Youtube activity of "geodkyt" (@geodkyt) on "Forgotten Weapons" channel.
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Comments by video
""Jungle Carbine" - the Lee Enfield No5 MkI Rifle"
""Le Formidable" Pre-WW1 Pocket Revolver at the BUG Match"
"'Murican 2-Gun: M1918A3 BAR and M1911A1"
".30 Super Carry at the BUG Match!"
".30-06 M1918 American Chauchat - Doughboys Go to France"
"7.62mm Rifle L8: The Last Gasp of the Service Lee Enfield"
"9x19 Skorpion on the Range"
"A .22LR Berthier for the French National Police (CRS)"
"A Beautiful Factory Semiauto SIG MKPO"
"A Connoisseur's Pistol: Devel's Full House S&W 59 Conversion"
"A Gun For Aiming: M8C .50 Caliber Spotting Rifle"
"A New Enfield for a New War: The No4 MkI"
"A Special MPi-81 for an Infantry Fighting Vehicle"
"AFN-49: The Forgotten Full-Auto Brother of the FN-49"
"AG42 Ljungman: Sweden Adopts a Battle Rifle in WWII"
"AKRS Universal Optics Rail from KGM Consortium"
"AMD-65: The Specialist's AK Turns Standard-Issue"
"AMELI: Spain's Not-Mini-MG42 in 5.56mm"
"AR57: Fun Times with a Tiny Carbine (aka FSS Hurricane)"
"ATF Introducing eForm 4 w/ Electronic Fingerprints in December 2021"
"Agram 2000: Croatia's Gangster Gun"
"Aimpoint's Only Gun: The PC-80 Symmetrical Action"
"Airtronic's Modernized 40mm China Lake Grenade Launcher"
"Airtronics PSRL: An American RPG (with demo shot...for real!)"
"Algimech AGM-1: A Short-Lived Italian 9mm Bullpup"
"Alien vs Spinner: Round 2 (Now With Less Fail!)"
"All the Blammo: HK51 at the Range"
"All the Fun and None of the Dumb: 1 Shepherd Leadership Institute"
"Alofs: A Steampunk Mousetrap for a Shotgun"
"An Economy Model WWSD: The Civil Defense Rifle"
"An Interesting Possibility: The FG-42 in 8x33mm Kurz?"
"Angstadt Vanquish: An Inexpensive Integrally-Silenced 9mm AR Barrel"
"ArcFlash Labs EMG-02 CoilGun: Making SciFi Weapons Into Reality"
"ArcFlash Labs' GR-1 Anvil Portable Gauss Rifle"
"Arex AKB-15: A Lost AK Modernization Project"
"Arex Delta Gen2: How Gun Designs Iterate and Improve"
"Armatix iP1 Smart Gun at the BackUp Gun Match"
"Armatix iP1: The Infamous German "Smart Gun""
"Ask Ian: "Last Ditch" Rifles for World War III?"
"Ask Ian: Are Man-Portable Chain Guns Coming?"
"Ask Ian: Civil War Tech - Why Didn't It Improve?"
"Ask Ian: Good Bullpup Conversions"
"Ask Ian: Most Changed/Updated Rifle of the 20th Century?"
"Ask Ian: Tractors to Typewriters, Non-Gun Companies Making Guns?"
"Ask Ian: What Rifles Were the M2-M13?"
"Ask Ian: Why Didn't The M3 Grease Gun use Thompson Mags?"
"Ask Ian: Why Don't More Rifles Have Captive Pins?"
"Ask Ian: Why No German WW2 50-Cal Machine Guns? (feat. Nick Moran)"
"Ask Ian: Why Not a Semiauto BAR Instead of the Garand?"
