Youtube activity of "Halfdan Ingolfsson" (@Halli50) on "Thom Hartmann Program" channel.
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Halfdan Ingolfsson
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Comments by video
"2020 Election Is Gone Unless Vote By Mail Goes National"
"50 Years After Attica Massacre Prisoners Are Still Rioting"
"A Battle Against the Winter Spirit Featuring Clayton Thomas-Muller"
"A Chilling Warning: What a Russian Dissident Sees in Trump"
"A Nation Cowering in Fear of Mass Shootings Is Not Free"
"A.I. Biggest Threat To Democracy (Worse Than Trump)? w/ Mark Pocan"
"ADHD Doesn’t Always Look Like Distraction! Most Overlooked Signs Of ADHD Revealed"
"Abortion Divide Could Break Up America Over Race?"
"After Trump: How Do We Heal Our Country?"
"America FAILED Vital Task After Civil War That Trump is Taking Advantage Of...."
"America On the Edge…Of Madness?"
"America is Tired of Waiting for Gun Reform"
"America's Favorite Presidents Were Left of Bernie Sanders"
"America's Happiness Rating Falls - Why? (w/ Julio Rivera)"
"America's Healthcare Nightmare May Surprise You (w/ Dr. Sam Metz)"
"American Fascism Ain’t Over Yet"
"American Women Can’t Get Medical Help Until It's Too Late"
"Americans Mourning Life Outside Quarantine"
"Americans are Feeling Like We’re Living In the Last Days?"
"America’s Next Housing Crisis Could Be Our Last… New Study Reveals Why!!!"
"An Armed Assassin Went To Kill An American President…WAIT til you hear WHO sent him…"
"Anti-Vaxxer Secret Plot Exposed - Jennifer Stefano vs Thom"
"Are Apocalyptic Wildfires Just a Warning ? (w/ Dr. Gary Yohe)"
"Are Billionaires Leading America Toward Civil War?"
"Are Courts Empowering Anti-Voter Vigilantes? w/ Greg Palast"
"Are Gun Makers Making AR-15 Assault Weapons for Kids?"
"Are Impossible Burgers, Impossible? (w/ Bill Freese)"
"Are Insecure Men The Biggest Threat To Democracy?"
"Are Progressives the Real Champions of Capitalism? (w/ Ro Khanna)"
"Are The Authoritarians Canceling Elections?"
"Are Trump's Doctor's Even More Insane Than He Is?"
"Are We Teetering On the Edge of a Climate Change Apocalypse?"
"Are the Most Corrupt SCOTUS Justices Trying To Help Overthrow The Government?"
"Are we the First Country to Go Backwards?"
"Atlantic Ocean: Subtle Shifts Hint at Dramatic Dangers (w/ Dr. Michael Mann)"
"Authoritarian Daddy State Will Put You In Chains For Being Naughty Before Marriage"
"Banned Muslims Voted for Trump. Why? (w/ Ani Zonneveld)"
"Banning Critical Race Theory Isn't Working"
"Being Born To Parents Who Hate You"
"Biden Can Stop Trump's Political Prosecutions By Pardoning EVERYONE"
"Billionaires Are Telling Sinema to Jump & She Says, "How High""
"Boeing Crisis Reveals How Capitalism Sells Your Safety"
"Boris Bulletin - Britain's Lockdown Party Animal... (w/ Victoria Jones )"
"COVID Exposed Neoliberalism's Failure"
"Can America Employ Everyone? Featuring Algernon Austin"
"Can An Authoritarian Law Be Used Against The Far Right?"
"Can Canceling Student Debt Save Democracy?"
"Can Congress Impeach Trump AgainFor His Worst Offense In Office?"
"Can Debunking These JFK Conspiracy Myths Shed Light On 60 Year Old Assassination? w/ Lamar Waldron"
"Can Democrats Force Medicare For All Through?"
"Can High Tax Increase Save America?"
"Can Hypersonic Missiles Crack Ukraine? w/Phil Ittner"
"Can Kamala Harris Beat Trump?"
"Can Our Economy Recover from the Pandemic? (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"Can Raising Minimum Wage Crash the Economy? Thom Destroys Right Wing Lie You Still Believe"
"Can The Collapse of Neoliberalism Bring Crisis & Opportunity?"
"Can The GOP Defeat Their Greatest Foe Before 2024?"
"Can The Rich Pay Half The Population To Kill The Rest?"
"Can Trump Supporters Justify Trump's COVID-19 Response?"
"Can Universal Healthcare Cure Canada's Crackpots?"
"Can We Abolish The Debt Ceiling?"
"Can We Save Juneteenth From Sabotage?"
"Can We Stop Trump From Playing Dictator?"
