Youtube activity of "Nicholas Conder" (@nicholasconder4703) on "TIKhistory" channel.
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Nicholas Conder
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Comments by video
""But how do you know you're right?" - Objective Theory of History"
""They're defending Stalingrad like dogs!" BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E26"
"5 reasons why the Allies committed this crime (Operation Keelhaul E2)"
"A "Hyperborean Aryan" Responds"
"A Fourth Kotluban Operation!? BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E31"
"A closer look at the New Stalingrad CITY MAP, plus new Stalingrad Schedule (Addendum 7)"
"Actually, Leftists aren't STUPID people"
"Addressing the "Madman Druggy Hitler" narrative & Nazi Drugs"
"Addressing the criticisms of the “concerning pattern in ALL Socialist childhoods” video"
"Alright, I’ve decided on what I’m changing"
"Analyzing Whoopi Goldberg's “The Holocaust isn’t about race”"
"Battlestorm Stalingrad E7 - Operation Nord"
"Battlestorm Stalingrad E9 - FIRESTORM"
"But TIK, if Hitler wasn't a Madman, why did he assume Britain wouldn't fight?"
"Chuikov's "most critical day" BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E29"
"Churchill was an idiot"
"Could Libyan OIL have solved the Axis oil crisis of WW2?"
"Could Paulus have abandoned Stalingrad before encirclement? BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E37"
"Could Sweden have withstood a German Blitzkrieg in WW2?"
"D-Day at Stalingrad | BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E20"
"David Irving - Can you trust ANYTHING he wrote?"
"Dear Nigel Askey - Your Article about me is WRONG"
"Debate on Warsaw Uprising and Polish Resistance WW2 | TIK History Q&A 23"
"Deliberate or Accident? The German Blitz of Rotterdam 1940"
"Desperate Retreat to El Alamein and the Battle of Mersa Matruh 1942 BATTLESTORM documentary"
"Devils in the Grain Elevator | BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E21"
"Did Hiwis fight at Stalingrad? The mystery of Volodina and the armed Hiwis! Stalingrad Addendum 8"
"Did Stalin seek a Separate Peace with Hitler in WW2? | TIK Q&A 21"
"Did Wall Street fund FDR, Hitler and the Bolsheviks? Looking at Prof. Antony C Sutton's theory"
"Did the Romanians flee? The First Day of Operation Uranus! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E35"
"Did the Soviet Union win WW2 alone?"
"Distortions of History - Cambridge narrative of WW2 contradicts itself in 3 pages"
"Eisenhower’s Broad Front vs Monty’s Narrow Front in 1944"
"FASCISM DEFINED | The Difference between Fascism and National Socialism"
"Feedback needed. Changes ARE coming."
"Finland's Continuation War in a Nutshell #WW2"
"Friedrich Kellner - A Social Democrat Living in the Third Reich"
"From Plato to Hitler: The Ideological Origins of National Socialism"
"Gavin wasn't to blame? 'New' evidence on Operation Market Garden's failure?"
"General George S. Patton, The Biscari Massacre and The Slapping Incidents"
"Getting OWNED over Hitler's Socialism"
"Halder blames Hitler and Paulus! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E18"
"Halder is sacked! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E24"
"Hegel’s ideobabble is the basis of Marxism and Fascism"
"Hitler WASN’T funded into power by the capitalists"
"Hitler's Democracy? WHAT!?"
"How Faith dominated Hitler’s Military Conferences"
"How effective was Wilhelm Canaris & the German resistance?"
"How effective were Indian troops in WW2? TIKhistory"
"How important was the Battle of the Atlantic? (U-boat bases, Norway, Britain, France, and more!)"
"I don’t think a break out of Stalingrad was EVER possible (Response to Anton Joly #2)"
"I made a MISTAKE with Stalingrad (okay, a few)"
"Karl Marx's Anti-Semitism"
"Lend Lease to the Soviet Union, the Soviet and German Economies, and more... TIK Q&A 3"
"MALTA's Impact on the North African Campaign WW2... And More! TIK Q&A 5"
"MAUS! Was Hitler right to build the super-heavy tanks of WW2?"
"Manstein's "MIRACLE" at the Third Battle of Kharkov [Heavy Sarcasm within] TIK Q&A 19"
"Montgomery vs Eisenhower on Operation Market Garden's True Purpose | History Debate"
"My late update! (Gazala, Patreon Q&As, and more)"
"Nationalism DOESN’T explain WHY Austria-Hungary collapsed"
"No, the Treaty of Versailles did NOT lead to hyperinflation OR the Nazis"
"Operation Crusader 1941 FULL WW2 Documentary BATTLESTORM"
"Paulus is running out of men | BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E23"
"Paulus should have broken out early? TIK's response to Anton Joly"
"Paulus' success leads to his failure BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E30"
"Paulus's Late August Mistake? BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E14"
"Pavlov's House & Paulus' 2nd Offensive | BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E25"
"Poor Combat Performance of Waffen SS & NKVD Divisions? #WW2"
"Quick Fire Q&A"
"Rudolf Jung - the Karl Marx of Hitler's National Socialism?"