"Austria's Take on the Uzi: Steyr MPi-69"
"Austrian Troop Training: Erma EL-24 .22 Kit for the Steyr M95 Carbine"
"AutoMag 160 in .357AMP: For When the Regular AutoMag is too Common"
"BD-44: The New Semiauto Sturmgewehr from D-K Productions"
"BSD's VSS Vintorez Reproduction: Beyond the Hype"
"BUG Match with a 98-Year-Old 6.35mm Le Français"
"Barbed Wire and Burning Cars: Finnish Brutality 2023 Day 2"
"Bayonet Development for the Lee Enfield No4 Rifle"
"Belgian Black Rifle: the FNC at the Range"
"Belton Repeating Flintlock: A Semiautomatic Rifle in 1785"
"Beretta M38A vs Suomi kp/31 (w/ John Keene)"
"Beretta Model 1918/30"
"Beretta Tries a Machine Pistol: the Model 951A"
"Best SMG of World War Two: The Beretta M38A"
"Best of American and Europe: the Webley No5 Express New Army"
"Black Hawk Down: Randy Shughart's M14"
"Bonus Material: Flux Raider at Desert Brutality 2022"
"Book Review: FN49 - The Last Elegant Old World Military Rifle (New Edition)"
"Book Review: Vickers Guide H&K Volume 2 (SMG & PDW)"
"Boring, Durable, Unsexy Bricks: The Remarkably Successful Ruger P85"
"Born in the Heart of Besieged Leningrad: the PPS-42"
"Bowie Knife Bayonet and Bolo Bayonet for the US Krag"
"Bren 2: Every Aspect of the 805 Refined"
"British .303 Browning Mk II* Aircraft Machine Gun"
"Bu0026T APC-9: The Swiss Answer to the MP5"
"Bu0026T GL-06 Launcher: Reloadable Less-Lethal for Police on a Budget"
"CETME LC: Last of the Roller-Delayed Carbines"
"CETME-L Handguards: The Poor Early Model and the Later Better One"
"Calico Reliability Testing: Round 4, the Saga Continues..."
"CatalogIt Firearms Inventory Software for Museums and Collectors"
"Cheek Pistol Concept: Unorthodox But Effective"
"China Lake 40mm Grenade Launcher at the Range"
"Classic Imperial British Revolvers: the Webley WG Army and Target"
"Cold War Belgium: Comparing the Vigneron M1 and M2 SMGs"
"Collier Reproductions and Fakes - Who and Why?"
"Colt 601: The AR-15 Becomes a Military Rifle"
"Colt All-American 2000 (Disassembly and Shooting)"
"Colt Model 639: MACVSOG's Vietnam Carbine"
"Colt-Berdan I: Russia's First Military Cartridge Rifle"
"Combloc SAW: Chinese RPD at the Range"
"Copy of a Knockoff: Chinese Warlord Version of a Bestigui Model H"
"Correcting Gun Myths w/ Bloke on the Range: StGs, Carbines, and M16s"
"Cosmi: A Boutique 8-Round Selfloader Hiding in a Single-Shot Body"
"Croatian HS-91: A Mystery Hybrid of M56 and PPSh-41"
"Croatian Improvised Weapons: From Obrez to Single-Shot Yugo M70 Hybrid"
"Croatian Šokac SMG - A PPSh-41 Copy from the 1990s"
"Crogar M91: MP40 Meets Yugo M56 in the Croatian Homeland War"
"DSA's Modernized Mini-RPD at the Range (YouTube Cut)"
"DTM: The Soviet Tank Version of the DP-27 LMG"
"Daniel Defense H9: The Hudson Reborn and Completely Reengineered"
"Danish Madsen-Saetter GPMG at the Range"
"Deckard's Pfläger-Katsumata Series D 5223"
"Denmark's Post-WW2 SMG: the Hovea m/49"
"Department of Energy 633 Clone at a PCSL 2-Gun Match"
"Desert Brutality 2021 Day 1: Glory and Heartbreak"
"Development of the Uzi Family: Standard, Mini, and Micro"
"East Germany's Secret Walther Clone: The Pistole 1001-0"
"Egyptian 2-Gun: Rasheed and Browning High Power"
"Engineer's Delight: Stemple 76/45 Becomes the Stemple Takedown Gun"
"Enjoying Black Powder Episode 1: The Trapdoor Springfield"
"Enjoying Black Powder Episode 2: The Modele 1874 Gras"
"Enjoying Black Powder Episode 5: The Remington Rolling Block"
"Erquiaga EM-62: Castro's Ex-Armorer Makes an M14"
"Estonia's Domestic Arms Production: Arsenal Tallinn SMG"
"Estonia's Much Better Sniper: the M14 TP2"
"Estonian Snipers: Enfields in 7.62x54R and Arisakas in .303 British"
"Ethiopian Oddities: Strange Smallbore Gewehr 71 Carbine"
"Ethiopian Oddities: The Mo43 Mauser - Handmade or Factory?"