"Can We Stop the GOP From “Eradicating” Trans People?"
"Can You Forgive Your Republican Friends?"
"Can the French Plan For Social Housing Save America From Hyper-Gentrification? w/ Cole Stangler"
"Can the Poor Beat the Lust for Profits? (w/ Lori Wallach)"
"Chauvin Trial Leads To Roots of Racism (w/ Prof. John A. Powell)"
"Chile Votes for Socialism over Fascism (w/ Guillaume Long)"
"Citizens United Has Destroyed America: Why Is Nobody Talking About It?"
"Civilsation Could End - But That's Not the Worst Thing"
"Climate Change Turns Skies Red... (w/ Dr. Michael Mann)"
"Climate Change: "If we lose the Arctic, we lose the whole world” (w/ Guy McPherson)"
"Comedian Proves Abortion & Sex Are No Laughing Matter (w/ Lizz Winstead)"
"Could 2020 Be The Last Chance for . . ."
"Could COVID-19 Remove Trump From Office?"
"Could Classified Laws End Democracy?"
"Could Finland Solve Homelessness In America? (w/Juha Kaakinen)"
"Could Putin's Downfall Happen Within 6 Months?"
"Could Qanon Reign Mean the End Times for Democracy"
"Could Trump End Up President If Not Indicted Soon?"
"Could Trump’s Military Surcharge Lead to the Unwinding of American Empire?"
"Could a New Marshall Plan Stop Trump's Brutal Border Policy?"
"Crazy Alert: Did the GOP Really Endorse Killer?"
"DEBATE! Should Poor Families Get Family Leave? (w/ Jennifer Stefano)"
"DeSantis Election Police Won't Stop Crime"
"DeSantis Tests Fascism in Florida Before Nationwide Debut"
"Dear GOP: You’ll Never Wash the Stink of Trump Off You or Your Party. Never"
"Death-Santis Breaks Court Ruling To Increase COVID"
"Debate 2020: How Joe Biden Can Beat Trump"
"Debate: Who Screwed Up Afghanistan Pullout? (w/ Julio Rivera)"
"Democrats’ Betrayals Are Jeopardizing American Democracy (w/ David Sirota)"
"Devastating UN Report Warns Of Mass Extinction Of These Animals We Rely On To Live"
"Dictators Own This Oil Refinery: Can Biden Seize It Before Gas Prices Hit $15 w/ Mark Pocan"
"Did Progressives Take Over Democratic Party?"
"Did "Stand Your Ground" Legalize Murder?"
"Did Conservative Parents Mess Up & Open Public Schools to… SATAN?!"
"Did Corporate Espionage Cut Your Power? (w/ Dennis Kucinich)"
"Did Corporate Greed Cause Inflation? (w/ Prof. Richard Wolff)"
"Did Corporate Personhood Turn Democracy Into Fascism?"
"Did Dark Money Turn SCOTUS Against Democracy? Featuring Andrew Perez"
"Did Donald Trump Want to Shoot Activists?"
"Did Drugs Win War On Drugs?"
"Did Far Right Election Interference Change 2022 Midterm Outcome?"
"Did Fox News Brainwash Your Dad? (w/ Jen Senko)"
"Did Humans Make Oceans Lose Its Memory? Geeky Science!"
"Did Julian Assange Put Trump in Power?"
"Did Michael Moore Film Bash Renewable Energy? (w/ Dana Nuccitelli)"
"Did New Laws Screw Biden Out Of Running In These States?"
"Did New York Just Beat Trump at His Own Game?"
"Did Science Just Prove Link Between Fat & Stupid?"
"Did The Barbie Movie Change Politics Forever?"
"Did Trucker Convoy Stall The MAGA Movement?"
"Did Trump Start A World War?"
"Did Trump Threaten “Son of a B*tch” Biden In Shocking Rant?"
"Did Young People Forget Cold War?"
"Did Your Tax Dollars Fund White Supremacists? Featuring Alex Kotch"
"Did the GOP Misquote the Founding Fathers To Justify Insane Polices?"
"Did the GOP Turn Pregnancy Into a Deadly Condition?"
"Did the Navy Just Confirms UFO Sightings?"
"Discover How This Woman Beat Corporate Media – And How You Can Too!"
"Does America Deserve Trump?"
"Does America Have a Christian Nationalist Problem?"
"Does Any Republican Practice "True Morality?""
"Does Bush Owe Iraq Apology For Iraq War?"
"Does Increasing The Minimum Wage Increase Prices?"
"Does This Letter Change The Meaning Of The Second Amendment?"
"Does Trump Still Have A Chance in November?"
