Youtube activity of "Triple 9" (@Betta66) on "Styxhexenhammer666" channel.
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Triple 9
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Comments by video
""Accountability" the new "Collusion" as Leftists Shift the Goalposts Again"
""Autopsy of a Dead Coup" Slams the Fake News MSM/ McCabe"
""Fat Sex Therapist": Leftists Just Seem Universally Unpleasant"
""It's The Economy, Stupid"- Even CNN Admits Trump Likely to be Reelected"
""Jessica" Yaniv is Exactly the Kind of Opportunist That I Warned About in 2016"
""We Are Building the Wall" Trump States"
"90s Liberal Whoopi Goldberg Corrects Alexandria Ocasio Cortez, Gets Attacked by Far Left"
"A Rebuttal to AOC: Capitalism Is Irredeemable Because it Needs no Redemption"
"AOC Acolytes Ambush Dianne Feinstein and Make Her Look Like a Moron"
"AOC Blocks the Daily Caller on Twitter After Getting Roasted"
"AOC Says Pelosi Might be a Racist for Criticizing Her and Ilhan Omar"
"Activists Move to Help ICE/ Disrupt Illegal-Abetting California Rapid Response Teams"
"Adam Schiff Tries to Fundraise Off Being Insulted by Trump"
"After Dem Convention Flops, Legacy Media Circles the Wagons, Astrturfs Michelle Obama's Speech"
"Alex Jones Trolls the World ft. Joe Rogan"
"Alexandria Ocasio Cortez is Clueless on Taxes and Economics"
"Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez Can't Budget for Rent Because She Is a Socialist"
"Alt Media! Beating the Establishment Hacks With One Arm Tied Behind Our Backs"
"Americans Are Waking Up to Just How Terrible the Beijing Biden Economy Has Become"
"An Actual Impeachment Trial Would Cause Havoc in the Dem Primaries"
"Another Day Another Non-Scandal with Jean Carroll"
"Another Phony Scandal: Trump Organization Did Not Commit Campaign Finance Violations"
"Are The Elites Planning to Assassinate Trump and Blame Iran?"
"Arlington Opportunism, or, How the Left Learned to Stop Worrying and Love War"
"As Hard Brexit Looms, Remember the Globalists Will Try to Terrorize You"
"As Predicted, Migrants are Using Women and Children as Human Shields"
"Avocado Armageddon Comes, Warn Globalists"
"BDS Splits the Democrats Apart"
"BLM Bundles Untraceable Cash Through Massive Leftist Donation Firm ActBlue"
"Beijing Bidens Approval is Now Underwater Even in Push Polls"
"Bernie Sanders Declares War on Nonexistent White Nationalist Threat"
"Biden is Trying to Ruin the Internet; and We Must Stop Him"
"Bigoted Don Lemon the Perfect Example of Why the Left is Losing"
"Bill Weld is a Good Opportunist"
"Bloomberg Uses the Pittsburgh Shooting to Push His Gun Control Crap Again"
"Bolsonaro Liberates Brazil from Detestable UN Migration Pact"
"Bombshell Report: Bidens Drone Strike Killed an Aid Worker Accidentally, Not an ISIS Target"
"Boomer Take! ADL Tries, Fails, To Explain Red Pill, etc"
"Boris Johnson Gets His Early Election by Abandoning Actual Brexit"
"Brexit Careens Closer as Boris Johnson Gets the Queen of England to Prorogue Parliament"
"Brexit Insanity: Boris Johnson Refuses to Back Down"
"Brexit One Week From Now!"
"Brexit! What's Next: Frexit? Nexit? Italexit? Swexit?"
"British Legacy Media Preemptively Blames Russia for Brexit"
"Broward County Election Interference In Focus as Everyone Sues Everyone Else"
"Buttigieg Trots Out the Tired Trope of Trump the White Identitarian"
"Buzzfeed Attacks Trump for Celebrating Pride Month"
"Buzzfeed Lies About Trump and Cohen After Getting Count Dankula Demonetized"
"CA25 Will Probably Flip Republican as GOP Turnout Soars: A 2020 Precursor?"
