Youtube activity of "Guilherme Sales Ferreira da Costa" (@guilhermesalesferreiradaco2934) on "Nomad Capitalist" channel.
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Comments by video
"''How Can Nomads Leave Family Behind?''"
"10 English-Speaking Islands For Expats to Live On"
"10 Tax-Friendly Countries with Snowy Winters and Skiing"
"11 Mistakes When Choosing a Second Citizenship"
"12 Second Residence Permits with a Simple Bank Deposit"
"3 Countries with High-Yield Banking for US Dollars"
"3 Ways to Get Georgian Citizenship"
"4 Charming European Cities You’ve Never Heard Of"
"5 Lump Sum Tax Countries for Lowering Tax as an Expat"
"6 Easy Residence Permits in the Americas and Caribbean"
"6 Surprising Ways to Save More Money Offshore"
"7 Great “Focus Cities” in Eastern Europe"
"7 Spanish Speaking Countries for Expats to Live"
"7 Tax-Friendly Countries with High Life Expectancy"
"8 Surprisingly Free Economies for Global Investors"
"8 Tax-Friendly Latin American Countries"
"A New Second Citizenship Option in Asia"
"Am I Leaving Malaysia?"
"Argentina's Latest Wealth Tax Scam"
"Armenia’s New Citizenship by Investment"
"BREAKING: A New Country is Taxing Citizens Globally"
"Becoming a Nomad: a 5 Minute Plea to "Do""
"Behind the Scenes: Our Office in Belgrade 🇷🇸"
"Benefits of Dual Citizenship for Children"
"Benefits of Multiple Offshore Bank Accounts"
"Best Places I Would Live with $1,000 per Month"
"Best Second Citizenships for Indians and South Asians"
"Best Tax-Friendly Countries for High-Net Worth Expats"
"Business Lessons Learned from my Swimming Pool"
"California Exodus: People Fleeing the Golden State Over High Taxes"
"California’s Millionaire Wealth Tax is Back"
"Canada’s Coming Wealth Tax"
"Caribbean Passports on Sale"
"Cash Helps You Through Tough Times"
"Cheap Real Estate for Sale in Serbia"
"Citizenship in a Changing World"
"Clarifying My Thoughts on EU Citizenship"
"Confusion People Have About the Offshore World"
"Countries I Can No Longer Visit"
"Countries I DIDN’T Choose to Live in (And Why)"
"Countries Most Passports Can’t Visit"
"Dating Expert: Why Modern Men are Abandoning the West—Escape Now?"
"Debunked: “Only Singles Can Be Nomad Capitalists”"
"Did Malaysia Cancel Low Taxes?"
"Does the Trifecta Work in High-Tax Countries?"
"Doing Business Offshore Changes You"
"Dollar Expected to Drop 20% in 2021"
"Don't Build Your Wealth in California (Shark Tank Advice)"
"Don't Copy My Offshore Tax and Lifestyle Plan"
"Don’t Buy Caribbean Citizenship Real Estate (Unless...)"
"Double Your Benefits With One Passport"
"Double a Penny Every Day For 30 Days... Now Pay Taxes"
"Dual Citizenship Doesn’t Mean “Fleeing the Country”"
"Eight Fast Second Citizenships by Moving"
"Europe Declares WAR on “Citizenship for Sale”"
"Europe’s First Citizenship by Birth Country"
"Every Malaysian City for Nomads"
"Every Time I Was a Crime Victim Overseas"
"Everyone Wins Going Overseas #PassportSheats"
"Everything About Unschooling for Nomads"
"Expats Rank The Best Cities to Live Overseas"
"FIFA: Argentina vs. Mexico (Passport Wars)"
"Fastest European Second Citizenships for 2021"
"Five Best Tax-Friendly Countries for Vegans"
"Five Overrated Countries for Nomads"
"Five Places for Cheaper Caribbean Living"
"Five Small European Towns to Live in"
"Five Ways to Get Second Citizenship in 2021: the Ultimate Guide"
"Four Best Countries for Birth Tourism #PassportSheats"
"Four Cheap Foreign Investments in 2021"
"Four Low-Tax Countries You’ve Never Considered"
"Four Tax-Friendly Megacities for Fleeing NYC and California"
"Four Underrated Cities for Dating Overseas"
"Free Thailand Elite Visas for Real Estate Investors"
"Go-To Countries To Avoid Woke Culture"
"How COVID Made it Nearly Impossible to Expatriate"
"How I Deal with Negativity"
"How I Made Money Buying a House"
"How I Made My First Million"
"How Investing in Istanbul Real Estate Can Work"
"How I’m Traveling During the Pandemic"
"How Much Should You Spend on a Second Passport?"