"Don't Flood This GOP Inbox! The War On Black History"
"Economic Crash Not Seen Since Great Depression Coming (w/ Richard Wolff )"
"Even After Bank Run Stopped, Libertarians Attack FDIC? w/ Charles Sauer"
"Even Trump Doesn’t Want The Bloodbath The Gun Lobby Will Produce"
"Exposed: Chevron Judge Jails Human Rights Lawyer Defending Environment? (w/ Greg Palast)"
"Exposing Right-Wing Inflation Lies"
"Exposing Trump's New Eugenics!"
"Exxon Just Exposed the Senators They "Own" (w/ Richard Wiles)"
"FBI's Deadly Mistake on Terror Investigations May Fuel Next Civil War? w/ Mike German"
"Fake Abortion Sites Prey On Vulnerable Women & Girls"
"Fascist Leaders Are Waging “Irregular Warfare” Against America"
"Federal Abortion Ban: Court Packing Should Be Back on the Table!"
"Final Days For Trump Or Democracy?"
"Florida's Insane COVID Grand Jury Attacks Vaccines?"
"For Joe Biden, What Patriarchy's Last Gasp Means in 2020"
"For Profit Insurance Has Incentive To Deny You Care (w/ Melinda St. Louis)"
"Forgetting Won't Save You From Authoritarianism (w/ Chauncey DeVega)"
"Founders Would Be Disgusted By GOP & Trump?"
"GOP Death Cult Winning on COVID Passports?"
"GOP Demands Invasive Private Info From Your Daughters To Play School Sports"
"GOP Governor Shoots Puppy For Misbehaving…Now She Wants to Be Vice President?!"
"GOP Law Uses Vigilantes To Hunt Pregnant Women"
"GOP Policy Wants Women To Die"
"GOP Raising Next Racist Generation of Right Wing Crackpots"
"GOP Stands On Ocean of Blood"
"GOP's Plan Would Kill Americans But Their Shareholders Would Make Billions!"
"GOP’s Agenda: Strip Women Of Political & Economic Power"
"GOP’s Bizarre Anti-Semitic Conspiracy Theory Targets…Beyonce?!"
"Genocide: This Is How "It" Starts"
"Gingrich Finally Forced To Answer For His Hypocrisy (w/ Newt Gingrich)"
"Global Warming Thaws Ancient Viruses From Permafrost"
"Global Warming: Welcome to our New Normal !"
"Greg Abbot Is Already Killing Immigrants But He Dreams Of Shooting Them"
"Growing Nuclear Disaster Hidden Pacific Northwest (w/ Tom Carpenter)"
"Growing Rent Debt Haunts Millions"
"Hairdryer Climate Mathematics Revealed"
"Has Capitalism & The GOP Destroyed Religion?"
"Has Donald Trump Become Jim Jones? (w/ Dr. Justin A. Frank)"
"Has the GOP Become a Terrorist Organization?"
"Has the Land of Opportunity Been Sold?"
"Have Far Right Extremists Ruined Christianity?"
"Have Workers Figured Out That Republicans Don't Care?"
"Have You Identified This Major Voting Rights Problem? Featuring Kat Calvin"
"He Refused Vaccine Only For COVID Complications To Ruin His Life"
"Healthcare Workers Face Nightmare (w/ Mark Pocan)"
"Heard Immunity: A Massive Failure.... Will We Learn From Sweden?"
"Hidden History of Student Debt"
"High Price of The Billion Dollar Military Budget"
"History’s Most Important Lessons BANNED From Schools?"
"Hospitals Prove Capitalism Needs To Be Reinvented!"
"How America Became A Third World Nation?"
"How America Got All F**ked Up - Resurrecting Democracy In America"
"How America Lost Its Way . . . Again"
"How Americans Were Tricked into Voting For Trump"
"How Billionaires Create Poverty To Get Rich"
"How Can America Survive Pink Slime News?"
"How Can Poverty Be Fixed? We Already Know"
"How Dark Money Impacts America (w/ Prof. Richard Wolff)"
"How Did the Healthcare Companies Get So Rich & Powerful?"
"How Do We Stop Billionaires Taking Over of America?"
"How Do We Stop Donald Trump From Killing Us?"
"How Do We Stop Trump’s Authoritarian Helpers"
"How Do We Vaccinate the World? (w/Lori Wallach)"
"How Does America Solve Its "Fake News" Crisis?"
"How GOP Tricks Democrats To Do Their Bidding w/ Rep Ro Khanna “Secret” GOP Strategy"
"How I Survived My Dishwasher Spying On Me!"
"How Inequality Makes Americans Miserable"
"How Many Wars Has America Been Lied Into?"