"STALINGRAD PROPAGANDA! Was Hitler really “obsessed” with taking the city?"
"STICK TO BANKS! (And did the National Socialist state raise living standards or benefit the poor?)"
"So, Hitler was a Communist in early 1919"
"South African Historians TRY to Defend PIENAAR"
"Soviet Infantry Small Arms Advantage Late in WW2? TIK Q&A"
"Soviet Storm review, German Strategy 1942, History Education and more! 9 random questions about WW2"
"Stalin’s Quest for Ape-Men Super-Soldiers"
"Stick to Tanks"
"Stick to Tanks Blues"
"TANKS! What makes a good tank? And more... | TIK Q&A 13"
"THIS is the Actual Idea behind Fascism"
"TIK Q&A | WW2, Atomic Bomb, Rommel, Sturmgeschütz and Treaty of Versailles"
"Tackling the 5 Most Common Counter-Arguments to my Dunkirk Halt Order Hypothesis"
"Terrible state of German Divisions BEFORE Stalingrad city | BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E11"
"That's it. I'm pausing Stalingrad"
"The 1 Basic Economics Principle People Misunderstand"
"The 62nd Army is Isolated! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E17"
"The ACTUAL Casualty Numbers for the 2nd Kotluban Offensive (plus more) | Stalingrad Addendum 9"
"The Allied crime against humanity WW2 (Operation Keelhaul E1)"
"The Axis were not natural allies"
"The BIG Reason the Luftwaffe Failed at Stalingrad | Airlift Statistics and Demyansk Comparison"
"The Battle of the Barents Sea | WW2 Documentary"
"The Chetniks of WW2 Yugoslavia - Resistance or Axis Collaborators?"
"The Courland Pocket 1944-45 FULL BATTLESTORM History Documentary"
"The Curious case of Former Holocaust Denier Eric Hunt"
"The Dangerous Appeal of Hitler’s AI-Translated Speeches"
"The Day the AXIS reached the Volga in 1942 - BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E10"
"The Dunkirk Halt Order: An Alternative Hypothesis"
"The Final BLITZKRIEG before Stalingrad City! BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E13"
"The Hossbach Memorandum PROVES Hitler Wanted to Wage a War of Aggression"
"The INSANE world of National Socialism’s Aryan Religion"
"The MAIN Reason Why Germany Lost WW2 - OIL"
"The Paradox of Germany’s WW2 COAL Problem"
"The Problem of Coordinating Arms in WW2"
"The REAL Operation Market Garden | BATTLESTORM Documentary | All Episodes"
"The REAL Reason Germany Kept Fighting"
"The REAL Reason Hitler Declared War on the USA"
"The REAL Religion behind National Socialism"
"The REAL Story of Pavlov's House at Stalingrad"
"The REAL reason Hitler killed Ernst Röhm in the Night of the Long Knives"
"The SHOCKING Real Story of the Dresden Firestorm"
"The first Nazis EVER - The Czech National Socialist Party"
"The horrors of British & US Logistics in WW2"
"Vatutin vs Manstein - who was the best general?"
"WHY the Germans FAILED at Stalingrad? BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E28"
"WW2 American, British, Soviet and German Rifle Squad FIREPOWER Comparison"
"Was Hitler a British Agent?"
"Was Reaching the Volga North of Stalingrad the WRONG move? BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E12"
"Was the Gleiwitz Incident the SPARK that ignited WW2?"
"Wehrmacht Crimes against Women WW2"
"Were too many German soldiers tied up occupying Europe?"
"What do REAL Fascists actually believe?"
"What was the Point of Langermann's 24th Panzer Corps? (And more...) Stalingrad Addendum 4"
"What's coming after Stalingrad? (plus other changes)"
"Who saved Hitler? The Munich Crisis & The Oster Conspiracy 1938"
"Who were technologically superior? The Axis or Allies in WW2?"
"Who's to blame for the Battle of Anzio 1944? | Patreon Q&A 8"
"Why Britain wouldn’t just let Hitler go East"
"Why Hitler didn’t trust his generals | Schleicher & the Fall of the Weimar Republic"
"Why I quote people you don't like"
"Why No German Reinforcements at Stalingrad?"
"Why Soviet Logistics weren’t as nightmarish as German Logistics in WW2"
"Why did Churchill and De Gaulle invade Syria in 1941?"
"Why didn't Hitler go through Turkey to get the Caucasus Oil?"
"Why didn't the Germans just send up all their interceptors to stop the thousand bomber raids?"
"Why study history? What's the point? It's boring!"
"Why the German Army couldn't overcome their bad logistics"
"Wilhelm Hoffman’s Stalingrad diary is a FAKE"
"Words Matter... but not to some"
"Would Stalin attack the West? Operation Unthinkable 1945"
"Zhukov's 1st Kotluban Offensive Begins | BATTLESTORM STALINGRAD E15"
"need a break"
"‘But TIK, the reason WHY Hitler started WW2 makes no sense!’"
"“But Hitler Crushed the Trade Unions!”"
"“IT WASN’T A REAL CRIME!” The Counter-Arguments to Operation Keelhaul E3"
"“Send us Wheat or Coffins” | The Axis Occupation of Greece WW2"