"Every Gun in "Dr. No" is Wrong"
"Evolution of the Military Mauser HSc Pistol"
"Evolution of the Submachine Gun: Three Distinct Generations"
"Evolving the Cheek Pistol Concept: Calico M950"
"Extra Firepower for Vietnam: the Aussie "B!tch""
"FAL Paratrooper 50.63"
"FG-42: Perhaps the Most Impressive WW2 Shoulder Rifle"
"FN FNC: The Belgian 5.56mm NATO Carbine"
"FN M249S Semiauto for Military Collectors"
"FN Model D: The Last and Best BAR"
"Felk TF919: Australia and Spain Team Up to Make a Lousy Pistol"
"Finland's Next Service Rifle (Mostly): Sako ARG S 40"
"Finnish m/44 Prototype Blowback 9mm Pistol"
"First Shots: FN's New High Power"
"Fort 221: The Ukrainian Tavor TAR"
"French Trials VHS-F2 Croatian Bullpup"
"Friends Don't Let Friends Overhype the MP7"
"From Service Sidearm to Match Gun: the Astra 400 Target Model"
"Fundamentals of LPVOs: Cheap vs Expensive"
"G33/40: Special Carbine for the Gebirgsjager"
"GWACS vs KE Arms Update: Approaching Endgame"
"Garand Primer-Activated 1924 Trials Rifle"
"Gas Delayed Blowback Pistols: A Tour of the System"
"Gear for Carrying DP27 Pan Magazines"
"Gear-Ratio-Accelerated? Yep, It's a Thing: French MAT 1955 Prototype"
"Gevarm D4: An Economical MAT-49 Alternative"
"Gilboa Snake: Is the Double-AR Really so Dumb?"
"Gilboa Snake: Is the Double-AR Really so Dumb? (Re-Cut for YouTube)"
"Glock 18 u0026 18C Machine Pistols: How Do They Work?"
"Glock Meets 1911: The Alchemy Arms Spectre"
"Gordon Ingram's Westarm .308 Battle Rifle"
"Gorilla GF-10: Lightweight Hunting Semiauto in 8.6mm Blackout (w/ Ballistics Gel)"
"Gras to Lebel: Development of French Military Repeating Rifles"
"Great New FW Merch from Varusteleka"
"H&K UMP: An H&K SMG Made for .40 and .45"
"HK P11: NATO's Secret Underwater Pistol"
"HK43: The 5.56mm "Paramilitary" Rifle"
"HK51: The SAS' Full Auto Flashbang Dispenser"
"HS95: Croatia Builds a Modern Pistol"
"Hamas Claims to Make Sniper Rifles in Gaza - Are They Really?"
"Handguns in the US Army in World War Two"
"Hi-Point / MAWL at MOGO24: Wheels Come Off the Struggle Bus"
"History of SAW Use in the US Army"
"History of the Krummlauf Device: Hitler's Folly (One of Many)"
"History of the Monolithic Polymer AR: From Colt to KE Arms"
"Hogue Avenger: Precision Accuracy Via Delayed Blowback"
"Hopkins & Allen XL Navy Rimfire .38 Service Revolver"
"Hotchkiss Universal on the PCC Course of Fire"
"How Companies Bend US Import Laws (An Example)"
"How to Avoid the Legal Pitfalls of a Transferrable Hu0026K Auto Sear"
"How's It Made: A Giant Machine That Makes MG Links"
"Hungarian Blast Machine: AMD-65 at the Range"
"I Set The Alien Loose On My Nemesis Target"
"Ian Rants About Dumb Ammo Purchasing Decisions"
"Ian Ruins the Elbonian Sniper Corps"
"Ian Takes the Pepsi Haaste: Suomi vs Stemple-Suomi"
"Ian's Amazing Power to Predict the Future!"
"Ian's Customs: Tanker M1 Scout"
"Ian's Customs: The Terrible Krinkov"
"Ian's Customs: WWSD Commando"
"Inkunzi Strike 20mm Grenade MG"
"Innovative and Interesting: Tinck Arms Perun X16"
"Interview w/ Biofire's Lead Designer: Features and Reliability"
"Intro to Prism Scopes: What are they Anyway?"