"How Murder Can Make You Rich... If You Kill a Poor Person"
"How Nuclear Lobbing Almost Lost Us Our Democracy (w/ Kevin Kamps)"
"How Other Countries COVID-19 Are Successful Treating COVID-19"
"How Racism Is Destroying Our Democracy"
"How Republicans Gerrymandered Mostly “Blue” States Into Full Blown “Red” States"
"How Revolution Happens (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"How Socialism Could Have Saved His Dad"
"How The Rich Stole Billions & How We Can Take It Back"
"How To Stop Crazy Open-Carry Gun Loophole Featuring Rep. Pramila Jayapal"
"How To Stop Mass Shootings & Police Violence? Featuring Rep. Mark Pocan"
"How Trump Could Win 2024… w/ Greg Palast"
"How Trump Rose From the Grave Just in Time For 2024 Election"
"How a Psychopath-Driven Economy Has Taken Over"
"How the "Rules" Determine if Criminals Become Politicians"
"How to Dethrone the Corrupt Kings & Queens Of America"
"If GOP Blocks Aid Again - Could They Trigger World War?! Here’s Why…"
"If Julian Assange Was Just a Journalist This Wouldn’t Have Happened w/ Heidi Siegmund Cuda"
"If Manchin Wants Lower Drug Prices Why Didn't He Back Build Back Better? Featuring Troy Miller"
"If This Aquatic Bird Goes Extinct They May Take Us With Them"
"If Tucker Carlson Play's Dictators Playbook, Everyone Loses"
"Ilhan Omar: Why is the GOP Afraid of Women of Color? Featuring Dean Obeidallah"
"Inequality Is High But GOP Ditching the Constitution Will Make It Worse"
"Inflation Myth Busted! GOP's Big Monster Is Just Fairy Tales (w/Jennifer Stefano )"
"Inside Billionaires' Brazen Attempt at Fascism"
"Is A Two State Solution Still Possible? (w/ Ro Khanna)"
"Is Abortion Death Penalty Offense In Florida?"
"Is America Pretending We Are Not Still In the Pandemic?"
"Is America a Mafia State? Shocking End To Democracy Already Underway"
"Is America's Militia Problem Growing?"
"Is America’s Military Being Set Up To Fail?"
"Is Coronavirus The Best Argument For Universal Healthcare?"
"Is Covid Creating Insanity Epidemic & Mental Health Crisis? (w/ Lynn Parramore )"
"Is DeSantis Poisoning Florida?"
"Is Donald Trump An Even Worse President Than George W. Bush?"
"Is Far Right Fake News Destroying Democracy? (w/ Jared Holt)"
"Is GOP Building Voter Suppression Army?"
"Is GOP Racism Fueling Police Killings?"
"Is GOP Trying To Stop Biden Inauguration?"
"Is Getting Rid Of Capitalism Only Way To Get Money Out Of Politics?"
"Is Herd Immunity Fake News?"
"Is Hunter Biden The Best The Right Can Do?"
"Is ICE Hiding Grotesque Crimes Through Forced Surgery On Women?"
"Is Inequality America’s Worst Killer? Featuring Stephen Bezruchka"
"Is It Too Late? Has Fascism Taken Took In America?"
"Is Krysten Sinema Flipping to Trump? (w/ Bill Press)"
"Is Liz Cheney Running For President?"
"Is Medicare For All The Cure To Coronavirus? (w/ Alex Lawson)"
"Is Nicky Haley White Washing White Supremacy - Featuring Dean Obeidallah"
"Is Putin's Ukraine Invasion Really About Homophobia? Featuring Greg Palast"
"Is Santos The Most Corrupt Rep. To Be Sworn In?"
"Is Student Debt a Crime Against America's Future?"
"Is Ted Cruz the Chief Dildo Cop?"
"Is The GOP Planning The Next Civil War?"
"Is The GOP Planning To Kill The Poor"
"Is The Next Coup Inevitable?"
"Is The US Heading For Deflation or Depression? (w/ Richard Wolff)"
"Is The Universe Itself Conscious? (w/ Neil DeGrasse Tyson)"
"Is This Algorithm The Greatest Threat To Humanity?"
"Is This Healthcare or a Crime?"
"Is Trump Psycho Enough to Kill? w/ Dr. Bandy Lee"
"Is Trump Siphoning Money From The Republican Party To Pay His Legal Bills?"
"Is Trump's Hair Root Of America's Problems? W/ Jefferson Smith"
"Is Trumpism a Movement or a Cult?"
"Is Tucker Carlson The New Neville Chamberlain?"
"Is a New Covid Vaccine REALLY 100% Against Sever Disease?"
"Is a New Policing Possible? (w/ Ash-Lee Woodard Henderson)"
"Is a Two-State Solution Better Than A Ceasefire?"
