Youtube activity of "jumble stiltskin" (@jumblestiltskin1365) on "The New Culture Forum" channel.
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jumble stiltskin
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Comments by video
""Abused Girls Need To Shut Their Mouths For Sake of Diversity": Labour & The Left's War on Women"
""Academic Agent": Power Lies with Organised Minorities NOT Majorities, who are disorganised"
""Arrest me!" JK Rowling v Hamza Yousaf. Could Scotland's Hate Speech Law Bring Down the Government?"
""BLM and the Woke Left are like the Taliban & ISIS". They Want to Destroy & Purify Society"
""Disastrous" Sadiq Khan Stokes Division and Alienates True Londoners"
""Don't Tell Your Mum!": The Battle for Young Minds. State of Emergency: New Culture Forum's New Book"
""Ghastly Race Baiter" Actress SLAMMED for "Perverted Mind" Over "Terribly White" Coronation Comment"
""I've Been Called a Traitor to Islam by Islamists & the Left". Islamist threat to Western Democracy"
""If Immigrants Can't Support Themselves, They Should Go Home". Public Funds: Cost of Immigration"
""Museums & Libraries Are Storm Troopers of Woke Ideology." They Are Rewriting Our History"
""Net Zero Will Impoverish Britain & Help China -- but it Won't Save the Planet" - Ross Clark"
""Order of the British Empire is NOT Racist!". Britain's Honours System is the Best in the World!"
""Pure Racism!" White Pupils Excluded from Class: Anti-White Racial Discrimination in Modern Britain"
""The BBC is ROTTEN to the Core & The Police Are NOT On Our Side" - Peter Whittle"
""The World Owes Winston Churchill a Huge Debt!" Angry Debate as Historian Defends the Great Briton"
""They Don't Want White Men Having a Voice". Why The Tories Must Lose Badly at the Next Election."
""We're Paying BBC to INDOCTRINATE Our Kids in Vile Ideology!" Is there not "Black Privilege" today?"
"'No! Diversity is NOT Our Greatest Strength!' Angry Debate Btw Woke Activist & Rafe Heydel-Mankoo"
"2021 Census Results: Do We Know the FULL Story? Should We Have a "Pandemic Amnesty"?"
"2021: The Year in Review. From the Culture Wars to Politics, Royals, Sport etc."
"3% of Canadian deaths are by Euthanasia. Albanian Men Are Largest Group of Cross Channel Migrants."
"3% of all Deaths in Canada are by Euthanasia -- Could this Be Coming to the UK too?"
"75% of Britons Fear Speaking Out. Anti-White Hate Speech is Permitted."
"76% say Britain is Becoming a Worse Place to Live."
"81% of UK Muslims Say They're Muslim First & British Second. Much higher than France: 46% Muslim 1st"
"A Decade of Tory Rule & the Woke Elite is Strong As Ever. Do the Tories Want to Defeat "The Blob"?"
"A Labour Government Likely to BAN Criticism of MOHAMMED & ISLAM: Blasphemy Code Free Speech Threat"
"A London Lost: The Death of an English City. (Heresies: Ep. 12)"
"Abortion, Blair's Legacy 25 yrs on & Will Canada's Woke Gov't Ban Dying Soldiers Access to Priests?"
"Africans & Muslims Enslaved More Africans than Britain or USA Did. Nigel Farage & Rafe Heydel-Mankoo"
"All Cultures Are NOT Equal. Feminists NEVER Criticize Islamic or African Misogyny."
"American Marxism u0026 The Subversion of Britain u0026 The West: Demoralize, Destabilize, Destroy."
"Among the Mosques: A Journey Across Muslim Britain -- Why Prof. Ed Husain is Worried."
"Anti-Social Behaviour: Would YOU Challenge a Lout in Modern Britain? BBC Becomes a Soap Opera"
"Anti-Western Derangement: Decolonization and the Erasure of the West"
"Anti-White - The Acceptable Racism. Aviva hiring policy demands extra checks for "white men"."
"Anti-White Bigotry is the Only Racism Allowed Today. Anti Racists Are the REAL Racists of Our Time."