"CLANKED: Youtube Finally Bans Censorship-Pushing, Defamatory, Content-Stealing Right Wing Watch"
"CNN Claims Mueller Probe Has Basically Ended and DOJ Will Soon Get the Report"
"CNN Sues Trump Administration for Revoking Acosta's Press Pass"
"CNN Tries to Attack Trump Fed Pick Stephen Moore, but Makes Him Seem Cool"
"Censorship Is So Stupid"
"Chelsea Clinton Gets Attacked by SJWs For Her Ilhan Omar Comments as the Left Implodes"
"China is Slowly Losing its Trade War with the USA"
"Christine Fords' Kavanaugh Claims Were Apparently Motivated by Politics"
"Clinton Insinuates She Ran a Good Campaign in 2016 HAHAHA"
"Comey Violated Data Policies, Leaked Sensitive Material, DOJ Determines"
"Confirmed: There Was No Insurrection at the US Capitol"
"Crazed Leftists Still Want to Impeach Trump"
"Cringe Alert! Kamala Harris is Insufferably Unfunny and Scripted"
"Cringe Fringe CHAZ (Soyviet Union) Begins to Collapse Due to Violence and Degeneracy"
"DC Circuit Court Upholds Trumps Attempt to Rein In the EPA"
"David Hogg to Go to Harvard"
"Dayton Shooter Connor Betts Was a Socialist Radicalized by Legacy Media, Followed and RTd Jared Holt"
"Debunking All Major Claims of Trump Being a Racist"
"Deep State Reverse Psychology as the MSM Claims Russia Promotes Tulsi Gabbard"
"Delusional Liberals Still Long for an Elizabeth Warren Presidency"
"Democrat Civil War Begins, Crazed Clinton Calls Sanders A Sore Loser"
"Democrat House Majority Might Get Swept Away in 2020"
"Democrat Poll Analysis: I Was Right on Buttigieg, Anticipate Klobuchar Spike"
"Democratic Socialism is a Bunch of BS"
"Democrats Blew Their Load Too Fast: Support for Impeachment is Waning"
"Democrats Continue to Debate Uselessly Over Impeachment"
"Democrats Drop the Impeachment Schtick as the Progressive Uprising is Crushed"
"Democrats Fixate On Impeachment Out of Fear None of their Candidates Can Win"
"Democrats Hate Foreigners Who Try to Immigrate Legally"
"Democrats Pivot Back to Whining about Trump tax Returns as the NYT Violates Federal Law"
"Democrats Plan to Obstruct Cold War Planning While Causing a Cold War"
"Democrats Preemptively Blaming Their Likely 2020 Loss on Sanders"
"Democrats Prepare to Waste More Time on Trump Tax Returns"
"Democrats Should Stop Pretending to Oppose Saudi Government Tyranny (Re: Khashoggi)"
"Democrats So Broke Tom Perez Has to Wine and Dine Expats in Mexico"
"Democrats are So Scared of Trump They're Going to Astroturf Influencers with DARPA Tech"
"Dems' Fixation on Trumps Taxes is an Open Signal of Their Failure"
"Dirty Dem! Bloomberg Used Prison Labor to Make Campaign Calls"
"Don Lemon Doubles Down on his Racism as Legacy Media CNN Circles the Wagons"
"Efforts to Keep Trump off the 2020 Ballot Will Fail"
"Elizabeth Warren Calls for Literal Open Borders"
"Elizabeth Warren Goes Insane, Says Congress Should Impeach Trump"
"Elizabeth Warren Is In: Trump Immediately Delivers Linguistic Killshot"
"Elizabeth Warren is Really Just a Bad Person; Caught in Total Lie About Bernie Sanders"
"Eoin Lenihan Banned on Twitter for Revealing Connections Between Antifa and Legacy Media Hacks"
"Estonia Elections: Liberals Lose, Euroskeptic EKRE Doubles to Almost 18% of Vote"
"Eureka Womens March Canceled Due to Being "Too White""
"Even CNN Admits Trump is "Gaining Ground""
"Even CNN Praised Trumps' 4th of July Speech"
