Youtube activity of "Jeremy Barlow" (@jeremybarlow2291) on "Nomad Capitalist" channel.
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Comments by video
"''How Can Nomads Leave Family Behind?''"
"11 Mistakes When Choosing a Second Citizenship"
"26 Countries Less Corrupt than the USA"
"4 Innovative Tax-Friendly Cities for Expats"
"5 Lump Sum Tax Countries for Lowering Tax as an Expat"
"8 Best Countries to Move to from the USA"
"8 FAST Tax-Friendly Second Passports"
"8 Fast Latin America and Caribbean Citizenships by Marriage"
"8 Second Passports and Residences by Investing in Bonds"
"A New Terrible Social Security Tax Plan"
"Alex Hormozi Called Me Out"
"Another Golden Visa Just Died"
"Are International Business Companies in Tax Havens Dead?"
"Are Multiple Passports Only for the Rich?"
"Arnold Schwarzenegger Attacks Offshore Plan B (My Reaction)"
"Asia’s Little-Known Second Residence and Citizenship Program"
"Asset Protection is a Scam"
"Australia Isn’t a Free Country Anymore"
"BIG WIN for European Citizenship for Sale"
"BREAKING: Trump to End "Double Taxation" of US Expats? 🇺🇸"
"Best Cities for Young Entrepreneurs"
"Best Passports to Get if the USA Leaves NATO"
"Best Places I Would Live with $1,000 per Month"
"California Exodus: People Fleeing the Golden State Over High Taxes"
"Canada Threatens to Revoke Travel Privileges"
"Canadian Reveals “Why I Said Goodbye to Uncle Sam”"
"Caribbean Citizenship is Changing Forever"
"Citizenship Myths Debunked! 🔥 🔥 🔥"
"Clarifying My Thoughts on EU Citizenship"
"Could Boris Johnson Be the 47th US President?"
"Countries I Can No Longer Visit"
"Cyrus Janssen: Bad US Policy Gave Rise to BRICS and China"
"Diversify Away from Bank Failures"
"Does Corruption Matter When Living Overseas?"
"Donald Trump is BANNED Here"
"Don’t Get a Golden Visa Until You Watch This"
"Dr. Oz’s Dual Citizenship Dilemma"
"Dubai’s 0% Tax Is Dead: What the Copycats Won’t Tell You"
"EU Member to Tax its Citizens Worldwide?"
"Eastern Europe’s New Digital Nomad Visa"
"Eight Reasons to Have Dual Citizenship in 2022"
"Eight Surprisingly Good Passports Nobody Talks About"
"Europe’s Fastest Citizenship without a Donation"
"Every Malaysian City for Nomads"
"Everyone Wins Going Overseas #PassportSheats"
"Fastest European Second Citizenships for 2021"
"Five Tax Reduction Tricks for Living in Europe"
"Five Ways to Get Second Citizenship in 2021: the Ultimate Guide"
"Four Asian Real Estate Markets You Missed Out On"
"Four Low-Tax Countries You’ve Never Considered"
"Four Places to Live Better than Dubai"
"Four Problems Paying Zero Tax with Portugal’s NHR Program"
"Four “Free” Second Passports Anyone Can Get"
"German Citizenship is Becoming Easier"
"Get Paid to Be a Digital Nomad"
"Get This One Passport, Live in 15 Countries"
"Give Birth Here for Dual Citizenship"
"Go-To Countries To Avoid Woke Culture"
"Going Offshore Means Freedom AND Responsibility #NomadCapiTEAlist""
"Happy Taxpayer DESTROYS Nomad Capitalist in 1 paragraph"
"How Couples and Families Can Save Millions on Taxes"
"How Florida Became Anti-Business"
"How Joe Biden's Tax Plan Will Raise Your Taxes"
"How Kevin O’Leary Became a UAE Citizen"
"How Much Money Do You Need to Be Free? (FIRE is Wrong)"
"How Peter Thiel Saved $5 Billion Tax Free #PassportSheats"
"How the USA’s New 15% Minimum Corporate Tax Works"
"How to Avoid Capital Gains Tax when Selling a Business"
"How to Avoid Inflation in the West"
"How to Avoid Losing Your Citizenship"
"How to Avoid the US Tax Trap"
"How to Be Fabulously Wealthy"
"How to Escape An Authoritarian Regime with Dual Citizenship"
"How to Escape Your Country with Your Freedom and Wealth"
"How to Legally Pay Zero Taxes Anywhere"
"How to Live in Three Places and Save Taxes"
"How to Move Overseas If You Only Speak English"
"How to Offshore a Brick and Mortar Business"
"How to Pay Zero Taxes with an E-Commerce Business"
"I Refuse to Get This Passport"
"If You Want to Expatriate, Do it Before President Biden"
"Is Europe Overrated?"
"Is Mexico Safer than the US?"
"Is a Global WEALTH Tax Possible?"
"Last Chance for Cheap Portugal Golden Visa"
"Latin America vs. Asia Residence Permits"
"Life is Easier When You Avoid These Four Places"
"Look Inside My Istanbul Home Renovation"
"Montenegro Citizenship by Investment: how does it work?"