"Anti-woke Civil Servants Called "Nazis". Radicalised Civil Service is Thwarting Democracy"
"Assault on British Culture is Motivated by Hatred & a Desire to Destroy"
"Asylum Seeker Hotel Protest Wasn't "Far Right". Media Slur on Decent People of Knowsley & Liverpool"
"Authoritarian Labour's Attack on Free Speech in Pubs Strikes at the HEART of British Culture"
"Axe the Tax! Why do WE FUND the BBC & Pressure Groups that HATE US? £800k to Decolonise RL Stevenson"
"Ayaan Hirsi Ali - The West: Sleepwalking to DISASTER. (The 2024 NCF Smith Lecture)"
"BBC Radio Legend Quits After 46 years Due To Diversity Quotas & Woke Interference in Much-Loved Show"
"BLM Activist tells White People to "Get Out of Our Way" as Report Criticizes RAF's Anti-White Policy"
"Bad Law Project: Help Keep Politics Out of Law & Policing. Laurence Fox, Leader of the Reclaim Party"
"Banning Criticism of Islam: Blasphemy Law by the Back Door. A Labour Government Should Scare Us All"
"Ben Habib: "We Must Democratize Reform UK". Mass Immigration is an Existential Threat to Britain"
"Black Only Theatre: An Anti-White Colour Bar? Segregation Comes to UK"
"Black Privilege & Victimhood: When Race Trumps Merit"
"Boris Johnson is a pro-Migration Liberal. Immigration & Inflation Will Revive British Populism"
"Braverman & Sunak TALK Tough at Conservative Party Conference + Laurence Fox & the Future of GB News"
"Bravo William! Harry's Book Backfires Badly. In an Earlier Era He'd Be Sent to the Tower"
"Brexit & Trump have made our Elites MORE Woke and LESS Representative of Voters"
"Britain Haters LOVE Mass Immigration (NCF Immigration Conference - Peter Whittle)"
"Britain Must Wake Up in 2024"
"Britain Should NOT Pay Reparations for Slavery - Royal Family Have Nothing to Apologise For."
"Britain in Crisis: People Are Waking Up. Join Our Movement. Stand Up & Be Counted in the Fight Back"
"Britain is NOT a Landing Strip!"
"Britain is No Place for Children. Plus: Net Zero is a Utopian Fantasy."
"Britain's BIGGEST Cover Up. Starmer Wants to BURY Southport Scandal. British People Want Answers Now"
"Britain's Black History Hoax (e.g. Stonehenge was NOT Built by Black People)"
"Britain's Populist Revolt has Changed Politics Forever. A Political Realignment of People vs Elites"
"Britain's Segregation, Multiculturalism, & Mass Immigration Crisis Threatens Us All. What Solutions?"
"Britain's Wealth was NOT Built on Slavery u0026 Colonialism"
"Building a New Community with NCF Locals. Standing up for Your Locality and Nation."
"CONSCRIPTION to Fight Russia? + British Youth Sicker Than 50 Yr Olds + The Golden Age of UK Adverts"
"Can Reform Become the Official Party of Opposition? How Farage Should Take the Fight to Starmer"
"Cancel Culture Doesn't Forgive. Meghan & Amazon Reject Clarkson's Apology. Has Woke Killed Satire?"
"Carl Benjamin: Starmer's Days Are Numbered. Millions Sign Petition for Another Election"
"Charles Moore on BBC Bias: "BBC Assumes White People Are Bad & Black or Brown Are Good""
"Child Migrant is Really 42 yr old ISIS Fighter. Tory Left Are Watering Down Illegal Migrant Bill."
"Civil Service Try to COVER UP Migrant Crimes + Just Stop Oil Banned? + Dr Who Not for White Str8 Men"
"Civil War is Coming: Britain u0026 America's Violent Future. Prof David Betz, King’s College London"
"Clacton Election: Can Nigel Farage Make History? What Does Clacton Think of the Reform Leader?"
"Colston 4 Jury Verdict Is a Grave Threat to Our Country - Gov't Must Take Action to Reassure Public"
"Conspiracy Theory? Replacement Migration, WEF at Davos, Net Zero, ESG... What's Really Going on?"