"Is the AutoMag Curse Over? The New Auto Mag 180-D"
"Italian GWOT Steel: the Beretta AR-70/90"
"Italy's M14: The BM-59 at the Range"
"James Bond's Shoulder Holsters: Good, Bad, and Ugly"
"Japanese Type 92 105mm Field Gun (Guadalcanal)"
"Jatimatic on the Range"
"KE Arms/GWACS Update: You Guys Helped!"
"Kalthoff 30-Shot Flintlock: The First Repeating Firearm Used in War (1659)"
"Knight's XM9 Beretta "Hush Puppy" - For USAF Survival Kits"
"Kohout & Spol 7.65mm Mars Pistol"
"Krešimir: Croatia's Truly Insane Grenade Launcher"
"L118A2: Accuracy International Arctic Warfare"
"L8(T) Enfield: The British Army Fails to Make a Sniper"
"L96A1 Behind the Scenes: Manufacturing Catastrophes and Exploding Rifles"
"Ladislav Findorak's Prototype Lever-Delayed PDW"
"Lahti L33/39 for Antiaircraft Use (YouTube Cut)"
"Land Mines & Casualty Care: Finnish Brutality 2023 Day 1"
"Landstad 1900: A True Semiautomatic Revolver"
"Laugo Alien at the Range"
"Laugo Alien: Mud Test"
"Laugo Alien: Real Innovation in Modern Handgun Design"
"Le Français Type Armée - A Strange Service Pistol"
"Le Redoutable: A Double-Barrel 20-Shot Revolver"
"Leaning Westward: Galils for Estonia"
"Lee Metford and Lee Enfield Carbines for the Cavalry"
"Legacy of the K5: Daewoo DP51 Through Lionheart Vulcan-9"
"Lever-Delayed Prototype SMG: The MAS Mle 1948 Series"
"Lewis Gas Operated Prototype Pistol"
"Lindner's Improbable Tube-Fed Striker-Fired Caseless Ammo Revolver"
"Literary James Bond's Best Pistol: the ASP"
"Llama Omni"
"M14: America’s Worst Service Rifle - What Went Wrong?"
"M1903A4: America's WW2 Sniper Rifle"
"M240 Bravo: America Replaces the M60"
"M37: The Ultimate Improved Browning 1919"
"M43 Salakari: A Dynamic Assault Mount for the Finnish Maxim"
"M44 Submachine Gun: Finland Copies the Soviet PPS-43"
"M60: Its Purpose, Mechanics, and Development"
"M8C Spotting Rifle at the Range"
"MAC/Skorpion Hybrid at the Range: the Alka M93"
"MAS Type 62: France Does the FAL, With a Twist"
"MDRX Micron: A Truly Tiny SBR Bullpup"
"MP9 and TP9: A Complete History From Steyr to Bu0026T"
"MPi-81: Steyr Basically Makes the Uzi"
"MSBS "Grot" Ceremonial Parade Rifle (Honor Guard Version)"
"Machine Gun Terminology Part 2: SMG, PDW, & Machine Pistol"
"Makarov: The Soviets Adopt Some Weird Proprietary Caliber"
"Making Do: South Africa's 7.62mm NATO Bren Gun Conversions"
"Marius Berger's Ring-Trigger Tube-Magazine Pistol"
"Marko Vukovik's Prototype Machine Pistol: the V.M.18"
"Mateba Unica 6: A Semiauto Revolver in .44 Magnum"
"Mean Arms' Bearing Delay System"
"Mendoza 1934: Mexico's Domestic LMG"
"Milanese 7mm Pinfire Saber-Revolver"
"Milkor M32 and M32A1 40mm Grenade Launchers"
"Miller's Musket Conversion: The Trapdoor We Have At Home"
"Mini-Ero: The Croatian Hybrid Small Uzi"
"Model 74 "Carpati": Cugir's Romanian Walther Clone"
"Modernizing Le Clairon: the FAMAS Valorise"
"Molotovs at the Range: Finnish Brutality 2025 Day 2"
"Moons Out Goons Out 2024 Overview: Yeah, I Ran a Hi-Point"
"NAA .22 Magnum Mini-Revolver at the BUG Match"
"New Beretta-Imported MR73 at the Range"
"North Korean Type 73: A PK That Uses Both Mags and Belts"
"Nova Modul CTS9: a 9mm AK Upgraded for Competition"
"Now Available: VHS-2 w/ 20-inch Barrel (aka Springfield Hellion)"
"Nylon 66: Remington's Revolutionary Plastic Rifle"
"OTs-14 Groza: Russia's Over-Hyped 9x39mm Spetznaz Bullpup"
"Ohio Ordnance HCAR: The BAR of the Future"
"One Cartridge Two Zeros: SIG Romeo 9T"
"Original US Military Machine Guns on the Civilian Market (w/ John Keene)"
"P320 Flux Legion Raider at the Range"
"P90: FN's Bullpup PDW"
"PAM-2: Argentina's Improved 9mm Grease Gun"
"PDW on Steroids: the vz68 and the Skorpion 9x19"
"PHP MV-9: The First Croatian Pistol (Both Models)"
"PIAT: Britain's Answer to the Anti-Tank Rifle Problem"
"PMM: Russia's Modernized Makarov (Now With 50% More Mag Capacity!)"