"Is the World Run By a Young Cult?"
"Joe Rogan & Trumpsters Want You Drink Pee & Live?!?"
"Keep Fighting: John Lewis's Inspiring Final Message"
"Kirstin Sinema Doesn’t Want Black People to Vote"
"Kyrsten Sinema Reveals How Cancer Spreads Through Democracy"
"Leaked Audio May Expose SCOTUS Justice u0026 Wife as Homophobic MAGA Cult Members!?!"
"Leaked Documents Expose Amazon's Exploitation To Gobble Up America"
"Liberal Catches Trumpsters & You Won’t Believe What Happens Next!!"
"Liberal vs Neoliberal: Confusing Political Terminology Explained"
"Libertarian Lies About Taxes Debunked"
"Long Lines and Broken Machines the Election Norm (w/ Sylvia Albert)"
"Mary Trump On What Uncle Donald Trump Will Do If Indicted"
"McConnell Wants Corporations To Kill You"
"Media Ignoring the Many Tulsa Massacres Why"
"Meet Brenda: Your Typical Trump Voter.... Be Afraid - Be Very Afraid"
"Meet The Lobbyists Big Oil Hires To Bribe Congress"
"Military Expert Warns Trump Regime Invading Canada? The Four Scary Reasons He Could Be Right!"
"More Than Roe v. Wade: SCOTUS Pick Record Should Scare You"
"National Forest Gutted By Trump Under New Threat Despite Biden Protections"
"New AI Questions Existence In Unhinged Messages!!"
"New Authoritarian Censorship Laws Made These Classes Illegal"
"New Censorship Laws Will Imprison You & Ban Books"
"New Law Could End Nationwide Abortion Rights & You Can't Stop It!"
"New Nebraska Amendment Could Save Children From Cruel Conversion Camps…"
"New SCOTUS Ruling May Arm Domestic Abusers?! Seriously?!"
"New Terrifying SCOTUS Case May Lead To Authoritarian Nightmare"
"No One Will Save You: Why Salvationist Thinking Leads To Doom"
"Now We Know How Hitler Did It?"
"Oil Companies Funding Climate Disinformation (w/ Richard Wiles)"
"Only America Can Solve Border Crisis Reagan Started"
"Our Greatest Internal Threat…Will It Consume Us?"
"Over 800 Scientists Issue Dire Warning...Why Isn't Anyone Listening?"
"Pandemic Doesn't Need To Mean Disaster.... Unless You Live In The U.S."
"Police Reform…That Actually Works? w/ A.G. Keith Ellison"
"Political Prisoner Number One Says Prisoners Must Be Free Amid Pandemic (w/ Don Siegelman)"
"Popular California Beach Nuked? (w/ Kevin Kamps)"
"President Jimmy Carter: The United States is an Oligarchy..."
"Preventing Democrats From Losing (w/ Rachel Bitecofer)"
"Price Gauging Power Companies Profit Off Storm (w/Adrian Shelley)"
"Private Armies Run by Trump u0026 the GOP Are Coming To Your Town"
"Project 2025 Secret Plan Reveals Who Holds Trump's Leash!"
"Proof Global Inflation isn't Joe Biden’s Fault Featuring Prof. Richard Wolff"
"Proof The Republican Way Doesn't Work"
"QAnon Conspiracy…WORSE Than You Know? w/ William Sommer"
"Qanon Plans Pridefall"
"Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene's Dangerous Conspiracies"
"Republicans Hate Government... So Why Are We Letting Them Run It?"
"Republicans Starving Healthcare To Stuff Their Wallets"
"Republicans Unleashed Deadly Pollution… Can Biden EPA Stop Them?"
"Republicans Will Stop Millions From Voting in 2024"
"Republicans are Ignoring Climate Change for Money!"
"Roe v Wade Can't Be Saved By Your Vote? Featuring David Daley"
"Roe vs. Wade Overturned: The Economic Impact Featuring Noreen Farrell"
"Russia & The GOP Want You To Believe Lies! Anti-Truth Campaign Exposed"
"SCOTUS Judges For Sale Cheap?"
"SCOTUS Rejects Texas Lawsuit To Overturn Election"
"SCOTUS Roe vs Wade Ban Makes Abortion State Rights. What Now? (w/ Heather Shumaker)"
"SCOTUS overturning Roe v Wade Isn't End of Abortion Rights"
"Sandy Hook Mother Responds To Latest Mass Shooting? W/Nicole Hockley"
"Satanists Flipped GOP Religious Abortion Laws On Their Head Featuring Chalice Blythe"
"Say It Ain’t So Dick…!"