"Courts BLOCK Rwanda Plan + Is Cricket Racist? + Migration Fuels Housing Crisis"
"Covid is a Battle Between World Views - Pro-Restrictions Lobby are Trying to Remove Johnson"
"Cowardly Cineworld Caves In To Muslim Mob Over Film About Muhammad's Daughter. Politicians Silent"
"Criticise Migration, Go to Jail? Ireland's Woke Revolution: Europe's Most Serious Free Speech Threat"
"Criticising Mohammed or Islam is NOT Islamophobia - but Labour Wants to BAN ALL Criticism"
"Cultural Left Want Immigrants to Radically Change British Society - Prof. Eric Kaufmann"
"DISGUSTING! Schools to Teach that British Empire was like Nazi Germany. A Vile Slur on UK u0026 Veterans"
"David Starkey: Britain Wasn't 'Built by Diversity'. Woke is Subverting British Society & Confidence"
"David Starkey: The West's Crisis is Rooted in the "Universal" World Order it created after WW2."
"Debanked: First Nigel Farage, Next You? French Riots: Coming to the UK next?"
"Decline & Division: The Left's Agenda for Britain & the USA"
"Demography is Destiny: Birth Rates and the Survival of Liberal Britain."
"Disastrous Lockdowns Still Destroying Lives & Livelihoods"
"Do Mass Immigration Advocates Want the Ethnic-Cleansing of Britain?"
"Don't Go To University if You're a White Working Class Boy - Peter Whittle"
"Douglas Murray: Many Woke / BLM Activists Want Britain & Our Civilisation To Cease Existing."
"Education Fight Back: "Classical British Education" network to start-up Traditional Schools"
"Election Special: Why Did Farage Rule Out Becoming Leader of Reform?"
"End Mass Migration - A New Grassroots Campaign Movement"
"End the Licence Fee. BBC is Incapable of Reform. BBC at 100 Is More Destructive than Beneficial."
"Enough Talk About Housing Migrants. Just STOP Them Coming Here Altogether! + Banks' War on Cash"
"Epstein Files: Guilty or Innocent, Prince Andrew Can Never Return. The Public Won't Stand for It."
"Ethnic Diversity WEAKENS Society. It's NOT a Strength, Research Shows. (NCF Immigration Conference)"
"Europe Swings Right while Britain Turns to Labour + Are the Tories Deliberately Trying to Lose?"
"Europe's Right-Wing Revival Won't Come to Britain -- but Don't Give Up Hope"
"Everyone Can Celebrate their Identity EXCEPT the ENGLISH. The Left Hate the Nation State"
"Ex-Muslim on Why He Left Islam u0026 the Horrors of the Iranian Regime"
"Fathers 4 Justice Founder: New Divorce Law is Disastrous for Men. Marriage is a Trap & Needs Reform."
"Fight For An Elite That Despises You?"
"Finally! Britain Rejects ISIS Bride Citizenship Appeal - Shamima Begum Can't Come Back to Britain"
"From Death Threats to Helping Tommy Robinson, I'm Fighting for Britain Whatever the Cost"
"From Starmer to Lammy, Labour are CORRUPT and INCOMPETENT Hypocrites. Arrogant u0026 Authoritarian."
"GB News: Peter Whittle on Court of Appeal Free Speech Ruling & Recording of Non-Crime Hate Incidents"
"Gary Lineker's Victory is a Fatal Blow for BBC. BBC Impartiality is an Illusion. It's Beyond Reform"
"Gary Neville to Robbie & Beckham - Virtue Signalling Celebs' World Cup of Hypocrisy in Qatar"
"Gaza & Migrant Protests Infiltrated by Radicals + Is Progressive Politics Dead? + Local Elections"
"Genius of Western Civilisation - Ep. 3: The Rule of Law (4K) [6-part Celebration of The West]"
"Genius of Western Civilization - Ep. 1: Liberty or Death? (4K) [6-part Celebration of The West]"
"Genius of Western Civilization - Ep. 2: The Christian Revolution (4K) 6-part Celebration of The West"
"George Floyd Ignited the Anti-White Cultural Revolution the Left were Waiting & Planning for"
"Get Involved! New Culture Forum is Expanding Across the Nation & Online"
"Globalist Elites Weaponize Science Against National Sovereignty. Starmer's WEF Agenda"
"Gov't & Immigration Industry Don't Want to Control Migration As It Benefits Vested Interests"
"Harry Miller on His Landmark Appeal Court Victory over Police Recording Trans Tweet as Hate Incident"
"Harry is Standard Bearer for Woke Ideology + Assault on British Culture & Icons Continues"
"Has Britain Internalised Sharia Law? Rushdie, Radical Islam and the Threat to Free Speech"
"Hate Preachers in UK Mosques & Geert Wilders Stunning Election Success in the Netherlands"
"Have Truss' Tories Abandoned the Culture Wars? The New Culture Forum at the Tory Party Conference"
"Heresies Ep. 11: Young & Unwoke - The REAL Rebels (4K)"
"Heresies Ep. 2: White Privilege? The Demonisation of the White Working Class"
"Heresies Ep. 3: A Self-Hating Britain? Why Britain Should Reject Self-Hatred & Celebrate Its History"
"Heresies Ep. 5: BBC Bias Exposed - An Insider's Story"
"Heresies Ep. 6: Immigration Nation: The Changing Face of Britain"
"Heresies Ep. 7 (with Ann Widdecombe) - MEN: Second-Class Citizens? The Attack on Men & Men's Rights"
"Heresies Ep.9: The Left's Battle with the White Working Class - Labour's New Class War (4k)"
"Historian DESTROYS Race Grifter with FACTS"
"History Debunked: Multiculturalism is Not Part of Britain's History -- So Why Do We Pretend It Was?"