"PTR-44 Sturmgewehr at a 2-Gun Match"
"Pacific Theater USMC-Modified Johnson M1941 Rifle"
"Parabellum 1914/17: Germany's Ultimate Aircraft Maxim"
"Parker-Hale .303-.22 Conversion Kits for the Enfield, Lewis, and Vickers"
"Poland's Problematic First SMG: The wz.39 Mors"
"Post-War Paris Police MAS 38 Variation"
"Praga I-23: Prototype Belt-Fed Predecessor of the ZB26"
"Primary Arms' HTX-1: A Completely US-Made Red Dot Sight"
"Project Lantan: Poland Designs a Modular AK in 7x41mm"
"Prototype French MAS-49 SMG in .45ACP"
"Prototype Johnson Model R Military Rifle"
"Prototype Silenced Sten Mk4(S) at the Range"
"Q&A 24: Pistols, Puppies, and Procurement"
"Q&A 48: Magnetic Guns, Electronic Guns, and Fake Guns"
"Q&A 50: Disagreeing With the Premise of the Question"
"Q&A 52: Sam Colt was a Jerk, the NGSW will not be Adopted, and German WW1 Wunderwaffe"
"Q&A 53: With Matt Larosiere (FRT Trigger) and Russell Phagan (KP-15)"
"Q&A 54: Machine Gun Questions w/ Msgt. (Ret) John Keene"
"Q&A 56: Travel, Elbonian Snipers, and Contradictions"
"Q&A 58: Tenuous Travel, Time Travel Investment, and 7.65 French Magnum"
"Q&A 60: Early Automatic Pistols & More w/ "Fireplace Guy" - Len Antaris"
"Q&A: Desert Brutality Road Trip Edition"
"Qu0026A: British Small Arms of World War Two"
"Qu0026A: Finland and Finnish Small Arms (From Berdan to New Sako AR)"
"Quebec Papal Zouave's Ceremonial Gewehr 71/84"
"RK95: Finland's Ultimate AK"
"RP-46: The Rarely Seen Belt-Fed Degtyarev"
"RP46 Variations: Russian, North Korean, and US Reproduction"
"RPD: The LMG Adapts to Modern Combat"
"RWGŁ-3: Poland's Riot Squad AK-Based Tear Gas Launcher"
"Really Not an M16 at All: Colt's M231 Port Firing Weapon"
"Rearming West Germany: The G1 FAL"
"Red Dots: How Cheap is too Cheap? (featuring Mike Branson)"
"Reising M55 Submachine Gun"
"Remington's Revolving Rifle: Not Expensive, but not Successful"
"Replacing Beretta: the S&W XM10 Trials Pistol"
"Rheinmetall MG42/59: The Slow-Fire Commercial MG42"
"Rhodesian Mamba at the Range: Will it Work?"