"How To Avoid Business Failure"
"How You Can Move To Europe (It’s Easier Than You Think)"
"How the US Exit Tax Works when Expatriating"
"How the USA Passport Ranked 41st"
"How to Avoid IRS Penalties When Offshore"
"How to Avoid Losing Your Citizenship"
"How to Choose a Low-Tax Country to Move to"
"How to Escape One World Government?"
"How to Get Citizenship with an Investment"
"How to Get Dominica Citizenship for $50,000"
"How to Get Second Citizenship for the Whole Family"
"How to Get a Netherlands Golden Visa and Dutch Citizenship"
"How to Pay Zero Tax Living in One Place (Not for Nomads)"
"How to Replace Medicare When Moving Overseas"
"How to Travel With Kids #PassportSheats"
"I Refuse to Get This Passport"
"If I Could Only Choose Three Countries to Live In..."
"If I Could Only Have One Passport"
"If I Could Only Live in One Tax-Free Country…"
"Imagine How You’d Feel if You Just Did It"
"Interview With Patrick Bet-David: ''What America Means to Me''"
"Is It too Late to Get a Second Citizenship?"
"Is Renouncing Citizenship Worth It?"
"Is This the Next Tier A Passport?"
"Is a Cheaper Citizenship Program Coming?"
"It’s Never Too Late to Go Where You’re Treated Best"
"Kooky Sovereign Citizen Myths"
"Kuala Lumpur vs. Dubai: Which is Better for Wealthy Expats?"
"Latin America vs. Asia Residence Permits"
"Lesson Learned: US investing vs International Investing"
"Life is Easier When You Avoid These Four Places"
"Living in the "Nomad Bubble""
"Low-Tax Countries for Business We Never Talk About"
"Low-Tax Countries with Low Natural Disaster Risk"
"Malaysia MM2H Reopens with New Requirements"
"Maximize Your Second Passport ROI"
"More Americans Want to Secede"
"More Families are Homeschooling"
"More Places to Live for $1,000 per Month in Africa"
"More Places to Live for $1,000 per Month in Latin America"
"Moving Overseas Beats “Stay and Fight”"
"My 3 Worst Capital Cities to Live in Europe"
"My Advice to Eric Schmidt on Cyprus Citizenship"
"My Reply to Patrick Bet David’s Renunciation Offer"
"My Thoughts on AOC’s Tax the Rich Dress"
"My Thoughts on Estonia e-Residence"
"New Red State Tax Shows Why Wealthy Americans are Screwed"
"New Rules for US E-2 Visas"
"Nine Beautiful Low-Tax Places in Europe"
"Not Every Residence Becomes a Second Citizenship"
"Now It’s Official: Prepare for President Biden"
"Now They Want to Tax Working from Home"
"Our Moves to Go Where We’re Treated Best #NomadDad"
"Panama Friendly Nations Visa: How To Get Your Panama Residency"
"Passport Wars: Netherlands vs. France"
"Passport Wars: Turkey vs. St. Kitts and Nevis"
"Passports with Visa-Free Access to Russia"
"Portugal Golden Visa vs. Bulgaria Citizenship by Investment"
"REACTION: “Easy Citizenship” Countries for Second Passport"
"REMARKABLE: UAE Citizenship Could Become Possible"
"Residence Permits to Live in Asia"
"Second passports with visa-free travel to China 🇨🇳"
"Seven Cheap European Citizenships for Your Strong Dollar"
"Should You Choose College or Career?"
"Should You Move Here for Double the Salary?"
"Six Benefits of Incorporating in Dubai"
"Six Easy European Passports for Entrepreneurs"
"Six Exotic Easy Citizenships by Marriage"
"Six Livable Countries We Never Talk About"
"Six New Taxes to Prepare For"
"Six Things I Noticed About Uruguay"
"THIS is the World’s Most Livable City?!"