"Even CNN's Biased Polling Has Trump at 43% Approval"
"Even Crazy Yang Knows Impeachment Will Backfire Spectacularly"
"Even Obvious Push Polls Can't Hide Bidens Approval Slump"
"Even Politico Admits Trump is Making Headway with Hispanic Voters"
"Even the NYT Admits Warren is a Corporate Con Posing as a Grassroots Leftie"
"Fake Intellectuals Call for a European Empire"
"Feminist Frequency Joins Bitchute"
"Final Polls of the 2010s! Biggest Losers (US Politics, and News)"
"Free Speech is Supposedly Alt-Right, According to the Corporate Left"
"Gay Rights Spread to Botswana Due to Trumps' Initiative"
"Giuliani Scoffs at the Trump Investigations, Says They're "Done""
"Goofy Hillary Clinton Wants you to Stop Caring if Female Candidates are Likable"
"HAHA How About That Impeachment? Oh Wait, Nobody Cares"
"Harvard Study Torpedoes the Gender Wage Gap Myth"
"Holy Hell I Wish Trump Were President Right Now"
"Hong Kongers Wave the US Flag as US Leftists Promote Communism"
"House Formalizes Impeachment Proceedings Along Entirely Partisan Lines"
"How Biden Lost Afghanistan: Taliban Takes Kandahar, US Troops Evacuate Embassy"
"How Dare Trump Want to be Part of the DC 4th Celebration, Legacy Media Says"
"Hurricane Politics and the Stupidity of the Lamestream"
"I Don't See People Applauding Trump for his Masterful Maneuver With Iran"
"I Encourage All Swiss Fans to Vote Against Gun Control on May 19th"
"I Told You Pewdiepie Was Playing 4d Chess with the ADL"
"I'll Vote Trump in the Election: Here's Why You Should Too"
"I'm "Pretty Sure" Trump Will Be Reelected in 2020 (pt. 2: Achievements)"
"I'm the New Rosa Parks!"
"If the US Military Wants to Fight Fake News, Send the Marines to CNN"
"Ignore The First Amendment, Say WaPo and Richard Stengel"
"Ilhan Omars' Remarks Deepening the Democratic Party Schism at the Worst Possible Time"
"Impeachment Approval Now Lower than Opposition"
"Indiana Senator Donnelley Surprised His Minority Staffers have Done Well"
"It Will Be Funny to Watch Congress Try to Force Trump to Release his Taxes"
"It's Hilarious Watching MTV News Argue for Censorship"
"It's Hilarious Watching People Underestimate Trump All Over Again"
"Italy Rejects Globalist Lies, Elects Meloni and Fratelli d'Italia"
"Jack Dorsey is Unprincipled and Spineless ft. Hindu Caste System"
"James Watson Is Not a Racist"
"January 31 To Become UK Independence Day as Brexit Vote Passes Overwhelmingly"
"Jeffrey Epstein Finally Arrested"
"Jim Acosta Loses WH Press Pass, Pretends this Violates the First Amendment"
"John Kerry Says Trump Should Resign, Hahaha!"
"Julian Castro Campaign Does some Doxxing of Texas Trump Donors"
"Justice Ginsburg Should Resign Immediately"
"Kanye West Announces A Semi-Serious Presidential Bid: Leftists Outraged"
"Kavanaugh Vindicated as NYT Retracts Original Allegation Story"
"LINOs Defend China, Chastise Trump for "Endangering" Apple"
"Laura Loomer Banned from Twitter for Criticizing Religious Zealots and Child Abuse"
"Leftists Congratulate Themselves About Tulsa Despite Losing Badly (Cringe of the Day!)"
"Leftoids Freak Out as Trump Populists Overrun Local GOP Positions"
"Leftoids Try to Cast their Fight Against Voter ID as a Civil Rights Struggle LOL"
"Legacy Media Gaslighting Over El Paso Crowd Sizes"
"Legacy Media Having a Nervous Breakdown Thinking of a Second Trump Term... Let's Go Brandon!"