"Scary Reason Violent Threats Are Surging Ahead of 2024 Election"
"Scary Reason the News Wants You to Be AFRAID All the Time"
"Scary Things Happen When Cults Lose Their Dear Leader"
"Science Behind Near Death Experiences Exposed Featuring Dr. Bruce Greyson"
"Science Behind Toxic Ohio Train Crash Media Won’t Tell You - Featuring Will Bunch"
"Scientists Find Disturbing Outcome To America's Political Divide"
"Senators’ Warning: Don’t Throw Democracy Out With Dishwater w/ Bernie Sanders"
"Shocker! Why the Rich Really Want to Rewrite The Constitution"
"Shocking Disinformation Campaign Spreads Panic..."
"Shocking Hate Crime Report Shows Who’s Targeted For Violent Crime featuring Keisha Deonarine"
"Shocking January 6th Evidence Investigative Reporter Discovered (w/ Greg Palast)"
"Shocking Military Story of Being Raped & Getting an Abortion Featuring Allison Gill"
"Shocking Plot Behind Trump’s Push To End Obamacare w/ Dean Obeidallah"
"Shocking Truth About France’s Crisis! It's Not Migrants, Despite Media Spin" w/ Cole Stangler"
"Shocking: Is Bernie Sanders Right About American Foreign Policy?"
"Should Rapists Lose Their Constitutional Rights?"
"Should Seniors Work Until They Die? Debate Featuring Charles Sauer"
"Should Undocumented People Get Medicare For All? (w/ Julio Rivera )"
"Should Vasectomies Be Mandatory Until Abortion Rights Restored?"
"Should We Ban Fox News?"
"Should We Criminalize Viagra & Vasectomies? (w/Guest Dar'Shun Kendrick)"
"Should We Outlaw the Republican Party Before They Do"
"Should the Democratic Party Reconsider Joe Biden as their 2024 Presidential Candidate?"
"Shouldn’t The Economy WORK for US?"
"Socialism and Communism Poll: At an All Time High? (w/ Marion Smith)"
"TX Gov Vows to Pardon Murderer of Protestor? WHAT?"
"Take Off Your Mask So Tip You More! (w/ Saru Jayaraman)"
"Taking Down Conservative Lies About Socialism"
"Texas Birth Control Ban Is Just The Start…"
"Texas Taliban Targets Women's Rights"
"The Dark Reason The Rich Hate Democracy Revealed"
"The Economics Fueling Fascist Unrest Featuring Richard Wolff"
"The GA GOP Has Installed Trump's Plan to End Democracy"
"The GOP Is Now Coming For Birth Control"
"The GOP Plans To Hunt You Down… But America’s Brownshirts Beat Them To It"
"The Great Oil and Fracking Taxpayer Bailout (w/ Lukas Ross)"
"The Hidden Reason Russia Wants Ukraine"
"The Hidden Secrets of the Union Busters Exposed (w/ Julia Rock)"
"The Hidden Truth Republicans Desperately Keep from the American People! 🤐🔎"
"The Most Amazing Thing About Trump’s Trial Is…? It’s Happening!"
"The Next Virus Will Be Worse!"
"The Overwhelming Votes We Need to Stop Trump"
"The Real Reason Behind Abortion Bans!"
"The Real Story Behind Boeing’s Open Door Deregulation Scandal"
"The Rich Will Rewrite the Constitution If Trump Is Reelected in 2020"
"The Shocking Truth - Why GOPers Want More Poverty & Crime"
"The Sinister Reason Trump Held Up The Bible (w/Dean Obeidallah)"
"The Supreme Court’s Emboldening of the Right w/ Michelangelo Signorile"
"The Three Options To End Quarantine No Is Discussing!"
"The Voting Rights Act: Here's How Schumer's Strategy Can Work"
"The World is NOT on Track with Climate Change (w/ Collin Rees)"
"These Billionaires Are Ripping Off Taxpayers and Medicare w/ Dr. David Himmelstein"
"These Christians Want American Democracy To End"
"These Laws Are Designed To Cause Panic But You Should YET"
"They Own More Than The Entire Working Class?"
"Thinking "It Can't Happen Here" Is Dangerous to Freedom"
"Third Party Voters Should NEVER Do “This” Or Trump Could Win in 2024…"
"This 9/11 Conspiracy is True & Republicans Were Behind It!"