"History Debunked: Only Teacher Training Reform Can Stop Woke Revisionism in Our Schools - Simon Webb"
"Home Office Civil Servants Celebrated Rwanda Failure + Nigel Farage in the Jungle: Good or Bad Idea?"
"How To Reject the Lie of Identity Politics and Set Ourselves Free to Reclaim Our Culture & Virtues."
"How True is "Get Woke Go Broke"? Why Are Bad Guys Always British? The Woke Agenda To Destroy Beauty."
"How Would the SDP & Reform Party Tackle Immigration (Legal & Illegal)?"
"How YOUR TAXES Are Wasted on Woke Craziness. Hope Not Hate Extremists Get Government Funding"
"How the HR Monster Destroyed the Workplace: The Woke Mission Creep of Human Resources Departments"
"How to March BACK Through the Institutions & Regain Control: Reversing Cultural Socialism"
"How to Save Britain from Cultural Obliteration. State of Emergency: The New Culture Forum's new book"
"I Knew Thatcher u0026 Reagan Personally – and I Put TRUMP Up There. Hillsdale College President Dr. Arnn"
"I Want to Give People a Voice u0026 UNITE THE UK Around British Culture u0026 Values - Paul Thorpe"
"I was Cancelled for Writing About the DELUSION of MULTICULTURALISM"
"I was Deplatformed for Retweeting Ricky Gervais. Free Speech Legislation Betrayed by Government."
"I'm Being Investigated for Wrongthink but I WON'T BE SILENCED. Philip Kiszely (NCF Conference 2024)"
"INDOCTRINATION: How Woke Conquered the Classroom. Calvin Robinson. HERESIES Episode 10."
"ITV Meltdown over Schofield + Government's Net Migration Scam + Illegal Migrants Breaking Bail"
"Illegal Immigration is No. 1 Issue I Hear About: Lee Anderson MP"
"Immigration Lies: Fake Refugees and Bogus Students."
"Immigration to Crime: How Would the S.D.P. Run Britain? SDP Leader William Clouston"
"Immigration: Britain Needs a Meloni Not a Truss. Truss Wants an Open Door to the World"
"Immigration: We Must Expose the Lies. Britain 2024: Lies, Censorship u0026 Cover Up"
"Increasing Immigration is the Biggest Brexit Betrayal"
"Integration has FAILED! If You Want Shariah Law, Leave Britain!"
"Ireland's Sinister Hate Crime Bill Should Scare Us All -- How Long Until UK Gets Something Similar?"
"Irish Patriots Rise Up Against Mass Immigration u0026 Free Speech Censorship - Lorcan Price"
"Is Prince Charles Dangerous for the Monarchy? Is the British Council Ashamed of Being British?"
"Is Reform Abandoning its Base? Is it U-Turning on Deportations? Is Professionalising Watering Down?"
"Is Violent Eco-Terrorism Close? Links to Paedophilia Aid Group Force Trans Charity Trustee to Resign"
"Is this the Most Important US Election of Our Lifetime? Steve Edginton of GB News America"
"Islamophobia: Speak Out While You Still Can"
"Israelophobia: The New Anti-Semitism. The Jew Hating Left & Radical Islam Take to the Streets."
"It Was a Mistake to Stand Down Brexit Party Candidates to help Tories in the 2019 General Election"
"Join Us. Our Movement Fights Back Against Britain’s Authoritarian Governing Elite. (Alan Miller)"
"Kaufman: liberals, not Marxists, are the drivers of woke. NCF lecture."
