS with Liberal Press over Nancy Pelosi"
"WOW: Malik Obama Releases Barack Obamas Real Birth Certificate!!!"
"WOW: NRA calls for Federal REVIEW of 'bump stock' devices like those used in Las Vegas"
"White House rips Senate Intel panel for producing 'zero evidence' of collusion after 9-month probe"
"YOU will NOT believe what DPRK Defector just Said to President Donald Trump"
"YOU will NOT believe what President Donald Trump just did at White House"
"YOU will NOT believe what President Donald Trump just said at White House Speech with Macron"
"YOU will NOT believe what President Donald Trump just said at his Speech with Supporters"
"YOU will NOT believe what This Veteran Just did Next to President Trump At Pear Harbor Speech"
"YOU will NOT believe what this DISRESPECTFUL Leftist Governor just said to President Donald Trump"
"You will NOT BELIEVE what the Navajo Code Talkers just said about President Donald Trump"
"You will NOT Believe what Peter Doocy Just Asked Jen Psaki at Briefing!"
"🔴 Jeff Sessions Makes MAJOR Announcement on new Taskforce in the DOJ"
"🚨URGENT Press Conference at the Department of Justice with FBI Director Wray"