"Mr. Beast’s Tax Problem No One Talks About"
"My Best Reasons to Move Overseas"
"My Reply to Patrick Bet David’s Renunciation Offer"
"My Thoughts on Ukraine"
"My Thoughts on the Global Minimum Tax"
"Neutral Countries to Escape World War III"
"New Crypto Taxes Coming to the USA (Infrastructure Bill Explained)"
"New Rules for US E-2 Visas"
"Nigel Farage’s Bank Accounts CLOSED (Here's What to Do)"
"Nine Reasons for Rich People to Live in Southeast Asia"
"Nine Tax Facts about Puerto Rico Act 60 Requirements"
"Nomad Responds: “Golden Visas are for Crooks”"
"Our Christmas Gift to You"
"Passport Wars: Turkey vs. St. Kitts and Nevis"
"Philippines Suspends SRRV Retirement Visa Program"
"Portugal's Golden Visa is Dead And So Are Three Others"
"Protect Your Freedom with Multiple Passports"
"Puerto Rico vs. Offshore Tax Havens"
"REACTION: “Easy Citizenship” Countries for Second Passport"
"REMARKABLE: UAE Citizenship Could Become Possible"
"Second Passports with Visa-Free Access to China"
"Should Prince Harry Be a US Citizen?"
"Should You Sell Everything to Escape President Biden?"
"Six Benefits of Being an EU Citizen"
"Six Countries to Pay 0% Tax In Latin America"
"Six Easy European Passports for Entrepreneurs"
"Six Livable Countries We Never Talk About"
"Six Tax Friendly Caribbean Islands"
"Six Tax-Friendly Islands for Wealthy People"
"Six Ways to Get Citizenship by Investment"
"The Best Countries to Live, Incorporate, and Be a Citizen"
"The Best European Citizenships"
"The Best Small Cities in Europe"
"The Case for Getting a BAD Passport"
"The Cheapest Second Passports in Europe"
"The Coming Tax on Unrealized Capital Gains"
"The End of Tax-Free Dubai (They’re HIDING This)"
"The Five Best Cities in Southeast Asia for Entrepreneurs"
"The Four “Perfect” Passports"
"The Government is Literally STEALING Homes"
"The Most Dangerous Countries on Earth"
"The Offshore Banking Scam"
"The Only Places Where Privacy Still Exists"
"The Person With the Most Citizenships"
"The REAL Way to Live Like a King Overseas"
"The Right-Wing Plan to KILL Second Citizenship?"
"The Secret Plan to Destroy the US Dollar"
"The Swiss Army Knife Second Passport"
"The Taxman Plans to Spy on Your Bank Account"
"The Three Cities I Felt Unsafe In"
"The Three-Step Passport Plan to Replace Your Citizenship"
"The Two Safest Tax-Friendly Countries in Europe"
"The US Plan to KILL Second Citizenship"
"The WRONG Way to Escape the USA"
"The Worst Way to Open an Offshore Business Bank Account"
"Their Plan to Tax You BEFORE You Make Money"
"These Countries are Open for US Tourists"
"This African Passport is Overlooked"
"This Country is Ending Dual Citizenship"
"This Man Protected His Crypto by Moving to Costa Rica"
"This Passport Will Shorten Your Life"
"Three European Countries With Non-Dom Tax Regimes"
"Tour of My New Home in Bogota, Colombia"
"Two Tax Changes Coming to the West"
"Two Types of Nomad Capitalist Viewers (Which one are YOU?)"
"US Visas for Caribbean Citizens"
"Watch This Before Incorporating in the USA"
"Watch This Before You Move to Canada after the Election"
"What $1 Million Buys in Real Estate Worldwide"
"What Happens if My Country Taxes Citizens?"
"What the TikTok War Means for Entrepreneurs"
"Where Nomad Capitalist is Incorporated. And Why."
"Where to Live with Caribbean Citizenship"
"Where to Move to Escape Nuclear War"
"Where to Move with High Net Worth but Low Income?"
"Who Gets REJECTED for Citizenship by Investment"
"Who Joe Biden REALLY Wants to Tax"
"Why Cheap Cities Work for Rich People"
"Why Does the US Tax its Citizens?"
"Why I Keep Getting More Residences, Passports, and Bank Accounts"
"Why I Really Got This Second Passport"
"Why I Would NEVER Start a Business in South America"
"Why I'll Never Return to the US"
"Why I’m Getting Another Caribbean Citizenship"
"Why Tax Deductions are Dumb"
"Why Tech Companies Don’t Need Silicon Valley"
"Why Thousands of Americans are Renouncing Citizenship"
"Why Tier B second passports are the wave of the future"
"Why You Have to Leave Your Country"
"Why You Should have Multiple Citizenships (Second Passports)"
"Why You Shouldn’t Bank Where You Live"
"Would I Move to Argentina? #OnTheList"
"Would I Renounce Another Citizenship?"
"Your Fellow Citizens Will Steal Your Passport"
"‘’Don’t Move to South America’’"
"“Can the US Keep Going Like This?”"
"“I’m Jewish; Should I Get Israeli Citizenship?”"
"“My Money is Stuck Overseas!""
"“Should I Get this Free Second Passport?”"
"🚨🚨Second Citizenship Will Be Dead🚨🚨"