"Khan's Soviet Trainline Renaming - the relentless propaganda of the public realm"
"King Punishes Harry & Meghan after Vicious Attack on Camilla"
"Labour Try To EJECT Peter Whittle from London Assembly for Saying Party Isn't Patriotic"
"Labour's Blasphemy Law for Muslim Votes is an Attack on Free Speech"
"Labour's Free Speech Attack to be Challenged + Should Reform u0026 Tories Merge? + Australian Trans Law"
"Labour's NOT "Patriotic". Decolonising the Commons. "Tory Scum" free speech & Long March"
"Lady Hussey is the Real Victim. Ngozi Fulani is Obsessed by Racism & the Politics of Race & Offence"
"Lawless Britain's Shoplifting Epidemic. No Police = No Punishment."
"Leaked Video Reveals Disney Execs Pushing Gay & Gender Agenda. Daily Wire to Fund non-Woke Kids TV"
"Leeds Riots: UK is Becoming a Sectarian u0026 Tribal Ethno-Religious Nation"
"Let's Go to Our Local War Memorials to Mark the 2 Minute Silence this Armistice Day."
"Lib Dem Candidate Banned for "Adult Human Female" Top is Suing the Party for Discrimination."
"Light-Touch Policing of "Just Stop Oil" Must End Now. No More Selective, "Two-Tier" Policing."
"Liz Truss Believes Immigration is a Social Good. Immigration not the Economy is Tories' Big Problem."
"London Mayor's Cynical Cash Grab Enrages Londoners"
"London Police Disgrace + Why Egypt & Hamas STOP People Escaping Gaza + Pro-Hitler Palestine"
"London was NOT 'Built by Migrants', Mr. Khan."
"London's 'Hate Marches' are "a Wake-Up Call for Our Civilisation""
"London's Jubilee Union Flag Display Likened to 'Nazi Germany' by Critics"
"Lord Frost: Defending the Nation State: Truss, Brexit, Cultural Identity, Free Markets & Free Speech"
"Lowering the Bar for Ethnic Minorities 'Threatens Lives & is a Recipe for Civilisational Suicide'"
"Machete Gangs on Our Streets + Crime Out of Control + London is Lost"
"Majority of British Voters Want NO Immigration for 5 YEARS Minimum - A Complete Stop"
"Martin Daubney: Every Syrian "Refugee" Must Go Home. Deportations, Islam u0026 Cousin Marriage"
"Mass Immigration & White Flight: White British to be a Minority by 2050s + Govt's Net Migration Scam"
"Mass Immigration THREATENS Free Speech. (NCF Immigration Conference - Dr. Philip Kiszely)"
"Mass Immigration: Government Never Asked British People for Permission"
"Mass Migration "Greatest Act of Self Harm" in History of Britain. Reveals Diversity's Darker Side."
"Mass Migration Is Destroying Britain Yet Politicians and Media Refuse to Discuss the Cause of Riots"
"Mass Migration Was DELIBERATELY Designed to DESTROY Britain We Love"
"Mass Public Calls to Prayer on Whitehall & Elsewhere Must Stop"
"Met Police Aren’t ‘Guns for Hire’. Prince Harry’s Selfish, Tin-Eared Arrogance is Jaw-Dropping"
"Migrant Crisis: "UK Saved 100,000 Frenchmen at Dunkirk. They owe us to Stop Channel Crossings""
"Move EVERY Migrant OUT of Hotels & into Migrant Camps - just as we did in 1940s."
"Multiculturalism + Mass Immigration Is Destroying Britain. Diversity Has a Darker Side"
"Muslim Majorities Will Make Europe Like Iraq, says Advocate for Persecuted Christians in Middle East"
"Muslim Prayer Victory. EU's Fascist Undertones. Is Liz Truss a True Conservative? UK Smoking Ban."
"Muslim Sectarian THREAT to UK Election + Chilling Reality of a Labour Government + Farage in Clacton"
"Nigel Biggar: Decolonisation is an Assault on Britain. Truth & Facts Are Meaningless."
"Nigel Farage: Legitimate Views Aren't Hate Speech. We've Lost Something Fundamental of Our Freedom"
"No Such Thing as Anglo-Saxons? The Attack on Our History & Heroes."