"Tax-Free Countries in the Americas"
"Tax-Free Dubai is DEAD"
"Tax-Friendly Countries with Best Quality of Life"
"The "183 Day Rule" for Offshore Tax Savings"
"The Best Beaches to Live On In 2021"
"The Best Countries to Avoid An Energy Crisis"
"The Best European Citizenships"
"The Best Passports to Escape the USA"
"The Best Property Deals in Dubai"
"The Best Tax Havens for Families"
"The Best Tax-Free Countries for Americans"
"The Biggest Business Scam Ever"
"The Case for Getting a BAD Passport"
"The Cheapest Country to Buy Gold"
"The Cheapest Golden Visa for Entrepreneurs"
"The Cheapest Second Passports in Europe"
"The Country With the Most Millionaires"
"The Easiest Countries to Move to from the USA"
"The Easiest Way to Reduce Your Taxes"
"The European Union’s Worst Passports"
"The Four “Perfect” Passports"
"The Global Citizenship Tipping Point"
"The Inflation Reduction Act. How It Impacts You"
"The Most Common Expat Problems"
"The Most Fair Tax"
"The Most Underrated Country"
"The New Social Security Tax"
"The New Tax I Predict for Wealthy Europeans"
"The New Travel Hacking for Nomads"
"The New Wealth Tax: How It Will Impact Your Personal Finances"
"The Pros and Cons of Moving Overseas"
"The Results of My Georgian Lari Term Deposits"
"The Safest Citizenship by Investment Countries"
"The Safest Low-Tax Countries in Asia"
"The Safest Low-Tax Countries in Central and South America"
"The Safest Low-Tax Countries in Europe"
"The Safest Low-Tax Countries in the World"
"The Three Cities I Felt Unsafe In"
"The UAE Golden Visa Program"
"The Ultimate Plan B for Residence and Citizenship"
"The World’s 6 Fastest Improving Free Economies"
"The World’s Best Hospitals for Medical Tourism"
"The World’s Unhappiest People"
"The “Tax-Free Quadrant” for Lower Taxes Offshore"
"Their Plan to Tax You BEFORE You Make Money"
"These 36 Countries Have Better Health Care than the USA"
"These Countries are Open for US Tourists"
"These Ex-Communist Countries are Now Free Economies"
"This Citizenship Program is Failing"
"This Country Has the Highest Tax Burden in the World"
"This New Program PAYS YOU to Get Citizenship"
"This Tax is “No Longer Just for the Rich”"
"This is Holding You Back #NomadDad"
"This is Why You Should (Legally) Stop Paying High Taxes"
"This is the Nastiest New Tax Coming"
"Three Best Currencies to Hold in a Recession"
"Three Second Citizenship Myths"
"Three Ways Lower Taxes Help Entrepreneurs (As Heard on Fox Business)"
"Top 10 Countries to Invest in Africa"
"Top Countries for Starting Your Business"
"Touring Cheap Farms and Vineyards for Sale in Serbia's Šumadija"
"Trump vs. Biden for Entrepreneurs on Taxes, FATCA, and GILTI"
"Turkey Will Pay You to Bank There"
"Two Citizenship Misconceptions"
"Understand this One PAINFUL Principle About Going Offshore"
"Using Second Citizenships to Escape Rising Taxes"
"Western Life Expectancies are Dropping"
"What Happens When a Citizenship Program is Canceled"
"What if El Salvador Offered Citizenship by Investment?"
"What is the Perfect Country?"
"What to Ask When Getting European Citizenship"
"When Bank Secrecy Still Works"
"Where Are Digital Nomads Moving?"
"Where MGTOW Goes Wrong"
"Where My Family Wanted to Move in 1996 (What Would Have Happened?)"
"Where NOT to Incorporate Offshore"
"Where to Escape Woke Culture"
"Where to Move with High Net Worth but Low Income?"
"Where to live in Montenegro for a Luxury Lifestyle"
"Who CAN’T Get Citizenship by Investment"
"Who Gets REJECTED for Citizenship by Investment"
"Who I Voted for in 2016 (You Might Be Shocked)"
"Who SHOULDN'T Be a Nomad Capitalist"
"Why Does the US Tax its Citizens?"
"Why I Chose St. Lucia for Citizenship by Investment"
"Why I Rarely Recommend Vanuatu Citizenship by Investment"
"Why I Wouldn’t Hire a Citizenship Firm"
"Why I'm Not Buying Cheap Property in Spain or Italy"
"Why I’m Most Glad I Left the USA"
"Why Non-US Citizens Need a Second Passport in 2021"
"Why Not All Passports are Created Equal"
"Why Retirement Sucks #NomadCapiTEAlist"
"Why This Crypto Investor Renounced US Citizenship"
"Why Toxic Countries Can Make Good Investments"
"Why We Don't Monetize Our Channel"
"Why You Should Have Money Before Going Offshore"
"Why Your Passport’s Visa-Free Travel Doesn’t Matter"
"Will Renouncing Citizenship Become Impossible?"
"Will Russia Start a Golden Visa Program?"
"‘’Don’t Move to South America’’"
"“Can I Be Stateless and Pay Zero Tax?”"
"“Can I Start an Offshore Company without Moving?”"
"“Do I Have to Renounce My Citizenship?”"
"“Do I Need A Green Card?”"
"“I Can’t Move Overseas. How to Be a Nomad Capitalist?” #NomadCapiTEAlist"
"“I’m Jewish; Should I Get Israeli Citizenship?”"
"“I’m Newly Single. Where Should I Move Overseas?” #NomadCapiTEAlist"
"“Should I Get a Greek Passport?”"
"“Won’t More Second Passports INCREASE Your Risk?”"
"🚨 Biden Wins. Here's How to Protect your Wealth."