"Rigor, Discipline, and Excellence: Christian Prouteau on GIGN Training and the MR-73"
"Rod Bayonet Springfield 1903 (w/ Royalties and Heat Treat)"
"Roller-Delay Showdown: Angstadt MDP-9 vs H&K SP-5"
"Russia's Big Fifty on the Range: DShK-38"
"SIG 44/16: The Best Service Pistol, But The Road Not Traveled"
"SIG M18: New USMC Service Pistol (and Little Brother of the M17)"
"SIG M5 Spear Deep Dive: Is This a Good US Army Rifle?"
"SIG MKPS: Possibly the Most Beautiful SMG Ever Made"
"SPAS-12: Franchi's Special Purpose Automatic Shotgun"
"SR-88A: Singapore's Final Evolution of the AR-18"
"SR3 Vikhr: Russian 9x39mm PDW"
"SVD Dragunov: The First Purpose-Built DMR"
"Saga of the AR15 Forward Assist: A Solution Searching for a Problem"
"Semiauto DShKM "Dushka" in .50 Browning"
"Semiauto FAMAS F1 Rifle"
"Semiauto MGs: How Are They Made?"
"Semiauto PM-63C "Rak" at the BUG Match (It's Technically a Backup Gun...)"
"Semiauto ZK-383 on the Range"
"Shooting Shaved Webley Revolvers (w/ Steinel Ammo)"
"Shooting a WWII German 50mm Light Mortar (L.Gr.W.36)"
"Shooting the M14: Full Auto Really Uncontrollable?"
"Shooting the Norinco QBZ/Type 97 NSR"
"Silent But Deadly: 8.6mm Fix w/ AGM Rattler at Midnight Brutality Thermal Division"
"Small Arms History of the Falkland Islands Defense Force"
"Snipers Before Infantry: the Danish m/66 Sniper"
"Something of a Mystery: Rimfire 1874 Gasser Montenegrin"
"Springfield Hellion: The VHS-2 Bullpup Comes to the US"
"Stalin's Record Player: The DP-27 Light Machine Gun"
"Stemple 76/45 + Russian Lend-Lease Thompson Kit = STG-M1A"
"Sten Mk5: The Cadillac of the Sten Family"
"Sten MkI u0026 MkI*: The Original Plumber's Nightmare"
"Sten MkII: Just When You Thought It Couldn't Get Simpler"
"Sten MkIII: A Children's Toy Company Makes SMGs"
"Sterling Meets Owen: The Australian F1 Submachine Gun"
"Sterling SMG at the Range"
"Steyr ACR: A Polymer Flechette-Firing Bullpup From the 90s"
"Steyr AUGs of the Falkland Islands Defense Force"
"Steyr M95 Straight-Pull Semiauto Conversion"
"Stocked Pistols: Great or Garbage?"
"Su0026W M1917: A US Army revolver in .45 ACP"
"Suomi Korsu: A Special Mannerheim Line Bunker SMG"
"Suppressed OSS M3 Grease Gun and Bushmaster Booby Trap Trigger"
"Taiwan's Retro Gas Piston AR: the Type 65"
"Tara TM-9: What a Tangled Web of Intrigue for a Crappy Gun"
"Testing Slamfire: Sneaky Advantage or Useless Hype?"
"Testing an Original WW1 Trench Gun w/ GI Buckshot: How Does it Pattern?"