"Orbán's Hungary: Lessons for Britain? Is Hungary Unfairly Demonised in the West? (4K)"
"Pakistani Gangs Are STILL Abusing British Girls, Yet Media, Police & Politicians are SILENT!"
"Patriotism is a Virtue. Love Your Nation & Have the Confidence to Add to Our Magnificent Inheritance"
"Paul Embery -- Despised: Why the Left Loathes the Working Class"
"People are waking up: the FA, police and BBC have shamed Britain"
"Peter Hitchens on the Future for Britain's Youth. Is there any hope?"
"Peter Hitchens on the Soviet Union, Marxism & the Far Left. Blair far more revolutionary than Corbyn"
"Peter Lynch: A Modern Martyr? Chris Kaba: Labour's Favourite Black Gangster. Global Majority or BME?"
"Peter Whittle & Nigel Farage: Sadiq Khan, Culture Wars & Fighting Back"
"Peter Whittle tackles Met Police Dep Commissioner on Two-Tier policing (Recorded in 2021)"
"Peter Whittle: Islamism Endangers Our Democracy"
"Peter Whittle: Our Country & Culture Are Struggling to Survive"
"Police act like Britain is an Islamic State. No One is Required to "Respect" Islam or the Quran."
"Police to Politics: Elites See Working Class Brits as the Enemy"
"Post Office Scandal + Black Privilege? Harvard Crisis Exposes Danger of Unqualified Diversity Hires"
"Prioritizing Identity Over Excellence & Competence is Destroying Us"
"Proud to Be British? A New Vision for Britain Live from New Culture Forum's Annual Conference"
"Proud to be English? + Diane Abbot's Racism + Forget Illegal Migration, the Issue is LEGAL Migration"
"Psychologists are trained to BLAME straight white men for everything. GB News covers our new NCF Doc"
"Queen Elizabeth II: A Tribute From the New Culture Forum"
"Race Activist Won't Accept FACTS Showing Britain is LEAST Racist Nation"
"Racist Nonsense! White Men "Fantasize About Being Genetically Equal to Black Men"?!"
"Reform Party Agenda: Open Border Tories Betrayed Brexit Britain - We Can Fix It."
"Reform UK OVERTAKES Tories + Two-Tier Keir's Police State + Winston Churchill Defended"
"Reform, SDP & Reclaim: Who Are They? Are they a real alternative to the Tory & Labour parties?"
"Resistance is Futile! Is Keir Starmer the REAL FAR RIGHT?"
"Resisting Woke: How to Fight Back"
"Retail Fatwa: WH Smith Bans "European Conservative" Magazine From Shops Due to Leftist Pressure"
"Richard Tice: Reform has the GUTS to do what Tories WON'T. If You Don't Like British Culture, Leave!"
"Richard Tice: Reforming A Broken Britain - The Reform Party Can Save Britain. (NCF Conference 2024)"
"Right-Wing Populism is a Youth Movement in Europe. How Have they Avoided the Woke Problems of UK/US?"
"Riots: British People Feel BETRAYED u0026 Now Government Wants to SILENCE Any Criticism of Immigration"
"Rishi Sunak FLOPS on GB News. Labour's Anti-Semitic Crisis + Comrade Khan + The Death of Civility?"
"Rod Liddle - The Feminist Roots of Woke: How The West Went Mad. THE NCF SMITH LECTURE 2022."
"Rupert Lowe, Reform MP: Boris is DELUDED. I Welcome Elon Musk. This is OUR Country. We Built It."
"SDP Conference 2022: "We Need an Immigration Moratorium. Britain Is Not A Balance Sheet". P. Whittle"
"Sack Lineker? + "Small Boats" Law Won't Stop Illegal Migrants + Hancock's WhatsApp Messages"
"Sadiq Khan Allows Islamic HATE Preacher to Push SHARIA LAW on Tube"
"Sadiq Khan's Anti-White Agenda. Should UK Restore Death Penalty / Capital Punishment?"
"Sadiq Khan's Disgraceful Slur on Tory Mayoral Candidate"
"Say No to Blasphemy Laws, Britain Haters & Woke Attacks (New Culture Forum Annual Conference)"
"Scrap the BBC? Rod Liddle on BBC Bias & his time as Editor of Radio 4's flagship Today programme"
"Sectarianism & Islamic Fundamentalism Threaten British Politics"
"Sharia in Soho? + Scrap 'Mickey Mouse' Uni Degrees + Climate Alarmism or Reality?"