"Legacy Media Scrambles to Label Obamagate a Conspiracy Theory"
"Liberals Want Trump to "Save" Russian Gays as they Ignore the Middle East"
"LinkedIn's Reid Hoffman, the Alt Left, and Actual Election Interference"
"Look at this Photograph! Deplatforming Attacks on Trump Meme Make it Even More Viral"
"Lunatic Virginia Democrat Mark Warner Wants More Online Censorship"
"MSM's Sappy Obsession with Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Hits an Absurd Pinnacle"
"MSNBC Fake News Pushed Claim that 30 Americans Died In Iran Attacks"
"Macron Calls Most of His Population "Thugs""
"Macron Considers Martial Law, French Police Lose Control of Fuel Riots"
"Majority of Americans Expect Trump to Win in 2020"
"Man Murdered by Maryland Police for Resisting Unlawful Gun Confiscation"
"McRaven Calls Trump a Great Threat to the USA, Shows Lack of Understanding"
"Mexico May Cede On Migrant Crisis to Avoid Tariffs"
"Michael Cohen Says Trump Said Racist Things but Somehow He Never Recorded It"
"Michael Flynn Was Just Totally Vindicated Despite the Modern Witch Trials"
"Microsoft Word AI to Police Language by Default"
"Midterm Scandals Throw the Democrats into Confusion as they Attack Project Veritas"
"Missouri and Alabama Basically Ban Abortion, Trump Gets Blamed by Liberals"
"Mnuchin Won't Give Trump Tax Returns to House of Representatives"
"Morally Outraged Leftists Dogpile Biden for his Talmadge Spiel"
"More and More People Are Waking Up to the Likelihood of Trump Being Reelected"
"Most Admired Bullcrap as Michelle "What Lunch?" Obama Supplants Hydrogen Hillary Clinton"
"Mueller Ends Probe, No Further Indictments, Hands Materials to AG Barr, Leftist Damage Control"
"Mueller Makes a Russia Probe Statement- And Trolls Everyone"
"Mueller, Rosenstein, Barr: No Evidence of a Trump-Russia Conspiracy"
"Multiple Terrorist Attacks at Kabul Airport: Joe Bidens Failure is Complete"
"NBC Tries to Attack Trump With Early 90s Footage of Him With Epstein"
"Nancy Pelosi Admits Defeat: Impeachment to be Sent to Die in the Senate"
"Nancy Pelosi Confirms the Neolibs Are Merely Using the Far Left as Pawns"
"Nancy Pelosi Shows Exactly What her Party Stands For at SOTU: Disruption and Childishness"
"New Green Deal Mocked Widely, Triggers Predicted Dem Civil War"
"New Years' Eve Celebrations Hilariously Dedicated to Freedom of the Press"
"New Zealand Blocks Bitchute, 8chan, etc, Gets Told to Fuck Off by Kiwifarms"
"No Liberal Seems Able to Explain to me How Trump is Racist"
"No, CNN, Trumps Use of "Witch Hunt" Doesn't Offend Any Real Witches"
"Not Only Should Washington DC Not be a State, It Legally Can't"
"Not a Conspiracy Theory: The FBI Infiltrated the Trump Campaign Re: Papadopoulos"
"Notre Dame Cathedral Burns, Symbolizing Europe at Large"
"Obamacare Ruled Unconstitutional by Federal Judge in Texas"
"Pelosi Alleges Trump "Coverup""
"Pelosi Asks Trump to Delay the State of the Union, Cites Secret Service"
"Pelosi Fearmongers, Says Trump may Contest Election Results"
"Pelosi Refuses Trumps' Shutdown Offer: Big Mistake"
"Pelosi Says Impeaching Trump "Not Worth It""
"Peter Boghossian Trolls The Far Left: And It Isn't a Surprise It Worked"
"Petition to Give Alex Jones WH Credentials, Seat Him Next to Jim Acosta"
"Police Reform "Unlikely" Laments CNN (Told You So)"
"Politico Prays for a Recession to Stop Trump in 2020"
"Possible Closure of the US-Mexico Border Looms"
"Project Veritas Exposes Andrew Gillums Racist Staffer and Intent to Break All Promises"
"Project Veritas Exposes Beto Staffers Claiming Tons of Illegals Voting"
"Project Veritas Uncovers Significant Voter Fraud in Minnesota"
"Project Veritas: Beto Staffers Apparently Used Campaign Funds to Support the Migrant Caravan"
"Project Veritas: Google Openly Trying to Influence 2020 Election"
"Rand Paul Backs Trump on Withdrawing From Syria: Good!"