"The American FAL: Harrington & Richardson T48 (w/ Larry Vickers)"
"The Axe in Viking Age Iceland: Both Weapon and Tool"
"The Bosnian Full-Auto SKS with AK Mags"
"The Compact CZ-2000 "Krinkov" Variant"
"The Czech Unicorn LMG: A Squad Support CZ-2000 (YouTube cut)"
"The End of the Mamba: A Tale of Manufacturing Incompetence"
"The Experimental SOE Welrod MkI Prototype"
"The First German Assault Weapon: The Lange Pistole 08"
"The Good Idea Fairy Strikes: American Trowel Bayonets"
"The Great Sportsman's Guide AK Magazine Lottery of 2006"
"The Interesting and Unusual Small Arms of Kurdistan and Ukraine w/ Neil Vermillion"
"The Italian Last-Ditch TZ-45 Submachine Gun"
"The M1 Garand's Mysterious 7th Round Stoppage"
"The Mystery of James Bond's Long-Barrel .45 Car Gun"
"The Pig: M60 in Theory and on the Range"
"The Pointless (and Dangerous) "Spetznaz" Makarov Holster"
"The Post-War Legacy of the FG42"
"The Rare Chinese Stamped Receiver SKS"
"The Schmeisser MP-28,II at the Range"
"The Sexy Retro Shorty: Original AR-180 Police Carbine"
"The Sneaky Silent Sten MkII(S) at the Range"
"The Story Behind Ian's Shrapnel Kaboom"
"The Thumb Trigger Concept Anew: Iron Horse's TOR"
"The Unique Challenges of Self-Loading Shotgun Design"
"Thompson SMG Cases: Police, FBI, and Secret Service"
"Thorpe EM-1: A Bullpup Take on the Roller Locked Gerat 06"
"Throwback Thursday: 70 Years' Perspective on Gun Collecting (Dolf Goldsmith)"
"Throwback Thursday: The Nifty Hybrid-Design HAC-7 Battle Rifle"
"Top 5 Pistols of World War One (Response to C&Rsenal)"
"Tour of Sport Systems Dittrich: Reproduction WWII German Rifles"
"Training Scars: Will Competition Habits Get You Kilt in Da Streetz?"
"Two World Wars: A Weimar Police C96 Mauser"
"Type 100 / 44 (Late Pattern) Japanese SMG"
"Type 63: China Makes an AK/SKS Hybrid"
"USPSA with a 105-Year-Old Artillery Luger Rig"
"Ugly Pistol Day at the BUG Match: CZ38"
"Ukrainian Adaptation of PKTs to Infantry Use"
"Ultima Ratio: RAID and the Founding of PGM Precision"
"Ultra-Premium S&W Performance Center Model 3566"
"Union Pistol w/35-Round Horseshoe Magazine"
"Unique Rotating Single-Shot Percussion Rifle"
"VG45K: Rheinmetall's 8mm Kurz Volksgewehr"
"VHS-1: Croatia Copies the FAMAS (But Not Really)"
"Variations on Gras Cavalry Carbines & Conversions from Ethiopia"
"Vektor CP-1: Recalled to the Mother Ship"
"Venezuelan FN49: The First FN49 Contract"
"Vickers Mk IV .50 Caliber Water-Cooled Tank Gun"
"Vigneron M2: Belgium's Little-Known Post-War SMG"
"Viking Atgeirr: Reevaluating the Origins of European Firearms"
"Volksturm VG-5, aka VK-98"
"WF-51: A Swiss Intermediate-Cartridge Copy of the FG-42"
"WW1 Villar Perosa SMG at the Range"
"Walther PPKs on the Range: Comparing the .32 to the .380"
"Walther Toggle-Locked Semiauto Shotgun (ouch!)"
"Weirdest of the French Trials SMGs: the EROP 1954"
"Welrod .32 at the Range: British SOE's Silent Assassin's Pistol"
"What Are All These 9mm Cartridges, And Why?"
"What Would Browning Do: FN's New High Power"
"What Would Ross Do? The .280 Military Match M10 Rifle"
"What is a Battle Rifle?"
"What's the Deal with the SIG P320 Exploding and Firing "Un-Commanded"?"
"When MAC-10 Meets Skorpion: Croatia's Homeland War ALKA mod 93"
"Why Are Short Barreled Rifles Actually Regulated in the US?"
"Why Are There So Many Registered FNC Sears?"
"Why Drum Magazines are a Bad Idea"
"Wieger 942: East Germany Makes a 5.56mm AK"
"World War Two Heats Up: The M1928A1 Thompson SMG"
"Ye Olde Tactical: A Vintage Riot Shotgun w/ Nydar 47 Optic"
"You Can Copy Anything: Chinese Bolt Action M1 Carbine"
"Yugo-Albanian "Marksman's" Mystery AK"
"Yugoslav M72: The Early Balkan RPK"
"ZB47: A Truly Weird Czech SMG"
"Zastava's Heavy Hitter: The Yugoslav M76 DMR"
"Zastava's M90: The Serbian M70 Updated to 5.56mm"
"Zielfeuergerät 38 Blank-Firing Training Aid"
"sa81 KRASA: Czechoslovakia's Ultra-Compact Lost PDW"
"wz.35: Poland's Remarkably Misunderstood Antitank Rifle"