"Should Britain Pay Climate Reparations? Qatar Exposes Hypocrisy of Liberal Virtue Signalling"
"Should England Declare Independence? Why Can't The Government Control Immigration?"
"Sir Roger Scruton's Final Video Interview: Beauty, Conservatism & Tradition. 50 Years of Right Ideas"
"Snowflake University Says Our National Anthem is "Offensive" & "Old Fashioned". Bristol University"
"Socialism: Philosophy of Failure + Housing, YIMBYISM & Cultural v Logistical Immigration Issues"
"Stand up to Woke: Defending Britain & The West in the Culture War."
"Standing Up To the Woke NHS: Healthy Transitions? Amy Gallagher"
"Standing up for Britain & Remembering Our Fallen is NOT "Far Right""
"Starmer ADMITS Mass Immigration was an "EXPERIMENT". Badenoch Never Cared About Legal Immigration"
"Starmer BLASTS Kemi on Immigration. Could Starmer Force Farage to Become More Right Wing? Nick Dixon"
"Starmer is MORE EXTREME than Corbyn. The Right Don't Understand the Battle They Are Losing"
"Starmer is a Far Left Trotskyist. "Reform Party is NOT Conservative", it's Neo-Liberal "like Truss""
"State of Emergency: 10 Steps to Save Britain. Our New Book is Available Now - New Culture Forum"
"Stop Demonizing Men! Defending Masculinity & Tackling The Male Crisis"
"Stop Feeling Guilty About Race, Whiteness & Slavery. The West must be Confident & Assertive."
"Strikes, NHS in Constant Crisis & Work-Averse Youth. Also is Tory Britain a Social Democracy?"
"Suella Braverman’s Tough TALK is Welcome, But Where’s the ACTION? Two-tier Policing."
"Sunak & Truss: Tory MPs Stitch Up Conservative Voters Again. Plus: UK's Heatwave Hysteria"
"Sunak is like a School Prefect not a PM. Britain is Paying the Price for Tory Mass Immigration."
"Tackling Woke: Reasons to be Cheerful & Optimistic (New Culture Forum annual conference)"
"The Awful Truth about the House of Lords"
"The BBC Damages Our Culture. From Racist Employees to Gary Lineker to Deflecting Acid Attacks"
"The Blob Has Taken Back Control of Britain & Is Destroying the Tory Right"
"The British People Never Consented to a "Multicultural Britain": Sunak, Reform & the Right's Future"
"The Continuing Scandal of Muslim Grooming Gangs & the Failure of Our Institutions To Deal With It."
"The DISTURBING TRUTH About Kemi Badenoch's Career. A Tory Leadership Special"
"The Left's Quest to Remove Whiteness & Undermine Our Culture"
"The Media's Great Trans "Cover Up". A "Misogynistic & Homophobic Men's Rights Campaign""
"The Morality of the British Empire - A Balanced View of Colonialism"
"The Origins of the Culture Wars: 100 Years of Identity Crisis. Plus: Is Hungary Being Demonised?"
"The People vs The Elites - Starmer's Two-Tier Britain"
"The Police Are No Longer On Our Side (New Culture Forum Conference 2024 - Peter Whittle)"
"The Police Have Turned Their Back On The People -- Former Detective on UK Police"
"The Real Reason for the Rise in Rape - and Why Feminists Won't Mention It."
"The Right need a Counter Elite to Battle Our Current Progressive Elite"
"The Tory Betrayal of the Red Wall | Darren Grimes | Deprogrammed"
"The Truth About Robinson's 2-Tier Policing Protest + Can Farage Bring Right-Wing Zoomers to Reform?"
"The World Is Shocked at British Censorship u0026 Lack of Free Speech and our Authoritarian Government"
"The Year in Review: Politics, Immigration, Culture Wars, Monarchy"
"There's Very Little Conservatism in this Conservative Government. What's the Future of Conservatism?"
"Third World Politics Have Come to UK: Intimidation, Arson, Death Threats, Mob Gangs & Assassination"
"This INSANITY makes me ANGRY! Rafe Heydel-Mankoo Blasts Labour u0026 Tory Parties on Mass Migration etc."
"This is not Justice, it’s Vengeance! Fury at Britain's Two-Tier Justice System"
"Tony Blair Enabled Woke Ideology. Repeal the Equality Act Now."