"Razorfist got an (Illegitimate) Strike: Here's His New Tech Channels"
"Re: The Barr-Rosenstein Conference and Redacted Mueller Report"
"Reparations! Warren and Harris are Race Baiting Morons, Don't Understand the Constitution"
"Ruth Bader Ginsburg Falls Down, Fractures Three Ribs"
"SCOTUS Defends Planned Parenthood as Kavanaugh and Roberts Join the "Liberals""
"SCOTUS Sells Out on Gun Rights, Proving we Desperately Need to Re-elect Trump"
"SCOTUS Sides with Trump on Asylum Seekers, Allows Expanded Limits"
"Sad Watching the Left Idolize (and Believe!) Neocon Bolton Re: Impeachment Nonsense"
"Schiff Calls Trump "Unpatriotic" for Defending Himself"
"Schism! AFL-CIO Punches New Green Deal in the Balls, Devastates AOC's Lunatic Plans"
"Schism! Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Threatens Dozens of Moderate Democrats"
"Screw the Christchurch Shooter and Screw the Mainstream Media"
"Second Whistleblower Same as the First: Irrelevant"
"Senate Intel Finds no Collusion Between Trump and Russia"
"Sexist Hillary Clinton Says "It Often Takes a Woman to Get the Job Done""
"Shooting in Denver: Shooter Allegedly Antifa Linked, was 9News Pinkerton Hire"
"Shutdown Now the Longest as Trump Chuckles and Refuses to Back Down"
"Socialism Fails Again! Evo Morales Out, Leftists Outraged"
"Socialist Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Thinks Being Wealthy is Immoral, Goes Full Cringe"
"Somehow, the Goofy Left Has Construed Trumps Ilhan Omar Tweet as Inciting Violence"
"Stalinization as CBC Removes Trump from Home Alone 2 Cameo"
"Supposedly Homophobic Trump Launches Initiative to Encourage World Acceptance of Gays"
"Swalwell Inexplicably Wades Back Into His Own Diarrhea Pit on His Nuke Threat"
"Tales of Trumps' Political Demise Don't Comport to Statistical Reality"
"The Beijing Biden Admin is Pivoting Completely Because it Knows it has Failed"
"The Biden-Trump Enthusiasm Gap Does, Indeed, Matter A Lot"
"The Christchurch Call to Action is a Censorship Scam"
"The Corporate Media Can't Bring itself to Admit the Synagogue Shooter was a Never-Trumper"
"The Cringe Fringe Left Going After Christianity is a Massive Mistake"
"The Cringe Fringe Soyviet Union Has Collapsed"
"The DNC Hates Mount Rushmore, Fireworks, and the 4th of July"
"The DNC Is Broke, With No Real Change Since Spring"
"The Democrat Schism Has Arrived: Feinstein Wants Biden, Kamala Harris Snubbed"
"The Democratic Debates Are Boring and Irrelevant Now"
"The Democratic Party Has Transformed into one of Bush Republicans"
"The Democrats Are Falling into Civil War"
"The Democrats Are Now Anti-Education"
"The Democrats Have Already Failed at Impeachment"
"The Democrats Just Failed to Debate Impeachment, In a near 50-50 Split"
"The Democrats are Setting the Stage for Trump to be Re-Elected"
"The Democrats are So Confused They Even Had Trouble Voting Along Party Lines to Condemn Trump"
"The Distant Glimmer of a Possible Hard Brexit"
"The Endless Madness of the Far Left as they Punch for Peace"
"The Executive Branch is Under Attack by a Lawless House of Representatives"
"The FBI Appears to have Lied About the Steele Dossier"
"The Fake News Media is Very Upset at Being Called Fake News"