"This Creepy Texas Politician Goes Across State Lines To “Inspect” Children’s Genitals"
"This Isn’t Israel’s 9/11… Why Northern Ireland May Have Answers"
"This Lie Kept Big Oil Floating For Decades (w/ Greg Palast)"
"This Popular Book SHOULD be Banned"
"This Republican Trick Can Stop You From Voting"
"This Telescope Can See Backwards In Time"
"This Theory Keeps the Rich Wealthy and You…Poor"
"This is Not How Americans Should Die"
"Thom Vs The Freedom Convoy - You Are Pathetic on Masks & Putin"
"Three Ways To Shoplift YOUR Vote (w/Greg Palast)"
"Times Out! Dangerous New Rule For Low Income Social Security (w/ Alex Lawson)"
"Tom Steyer Says Election Is About Climate Change"
"Top 20 Deadly GOP Policies From The “Party of Life”"
"Trump Confesses To Treason Exposes Electoral College"
"Trump Ignored CoVid-19. Now It's About To Boom"
"Trump Kills 1st Amendment Right to Protest!"
"Trump Lied, People Died…Round 2? w/ Greg Palast"
"Trump National Address Disaster, Lied to America"
"Trump Promises Retribution Against Women in Close of 2024 Campaign"
"Trump Set To Punish States For Not Reopening States?"
"Trump Supporters Threaten Election"
"Trump Threatens Terrorist Label to ANYONE Protesting his Dictatorship"
"Trump Tried to Arrest SNL Crew?"
"Trump Wants Military Control Of Elections for... "Safety'"
"Trump Will Cut These 34 Lifesaving Government Services Next Week!"
"Trump's Chinese Chicken Could Contaminate Jobs... (w/ Tony Corbo)"
"Trump's Covid-19 Plan Will Make You Sick"
"Trump's Great Depression Reaction To COVID-19"
"Trump's Last Order Was To Protect The Rioters?"
"Trump: One Step From Destroying America..."
"Trump’s Failure Could Kill Six Million Americans!"
"Trump’s House of Cards?"
"Trump’s Most Dangerous Crimes You Don’t Know About…!"
"Tuberville has refused to budge on his blockade-- can the process be reformed?"
"Ugly Truth: Are GOP Policies Kicking Gen Z Out Of America?"
"Unregulated Capitalism Is Killing Young Americans"
"Vaccine Patent Waiver: Is Biden Thief or Savior? (Charles Sauer vs Thom)"
"Voter Suppression 2020! Do You Have A Right to Vote?"
"Voters Are Being Purged Before 2020 Election! (w/ Greg Palast)"
"WARNING! Elon u0026 the Rich Who Forgot History’s Scariest Lessons on Fascism w/ Heidi Siegmund Cuda"
"WARNING: IF You See Trumpists Waving These Black Flags... RUN!"
"Was Chauvin a Modern Day "Slave Patrol" Member?"
"Was Obama the Peak Not-Hate for America?"
"Was The FBI Started To Stop Black Revolution?"
"Was the Uvalde Shooter a Male Supremacist? Featuring Alex DiBranco"
"We Do Have A Mental Illness Problem & It's In the White House"
"We Get the Out-Of-Control Pandemic & Denmark Gets to Open"
"We KNOW How to End 40 Years of Neoliberalism!!"
"What Billionaires Own Far Right Anti-McCarthy GOP?"
"What Dogs & Geese Can Teach Us About Staying Sane During Quarantine"
"What Happens When the Far Right Takes Over of Democracy?"
"What If Obama Told You Democracy Was In Danger?"
"What If There Is Never a Cure For COVID-19?"
"What Really Happened During McCarthy’s ‘Battle for the Gavel’ Featuring Rep. Mark Pocan"
"What Will You Do When the GOP Comes For Women?"
"What if Liberals Protested SCOTUS like Trump Protested Election"
"What the Hell is a Populist, Anyway?"
"What to Do When the Government Won't Protect You?"
"When Bad History & Bad Theology Collide In Perfect Anti-Democratic Storm? W / Tim Alberta"
"When Big Pharma Greed Hits Thom Hartmann Program At Home"
"When Does the Greed Stop?"
"When the Economy Crashes Will America Move to the Hard Right?"
"Where Trump Happened: Russia, Pence's Presidential Run & More (w/ John Bolton)"
"Why The Work Requirement For Child Tax Credit Hurts Parents (w/ Rebecca Vallas)"
"Why Are American Generals Selling Out to the Saudis?"
"Why Are These People Paying Taxes?"
"Why Are Trump's Storm Troopers Sexually Assaulting Protesters?"
"Why Arresting The Homeless Won't Stop Homelessness"
"Why Biden Should Bring Back The Draft"
"Why Democrats Fall For This Trap Over & Over?"
"Why Did GOP Resurrect 1864 Law That Let 10 Year Old's Consent To Sex?"
"Why Do Americans Trust the “Davos Man” to Run the Economy?"