"Too Late to Replace Tories with Real conservative party"
"Tories Abandon Lee Anderson + Islamist Threat & No Go Zones + Trans Killer"
"Tories Are Finished If They Avoid The Culture Wars. The Public Want Action not Empty Words."
"Tories Have Abandoned British Workers. Migration Figures Soar to 675,000."
"Tories Have Betrayed the British People & Broken Every Immigration Manifesto Pledge since 2010"
"Tories Set to Face BIGGER Election Defeat than to Blair's Labour in 97."
"Tories Took Away OUR Rights During COVID, So Why Are Migrant Rights Tying The Government in Knots?"
"Tory Leadership: Jenrick v Badenoch. Labour Has USURPED Democracy and Broken How We're Governed"
"Tory Legacy: Mass Migration & Woke Takeover of Institutions - Britain's 2 Worst Disasters of 21c"
"Triumph of The West: The Genius of Western Civilisation"
"Trump Victory: The End of Woke? Peter Whittle u0026 Peter Tatchell"
"Trump's Counter Revolution + Police Visit Telegraph Journalist + Archbishop of Canterbury Resigns"
"Trump: a Hammer Blow to Britain's Demented, Woke Elites"
"UK Accepts Migrants REJECTED by France. UK Accepts 72% of claimants 3 x HIGHER than France (25%)"
"UK Border Force is a “Special Ferry Service” for Criminal Gangs & Illegal Migrants"
"UK Immigration -- The Facts: Rt. Hon. Lord Green (of Migration Watch, an independent think tank)."
"UK Islamic Terror Threat Ignored by Anti-Terrorism Prevent Programme in Favour of Incels & Far Right"
"UK is Acid Attack Global Centre + Liz Truss's "Popular Conservatism" + Ban Phones for Under 16s?"
"UK's Huge Population Boom Fuelled Exclusively by Migration + Right to Die: Assisted Dying Bill"
"UN Judge Says Britain Must Pay £18 TRILLION Reparations for Slavery"
"Ukraine: Has Putin Revived A Weak & Moribund West? Why do Some on the Right Defend Putin's Position?"
"Was 2023 Peak Woke or will 2024 be Worse? Islamism on Our Streets & 2-Tier Policing. 2023 in Review."
"We Fought Woke Ideology & So Can You. Inspiring Tales of Harry Miller, Amy Gallagher & Nick Buckley"
"We Must CELEBRATE Navy’s HEROIC Anti-Slavery Efforts or Anti-British Activists Will Rewrite History"
"We Teach Traditional Values & a Classical British Education Rooted in Christianity."
"We Tories Got it WRONG. We must Support Marriage, Community & Nation to Regain Trust-Danny Kruger MP"
"Wellingborough to Westminster: Can the Reform Party Fix Broken Britain?"
"Western Civilization is Under Attack From All Sides. Can It Survive? Peter Whittle @ Battle of Ideas"
"What Really Happened on Whitehall on St. George's Day: Citizen Journalist's First-Hand Account"
"White British Are Now An Ethnic Minority in Major Cities. Christianity now a Minority Religion."
"White British Will be a MINORITY in UK by 2050s. Joey Barton Chats with Rafe Heydel-Mankoo"
"Who pays the price for the elite's 'luxury beliefs'? | Rob Henderson | Deprogrammed"
"Who to Vote for? We've Surveyed Reform, Tory u0026 SDP Candidates on our Pledges. + UK Youth Back Reform"
"Why are Dissenting Voices Being Silenced? Groupthink: Why it's Rising and How to Stop it"
"Why is Scotland so Woke? Leo Kearse on Comedy, Culture Wars & the Pussification of Scotland."
"Will Birth Rate Decline and Mass Immigration Destroy Britain? Paul Morland"
"Will Britain Get a Muslim Party? The Problem with Dual Loyalties. Mo Najmi"
"Will a TRUE Conservative Ever Lead the Tory Party Again? Is there more to the Tories than tax cuts?"
"Winston Marshall: "We're Getting Close to Kristallnacht Levels" of anti-Semitism in the UK."
"Woke Waste: The Millions British Taxpayers Pay For Mad Woke Projects"
"Your Black Family OWNED Slaves but You Want the CHURCH to Pay Reparations for Slavery"
"£20 TRILLION?! Britain Should Not Pay a SINGLE PENNY in Reparations to the Caribbean for Slavery."