"The Far Left Trashes Biden... and Sets the Stage for the Democrats to Lose 2020"
"The Far Left Worries About Antisemitism but Loves Rashida Tlaib"
"The First Day of Impeachment Hearings was a Boring Farce"
"The First Democratic Debates were a Disaster for Democrats"
"The Georgia Democratic Party Tried to Hack the Voter Registration System"
"The Hanoi Summit Did Not Fail- It's a Negotiating Tactic"
"The Impeachment Farce Continues in the Senate"
"The Incredible Hypocrisy of the Left Attacking Meat Loaf for his Thunberg Comments"
"The Lamestream Cannot Survive Peace and Calm, so they Stir Up Hate and Chaos"
"The Left Finally Cares about the Deficit, as the Right Stops Doing So"
"The Left Gargles John Boltons' Diarrhea: And Will Probably Regret Doing So"
"The Left Sides With China, Since Orange Man Bad"
"The Left Wildly Overstretches By Trying to Attack Washington, Jefferson Memorials"
"The Legacy Media Admits the Formerly Impossible: The Possibility of a Trump 2020 Win"
"The Legacy Media Foams At the Mouth About Trump Defending Himself"
"The Legacy Media Is Obsessed with the Nonexistent Threat of Trump Firing Mueller"
"The Legacy Media Refuses to Admit to the Obvious Election Fraud In Broward County"
"The Legacy Media is Obsessed with Trump Avoiding the Vietnam War"
"The Lie That Won't Die: Democrats Drum Up Specter of Russian Election Interference"
"The Manafort Sentencing is a Precursor of the Collapse of the Mueller Probe"
"The Media Is Pretending that the Proliferation of Trump Investigations Isn't Odd"
"The Myth of US Border Concentration Camps"
"The NYT Defends Saudi Arabia Because Trump Criticized Them"
"The NYT is Obsessed with Trumps Taxes"
"The New Kavanaugh Allegations Are Probably BS Too"
"The New York Times Leak Exposes Their Explicit Bias and Dishonesty"
"The Primary Model Shows a 91% Trump Victory Chance"
"The Real Reason LGBTQ Acceptance is Declining Among the Young"
"The Stupid Concept of "Hate Speech" is Antithetical to a Free Society"
"The Trump Tape Nothingburger"
"The US-Mexico Deal Was Months Old, But That Doesn't Matter: Here's Why"
"The War Happy Lamestream Is Lying about Our Syria Withdrawal"
"There Will be More Riots in Minneapolis After Chauvin is Almost Surely Acquitted"
"Trump "Threatens World Stability"... Is That a Bad Thing?"
"Trump 2020 Officially Launches"
"Trump Approval Appears to Stabilize, Tick Upward"
"Trump Approval Largely Unchanged, Despite Claims to the Contrary"
"Trump Approval Spikes to 45%"
"Trump Approval Steady at 44% As Election Season Continues"
"Trump Approval Tops 45% For First Time Since April of 2017"
"Trump Attacks the Fake News Media Again, Casts Spell On Them with Serpent Staff"
"Trump Browbeats Pelosi and Schumer on the Wall, Says He Will Shut Government Down"
"Trump Calls Adam Schiff "Little Adam Schitt"/ Ridicules Mueller Probe"
"Trump Cancels Press Christmas Party, Press Outraged"
"Trump Chuckles About Alexandria Ocasio Cortez Calling Him a Racist"
"Trump Crushes the Democrats in Fundraising"
"Trump Decries the "Ridiculous Bullshit" of the Democrats and MSM"
"Trump Defends NRA While Decrying its Internal Issues"
"Trump Embraces Canadian Drug Importation: Nice!"