"Why Does Anti-Corruption Sheriff Support Corrupt Fossil Fuel Billionaires? w/ Richard Mack"
"Why Does GOP Think Mail In Voting Is Racist (w/ May Davis)"
"Why Don’t the Rich Pay Into Social Security? w/ Rep. Mark Pocan"
"Why Finland Is Happier Than America"
"Why GOP Lies Convince So Many Americans"
"Why Gas Costs So Much? Trump, Saudi Arabia & Putin Exposed!"
"Why Gay Marriage Will Be Illegal Next Year..."
"Why Getting Pregnant Increases Your Chance of Being Murdered By 16%"
"Why Is Fox News Forcing Mandatory Vaccinations?"
"Why Is LIV Golf Spying on 9/11 Families via PGA Suit?"
"Why Is The American Rescue Plan Going to Wealthy?"
"Why Is The Judge Hiding Rittenhouse's Ties To White Supremacy?"
"Why It's Reasonable To Fear Coronavirus"
"Why Mike Pense Was a Victim of 6, January (w/ Allison Gill)"
"Why Most Americans Want To See "Far Left" Policies?"
"Why New Interest Rate Hikes Won’t Save the Economy"
"Why Putin Is Losing His War"
"Why Right-Wing Women Raise Their Sons as 'Monsters'"
"Why Rudeness is on the Rise? Trump?"
"Why Some Americans Don’t Fear Fascist Take Over"
"Why The Most Important SCOTUS Decision Should Scare You!"
"Why The Right Attacks Trans People & How To Fight Back w/ Ellie Krug"
"Why This Supreme Court Case Could Be Worse Than Overturning Roe v Wade?"
"Why Trump Tried To Turn You Against Antifa"
"Why Trump’s Defense May Actually Lock Him Up"
"Why Ukraine Won’t Trust Russia After New Years Featuring Phil Ittner"
"Why Was GOP Candidate Masturbating Near Preschool?"
"Why Working Americans Won’t Miss Mitch McConnell"
"Why Zelenskyy’s Proposal Protecting Democracies Is Being Ignored?"
"Why are We Subsidizing Our Own Extinction?"
"Why is ICE Locking Up American Citizens?"
"Will Abortion Ban Stop Access To Life Saving Medicine?"
"Will America Ever Produce Its Own Pharmaceuticals? (w/ Lori Wallach)"
"Will America Keep Arming Israel After MORE US Citizen Killed Feeding Gaza?"
"Will America's Democracy Collapse?"
"Will Americans Reject Trump & Embrace Democracy?"
"Will America’s Injustice System Ever Take Its Knee Off Your Neck? w/ Debbie Hines"
"Will Big Oil Crash Economy To Make Super Profits?"
"Will Billionaires Get Thousand Dollar Checks?"
"Will Corporate Greed Kill Another 800,000 Americans? (w/ Lori Wallach)"
"Will GOP Bring America To Its Knees?"
"Will GOP Voters Ever Wake Up?"
"Will House Republicans Put Women In Jail?"
"Will Impeachment Remove Racism or Just One Racist?"
"Will Insects Go Extinct u0026 Take Us With Them?"
"Will Mike Pence Be President After Impeachment?"
"Will Republicans Rally to Ukraine's Side?"
"Will SCOTUS Make It Illegal To Be Homeless so the Rich Could Buy Up Houses?"
"Will These Extremists Infiltrate Our Government?"
"Will These SCOTUS Justices End American Democracy?"
"Will This GOP Election Scheme Get You Mugged or Killed?"
"Will Trump Be the GOP Nominee?"
"Will Trump Get Away With It Again?"
"Will Trump Go To Prison or Lose 2024 Election?"
"Will Trump's Supreme Court End Your Marriage & Take Your Healthcare? (w/ Alphonso David)"
"Will Ukraine Get Anything From Meeting With Trump? w/ Phil Ittner?"
"Will We Have to Purge the Republican Party To Save America?"
"Will White Supremacist Lies Cause an Authoritarian Nightmare Featuring Jared Yates Sexton"
"Will Women Die if GOP Bans LEGAL Drug? w/ Monifa Bandele"
"Will You Let Libertarians Destroy our Country?"
"Will You Storm the Capitol If the 2024 Election is Stolen?"
"Will You Watch the Slow Death of America’s Most Vital Public Institutions? w/ Alexandria Jacobs"
"Will the Billionaires' Risky Bet Pay Off?"
"Will the GOP’s Self Proclaimed “Moses” Split the Party in 2024? w/ Peter Montgomery"
"Will the Rich Take Your Food, Housing & Healthcare Next?"
"Withhold What’s Most Sacred to Rightwing Churches — Money!"
"You Are Being Prepared for War"
"You Used To Have Voting Rights Featuring Kathay Feng"
"“Freedom Convoy” Defecates on Canadian Lawns & Harasses People?"