"Trump Fights Censorship With Political Bias Reporting Tool"
"Trump Finally Calls the FBI Scandal What it Is... Treason"
"Trump Freezes Non-Military Federal Worker Pay Raises"
"Trump Gets His .5% Post-Debate Boost... Exactly as I Predicted"
"Trump Gets His Border Wall Funding Courtesy of SCOTUS"
"Trump Gets the Left to Rant About Russia Some More with a Joke to Putin"
"Trump Has the Democrats Even Debating if Impeachment is a "Trap""
"Trump Impeachment: The Democrats Just Doomed Themselves for 2020"
"Trump Makes History, Steps Into North Korea, Gets Attacked by Leftists"
"Trump Manages to Get Liberals to Defend Legacy Media FOX News Re: Sanders Town Hall"
"Trump Now Responsible for the Stock Market for the Third Time in Two Years, Claim Liberals"
"Trump Plans to Veto Any Legislative Attempt to Circumvent His Emergency Declaration"
"Trump Prepares to Crush Congress with his Deportation Ultimatum as Blackpillers Whine"
"Trump Responds to Pelosi SOTU Request by Cancelling Her Foreign Trip Funding"
"Trump Scores Massive Win in Mexico Deal"
"Trump Smiles at Putin, Legacy Media Outraged"
"Trump Speeds Ahead on Wall Construction, Grabs Private Land"
"Trump Still Has a Good Chance of Being Reelected: Here's Why"
"Trump Stops Giving a Damn, Says Shutdown Will Continue Until Wall Funding"
"Trump Sues to Prevent Financial Record Disclosure to House"
"Trump Suggests Reforming Libel Laws to Include Fake News Media"
"Trump Tells the Democrats to Piss Off With their Budget Plans"
"Trump Threatens Government Shutdown Over the Wall: I Agree With Him"
"Trump Tries to Negotiate on the Wall, but the Democrats Are Deaf and Dumb"
"Trump Trolls the Bush Family and Ridicules Barbara"
"Trump Turns the Shutdown Tables on the Democrats as Some of his Fans Balk"
"Trump Tweets Rocky Picture, Leftists Outraged"
"Trump Undermines Biden Based on 1990s Crime Law"
"Trump Unleashes Anti-Censorship Tweetstorm, RTs Lauren Southern, PJW"
"Trump Uses Executive Privilege to Shield Barr Documents from House Dems"
"Trump Visits Troops in Iraq: Legacy Media Outraged"
"Trump Vows Executive Order Removing Fed Cash from Colleges Which Don't Defend Free Speech"
"Trump Walks Out of Fruitless Shutdown Negotiations: Good!"
"Trump Wants Schools to be Able to Teach Bible Literacy. Somehow this is Controversial"
"Trump Will Veto Unconstitutional Background Check Bills"
"Trump Withdraws the US from the UN's Arms Trade Treaty"
"Trump and Schumer Deliver Their Border Shutdown Messages: My Analysis"
"Trump gets His SOTU as Liberals Scramble to Cast it as a Pelosi Win"
"Trump identifies Socialists as Being Behind Biden Take Downs"
"Trump to Sign Border Bill, then Declare National Emergency"
"Trumps 4th of July Speech Was Excellent In Every Way"
"Trumps Greatest Insult: Biden is a "Reclamation Project""
"Trumps Master Plan Worked: AOC and Ilhan Omar are the Face of the Democrats, Now"
"Trumps Refuses to Attend Impeachment Proceedings Because They Are Pointless"
"Trumps Wall is Indeed Being Built, Despite Propaganda to the Contrary"
"Trumps' Approval Seems to Have Hit its Floor and Stabilized"
"Tulsi Gabbard Says She Will Run in 2020"
"Tulsi Gabbard Will be Remembered as One of the Few Sane Dems on Impeachment"
"Twitter Decides the President Encouraging Law and Order Violates TOS"
"Twitter is Now Just a Notification Machine to Me Now"
"US Senate Votes to Block Trumps' National Emergency: Trump Vetoes the Move"
"US Stock Market Hits a New Record High: Trumponomics!"
"US Troops Will Withdraw from Syria as Trump Declares Victory Over ISIS"
"Under Pelosi, the Democrats Are Preparing to Make Two Monumental Mistakes"
"VICE Article Claims Historical Accuracy is Racist and Sexist"
"Virginia Pro-Constitution Rallies Go Off Without a Hitch, Enraging the Corporate Media"
"Vox is Obsessed with Trump, Runs Golf Hit Piece"
"Wapo Proves Trump Right: Yes, the Most Dangerous US Cities are All Democrat-Run"
"War Loving Traitors "Rebuke" Trump for Syria, Afghanistan Draw-Down"
"Watching the Democrats Fail Miserably is Transfixing"
"Week One of the Impeachment Inquiry Was a Fiasco"
"Who Cares if Speech is "Offensive"?"
"Why Would Anyone Oppose Trumps' Sanctuary City Plan?"
"Why the Trump Tax Return "Bombshell" Will be Meaningless"
"Years End Video #1: Top Five Losers of 2018"
"Yes, Trump Will Likely be Re-elected"
"Yes, Trump, Cut Payroll Taxes- In Fact Cut All Taxes"
"Yes, the Impeachment Is a Clear Attempt to Nullify the 2016 Election"